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tv   [untitled]    June 9, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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there are places where they hit craters from explosions and accordingly burn, this is a damaged plane, and it carries these kh-59 missiles and modernized kh-69, there are not many of them, it is terribly expensive and is actually in service with muscovite in their unit, so this the most modern fighter from moscow and at least disabled, that's such good news. let's return to our conversation in a few minutes, one of the commanders of the third assault brigade will be with us, wait, attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 99, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 99. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 200, and we offer you
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with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm by pawel koval, authorized by the government of poland for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 2 2:00 in collaboration with seestre eu. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top ones guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every day on weekdays from... to 10 pm for espresso. we
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are returning to our airwaves. i remind that you can always watch us also on youtube, please join our youtube page, there are all our broadcasts, all our releases, special projects and these are the main clips, that is, if you missed something, not if you have time to review and re-listen to everything, then you can briefly find yourself and in this way always be with us, of course also comment, because it is important and interesting for us to know what you think, ask your questions, and we will voice them on our airs, as they say, a lot of conversations, good and different, and sometimes bad, and all around the mobilization about recruiting , we don't have the opportunity to hear much, we will ask those who set it up very well, i'm talking about the third separate assault unit and mykola volokhov is in touch with us , call sign abdula, the commander of the ter unit in the third
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separate assault brigade, mr. mykola, congratulations, glory to ukraine, i congratulate you as a hero of the word, well, tell me, because one way or another different recruiting companies. they put recruiting, which was established by the third separate assault unit, as an example of how it should be done correctly, so tell me how it is right and how it is wrong, it is not for nothing that they really put it, and i want to confirm your words, people like to talk more about the bad than about the good , so they talk less about recruiting, accordingly, bad topics are always more interesting, somehow it has already turned out like this in humanity, and what i want to say, recruiting is now really opposed to mobilization, it has already turned out that way historically. that the word mobilization has certain negative connotations, yes, some, some coercion, some lack of goodwill, some tools are unacceptable for a normal person, instead, recruiting was basically developed by us in order to avoid all these negative things, no bullshit, no one
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is catching anyone , moreover, no one forces anyone, the main idea is to prepare a person and explain to her why she needs it, i will say more than that, in the war, people who do not... want to fight, who do not know what they need it for, they are actually not needed, you cannot force a person to fight, at least benefit from it will be very little, what actually needs to be done and what do we do in the third separate steering brigade? first of all, we train people, the first thing that happens to a person who comes to our recruiting center, he receives full information about who can go to war, how to go to war, how it will happen, and no one serves any subpoenas, no one forces anyone. at that stage, a person can get basic skills, for example, if he wants to become an attack fighter, he can come and train with qualified instructors who have gone through real combat operations, they will explain to him how it happens, what will have to be done, he will get basic skills of conducting assault operations , conducting defensive operations, will get
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the basic skills of operating a kamikaze fpv drone, we have built a whole fpv killhouse, it is such a huge stadium with all kinds of obstacles, with models of armored vehicles, and there you can learn how to fly an fpv drone, by the way, the guys from the anti-tank battalion teach, real aces, dozens of destroyed armored vehicles, dozens of destroyed artillery units, in short, those people who actually do it are at the second stage, and only when a person realizes what he wants, whether he wants at all and how he wants, then we usually invite you to join the ranks of the third command brigade, respectively, to desires and definitely talents, definitely talents, a person will get where she... wants to go and where she deserves to go, and this shows a high level of efficiency, i feel it more in the quality component, because those people who come here do not need to explain why, they do not need to flash them somehow , and to reconfigure, they are already focused on
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work, they are already focused on the result, on victory, and such a team, it inspires, in fact, when a person comes, there are already such people here, and... she comes and she sees that everyone does not care here, sees a healthy team, sees normal people, and you know, it's like a fire inside, and often newbies come to us from the recruitment of the third separate assault unit, and i 'm inspired by them, because they have a desire, they have a fire in their eyes, and they want to win as soon as possible. the way you describe this entire learning process, different stages, different areas, specifics, that's all, if from the side. to listen and not know that it is about the war and about the training of people who will go to the front, it may sound like some kind of big, i don't know, maybe even a game, some kind of team building, that is, something that adds and adrenaline, and excitement, and also improves
