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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EEST

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as a place where people should live, where they should live comfortably, people are not needed at all, together with the kakhovsky reservoir, they emptied the canal itself into the northern crimea, which in the end provided water for crimea for many decades, made it a fertile land, and as with the return of crimea to he would continue ukraine in his... work, so what were the enemies trying to achieve, well, actually, they don't need us or our people, and even i'm not sure that they don't need land, but they need such a martian landscape, eh -e, on which they would sit like a dog in the hay, and in fact military they only need parts there in crimea, everything else is scenery and hostages for them, we remember how in the 14th year... when
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the invasion of crimea developed, they actually used the civilian population as hostages, exposed them to their armed men , when ukrainian military units were captured and stormed, the same is true now, is there not a risk that, okay, we will still be able to surround crimea, deprive it of its connection with russia, and many armed russians will remain there. and at the same time many ukrainian citizens who are in such a situation there will be hostages, on the one hand, i understand that these are our ears and this is a partisan movement, a resistance movement, on the other hand, these are also hostages, these are our people who found themselves in such a difficult situation, how to be here, it is really difficult question, and our representatives of the authorities, their military. are warning the residents of the crimea,
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in particular the crimea now, that it is better to leave the dangerous areas due to the fact that this zone is a promising zone of hostilities and return there when the war wave has already receded from this theater, if the crimeans who observe the situation in in ukraine, from time to time they open the map of the air... they are worried, then they see ukraine with two, well, with two constantly red spots, and on their land, red spots of constant air danger, this is luhansk oblast, and the autonomous republic of crimea, it is like this a signal that at any moment, at any time, they can be there, be, it can
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be dangerous there, so our signal to the civilian population of crimea, who is loyal to ukraine, to provide their families with protection, if possible, leave the peninsula, at least women, children, and if there is an opportunity to move away from russian military units, where they will obviously fly and where there may be... shooting battles at some time, then also move, to other areas, at least to other areas, yes, thank you very much, mr. pavle, thank you very much for taking the time to join our broadcast, see you soon, pavlo lakiychuk, head of the security program center of global studies strategy 21, was on the air of the bereber together program in ukrainian, this is a joint project of the espressa tv channel and atr tv channel, we will part with you for a moment and again. we will meet here with another guest. there are
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discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on citramon darnytsia tablets, 10% in travel pharmacies, you and savings. there are discounts , unbreakable discounts on edem, 20% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and savings. verdict and... with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback connection, you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. summer.
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this is a time of rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a little peace for children, whose world was destroyed by war. these children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting our country with you, died at the front, and they, like no other, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that traveling helps children recover faster after loss, children feel better emotionally, i appeal. to you with a request to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips this summer for the children of fallen heroes. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and most importantly, they will receive help from qualified psychologists. and
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maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. i remember that your donations are the key, the key to hope, dreams and support for those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our ukraine. i really liked the trip to austria, i liked the museums we went to every day. it was amazing and i really enjoyed how we went out to restaurants. i visited the cities of gassburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments.
