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tv   [untitled]    June 10, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. i congratulate you, a few years ago an inscription appeared on the kyiv embankment: who to call when the police kill, it was constantly painted over by communal workers, and activists always restored it. this is how it looked, now we will show you. over time, similar inscriptions began to appear in other ukrainian cities. why? that, as the activists explained, to
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draw attention to crimes committed with the participation of law enforcement officers, to draw attention to law enforcement officers exceeding their powers, and to draw attention to attempts to conceal crimes. i mentioned this in the context of our topic on the air today: who to call if you are beaten or even killed in the shopping center, who will ultimately be responsible for the death of the utc. this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. two protests have already taken place in the city. baranivka in zhytomyr oblast. people go to the district tsk to get an answer. who mocked 32-year-old serhii kovalchuk. the man was sent to the territorial recruitment center on may 28. from there, the next day, he was taken to the hospital with multiple injuries. he died without regaining consciousness on june 2. the law enforcement officers are now investigating this case. the zhytomyr ccc stated that serhiy abused alcohol and that alcohol led to an epileptic seizure.
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relatives do not believe this version. radio svoboda correspondents met with the father of the deceased man and listen to what he says. what, son, have you been tortured? mykola kovalchuk carries flowers to his son's grave. the other day serhiy was about to turn 33, he didn't live for a week. he died in the hospital on june 2 after visiting the district tsk, where he stayed for a day. then my father got a call from the hospital. doctors reported that the son is in intensive care, his condition is critical. called. from the waiting room that your son serhiy was taken to novograd, suspicion, uh, info, a stroke, a person who was touched by a stroke was beaten about two hours later, approximately, it was received that he was already in resuscitation from the novhrad-volynsky waiting room, that your son is already in intensive care, serhiy kovalchuk was taken to the hospital by ambulance to... was put in the third
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stage of a coma. the doctors did a computer tomography and immediately began to operate. computed tomography showed: closed cranial grass, linear fracture of the right parietal bone, right-sided intracranial hematoma with pronounced defecation syndrome, epidural hemorrhage, inspiratory contusion of the brain, fracture of the lower jaw, non-focalization and pneumonitis will cause aspiration or food or vomiting masses, because he was aspiration, when the transportation was on the bank of the brain. then this is a very serious, very serious, very serious injury, when he goes, he comes in such, even in such a condition, when operative intervention is not indicated, it was an operation from chi. serhii spent another four days on a ventilator and died. the father is sure that his son was simply beaten to death. this is indicated by the nature of the injuries - says the man. her son was beaten on the head, she attributed everything to an epileptic seizure from alcohol. although declares that he was neither an alcoholic nor had he ever had... epileptic seizures he helps people
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he helped i used to drink, but it was not i refused service , they forced me to do something, i don't know what night, everything was done at night, in the morning, in the morning, everything was washed as it couldn't be, and naked, without a t-shirt, shirt, without pants , they brought me in an ambulance to our reception room. department of baranivska hospital. two days after the death of a conscript on june 4 on its facebook page, the zhytomyr regional technical committee denied the involvement of its employees in the death of serhii kovalchuk. witnesses note that the man had been abusing alcohol a few days before and had signs of minor injuries. on the morning of may 29, the man had an epileptic seizure caused by prolonged alcohol consumption. he was given first aid.
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an ambulance was called. the investigative team at the scene of the incident qualified the event as self-mutilation. unfortunately, on june 2, 2024 from injuries received during an epileptic attack. the man died in the hospital, but the townspeople do not believe this version, they have already gone to a protest action twice in front of the baranivka district tsk, demanding an explanation as to where serhiy got such serious injuries from? in general, he was taken from his home at 5 in the morning, on the second day he was already brought in in a serious condition, there are reports of doctors, all that he was badly beaten, he had a fractured skull, a broken jaw, well, i think he is a dear person to me, well, he does not know that it is not an epileptic.
