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tv   [untitled]    June 9, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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and beyond what the world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian penk present the project "own names" with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of this project. week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests special, own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is the way to go. from zero to our life. at
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this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. oh, and it's happening in sumy oblast, because our guys are working well along the border, and it's not easy along the border, actually according to their positions. because... and the baba yaga is working there, and our fpvs are working, and the bai yaga is working well, i saw it, and it scares well, how the russians filmed it in two series, here it is a t-80 tank, and then it goes, it crashes, he says, this is the tower, it’s already in the second series, it’s quite far from the hull, well, in short, they’re doing several stages, and baba yaga, and fpv, then artillery, the russians don’t understand anything, what’s going on, they’re trying somewhere, anywhere ... we almost hit space in
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response, we hope they don't hit nowhere, instead they lose a lot, about how life is now in sumy oblast, about border issues, we talk with oleg strilka, spokesman for the main department of the state emergency service in sumy oblast, lieutenant colonel of the civil protection service, in touch with us, mr. oleg, glory to ukraine, heroes glory, congratulations to the studio, congratulations, dear viewers, how the last night in sumy region passed, thank you for your questions, thank you for the fact that you do not forget about sumy region. the night passed, well, in principle, like every day, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion for ours sumshchyna, for the border region, always follows the same scenario, these are explosions, explosions that sound through our enemies, through our neighbors, who are constantly shelling the border areas, cities and villages, the only thing that, yesterday and this night, did not it was so necessary that it was our employees... to eliminate
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the consequences of these enemy strikes, but you know, we now have a completely different topic, well, not that a completely different topic, but a rather important topic that ukrainians should know about and to listen to us, we have a lot right now rescuers are working intensively to eliminate fires in the residential sector, since the period when planned or emergency blackouts began, you know, i haven't seen such intensity of work on... our employees for a long time, because the number of fires in the residential sector, precisely because of the load on the electric network , it has tripled, and it is one thing when we eliminate ignition and save material values ​​there, and another thing is when we need to get out of those covered in smoke or people engulfed in fire, and such cases have already happened in sumy, the other day we had a fire in...
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well, in the middle of the day, an electrical panel caught fire, everything was completely covered in smoke, and it was then that our rescuers were able to save six citizens, including one child, and this believe me, it's not so easy, because the rescuers really risk their lives, in this case, our employees gave up their respiratory protection devices in order to bring people to fresh air, and at the same time they were breathing. with these combustion products, therefore, dear ones, please follow the schedules power outages, not when the light comes on, please do not turn on air conditioners, washing machines, irons at the same time, because the energy system simply cannot stand it, especially in old houses or in those households with a poor electrical network, in including we save people. who simply forgot how
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to use gas, we also had a case last week when an elderly couple left a gas stove on... a gas camphor, a fire on the gas, they went under it again, in order to set it on fire, the gas ignited, that's all caught fire, and in front of my eyes the rescuers pulled out two elderly citizens from the fire, so this is such a situation, such an issue that everyone needs to pay attention to it, because the load is very, very large, you were surprised, mr. oleg, look, you , you surprised me, i thought they had... the longest border with rusna, having a huge amount of shelling, more often go to put out fires somewhere there, despite the border in the forests, but it turns out that there are more fires in the rear. you know, this is a whole complex, i want the citizens to understand right away what works
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it is enough, both at the border, to eliminate enemy strikes, and to evacuate the population, but due to the fact that people do not comply with elementary security requirements. now it is very difficult for rescuers to work everywhere at the same time, because we also have ecosystems on fire, and prevention must also be carried out with people, that is, when you say ecosystems are on fire, what do you mean by peat bogs of this kind, we have cases , when people, again, while resting, and near forests, near in park areas, either burn dry vegetation, or leave unextinguished... and this is also a problem, and this, and these are again the fires that need to be talked about, because they may not be and, but everything is in the hands of people, it is a human factor, so, dear citizens, please do not add to us work, and please keep an eye on your children, on
