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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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money, and the war against ukraine is being financed, and the war, the goal of which, the main goal of which is, is the destruction of ukrainian statehood, the destruction of every ukrainian, that is why, one way or another , with the development of technology, we will make the enemy more and more powerful, and mr. yuriy, here is the question regarding the kharkiv direction, in fact , it is an extremely hot direction, but we see that the so-called russian offensive on both kharkiv and vovchansk, in fact, it is not that it has stopped, the ukrainian armed forces are now trying to knock out the rashists from vovchanska we see, by the way, that in fact they have stopped so actively hitting kharkov, fortunately, what can this be connected with the fact that we are successfully pushing out the occupiers, or?
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any other possible reasons? the situation, in my opinion, should always be looked at in a comprehensive way, previously we spoke with you that the goal and tasks of the enemy remain unchanged, in relation to ukraine, the complete destruction, respectively, of the enemy is planned in stages, the donetsk-luhansk region continues to remain one of the enemy's the most priority directions, we see which ones fierce battles are now taking place in the direction of chaso yar, in the direction of pokrovsk. why did the enemy start the kharkiv company? it was very important for the enemy to stretch our forces and means during the period of time, when the defense forces were forced to place powerful brigades on a wide strip and lines of combat. at the same time , it was very important for the enemy to see the condition of our defense structures, and our overall combat readiness. i will tell you absolutely frankly, from today we can analyze what happened: the defense forces lost the enemy, the enemy really did not have time...
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to complete the assigned task in a timely manner, the defense force transferred the means to the force in a timely manner. if we had not beaten him, success would have been completely different in the kharkiv region in fact. therefore, one way or another, the enemy of the kharkiv region does not have such a grouping to reach the administrative city of kharkiv. but in order to make up for the losses at those points where he was partially successful in order to gather additional shock fists and try to advance in... for this enemy , the power of the means is enough, also the enemy enough strength to try to cross the edge of the front in one more place, either sumy or the kharkiv region, it all depends on where the enemy will consider it more rational to do it, our intelligence does not stand still, they clearly realize how the enemy's personnel moves, what are the approximate threats, what the most difficult directions can be, that is why a set of measures is being taken in order to meet the enemy in
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a dignified... it must also be said that the enemy had a plan to take vavchansk and advance to the rear of our group, in particular at the kupinsky vitting, and simultaneously move the maximum defense forces to the osliv river in frontal attacks, but this plan was not destined to come true and according to my conviction and the enemy will not have further success, mobilization processes are currently ongoing in the country, i would not like to idealize, because there are many excesses of official powers, many shortcomings, shortcomings, calls for engineers and many other things another, but as long as the shortcomings are corrected, one way or another, the defense forces receive the necessary amount of replenishment in order to complete the combat brigades and the western equipment that comes to us. accordingly, in 2-2 months, the defense forces receive the maximum number of trained personnel, as well as the weapons that will come to us as part of the military aid package of the connecting...
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standards of america, as well as other partner countries, and then it will be possible to say with confidence that on a number of shades of priority for us seem to be the situation stabilize, seize the tactical initiative of your side. when the f-16 aircraft arrive, they will help not only to protect our infrastructure facilities and the civilian population who terrorize the enemy with their drones and missiles, but also we will be able to equalize the situation that is happening now with the air, i.e. reduce the number of controlled bombs, which... our positions by shooting down enemy planes, as for the prerequisites, why it became somewhat quieter in the kharkiv region, from the point of view of the shelling of the city itself, this is due to the fact that the ukrainian the diplomats were able to achieve that they gave us permission to use a number of firearms on the territory of the russian federation, which are highly accurate, which are now effectively destroying the occupier on its territory, precisely because... what is important, it is important to preserve unity
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within our state, not to quarrel among themselves, to analyze in detail the information that is submitted to the public space, to perform their work qualitatively at... the workplace, to support the defense forces. friends, together we will definitely make it, and i firmly believe that ukraine will be successful in this war. tell me what you think, but if we talk about possible new directions for the offensive, do you imagine that some other front will open there, relatively speaking, the sumy front will be added to the kharkiv front, or will the russians still try to act according to some paradigm? being in the place of the enemy, looking at his eyes. to my mind, i would definitely start a few more directions, how the enemy will act, let's see. mr. yuri, what is the current situation in the direction of the time gap? very negative the news has been appearing for the last day or two,
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at least just recently, and we also see that there is also information about further pressure on yar times, how? the situation there, and how in this direction it would be possible to make the occupiers, well, at least stop, if it is not a question of pushing them away from the city. we talked, in particular with our international partners, when there is such an opportunity to reach a certain level, i really believe that the interests of ukraine were betrayed three times in the 14th year before the start of a full-scale war. and over a long period of time, when we were not provided with weapons for more than seven months, precisely because of the fact that ukraine had nothing to defend against, the enemy was able to achieve the tactical successes on the battlefield that are present today, understanding the enemy that he had up to two months of active operations left, when
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the means in the defense forces will be accumulated for a more powerful counteraction, now the generals, carrying out the tasks of the dictator putin, are performing the tasks. forward, forward, forward, as much as possible, despite the loss of equipment and personnel, to get a tactical result in the battle, that is why we can to claim that in the next one and a half to two months they will be on the line of battle, but we stand, you may have heard all these statements of president putin during the st. petersburg economic forum, which indicate that he wants the war to be prolonged as much as it is possible to resist this tactic of such a long war, advancing to those territories. russia announced its own, how to stop these intentions? it was obvious, after the enemy had failed, according to his intelligence, that the opposition would not get that the result in ukraine, which he set before himself, i think that in the first six months of a year of full-scale war, the enemy clearly
