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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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and the number of people will again go abroad. yes yes. russia can solve this problem as well, as a primary, demographic problem. it can end the war when there is simply no living population left. not that she will kill everyone, but simply force them to leave the territory. and the longer the war goes on, the more this possibility exists. some more strikes on thermal power plants, some more strikes on infrastructure facilities, some more strikes on kharkiv. it is very good that we can do it now. to oppose, that's absolutely it is an obvious point that we need to counteract this, but i want to ask you a simpler thing, what is the problem of the peace summit in principle, if it actually accepts even a few points in a situation where all these countries do not bother russia at all, do not worry , because there is... the idea that all
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the states have gathered, they have signed the formula, well, all 10 points, all our measures have come true in a dream, but what happens the next day, nothing, well, what for, and these states that have gathered , do not want to support all these, all these formulas, they want half, but that nevertheless, it will be a diplomatic victory, a large number of leaders gathered, supported ukraine, what difference does it make, what is written there, when s... and do not care about what is written there, when even these states, when they support these points, they do not support the idea of ​​cutting off economic relations with russia, it may be necessary to work on a completely different idea, on the idea of ​​strengthening sanctions against russia, on the idea that the russian side receives fewer opportunities for relations with the countries of the global south, this is really very... serious would be a thing, these are real things
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but there are diplomatic efforts, it must be clearly understood, we do not have the opportunity to impose any formulas on russia, because russia understands only force, here we hit the brain, russia understands, here we destroyed the russian oil refinery there, russia understands, they immediately they are looking for, but what, how to respond in response, so that there is more to destroy here, so that we stop, if we respond more strongly, they will respond more strongly, this is what war is all about. to exhaustion, sooner or later the resources of the parties will be exhausted, and it is important for us that at the moment of our exhaustion parties, and russian resources were exhausted to such an extent that russia would also be ready to stop hostilities, everything and so that we could live a certain period in peace before a new war, or before joining nato, and then in general all this would end once and for all, we we understand that nothing changes from the words of president biden from the point of view of the introduction itself, well , today he is the president, tomorrow he is not the president, we are talking about... about a period of 10, 20, 30, 40
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years, this is such a period of confrontation, that's all, so i don't have an answer for the question of how this regime of diplomatic decisions should work in our understanding, the idea was to gather as many countries as possible at the peace summit. everyone was engaged in this, americans, europeans, ukrainians, but president zelenskyy made these statements, they argued enough about the war in the middle east to hear him in the arab countries, they came because the number of participants was required. russia, in turn, will gather summit brik, the minister of foreign affairs to prolong its decisions there, whether it has anything to do with the end of the war. none, the end of the war
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will happen when the parties do not have the economic, demographic, social and political potential to continue military actions, everything, agreed, we will continue fighting, but this does not mean that there should not be a diplomatic struggle, you see that as soon as we a little we leave, a chinese plan appears right away, such a plan, these plans will not work either, because for russia we are not a state, a separatist territory that must be returned, russia lives in a different logic. and it does not fight as a sovereign state, we fight, but it does not, other states think that it is fighting as a sovereign state, and it is not, this is a different life, but that does not mean that we have to not defend our positions on the international platform, how can it be done, what, what else, what, what alternative, a possible alternative would be not to gather a peace summit at the level of heads of state, i agree, but do you remember where this whole idea came from? this idea arose when they believed that
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after the ukrainian offensive, russia would want negotiations, and here we offered them the position of the international community. and this was not a ukrainian idea, it was a western one politicians thought so, well, if they live in their world, and the russians live in theirs, and these worlds do not meet, but meet only when a western missile hits russian positions, or a russian missile hits ukrainian ones, that is the only time they meet now, when they tried to talk, they didn't do well either, remember this conversation between biden and putin, and macron and putin, when putin gave him a history lecture, well, that's it, we drifted apart, forgot, they live in the 18th century, we're in the 21st to and they want to delay at 9 p.m., everything at 6 p.m., that's it you the whole international situation, very simply, i do not see anything negative in the fact that the leaders of the states will meet and at least discuss something, that the very fact of their coming to this summit is a moral support for ukraine, but the position
