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tv   [untitled]    June 9, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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beautiful people, on taira, on svitlana paevska, on definitely, the footage of roman ratushny's chronicle, and i realized that it has been 10 years, i experienced some of these events in the same crimea, on the one hand, it was long, almost two hours, and on the other on the other hand , timing is in one breath, our main task is to remember and never allow a repetition, the documentary film 10 years of war is planned to be presented at the cinema, at film festivals and, of course, in... and a few more exclusive screenings are ahead. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air espresso tv channel. vitaly portnikov is with you. 837. we are the day of the war, the main events
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of the week, the main events of this day, the main trends with our experts, our first interlocutor on today's broadcast, ivan stupak, a military expert, an employee of the sbu in 2014-15, congratulations, mr. ivan, glad to see, good evening, thank you very much for the invitation, well, let's start with the impression of the su-57 fighter in the astrakhan region of the russian federation, this is what they say is the first strike in the history of the pasu-57, what this basically proves. let's leave the money topic aside, let's say how much it is worth, of course, we know that the russians don't count money, but we have to say that 55 million dollars, well , it's not lying on the road, now the russians have minus one such fighter for that amount , it must be said that they were produced in total, only six pieces, not 60, not 6006, now there are five of them left, and it is reported that there are six more units. which are in various
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states of assembly, somewhere more, somewhere less, but now they are not functioning, and i constantly i emphasize that this strike, any strike on a plane, on a ship, from the side of ukraine, and this is not half, it is possible 1/3 of the work, 2/3 is reconnaissance, well, once again, for so many hundreds of kilometers to find out where, when, in which area, in which location of this airfield this plane will be located, because not just a drone flew there, but it hits anywhere. something is on fire, no, no, they clearly knew where he would stand, they clearly knew that, for example, from the 9th to the 12th he would be in this parking slot without traffic, that is ukrainian eyes are directly on this airfield, if we remember about yesterday's strikes, about the fact that it was also possible to neutralize quite important objects of the russian federation, to fly, one might say, at an absolutely...
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historic distance to mozdok, then in principle this has to be a signal to the russians that there are certain problems with their potential, you know, they understood, they know that there are problems, but are there ways to solve this problem, of course, well, in principle, this is human logic, which is okay, there is no big problem there yet, well, we are working in the same mode as before before that, the first problem arises, there is a calculation that it is possible, you know, oh, well, this is a one-time thing, something happened next, well, the next problem. there will be no more here, i think, after the second and third hits, of course the russians will then start doing the standard story, that is, drag the aircraft as far as possible deep into their territory, by the way, if you are already talking about mozdok, then there is a report that ukraine hit a tu-22, this is a strategic russian bomber, by the way, it is part of the nuclear shield of the russian federation, that is, the ukrainians again went behind the red lines of the russian federation, for the nuclear red lines, took a selfie there and turned back, that is... then this is really
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a great achievement without exaggeration. president zelenskyi says that it is now possible to state that the kharkiv operation was not successful. at the same time , the russians continue to transfer their forces from the kherson region to the kharkiv region, they do not stop, at least this is what the command of the special operations forces testifies to. however, they were not successful, and they continue to look for new opportunities. come on, so that we are not wearing rose-colored glasses, let's say the first thing, really. the operation that they, the russians, were planning to approach kharkiv there or bypass kharkiv, cut off our group located in kupinsk, well , this kupinsky liman direction, did not succeed, but once again, well, this is a sober assessment, they succeeded, unfortunately , withdraw our reserves, this is not a big secret, our military said a lot about this, that they were forced to pull out various units from different directions, and transport them to kharkiv oblast, by the way, and... a glorious unit
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the birds of magyar, he is also there, although he previously toured precisely in the south, that is, he is now in kharkiv oblast, if the russians, well, take into account that russia has reached the minimum price. to stretch our reserves, strain them, they really succeeded, unfortunately, and they continue to do it, by the way, they are taking their troops from other directions from the south, they are taking troops from the kramatorsk direction and transferring them there to the north, that’s it belgorod region, where they are accumulated. if we talk about the further actions of the russians, as you think, in principle, they are will continue in the kharkiv region, try to advance, turn east, think about the north, how can we talk about... further actions of the russian occupiers, let's try, well, not to guess, to predict, if there is now a report that they are taking from the cock , from berdyansk, from the kramatorsk direction, they take their equipment and drag it to the north, which means that, in principle, active actions will take place there, we have, in principle, three, three potential
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scenarios that we can try to predict: the first is an attack on the sumy region , as said the president, in principle yes, it is real, it is possible, they can advance. the second option is to open some third direction in the kharkiv region, it may be, well, to the existing two, this may also be an option, or as a third option, it is to support the previous offensive, to strengthen it, to feed it, but it did not succeed in almost this russian offensive has been going on for a month, almost a month, and it is possible that this gathering of troops just serves, well, it has the purpose of supporting offensive actions and withdrawing even more ukrainian troops there and cementing them there in principle, if we talk about how far we can now hope that this front line, which will be established at the moment of the suspension of the offensive of russian troops, we understand that there is not much
