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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, sales, emotions. a project for both experienced fans and just people who appreciate...
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a non-committal view of football, football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. we 're coming back, and it's time to talk about money, a lot of important information, maybe more disturbing, but you definitely need to understand what 's happening, and that's exactly what oleksandr is talking about. i congratulate you, please, you have a word. congratulations to vasyl, indeed, economics is more mathematical, but these news are compelling we don't have to worry, the shortage of personnel in ukraine is increasing, and the prices of bread will also increase. i will tell you everything in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. in fact, to maintain a slightly informative tone, i will start with a winning economy. news: for uah 103 million
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, the state property fund sold the plant confiscated from the russian-greek oligarch ivan savida, we are talking about the pentopak enterprise. this enterprise was sold under economic restrictions for the first time, - said the head of the department vitaliy koval. powerful facility for the production of packaging for the meat processing industry. the buyer has 20 days to pay the price of the lot. in addition to the proposed price, the investor has already paid a guarantee fee. its amount is uah 20 million, so a total of uah 103 million will go to the state budget, and it is important here, vasyl, that this is precisely the property subject to sanctions, well, the state property fund is actively working on this, we already talked with the head of the department in the column about money during the war , that there really are such objects, they are for sale both parking spaces and small such objects that are under economic restrictions, do they belong to... the ultimate russian owners
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or ukrainian oligarchs who were somehow connected to russian, well, connections, in any case it gives quite important steps, i hope that there will be such auctions in ukraine more, it is really necessary to actively sell such enterprises that are under restrictions, well, the shortage of personnel is increasing in ukraine, there are already thousands of vacancies, the number of people looking for work. and , in particular, competition in the labor market are falling, this is stated in the research of the platform workua, instead, they offer analysts, well, different specialties, starting from production capacities, service, sales, but there are not many people who want to work so far, well , experts say that the situation is affected by mobilization, also many ukrainians continue to... go abroad. now,
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according to the workua platform, there are 113,000 vacancies, which is a record number. well, there are also offers from the defense forces. in may, we collected 10% more shouts and reviews than in april. that is , the male population mainly turns to recruiting centers, the workuua platform and is looking for a place in the armed forces. well, interesting information, indeed. vasyl is also offered higher salaries by employers together with these figures, if compared with the month of april in may, for example, in dnipropetrovsk oblast the average salary increased from uah 19,000 to uah 19,500, i.e. plus uah 500 per month, well , there is such an indicator in ukraine as well, sorry , i understand that it depends, of course, on what field of activity and what sector of the economy it is, well, but in any case , where the need is greater, there... they will
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offer more, but on the other hand need also find a specialist. indeed, production facilities are in need of workers quite actively now. well, let's move on, almost 52 million hryvnias have been paid out. another 14 agricultural enterprises have work within the framework of the grant program for supporting small and medium-sized businesses - they reported to the ministry of economy. the money will be directed to the development of horticulture, berry growing, berry growing and viticulture and greenhouse farming. a total of 53 manufacturers have joined this initiative since the beginning of the year. the government reminds that this initiative will be effective from july 1, 2022. funds are provided in the amount of no more than 70% of the cost of the project, but no more than uah 10 million. a mandatory condition is the employment of people. and from june 24 , critical infrastructure will receive priority in
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electricity supply, the rest of the current will be distributed evenly between regions. this can reduce the availability of the resource for all consumers. about this. yuriy boyko, adviser to the prime minister on energy issues, said. the corresponding duration of blackouts plus or minus should equalize - says the official. let me remind you, the other day it was taken out of repair nuclear unit, which added 100mw of power to the grid, so the light restrictions were indeed avoided this weekend, but this week the graphs have already returned. well, speaking of energy, vasyl, ... enough pessimistic forecasts are already being heard from the representatives of the processing industry, well, it is interesting that the bakers were the first to voice their disappointing forecasts, they have already announced an increase in the price of bread as soon as possible, well, in particular, they say that in
