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tv   [untitled]    June 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EEST

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sees that this is wrong, that this is a dead end path, and 2/3 says, well, it's normal, stability, it's great, eh, that's how it is according to sociological data, that is, even with this, with this level of propaganda, for example, and control media space, still a third of hungarians are in favor of aid to ukraine, and 16 or 19% are in favor of military aid to ukraine, this is despite the fact that every irony is now saying that they don't know, almost one more patron to ukraine and there will be a nuclear war and the third world war. war, i.e. they frighten us with some very absurd things, but there's more one thing, a great hungary is also in the minds of hungarians, so we understand that slovakia, and romania, and ukraine, and so on, and they, they, it is difficult for them, after the first world war, they were big, they became small, oh -yay-yay, and even horthy was an admiral, well, because he got an admiralty when he was in austria-hungary. was, because now it
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looks very funny that admiral horty led hungary, which has no exit anywhere except the danube, so as a people, he also says: yes, come on, great hungary, come on, give us our influence, we will strong, big, what do you say, if we are talking about revanchism and returning lands, then i think this idea is supported by maybe seven, 10, maximum 12 percent, and it can be measured. according to the migozank party, our homeland, which is openly revisionist, these are pieces of the former yobi party, and those leaders who still claim territorial claims, in fact there on zakarpattia and probably on transylvania as well, in fact, one should have territorial claims to all neighbors, regarding this trauma trianon, if we say great hungary, what is great hungary, because you know that immediately some such imperial, maybe reflexes, although hungary was never an empire, it was part of the empire, yes. here, but this is
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a trauma, a trauma, you see, the nation was divided, and this is something that only the european union and nato can heal, and therefore it is precisely in the strategic interests of hungary, and viktor orbán, unfortunately, forgets about it, although he spoke the truth not so long ago , for ukraine to join the eu and nato, then the borders between the hungarians who live in modern hungary and the hungarians of transcarpathia will disappear, and only serbia and ukraine will remain, which have to enter into these alliances so that... conventionally speaking, this nation is united again so that there are no borders between them, and that's a good idea, that's how historical traumas should be treated, not revanchism or ocia, thank you very much, i'm at the end after mr. dmytro tuzhanskyi, i will take two minutes, we were just talking about the press, about the press in hungary, and i just caught my eye very interesting information about the press in russia, well, we all know what kind of press in russia, but we don't know , that... now
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normalization is in fashion, normalization was once in fashion in czechoslovakia, such a country existed when the czech republic and slovakia rose against communism, and then there was normalization, that is, a return to communism. now the normalization in the russian press, when these temniks are sent and told what to do, how to describe and so on. i will now give you an example about an incident, an incident in russia.
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after taking the necessary measures, the vehicle left the scene of the incident, we remind you that such actions are a violation of the law and are prosecuted under the criminal procedure, and what do we get out of it found out, it is not known, moreover, what actions, it is not known what actions are being prosecuted, because nothing is said about actions there. i will tell you what actually happened, but for normalization, that is, this is the phrase, yes, what we say in cotton, yes, not an explosion, a bang, an incident, but now, a person was sitting in his house, pulled out a gun and started shooting at people and trolleybuses, and she shot two people not to death, but they are wounded, and two or three holes. who were really in the trolleybus, this is
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what i will tell you now, this is the description of what happened, how the russian should react to it. press, there was an incident, which incident resulted in minor damage to the vehicle, the fact that two people were injured, it is not about that at all, there are two bullets that hit the vehicle, there are no victims, because everyone in the vehicle is alive, this is on the street, a bullet hit someone in the arm or leg, well, we are not responsible for that, the story is quite popular in the russian federation, just the day before yesterday and the day before yesterday i was studying how they describe certain events, and from these descriptions it is absolutely impossible to understand what is happening there on this
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kanstramskaya street in the area of ​​house number 70. now we will have a five-minute story, and then we will have advertising. our plot will be about a unit that participated in the war in chernihiv oblast, kherson oblast, kyiv oblast, kharkiv oblast, dnipropetrovsk oblast, the brigade includes various battalions, in particular striletsky, that is , it is actually a sniper battalion. kateryna galko will tell us about the snipers in this battalion, and then there will be an advertisement, and then mykola veresen again. so, the plot. destroy targets, observe, adjust fire. the working tools of these guys are rifles. leon and skif are snipers of the first separate special brigade