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mrs. oksana was present at that meeting, the woman says that no one gave a clear answer as to what happened to sergey and who could have beaten him like that. the military commissar told me that such actions, that he stepped back, were already here, we understood that in the military committee he fell with his head on the stove, then he was already falling on the table, i understood that, already somewhere on... push it like that the jaw is beaten, well, if they say that he was thrown there by epilepsy, a person, well, when someone is there, they hold him, and he cannot beat himself like that , neither in front nor behind. the police are investigating the death of serhii kovalchuk. deal immediately
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classified as careless, serious, or moderate injury. however, on june 6, coincidentally, after the publication of this story, the prosecutor general's office. took control of the investigation and reclassified the case under the article of murder. son, i will find these murderers of yours, i want to achieve justice. petro kuzyk, callsign apostle, commander of the freedom battalion of the rubizh offensive brigade of the national guard of ukraine, joined our broadcast. congratulations. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. look, peter, we just told you. the story of serhii kovalchuk from zhytomyr region, who died after visiting the tsc. while the investigation is ongoing, we cannot give any legal assessment there, and nevertheless, while there is no such legal assessment, from your point of view, as from the side, from the point of view of the military, what now has, who and what, more precisely, now has
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to make it clear that the state does not tolerate violence in the tcc. well, if a person... got into the tsc, then the tsc officers are responsible for him, if the person received some, well, i'll tell you this, well, i'm choosing words, it's unacceptable, people, because all military personnel, their main function is the protection of the ukrainian people, and to mock them there or to treat them like that on... hunting there, i sometimes look, well, frankly at the unprofessional actions of tsk employees, it seems to me that they, uh- well, i'm taking the wounded by the arm, they just started
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to authorize the employees of the tcc, let's say such sloppy tetskashniks, well, their actions are not just unprofessional, but destructive. what about peter, can you clarify, and can you clarify here, and what exactly are you you call unprofessional actions of tsc employees, just so that there is understanding, but i will tell you that thanks to their actions, such organized hunts for people, the security forces, when they forcefully pack them there almost in the trunk , deliver them to tsc, there they behave with them in such a way that a person, even if... there were some remnants of the desire to defend the country, his motivation is strongly reflected by these figures, accordingly, well, as a commander, i need highly motivated fighters who are ready
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to fight there, well, really for ukraine, this is a sacred duty, and when it is a sacred duty, such non-professionals trample with their feet. activists are serving in the service or there , well there, i don't know, they have their own plan , they are making a plan or something. let's say what i'm talking about, in my opinion, the work of certification, the work of informing , organizing a list of a database of people who can serve, who can protect, in no case no one has the right to exceed their duties, let go, or even more so to work in this way, instead of helping the state lead. correct informational work about the need to defend
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the country, about the fact that it is hard work, risky work, about how you can survive the war there, there are explanations and so on, they are making efforts so that more and more more of the population became embittered and divided, but the majority of the crime itself is the division of the country into those who protect, well, like. before there were atoshniks, now there, well, there are us, and the civilian population, who are already afraid of people in uniform, although we are one people, we are the same, we simply went as volunteers, so it happened that in this period, someone will have to change us later and so on, and these processes in extreme conditions of war, they are due to unprofessionalism, maybe they are not used to it. work maybe they are all the time well that's my personal opinion
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god forbid i be wrong maybe most of them there are decent officers i'm sure but most of them are drones who never did anything now gotta give the result, and here they are, as much as they have enough of their development, that's how much they do, i didn't have time to follow the news, but here i looked, if they killed a person, but imagine, a person died, not at... not at the front defending ukraine, not at others, but simply because the tsc employees exceeded their powers there, i won't even say that they need to be driven to the front, i don't need a line of cops like that, but uh, i know for sure that a person who fought, uh, who saw, well, let's say this, a real war, real combat clashes there, he will never relate to a ukrainian. in this form, it will never grow old or there, well, if you use it
