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tv   [untitled]    June 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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her teenagers in order to demonstrate that they are in control of the situation and that there will be fines or administrative arrests, and so on , including putting pressure on parents not to allow these processes, and that's why when we see 28 cases, it's on my view is that it 's a lot because that's what they've recorded and here and... i want to say that we're not pretending that all of this is all of the information is complete, maybe we don't have more information yet, we maybe and these cases are much more, but this demonstrates that there are generations in crimea young people who take, let's say, who are not the ones who take a pro-ukrainian position, who do not agree with the policy of the occupying power in the territory of crimea. and this is very important, well, that is, together with
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this, we understand that the militarization of children in crimea continues, children in crimea, here, for example, 2-3 weeks ago we saw that the russian occupiers in this immortal regiment forced 35 children to pass , in artek they forced children to do it, that is, it is a violation of international law, etc., how to fight it? from the kendrag, i know that the krimostar resource center, directly the crimean inter-forest, well, it always records these violations of rights and regarding the militarization of children , etc., and even submits all this data to international courts, but still, how does this directly affect what is happening in crimea? well, first of all, that is, i want to remind you that we provided and continue to provide information about how during the period of occupation...
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children were deprived of their rights and indeed violated the convention on the rights of the child, and here we must speak that children, this is what you are showing on the screens now, and this is really it took place in artek, and children from different regions were involved there, including from temporarily occupied, new temporarily temporarily occupied territories and including from the territory of the russian federation, but just right. i still want to remind you that on june 1st, the day of children's rights, they actively demonstrated, let's say, how much children are programmed and demonstrated the militarization of children, which just so happens to contradict all international norms, and for us it is simply very important it's to record, it's to document, and because kids... they don't
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should be politicized, they should be provided with, let's say, normal child development, receiving an education there, receiving all the benefits that can be there, but we see that the occupiers are turning these children into future invaders there, future, let's say, criminals, and this indeed, this is a crime and... and we are trying to demonstrate this, we are trying to document this, and we are trying to inform the international community about this, and it is really important to pay a lot of attention to this here, because this is a growing generation that, well, let's say , is already injured from the ideological and propaganda work done by the russian federation. very
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briefly, but i still want to have time to ask one question: the occupiers dismantled the monument to pyotr gergyrenko back in may, this probably happened, maybe on may 18, they only found out about it later, and i have a question, aren't all monuments yantics that they did not like, they wore out back in the 14th year, why they now reached the hands of the soviet human rights defender, who defended. their tatars and this is some signal special symbol, why this one the monument stood for so long, if the occupiers didn’t like it so much, do you have a version, but look, look, that minutes, uh, literally minutes, well here, first of all , i want that starts from 2014, they are sub what kind of works were tried to be dismantled or removed, these or other memorial signs are connected with deportation, with law enforcement activities, and so on, regarding... we
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are currently collecting additional and complete information, i think we will have, that's why they are now have started some works there and in this way they are trying to demonstrate that... and they held, as it used to be on lenina boulevard, but the monument to peter grigorenko was constantly brought flowers, and it was installed back in 1999 by the crimean tatar national movement, and in this way crimean tatars constantly came and put tickets, that's why i think , that they didn't do it right away in order not to upset the population, and they were waiting for the time when, let's say... it will be more after the population is more pressed, but i think we will come back to it case, and after we gather more complete information, we we will provide what and how should be done
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in order for this monument to return to the city after all, and we will talk about it later in other programs, thank you, iskender boriev, the chairman of the board of the crimean tatar resource center, was on the air of the beraber program. together with the ukrainian joint tv channel atr, well, we will meet with you next week, don't switch, stay with namykendi, class. there are times when the body quickly loses fluid, which can lead to dehydration, when there is not enough regular water. rheo is water for special medical whole. allergy, no lion will overcome tsy3-leo. cit3 lion neo. protects
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from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. greetings, friends. on the air saturday political club, andriy smoliy and vitaly portnikov. as always, we are live on saturdays and discuss all the most important events of this week in ukraine and the world. well, if we talk about this week, it was similarly, so