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the elderly, who now often stay at home alone, and it is during the period when there is no light, and then it appears, because of their ignorance, fires occur in private residential sector, the number has tripled, whether it is enough people's techniques in order to actually work in the usual schedule, is it necessary in such conditions, when there are so many different reasons and the frequency of activities is so great, is it necessary to somehow shorten the days of rest for emergency workers, to go out more often, which is now also physical. the emotional state of the rescuers, who constantly have to leave, thank you for your question, and for the fact that you are worried about the physical and psychological state of our rescuers, this is really very important, immediately, well, i repeat, at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, all our forces, our structures
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rescuers work in an enhanced version of the service, strengthened as our guards, the staff of rescuers has been increased, in addition... our newly created one has been functioning for the second year, almost the second year that the native rescue unit has been working, everything is done so that we can cope, no one was left in harm's way, and they eliminated fires in the residential sector, and worked on the border, and worked in those places where there are enemy hits, so in principle, in this regard, everything is relatively controlled in us, now we are coping, in terms of psychological emotional i will, i know... it is really difficult, i am convinced that in the consciousness of each of our rescuers there are some of those shots that have been imprinted in his mind, imprinted in his head, and he simply wants to forget about them, it is possible those places , where he worked
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at the sites of enemy airstrikes and retrieved bloodied bodies from under the rubble of destroyed buildings. not innocent, peaceful ukrainians, children, when you were working at height, and at any moment , all of them could collapse on emergency structures simply put, or when you work on the border and you don’t know at what moment the enemy will launch mortar or artillery fire from his territory, or when you see that their drone is circling above you, of course it’s all difficult, but along with by this... there are a lot of motivating factors that always help our employees to be in tonos. you know, recalling the first days, even the first months of the full-scale invasion, when the green corridors were organized, they were, by the way, successful for the first time in sumy oblast,
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it was then that an opportunity arose to take the families of our rescuers out of the danger zone, and you know, then at such moments it is much easier for you to work when... you know that your relatives, loved ones, children, your wife are safe. we are also extremely motivated by our ukrainians, our residents of the sumy region, because no matter how great the destruction is. at the sites of enemy strikes, they are always by our side, they always help us, even with a simple word of thanks, it is very energizing, also our rescuers constantly have this opportunity a little switch to having psychologists work with them to improve their health, this can be done both in odessa by the sea and in the western part of our ukraine, and plus those of our employees who work very hard... work, well, all of them, hard work, it is not possible to single out someone here, but there is such a possibility that,
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for example, the children of our employees can rest abroad, and a plus, even, judging by this in itself, they constantly organize trainings for us, so that we do not have emotional burnout so we know how to communicate correctly, and to, so to speak, always be in good shape, that's why the factors are actually there. very, very much, mr. oleg, in conclusion, yes, without revealing secrets, but there is such a practice among the russian-fascist occupiers to hit them with a rocket or a kabo or anything, to endure a pause, because they well understand that they will go fast, that the state emergency service will come, they will pull up, and everyone who can and volunteers, and then hit a second time so that there will be more victims or destroy the equipment, they managed to invent some kind of, i don’t know, algorithm, so as to be less susceptible
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to this terrorist tactic and reduce damage, have you come up with something? eh, of course, we can't just watch this and see how the russians violate all the laws of war, i remind you that rescuers are protected by the geneva convention, and just watch them kill our employees, except, except repeat. of hits in the places where our rescuers work, there are also systematic and targeted attacks on the units where our rescuers are based, this happened repeatedly in in the sumy region, of course, all security algorithms have been completely changed, we monitor everything with other services so that our employees go to the places of strikes only when it is relevant, safe and when there is no threat of repeated strikes, of course, yes mr. oleg, thank you for
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being with the viewers of espresso so early and thank you for your service, oleg strilka, spokesman of the main administration of the state emergency service in the sumy region, lieutenant colonel of the civil protection service, told you a lot, a lot and we are not even imagined that there are still such challenges, also in extraordinary. so we appreciate them, because they are the people who are among the first to come when something happens. we will have a short break, then we will talk about the south, about mariupol, wait. fm, galicia. listen to yours.
