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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional match analysis, exclusive interviews. goals, saves, emotions, a project for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a non-committed view of football, football format every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel. dear friends, we are back on the air, this is our final half hour, now oleksandr pavlichenko, executive director. head of the agency
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restoration under the cabinet of ministers announced that he is resigning, leaving the position of the head of the restoration agency, he made the decision on his own due to systemic obstacles that do not allow him to fulfill his mandate, he regrets that the team of the agency is facing ... constant opposition, opposition and the creation of artificial obstacles, eh - in particular, in particular, it comes from the government, funds are not allocated, salaries were cut, in a word, this is the story, and it also somehow coincided with the resignation of kubrakov, who was called such, almost a favorite, in particular of the ambassadors of the j7 and the j7 countries, who... provide the most help,
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nevertheless, kubrakov was removed from the post of minister, and there was also a lot of talk, many wrote about it, that yarmak was also behind this dismissal. so here we have very fresh information, these are the disturbances we have, well, to be honest, there are very few people left who, in particular, i associate with the revolution of dignity, who came to politics, to power or to public administration thanks to. revolution of dignity thanks to euromaidan, and more and more people appeared who are, relatively speaking, the party of regions 2:0, who otherwise, they were connected with the party of regions, here is some kind of story, oleksandr povlichenko, executive director of the ukrainian yasen union for human rights, is with us, mr. oleksandr, how do you like this news, mustafa nayem resigned, good afternoon, well, one of those people leave public positions, it's not
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surprising, and actually, let's say, a period of two years is already, i think, enough to have the proper experience, but to evaluate the decision, i think, we will the results of whoever will be in this position, already further on, how effectively and, let's say, this structure will work, and everything changes, and people change in the same way, that is, they change in their positions, i think that there is nothing stable, and the tragedy, except, except, except yermak and tatarov, sorry, well i have to say this. well, let's talk about the fact that a certain, let's say, static political position is held in the office of the president, well, i would say so, even the problem is not even that
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there is an office of the president, but namely, i would not like to talk about probably these are the first steps and that... we have the office of the president, not the administration of the president of ukraine, that is, this is already the beginning of how this entire, say, term of office began, with what efforts to circumvent lustration requirements, and accordingly, the very name of the office of the president of ukraine, it is very specifically related to the issue of combating corruption, in fact, how to try to leave those persons who did not pass the lustration procedure to the police. the name of the institution, well, if the beginning is like this, then i think that the end should be calculated accordingly, well, but none the less not yermak and not tatarov are scaring ukrainians, ukrainians are now afraid of the tsk, very often
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journalists are blamed for the fact that they somehow demonize people, actually mr. oleksandr, again some... they know scandals, journalists of course, what do they say about it , and of course, human nature is such that it always somehow focuses its attention on some negative events, the latest, the latest scandals are related to the tsk, when representatives of the tsk visited kyiv pride, and the lgbtq plus community said that, that this some such a selective attitude, some kind of revenge or something, how to evaluate it, actually, how? how to find this balance between the duty of citizens of ukraine to protect their country and between the rights that citizens of ukraine have? this is a very good question, even i would say so, a rhetorical question, because
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today, i would name perhaps one single reason why we are even discussing this case, this is a question of... lack of communication, that is, the tsk, the ministry of defense has clearly to tell and communicate their actions and actually what is happening, as such selective, let's say visits, because in this case, at the request of the same lgbt representatives, there were a number of events that... why exactly did the representatives of the tsc come to them with an inspection, moreover, the actions of the tsc do not
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appear to be illegal actions, but i can give you an example, this is one of our customers, for quite a long time, it is more than 10 years, complained that it was selective. investigation, but how did it happen when he was driving, for example, in a car, he was driving there in kyiv, from the zhytomyr highway, and everyone was driving there at 70-80 km/h, and he was driving along with everyone in that stream, he alone was selectively stopped and prosecuted for precisely such non-compliance with the speedy regime, in this case he committed an administrative offense, but with regard to thousands... or others who committed it, this did not happen when we if we are talking about this case with the ccc, then, let's say, these representatives also did not commit any offenses, but this selective approach to them, accordingly, can serve as just such a sign of such, you know, a little
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discriminatory behavior on the part of representatives of the tsc, which i would not like to see, because i hope... that there will be exactly the same actions with regard to others, they have, i mean, these are other mass events, representatives who are going to some educational ones. entertainment events should also come under the same absolute control from the tsc, but i repeat what i started with, the beginning and the problem is in the lack of communication, it is in the explanation of why they are going right now, not waiting for july 18 there , when they will already have a reason to report everything. these personal data, because they currently have the right to demand these documents