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time left for the russians to continue this offensive, that it will be such a new the line of collision, wherever it passes for a time, may be, as it has been in the past, so indeed it may be. i do not rule out, and moreover, i predict that it can be like a bargaining chip for this territory, for future potential peaceful negotiations, that is, the russians can quite possibly throw these territories into the balance and say yes, well, we give you back, for example, that's all, you are forced to recognize the rest of the ukrainians, and this may affect our individual partners there, that's okay, what a deal ukrainians, accept the urgent, of course, this is hypothetical, but simply... the russians will not go out like this, by the way, they are again violating all their written dogmas, written by the military, when it is necessary to break through with great efforts, with large troops on a narrow section of the front, they stretch again as it was in february, april 22, but why
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do they want to stretch our front, what is the main idea at all? look, the general idea, i still haven’t understood it, we don’t have clear data there, but we can assume... and each, each of these assumptions can have foundations, see, first of all, bypass kharkiv from the west, without going into kharkiv, to cut the communication of ukrainian troops, i.e. the kupinsky and lyman directions, that is , to make our troops nervous that russian troops are coming to their rear, and the security logistics are interrupted, limping, and this will force us to retreat under the pressure of the russians, who are advancing from east to west in that direction, then... in principle, to cut off the supply of our troops, it is quite possible, as an option, the terrorist goal is to get as close as possible to kharkiv 15-20 km and it’s banal to simply shoot with artillery using the advantage in artillery, by the way, about the advantage in artillery, i can’t get through the memo, i don’t want
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to say, two weeks ago the advantage of the russians in artillery, the attention was one to seven, that is, one ukrainian shot had to seven after the russians fired artillery, mortars , and so on. now, as of yesterday or the day before yesterday, this is a ratio of one to 3.5, that is, for one ukrainian shot there are already 3.5 russian ones, that is, we, we record the fact that western aid is still coming to the front and helping our troops to restrain russian and why does president putin tell such fictions about the loss of his advancing troops. how many there are five or 10 times less than in ukrainian, which is actually almost all the time except for the period of the counteroffensive, which also, as such the intense period ended quite quickly, they are defending themselves. yeah, look, maybe only psychology is at work here, once
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ukraine named its numbers, president zelenskyi named, if i'm not mistaken, 31,000 of our dead servicemen on all these fronts. the russians stopped... counting their losses, it seems, back in the 22nd year at the mark of 600 servicemen and that's all, and now there is such a pause, a vacuum in information, but maybe putin wants to throw in this. to show that the losses of the russians are much smaller than what the ukrainians are losing it is more that it is hopeless, that the ukrainians will end much faster than any help will arrive there, and it is thus possible to convince china there, it is possible to convince there turkey, brazil, that russia is on the right path, on the right side of history , and ukrainians, on the contrary, only die for nothing. well, we can generally realistically assess, so to speak, these real losses of the russians into account... these are all putin's numbers, maybe they can be somehow
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translated into real language, as you think, if such data already exists, well, look, you have do you mean our losses or russian losses, i think that putin absolutely overestimates our losses, it is absolutely clear why he says this, of course we overestimate it, look, i would not listen to putin's words , because... "he lies, he, his, all of his, all of his team, all of his officials, this is deceiving myself, i am more inclined to the calculations that lead, for example, western intelligence, not that i do not trust our general staff, i trust the western ones more, because they count more objectively, they try to count everyone, every body, if they see it, because there are moments like this, look, when our soldiers hit a tank, they immediately notice that the destroyed tank, plus four crew members, i don't know, were they in that tank..." they sat, they did not sit, whether it was empty, empty, no one knows, but four are counted at once, maybe there are also problems with
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calculation and maybe our numbers are slightly overestimated, well, more likely losses on the part of the russians, that is, once again i refer more and rely on western calculations, what do you think about belarus, what will it do now lukashenko, in your opinion, look at belarus, not everything is so simple there, as an option, come on, i always try to... look at the problem through the eyes of the other side, how would i be able to use the republic of belarus, okay, i will not involve it, for example, that i am looking at it from the russian side, i will not be involved in an active military company, i cannot get involved, he resists in every way, so as an option i can try to use the territory of the republic of belarus to deploy my troops so that they are invulnerable to ukrainian drones, to ukrainian missiles, because belarus is a separate territory, ukraine will not be able to ... will not be able to launch any offensive actions, strikes there, because it will immediately be
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accused of provoking war, because ukraine will become the aggressor, so i can use this territory exclusively for such purposes, safe a cloud to accommodate aviation, equipment, and people and at any moment to transfer the kursk, bilhorod, and bryansk regions quite quickly without significant logistical losses for itself, that is, i think that as an option, belarus will be involved in the following. com formats are secured of russian troops, that is, you don’t think that the belarusian troops themselves can move somewhere, let’s say so, look, in general, the belarusian troops are few, they are few, they are not numerous, although we cannot underestimate, indeed there is a certain number of military personnel, but experience they have 0.0, the last time they got experience was during the afghan campaign, now... there is no such experience, they are actively trying to learn from russian, they are taught, they are taught wagner, but the experience
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is theoretical, the experience is practical, these are three different experiences, and most importantly, lukashenko really, really doesn't like the idea, i see, he constantly emphasizes that in the event of some problematic situation, he will have to hand out weapons to his citizens, and he perfectly understands that the first step, if he just starts handing out weapons, some kind of people's militia, then in general oh... it is not a fact at all that these citizens will not return these weapons against lukashenko himself, that is, it is not beneficial to him at all. do you think that people like lukashenko even understand that weapons can be turned against them somewhere? he he is perfectly aware of this, i will say this, frankly, i have such a weakness, i follow the entire official chronicle of the belarusian dictator, and well, i have to crawl into these annals and look, well, i see that he does not like this idea at all, he is more relies on... proven military personnel, amon, the kgb, on ordinary
