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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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your life hacks that you apply because this is a question that will obviously be with us for months. and most consumers in the city of sumy have had their electricity supply restored, ukrenergo reported this in the morning. the blackout there occurred at night due to the shutdown of the power plant for technical reasons. public and border media reported on the lack of electricity in the district center of lebedyn, as well as in bilopyl, which is 8 km from the border. with russia ryzhivka - a village in the sumy region, right on the border with russia, is under control of the armed forces of ukraine, the mayor of bilopolska community yury zarko announced this in a public comment. this is how he commented on the statement of the head of chichna, ramzan kadyrov, that the troops of the akhmat regiment allegedly captured the razhivka, they say, it happened in just three days. kadyrov even posted a video of alleged strikes on this settlement. the footage shows a russian military man standing on... a building and declaring that it is the village
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council of ryzhivka. the general staff of the armed forces did not comment on kadyrov's statement at the moment, but the ukrainian osin analysts from the team cyberbullies say that the nearest shelling shown in kadyrov's video was shot 5 km from this settlement, the furthest is 15. they confirm the authenticity of the fragment with the military in the background of the village council, but they say the village is in a gray zone, and sabotage and intelligence groups . work from both sides, they say, to enter the village for a few minutes to shoot a video and get away, this does not mean capturing the village. analysts of the deepstate project also say that the situation in rozhivka has not changed since 2022, and the problem of the population point is geographical, because it is located across the river close to the village, to the russian village of tetkino, on the other side of the border. yuriy zarko, head of the bilopol community, joins our broadcast. mr. yuri, congratulations, thank you for joining. yes, good. everyone, tell me
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who is in control of rezhevka now, are there russian troops there and what do these videos that kadyrov published mean? well, at the moment , six people live conditionally in rezhivik, they are civilians who for various reasons decided not to evacuate, live in this place, village and is completely located, that is, it is ukraine under the control of ukraine, really, what they said is that it is conditional, how can you say that it is a gray area, because... there, well, you know that even one house, half is in ukraine, half in russia, the distance to the state border is extremely close, that is, it can be directly said as a line of contact, so we understand that such issues as the drg event, it is quite possible, it happens from time to time, especially considering the geographical position, when there are forests, there is a river, which makes it a little easier the work of this drg, but at the moment... well, those
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videos are not videos there, even the filming that we saw does not correspond to reality in the sense that there are no such specific buildings, there is no such river that was taken on the photos that we seen on social networks, regarding the other, well, i say once again that this is currently the territory of ukraine and it will be, was, will be and is under the control, well, our administrative control. our community, specifically the belopil community, and why do you think this is to the russian forces, why talk about the capture of this populated point, post these videos? well, i think, you know, it can be like a simple answer to the fact that there was a rdk there in the spring, for example, it went in, they said that we went in like an aunt, an aunt and under the control of the rdk, well, this is such an answer, and we went conditionally in ryzhevki , in ryzhovk and earned it, that is, this is such an exchange that we... well, not that informational, well,
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at the moment it is very difficult to say what the logic is, maybe they really just have a desire to draw away some more of our forces, to do, to sow uncertainty, well, first of all, in people, in civilians, what the situation can be to change, there was some kind of panic, well, but this will not work, because our people have already learned to differentiate and distinguish information and, well, to orientate themselves in the situation. and tell me why not all the people left rezhivka, you say, six people remained there, well, it so happened that this is exactly the street that is very close to the very russian border, probably all of them, some of them have no citizenship, not passports, i.e. there was a certain social way of life, others have a permit only for permanent residence, i.e. they are citizens of russia, so... to force them to come
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here to ukraine, well, i don't have, i don't mean that as citizens, citizens of russia, well, they want to live there, please, let them live, some are just exclusively like that, you know their interests . somewhere there the geese have already hatched, we have to get up there, well, that is, the economy is above all else, well, there are such people, so can you tell us what the current situation is with light and energy in your community? er, yesterday there was a very big problem, because somewhere there were not such large deviations, er, at first the light was off, then when it turned on, we saw that there were certain problems, then... uh, let's say, interruptions in the operation of electrical devices began, i personally measured the voltage at home, it was 160 v, so i immediately called on people to turn off all household appliances as soon as possible devices, and