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from persons who, let's say, avoid mobilization summons, for this it is necessary to know who exactly among these persons is in this place, that they purposefully go after these persons in order to verify that they are actually avoiding this particular mobilization summons, well, there are... many questions and misunderstandings, let's say, of the limits, of the powers of these representatives of the territorial assembly centers, which is actually causing the otaku situation, unfortunately, i i think it's us we create a certain informational excuse, which is absolutely, well, in my opinion, artificial, unnecessary, and actually it just attracts. our attention is again on the issue of such a special attitude towards the lgbt
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community, which also supports the ukrainian front, representatives of this community directly fight and work as volunteers, that is, there is no opposition here, and at the same time, we are again starting to escalate this question is even unclear. well, besides that, we remember the scandal after the investigation of the ukrainian truth appeared that in ukrainform , temniks were introduced and which were sent to journalists in the regions of this information agency, and they then informed that they would not listen to these temniks, write for them, work for them, and then the journalists of this information agency, who resisted the dark ones, received subpoenas, in a word, it also somehow looks like some kind of punitive action, and not, and not
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just i don’t know, sending out subpoenas, as a way of recruiting people to the army who will go to defend their country, yes, we are talking about the head of chernihiv, the corresponding of the ukrainform center, who stated and revealed information about... about these prisoners, that they were just trying to force them to follow the instructions of these prisoners, uh, prisoners, let's not comment, it's a shameful approach in general, because there if it's an estimate of the population, it's with the appropriate adjustment of journalists to actions they should or shouldn't take, who... to ask, who they shouldn't ask, but at the same time, uh, it's, again, uh , we see how such
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an inoculation of ukraine from an attempt to limit freedom of speech, and uh, to date, this vaccination is facing exactly the kind of opposition that highlights this information, and i will remind you that it was just the meeting of the j7 ambassadors to consider this issue back in... the winter and what we have already received, as the result was made public, the ambassadors saw it, they knew about it, this information is already known, and it is circulating at official levels, but this is an indicator of what ukraine is today, which is trying to use these possible levers of influence on information sources as well, including forming such an information policy, which, as me, far from... compliance with journalistic standards, and of course what you said about
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pressure on they believe that in relation to their, so to speak, head office of ukrainform, which, instead of clarifying the situation... explaining that it was a mistake, or that these are the specific culprits , those who committed such actions, they start, begin to crack down on those who is the so-called whistleblower, i.e. the one who reports on the troubles, and here is protection, well, it is a question of protecting whistleblowers, in fact, and it is good that we already have such a proper civil position among journalists, and accordingly, ukraine, i think, will set on the shelves and evaluate the actions of those who were involved in such shameful actions, but
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that will be later, mr. oleksandr, thank you, oleksandr povlichenko, executive director of the ukrainian geltsin union of affairs'. was with us, now let's talk about ukrainian cinema, and there is a similar situation with people from this field. olga bezhmelnytsina, the producer, joins us, people who signed the petition asking that the money that is directed to the cinema be transferred to the army in order to buy drones or whatever is needed to drive out the enemy , then those who are on that list also receive summonses, to what extent? i know, ms. olga, now the film community is again appealing to everyone who cares about the fact that there are attempts to destroy ukrainian cinema, but i am trying to understand how they are trying to destroy ukrainian cinema, because it seems that money has been allocated, and this as if supporting ukrainian cinema, then why does the progressive ukrainian film community say that this is actually the destruction of ukrainian cinema? yes,
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there is a rather complex situation here, which is not so easy to explain, we even created for this... a series of cards with an explanation of the whole situation, because it has been going on for more than a year, that is, in short, a record budget was allocated in this year, not this year, but in general for this pitching, which is currently being held, and the council for state support of cinematography, which distributes this money at the final stage, had to be changed last year in march, and this was not done. and the national union of cinematographers sued to have due process reinstated, won two trials, and a final appeals court decision suspended the board. what did derzhtino do, it bypassed the legal procedures and filed an appeal in writing, which for some reason
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the supreme court accepted in order to carry out this pitching, all this looks... as suspicious as possible, where are they in a hurry, why do they still not want to comply law and to re-elect this council so that all this does not raise questions not only for us, as the ukrainian community, but also for our colleagues in the west, we talked a lot about this if a similar situation happened somewhere in a european country, that is, it is completely discredits the institution, the projects supported and financed by it. and they are suspicious, that is, about the justice of such a distribution, that is why now this whole situation, it is as bad as possible for the entire community, and we are trying to convey this, to explain what is happening, because in the best scenario, the whole the institution must be rebooted, and the council