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their powers to engage in treason there, although there are many guys with certain, well, they call it the war syndrome and so on, but it’s not about the workers of the tsk, you know, what other criticisms are heard from this zhytomyr... that’s how they are somehow reacting to this story, although i should note that today we called a representative of the zhytomyr tcc on the air, they did not, or rather a representative of the ground forces, because the ground forces are responsible for the tsk on the air, we also called representatives of the ministry of defense on the air, they did not come to comment on this story, but what, for example, the zhytomyr tsk wrote to themselves on facebook after this incident, that is what those who talk about it say, until the court was held there, until a legal assessment was made, everyone who is accused of what. .. the tcc is there, they are all working to disrupt the mobilization, that is, the discussion looks like it now has two planes:
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either those who say that the tck is doing something wrong, they are disrupting the mobilization, that is what we from the tck we hear, or for example, these women who go to the tcc and are indignant and call them names murderers, who would be such, you know, an arbitrator, who would come out and say so, and what to do in such cases, well , look, he told her... such that if you talk about unpleasant things, you are working for the enemy , we have already passed, when we are there, the hand of moscow, the foot of moscow, you, this, this is the easiest, we need to talk about problematic situations, moreover, well, and thank you, as journalists, for raising topics, this is a duty , and it is necessary to talk about them not in order to intimidate the population, but in order to... prevent the commission of similar crimes in the future, if a crime occurs, or even prevent, well,
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preventively work on this topic, so that every responsible employee keeps himself in his hands. you understand, the situation is the most before the breakdown of the mobilization, the biggest thing was done by the employees of the tcc from that old staff, who ran after people who were there instead of organizing... effective, informational, propaganda and their own work, and their job is to inform people about , that she needs to update her credentials from there or log in time and so on. the work of law enforcement and other bodies is further, and instead of effectively performing their functions, they arranged, well, incredible, we can observe, from unprofessional actions, fights, which is unacceptable, to corruption scandals,
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therefore, having already such baggage, this structure but it should be updated, it is the best. renewal is to replace the current employees, who have been sitting in the central committee for decades, let them go, fight, they have a lot of experience, they are military, after all, they took an oath, guys who were wounded and did not can already perform tasks on the front line, with joy, i think, or they will perform their functions there, and believe me, such a rotation quickly cools the dust of those who wish to wave their hands or something there. to talk about it, i am one of those who understand and say that replenishment is needed, the units are exhausted, those who are constantly fighting on the front line, it is necessary to change guys in order to avoid losses, so that the work is done, i am one of those who say well, to go to the army is not a sentence, it is necessary to understand where
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to prepare and you can work, but that is not less need to tell the truth, that war is terrible, risks. and here, unfortunately, they intimidated the people of ukraine in such a way, discouraged their desire, and i have something to compare with, in the first days, when there were thousands of queues for me to join the unit and in other units, and there were crazy queues for the same military commanders, i myself stood in them, i remember to write down, that is, who changed this narrative, all the officials who scared people tried together, did something wrong, you will go to the front, as if it is... not a sacred duty, but some redemption there guilt, these same employees of tsk, like vyshinka on the cake, with their unprofessional, unfortunately, actions , proved, led the people to the point that they, er, lost the desire to cooperate with them in the aspect of protecting the country, i even think that not everyone has yet lost the desire to protect country,
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it's just they, when they see that there is such a thing happening on the doorstep. what's next in parts? peter, thank you very much for your comment, it is very valuable to hear. petro kuzyk, claimant apostle, commander of the svoboda battalion, national border offensive brigade guards of ukraine. and we will continue to discuss this topic. oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy, european solidarity joins our broadcast. alexei me, good evening. i will explain to our audience why we called you, because you are also a representative of the temporary investigative commission of the verkhovna rada. on the investigation of possible facts of violation of the legislation of ukraine in the ministry of defense, the armed forces and other military formations, even such a commission works in our country. tell me, be it please, did the commission consider this last incident, or maybe you planned a review that did not take place in the zhytomyr region, when the visit of serhii
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kovalchuk, a 32-year-old man, turned into death after visiting the tsc and now it is not known where he ended up... killed and what led to his death? we did not consider this particular case, and in general the temporary investigative commission of the investigator, this means a slightly different investigation, we cannot by ourselves replace the police, which should absolutely investigate this case, the military service of law and order, the sbi, the prosecutor's office, who have the unconditional responsibility to investigate and report to society who is guilty and what happened, so we cannot replace you here, but... we actually called the representatives of the tsc and the heads of the tsc and listened and i will tell you honestly a very big mess in the tsc, but you know, i would still start with the fact that there are no fish in the head, and this head is not even the tsc, it is the head, it is the ministry of defense, the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, because well, look, there is
