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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EEST

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biological parents, or end up in state care because families are no longer able to provide the support they need. for unicef, this means focusing on the most vulnerable families. thanks to the generosity of our partners, we are on... but sometimes we are forced to single out those who need our help first. the most vulnerable group are children deprived of parental care. children with disabilities, children of frontline workers. areas,
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children who do not have access to basic services such as education, health care, social protection etc. one of the main problems we are facing now is related to water supply and drainage. even before the war, ukraine mostly relied on old infrastructure. this is now becoming an increasingly difficult task as children need access to safe drinking water and sanitation services. since march, energy infrastructure and other life support facilities, which are so important for children, have been constantly exposed. shelling, which
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makes children even more vulnerable. we also pay special attention to winter preparations. regarding the educational process, it is worth noting that almost a million children study in a mixed format. and almost 900,000 more. in order for them to return to full-time education, we must provide the necessary services and conditions in schools. in particular, shelters and school meals have been arranged, especially in the frontline areas. you mentioned education, and that's what i
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wanted to ask you about your cooperation with the ministry of education of ukraine on helping children who cannot attend school, could you tell us more about how are you overcoming this problem? in total, approximately 4 million school-age children face barriers to access to education. our main partner in the government is the ministry of education and science, with whom we work closely to solve these problems. we also help coordinate the efforts of development partners and other stakeholders through educational and sectoral coordination mechanisms. in particular, we participate in several initiatives.
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first, we helped the government develop programs to compensate for educational losses. in addition, we supported the development of national strategies of inclusive education and curriculum reform at the political level. now. education is a priority area on the agenda of the european union, with an emphasis on early and preschool development. we strive to ensure that as many young children as possible have access to school education and receive the necessary support. we also
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support schools, teachers and students, especially in frontline areas. devices to front-line schools, which allowed students to continue distance learning if they cannot study face-to-face. in addition, we we help in the development of training. content , wherever possible, we try to help the government and the ministry to improve school infrastructure and all necessary services. in particular, we support the creation of
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a second metro school in kharkiv to provide children with a proper learning environment. "of course, no one would like children to study underground, but i personally visited the first metro school, and we understand that this is our reality at the moment, so we must adapt and expand our support, only in 2023 we helped almost 1,300,000 ukrainian children gain access to formal education. formal education, including early learning. we have established 32 digital education centers to facilitate face-to-face learning and make up for educational losses. especially in
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the frontline areas. we also provide support for children from three to five years old. providing opportunities for informal preschool education and plan to expand these services. our initiatives are also aimed at social support of schoolchildren and teachers. we are implementing various support programs teenagers and young people through the informal world, providing them with skills for future employment. and also for them to be able to join the recovery and make their contribution. you mentioned that
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children are the most vulnerable, and it is about them that i will come next. there were many initiatives that promoted the so -called child welfare reform, designed to ensure that every child has a favorable family environment for development and growth. now
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, with the support of the country's leadership, the first lady and the government, we are implementing the "better care for every child", which focuses on ensuring adequate support for vulnerable children, especially those deprived of parental care, one of the components of this reform is to prevent family separation by identifying vulnerable families in difficult life circumstances and providing them with the necessary assistance, whether in ukraine, a network of community-based resilience centers is also being developed,
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and unicef is also supporting them in establishing services. who need alternative forms of family care. such as a foster family or adoption. therefore, on international family day, may 15, we, together with the government, the office of the president, the coordination center for custody and care and the ministry of social policy, launched a web page that allows future adopters or adoptive parents to access information about children. who need support, as well as training
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materials to make this process as efficient and simple as possible, in our estimation, about 130,000 children in ukraine have complex protection needs, and approximately 700,000 children need improved access to social services. today, about 28,000 children are in orphanages and boarding schools, so we are focusing on providing better care and we want these children to have better alternatives. most of them have a living father. or other relatives,
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so with the help of proper child protection and social services for families, their divorce can be prevented. this is extremely important, because studies show that even one day a child spends in an orphanage or similar facility can harm their long-term development. because the number of children with disabilities is increasing due to the war. we unite various reforms, in particular regarding inclusive education. if more inclusive basic services for children are provided. fewer children with disabilities end up in boarding schools or
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similar institutions. this is part of the broader reform and eu integration agenda. and also our emergency humanitarian response. for example, in in kharkiv, 113 children are currently in... or so-called small group homes, but due to the security situation they need to be evacuated, the organization of the evacuation and all the necessary support is provided by unicef together with the local authorities. the month of june has been declared as global