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must be elected, this is exactly what we are cheering for, we appeal to everyone to highlight... the situation, clarify it in all possible ways already available, because we understand that it is not so easy to explain everything to svavili, that it is happening there, and this is exactly how it is, and derzhkino, meanwhile, is conducting a second round of pitching in order to distribute this record money as quickly as possible in the shortest possible time, that is, i understand that this money is 600 million uah, 600 million uah, we are collecting here, for example, 2.5 million hryvnias are currently spent on drones for the military we want to collect this is our collection and so far we have 344 00, for today 40 00 have been collected, 600 million hryvnias, instead of not shooting some series, but handing them over to the army, no one will hand them over, it seems that no, and the opinion of the film community is not important to anyone , i've been hearing from the film community for a long time that
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ms. kuderchuk, who heads the state cinema, needs to be changed, that this money needs to be handed over. about the fact that it is not necessary to shoot some entertainment series, because it is not in time, but nothing changes, you know, we are once again appealing to all the governing bodies of the country, the last letter was signed by about 700 filmmakers, i.e. these are all iconic names of today's ukrainian cinema, these are people who, in spite of everything, despite the lack of funding, are now creating and shooting films, i.e. we continue to represent ukraine and ukrainian cinema at international festivals, communicate ... with european, international tv channels, and yes, we, we simply demand compliance with all legal procedures, and when there is no trust in the main one. of the institution that works in this field, it is really correct and today it would be fair to transfer this money to the army until legal processes in this area are established. no one hears us, they don't
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answer us, that's why we continue to talk to the community today using all kinds of methods. and what do you think, why they don't listen to you, why ms. kudarchuk continues to stay in her position, who protects her in this position? you know, i don't have any logical explanation, but as i understand it, they believe and believe that they are also doing something useful, that it is important, in their opinion, to create a tv series and content for ukrainian viewers today, and and this is our second argument, what we are saying is that a very small part of the ukrainian film community applied for this pitch, that is, you will not see the names of the iconic ukrainian cinematographers who represented ukraine in the world there this past year, that is... there are questions about the quality of those projects, and i know that here are colleagues from detector media, they follow these pitches, that is , the question of whether this money will be distributed,
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will not be distributed to the best projects, that is, there are many, many questions about all and to procedures, how it goes, well, i want us to watch some series, we won't watch them, because we don't watch them, but ukrainians' money will be spent on it, i don't know, on protest. we can't leave, we can't, yes, these are all, well, all legal methods, that is, how we move, we move through the court process, that is, we have already won two courts, we are waiting for the next trial in the supreme court, but it all takes time, and therefore this is the maximum coverage of this situation, in order to somehow reach, or this this this this this is such an important message for us, but it is possible to introduce some kind of such, i don't know... maybe a commission to investigate colonial narratives in
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ukrainian pop culture tv series, for example, in the 2000s, and just somehow for this all those people can somehow be put in some kind of ban , for example, for pitching for 20-30 years, we have one minute left, worked on some matchmakers or the last muscovite, you don't have the right to pitch for 20 years. and in principle to work in the industry, we don’t have less than a few minutes left, support, no, you know, in order to produce in principles of the rules of the game, it is necessary to have this dialogue with the institution so that it works, is effective and that it also aims to develop and promote ukrainian cinema, now everything looks different, it looks very suspicious, and that is why we call on everyone, well, this is a somewhat similar situation in other industries, unfortunately, but in this industry, it has not been a year since... the minister of culture, thank you, thank you, olga bezhmelnitsyna, the producer talked about what is happening with ukrainian cinema and why ukrainian the authorities do not listen to the appeals of creators
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films about the fact that money should be given to the army, dear friends, you donated 41,000, thank you for this, we hope that during the day you will continue to donate to our defenders, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk worked in this studio for you , thank you, see you tomorrow, stay with espresso. there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on eurofast softcaps of 20% in travel bam and savings pharmacies. there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on memi car ic, 10% at podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. attention, total sale, garden trimmers kors unpack tv with a discount. only from uah 799, only uah 799 for a reliable tool, high power, ease of use, very profitable, minimum effort, maximum result,
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presenters who have become many. in relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people. espresso in the evening. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. zsu fighters destroyed the russian flag in the village of rezhivka in sumy oblast. ukrainian forces are in full control of the situation border this was announced by president volodymyr zelenskyi. the head of state added that the enemy tried to carry out
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an operation in razivka. of a propagandistic nature.


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