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full. it has already begun, one might say , such an international, uh, big european program, because the president of the united states, joe biden. europe and already met in paris with volodymyr zelenskyi and the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi in europe this is the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the landing allies in normandy this operation overlord and then there will be a big group of seven meeting in brindisi in switzerland in italy and then there will be a peace summit in switzerland, so it's a very, i would say very busy international. said the month, which, by the way, we can say that by and large he is, one way or another , also accompanied by the russian alternative agenda, the international economic forum in st. petersburg, where the benefit of vladimir putin, he
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has not spoken so much for a long time, in that including about ukraine, and many meetings, many meetings, including zelensky's with the leaders of european states. of course , the j7 summit is also being prepared, the peace summit is being prepared, which will also take place, in fact, already next week, that is, it is being prepared. there are a lot of events, the events that at least happened this week, they are already a kind of gradual approach to the fact that there will be very important events, key in the next week, well , the same in ukraine, the power cut, people are discussing since monday these are all things, we see that the occupiers continue to attack ukraine on a large scale. and ukrainian energy objects, and ukrainian objects of the fuel
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sector, that is, the war continues, the war is also on the territory of ukraine, russian aggression, and of course russia's hybrid war against ukraine and against the civilized world on the international arena, that is why all the events about which mr. vitaly just spoke, which i am talking about now, they are an integral part of that future. which we will have in the coming months, and perhaps the future will be determined for the coming years as well. well, in any case, it must be said that we see that russia fixated on these ideas of the continuation of the war, on such peculiar wars, on the exhaustion that continues, and now ukraine is joining this war on its side, the fact that today ukrainian drones flew to the mozdok airfield of north ossetia, this can be said to be such a symbolic thing. we will now talk with yuriy fondarenko, the commander of the akhil drone strike battalion. 92nd separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. congratulations mr. yuri.
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glory to ukraine. so, maybe we will start with the fact that we managed to fly to mozdok with a drone. do you think it really can to change the situation with these sorties of migs and other russian aircraft that launch missiles at ukrainian troops and civilian objects of ukraine. this is one of the must-haves. components of the general fire impact on the enemy. it is necessary to beat the enemy in echelon. there is a front line of combat, a front-line zone they have, which is sufficiently saturated. there are objects of military infrastructure, on which it is necessary to make an impression, they are at different distances inside the russian federation. and also, of course, there are objects, in particular, those that fill with oil dollar of the russian federation, their budget, military-industrial complexes, as a consequence at the expense of this money. er, the war against ukraine is being financed, and the war, which is the goal, the main
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goal, which is the destruction of ukrainian statehood, the destruction of every ukrainian, that is why, one way or another, with the development of technology, we will make the enemy more and more powerful. mr. yuriy, but the question regarding the kharkiv direction is actually an extremely hot direction, but we see that the so-called... offensive on both kharkiv and vovchansk is not, in fact, what stalled, the ukrainian armed forces are now trying to expel the rashists from vovchansk. we can see, by the way, that they actually stopped hitting kharkov so actively, fortunately, what can this be connected with now, the fact that we are successfully pushing out the occupiers, or some other possible reason. in my opinion, the situation should always be looked at comprehensively. previously, we
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talked with you that the enemy's goals remain unchanged, regarding ukraine, complete destruction. accordingly, the enemy is planned in stages. donetsk-luhansk the region continues to remain one of the most priority directions for the enemy. we see the fierce fighting going on now in the direction of chesu yar in the direction of pokrovsky. why did the enemy start the kharkiv company? for the enemy. it was very important to stretch our forces and means in the period of time, when the defense forces were forced to place powerful brigades on a wide strip and line of combat. at the same time, it was very important for the enemy to see the state of our defensive structures and our overall combat readiness. i will tell you absolutely frankly, from today we can analyze what happened, the defense forces beat the enemy. the enemy really did not have time to fulfill the task. the task in a timely manner, and the defense forces transferred the means to the forces in a timely manner, if we had not
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defeated it, the success would have been completely different in the kharkiv region, in fact. therefore, one way or another, the kharkiv enemy does not have such a grouping to reach the administrative night of the city of kharkiv, but in order to make up for losses in those areas where he has achieved partial success, in order to collect additional shock fists and try to move forward, for this the enemy... has enough power of means, also the enemy has enough power to try to cross the front line in one more place, either it is sumy or it is the kharkiv region, it all depends on where the enemy will consider it more rational to do so, our intelligence does not stand still, they are clearly aware of how the enemy's personnel moves, what are the approximate threats, what the most difficult directions may be, that is why a set of measures is taken to in order to meet the enemy with dignity and give them a firm blow, if we talk about kupyansk, this too must be said, it was the enemy's plan that