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greetings, i'm andriy yanitskyi. khalilova, my colleague in the studio, this is a joint, joint bereber project, or together in ukrainian, a joint project of espresso and the crimean tatar tv channel atr, and today in the second part of the program we will talk with iskender bariyev, the head of the crimean tatar resource center. mr. iskkender, congratulations. good day, glory to ukraine. good afternoon, eskendraga, well, if we talk about the results. this week and what happened on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula, which would you define on this week, the violation of human rights on the peninsula, because i know, for example, that recently russia has been focusing on so -called saboteurs and terrorists in crimea, and
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almost every week they detain so-called terrorists, saboteurs, who are planning there on the orders of the armed forces forces of ukraine or the gourmet of ukraine some... operations, terrorist attacks on the territory of akyar and other corners of crimea, what would you note? well, first of all, i want to say that they really try, or continue to persecute our compatriots, they persecute articles such as sabotage, espionage and involvement in the battalion named after nomanachalijikhan. as for the video you're showing, well first of all... so far it's our opinion that it's a staged video to scare people more, because really, if we talk like they provided information, they detained people who had previously
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been considered and were previously considered as complicit, as melitopol people, who five me'. who were previously convicted in the russian federation for terrorism, and what they collaborated with there special services of ukraine. but in general, when we talk about the fact that they are doing, well, it's true, it's the searches, it's the continued persecution of citizen journalists, it 's the arrests, and here i would say more about the fact that they still continue to persecute . representatives of the crimean tatar people, and not all the information we are talking about now can be public, because the relatives of these people, well, they really ask us not to speak about it out loud yet, because they are interested in them in the first place
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released, skender, and why is this being done, i remember that in the 14th year there were similar stories, when, well, even then, not even russian law enforcement officers, so-called ... occupying forces, even some volunteer brigades of theirs, captured some people , accused them of preparation. these terrorist attacks, i remember, there at the new post office in okear in sevastopol, they took out, they took out some kind of shields, like the ones used by the protesters on the maidan, and they claimed that it was almost some kind of weapon, although it is clear that the shield is, on the contrary, for protection, not for attack is used, and then such a thing pressure was felt, including through the tv channel of this russian citizen chaly nts. there was such a feeling of panic, panicky moods, fears that
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the local population was afraid of the so-called friendship trains from kyiv, or some people from bandera, nazis and so on, and now why do they have this panic and this fear, well, first of all, when we are talking about the 14th year, and if you analyze all these processes, i myself completely behave. in what needs to be analyzed, so that we can clearly talk about the dynamics, about them state, about their tools that they use. so, the 14th year is really the period when they didn’t have, let’s say, officially village structures in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, and they tried to use the so-called defense forces, defense forces, the people’s wives there and another though. we understand that representatives of the fsb, representatives of rural
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structures of the russian federation took part in all these marriages, besides , they did it, as in the newly occupied territories, without, let's say, not providing institutions for the protection of human rights, that is, it is meant, and when the prosecutor's office system, the police system, and the judge system are created there , so that every citizen or resident could apply and demonstrate, and for this they did it in order to and by the way, they repeated the same thing already in the newly occupied territories, it also happened in the territory of kherson region, zaporizhzhia region, and in order to really, let's say, intimidate people and so that there was no pro-ukrainian civil movement, then they... are already creating a so-called law enforcement system, and now including
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systems have already appeared on the territory of the kherson region, they have made a genetic trial, and here exactly is it good or bad, this is precisely the question, yes on the one hand, let's say, when we talk about civilian hostages, that is, these people who do not belong to the category of prisoners of war and do not belong to... political prisoners, why? because they are also without a court, without a court decision, without such decisions, well , occupation systems of the occupation authorities for that it is possible to use these documents, why they are detained or kept in the cities of freedom, are they underground or there are some prisons, and from this point of view it can be said that here there are more opportunities for human rights defenders to protect people . .. the territory of the temporarily occupied kherson region, on the other hand, they are trying
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to demonstrate to the international community in this way that they will create all these institutions, and this is where we need to understand that as far as crimea is concerned, at this time in 10 years they really created these institutions, but at we see a different approach to all this, and first of all in relation to the representatives of the indigenous crimean tatar people, when immediately after the decision of the un international court. they started more and intensified the persecution of representatives of the korultai inter-league system, and in this way they try to intimidate people, well, i think it is more related to the fact that for them, in 10 years , they created all the institutions, the power structures, the fsb and other things, they still can't can't handle that anyway. information goes to the competent authorities of ukraine, to the forces defense of ukraine, where the armed forces
