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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EEST

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in fact, no, because there were also serious destructions, and speaking of moisture, if we take into account the production cycle of the necessary equipment, if it was even ordered on time, then all this is calculated not in months, but in a year and a half, or even two , figuratively speaking, the equipment that was ordered from foreign facilities. after the winter of the 23rd year, the 22nd of the 23rd year, well, it must come somewhere now, and be, part of it was installed during this summer there before the beginning of the winter season, but new destruction was caused and accordingly, a significant part of the destroyed, it is simply not subject to any restoration, i am not talking about the fact that, for example, power units of thermal power plants that were destroyed. they were anyway, ah, not just
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old, but ancient, so there was no point in blaming them even if it was, even, they left power on their own. thus, we are facing a difficult period, and it will not only be in winter, but i see, we feel it now, the fact that we are now seeing a certain improvement is simply the result of titanic work. and generating companies on those remnants of the remaining capacities, and the operator ukrenergo, who are trying to promptly re-comment all lines in front of the electricity there in order to provide both industry and the household sector with electricity, well, we see that in principle, for example, on the example of kharkiv , where everything was totally destroyed, we see how it worked, which is not a joke when
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they say that kharkiv is better with energy supply than in kyiv, so these are the realities, and from this point of view it is necessary to understand that the question there is resource recovery of our generating capacity, now it is a matter of years, but not months. mr. mykhailo, tariffs have been increased since june 1 of this year. for electricity and from up to 4.32 kopecks per kilowatt/hour, and prime minister shmyhal said on the air of the edyni novyni telethon that this tariff does not cover the market price of electricity, let's listen to what the prime minister of ukraine said: market the cost of electricity fluctuates today in the region of 7-8 hryvnias. we will install. or tariff 432 based
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on the cheapest cost of energy atom and ukrhydroenergo, these are two state companies, plus it also includes the cost of delivery to people from two components, and this is actually the lowest cost of the cheapest electricity that we have in the state, available today, we give it to people, while in any case the state pays about 90 billion uah for that , in order to ensure... this is not a market price, but this price for the population. the prime minister says that this tariff, which is fixed as of june 1, will be valid for one year, and it is supported by subsidies. mr. mykhailo, is it possible to increase the price of electricity in some way to help our energy-generating companies to recover, or is the question simply... that in any
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case, electricity prices in ukraine should rise, because they do not correspond, as mrs. shmyhal says, to the market value of electricity, well, that was it and from the very beginning it is clear that even in the 19th year, when the law on non-collective energy was adopted and was supposed to work in half an hour, the market was supposed to work in six months. it didn't work, what they did is a pseudo-market or quasi-market, there's like, it looks like the market, in fact, is not like that, and that is precisely why the populist platform of the current government, it is if and only the current one is if it is traditional, unfortunately, to provide the electorate with cheap energy resources, but now we see the reverse side, because... gradually increase
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these tariffs were necessary starting there from the 20th year, this was avoided in every possible way, and the problem remained, so the tariff was increased, but... but again, in much worse conditions than what was there in the 20th and 21 years, and of course this is a promotion, well it is it will help there to some small extent, of course, but if it does not become some kind of panacea or magic wand that will allow you to get some kind of cash flow there, to solve the problems that arose in connection with the destruction of the generation, because in that one. the problems that have arisen, they are calculated in billions and not in hryvnias, but if you count, billions of euros or dollars, then if no increase in tariffs would not give such a cash flow, then one way or another it
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had to be done from the point of view of dark approaches, but the system then she stayed unchanged, well, parasitism on the energy atom will make its way, but the energy atom again... it was and remains a cash cow, it has not been properly reformed, and in principle, and now if something is difficult from it, well, from the point of view there transition to some other principles of work, although this should have been done, not even yesterday, but the day before yesterday, but you are not up to it, so now... we have those problems and the situation, the situation that arose in in connection with the destruction caused to the energy system as a whole and the heat system generation, therefore, mr. mykhailo, at the very end