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of the west is also, in principle, that to exhaust russia, that is, what they are giving now, they, what, they saw what the situation is on the same. in the kharkiv direction, yes, and they also make it possible now, in essence, for ukraine to strike russia with certain blows in order to exhaust it, that is, relatively speaking, we have a situation where russia is depleting our energy potential, there is gas potential, any industry, military potential, and in fact the civilized world is giving us power. this also means that we are trying to exhaust them, the question is simply, when we talk about the same chinese
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plan, well, i’m sorry, china may have a million plans with russia, but the west will never agree to this plan, because it will be huge a blow to the west, no, not just a political blow there, but it will be a blow for many years ahead, a geopolitical blow, because in fact, it will mean that the west has followed the lead of russia and china and will lose this battle, so it is clear that they can hold their own summit, but no one will ever legally or politically agree to these conditions, there may be a merger of the summits, tentatively speaking, there is some kind of... a meeting at the level of the president of the united states, the president of the prc and the king of saudi arabia, the president of france, that is , to meet in the middle, which, just agree to facilitate a ceasefire, uh, a ceasefire, and just a ceasefire , at
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the moment when there will already be both there and there, full lack of living conditions for the population, from a purely humanitarian point of view, such a truce, for which, let's say, ukraine is negotiating this truce'. with the usa and france, and russia with china and there with turkey or saudi arabia, but for this it is necessary to first make the living conditions of the population in both countries intolerable, this is the only possibility to bring to some kind of finalization of the conflict, or putin realizes that he does not have resources for a long war, high intensity, then he also tries somehow all this, well, now it seems that he is, at least according to his statements, that he has so far, so far. here is another interesting statement by biden, it consists in the fact that washington does not give the opportunity to strike with the weapons
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of the united states of america with its weapons in moscow, there in the kremlin, well, and i understand it in terms of some such planned objects or cities, it is in... conditionally speaking, also a certain red line that they did not cross, maybe on the contrary, they initially talked about the fact that it was possible to be only in the border territories, and now it turns out that in the future they will also cross this conditional red line, they will not cross, not they will not cross, but again, this is rather the crossing of another red line, earlier they said that you can strike only at border positions, now a certain object has been found that you cannot strike at, you cannot strike at the kremlin, at... residences there putin, according to the ministry of defense, for something like this, generally penetrated the territory of russia, as i understand it, it is possible in such a logic if it is a military object, well , how many 360 km are there, as far as i understand, we were given the opportunity to strike, if it is a military object , well, why 360, because we have such types available
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weapons, we simply do not have others, well, even these kilometers, they very seriously destroy russia's potential, and create serious ones. problems for the further destruction of the infrastructure of the ukrainian territory. again, when putin talks about prolonging the war, he still wants it to end as soon as possible. well, a year, well, two, if he understands that it is 10 years, well, he is not a boy, sorry, to introduce a multi-year war of attrition without any significant results, he is also absolutely not interested, he is interested in seeing it end with a result, war in itself is not a result, it is a tool to get the empire, if you don't get the empire, you will get only problems, you also start thinking about how to get out of this situation, i think, come on, i'm not putin, but it looks so logical, by the way... experts, well, of course, there is a question here, i have, they say that
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russia will attack nato there, we have already discussed it here with you, and so we are quite skeptical about it let's take the fact that, in principle, russia can attack any country, even there the baltic countries, yes, but they are trying to talk about it, there is a possibility, is this an exceptional issue at all, well, listen. you just need to realistically evaluate the capabilities of the parties. russia can, of course, strike some kind of attack on the territory of nato countries. it has such military and technical capabilities. the question is what will happen next? if nato and russia have nuclear weapons, it means that a nuclear conflict between them is excluded. in terms of conventional weapons, nato member states, in principle, have an advantage over russia. many years and times, i remind you again that we are at war we have been with russia for 2.5 years, we are armed with old ones,
