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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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garrison with an enemy group in the crimea, i don't know, i don't really care, well, as history shows, there they have chersonese, i mean not, the ancient greek place chersonese, but the city of chersonese, and we are from chersonese in sevastopol, huh, where those fleeing from crimea usually gather, this is ua welcom, well... another matter, actually, those who came to crimea with the invaders, i would advise you to use the crimean bridge, return to himself in varkuta and naryanmar, so as not to end up in such a trap. well, when we talk about deoccupation of crimea, and about the operation regarding its deoccupation, there are many experts and even
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mustafa jemiyev of the crimean tatar people said that the destruction of the kokhovskaya gest by the russian occupiers a year ago happened, as you know, it, let's put it this way, unfortunately contributed in a very bad way to the fact that our offensive stopped in the north-south direction and the direction of crimea , is it really so, as you think, how much is the destruction of koch's gesture? did the russian occupiers affect our offensive in the southern direction and, of course, the crimea? well it's really not a secret anymore, here i completely agree with mustafo aguyu, in the 23rd year, the armed forces of ukraine planned an offensive from the kherson direction in the direction of chaplynka to kalanchak there to crimea, it was the shortest route. and obviously, the russians knew about our
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plans, some rascals, these same bastards, reported something to them, and they used such a barbaric method to disrupt our planning, well, it must be understood that not only the liberation of crimea, they failed, they demonstrated that crimea is actually for them, as a place where people should live, where... they should to live comfortably, people are not needed at all, together with the kakhovsky reservoir, they emptied the canal itself into the northern crimea, which in the end provided water for crimea for many decades, made it a fertile land, and as with the return of crimea to ukraine, it would continue its work, so , what they were trying to achieve. the enemies, well, actually, they don’t need
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us or our people, and even i’m not sure that they don’t need land, but they need such a martian landscape, on which they would sit like a dog in the hay, and in fact , they only need military units there in the crimea , all scenery and hostages are different for them, we remember how in the 14th year, when the invasion of crimea was developing, they... actually used the civilian population as hostages and exposed them to their armed men when they captured and stormed ukrainian military units , as well as now, is there not a risk that, okay, we will still be able to fence off crimea, deprive it of its connection with russia, and there will remain many armed russians and, at the same time, many ukrainian citizens who are in... such
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a hostage situation will be, on the one hand, me i understand that these are our ears, and this, the partisan movement, the resistance movement, on the other hand, these are also hostages, these are our people who found themselves in such a difficult situation, so how to be here, this is a really difficult question, and our representatives of the authorities , their military warns the people of crimea. in particular, i am now talking about the fact that it is better to leave the dangerous areas due to the fact that this zone is a promising zone of hostilities and return there when the war wave has already receded from this theater, if the crimeans who observe the situation in ukraine and from time to time open the map air alarms, then they see ukraine with...
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two, well, with two permanent red spots, yes, on their land, red fields of constant air danger, this is a meadow. oblast of the autonomous republic of crimea, this is a signal that at any moment, at any time, there can be, be, there can be danger, so our signal to the civilian population of crimea, who is loyal to ukraine, to provide their families, protection, if there is. the opportunity to leave the peninsula, at least women, children, and if there is an opportunity to move away from the russian military units, where they will obviously fly and where there may be shooting battles at some time, then also move to other areas, at least to other areas, so
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thank you very much, mr. pavle, for taking the time and pavlo lakiychuk, head of the security program, joined our broadcast. centers of global studies strategy 21 was on the air of the bereber together program in ukrainian, it is a joint project of the tv channel and the atp tv channel, we will part with you for a moment and meet again here already with another guest. hello, this is svoboda ranok, information. radio liberty project. top guests every day. this is korabelny district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko.
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from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. hello, congratulations, i'm andriy yanitskyi, gulsum khalilova, my colleague in the studio, this is a joint, joint project. raber or together in ukrainian, a joint project of espresso and the crimean tatar tv channel atr. and today, in the second part of the program, we will talk with iskander bariyev, the head of the crimean tatar resource center. mr. eskander, congratulations. salam alaikum skindraga. good day, glory to ukraine.
