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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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we discussed the details of the war that is unfolding in ukraine. we will return to this issue at the g7 meeting, where we both hope that all g7 members will agree to a $50 billion solidarity package for ukraine. i could only advise macron, let's, let's decide quickly, let's quickly create this one. stabilization fund, give more weapons to the ukrainians, because the future of europe depends on what is happening now in ukraine, and both macron and including orban, who opposes the idea of ​​the united states of america to provide ukraine with a loan that will be repaid with profits from frozen russian assets in the eu countries, orban is another scumbag. i don't
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want to call him the president of putin, the master of the kremlin, and orbán criticizes the leaders of western countries because of their desire to defeat russia militarily for the sake of money and power, let's listen to what another of our not -so-good neighbors has to say. the americans came up with an excellent offer. "they will give a new 40 billion dollars in loans to ukraine, and we europeans, we guarantee that the ukrainians will pay this money. the fact of the matter is that the western leaders who are on the warpath want to defeat russia militarily, a great plan, so simple, but for what? but for the sake of money, for the sake of money, assets, influence, as always. orban, as orban, also
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talks about the fact that ukraine is trying to drag not only the european union into a war with russia, but also the united states, saying that his country should stay out of the war. the hungarian prime minister says: "ukrainians think that what the more countries they can involve in the war against the russians, the greater the chances of victory, so they will involve the european union in the war, or even the whole world with the ukrainian national". the neighbor, hungary, and the leader of hungary, says that we are trying to involve everyone in the war with russia, we did not start this war, it is putin who is trying to involve all of europe in this war, including hungary, hungary, which at one time was times of the soviet union suffered from a soviet boot, and they...
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know very well what a soviet soldier is, but for some reason orbán does not look beyond his wallet, that is , he constantly blames ukraine, constantly says that it is ukraine that is doing its best to continue the war with russia, that i would like what orban would like, well, orban would certainly like ukraine and russia to sign some kind of peace, some kind of peace agreement or some kind of truce. and in fact, in this way , the war would be frozen, in orbán’s understanding, this is the way out, although we perfectly understand that any freezing of the conflict and any freezing of the war will sooner or later lead to a new escalation, as soon as russia breathes a little, as soon as russia accumulates a little weapons, as soon as russia develops its military-industrial complex. there
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will definitely be a new war and there will definitely be a continuation of this bloody massacre that putin has arranged on ukrainian soil. against this background, friends, despite all of orban's statements, the permanent representatives of the member states of the european union could not make a decision on the recommendations of the european commission, to start negotiations on joining the eu with ukraine, as hungary objected, and discussions. will continue next week, well, you see, orbán is doing everything to make the world and the european union perceive ukraine in a different way than it should, to not perceive ukraine as a part of europe, to not perceive ukraine as a part of civilization, and not to perceive ukraine as a country that can defeat the russian federation, well, again, you have to understand who orban is and why he...