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skills, have you already analyzed, in fact, how much more effective this approach is, that is , have you already seen the difference in learning now? the training that was carried out a few years ago, when the full-scale invasion was just beginning, when it was all in a slightly different mode, can you compare it in terms of physical, physical training. let's say the first stage of a full-scale invasion, it was generally characterized by such a feature that those people who knew what to do, who had already had certain skills, who were confident, you know, for example, i knew in advance what would happen if a full-scale war began, i had no idea what to do, i knew in advance what to do. what i was going to do, i actually started doing, not thinking, not thinking that, because it was already thought out in advance, the first
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full-scale phase was characterized by the fact that exactly such people went, overmotivated, those who were preparing or took part in the first campaign 14-15 years, and the quality, of course, this primary quality, it was extremely high, then the following happened, people were conditionally divided into three groups, three categories, so to speak, the first category, which i just mentioned, those people who knew what to do immediately, were ready and immediately left, took up weapons from the first day, and began to actually fight, and the third category, i will say, i say consciously, the third is a category of people who don’t care about ukraine, they are unconscious, they want to live there somehow or at someone else’s expense, let someone die, but i it doesn't matter, or they generally ignore the state and everyone. others, with i am lucky with such people, i hardly know such people, i have no such friends, but
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these people, i will say frankly, are scoundrels, but in my system of values ​​these people are scoundrels, but they are somehow trying to swim across the yew now, while remaining citizens of ukraine, and the second category, again i say consciously, the second, these are people who said the following, we are not ready to go now, maybe under objective circumstances, we have no experience, were interested in military topics, in general, this is normal in civilian life, not be interested military topics, i personally liked the middle ages until the age of 14, but i did not like modern militarism at all, i barely knew how to disassemble a machine gun, well, i learned already in the battalion, and then in the azov regiment, it is normal not to be interested, they were not interested , and they said the following, if we're called, if we're drafted, if we're subpoenaed under current law, that's how it's supposed to happen, then we're under... if necessary, and in the meantime, we'll support you, we 'll donate, some of these people are behind
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border, some of these people are on the territory of ukraine, and all of these 2.5 or how many years have been there for more than 2.5 years, they supported various units of the armed forces of ukraine, supported the third assault unit, supported the unit, for which i thank them very, very much grateful, but now a certain point of bifurcation has come, first of all, there are laws and regulations that make it possible for these people... to be legally drafted into the army, and there is an objective need, there is an objective need for this, and now to all the people who said that if necessary, we too will be called, then we will go, but only in a legal way, it is normal, by the way , to want everything in your country to happen in a legal way, and not as it happened, then we will go, now this legal way has appeared, moreover, i will tell you, as a person who is on the kharkiv front, there is a need for these people now, and they need to... and to mobilize, or rather not like that, most likely they receive a summons, and accordingly they need to go and undergo a medical examination,
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to mobilize, we need them here, we need specialists, we need managers, we need them attack aircraft, we need mechanics, we need drone operators, and at this moment they will actually bifurcate, such a separation, you know, where to go, to fulfill the word that was given, to go to the army when they are called, or to tell ourselves and everyone around us that we they lied that it was just an excuse, because it was... so comfortable and there was some understanding that they would drag on without us, the war, as they say, did not stop, although people, in fact, they are positive in my eyes, because because they helped and supported, but now they are needed here, and now we have to choose or go to the army and move to the first category, or say: i lied about everything, invented everything, i have a headache, leg, plaskastopia and similar things, and move to the third category, that's why this is the system. now, and if we talk about quality, then of course recruiting generates better quality,
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primarily motivationally, because everything starts in the head, and then it somehow reflects on the physical condition and knowledge of a person, both tactical and theoretical , and recruiting really makes it possible to get better ones shots, at least, but i like to consider everything from the motivational part, if you managed to light a fire of motivation in a person, a fire of... awareness, a fire of understanding, why is this necessary, then everything else, whether it be some specific knowledge, or any then some physical skills or muscles on the body, it will all tighten up, we ladies... but look, recruiting is so stereotypical in our imagination, it's somewhere about movies about america, about vietnam, about a guy who goes, to him they give some kind of postcard, he goes into some door and there some sergeant says to him: well, like that, like that, let's go to serve and that's how it will be, and i see that in your case there is a stormtrooper here for some weeks,
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how do you use youtube, because you use it, tell me about it, because i say, it's different from that... a small room with a sergeant and a scared guy with some with a butterfly in his hands. and so, as for the sergeant, to all who come, i promise you, there will be a sergeant, and if you watched the full-length cover, you will have a sergeant, he will have a hat as cork as it should be, and everything will be in the right such, say, positive atmosphere, but regarding modern technologies, so in recruiting. our war is modern, the war is going on on different fronts, i don’t need to tell you that there is an information war, and on the information front, we also have to hold the blow and hold the defense, and conduct offensive actions, move forward, and of course, what should we use innovative means of conveying information to people, explaining to them how it is, and