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named after ivan bohun. they began to defend their homeland as soon as the russians launched a full-scale invasion. from the first days , the desire immediately appeared. to go and help comrades, the regular troops, who already at that moment began to repel this offensive. the first months were the same, the most interesting, because the military service is one thing, and this is completely different, and therefore there are a lot of different emotions, like bad and good, it's like that, well, it's impossible to forget. leon, the commander of the detachment, was in the chernihiv region during the first... of this large-scale war, then there was the kharkiv counteroffensive, they understood that something would happen, well , like, they had very good ukrebryons, defensive lines, but such a large-scale and
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such a well-coordinated offensive they probably didn't expect it. skiv, a rifleman, tried to join the armed forces throughout the spring of 2022 and became an officer in june. of the same year, says that he wanted to be a sniper for a long time, but a real one experience can be gained only on the battlefield. of course, there were trainings, but, probably, you gain most of the experience right there on the battlefield, because it is an integral part, let's say, it is practice, theory is theory, but practice still gives, gives much more. the hottest direction both for and difficult battles, managed to work. with very sophisticated weapons, in particular both mention the barret m107, a modern rifle capable of destroying lightly armored vehicles. the peculiarity of this rifle is that it is easy to work with lightly armored equipment, such as
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and it penetrates lightly armored armor, it was during the kharkiv operation, our comrade destroyed an armored personnel carrier. type from a beret. snipers constantly improve their skills in order to face the enemy, who also does not stand still. at the same time, we are sure that the motivation and skill of the ukrainian army is the key to our victory. in general, everything usually starts with training, yes. there are also a lot of videos, there are a lot of different other, let's say, ways. to learn something new, that also helps, well, in general, the main experience comes precisely in combat conditions, during a full-scale invasion , they develop from the very beginning, just as we try to develop, ee learn something
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new, come up with some life hacks of our own, well , the workers who will work, they also break up, on the other side ee... there are people, who know how to fight, and they have always been there, and one should never underestimate the enemy. leon taskiv is now back in position, luring russian shooters from... docks and delivering the most unexpected blows so that ukraine achieves a just peace as soon as possible. kateryna galko, serhii bulanenko, espresso tv channel. walk up the stairs, not with my knees. for pain in the knees, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with long-lasting cream. you can also walk. dolgit is the only yellow. for pain in the joints, buy with a 15% discount dolgit cream 100 g in pharmacies, pharmacy anz, pharmacy kopiyka and
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our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent. take in the present and predict the future, a second trump presidency will be terrifying for the world. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, 19:17 minutes on our watches, we are now, you see by mine, at
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my back is mexican something, you see, the election was in mexico, it's very important, isn't it. often we mention mexico, almost never, so keep in mind, now we remember why we mentioned it, because the elections were held there, and mr. ivan fechko, an expert of the research program of latin america and the caribbean, i.e. the west indies, will tell us all about it. if in europe they said, for the sake of foreign policy, the ukrainian prism, good health, mr. ivan, thank you for finding time for us, thank you, good evening, thank you for the invitation, well, tell me, be please, for the first time... the country of mexico was headed by a woman, claudia sheinbaum. well, besides the fact that she is claudia scheinbaum, her name is like my mother's name was clava. sheinbaum says that, as in ukraine and mexico, there is not much anti-semitism, to put it mildly, otherwise they would not have been re-elected. but what does that mean? despite my
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not-so-successful jokes, what does the election of a woman mean, the election of a woman who is a scientist. who is an immigrant, whose parents are from europe and so on, and whether she will be able to overcome these problems that exist in mexico, we will talk about them later in more detail, that is, what this victory means, indeed, as you mentioned the fact that claudia shinbaun was elected president, she became the first president in mexico in the 200-year history of the country as a woman, and by the way , mexicans are very proud right now that they in this regard, the united states of america has surpassed its neighbors, it has still not elected female presidents, and this is quite a revealing fact, because mexico, like many latin american countries, is known for its traditions of machismo and such a patriarchal system in general, and unfortunately, it takes traditionally such last positions in the ranking of countries, in particular for the violation of women's rights, therefore the victory of claudia shinbao and by the way, another candidate from the opposition, who was her main
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rival, she was also a woman, that is, such were the indicators, it also shows a certain change in culture . in mexico, in terms of political indicators in general, claudia schoenbaum, she is a representative of the ruling moreno party, a left-wing party that came to power six years ago when the current president of mexico, andreas manuel lopez obrador, known for by the abbreviated name, as amlo, and actually her victory, i mean claudia, such a very large result of 59 votes, 59, votes in the first round, it is essentially a referendum on the confidence of the current president, who remains super popular. despite his generally populist nature of his actions, it is obvious that the policy he proposed, the so-called fourth transformation, which involved fighting poverty, raising the minimum wage, providing certain social opportunities for the poorer class of the population, found its response, and in essence, we further see that this transformation of the political system