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a law of ukraine on mobilization, already there how many spears were broken around him. i am very critical of it there, there is no demobilization and many other things, well there it means, but it was adopted, yes i voted there, i did not vote, but it was adopted, but even this law, look, well, what is happening, that is, it is written there in the maintenance law, there is a deferment for parents who have three or more children to support, moreover, it is my law that such parents have the right to resign from september 22, suddenly the cabinet of ministers will come up with... what no, non-maintenance, adoption, but these are completely different things, he simply rewrites it and issues a completely different resolution, and he did the same for disabled people and their permanent ones. of care came up with permanent care, which is not there, or, for example, now we clearly have that there are native brothers, oleksia, or maybe, i understood,
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you have already said this several times, that you are dissatisfied with the version of the law that was adopted, but he already, wow, everything is worse , everything is worse, even he does not follow the law, the cabinet of ministers' resolution does not correspond even the law, i.e. the violation begins with a cabinet of ministers resolution, then escalates at the level of the ministry of defense, and further down in the tcc it... turns into complete chaos, so actually what conclusions should the state draw now after such an incident, as in zhytomyr oblast, he is not the only one, for example, in april and may there were two similar cases in the zakarpattia region, when men also died in the tsk or there on the way to the vlk after communicating with the employees of the tsk, is it possible to have some statistics that you, as the representative of the investigative commission knows about these statistics, or what statistics are now. yes , we do not have such statistics, and we are also waiting for a report from the sbi on these issues, because this is the direct competence of the state bureau of investigation,
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to investigate what happened there, there is a separate issue of the creation of military justice, but not as a separate military police, there was such an idea there recently it was submitted to the verkhovna rada, because it will not do anything, it will only create an additional body that will give nightmares to unknown civilians there, and as systems, i.e. military police, military prosecutor's office, military courts, this would also be one of the ways to solve this problem. and while the legal assessment, for example, in this zhytomyr story has not been made, it has not been made, and as it is now, in what state should this story remain now, if indeed the employees of the tsk are involved in the man's death, while the investigation is ongoing, they continue to work , is it possible that you know about their suspension, because at least publicly i have not heard that anyone... suspended, i haven't heard that either, and honestly i will tell you, actually, when they arranged an interview with me, they did not tell me that we would talk about this specific case, i do not know the details of it, and i cannot say
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what exactly is happening there, for that you need to make a parliamentary appeal and more to understand that he specifically, as the case is, the investigation of this case in zhytomyr oblast. well, then the general question is, where to complain if your rights are violated in the tsc? this is a good question, well , definitely the police, and the state bureau of investigation, because it is the sbi that investigates the crimes were committed by the military, the overwhelming majority of tsc employees are military personnel, so these are the addressees to whom you can and should turn in order to prove some justice, but it is not easy, and there are a huge number of complaints, but often they end with , that the one who makes these complaints... directly finds himself in the army, he no longer cares about the tsk. and will you call, for example, the ministry of defense to a meeting of the tsc on this, for example, case, or maybe you will combine similar
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cases and call representatives of the ministry of defense? we will definitely call representatives of the tsc and representatives of the ministry of defense in order to hear, but the tcc is not managed by the ministry of defense, the pcc is managed by the ground staff, the general staff. so. but in their actions, they are guided by orders issued by the ministry of defense, including. and as i told you, there is a huge, huge number of violations. oleksiy, the last question, you know, i am still convinced that i am inclined to the opinion that the system is characterized to a greater extent not by errors, but by reaction. but to me it seems, maybe i... am wrong, that there is no reaction, or it is not public, for such cases when tccs violate people's rights during mobilization, or maybe this is a false opinion and you see the reaction, well, we have seen