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people, he does not count, he perfectly understands that they can turn their weapons against him, he does not trust his population after the 20th year, after the moment when he almost lost its power. thank you, thank you, mr. ivan, thank you very much thank you ivan stupak, a military expert, a former employee of the security service of ukraine, and we discussed with him the latest events on the russian-ukrainian front and what is basically happening. around these events, what else can the russians do, are they able to use, let's say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them, well, i'll continue. all these dialogues are not finished after a short break and we look forward to you staying in touch. ordinary things become unreal. heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. cream longite relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves
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in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, who became like relatives to many, as well as honored guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso, the football format changes the time of broadcast, from now on you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00, professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions , a project for both experienced fans and just people who appreciate... a non-committal view of football, football format every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel. we continue the political clubs program on the espressa tv channel and talk about events
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related to central asia and chinese ukrainian relations and the diplomatic duel that is currently taking place between ukraine and china. nataliya plexienko butyrska, expert on east asian issues, master's degree in foreign policy. congratulations ms. natalie. good evening, congratulations. well, then, let's start with this duel. i can honestly say that everything suddenly changed, the president of ukraine publicly accused china of intending to undermine the peace summit. such harsh statements against poti. no one in ukraine had done it for many years in a row, china hoped persuade to participate, why such harsh statements, what is happening? well, actually, i think the president has really already used all the methods, i... that were possible during these two years, trying to improve relations with beijing, and you know, when it even seemed that the ukrainian authorities either had too much
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patience or too much there are many hopes for china, because about china's behavior, about what role it plays in this war, unfortunately, the fact that it does not want to be the side that will help ukraine, it was clear, and sometimes even to a certain extent it on... the actions and language of the ukrainian side, it was much softer than, for example, the actions of our western partners, in particular the americans, who pressured china to help russia, and then it was invented that ukraine gave too many elements of influence for china or too many elements of trust, and so this is this really tough rhetoric, this was actually the truth about china's actions, because actually china did a lot to ... wash this summit, and these are very obvious things, and so the president criticized, and this, strictly speaking, china for china dislikes things,
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china does not like such public showdowns, however, it looked very contrasted with this speech of china, and the actions of ukraine looked like, because literally the next day our representative of the foreign ministry, the deputy minister of foreign... affairs went to china and obviously he tried it is still possible to prove whether it is possible to convince china to participate, but i understand that these were pre-planned consultations, it is not that he left after zelensky’s speech, so to speak, obviously these conversations and the work of the ministry of foreign affairs in general, it was conducted in its own way, and accordingly it looked as if ukraine had gone amicably, or to make sure once again whether it was possible to involve china, but china had made its decision in advance, and it was repeatedly said, precisely therefore
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, there is absolutely no hope that the position will change today. but what do you think, such a chinese position, it is really dictated by the fact that china believed that russia should be invited there, because there is a certain illogicality in this, the minister of foreign affairs of russia sergey lavrov, whom the chinese people really the republic might like to see in lucerne. said that the russian delegation will not go there, he did not say this to the chinese, he said this to the representatives of the ministry of foreign affairs of the swiss confederation, who met with him on the eve of this summit, when they had just started its preparation and heard from him that switzerland is not a friendly country, that russia is not going to go there even if it is invited, and what is the point, what is the logic, if russia does not want anyway, how can you demand that it be invited, really, really if you take china and its position... of the central side, as they say, so close to both sides, which for them is such an element of their pride and an element of their plus-plus in this situation, then obviously he
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should send his representative, let not the highest, but we have a person who is involved, we don't have a person in china who is involved in a peacekeeping mission, it's lihui, obviously this whole story that 's going around, it was planned by china, and it's... absolutely does not depend on whether russia will go or not, or her invited or not invited, because i personally drew attention to the fact that lihui, who visited european countries and kyiv and moscow in early march, already based on the results of this visit, he used his formalism about the fact that china is acting for an international conference where two sides will be invited on equal terms and will... discuss equally different peace proposals, before that lihui himself, when he went to the capital, he tried to convince russia to be invited, but obviously this is
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a preparation to refuse, if at all there their, their decision, it has already been made, eh, but from my point of view , the refusal here looks not only in the fact that they want to invite russia, the fact is that china does not want to support the ukrainian peace formula, or at least any basis , which is established by ukraine, he wants to be in charge of the process of the process, obviously, to promote his peaceful principles, so-called, or his various formulations, they, these formulations are close to russia, and these formulations, they are acceptable to china itself, because since the beginning of the war, whatever china says about war, whatever proposals he... gave, they are not all about the end of the war, they are not about the interests of any other party, but about china's personal interest, and now with my...