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of course it is best to explain it with examples, examples of people who have actually already gone through this experience. and to explain that it is, as it is, to explain that yes, war is dangerous, yes, war is risky, yes, war is scary, but we did not attack russia, it already happened to us, and we are forced to get out of the situation that has developed, to be in a certain way upright and say to ourselves, this is glass, this it has already happened, what can i do to stop the war, because the war will not stop just like that, if, as the song goes... some guys, by the way, are also fighting, to run a dozen for the armed forces, to sit in some messenger, and the war doesn't stop, but something needs to be done to make it stop, and youtube is exactly that a very good tool to demonstrate those people, to show by example, who are really doing something, so that after all, the war will finally stop, well, it will definitely stop through
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our victory over russia, the return of the territories, so it is definitely necessary to use modern innovative ones. means of conveying information, well, youtube is one of those, personally, i have my own youtube channel in the tera division, teraops, by the way, if anyone is interested, subscribe, we also show how the dranists fight, how it really happens, here and there actually when i i was answering the question, we once asked on the air why, three things, well, the first is to show those heroes who really perform combat tasks, actually do feats at the front, eh? the second is to show the whole world and ukraine how we actually bend the katsaps in some situations, although, again , the enemy is not weak and not stupid. well, the third is to attract resources, there are material resources, probably, first of all, human resources, so that people see that everything is healthy here, the team, normal people, and come to us in the third a separate assault brigade, came to our unit. and what are the weeks of stormtroopers,
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stormtroopers, what are these weeks, well , look, the point is... in that there is a certain, so what is the purpose of all this? there is such a certain, let's say, stereotyping in people's thinking, and it is often perceived that stormtroopers are some kind of meat, or they are some people who must die there or something like that, the task is simple to explain how it actually happens, and by the way , if we talk about the attitude towards people, we have a third separate steering brigade, the last one... fresh, let's say doctrine, this is, well, that’s what it ’s called in a somewhat playful way, war of drones, war of robots, and we try to replace people as much as possible with unmanned systems, the main task is to reduce the number of executions, to minimize them, the infantry is our elite , the infantry is the best we have here in the third steering brigade, and the task is
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to make sure that as few people die as possible, and we want to convey this to the people, including. through such events, we want to convey and explain that look, friends, you are the greatest value, people are our greatest value, these people will win the war and then these people will build a normal country. human losses and replace the infantry with unmanned systems as much as possible. mr. mykola, when you talk about the methods you use for recruiting, it would seem very often that you can't come up with anything better, you can't come up with any more, we constantly see your new ones videos, new motivational videos, but then we'll be back for a while, something new, and you'll talk about something new again, respectively, maybe you'll announce, if you can, of course, if
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it's not a secret, about some next steps, something new, some innovations, in fact, in the approach to personnel work, and as for mobilization, what are you planning next? well, first of all, we plan to open a larger number of our recruitment centers, we only started... from kyiv, now there are also in odesa, there are also in dnipro, and there are in lviv, a larger number of recruited centers, secondly, now we have our own educational, military unit, i want to say one callsign, a kurd, a person whom i have known since i was young, then it happened by chance that we crossed paths in the azov formation in the 14-15 year, he was in azovstal, was captured, left captivity and continued, now he is engaged in the training of recruits there, now we have our own military unit, that is, recruiting is only the first step, right, it is to show and explain to people ,
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prepare, mentally, prepare physically, you know, it is somewhat similar to an exam for a university, you enter, you can just leave after school, or you can go to a preparatory course, so recruiting is, in a sense , a preparatory course for the entrance exam that a person will later take on the battlefield , so to speak. and so we now also have our training center, a little bit, maybe i'm getting ahead of myself, i hope i didn't say it too early, but the people who will pass through our recruits, recruiting center, they will then get to our training center, and still there they will be trained by our instructors, who have actually shown results on the battlefield, and this is a comprehensive solution, yes, that is, a person first gets into the ... center, there he realizes whether he wants to or not, and again, i i repeat for everyone, we only need people who understand why they need this, why we need to win, but
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in our recruiting center they explain it, well , someone may not understand, i say unmotivated people, they are not useful in the war, so on it's a training center, that's probably because of that now, let's say, it will be implemented and about what is worth knowing, that then not somewhere there in general preparatory courses, where there may be something... work, then under the control of our specialists, our best instructors, people who have passed through battles, showed, proved their effectiveness, and now they will transfer this experience to you in our training center. mr. mykola, thank you, everything is so good, they clarified, explained, announced that it really motivates and encourages. mykola volokhov was with us with the call sign abdula, the commander of the unit in the third division assault brigade from of the armed forces of ukraine , which is already legendary in fact, and talked about approaches to mobilization, non-mobilization, recruiting, when we ourselves choose, learn and then perform quality work on the battlefield.