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industry association, prices for dry food will already increase by 10%, and in a few months they will add another 20%. well, it's important, actually, i'm clean. they hardly eat bread, but i understand very well that this is the daily diet of ukrainians, even if we say, well, what's more, what people choose, they don't always want it, or some bread is suitable for health, some is not , in any case, if you buy it every day for the family, well, these are essential things, it seems like it is not much, in fact it is quite a lot, really, vasyl, this is not only about classic bread, it is about bakery products in general, so here are the bakers they say that... er, although their enterprises do not belong to the critical infrastructure, but they encounter power outages, well, this traditionally leads to the disruption of the technological process, spoilage of products, equipment failure, this affects everything, exactly is included in the price of the products that
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you and i buy, well, we also need to understand that especially the increase in the price of electricity, which for entrepreneurs has already happened in... the blackout , these are all additional costs for small bakeries, vasyl, understand that the district bakery , which serves a small the population of her district, she will not be able to pull the large generators that are supposed to ensure the production process, well, plus , let's say, i recently talked to a person who works in a company where these generators are, well , there an insane amount of this fuel goes to his to support the work of this. it's not cheap either, you have to understand that small, small bakeries are now under threat of closure, this is the closure of a small business, well, absolutely, and you're not repurposing anything here, you either have an opportunity now, well, again, even buy a generator for a small bakery, it is still an expense, that is, you will not change anything in this situation, and it means that the owner will
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think about buying, investing, whether it is still easier to close the enterprise, to close the enterprise, it is easier to legalize it, but in relation to the increase in revenues to the budget, that's it... the authorities need to think about it because, relatively speaking, 10 people will lose their jobs because of it, but it's also 10 people who pay taxes, 10 people and tax revenues, by the way, i read it today, i just couldn't with could not understand the situation which now arose between the cabinet of ministers and the relevant parliamentary committee, danylo hetman, its head says that the government is already developing such an initiative to raise taxes, and last week the head of the government denys shmigal said that no, no, no , what taxes are we talking about at all we don't say it, that is, it 's a rather complicated situation, we don't say it, but we do it, as they say, well, it's like with the increase in electricity, the government was silent until the last, all industry experts already said that the tariff has been raised, there are already sources , there is already evidence, and the government was silent until of the latter, there is always a good person
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who will say unpleasant things, such a person in this situation is danylo hetmantsev, well, this is his role , as i understand it, he always says unpleasant things, and we are being prepared for raising taxes, well, if we talk about raising bread , which is really waiting for... consumers with you, then, in addition to the fact that the industry is now in a situation where the light disappears, when the current is forcibly turned off, it will also add value. and the price of flour, and the shortage of grain, well, we have a few more minutes to hear the opinion an expert on this matter, yuriy dudchenko, president of the all-ukrainian association of bakers, joins the broadcast, good evening, good evening, mr. yuriy, well, we have started to analyze the situation a little because of you, but announce what to prepare for consumers in the family budget, what share money for bread and how much it is not... in the long run, it may become more expensive and give a few reasons in particular, will it really
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be an increase? well, the situation before the power outage at the bakers was already very tense due to the fact that recently all components in the cost price, starting with flour, but by the month of may, the price of flour increased by 36%. increased sugar, oil, all ingredients, that is, to this day. the same electricity, it has become more expensive by 25%, in july we expect another 10% increase, that is , all these reasons give bakers, well, the opportunity to revise prices, we say, well , already for a price of 30%, we need to revise, tell me , please, we are talking about, we are talking about bread or in general about bakery products, and i am interested... how long do these the situation of small baking enterprises?