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thunderstorm, here, student, student! today you do not observe information security, tomorrow you will be visited by agsmanders, the enemy hears, be careful. let's come back and join our conversation pyotr andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, mr. pyotr, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. how is life in mariupol now? for several days now, we have been observing the considerable activity of their missile carriers, ships with calibers in the sea of ​​azov. what can
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you know about it, maybe it's some kind of training, hiding? is there any threat no, well, judging by everything, it is clear that they are hiding, it is not for nothing that they came out again in russian, entered the waters of the sea of ​​azov, because, well , the main thing is that we cannot work, at least for now, it is clear to everyone, our sea drones in the azov water area, because there is no direct way out, it is necessary to bypass the crimean peninsula, well, if it is, it is easier to break the crimean bridge there than to enter the water area of ​​the sea, therefore, most likely, these caliber seeds , and we are talking about large landing ships, first of all... they are in the water area of ​​the sea, everyone has been hunting for them for three days, and we analyzed the ports where they can enter after ours, well, at least with our team , we think that it may be in terms of security, it should be the port of yesk or the port of rostov-nadon, well, rather yeisk, although in terms of depth and size, for example, the port of mariupol is much larger, but yesterday we
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noticed, our people noticed on the gap from the coast between berdyansk. and primorye, i won’t say for security reasons , there were 3-4 vessels on the raid that were frankly non -civilian, and anyone who is a seafarer knows that from experience it is quite easy to distinguish a barge, relatively speaking, but not a barge or from bulker, not from bulker, but tonight, as far as we know, there was a uav hit, at least such reports came from yetsko that when entering the water area of ​​the port... one submarine was damaged. it is clear that the russians in savarzh have some activity there and you can see it from the monitoring services, however, we understand that they go military vessels and partly civilian vessels, the russians drive around the sea of ​​azov with gps identifiers turned off, that is, and sank there, some ship sank, this is cautious information, everything was cleaned in the morning, ah,
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where could you get it additionally, so well, we are waiting for a message. of our armed forces, however, well, if we are already hunting the black sea flotilla in the sea of ​​azov, this is definitely good news, because on the one hand the russians are hiding it, on the other hand, we, as a country that de facto does not have its own navy , yes, they drove the black sea fleet into the most freshwater and the most shallow sea that only exists in the azov region, so i think that this is really a very big achievement of ours and we should talk about it, but we hope... that in the end one carrier or some other military vessel, our uavs and in the area yeysk was flooded. you say that it is easier to break all this in kerch. straits than to get to those ships, but what is happening now with the bridge, they are erecting a barricade, trying to somehow protect it, were there
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any precedents, why did they take such an active role now, and how large-scale are these protective structures? well, as far as we know, they have already put up even civilian barges around there for protection, yes... they are not really needed, again, why now, because the bridge itself, it has been damaged since the last time and cannot be fully used, there are ongoing arguments and disputes as to how much the russians use that railway, there are different, let's say, opinions on this matter, but for sure everyone agrees that they are not 100% able to use the railway that moves over the crimean bridge, because the question is exclusively of the railway, the highway he is not a threat. and does not take such a part primarily in military logistics, let's say so, and besides, last week we neutralized two of their railway ferries, which
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were protecting this crimean bridge and were overloading that part on themselves, which cannot to be involved in the bridge, and taking into account this history, the russians understand, plus our long-range weapons, plus the position of our partners, plus the presence of our drones and all this... in the complex gives a really big risk for the russians, and for us a great hope that the crimean bridge will indeed be damaged, and in this regard a number of questions arise, yes, if we can damage the crimean bridge, we must secure it as much as possible, first of all, the fleet, why did they move it to the sea of ​​azov and why did not the entire fleet move to the sea of ​​azov, because there are certain questions navigation, there are certain cargo issues, and so on and so on and so on, not all ships can base. in the sea of ​​azov, the russian military means, therefore, the crimean bridge, they are really protecting it, and it seems to me that they are preparing for the fact that in the near future, sometime this summer,
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it may really cease to exist, so with on the other hand, they are, for example, currently applying themselves as much as possible to the development of the railway, which is in question from rostov to mariupol, in volnovy, where they collide, we notice there just crazy activity, and if they launch it, then... in principle, for them, the crimean bridge ceases to be such a key critical point from the point of view of military logistics, so this is the story. mr. peter, let's see how they analyze this window of opportunity for the russian-fascist occupiers at the institute for the study of war, they say that they are losing their chance, because a minimal advance with such a number and the window of opportunity will soon close, they do not have enough reserves to attack. at the same time and press in the directions, chose one, and here it really coincides with by what we see now, that is, the americans are also writing, and we see the pokrovsky direction,