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they take vavchansk and advance to the rear of our grouping, in particular on the kupinsky sector and in parallel. in frontal attacks to move the defense forces as much as possible to the donkey river, but this plan was not destined to come true and, according to my belief, the enemy will not have further success, at the moment mobilization processes are ongoing in the country, i would not like to idealize, because there are many excesses of official authority, many shortcomings, shortcomings, the call of engineers and many other things, but as long as the shortcomings are corrected, one way or another, the defense forces receive the necessary number of replenishments. in order to complete the combat brigades and the western equipment that comes to us. accordingly, in 2-2 months, the defense forces receive the maximum number of trained personnel, as well as weapons, which will come to us as part of the package of military assistance from the united states, america, as well as other partner countries, and then it will be possible to say with confidence that in a number of areas of priority for us it will seem
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to stabilize the situation, to intercept the tactical initiative on our side, when the f-16 aircraft arrive, they will help not only to protect our infrastructure facilities and the civilian population, which is terrorizing the enemy at the expense of our drones, missiles, and in addition, we will be able to level the situation that is happening now in the air, that is, reduce the number of guided bombs that hit our positions by shooting down enemy planes. concerning prerequisites, why it became somewhat quieter in kharkiv oblast from the point of view of shelling of the city itself, this is due to the fact that ukrainian diplomats... were able to achieve the fact that they gave us permission to use a number of firearms on the territory of the russian federation, which are highly accurate, which are now effectively destroying the occupier on its territory. precisely because it is important, it is important to maintain unity within our state, not to quarrel with each other, to analyze in detail the information
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that is submitted to the public space, to perform quality work at work place support the defense forces, friends, together we will definitely succeed, and i firmly believe that ukraine will succeed in this war. tell me, what do you think, but if we talk about possible new directions for the offensive, do you imagine that some other front will be opened there, conventionally speaking, the sumy front will be added to the kharkiv front, or will the russians still try to act in some kind of paradigm? being in the place of the enemy, looking through his eyes at... in my mind, i would definitely start a few more directions, how to act enemy, let's see, mr. yuri, and what is the current situation in the direction of the time ravine? very negative news, the last one has been appearing for a day or two, at least just now, we also see that there is also information about
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further pressure on yar times, how is the situation there? and how in this direction could it be possible to make the occupiers, well, at least stop, if it is not a question of pushing them away from the city. we talked, in particular with our international partners, when there is such an opportunity to reach a certain level, i really believe that the interests of ukraine were betrayed three times, in the 14th year before the start of a full-scale war, and during the period when we were not provided with weapons for more than seven months, precisely because there was nothing to defend in ukraine , the enemy was able to get the tactical successes in the battle that are today, understanding the enemy that he has up to two months of active operations left, when the means of defense forces will be accumulated for a more powerful counterattack, now the generals,
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fulfilling the tasks of the dictator putin, carry out tasks forward, forward. forward as much as possible, despite the loss of equipment and personnel, to get a tactical result in the battle, that is why we can say that in the next one and a half to two months they will be less active on the front lines of combat, but we persist, you may have heard all these statements of president putin during of the st. petersburg economic forum, which indicate that he wants such a prolongation of the war, as far as it is possible to resist this tactic of such a long war, advancing in those territories, i am russia announced... her own, how to stop these intentions? it was obvious, after the enemy had failed, according to his intelligence, that the opposition would not get that result. ukraine, which has set before itself, i think that during the first six months of a year of full-scale war, the enemy clearly realized that there will be no quick results, it is necessary to push, work to exhaustion, and
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now this is happening, they are demobilizing personnel, preparing, developing their urban and industrial the complex and, in parallel , use the support powerfully enough its partners, in particular china. that is why ukraine must clearly understand that the war is, unfortunately, as long as the dictator putin and all the rest of the government are alive. of the russian federation, which support the occupation policy, by this time we must constantly prepare for hostilities. where it should have started, in my opinion. defense lines should be buried in three echelons, powerful enough for many years to come. and absolutely everything that can be mined has been mined. i am talking now about the regions where there are no hostilities, but we are neighbors either with the russian federation or with belarus. i am talking about those territories. which are in non-combat positions in donetsk, luhansk, kherson, and zaporizhia regions. and of course, this is a constant improvement and modernization of one's own army.