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let's say that in the structure of the manufacturer , approximately 60 percent is occupied by bread, so to speak, bread for mass consumption, bread of a simple recipe, where there is flour, salt, sugar and water, eh, that is, these breads, well, like a ukrainian wheat loaf, eh ... they, i think, increase in price by 10 percent, and bread with a more complex recipe, where more complex technologies are required, brewing, there is more sugar, fat, such bread can increase by 15 or 20%. and i think we're going to see an increase in the price in the coming month on average by 10%, but we will see in july and august. prices for the new harvest, we will see fuel prices, and these components will
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already form their own value, but i will be very brief, because today i read various and such treacherous, well, a lot of information, why bread is more expensive, even about the fact that too much was exported, and now we don't have anything, as they say, what to bake, maybe it's just words, but i'm just voicing, as they say, the opinion of individual people who want to have answers, is it true or not, is there really a shortage of the second grain now? there is no need to reject it speculative component, because they believe that there are problems with grain, especially the second and third grades, they keep it, the price of it rises accordingly, well, everyone wants to make money, these are the owners, they have the right to shape the price of their product, but really, lately they have been raising flour prices for bakers, they say that it is getting harder for them, on the market... at adequate grain prices, and i think that it is necessary
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to speak at the level of the relevant ministries, to prepare already for the new harvest a memorandum to guarantee the necessary quantity to ensure the domestic market. thank you for, unfortunately, disappointing forecasts regarding the increase in prices for the main product for ukrainians, yurii dudchenko was a guest of the program. about money during the war, the chairman of the presidency of the all-ukrainian association of bakers, well, really, vasyl, here gasoline prices can still add value, because we expect an increase in excise taxes from july, and this increase will be spread over several years, but that's already a topic our next editions, i'm going to say goodbye, the big broadcast is going on, watch us, consequences, that's all... consequences, well, what will be discussed today in the verdict program, which
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starts at 20:00, i will ask my colleague sergey rudenko, who is joining our broadcast, sergey, good evening, please, good evening vasyl, at 20:00 we will start our two-hour broadcast, and in the first part of our broadcast we will have three guests: an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, a major of the armed forces of ukraine, ihor lapin, mykhai mykhailo gonchar, one of the leading experts in the energy sector, and viktor boberenko, a political expert. let's talk about what is currently happening at the front, about what is happening in the energy sector, and in particular, regarding... the renewal of disconnections from ukrenergo, what does this mean, and actually, what should ukrainians prepare for in the next 2-3 months, and of course, how to survive the winter of 2025, this is obviously the question that worries ukrainians now, given the permanent blackouts in various regions of ukraine,
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let's talk among other things, about the struggle for the restoration of ukraine. today , the head of the state agency for the reconstruction of ukraine, mustafa nayem, wrote a resignation letter. together with him , two more of his deputies resigned. they accuse the prime minister of ukraine denys shmygal of because he puts sticks in the wheels in the work of the agency for the reconstruction of ukraine. tomorrow , a big conference on the restoration of ukraine is to begin in berlin, and mustafa nayem wanted to go. as the head of the agency for the reconstruction of ukraine to this conference, but the prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal did not let him go to berlin, well , in fact, this last straw was already in such difficult, as i understand, relations that currently exist between shmyhal and naim, and mustafa wrote a resignation letter, which
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became the reason why the entire team oleksandr kubrakova, because... mustafa nayem is part of the large team of the former vice-prime minister of ukraine, who was unexpectedly removed from his post, we will talk about this with our experts, and of course the top topic of today and all the world's media - these are the elections to the european parliament, there are already preliminary results of the elections in various countries, how will this affect the support of the european parliament for ukraine, i hope to hear from our esteemed... experts at 9:15 p.m., as there will be a traditional hour of comments every monday, we will talk about the long-awaited the front buzhansky at the military chair, about what orbán thinks about the global peace summit, which is to be held on june 15-16, and how the chinese and russians are actually trying
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to block this summit. we start in 12 minutes, only. meet serhii rudenko, now meet yevhen postahov, sports news, for your attention, yevhen, good evening, please, good evening, vasyl, i congratulate the dear viewers of the tv channel, well, there are only four days left until euro-2024 in football, a big continental forum will start already this week, but not only about football let's talk today, it will start in a few seconds. we will start with the achievements of ukrainians at the european athletics championship, which is ongoing in rome. so, yaroslava moguchych triumphed at the european championship for the second time in a row, with a height of 2 m and 1 cm from the tribune. in the fight for victory, our
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compatriot overtook the representative of serbia, angelina topich. her. the result is 1 m 97 cm. for yaroslava, this is the second victory at the continental championship, the first time she won the euro in 2022. at the same time, maguchych could not perform at all in the roman final. after the qualification, the ukrainian from the tribune reported in a comment to public sport that she had an injury that she received at the stage of the diamond league in stockholm, but during the decisive jump, the ukrainian did not feel pain. i suggest listening directly. i wanted to defend my title and become a two-time european champion and now i've done it, i'm very happy with the result, it's a good result that shows that i can jump higher and higher, but now my task was not to feel pain and i didn't feel pain i am very happy, and now i have