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i hope that it is partially possible, well , these devices were saved for people, but now i will adjust them, well, by the morning, work has already improved and in the usual mode, although there are indeed certain, well... disconnections, but given the fact that we have almost all industry has been destroyed in the community, so consumption is small and there are not many people, so the situation is more or less stable, people have enough because of that, yes , more or less, thank you, mr. yuriy, for joining, yuriy zarko, head of the bilopol community, and we talked about the situation in sumy oblast. and after the armed forces of ukraine used the permission to strike the military facilities of the army. russian federation - the offensive of russian troops in the kharkiv region has stalled, us president joe biden's national security adviser jake sullivan said in an interview with cbs news. the ukrainians implemented this permission on the battlefield and one thing i want to point out is that
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the momentum of this operation in kharkiv has stalled. currently, kharkiv is still under threat, but the russians have not been able to make significant progress on the ground in recent days in the area, and the united states will continue to provide support. ukraine in obtaining the front line and repelling aggressive russian troops. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi also says that the russian army failed to implement their so-called kharkiv operation. meanwhile, russian troops are drawing up reserves to the zone of hostilities along the border with russia, certain units from the kherson region are transferred to reinforce. the spokesman of the khortytsia operational-strategic group of troops, nazar voloshyn, said this on the air of the telethon. he added that the russian army also uses it. the old tactic of setting up barricades of squads from among the personnel of the akhmat unit. he also notes that ukrainian defense forces control a large part of the city of vovchansk, and those quarters that remain captured by russian forces are under fire under the control of the armed forces. voloshyn adds that the battles in
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vovchansk continue for every quarter and street. the ukrainian general staff reports that fighting continues in the area of ​​the village of hlybo in the direction of kharkiv. who in the direction of liptsi, in the russian ministry of defense declare that the russian army allegedly took more advantageous positions in the area of ​​several settlements, senelnikov, oktovneve, neskuchne, ternove and izbytse, although the analysts of the deepstate project indicate that these settlements are not in the zone of syria and the advances of the russian troops were not noticed there. dmytro kozhubenko, officer planning section of the rubizh brigade, major of the nsu. joined our broadcast, congratulations, thank you for joining. good day, studio, good day, dear viewers. tell us what the situation is like in kharkiv oblast. russian commanders say that they are transferring units of the chechen akhmat to kharkiv region, and they are already publishing videos from , apparently, sumy region. are russian forces really
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already north of the ukrainian border? russian forces, you mean for akhmat chai? well, if so, then... well, let them come, we've all seen what they're like there soldiers, they only know how to shoot tick-tocks and all that and talk about what cool soldiers they are, in fact, well, they are two-hundredths exactly the same as their zeks and storm z and are simply mobilized from ordinary brigades, because for the soldiers of the brigade, the frontier and for the defense forces of ukraine, it makes no difference at all where this serviceman is from... bovets, but at the moment, servicemen from the so-called akhmat have not yet been placed in the area of ​​the rubizh brigade defense station. your evaluation as a military man, by the military, was not noticed either powers of this akhmat, we understood what. and
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tell me then, from where the russian forces collect aid for themselves or other brigades there. spokespersons of the direction say that from khersoncha. units are transferred there to kharkiv oblast bloomberg writes that african students are even being recruited to the offensive in kharkiv oblast, what do you see, what do you notice and how? do such reinforcements of russian forces in kharkiv oblast affect the combat situation? well, i can't know more than the spokesman osuv khortytsia, but if he says so, then it really is transfer of reserves from kharkiv region, also i heard, oh, sorry, from kherson region, also i heard that students are being recruited there, unfortunately we have not met them yet, it would be very interesting to see how they fight, although ... i doubt it , that the africans there have a lot of combat experience, and i am more than sure that 2000 will again be
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the same as akhmat, because if akhmat is still a regular unit that has quite good training, then these people , who come from africa, these are just people who have no way out, due to the fact that they do not have money, nothing to eat, they are offered golden mountains, and they go to die for these... mountains that they will not even see, and the reserves from the kherson region, well, these may be units that have been on the territory of ukraine for a long time, as part of the occupation forces troops, in any case, they already have combat experience to one degree or another, and these are fresher units, but we will actually have to wait for them, maybe some more active and more decisive actions already there, because they are more experienced. at the moment
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, the russian occupying forces have concentrated their forces forces in three settlements, as it was already said earlier, these are vovchansk, lybtsi, and hlyboke, these are the three settlements where they were able to penetrate, so normal. in their districts, or there to occupy an advantageous defense, and it is extremely important for them to hold the positions in which they are standing in order to wait for the reserves, but the servicemen of the border brigade, servicemen of all the defense forces of ukraine are doing everything possible to knock the enemy out of their positions and develop success. and finally, here are the american officials, president zelensky says that it can already be called... an unsuccessful offensive of the russian army in the kharkiv region, do you confirm this, or does it look different on the front line, well, i will say so,