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aleikum salaam. good day. but skendraga, well, what if we talk about the results of this week and what happened on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula. what would you define as human rights violations on the peninsula this week, because i know, for example, that recently russia has been focusing on so -called saboteurs and terrorists in crimea, and almost every week they detain so-called terrorists, saboteurs who there , on the order of the armed forces of ukraine or the gourmets of ukraine, they are planning some kind of operations, terrorist attacks on the territory of akhyar and other corners of the country. crimea, what would you say? well, first of all, i want to say that they are really trying, or continuing to persecute our compatriots, they are persecuting articles such as sabotage, espionage and involvement in the battalion named after
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noman chilibijahan. and as for the video you're showing, well, first of all, so far it's our opinion that it's a staged video to... well , scare people more, because really, if we 're going to talk, how they provided information they detained people who were allegedly previously considered and were previously considered as complicit, as melitopol citizens, which five melitopol citizens, who were previously convicted in the russian federation for... for terrorism and that they cooperated there with the special services of ukraine, but in general , when we talk about the fact that they are doing, well, it's true, it's searches, it's the continued persecution of citizen journalists, it's arrests, and here i
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would say more about the fact that they still continue to persecute representatives of the crimean tatar people, and not all of them the information that... we're talking about now may be public, because those close to these people, well, they're asking us not to talk about it out loud yet, because they're interested in having them... and for why is this done? i remember that in the 14th year there were similar stories, when, well, not even then russian law enforcement officers, the so-called occupying forces, even some volunteer brigades of theirs, captured some people, accused them of preparing terrorist attacks, i remember there at the new post office in okear in sevastopol... they took out some shields, as
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protestors used on the maidan and claimed that it was almost some kind of weapon, although it is clear that the shield , on the contrary , is used for protection, not for attack, and then such incitement was felt, including through the tv channel of this russian citizen chaly nts there was such a feeling of panic. such panicky moods, fears that the local population is afraid of the so-called friendship trains from kyiv, or some people from bandera, nazis and so on, and now why do they have this panic and this fear, well, first of all, when we are talking about the 14th year and if you analyze all these processes, i myself fully agree that it is necessary to analyze, so that we can speak clearly. about the dynamics, about their condition, about their tools that they use, so
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the 14th year is really the period when they did not have, shall we say, official village structures on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, and they tried to use so they are called the defense forces, the defense forces, there are such wives of the people, and so on, although we understand that it is precisely in all these wives and a representative of... the fsb, representatives of rural structures of the russian federation, in addition, as in the newly occupied territories, they did it, let's say, without, let's say, not providing institutions for the protection of human rights, that is, it is meant when then a prosecutor's office system, a police system there, a system of judges are created there, so that each and every... citizen or resident could apply and demonstrate, and for this they did it
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for that, and, by the way, they also repeated in the newly occupied territories, this also happened in the territory of kherson region, zaporizhzhia region, and in order to really, let's say, intimidate people and so that there was no pro-ukrainian civil movement, then they created a system, the so-called law enforcement system, and now ... system in the territory of the kherson region, they made a genetic trial, and right here, well, is it good or bad, right here is the question, but on the one hand, let's say, when we talk about civilian hostages, that is, these people who are not belong to the category of prisoners of war, and they do not belong to political parties, why, because they are located without a court, without... court decisions without such decisions of the occupation system of the occupation authorities
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in order to be able to use these documents, why are they detained or kept in cities there is no freedom, these are basements , or there are some kind of prisons, and here, from this side, we can say that there are more opportunities for human rights defenders to protect people on the territory of the temporarily occupied kherson region, on the other hand, they... are trying in this way to demonstrate to the international community that they will create all these institutions, and this is where we need to understand that, as far as crimea is concerned, at this time in 10 years they have really created these institutions, but despite all this, we see a different approach, primarily in relation to representatives of the indigenous crimean tatar people, and when immediately after the decision of the un international court, they started more and intensified the persecution of the representatives. the system is corrupt and that's how they try to scare people, well i think that's it