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time to recover and prepare for the most important competition in my career. we are talking, of course, about the olympic games in paris, and we are returning to rome, another ukrainian, iryna herashchenko, won a bronze medal at the same competition and the best result of iryna's performance in rome: 1 m 95 cm, height 1.97, iryna failed in three attempts . for gerashchenko, this is the first award at the european championships in outdoor athletics. before that, she had in the asset. silver of the 2021 european championship, and mykhailo kohan became a bronze medalist of the european championship in... molota. the 23-year-old ukrainian won his debut medal at the adult level, kohan qualified for the finals with the third result, right in
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the finals, mykhailo threw twice over 80 m, and was second and third in the intermediate protocol. beloved's best effort is 80m/18cm, which he showed in the penultimate actual attempt. the athlete himself reported that he performed with a temperature, because at... kohan obtained an olympic license, so he is guaranteed to compete at the 2024 olympics in paris, and the athlete will prepare for the games in estonia. and now let's talk about football. the fourth consecutive victory of the olympic team of ukraine today won its victory at the international friendly tournament in france. our team beat japan. vladyslav veleten scored a double in the blue-yellow team. the japanese responded with an accurate shot by shiogai, so it was 2:1 in the end. previously, ruslan rotan's wards defeated indonesia 3:0, italy 4:0 and panama
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2:0. the ukrainians took first place in the group of this tournament and thus the blue-yellow team reached the final. our team will play on june 16 against the codivoi team, which also secured the first place in the other group early. let me remind you that in july ukraine will participate for the first time. in the olympic football tournament, the team qualified for the competition through the semifinals of the youth euro 20-23. and i will remind you that tomorrow, tuesday , the ukrainian national football team will hold its final control match before the start of the 2024 european championship. serhiy rebrov's team will play against the moldovan team. the european championship will start in germany on june 14, and ukraine will play its first match on... the 17th in june against romania, i will briefly read what serhiy rebrov said before the match against moldova, the press conference ended just recently, so he said the following about the team:
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all the results in the matches are important, but during the preparation, he does not come to the fore, this is the result, we called up 26 players and i believe that everyone deserved a chance to play, we gave playing time to all football players, there is a normal, planned preparation for the euros, well... actually , we will hope for this successful plan of ribrov, as well as for his embodiment, i i will say goodbye to you, then my colleagues vasyl zzema and natalka didenko will continue the broadcast, and i thank yevhen pastokhov, i wish success to our national team, but we are now taking care of the main team of our country, and the main team of our country is, of course, the defense forces. armed forces of ukraine and forces in general. defense, we are helping with what we can help now, including the money our soldiers need to provide themselves with the necessities. therefore, we ask you to join
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the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in solodarsk and zaporizhzhya directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone, in the open air in any weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military armored vehicles. we need a minibus that will deliver to the war zone, mobile repair teams and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for the prompt repair of foreign equipment, we need to collect 630 uah, as of now we have already managed to collect 428 uah, i hope that the collection will go faster, we we can close this question, thank you for that, and i will add natalka didenko to the conversation about didenko, about the weather and for tomorrow and for this week in general, good evening, please, congratulations to vasyl, congratulations to our dear viewers, we will, of course, talk about the nearest synoptic situation, but as always, not only about it, literally in a second. we are talking
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about the weather for the next day, a lot of rain is currently wandering around ukraine, some, however, do not have enough of it, and there is such a thing, but agree that this is what we say, the weather is dry, with increased humidity, it brings back memories about mosquitoes, and not only memories, but sometimes we feel them very well. now a lot of people are complaining about their badness, so let's say, so let's pay attention to this tiny but very important insect, so mosquitoes, what we know about them, feel the presence of a person 50 m away, so there's no need to hide, well, it's in vain , i mean, mosquitoes are attracted, very attracted... blood alcohol content, draw your own conclusions, sees mosquitoes in the dark 15 meters in front of him, with also they are so important that they can
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regulate even the number of animals. spreading dangerous diseases, such as, for example, malaria and some types of encephalitis. when mosquitoes look for their prey, they focus on carbon dioxide exhaled by a person or an animal, and when we breathe faster, the risk of bites increases, for example, during sports, or when we engage in physical labor, in other words, with profuse sweating, and scientific facts confirm that the female mosquito remembers exactly how the victim smelled, in the future she will prefer exactly such people, with such smell and, accordingly, anatomy, physiology, if the composition of the blood will be favorable for the offspring, that is, let's not be afraid that mosquitoes will bite us, well, at least do not swear and fight a lot, because it turns out that they just care about the continuation of their mosquito family, we pass to the behavior of magnetic earth's fields, we will talk about magnetic storms now, now for your attention, as always, a forecast chart, and it shows that magnetic bulls are expected in the coming days.