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realized that there will be no quick results, it is necessary to push, work to exhaustion, and now this is happening, they are demobilizing personnel, preparing, developing their the mine-industrial complex and... at the same time, it uses the support of its partners, in particular china, quite powerfully. that is why ukraine must clearly understand that the war, unfortunately, as long as the dictator putin is alive and all arrest management of the russian federation, which support the occupation policy, by this time we must constantly prepare for hostilities. where should it start, in my opinion. defense lines should be buried in three echelons, powerful enough for many years to come. and absolutely everything that can be mined is mined. i am talking now about those regions where there are no hostilities, but we are neighbors, either with the russian federation or with belarus. i am talking about those territories that are non-combat positions in donetsk, luhansk, kherson, and zaporizhia regions.
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and of course, this is constant improvement, modernization of one's own army. now all trends are moving in the direction of protecting life and health as much as possible. personnel, it is difficult to do this to the full extent in war, because the enemy in our country works with everything he has in his arsenal, but one way or another, unmanned systems that are both on the ground and in the air already today perform tasks that allow our boys and girls to save their lives, but putin in his regular speeches actually threatens the world, the civilized states of the west a global catastrophe for the permission to strike... on their territory, on the territory of the occupier, mr. yuri, do you think these threats should be accepted, or is it so, another informational, hybrid scarecrow for the world, which does not carry, so to speak, no further actions and
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results, anything can be expected from the dictator putin, but that he will use nuclear weapons, it is very unlikely that in general ... addressing our international partners, a thesis that we also emphasize through the mass media, in particular, the authoritative publications that are in them, i always say the following thesis: courage. equals life, weakness equals death, i will give a concrete example, in particular for our citizens, actually look, so that everyone who is watching us now, we communicate with you so that we appear in this world, someone of our parents showed courage to get to know mom or dad in this way, in order to establish a relationship, then get married and as a result we were born, if they were shy, if they if they were timid, we would... not be here with you now, just the same, the world must now show its courage, which will give birth
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to life, will give life to their nations, because if they surrender the interests of ukraine and the enemy will succeed here, one way or another our partners will have to enter into a direct battle with the russian federation, it is only a matter of time, and this is not a matter of decades, it is a matter of the near future, that is why i think that the partners will probe gradually, they have given permission to... . application for a certain distance, then they will give a little more, and then we will be able to fully work on the territory of the russian federation. in any case , our diplomats are working hard on this, and the military explains quite clearly why it is needed. we have to deal with the causes, not the effects. thank you, thank you, mrs. yuriy. yuriy fedorenko, commander of the achilles attack drone battalion, 92nd separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, this brigade is currently in kharkiv. direction, as we understand, told us about the situation
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that developed at the front with the use drones, and we see that now our troops managed to stop the enemy's offensive, specifically in the kharkiv region, and we will now take a break for just a few minutes and stay with us, please, i congratulate you, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda, we have already approached the very snake, the following shots may shock you. news from the scene live, kamikaze drone attacks, political analysis, objective and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoboda life, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions, hello, well, how are you there, and the norm. slowly, they gave us new tanks, as many as nine of them, guess what, turn on
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the video link now, i'll give you a tour, come on, we'll stay here for another two weeks, i 'll take you for a ride, and not only on a tank, right here near station in grohizvka, if you say that you are going to a student, they will let you through, yes, a student, my call sign is like that, right here near the station in grohizvka, they will say that you are going to a student, they will let you through. yes, nine over there, yes, nine tavka, grozhovka, here, student, student, today you do not observe information security, tomorrow iskanders will visit you, the enemy hears, be careful. events, events that
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are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskiy and invited experts soberly assess events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. we continue. we return, straight aether, saturday political club. and now we already have the next guest. this is igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university in the united states of america. good evening, mr. igor. good evening to you, friends, good evening to all. mr. igor, right away i would like to ask you
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a question about zelenskyi's actual visit to normandy, about biden's words . which ukraine had through the thing that... because basically congress hasn't voted to help our state for quite a long time, how do you generally evaluate this meeting, biden's words. will we really have support? in general, i am very positive about any meetings of the leaders of ukraine, in particular the president, with western leaders, and with the president of the united states, and with the president of france, and with the chancellor of germany, with any western leaders, because the west supports ukraine, and without the support
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of the event, it will be very difficult for ukraine, it is impossible to imagine at all. that ukraine will be to do, so that support is important, and it's important to keep in constant contact, in terms of the support of the united states, i can say for sure that if the current administration, well, it will be in the white house at least until january of next year, if it stays there with possible changes, as a rule, for the second term, the support of ukraine will be the same as it is, because for joe biden this is a matter of values. and he really will never back down from supporting ukraine. and tell me, please, how do you perceive these words of biden in an interview with times times, which is discussed a lot here, that he believes that the war can end, there will be no occupation of ukraine by russia, but at the same time it is possible to do without natoization of ukraine, without ukraine joining nato. how is it? this is the case, mr.