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it is more related to the fact that, for them, in 10 years they have created all the institutions, law enforcement structures, here and there the fsb, etc., they still cannot and cannot cope with the fact that information is still being sent from crimea to the competent authorities of ukraine, to defense forces of ukraine, where the armed forces of the russian federation are located, or military facilities, or new facilities of some kind, they cannot, let's say, be controlled. a situation when they provide information about explosions, video footage , etc., and therefore it is very important for them, and in that among them, they still haven't been able to completely take control when such purely civil resistance appears, when we talk about appearances from there, let's say
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ukrainian flag colliers or yellow ribbons or other such ukrainian symbols. it is very important for them that they intimidate people more in this way, so that, let's say, the number of people that could be taken fully under control, later, could be controlled more, and in addition, they also do , as now, now i the main thing i would like to say is that they do it this way, they come at night and... conduct searches or kidnap a person, this is happening in crimea now, then they promise that they will release, people try not to talk about it out loud, they really release, but under what conditions, we still don't know, and in this way i think that they are trying to spread the system, let's say cleaning or
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reporting, whether it reduces the circle of people who can create an attempt. and that's why i think that this is a purposeful policy occupiers well, you know, i wonder what the russian occupiers want from teenagers. recently, the crimean tatar resource center reported that during the occupation of crimea , at least 28 cases of persecution of minors were recorded. well, if i understand correctly, this is more of an administrative matter or another, why are minors detained? in crimea, for what cases, what are they accused of? well, first of all, when we talk about society, about the future in this or that society, and generally orient on the youth, on the youth, on the teenagers, as they perceive it, and indeed we are witnessing how actively they engage in militarization policy, propaganda policy,
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anti-ukrainian policy, let's say such policies, but with all this... when they appear teenagers who use other sources, who try to create, or shoot a video, or make some kind of, let's say, manifest, we understand that teenagers and young people are more maximalists, and they try to do what they can do , and here it is for them, it is very, let's say, dangerous, i would say, and this is... the fact that among the youth that they tried to educate and are trying to educate, teenagers appear who do not take their position, and here it is they, well, first of all, they really try to intimidate parents, they open administrative cases either in relation to the teenagers themselves or in relation to their parents,
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and in this way they try, well, let's say, to educate the other part. youth and children and adolescents in order to demonstrate that they are in control and that they will be there fines or administrative arrests, and so on, including putting pressure on parents to prevent them from participating in these processes, and that's why, when we see 28 cases, in my opinion, this is a lot, because this is what they recorded. and here i want to say that we do not pretend that all this is all, all the information is complete, perhaps we do not have additional information yet, we may have many more of these cases, but this demonstrates that there is a young generation in crimea , which takes,
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let's say, which is not that which takes a pro-ukrainian position, which does not agree with the policy. tion authorities on the territory of crimea, and this is very important. well, that is, at the same time we understand that the militarization of children in crimea, children in crimea, continues. for example, two or three weeks ago, we saw that the russian occupiers in this immortal regiment forced 3.5 thousand children to go to artek, they forced them to do this, to make children, that is, this is a violation of international law, etc., how? to fight this from the kendrag, i know that the krimstar resource center, directly the krimster midjlis, well, always records these violations of rights and regarding the militarization of children, etc. and even submits all this data to international courts, but still, how does it directly affect what is happening in crimea. well, first of all, i
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also want to remind you that we provided and are providing information about how during the period of occupation children were, well, deprived of their rights, and indeed a violation of the convention on the rights of the child, and here it is precisely here that we need to talk about what... children, what you are showing now on the screens, this really happened in artek, and children from different regions are involved there, including from the temporarily occupied, new, temporarily, temporarily occupied territories, and including from the territory of the russian federation, but i just want to remind you that on june 1, the day of children's rights, they actively demonstrated. let's say including the extent to which children are programmed and demonstrated the militarization of children, which just contradicts all international norms,
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and it is very important for us to simply record this, document this, and because children, they should not be politicized, they should to be provided for, let's say for normal child development, to receive an education there, to receive all the benefits that can be there, but we see that the occupiers are turning these children into future invaders there, future, let's say, criminals, and this is really, this is a crime, and about that's what we're trying to demonstrate, that 's what we're trying to document, and that's what we 're trying to inform the international community about, and... it's really important here to pay a lot of attention to that, because this is a growing generation that, well, let's say, is already