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works against ukraine, this is also said a lot has been written, he, together with the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, peter szijjártó, has close contacts with the russian federation, personally with putin, and therefore. and orbán and szijjártó, they are focused on both russia and china, so here the question is only for the european union, why in the current situation are sanctions not applied against hungary and against the leaders of hungary, who are actually leading to the split of the european union and trying to influence the position of the european union regarding ukraine. i have already spoken several times on our broadcasts during the last week about the fact that... er putin is now trying to maximize the topic of zelenskyi’s usurpation of power, and this started hysteria in boloty a month and a half ago, when lavrov announced that
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on may 20, that is, after may 20 , the 24th of the year, zelenskyi’s legitimacy will be questioned , despite the fact that in russia ... presidential elections were held with all the violations, and it is worth talking about the illegitimacy of putin, and not about the illegitimacy of zelensky, but putin continues to pump this topic, obviously this topic will be the main one at the so-called peaceful summit with the participation of china, russia, brazil there and these groups of countries that are part of the brics organization, obviously, obviously, he will insist that russia, if there will be any negotiations. with ukraine, but not with zelenskyi, because according to putin, the executive power in ukraine has lost its legitimacy, and he says that zelenskyi usurped power, another statement was made at the st. petersburg international economic forum, let's hear what
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the kremlin dictator said. there is a law on the essence of the martial law regime, and it says that in under the conditions of martial law... presidential elections are not held, but it is not said there that they will be prolonged, after all, i am a graduate of st. petersburg university, faculty of law, and this is very important, this is an essential thing, if it is not said, then it does not exist. there are relevant articles in the criminal code that deal with the usurpation of power, and it seems that we are dealing with the usurpation of power, but negotiations can still be introduced, because according to the articles 110, 109, 111 of the constitution, the power goes to the speaker of the council, so if there is the desire to negotiate, it is possible, well, this is just a creature that needs a special evaluation
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by the international criminal court, this creature that says that she is a lawyer and that this... lawyer is trying to analyze ukrainian legislation, this creature that has completely violated international law , which broke absolutely all the agreements that existed in the world after the second world war, started the largest continental war in europe since the second world war, this creature appeals to some legislation, to ukrainian legislation, to ukrainian ukrainian constitution, and what does it have... the right to comment and generally interfere in legal nuances and in what is happening on the territory of a sovereign state, why do you constantly try to stick your nose into the ukrainian legal field, understand yourself, show how you are
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obey laws and international law, tell us that you are a lawyer and graduated from the faculty of law of st. petersburg. university, but you never learned anything, because you are, as you were, and remain a st. petersburg gopnik who operates according to the principle: if there is a fight irreversible, it is necessary to strike first, well, this is the typical behavior of the gopnik from st. petersburg and the typical behavior of the gopnik of the kremlin. well, of course, friends, in this story putin wins as always. their nuclear arsenals or verbal nuclear arsenals, and this platform, the st. petersburg economic forum was the very platform where he started talking about nuclear weapons again, he said that they don't need to use nuclear weapons, but
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again he picked up and started talking about these nuclear weapons, about how the whole world should fear and tremble, listen. of course, the same the europeans themselves will have to think if those with whom we exchange such blows do not exist. do the americans get involved in this exchange of blows already at the level of strategic weapons or not? i doubt it very much, and the europeans should also think about it, but i still assume that it will never come to that, and we do not have such a need. the only thing i can't understand is why a person who engages in terror and is a terrorist, or rather not a person, but a creature, let's go. to call putin a creature, and this creature, it deserves one thing: what is usually done with
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terrorists, they are not negotiated with, they are simply destroyed. i don't understand why putin is still warning about some kind of nuclear weapon, that he will threaten everyone, that he will do everything for europe if the europeans will provide weapons and hit them... at the points where these nuclear weapons, weapons arsenals are located, i don't understand why the world calmly looks at this, why the world does not react to this, why after all putin is still alive, forgive me, but this is a question, which answer, which i don't have it, and the world doesn't either, and it's really bad , because he's always in favor of... he's always talking about these nuclear threats, and he's actually
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tired everyone out with these nuclear threats, and in the end, in this story nuclear threats, someone has to put an end to it, i hope that the nuclear threats will be put to an end. well , it was five years before our president, president zelensky, just three weeks ago. zelenskyi's presidency, we talked a lot about it, about the results, how our experts on the air evaluate the five years of the presidency zelenskyi, there were many different comments, and just a few days ago, the kyiv international institute of sociology published a survey and a survey about the level of trust in president zelenskyi, what sociology says, the level of trust in president zelenskyi is gradually decreasing fear. 22, but as of may 24, the majority of respondents still trust the head