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of the russian federation are located, whether there are military facilities or new facilities of any kind, they cannot, let's say, control the situation when they provide information about explosions, video footage, etc., and therefore it is very important for them, and including that they still... have been completely taken under control, when such purely civil resistance appears, when we talk about such phenomena, let's say colors of the ukrainian flag or. there are yellow ribbons or other such ukrainian symbols there its or there crimean tatar symbols or liberimism, and it is precisely for them that it is very important that they intimidate people more in this way, so that, let's say, the number of people who could be taken completely under control later could be
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more controlled, and besides besides, they are still as they are now, now the main thing i would like to say. they do it this way, they come at night and conduct searches or kidnap a person, this is happening in crimea now, then they promise that they will release, people try not to talk about it out loud, they really release, but on under what conditions, we still do not know, and in this way, i think that they are trying to spread the system, let's say, whether it is snooping or reporting information or. reduces the circle of people who can create resistance, and that is why i think that this is exactly the purposeful policy of the occupiers. well, you know, i wonder what the russian occupiers want from teenagers? recently, the crimean tatar resource center reported that during the occupation of crimea , at least 28 cases
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of persecution of minors were recorded, is that correct? i understand, it's more... administrative cases or something else, why are minors detained in crimea, for what cases, what are they charged with? well, first of all, when we talk about society, about the future in this or that society, and in general, we focus on youth, on youth, on teenagers, how they perceive, and indeed we are witnesses of how actively they are engaged in the politics of militarization, politics propaganda, politics...politics, but with all this, when teenagers appear who use other sources, who try to create, well, whether it's to shoot a video, or to make some kind of, well, let's say, to show off, we understand that teenagers and young people are more of such maximalists, and they try to do
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what they can do, and this is just right for them. . very, let's say, dangerous, i would say, and these are indicators that among the youth they tried to educate and are trying to educate, there are teenagers who do not take their position, and here they are, well first of all, they really try to intimidate parents, they open administrative cases, etc in relation to the teenagers themselves, or in relation to the parents, and in this way... they are trying, well, let's say, to educate another part of the youth and children and teenagers, in order to demonstrate that they are in control of the situation and that there will be fines or there the arrest administrator, and in this way, including putting pressure on parents so that they are not allowed to participate in these
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processes, and therefore, when we see 28 cases, in my opinion, this is... not enough, because this is what they recorded , and here i want to say that we do not claim that everything that's all, all the information is complete, maybe we don't have additional information yet, maybe there are many more of these cases, but it shows that there is a young generation in crimea that occupies, let's say, which... not what occupies a pro-ukrainian position that does not agree with the policy of the occupation authorities in crimea, and this is very important. well, that is, at the same time we understand that the militarization of children in crimea, children in crimea, continues. here, for example, two or three weeks ago we saw that the russian occupiers are in this immortal regiment, and forced 3.5 thousand children to pass. in
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artek, they forced it to be done, to be done. children, i.e. this is a violation of international law, etc., how to deal with this from the kendrag, i know that the krymottar resource center, directly the krynovtersky mejlis, well , always records these violations of rights and regarding the militarization of children, etc., and even submits all this data to international courts , but still, how does it directly affect what is happening in crimea, well, first of all... i also want to remind you that we provided and are providing information about how during the period the occupation was, well, deprived of the right, and the children were indeed a violation of the convention. children's affairs, and it is precisely here that we need to talk about the fact that children, what you are showing now on the screens, it really happened in artek, and
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children from different regions are involved there, including from temporarily occupied, new temporarily , temporarily occupied territories, including from the territory of the russian federation, but i just want to remind you that june 1st is children's rights day. they actively demonstrated, for example, in including the extent to which children are programmed and demonstrated the militarization of children, which contradicts all international norms, and it is very important for us to simply record this, document this, and because children, they should not be politicized, they should be provided for. .. let's say, normal child development, getting an education there, getting all the benefits there that can be, but we see that the occupiers are making