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of our conversation, i would like to ask, well, we are somehow focused on what is happening in energy, electricity, of course it is important, and people... are worried about whether this electricity will be available and in what quantity , and at what hours, but obviously, we should generally talk about energy security and about gas and oil, because if in the winter, for example, russia stops supplying ukraine, or rather, contracts there end, as far as i understand, with european countries in of russia, and russian... gas will not pass through the territory of ukraine, what will be in ukraine, will we have enough opportunities to survive the winter, with limited opportunities, or does the government need to speak and see this problem more comprehensively, not only
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energy, not only electricity, but also gas and oil, well, i hope that they see this exactly in the complex, well, first of all, already this winter we are... transit, there will be transit, there will be no transit, well, there will be certain problems , but they were preparing for this even in earlier times, for work and transit is not needed now under these circumstances, the gas transportation system in the conditions without more than that, and russia, it... on the objects of the underground storage system in the lviv region, that is, they show that if it was important for them, an important achievement for the aggressor , military and political goals, and therefore the strikes
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are not only on the electric power system, well, our fuel system, meaning the distribution system of petroleum products, oil... then they started destroying it actually from the end of february 2022 and continue to do it there, where they see that something is functioning, so there is no need to have any illusions about their further intentions, they will strike, well, in principle, we also act accordingly, because our strikes on their opposite factories are exactly their weak spot, a vulnerable spot, and therefore it also needs to be continued . it's an important point from the point of view of deterring the enemy, but if we see that, well, they have the arsenal of tools that we lack, i hope so far, in order to act more powerfully in response and
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thus stop a--and these intentions , which have not just been noticed, but are being implemented and simply... it has reached the most critical point in the energy industry, so there is a really difficult, difficult winter period ahead, and... the summer period will also be quite problematic, but we are already hardened. thank you, mr. mykhailo, for the conversation, it was mykhailo gonchar, president of the center for global studies, strategy 21, expert on energy issues. friends, i would like to remind you that we are working live on tv channel uso, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms. please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you about this, whether you hope that the new composition of europe. parliament will support ukraine, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, or your own opinion, please write in
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the comments. well, if you watch us on tv, turn off your smartphone or phone and vote if you hope that the new composition of the european parliament will support ukraine. 0800-211-381, no, 080-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we will be in touch later. viktor boberenko, expert of the bureau of policy analysis, political expert. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good health to you. i am glad to see and hear from you, and i hope that it is quiet, calm in sumy, well, at least if you are on the air, let's hope that everything is okay. this is also an indicator and a sign for us. yes, i am now, not in sum, in one of the frontiers. communities, well, actually front-line communities, and everything
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is calm here for the time being, the hustle and bustle is holding on, the hustle and bustle, well the armed forces of ukraine protect sumy oblast, but sumy oblast is also fighting because people, including 17 of the 51st communities in sumy oblast, are actually on the verge of confrontation on the front line, and many communities have to... it is very difficult, shelling every day, but sumyshchyna is holding on, it is important for all of ukraine to know. all of ukraine knows and heard you, and of course, it would be good if europe heard and knew about it, because the last four days were the elections to the european parliament, and the center-right european people's party, which supports ukraine, will become the largest political group in at the new convocation, it will represent 186 members of the european parliament out of 720. in second and third place are the progressive
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alliance of socialists and democrats and the liberal bloc renewing europe, while the positions of the right-wing forces have somewhat strengthened. the leader of the european people's party, ursula fonderen , said that she is going to create a broad pro-ukrainian party for a strong europe, let's hear what ursula fondeyan actually said. my goal is to continue this path together with those who are pro-european, pro-ukrainian and for the rule of law, and tomorrow this work begins again, summarizing. of course, these elections are not taking place in a vacuum, forces from outside and inside are trying to destabilize our societies and try to weaken europe. we will never allow this. by the way, french president emmanuel macron, after failing in the... elections , announced that he was dissolving the national assembly and calling early parliamentary elections for