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especially in the coming night, so if you feel uncomfortable today, go ahead write it all off to magnetic storms, because tomorrow they will be there, the day after tomorrow, for example, they will not be there anymore, but still, if you are serious about taking care of your well-being, about the prevention of your health, if you really notice negatively, you react to er, such an active magnetic field of the earth, well , let’s move on to the weather itself, we start as usual from the western regions, traditionally with... now we will look together with you, look at the maps and listen, so tomorrow in the west, well, as you can see, the air temperature is very modest, yes say, +18 +22, in some places up to +24, short-term rains, thunderstorms, and during thunderstorms , heavy showers are possible, attention and caution, also thunderstorms and hail, residents of the western regions complain about the excess of rain, but that's the synoptic situation, on at midnight, tomorrow
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, atmospheric fronts will also cause active atmospheric activity, there will be rain, there will be thunderstorms, during thunderstorms there will be a gusty increase in the wind in places, hail is possible, the air temperature, well, i would say ideal , you can say 24-27°, but of course, when heavy rains, we will feel the excess of this moisture, in the east of ukraine, heat, there is a classic summer, the air temperature will range from 30 to 33°, significant precipitation is unlikely to be abundant. sun, in the central part of ukraine tomorrow the air temperature is also quite high, from vinnytsia to dnipropetrovsk region +25 + 31, it is the highest actually in the dnipro with the districts, and also in places, for example, in cherkasy region, in vinnytsia there will be short-term rains and thunderstorms. finally, the area of ​​the center is without significant precipitation, for now, at least. in the south of ukraine , rains and thunderstorms will take place in odesa tomorrow
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region and during thunderstorms, be there. gale-force winds may occur along the coast. the air temperature, as you can see, is very high, 30-33 above zero. i don't recommend bringing an umbrella with you to kyiv tomorrow. tomorrow in kyiv, the weather is expected to be unstable with short-term heavy rains, but with a fairly comfortable air temperature of about +25°. this is the most recent synoptic perspective, i want to say that from wednesday, june 12 in most regions of ukraine. well, if it's not colder, then at least it's refreshing, but of course, keep a close eye on our updated ones weather forecasts on the espresso channel. thank you, mrs. natalsa didenko, thank you for being with us, goodbye until tomorrow at 18:10, take care and stay with espresso, the verdict will be in just a few moments, we will watch together. good evening, we are from ukraine. today
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in the program verdict with serhiy rudenko, with the kind permission of the white house, the armed forces of ukraine began to effectively use western weapons on strategic objects in the russian rear. what are the consequences of increasing the geography of ukraine's military capabilities. electricity consumption is increasing. ukrenergo updated the disconnection schedules for industrial and household consumers in the regions. will the increase in electricity tariffs save the ukrainian energy industry and will other prices rise? the struggle for the restoration of ukraine. mustafa nayem resigned from the position of head.


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