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now all trends are moving in the direction of protecting the life and health of personnel as much as possible. it is difficult to do this to the full extent in a war, because the enemy in our country works with everything he has in his arsenal, but one way or another unmanned systems that are both on the ground and in in the air, are already performing tasks today. which allow our boys and girls to live, but putin in his regular speeches actually threatens the world, the west, civilized states, with a global catastrophe for allowing them to strike on their territory, on the territory of the occupier. mr. yury, do you think these threats should be accepted, or is it so, another informational, hybrid scarecrow for... the world, which does not carry, so to speak, any further actions and results, you can expect everything from the dictator putin, anything, but what he is
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will use nuclear weapons, it is very unlikely. regarding, in general, when addressing our international partners, the thesis that we also emphasize, through the mass media, in particular, the authoritative publications they have, i always say the following thesis: courage equals: life, weakness equals death, i will refer to a specific example, in particular for our citizens, actually look, so that everyone who is watching us now, we communicate with you, so that we appeared in this world, one of our parents showed boldness, to get to know mom or dad like this, in order to establish a relationship, then get married and as a result we were born, if they were shy, if they were timid, you and i would not be here now . in the same way, the world now needs to show its courage, which will give birth to life, give life to their nations, because if they surrender the interests
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of ukraine and the enemy succeeds here, one way or another, our partners will have to enter into a direct battle with the russian federation , it's just it's a matter of time, and it's not a matter of decades, it's a matter of the near future, that's why i think that the partners will probe gradually, have given permission to use for sure. then they will give a little more, and then we will be able to fully work on the territory of the russian federation. in any case , our diplomats are working hard on this, and the military explains clearly enough why it is needed. we have to deal with the causes, not the effects. thank you, thank you, mrs. yuriy. yuriy fedorenko, commander of the assault battalion of the achilles drones of the 92nd separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, this brigade is now in the kharkiv direction. as we understand, he told us about the situation at the front with the use of drones, and we see that now our
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troops managed to stop the enemy's offensive in the kharkiv region, and we will now take a break for just a few minutes and stay with us, please there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on penistiel 20. in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. there are times when the body quickly loses fluid, which can lead to dehydration when ordinary water is not enough is reo. reo - water for special medical purposes. try flebodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. plebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids without any side effects. there are discounts, they represent. unbreakable discounts on troxivgel. 15% in plantain pharmacies, you and savings. vasyl's big broadcast. my name is vasyl
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zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing, two hours to learn about war, about military, front, component, serhiy zgurets, and how the world lives. yuriy fizar is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchuvka field with me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alina chekchenina, our tv viewer, is ready to tell, good evening, presenters that have become familiar to many, already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, greetings, good day, events of the day in two hours, big broadcast vasyl winter, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening with espresso. summer is
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a time of rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and some peace for children, whose world was destroyed by war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you our country, died. at the front, and they, like no other, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that traveling helps children recover faster after a loss, children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new
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country. with a new culture will find new friends, the most important thing is that they will receive the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really liked. trip to austria, loved the museums we went to every day, it was amazing and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me. i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help
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to survive these difficult times. it's scary, let's continue, we're coming back, live broadcast, saturday political club, and now we already have the next guest, this is igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university of the united states of america, good evening, mr. igor. good evening to you, friends, good evening to all spress viewers. mr. igor, right away i would like to ask you a question about your own zelenskyi's visit to normandy, about biden's words. biden actually said that the united states of america, a western ally, would not back down from helping our country, and even apologized for essentially the delay it
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had. ukraine due to the fact that, in fact, the congress did not vote for aid to our state for quite a long time. in general, how would you rate this meeting, biden's words, will we really have support? in general, i very positively assess any meetings of ukrainian leaders, in particular the president, with western leaders, and with the president of the united states, with the president of france, and with the chancellor of germany, with any western leaders, because the west supports ukraine, and without the support of the west it will be very difficult for ukraine, it is impossible to imagine what ukraine will do, so this support is important, and it is important to keep in constant contact. as for the support of the united states, i can definitely say that if the current administration, well...


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