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certain scandals with you, as then the representatives of the tcc, the leaders ended up there, as if they told us that there was a case of the head of the khmelnytskyi tsc killed on the front line, after everyone changed, he died directly in the 128th. brigade, so the reaction is more administrative, but we do not see a punitive reaction, that is, just the sbi should have shown: look, here are the tck employees who have been punished, the case has been referred to the court, the proceedings are opened there, the investigation is completed, the court makes a decision, this is what we really miss, because the decision there is to remove a person from the head of the tck and assign him to combat duty somewhere there brigade, well, this is what petro kuzyk just told you, it turns out how to send it. to the front for punishment, well, after all, the punishment should look different, so this is very, very lacking, and this is a matter for our state bureau of investigation. oleksiy, thank you
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yes, the deputy of european solidarity was on radio liberty. the head of the state agency for reconstruction and development of infrastructure, mustafa nayem, who oversaw reconstruction during the war, has resigned and said the government is systematically pressuring his department. according to him, since november of last year, the agency's team began to face constant opposition, resistance and the creation of artificial obstacles. so listen. first, the budget for road restoration and maintenance projects was completely canceled. if it's not will change, next season we will face complications in military logistics and export of products. second, we began to have nightmares with bureaucracy, when documents for payment of defense structures, fortifications, or restoration were approved by the government for months, returned six or eight times with ridiculous remarks, delayed for several
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months, and some were not approved... still. third, in addition to this, since the beginning of the year , the agency's wages have been significantly cut, the lion's share of employees were cut to 68% of their wages. the government did it in defiance any logic and common sense. and no, we didn't have exorbitant salaries. the senior specialist of the agency received a little more than 30,000 hryvnias, and now - 14. i believe that this was done on purpose, so that in the agency, which to some extent became a model for building processes from scratch. there are simply no professional and motivated people left. nayem's release was preceded by a scandal with his interrupted trip to berlin, where an international conference on the restoration of ukraine begins tomorrow, the purpose of which, among other things , is to mobilize precisely international support for the restoration of ukraine. in an interview with the bloomberg agency, nayem said that the state agency subordinate to him will not be present at this conference, according to nayem, his participation in the conference without
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explaining the reasons for his withdrawal. personally , prime minister denys shmyhal, and the relevant document, which was published today by a number of ukrainian media, well, this is how it is now, or rather not now, literally an hour ago, maybe it has changed just now, but this is what the conference program looked like an hour ago with reconstruction, which will start tomorrow, that is pay attention, the speech of the head of the ukrainian delegation is scheduled, but who exactly will lead the delegation has not yet been indicated in the program, literally less than a day before the start of the conference. nayam's dismissal, like the recent dismissal. deputy prime minister oleksandr kubrakov has undermined the confidence of western partners in the government of president volodymyr zelenskyi, the financial times writes. two officials of the state agency for reconstruction and development of infrastructure, responsible for anti-corruption policy and procurement, also resigned as we know, it is reported in publications six ukrainian and western officials told the financial times that a series of recent firings, resignations and government reshuffles under zelenskyi has caused tensions between kyiv
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and its western partners, who in turn finance ukraine's defense and reconstruction. the united states of america and other western partners want normal, predictable relations with their ukrainian counterparts, one of the concerned ukrainian government officials told the financial times on condition of anonymity. now they are losing confidence in ukrainian authorities due to personnel decisions that are not clear. olena halushka, a member of the board of the anti -corruption center, joined our broadcast. congratulations. good evening, for our audience, i would like to say that you are very active in advocating for international aid for ukraine, support, let me know what you know about how western partners perceived kubrakov's resignation, is it true what the financial times writes that supposedly in the west they are terribly dissatisfied? well, in fact, unfortunately, this is true, because the western partners support our reconstruction, our survival.
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our defense with tens of billions of dollars, and they obviously expect transparency, accountability, and also predictability from the ukrainian authorities, when effective members of the team, those who show results, those who really fight corruption, overcome it, and actually are working to significantly strengthen our defense capabilities, are changing without adequate explanations and it is not clear what the reasons are, and even just a few weeks before the most important reconstruction conference, but it all looks really ugly and very frivolous on the part of the ukrainian government, well , in fact, look at how kubrakov was fired there , or he fired in a couple of weeks, but a day’s rent is paid in a day, so in fact he fired, but he should probably have been present at
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this reconstruction conferences. and you are now also in berlin, as far as i understand.


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