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we will hardly receive new equipment, here are all these famous f-16 planes that we are trying so hard to get from the west, these are the planes of the old batches, however, for the most part, and our pilots learn from them to fly, the pilots of the western military forces do not need to be trained to fly f-16 aircraft from the new series, they know how, now imagine that... how someone was attacked and the army of the country simply bombed its military facilities on the territory of russia, simply because russia has nothing to answer for, at all these missiles on all these planes, on all this equipment , they took and bombed everything they could, this is how russia bombed our territory in february, march 2022, a massive strike, nothing remained, a memory of russian military potential, everything is burning, what will they do russia will drop an atomic bomb, yes, they will drop it too, or they will simply say: oh, you know, we made a mistake, let's talk about de-escalation of the situation in europe,
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on whose terms, this is the story of slobodan milosevic, who did everything and did until they started bombing him, again if they didn't have nuclear weapons, putin could feel free, but they have them, he can only threaten us, he can't threaten them, again, their technology is stronger. well, let's even imagine that his contingent will be stationed in latvia, well , there is nothing good in this for the residents of latvia, we are not talking about whether it is in lithuania, whether it will cut the suval corridor, well, milosevic's troops were in kosovo all the time, until there was a nato operation against serbia, they were in kosovo, and what, at that time in serbia and montenegro, everything was burning with a blue flame, well, in russia it will be the same, understand, andrei, so when our experts talk about how nato countries can be attacked, they do not take into account such a moment, whether the russian army can
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capture one or two baltic countries, maybe these are small countries with a small population, maybe it will capture them, and at this time there will be a nato operation against russia, if there is no, it will be the collapse of the united states, and the united states cannot afford a collapse, because it is an economic collapse, it is a collapse of everything, the dollar, the economy , after that you can join china. the russians understand this very well, and there will be a demonstrative flogging, demonstrative, but no one will shoot at the kremlin, the kremlin will be all beautiful, you will be able to stand, walk, go to, what is your name, to gum, and there on the big screens you will see messages that destroyed airfield in wengels, and 15 minutes later destroyed airfield mazdaka, comrade. and in 15 minutes the military unit is flying at 17:05, can
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you wrap me these wonderful, so to speak , underpants from a chinese company, hello, because somehow i want to wear them under the pants in the background this kind of information, that's how it will be, even putin can go for a walk in the rubber at this moment, nobody will touch him, if you think that putin is like that... that he can't calculate these simple things, then you are wrong, russia always attacks the weak , notice, they used to deal with a strong enemy, if they miscalculated and considered someone weak weaker than he is, what happened in the russo-ukrainian war, and in the war with japan, and in the wars with in turkish, when there was weakness, russia immediately lost all its possibilities and potential, whether it was involved in long wars, but of course,
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you know, it is a great feat to attack small georgia, which has a smaller population than some russian regions. and to show what kind of heroes we are here, how they are heroes, a hero is not a person who tries to fight with a child, and shows that this little child, she is running away from her and wants to negotiate peace somehow, it does n't matter if you are in you have 140 million in the country or 120 and nuclear power and everything is new, and you start a war with a country with a population of 2-3 million, just how dare you you just know nemo... true courage, you just wonder, and the same with ukraine, even this war with ukraine is a shame, a country that can use its nuclear potential to wipe humanity off the face of the earth within a few hours, is at war with the state, in which there are no nuclear weapons, in which 35-40 million people are unhappy there, they are glad that some of the population fled, they are glad that they
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destroyed some residential blocks, and this is proof of russian power, you see, it's just a no-brainer. it doesn't fit, but they are the law , it's always been like that, well, it's not unusual, because this is the logic of a gopnik, and if someone stronger appears, oh, let's talk about the peaceful coexistence of peoples, we have always been for peace, do the russians want wars, you ask for silence, and immediately this kind of crawling begins, okay , and if we draw an analogy china taiwan, well, that's a good analogy, here we draw this analogy, you said that the united states of america will react and must react, and here the question is not even that russia will invade or strike at some a nato country, purely in theory. we
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understand very well that china, in the person of xi jinping, has certain plans on the table, which... lie, at least in them, regarding the occupation of taiwan, well, it is called, it is difficult to call it an occupation, regarding the military solution of the taiwan issue, they have it is called in its own way, but what the united states of america does then depends on how willing they are to fulfill their obligations that they have towards taiwan, but they have these obligations, and the politics of strategic ambiguity also, the people's republic of china does not know what the united states will do. that is, in theory, they can similarly strike the military bases of china, they can, they can strike those military bases from where they will attack taiwan, they can enter their fleet and sink the fleet of the people's republic of china, they can help the taiwanese on the island itself, but again i don't think it will happen for the simple reason that