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next, we will talk about international aid, we understand that all of it, regardless of its component, is important for ukraine's fight against the russian invaders, but the survival of our state depends primarily on the stability and dedication of soldiers and defenders. so, we continue to tell their stories. the first separate special brigade the appointment of ivan bohun was formed at the beginning of a large-scale large-scale invasion of the russians, this unit took part in the liberation of chernihiv oblast, kherson oblast, kyiv oblast, kharkiv oblast, dnipropetrovsk oblast, various battalions are part of it, including striletskyi, and about the work of snipers. our kateryna galko will tell a little more. "destroy targets, observe, adjust fire, the working tools of these guys are rifles. leon and skiv are snipers of the first
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separate special purpose brigade named after ivan bohun. they began to defend their homeland as soon as the russians launched a full-scale invasion. from the first days , i immediately felt the desire to go and help my comrades-in-arms, who already at that moment began to repel this offensive. the first months were the same, the most interesting, because conscript service is one thing, and this is completely different, and that's why there are so many different emotions, both bad and good, it's impossible to forget. leon, the unit commander, was in the chernihiv region in the first months of the large-scale war, then he was... the kharkiv counteroffensive, they understood that something would happen, well, like, they had very good ukrebryons, defensive lines, but
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they certainly did not expect such a large-scale and... such a coordinated offensive. skif is a shooter, he tried to join the armed forces throughout the spring of 2022 and was appointed in june of the same year. he says that he wanted to be a sniper for a long time, but real experience can be gained only on the battlefield. there was training, of course, but you probably get most of the experience right there on the battlefield, because it is an integral part of it. let's say, part is practice, theory is theory, but practice still gives, gives much more. as the hottest direction, both remembered luhansk region, the silver forest, an area that the enemy attacks with a special onslaught. there were advantages, it was easy for the infantry to dig in there, but it was difficult because the terrain was difficult, it was very difficult to navigate,
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especially at night. it is very difficult to pass some areas, constantly, if you do not have special night vision equipment, it is very easy to get lost in this forest, many trees, close distances, and there were also some problems that did not quite play into their hands, there were many drones that could be easily blocked. and without night vision devices. during two years of full-scale war , the defenders went through many hot spots and difficult battles. it was possible to work with very complex weapons, in particular, both mention the barret m-107, a modern rifle capable of destroying lightly armored vehicles. the peculiarity of this rifle is that it is easy
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to work with lightly armored vehicles. type, and it penetrates the armor, lightly armored, this was at the kharkiv operation, our comrade destroyed a bmp, type from a beret. snipers constantly improve their skills in order to face the enemy, who also does not stand still. at the same time, we are sure that the motivation and skill of the ukrainian army is the key to our victory. in general, everything usually starts with training, there are also a lot of videos, there are a lot of other, let's say, ways to learn something new, this also helps, well, in general, the main experience comes precisely in combat conditions, during a full-scale invasion from himself beginning, they develop, just as we
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try to... develop, learn something new, come up with some life hacks of your own, well, the workers who will work, they also break up, on this side, there are people who know how to fight, and they were always there, and one should never underestimate the enemy. leon and skif are now back in position, luring russian snipers and ambushes and delivering the most unexpected blows so that ukraine can achieve a just peace as soon as possible, kateryna galko, serhiy bulanenko, espresso tv channel. you yourself you see the hard and really incredible work that our defenders do, and that's another argument for what we need to support and provide, to meet their needs, especially in drones, in atvs, in everything that they ask for,
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and so please join us. to all meetings for the armed forces of ukraine. now on the spresso tv channel, time of news. kateryna shiropoyas is ready to share information about the most important thing at the moment. katerina, congratulations, you have a word. congratulations, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about how the ukrainian troops managed to destroy the most modern russian fighter jet and the consequences of night attacks on ukraine. the information day at espresso continues, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the most modern russian fighter jet hit ukrainian scouts, and this was the first time it managed to destroy such a large-scale target. we are talking about the su-57, eight of them.


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