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traumatized by that ideological and propaganda work done by the russian federation, mr. iskander, very briefly, but i still want to have time to ask one more question, the occupiers dismantled the monument to pyotr gergyrenko, back in may i told him about it... it is true that it happened, maybe on may 18, about they only found out later, and i have a question, didn't they tear down all the monuments they didn't like back in the 14th year, why did they now get their hands on the human rights activist sovietsky, who defended the crimean tatars, and this is some kind of signal, special, symbol, why this monument stood for so long, if the occupiers didn't like it so much, do you have a version, but look... year after year they tried to dismantle or remove these or other memorials related to
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the deportation from human rights activities and so on. as for the monument to petro grigorenko, we are currently collecting additional and complete information, i think we will have it, so they have now started some work there and thus they are on... trying to demonstrate what they are doing, as it was on the boulevard lenin, but a monument flowers were constantly brought to petro grigorenko , and he was established back in 1999 by the crimean tatar national movement, and thus the crimean tatars constantly came and put tickets, so i think that they did not do it once in order not to outrage the population, and they were waiting for that... when, let's say, there will be more after there will be more pressure on the population, but i think we will come back to this case,
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and after we gather more complete information, we will provide, what and how it should be to do in order for this monument to return to the city after all. and we will talk about it later in other programs, thank you, agsmander boriev, the chairman of the board of the crimean tatar resource center was. greetings, friends, the saturday political club is on the air, andriy smoliy and vitaly portnikov, as usual, we are live on saturdays and
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discuss all the main events of this week in ukraine and the world. well, if we talk about this week, it was similarly, so full. it has already begun, one can say an international such, a large european program, because the president of the united states joe biden in europe has already met in paris with volodymyr zelenskyi and the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi in europe. this is a solemn celebration. the 80th anniversary of the allied landings in normandy, this operation overlord, and then there will be a big group of seven meeting in brindisi in switzerland in italy, and then there will be a peace summit in switzerland, so it's a very , very busy international, i would say month, which, by the way, it can be said that by and large it is, yes... or otherwise
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is also accompanied by the russian alternative agenda, the international economic forum in st. petersburg, where volodymyr putin's benefice, he hasn't spoken so much for a long time, including about ukraine, and many meetings, many meetings, including zelensky's with european leaders states, of course the j7 summit is also being prepared, the peace summit is being prepared, which will also take place in essence. already next week, that is, a lot of events are being prepared, the events that at least happened this week, they are already gradually approach to the fact that there will be very important key events next week, well , the same in ukraine, electricity cuts, people have been discussing all these things since monday, we
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see that... the occupiers continue to attack ukraine on a large scale, and ukrainian energy facilities, and ukrainian facilities in the fuel sector, that is, the war continues, the war is also on the territory of ukraine, russian aggression, and of course, the hybrid war of russia against ukraine and against the civilized world on the international arena, that is why all those events about and mr. vitaly just spoke, and i, about whom i am speaking now, they are... an integral part of the future that we will have in the coming months, and perhaps the future will be determined for the coming years as well. well, in any case , it must be said that we see that russia is fixated on these ideas of continuing the war, on such a kind of war of attrition, which continues, and now ukraine is joining this war from its side, the fact that today the ukrainian drones to the mozdoku airfield of north ossetia, this can be said to
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be such a symbolic thing, we are now. let's talk with yuriy fedarenko, commander of the akhiles attack drone battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. congratulations mr. yuri. glory to ukraine. glory. so, maybe we will start with the fact that the drone managed to fly to mozdok. this, in your opinion, can really change the situation with these sorties of migs and other russian aircraft that launch missiles at ukrainian troops and civilians. object of ukraine? this is one of the essential components of the general fire effect on the enemy. it is necessary to beat the enemy echelon, there is a front line annihilation, their front-line zone, which is sufficiently saturated, there are objects of military infrastructure, on which it is necessary to make an impression, they are at different distances inside the russian federation. and also, of course, there are objects, in particular, those that fill the russian federation with oil dollars, their budget.
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the military-industrial complex as a result of this money finances the war against ukraine and the war, which is the goal, the main goal, which is the destruction of ukrainian statehood, the destruction of every ukrainian, that is why one way or another in the development of technologies we the enemy will come out more and more powerful, and mr. yury, but the question regarding the kharkiv direction is actually still extremely hot in the... direction, but we see that the so-called russian offensive on both kharkiv and vovchansk, it is essentially not the same , which has stalled, the ukrainian armed forces are now trying to expel the rashists from vovchansk. we see, by the way, that in fact they have stopped so actively hitting kharkov, fortunately, what can this be connected with now?


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