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future scumbags there, future, let's say, criminals, and this is really, this is a crime, and this is what we are trying to demonstrate, this is what we are trying to document. and we are trying to inform the international society about this, and it is really important to pay a lot of attention to this, because this is a growing generation that, let's say, is already traumatized by the ideological and propaganda work that the russian federation is doing, mr. iskander, very briefly , but i still want to have time to ask one question. the occupiers dismantled the monument to pyotr gerhyrenko back in may, it probably happened on may 18, they only learned about it later, and
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i have a question, aren't all the monuments that they didn't like, they wore down in the 14th year, why did they now reach the hands of the soviet rights defender who defended the crimean tatars, and this is some kind of signal, special, symbol, why this monument the tank stood for so long, if... the occupiers didn't like it so much, do you have a version? and look, look, literally just a minute more, ugh, just a few minutes, well, first of all , i want to say that starting from 2014, they tried to dismantle or remove these or other memorials under the guise of some works signs are related to deportation, law enforcement, and so on. as for the monument to petro grigorenko, we are currently collecting additional and complete information, i think we will have it. and that is why they have now started some work there, and in this way they are trying to demonstrate what they are doing, as it was on
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lenina boulevard, but the monument to peter grigorenko was constantly brought flowers, and it was installed back in 1999 by the crimean tatar national movement, and in this way the crimean tatars constantly came and put tickets, so i think that they didn't do it all at once. in order not to upset the population, and they were waiting for a time when, well, let's say, there will be more, after the population is more pressed, but i think we will come back to this case, and after we will collect more complete information, we will provide what and how should be done in order for this monument to return to the city after all, and we will talk about it later,
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we will meet already next week, don't switch, stay with us, class. we are looking for two sisters, liana and nelya kapalenko from kharkiv region. liana turned 14 in march, anela is now 16. in these photos, the girls are clearly younger, but i really hope that this will not hinder their search. information about the disappearance of the sisters came back in june 2022 from the border town of vovchansk, when it was occupied by the russians. almost two years have passed since then, but during this time
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there was no news about the kapalenko sisters. perhaps nelya talyana was taken back then to territories not controlled by ukraine, or even to russia, that's why it is important to know even the smallest details of their disappearance. if suddenly someone has seen the girls or knows at least some information about them, immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write in the chat. search services for children in telegram. i also want to tell you the story of 13-year-old sofiyka storzhuk, who also disappeared in the kharkiv region. the child was last seen in the city of kupyansk, which it was under occupation until september 2022. information about the disappearance of the girl appeared when the soldiers of the armed forces liberated kharkiv oblast. but it is not known where sofiyka might be now. it is possible that the child is also on
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the nepi'. territories of ukraine, i hope that with your help we will be able to find the girl. let's take another look at the photo of 13-year-old sofia. she has blond hair, thin lips and an oval face. if suddenly someone has seen the child or knows where he may be now, call us immediately on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service under the short number 11630. and i would like to ask for your attention for a moment, this is... 15-year-old ivan bastryukov. the boy also disappeared in the city of kupyansk, but in august 2022. about a month before the liberation of the city from the russians. ivan looks about 15 years old. he has an oval face, dark blond hair and brown eyes. if anyone suddenly saw the boy, or knows where he might be now, call us immediately on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 1163. from any
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ukrainian mobile operator free of charge let me remind you, if suddenly there is no connection or an opportunity to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. and now regarding the territories controlled by ukraine and a more or less peaceful life. unfortunately, children also disappear here, and as the experience of the children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers, who often just run away. we talked to... on this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of tips for parents that can certainly prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. tell me child, to whom he can turn in case of need? of course, ideally it could be you, the one she should turn to when she feels the need for it. but sometimes you may not be available, you may be at work, busy with some other things, and what to do then? agree on this in advance. think with the child before.
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who can she also turn to, maybe it will be another adult from the family, maybe it will be one of the teachers, or the school psychologist. in addition, coordinate with the child the anti-crisis a plan for how she should act when she gets into a situation that may carry a threat. and if it happened on the street, where to run, how to call for help, how to take a taxi and get home, and the child must have money for this taxi, that is, work through the anti-crisis plan to the minimum. details, and the more detailed it is, the better the chance it will work, and the better chance you will save the child from some great danger. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. simply go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal.
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stop edge. u.a. greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. in kyiv , a man threw a grenade near a high-rise building. a local resident was injured. according to the metropolitan police , the incident happened in the evening in the shevchenkiv district of the city. 47-year-old catch.


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