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of the political, political landscape continues in mexico, because claudia shinbaum, she is essentially a victory. was a representative of such a united opposition, which included the classic mexican parties, both right and left, which had ruled mexico for a century, and now they were oppressed by the morena party. as you mentioned, really claudia, she is first of all a very prominent scientist in the environmental field, she is in particular a co-winner of the nobel prize in 2008 with peace, which was specifically given for the activities of the international commission in the direction of ecology, studied in the united states, which is also becoming. there are certain hopes that she will lead a different foreign policy than the current president, perhaps at some points, and she was also the previous mayor of mexico city, a city with a population of 25 million, which is more than most european countries, for example, therefore, she also has a lot of management experience, and although the opposition now usually blames steinbaum,
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she is not an independent politician, which she is simply a puppet of the current president, who according to the constitution cannot be re-elected for a second term, he simply put forward a person in his place, whom he will completely control, how it will be, of course, in practice, we will see later, already after october 1, when it becomes official president, but still the background she has, such as large academic projects, environmental projects, and management experience shows that she still has considerable experience to even be a more successful manager than the current president, who, again, quite often used his charisma, populist statements, but regarding his promises with... in the fight against terrorism in the country, he still did not completely succeed. and you can imagine that any person, except the lord god, could... somehow overcome this criminality, does criminality exist in parallel, here i am, my question is actually this, when you read about mexico, it's just total murder , total
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drug trafficking and so on, on the other hand , people somehow live there, and then such an imagination arises, that there is this society, which makes up, let's say , 80%, and they go to shops, to theaters, study, receive treatment, and so on. and there are 15-20% who fight among themselves, shoot, kill each other, sometimes they kill ordinary people, we know a bunch of some strange, not strange, but terrible cases when innocent people are killed, there are dozens of them, or dozens of policemen may die somewhere, then it is possible to somehow overcome it, and is it really such a total situation, or is it such a separate life... of individuals mafia structures, please mr. vahan, of course the problem is very big, and even this election campaign, it highlighted it by the fact that 30 candidates who participated in
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the election, i mean not only was it a presidential election, it were general to other levels, in particular, local deputies were also elected, governors, mayors of cities, and 30 candidates were killed precisely by representatives of these drug cartels, it is clear for what reasons, and this is also one of the factors that shows that the situation is difficult, of course, we understand , what... the country is big and the situation is different in different areas, there are areas that are really completely under the control of these drug cartels, and the police that are there, they just wear basically the chevron of a policeman, for example, but they are completely not under the control of the government, not some political forces, but just doing the will of these cartels, which of course provide it with better opportunities and salary, so to speak, than the government, that is, in this regard, the situation is difficult, but in other cities, of course, it is quite quiet zones districts but nevertheless, this does not change the fact that crime is becoming one of the biggest problems, and in particular the current president, who took office six years ago, he just left with such a policy that we do not need
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to fix this situation with bullets, let's fix it with hugs , because the previous presidents, they basically waged this whole internal war involving the army in order to fight these drug cartels, but unsuccessfully, why unsuccessfully, well, one of the factors is because mexico, let's remember, is near the largest in the world's drug market, it's the united states of america and... it's also the largest arms market, and given that the situation also at the border, as we know, allows for relatively free distribution of all these things, of course, to completely combat drug trafficking now, it's it is very difficult, especially since the drug cartels have essentially turned into transnational companies that operate simultaneously in many countries of latin america, they also supply raw materials from china, and then they sell it all either to the united states or europe, well, this policy amla when he tried to… to stop the armed struggle, but rather to fight precisely with, as he said, the causes of it, that is, to improve the situation of young people, so that they do not get involved in all these things, and so that they
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do not take up arms and join cartels simply because of their poverty, well he pursued such a policy, but as we can see, the level of crime has not decreased, and this is a challenge for the current president, the future president-elect, she can boast that, for example, during her reign in mexico city , crime has halved, that is, she has some experience. and it essentially offers a similar policy, i.e. not to fight militarily, but to fight more with the causes, but of course, so far there is no such clear plan to change the situation, and cooperation is needed here, as with other countries, the united states, of course, with latin countries america, in order to completely block these connections and limit the opportunities for the cartels as much as possible, but again this is a problem that has existed for decades, and the cartels in terms of their influence, they can simply compete with the mexican army, and of course they have influence and on...politics and it was not for nothing that the opposition, even the current president, accused him of allegedly representing the interests of certain drug cartels. mr. wang, look, well, it is known