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it is worth understanding what was the purpose of this entire kharkiv offensive operation, if this offensive the operation was aimed at withdrawing our reserves from donbas, from zaporizhzhia, then in principle they succeeded, if... their goal was to seize kharkiv, well, then here they got a very strong neck and showed all the inability of their troops to carry out the same offensive as it was in the 22nd year, but in any case, even though they stretched our reserves, the defense forces of ukraine showed that we really know how to fight, that we are fighting on our land, and we know what we are fighting for, that's why the front line... it moves like this, because the enemy has a lot of manpower reserves,
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and he also has an advantage in equipment and aviation, but these advances are insignificant considering the time, how much they have already spent and the human resources of their stormtroopers, which they have already put everything into it. dmytro, i thank you, thank you for joining, thank you for the information from you, dmytro kozhubenko, officer of the planning section of the brigade. rubizh, major of nsu, and we talked about the military situation, the military situation in kharkiv oblast. well, now about crimea: residents of the occupied peninsula heard powerful explosions this night, and this was reported by the telegram channel crimean veter, in particular, at least six explosions were heard in the vicinity of dzhanka, after which fire engines drove towards simferopol, writes crimean veter from referring to eyewitnesses directly in crimea. and in yevpatoria , the russian anti-aircraft missile allegedly missed. four rockets that flew on a vertical trajectory, subsequently a fire broke out in the city,
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the same telegram channel reports. neither the russian ministry of defense nor the occupation authorities of the peninsula announced the attack. there are no official statements from the armed forces of ukraine about this attack either, the department also did not comment on the attack on a tugboat and a barge in the taganros bay of the sea of ​​azov, which, as reported by the russian telegram channel baza, happened on saturday, but now this public showed footage of the strike according to the base, barge. under the name section 179 suffered minor damage, and the tugboat ivan smirnov was broken by glass, the captain of the tugboat allegedly reported this. such there was this edition of svoboda ranok, i would like to remind you that you can form and analyze this information day together with us on weekdays from monday to friday from 9:00 a.m. on the air of the tv channel and on the youtube channel of radio svoboda, be sure to write in the comments your impressions, your questions and topics that you consider relevant today. my name
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your donations will be mega positive, meanwhile i want to say that 31 00... this morning we already collected, well, but we need as much as 2,500,000, so we have to donate, dear friends, we have nothing left but to support our army, because who if not us well, now let's talk a little about politics, taras zagorodnyi will help us understand all this, the managing partner of the national anti-crisis group, a political expert, is mr. taras in touch with us yet, yes, mr. taras, congratulations, have a good day , mr. taras, wanted to talk about more. a high-profile publication that appeared in the western media, in fact, a number of them appeared recently, but one of them is the latest - this is the times, which writes: about yermak, yarmak is again in our spotlight, and a rather sharp publication, in fact, the media writes that yarmak, a person who does not
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have any constitutional powers, concentrates power more and more, and even its representatives of our allied countries very often have to meet with him, not even with president zelensky, but in in any case, it is he who decides which of them has access to president zelensky, even if it is about some representatives of allies, the last meeting was with the pope, and the last meeting yermak himself went to meet with the pontiff. mr. taras, as these publications show, there were a lot of them. in our country, as usual, they commented that this is all dog food and hostile narratives. well, look, if our allies, to be honest, already. a little too confused by all these publications, then they don’t like that sbushniks wet the refinery, they say that it turns out to be civilian
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infrastructure, the last thing i saw in the new york times, they don't like that the early warning station for missile strikes of the russian federation is being demolished, by the way , this forced the west to do what they did not want, to give permission to strike on... the territory of the russian federation, because ukraine, despite all these remarks and everything else, opened the door to the russian federation, regarding the publication of the times, well, what's the problem, give us more weapons, ukraine will win this war and hold elections and everything and everything goes back to the other side, so i just know that there are too many complaints, we, we have the presidential administration has always been the center of power, ah. and it didn’t happen under zelensky, it all happened under kuchma, and then, when medvedchuk’s constitution was adopted, who
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drafted it in 2004, yes, it created a two-party system in our country, where the president, who is elected to office by popular vote, everything has more legitimacy than the head of the executive power in the eyes of the people, and of course the people of ukraine always have more claims. where is the president, because he voted for him, and the presidential administration at that time, now the office of the president, always had more weight than other authorities, and this especially increased after the formation of a monomajority in the parliament, because in others, in other structures, of course , that when there were several camps of more or less equal political influence in the parliament, especially, that parliament was completely absent. another and the competition was completely different, so i think that, well, what is the essence of the claims in this case? but you say that give us more weapons, and from us then in