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an attack on taiwan could cause the collapse of the china economy and xijin ping is not an idiot either he is perfectly understands, and... you understand, between taiwan and china, well, this must also be realized, unlike between russia and ukraine, the integration of the economies of the mainland and the island is so serious that a forceful solution to the issue can simply become, i would say so boomerang, so the chinese will keep blackmailing taiwan, that if the taiwanese move towards the idea of ​​independence, it could ... lead to a forceful solution, but if a certain status quo is maintained, i don't think they will risk a military strike, everything happens, but it seems to me that the military we will be able to see china's strikes in other places, in the philippines, where there is no such clear understanding that there will be an economic one, there may be a clash of some military force, american, and there china
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also has its own territorial interest, interests, that. .. disputes are very difficult there, there may be certain provocations, but it’s just so stupid to go to taiwan, well, listen, and the chinese have already tried to seize it many times, it’s so that they don’t try, they tried, and what you think their army was weaker than taiwanese, they still knew that there was a certain red line that could not be crossed, and that was in chasdong, who was a much more serious person than sidzhenping. well , times were a little different, so again, i can only give you guarantees with an adjustment for mental state. people who run authoritarian states, but xijin ping, frankly, seems to me to be a much more adequate person than putin in terms of his behavior. all zempins, in contrast
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to putin, are a large apparatus school. problem putin, that he does not have this school, but ussi zempina has it. you know, sijianbi was not born in some dirty entrance in leningrad, in the family of one of the leaders of the communist party of china, he is a prince, so he had moments of repression. a spoiled father, re-education, but they all had them, that's the story, but he is a party prince, and this is a special caste of people, you know, if you understand how these people generally look at the world, they look at the world differently than these people, who do not make party careers and do not grow up in party families, and this applies to all hermetic organizations, therefore the principle of the communist party of china, this is exactly such a hermetic sect of people with great experience and understanding of their capabilities, like some party nomenclature in the soviet union or even the princes of hamas, they are completely separate people, so it is very difficult to deal with them
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agree, but together with this they imagine a situation in which the entire infrastructure, authoritarian organizations are located, well , that is, we still came to the conclusion that there is no direct analogy, direct analogy, therefore that, because again there is another economic cooperation, by the way, you notice. that russia still continues to supply its gas through ukraine, and now they are looking for opportunities to agree to continue this transit, at least on certain routes, such as transnistria, for example, i think there will still be some searches, and this despite the fact that we have practically more economic there is no integration, and anyway even this moment of integration is always taken into account during the war, and now imagine that the integration between... russia and ukraine is one thing, the integration between china and taiwan is something completely different, dozens, hundreds of times more important than integration between russia and
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ukraine for the world economy, for the economy of the people's republic of china itself. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on espresso tv channel, west studio program , we will analyze the most important part of what is called high security international policy. our guests today are matthew bryza and oleg rybachuk. our first guest is matthew bryza, former adviser to the united states secretary of state, former director of affairs of europe and eurasia in the us national security council. glory to ukraine, mr. ambassador. god save america. well, the key story is the huge diplomatic, negotiation circle we are walking on now. we understand that
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the g7 meetings are to take place, yes? in particular, between the president of the united states, biden, and the president of ukraine, zelensky. we understand that the g7 will be a key platform for discussing security issues and, at the same time , the so-called swiss peace summit is coming up, dedicated, in particular, to how to stop. russian aggression, of course, russia and its friendly china will not be there, i would ask you to outline a certain diplomatic-military-political contour of the situation in which ukraine is now. i think that we will see a very strong and unified support of ukraine at the meeting of the group of seven countries. the problems in the west from the point of view of maintaining this support for ukraine are primarily concentrated in budapest. the big seven will probably come to... some package of economic support for ukraine. i hope that there will be progress on the issue of the use of profits from frozen russian assets located in brussels and providing this money