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for them it is just now, that is the idea of ​​fixing, first of all , to advance, two two roads are controlled, they go out to coal miners, defenders of coal miners, in principle they cut logistics and in the rear, in a word, with such activity that in mariupol it is observed in the reports that supplies are also going there... to the pokrovsky direction, some movement, some redeployment? well, no, it's not about mariupol, because yes, they are, well, it's not that they aren't they are preparing for the offensive, they are preparing, we are observing certain accumulations, certain movements in the north of the mariupol district, in part of the former telmanovsky district and in part of the molnuvag district, the logistics there are simply built differently, it again rests in the village of granitne, so relatively speaking, they are entering .. to the city of novoazovsk from the russian federation, they simply move to novoazovsk via telmanovo, via gernit , move directly to volnovakha lenivka in that direction, i.e. immediately to the north, move
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like this, they bypass mariupol on it's a pity, but we're coming back again, we have a key point, the village of granite, in the village of granite there are two bridges, one is a road bridge, the other is already a railway bridge, if you disable both bridges, for example, as it was, there was no road bridge almost. by the middle of the 23rd year of post-war operations, all the logistics were rebuilt through mariupol, there is no other way, this significantly slows down the russians and significantly, well, we create certain obstacles from the point of view of stockpiling and supply, from the point of view, in principle, of preparation for any offensive, let's put it this way, in order to ensure the kharkiv offensive, they exhausted all reserves, we in the district and in our mariupol-berdyan agglomeration saw that these bases were training grounds for russia, they were devastated, there was almost no one there, and now they are training, actively training with the use of artillery, small arms, i.e. they brought in new ones and are preparing them, i.e. they are
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really now... accumulating a certain reserve in order to advance, to try to advance further, and well, in principle, i absolutely agree with the institute for the study of war, we talked about it they also talked to you for a long time and repeatedly that if they complete the railway, they will put pressure on ughledar at any cost, because they need to control the ughledar railway junction first of all, it is the gate of logistics to the entire territory of occupied zaporozhye and parts of kherson region , which exist today, so really... i am sure that they will move towards kurakhov and will move, then move down from kurakhov, try to move down towards the coal operator, take him there in certain, well, brothers him in a certain environment, how they want to cut logistics, well, i hope that it will not come to that, and since we are talking to you, the armed forces know about it, but such a threat really exists, and well , we can really say that preparations for that , we see it in all these movements, let's say in the northern
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part of donetsk region. mr. peter, new russia was invented to form an administrative such and such administrative unit. are they just words? so, are these just words and loud such statements, or have they really started to do something in that direction, and if so, how does it all look? that is, administratively, they have not started, and i will say more, they will not start, there are certain things, why, we always hear all this nonsense from baliatskyi. he really wants to become a freelancer and recruit. any weight in the russian infopolitical field? the system leaves with such ridiculous statements that have nothing to do with his weight , he is nothing, in all the occupied territories from luhansk to kharkiv, to kherson and to the crimea, yes, there are crimean traitors, we do not take them into account, but here all that was at least occupied since 2022, only pushilin has any weight there,
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so if ... any statements that really need to be paid attention to and come out, they always come from pushilin, he is silent, and he will not let it out because he, he , again, yes, he is not just a person , he is part of the financial control of the federal security service, the federal security service is silent, it means that you see the kremlin, who today have the most weight and the biggest voice in the kremlin, they are silent, but this means, there will be no confusion, because it is counterfeit money and so precisely, why valitsky still... well, the question is, because there is a vice-prime minister, marat hosnuli, and you and i are forced to study, even a russian politician, who cleans up financially and finances, he is responsible for this direction, and he removes a part of the zaporizhzhia region, which is occupied from the point of view of the tourist direction , there are land plots, construction and so on, and balitskyi does not like this very much, so in this way he is trying to somehow rise in this russian field,
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by the way, forging the ukrainian political community , not understanding that in russia everything works a little differently there, so no, there will be no novorossia, no one even comes close to that, and you don’t even have a movement, then its whims, there are dreams, i don’t know, anything, but definitely not reality, well, minus one traitor, convicted of the opzh, surrendered the whole city to the russians, together with the russians fled to russian territory, another third, but actually, maybe some lessons, let’s say, for balyatsky will be from this plan or not, we have half a minute, even less, training, i am sure they will, they will be sure, the baltic accepts permanent subsystem in one word, he is afraid of the protection system, of course, well definitely, mr. peter, thank you, petro andryushchenko, the adviser to the mayor
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of mariupol was in touch with us. and now is actually a moment of silence, a time to honor all those who died because of the russian invaders on ukrainian soil. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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