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ukraine, ukraine will win the war, the war will end and elections will be held, but the only thing is that mr. yermak was not elected by ukrainians, listen, zelensky appointed yermak, it is his administration, if zelensky keeps yermak. so he fulfills a function for him, if we say, if mr. yermak was received by biden in the white house, yes, well, if he received him in the white house, then they believe that he is a figure with whom you can communicate, that is, i didn't invite ermak to the white house, did i? they could not invite him, for example, they could, but they invited him to this white house, because... a meeting, there was a meeting, so in this case, let's talk about claims about centralization or influence, well, during war, it's always centralization moreover, we
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still have a little centralization, according to the law, in our country it should generally be managed by the rank of the commander-in-chief, this is how our legislation is structured, the supreme commander is the president of ukraine, in israel, for example, there is a different system, there everything is managed by the army, the general headquarters, if a war starts, what does that have to do with, well... this is how our legislation is built, you know, i am not a supporter of, you know, our government, because i have something to complain about, i still have complaints against the cabinet of ministers, which could not organize normal crediting of the military industry, could not organize the secrecy of the military industry, does not give the opportunity to export weapons to our gunsmiths in order to maintain production cycles, did not implement a scheme according to which you can buy back ukrainian weapons, you can do it if there is no money, so let it go... securities, give them in exchange for these, for these, for products, give them securities, and to protect the bankers, so that they are fattening here and
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do nothing, do not lend. economy, then there is money, so let our manufacturers do it, it can be done under government guarantees, and many other things, and in relation to this i am here, well i, to be honest, this, you know, starts there claims that have no relation in in this case to reality, look, the simple question is that any power, is it in a democratic society or in a legal one. it always means accountability and responsibility. is there real power in yarmak now? in your opinion? what does yarmak power mean? is he in president zelenskyi's administration? it is he who works in the presidential administration, he appointed him, what is ramka's point of view here, she simply did not understand. that is, does yermak have real power, i will repeat this question once again, it is the power of president
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zelensky. that is, when we say we mean zelensky, when we say zelensky we mean yermak, i did not mix anything up here. of course, he is his appointed him to the administration by decree, of course, that he is, he heads the administrator, well , the office of the president, therefore, therefore, the viceroy, since the pontiff, for example, the pope of rome, is the viceroy of god on earth, so yarmak is the viceroy of zelenskyi on ukrainian lands, so what is the governor doing here, i'm just, well, i'm just, i'm just trying to understand how to explain the power to yermak, because nobody delegated it to him except zelensky, this...
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maka really wanted him to go to america, he was not given the green light light, did not want to meet him, but less so then, look, in this case, if you can delegate your powers to the president, and it is like his alterego, then each deputy can say to his assistant, he represents me, shmyhal can also say it, for example, any of the ministers can say it, that is, everyone can say, there is someone who just represents me, well, but again the question is, didn't people vote? for this
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representative elected to the verkhovna rada, for his assistant, for example, well, look, the assistant and deputy can say anything whatever, i personally did not hear from zelensky that zermak is specifically his alter ego, for example, i heard it from yushchenko, who said, we only have a minute left, mr. taras, but the conversation is very interesting, i just want to have time to ask it then , for example, yermak's deputies are also considered alter egos... tatarov is also zelenskyi, the same thing, zelenskyi says, zelenskyi does, tatarov says, tatarov does it, that is, the same thing, we say zelenskyi, we mean tatarov, well if he works in the administration, then the responsibility for the activity, of course, that if he appointed him, it is of course that the office of the president, i just think that ukrainians are also beginning to realize this little by little, considering how sharply the ratings of mr. zelensky himself are currently falling,
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that is, a good tsar, for sure in ukraine. such a scheme does not work, bad boyars. taras zagorodnik, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group, political expert, was with us. thank you very much. well, now kateryna shirokopois is with us and we are watching the news, what has happened in ukraine and the world over the last an hour katya, you have a word. congratulations olesya. andrii, in a moment i will tell you about the large-scale fire in russian samara and the interim results of the elections to the european parliament. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. night shelling in kharkiv oblast. the occupiers set fire to kupyansk-vuzlovy. a local resident was injured. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration, oleg synigubov. backyard


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