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of state, and at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, confidence in zelensky was 90%, last december 77, in february 64, and now 509. 55% of ukrainians are negative about this assess the activities of the presidential party servants. kind and most of them are very bad, this is also evidenced by the results of the kmis survey, another 31% of respondents view the party as neutral, only 9% of respondents are good or very good, i think that in the conditions of war, of course, these numbers that are made public must be perceived through the prism of what che... we are going through now, and of course, in a situation where we
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are threatened by the russian federation and attacked by the enemy every day, these numbers may vary and can change very quickly in one direction or another, and obviously any political ratings or some kind of sociology related to certain political forces may be irrelevant, that is, we can now discuss, of course, the second presidential term of zelenskyi , about how he is perceived, not perceived, but we are at war, and we have a president who is legitimate, and this legitimacy is confirmed by various leaders of political forces, and there is a consensus about this, at least among the ukrainian authorities, but but against the background of this one sociology... is now being published, how it enters the mass media in ukraine, there are publications about what
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is happening in the ukrainian government in the west, and in the british edition of the times, in the article the court was shaken by the thirst for power of zelenskyi's assistant, the head of the president's office andriy yermak of ukraine is accused of accumulating personal power and usurping democratic processes. the times writes that, citing interlocutors, yermak is called the de facto head of state or vice president in the ukrainian government. of ukraine. is growing concerns that zelensky is relying more and more on a handful of sneaky domestic voices, the british publication writes. the fear becomes even more acute, because the number of officials who have direct access to the president is decreasing, and yermak's team is growing. here is such a picture painted by
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the british publication, and here it is time for president zelensky to think. actually, how does it look in the world, when yarmak is perceived as a person who is not the first person, but he is not the second, as the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, oleksandr tkachenko, once said, and on that in the background, of course, we see the strengthening of andriy yaermak's position, he has enough power, and this power is already recorded by our western partners, and the western partners pay attention to this... power and, you see, they accept him as a person, as a second person in the state, although the second person in the state according to the constitution is the head of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, ruslan stefanchuk, who, in the event that president zelensky somehow loses power, becomes the acting president
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of ukraine, but the british, british journalists say, well, this is a fair vice president of ukraine, and this is also quite a big challenge for ukraine and for ukrainian society, because the head of the office of the president of ukraine, he has clearly prescribed powers and there, in principle, these powers include a complete list of what yermamak can do and what he cannot do, well, but in conditions of monopolies and in conditions of war, of course, when all... power in the country is concentrated in the hands of five or six managers, as zelenskyi says, then there are a lot of questions about why these people have such a large mega-power , because i always said, and i always repeat it, that monopower requires monoresponsibility,
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that is, if someone, let's say, catches a minister. or there is the head of some state committee on a bribe, then the person who heads this monopoly is responsible for it, that is, president zelenskyi, not andriy yermak, but president zelenskyi, by the way, today the head of the state agency for the reconstruction of ukraine , mustafa nayem, wrote a statement of resignation, and two of nayem's deputies also wrote statements, the reason being that shmyhal did not sign from... zhenya on to berlin for the conference that will be dedicated to the restoration of ukraine, and mustafa naim, as the profile curator of the restoration of this should be there, in his post on facebook, he wrote that there are a lot of questions for prime minister shmygal and how they treat this agency for the reconstruction
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of ukraine. in a word, this week we will have such a broad panorama. are monstrous in the ukrainian government, and this is also very bad, in fact, because it unfolds these misunderstandings, these demarches against the background of what ukraine wants. ukraine wants our support partners in the reconstruction of ukraine, ukraine wants to hold a peace summit. ukraine eventually wants to become a member of the north atlantic alliance and receive an invitation to the summit, which will be held in july. but, well, in this situation, a question arises, then... maybe first we need to figure it out within the authorities, get together , figure out what is happening, well , in the end, put dots of hope so that it does not look ridiculous outside of ukraine, so that it didn't look like there wouldn't even be a single person at the conference tomorrow who actually oversaw or was engaged in the restoration of ukraine,