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china's point of view, against the background of this war, against the background of a certain division that is taking place in the world, and it is caused not only by russia and the attitude towards russia on the part of the west, but also by various events that are developing around it, in particular the war in gas, and china sees an opportunity to form countries around it of the global south, influential players, in order to develop your site of friends, union. disappearances, as they would call it, because it is still being formed, but from my point of view, it is a formation from the side of china, a bipolar world in its confrontation with the united states of america, it is happening gradually, visibly or imperceptibly, but in a certain way and using this factor, it is permissible , russian aggression against ukraine, and various possible factors that currently exist in the world. and
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what do you think about china's so-called peace plan, this new one that was released after lihue's voyage, then by the way was discussed by the minister of foreign affairs of the republic of china wei and the chief adviser to the president of brazil marim, and this is already such a chinese-brazilian consensus, what is it and why is it? well, the first points, we will see, they are about what is needed, the first two points, that it is necessary not to escalate the situation, military operations should not expand, the zones there... should not expand and there is no need to add fuel to the fire, and therefore from my point of view sight, if this point, in particular, was not discussed with putin, or at least it was not highlighted in conversation and in the final communiqué between putin and sydzenpin after their meeting, it is obvious and obvious that all of them are aimed not at russia, but at ukraine, because putin generally escalated the situation during
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his... kharkiv began this new campaign, and it is obvious that if china wanted the situation not to be exacerbated by both sides, and now it is obvious which side is escalating it, then it should discuss it with putin and put it out for the sun, but we did not hear this, instead there is such a general , a common piece of paper, with which lihuei traveled even before four countries, in particular to turkey, to saudi arabia, the arab ... emirates and to egypt and discussed them, that is, we are talking about so that ukraine and the west do not escalate the situation, well, it is obvious that it is, but this is not fueling the fire, the fire - this is such a standard phrase for the west not to give weapons to ukraine. well, similarly, the second point refers to the fact that the parties should create favorable conditions for negotiations and dialogue, and there is also a glimpse of china's desire
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to imprison ukraine itself. and russia to the negotiating table, and it is obvious that in these negotiations two sides that find it difficult to talk to each other will need a communicator like china. the rest of the points, they coincide to a greater extent with what ukraine offers, and concern the exchange, for example, there, er, and the deported, and those for the captured military, nuclear security and so on, that is, the rest of the points. coincides with ukraine, and then the following question arises: if china offers such and such a plan of its own, and this plan, it does not differ from the proposals of ukraine, because ukraine also chose only the three points that are the most controversial among those countries that are invited, particularly the global south, and it is very obvious that these points have been selected under both china and its peaceful 10 points, which is why it is very surprising
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why... china, for example , how a neutral party does not participate in this summit, and here the question already arises, because the question is that china offers its alternative, repeating it, and it is not interested in any way to support ukrainian proposals, but could it be that cathay is simply interested in therefore, to show his leadership, let's say in brics, here he proposes a plan, and let brazil support it, the republic of south africa has already supported it, russia has joined, well... i don't really count on india, but everyone else can just join of the chinese plan, this will be the plan of the organization, but at this summit the minister of foreign affairs of the brics member countries in moscow can absolutely shout out such an idea, it is absolutely possible, we will see, literally tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, this summit starts, but really this is this plan, it was discussed precisely with the brics countries, and as an answer we then heard that the representatives of these countries...


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