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parenting month, during which we focus on raising awareness of the impact of protection and love. what activities are you planning this month and what is your organization doing to make this period of time particularly important and meaningful. the month of parenthood is held. every year, unicef strives to emphasize the important role that parents and guardians play in ensuring the well-being and harmonious development of children. as you know, it is very important for children, especially young children, that parents are emotionally involved. this is not only about providing the basic ones. necessary, such as breastfeeding and
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the necessary support, but also the development of emotional bonds, the more time parents spend with their children, both moms and dads, the better the prospects for the child's development in the long term. we know that during the last trimester of pregnancy and the first thousand days of the child's life, that is, from approximately zero to three years. the development of the child and his brain takes place in such a way that if you forget this period, you will not be able to make up for it in the future. this is a crucial period of the child's development, which affects his future life. so we use this
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month as an opportunity to convey to parents and educators this important and encourage them to devote more time to the development of their children, especially in the first years of life. at the same time we we know that parenting is a long-term process that requires targeted support until children become adults. and also a special group of adolescent children, aged from 10 to 14-16 years, who need special attention. this age group is unique in terms of how teenagers behave and socialize. during
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times of war, when mental health and psychosocial support... it is very important that parents and relatives are there to help ease the anxiety and worry that teenagers may feel, even if they do not openly show that they need better emotional relationships. we conducted a survey. among different population groups and found out that parents of children aged three to six consider preschool age to be particularly difficult. 76% of respondents claim that they cannot send their children to kindergarten, which directly affects their
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development. to address this issue and encourage... we are promoting fatherhood month to parents and the general public. unecef participated in the book festival, book arsenal and children's festival film festival, which will be held in different cities of the country. such activities contribute to a better understanding of the importance of early development of children. we explain why the early years are critical. why do children need parental support? and why investing in children,
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especially at an early age, is fundamental. for any nation, for ukraine, in the conditions in which we are, and which is affected by the war for a long time, this is the biggest investment that the country can make. recovery efforts often focus on infrastructure, for example, in road repair and reconstruction, which is definitely important, but if we do not invest in early childhood and... we will not be able to recover and build a better country. the war will eventually end, but there will remain huge problems with the mental and psychological rehabilitation of children who have seen all these horrors. do you have projects related to the psychological and mental rehabilitation of children, and why efforts in this
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regard should be made now, and not wait for the end of the war. ukrainian children have been suffering for more than two years traumatic experience, all these massive rocket attacks, air raids, violence, isolation, forced displacement, separation from family, sometimes loss of loved ones, interruption of education and other services and access to these services. even if the war ended today, the psychological health and social well-being of children and future generations would be extremely difficult. and will require our attention for decades to come. i will give one more example. we
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estimate that because of the war, children in frontline areas spent between 2,800 and 5,000 hours in storage rooms, basements and shelters due to air alarms. what does this mean for their future well-being and mental health? also imagine that the war is over and the veterans return to their families with the stress and difficult experiences they have gone through. how will it affect families, how will it affect children? we already have active psychological health programs. we really cooperate with the ministry of health
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and other institutions. we joined the national program. we work so that children have an equipped space and access to psychological support. to talk about the problems they face. that is why we offer mixed classes where, in addition to learning, children can also receive psychological support. in the long term, we will need targeted and professional support. we cooperate with institutions abroad, in particular in germany and other countries, to use their expertise in this field. we
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work with local universities, with government agencies to have specialized psychiatric services for children and ensure the availability of basic psychosocial support services. today, we have mobile teams that travel to frontline communities and offer psychosocial support to children and families. we also provide more specialized services. together with the ministry of health, we are discussing the possibility of expanding the network of support related to mental health on the basis of... hospitals, we are cooperating with the ministry of education and science so that all this becomes part of the integrated work in schools.
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we train specialists, medical workers, teachers, and we also offer support to social workers in communities and engage them. this is the work that we... are already doing now, and we are convinced that we will continue to move in this direction in the coming years. it is vital that mental health and psychosocial support are integrated into the service package in all areas. for example, we made sure that the centers of sustainability created by the ministry of social policy included elements of psychological and psychosocial support for children and parents. we will continue this work through the education system. in health care, we need to make sure that children have access to different services, or that young people can
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visit youth centers that can offer them support. in addition, during the war, at railway stations, in many front-line areas, we jointly created children's points, which provide a child-friendly environment. where they can play and where we give them back the childhood stolen by war. thank you for this interesting conversation, i am sincerely grateful for your help and for helping ukrainian children in this difficult time for all of us time. thank you. snow. physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over
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