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to ukraine. as for the peace summit in switzerland, it is very important that it obviously takes place without russia. of course, it would be better if china was present, but china chose a very cautious path for itself. to say that china is an ally of russia is an understatement. china and russia undoubtedly have common interests in their efforts to counter the us and its allies. however, given the ongoing discussions between china and russia regarding natural gas supplies, china is clearly more a powerful partner and pressures russia and gazprom to get a much lower price for russian natural gas than russia wants. therefore, i think that the geopolitical forces at the g7 meeting and at the peace summit will be deployed in favor of ukraine. yes, well, but on the other hand, we understand that china's position, unfortunately, what concerns geopolitical issues, perhaps security issues, is related to russia's position, and beijing
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has voiced that. whatever we want to hear, in particular, beijing says, in order for there to be talks dedicated to russian aggression successful, russia must also be represented there, and this is china's position, and that is why china is absent from switzerland at this summit, even as an observer. what should we do with china's security position? china's position remains the same as before. let's recall when he published his so-called peace plan for ukraine, the first point was the preservation and restoration of the territorial integrity of ukraine, which russia did not like very much. we also know that later china and xi jinping reportedly warned president putin to stop to threaten the use of nuclear weapons, saying that china is categorically opposed to russia taking such a step. china, by the way, has seen ukraine as an important trading partner for many years, but as i
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already said in... china's deep security interests lie in undermining us leadership and the so-called rules-based international order that the united states states actively helped to create. therefore, china will be against the fact that the united states, together with its european allies , insist on the victory of ukraine in the war with by russia instead, china will be very happy if the us and its european allies continue to be engaged in a terrible war in ukraine, while it ... strengthens its geopolitical position in the middle east, especially in relation to saudi arabia and in central asia. dear mr. ambassador bryza, i would like to ask you in general about the parameters of the current negotiations, we understand that there is a public part, there are certain resolutions, so it will be at the g7, it will be at the swiss summit, that is, public statements, public handshakes, and at the same time there will be a part non-public, when politicians or officials
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leave. will talk about what is called a possible, i emphasize, a possible peace framework, and we understand that most likely after the swiss summit there will be another summit and maybe not one, but the key story is certain parameters, as in one of his last interviews , the president of the united states, joseph biden, either slandered or hinted, as he says, that in order to ensure ukraine's security, it is not necessary to join nato. somehow yes, it is not verbatim, and we understand that it may also be conducted certain, i don't know, soundings, certain probing of such things, so, first of all, i would ask you to outline a potential framework for negotiations. president biden's comments about ukraine's possible membership in nato must be interpreted in the proper context. the first part of this context, as all high-ranking us officials constantly repeat, is that
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the decision at... in april 2008 at the bucharest nato summit remains valid. ukraine and georgia will become nato members as soon as it is determined that they have met all the criteria. this is nato's policy. another part of this important context is that putin is constantly trying to intimidate the us's european allies and break them away from the united states. claiming that the us is acting recklessly in ukraine and is leading the entire alliance to war against russia. this is not true, but putin is using the fear that the us will drag nato into a war with russia as a way to strengthen his position in russian politics by portraying himself as russia's savior in a defensive war, which is simply ridiculous, since this is a war of aggression that putin himself dared . besides, putin is trying to scare european allies into thinking, wow, nato is at war with ukraine, and if this is highlighted by the possibility, or
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even by biden's announcement that... ukraine will become a member of nato, then it will feed those fears. so, biden is playing international politics by saying that the us is not pushing for ukraine's membership in nato today. he should have said: i don't see that happening right now. he was not careful in his statements, but this is not the first time he has done so. the bottom line is that you should not submit his application too much importance. if ukraine continues to respond. criteria, then after the end of this war, ukraine has a very good chance of quickly joining nato. yes, these are extremely important signals. well, but for example, if we talk about the specifics, we understand that as a guarantee for those conditions or those parameters to be acceptable to us, this means the liberation of our territories temporarily occupied by the enemy. another point is that the enemy included them in his composition and on...


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