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that the alliances with the south africa, south american countries were quite successful with the united states, and there were some results in the fight against these cartels, and there is so much pride in mex and mexico that they do not want to turn to the americans, let's go together well, because if you yourself say that this is a common border, then it is obvious to me that the americans are somehow trying to fight there, well, if on this side of the border, and from that began a kind of struggle, then maybe there would be some kind of victory. if some american green berets got there, maybe there would be a result. as much as possible in cooperation, which you also talked about, and i think it's important to understand that for the audience, i'm not saying for you, that crime. and migration, because just about everyone is from the whole of central and south america, it ’s like mexico, everyone enters and goes
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to america to the united states and... it’s unknown what to do with them, and these cartels, they are somewhere are combined, because very often these people are simply forced to carry a couple of kilograms of heroin, you are going to america anyway, they will capture you, and maybe they will let you through, and then we will develop our business, what do you say, sir? of course, i will agree that cooperation with the united states, it is absolutely necessary to fight drug cartels, but you have to understand that this is not a situation that... drug cartels exist purely in mexico, somehow they sell drugs to the united states , and there the situation is ideal. actually, drug cartels, they are they are also present in the states, especially the southern ones, those bordering mexico, and the fight of the american special services against the spread of drugs in their own countries is far from being completely successful, before proposing any missions of introduction into other countries. here we can remember the same epidemic of fantanil, yes, if i am not mistaken with the name of this modern and
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popular drug, what is it. the chinese produce and import through mexico also the united states, they say that the chinese are to blame for this with this fentonyl, yes and, that is, and here we see that it is true, so in particular this the opposition candidate galvez, who still lost, but represented the right-wing forces, in her policy she emphasized the fact that the united states should be involved, it is clear that from the side of mexico, for example, the current administration, and little he constantly, when he made excuses for the problems with the drug cartels, he constantly shifted the responsibility to...washington, that supposedly it is precisely because of them that we have all these nuances, it was very convenient to do this, because in mexican society historically there are these attitudes of anti-americanism, such negative attitude towards the usa is also related to the way the war was conducted in the 19th century, but in fact cooperation is being conducted, but again it is not at the level that is sufficient to defeat it, and in particular other the countries of latin america, as you mentioned, which also cooperated with the us, well, unfortunately, no
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country will fight so completely. problem, in particular, the situation is difficult in ecuador, where there is cooperation with the american special services in this regard, but again , this is such a strong and corrupt network, i i mean drug cartels in different countries , and that is why this challenge is of course very big , and as you mentioned, the problem of border migrants is indeed something that claudia shinbaun will have to clarify later, as is obvious from the post-presidential elections in the usa, with the president who will happen, because now... after all, the usa will have its own elections and its own politics in the first place, precisely in order to please the electorate, and not to really cooperate with mexico in the long term, but next year it is possible that some new ones methods of cooperation, especially since the newly elected president, well, the first ones, maybe a little unsure, but there is optimism that she will conduct a more active foreign policy, in particular towards the united states, where, by the way, she studied on her own and has many connections connections, acquaintances, well, that is,
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maybe it will change a little. we show how colombians are breaking through to mexico, you see, it’s not like that, it’s not isolated, some small groups of people, it looks like that, now about ukrainian affairs, this latest claudia scheinbaum, she, well, like, like mexico - this is such a global south, and how it treats the war in ukraine, as well as mexico in general, i understand that it is very far, just as we don't care what is there in that mexico. the majority of ukrainians have their own war, but still politics is politics, what are the mexicans, are they for the reds or for the whites, are they for russia or for ukraine, so i would ask, uh, of course, despite the geographical distance, i can’t say , that this war did not affect them in any way, because even during the elections, the permanent government justified itself that the economic problems were present precisely because of this the war that russia unleashed in ukraine, because it led to many of its increase
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in goods and... economic problems, but let's talk.


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