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vitaly, when i cannot agree with president biden. and i don't know why he thinks so. well, his advisers probably paint him such a picture, but i can't imagine how ukraine can be safe if it is outside nato, or if it does not have security guarantees that are similar to the fifth articles of the washington treaty, because russia will threaten ukraine constantly, at least as long as there is a regime in power in russia, or any other regime... will pursue the same imperial policy as the putin regime, the regime, in fact , the kgb, the ussr, let's be honest, there are simply no other people around putin. and it seems to me that sooner or later president
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biden must understand this, because otherwise it will continue constantly, if, if not hot. the war is so big that there is now there will be constant, constant tension in europe, and nato, as an alliance whose task is to ensure that there is peace in europe, it simply will not be able to fulfill its mission, because there will be no peace in europe unless this war ends, and , if it does not end with the defeat of russia, that in general ukraine will be a democratic state, part of the western world, i simply cannot... imagine how it is possible to be a part of the modern western world in europe, if the country is not in nato. well, we have the examples of austria and switzerland, but it's such a separate, separate conversation switzerland has been neutral for centuries, and austria is neutral simply according to the state treaty that was signed
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in 2955, thanks to which austria has its own sovereignty. and the soviet troops were withdrawn from its territory, but what is the purpose of such statements, is it some kind of political pass for russia, china, or is it possible some particular pass for the voter, why now, because before that biden never expressed himself in such a way and always said that, well, in principle, ukraine will be a member of nato, but after the end of the war. what do you think prompted the president of the united states of america to make such statements at this time? mr. andriy, i think that you and i will hear again that ukraine will be a member of nato during the nato washington summit in july, but again, unfortunately, we will hear that, well , it will happen, but when it will happen is unknown, at some point, and what exactly what prompted biden
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to say that, i don't think there was any particular reason, well, in the united states, the vast majority of people do. it is nine out of ten if against any military, military conflict between the united states and russia, that's for sure, but on the other hand, it 's not the topic of the election campaign, well , the election campaign is going on, there's biden, and trump, and other candidates, because the congress is also going through, making speeches, it's not the topic of the election campaign, that is, i i also do not think that this is any such pass. in the direction of russia, because there are other opportunities to make some proposals there, and proposals to russia, because there are some contacts there. at the level of managers, development from time to time, well, biden said so, well, probably because he thinks so for many years, he, he
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believes that ukraine is probably not ready to be a member of nato there because of one, two, or three things, perhaps the fact that the united states and its main nato allies, they took care of hungary, let's say, hungary was accepted into nato, plays a role that hungary... will be a democracy, the same as other western democracies, what hungary turned out to be, you and i know by now, that is, there may be different factors, but that i definitely do not think that biden's position regarding support for ukraine has changed in any way. what do you think regarding this position of support for ukraine, what will this security agreement between ukraine and the united states look like, which should be signed during the meeting of the sema group in brindisi? i would. that it was not such an agreement as such, which is similar to those that ukraine signed with other countries, that it was an international agreement that would be
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ratified by parliaments, unfortunately, it seems to me that this will not happen, and if it is not will be, well, this agreement will be valid as long as the governments are, will agree on whether they should implement it, but i really wanted the united states has at least made a commitment. to provide weapons to ukraine, so that it would be such constant support with weapons, modern weapons, more modern weapons than are provided now, at least so that there are some mechanisms for immediate consultations, if, if there are threats to the security of ukraine, but ideally , i would like to, that it was not just such an intergovernmental agreement, that it was an international agreement that would give ukraine a security guarantee. which are analogous to the fifth article of the washington treaty on the creation of nato, this, this, we will not see there, unfortunately, but i would very much like to,
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if we get to that, there seems to be a little bit of some communication problems, but i think, mr. igor, i hear you, i hear you ok, you hear, yes, yes, everything is fine, please, mr. igor, regarding the peace summit, questions. the united states of america will be represented by vice president kamala harris, and mr. sullivan will also attend this important summit, this is a normal level, sufficient, representation from the united states of america, and yet why the president of the united states decided not to come, and can it be considered that this is a lowering of the level or not? is this a completely normal representation? i think that's absolutely fine, it's not a downgrade , it's a very high level of representation, vice president karis, she represented