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i mean the former vice-prime minister of ukraine kubrakov and mustafa nayem. but against the background of what is happening in the ukrainian government, there is also good positive news that gives a certain orientation for many people in this country, the writer serhiy zhadan, and mobilized to the ranks of the national guard of ukraine, he announced this on his page in having published a photo in military uniform on facebook, he wrote: he joined the ranks of the 13th brigade of the national guard of ukraine. i go to school, i serve the ukrainian people. serhii zhadan is a marker for many young people, for many people who focus on... him, and this act is, of course, quite actively discussed in social networks, and people talk among themselves about what happened, so respect is of course here ,
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serhiy zhadan, and i have known zhadan for a long time, more than 30 years, and i bow my head to his act, because it is really an act, and for a writer to get away with it. to fight with weapons and join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, well , that's all that is happening, against the background of such an act of desire, i was sadly impressed this week by the military institute of taras shevchenko kyiv national university, which invited people's deputy from the servant of the people maksym buzhanskyi to give a lecture on the topic, listen. as the topic of the lecture is called: the modern stage of state formation in ukraine. in a message on the university's website, it was stated that the cadets discussed with buzhansky
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problems about the importance of education and development, questions about the importance of critical thinking of the population and other topics. later, by the way, this one the post you are viewing has been deleted. the military institute of shevchenko national university of kyiv became a shame. and i understand this shame and understand why the actual military institute was so quickly assigned to this post and i realized that i fell under hate, because max bozhansky was one of the biggest opponents of the introduction of the ukrainian language in various spheres, in december 2019 he submitted to the parliament a bill on repeal of the law on language, that is, this is a typical quilter, this is a person who passed... to the parliament, and is in to the pro-presidential force, a servant of the people, this is a person who has always shown contempt for
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everything ukrainian, and suddenly this person appears at a military institute and starts lecturing on the current stage of state-building in ukraine, there are simply no words, how can you invite a vatnyk and an anti-maidan activist during the war give a lecture for the future. the military, for the people who will defend the ukrainian state, which, what, what we, what truth can they hear from him from a person who has always been a ukrainophobe, i frankly do not understand this, by the way, about a ukrainophobe, the sbu and the national police detained a ukrainophobe who attacked the wife of a soldier in kyiv because of her ukrainian language, he turned out to be a 74-year-old local resident.
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well, you see, despite the war, this fate, or the share of these ukrainophobes, does not decrease in ukraine, russian missiles fly at their heads, putin kills them, and putin burns ukrainian cities, and it runs and shouts to the wife of a military man that he always beat such people who speak ukrainian, he will do it. it seems to me that in the conditions of... wartime, such people are needed punish them more harshly, that is, they should sit in prisons, they should be punished, the whole state should know about this punishment, so that there would not be
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an example for other troublemakers, of whom there are usually a lot in ukraine and people who pray and always prayed in the russian language and in moscow, so that this will not be an example for them, so that they do not... do not repeat this, because in the conditions of war it is dangerous, it can lead to tragic consequences both for ukraine and for these people, because if they fall under the hands of people who went to the front are like this people can get a full refund, and this is also a very big problem, and the problem that needs to be solved, it is necessary to finally put an end to the big ... opposition that the vapidists and ukrainophobes are trying to activate in ukraine now, because everyone is there for that.
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the state has the means, for that there are all possibilities, so that this does not happen again. at this, friends, i will put a full stop, but we will also look now at the results of the survey that we conducted on our tv broadcast, as well as on youtube, we asked you about this, do you hope that will the new composition of the european parliament support ukraine? yes, 88% and 12%, no, these are the results of the survey we conducted. on the tv broadcast on youtube, we have a ratio of 86 yes 14% no, i put a full stop on this, it was the verdict program by serhii rudenko, goodbye, take care of yourself and your family, there are discounts that represent
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10:00 pm
greetings to all, if you are interested in ukrainian football, the national team of ukraine, this is the program for you. if you don't really like football, sports, but just want to find out where ukrainians in europe are at the forefront, then this is also for you program. football format, i am oleksandr vashchuk and andriy malinovskyi with you. andriy, hello, in a week, the ukrainian national team will start for the euro, what are your expectations, experiences, what can you say first words? hello, hello everyone, well yes, we actually have a countdown for all the fans, in fact, exactly one week remains until the opening match with the romanian team, so now we live all these days together with the national team and carefully watch every movement of literally our football players, well and we will definitely analyze that now preparation, those matches that the national team has already played and will play with the moldova team, the last control duel before the euro.


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