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the united states at, say, the last munich security conferences, and that's absolutely, absolutely fine, a very high level of representation. i think that what will happen on the eve of this summit is much more important, namely when there will be a g7 summit , to which the president is also invited. and zelensky, and what is more important to take place there, just as more important meetings are taking place now at the swiss summit, in switzerland it is important that as many countries as possible express support for the ukrainian vision of what peace is, so that as few countries as possible express support for the chinese-russian vision , what is it, and representation at the level of the vice president is normal, because she represents the united states, as i said at the munich, let's say, conference. from security at many other such international events, international conferences, so that's it, i think it's okay. and what do you think, now
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president biden, we heard it during his european campaign, says again that russia threatens the whole of europe, at least this was said just a few minutes ago, during his meeting with the president of france, emmanuel macron, how many europeans hear such american warnings? mr. vitaly, i think that someone hears, at least we hear from, say, some european defense ministers, that it is necessary to prepare for a possible conflict of military with russia, that countries must understand that they are facing a state of war, we already hear such statements, i think that until maybe even a year ago there was no such understanding, but more european countries are beginning to understand this, and by the way , if you go back to... that joe biden interview with the magazine, where he said that he, that he believes that there is a possibility that ukraine will be safe, even if it is not in nato, then biden is also
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very many. said that russia threatens all of europe, the security of all of europe, what if it is not to stop in ukraine, it will not stop, it will go further, there he even talks much more about this than about the fact that he believes that the security of ukraine is possible outside of nato, and it is good that there we hear, say, from the minister of defense of sweden, even from the minister of defense of germany, and what is necessary, we must be on the alert, what, what must be prepared. of a possible military conflict, that now we hear it not only from high-ranking officials of the baltic countries and poland, but also from high-ranking officials of the countries of western europe. i would like to talk to you a little about the election in the united states of america, this is an extremely important topic for ukraine, including, of course, and firstly, what can change the course of these elections, and secondly, what are the actual
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rating indicators now. both candidates biden and trump, that is, in general, the passage of the election campaign as of now? i would say that the chances of the candidates are 50 to 50, it is absolutely impossible to predict who will win now, you will have to look at the polls in the pig states, and start doing it somewhere from the second half of july, from the end of july, when these polls are done separately in their states will be conduct. by many sociological services and often every week or at least once every 10 days, then it will be possible to generalize something. the main themes of the election campaign so far are from biden's side that the american economy has become stronger than it was, that it is growing, that jobs are being created
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every month. far more jobs are being created than are being lost, that the unemployment rate is the lowest it has been in more than 50 years, from trump it's mostly his talk that he won the election in in the 20th year, it was stolen from him, that biden is persecuting him, organizing criminal cases against him, that here he is, he will come, he will take revenge for himself and for all his supporters, and so on and so forth, trump has supporters many, it is at least several tens of millions of people who will not deviate from it, and this, this is absolutely obvious, but what can be a factor in the elections, is not the participation in the elections of certain, certain categories of voters, for example, if the war in the middle east continues.
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and continue as it is now, with israel unable to achieve a decisive military success and the war continuing, it may result in some left-wing democratic voters simply not turning out to protest that biden supports israel and that he is not good enough does in order to stop the war. trump also has the danger that some of the republican voters may not turn out for... the republicans who don't support him, who supported nikki haley, let's say, classical republicans like there is a minority of them in the republican party, but it is also in both parties, that is, from 10 to 15% of dissident voters, so to speak, their non-participation in the elections can contribute to the fact that the opposite party, the candidate from the opposite party will win, that is, it it could
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be a very... two very important factors in the election, as far as the russian-ukrainian war, i don't see it being a campaign issue today , after congress passed the bailout bill, the debate on that issue, they somehow stopped, these far-right republicans, somehow they stopped, before they very often said, well, roughly what we hear from trump, that it is necessary, it is necessary there, it is necessary to... hold negotiations, it is necessary to stop helping ukraine to behave in negotiations and so on, we don't hear that now because the topic has disappeared, although going back to your first question about the meetings in paris, they were very widely covered in the american media, so ukraine is again, well, if it's in the spotlight, then at least seriously so...


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