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june 30 and july 7. the far-right national union party won twice as much as macron's party. in russia, everyone is just trying to submit these elections to of the european parliament, as the failure of scholz and macron. but here comes ursula fondern, she could talk, probably, not only about the fact that she will form a pro-ukrainian movement. the majority, because this is also an indicator, in fact, there will be a pro-ukrainian bias in the european parliament, the dumps work like that, but it is more profitable for russia to invest in the destabilization of the internal, well , internal agenda in europe, it is cheaper, for russia, it is much cheaper than investing in tanks and war, and russia knows these methods. let's say this is the only war where they work successfully and that
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a bell for the european establishment, because yes, there are some leftists there, there are leftist departments in european universities, but in general, let's say, fatigue with ukraine or delight with russia, these are marginal things, and if... the marginals come out, let's say , beyond their margin and something there, counting on something, achieving something, then this is a failure of the intelligent. people, really smart people, because smart people in europe can't be smart and not understand that russia is the main security threat, the security of europe, and what if it falls ukraine, an inevitable, inevitable war in europe, and it is necessary for everyone to tell that people are good,
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you will be behind ukraine , your children will fight for... ukrainian boys and girls, your children specifically, and those who vote for political the forces that say, damn it, the main thing is to stop shooting, vote for a war in europe, that's all that needs to be said, and first of all, once again putin won a pyrrhic victory, clearly, he did not advance, yes, they can there in the nightingale there to say there, oh, oh, oh, how everything is fine. but another thing it is necessary to understand that this is a failure of ukrainian foreign policy, it is a malfunction of the green government, and let's be honest, the ministry of foreign affairs should not be blamed here, because the ministry of foreign affairs, rather, should be blamed, but only for
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the fact that the ministry of foreign affairs as an institution does not work, it works as appendage. as an appendix to the office of the president of ukraine, which is unacceptable. not only that, the policy of the office of the president of ukraine is aimed exclusively at gaining points for the government, and it is necessary that local self-government bodies become diplomats in ukraine, that our mayors travel and work there in communes, in local communities, in some departments. france, and if klitschko will conditionally go to paris, some liège or marseille, then our heads of communities must go to some small towns, yes, if you have a town of 30,000 people, a community of 30,000 people, go, look for the same one, in poland, in germany, in france, talk to them,
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it is necessary that our cultured people go there. sports kids to go, children to go, but conditionally our government does not know what to do with the bilopol community in sumy oblast, with vorozhbyanska, because people, if they wanted to evacuate from these communities, yes, and they don’t know where, where, what else, but you children, you stupidly put an extra billion in the budget there, accept the changes to the budget and take these children out, well , roughly speaking, a ducesha strong ducesha named after the white-legged olympic champion. in bilopilla, take them to the headquarters of the usa, to poland, to germany , and let football players, handball players, and athletes train there together with german, polish, french, and dutch children, and let them meet each other for tea and coffee, and also talk about problems and they say: "what, you are out of your mind, who can vote for russia? vote for
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ukraine, because these are the children, the children in bilopilla, just so you know, serhiy, i was recently... yes, i was somewhere, babah, i shuddered so much from surprise, well, because i don’t have babah for me every day, yes, and here children, ten-year-old children come up to me, they say, uncle, don’t worry, it wasn’t an arrival, it was a departure, it’s our babah in response to them, i do not want our children to have the experience of recognizing whether it is an arrival or departure, and every coach must go from bilopol and say: do you want your children to have such an experience, so terrible? experience will distinguish arrival from departure, the germans will say, the poles will say, no, we don’t want it, then vote correctly, and give a lot of money and a lot of shells, and we will stand, and we will win, i absolutely, i absolutely agree with you, mr. viktor , by the way, bilopolsky district is the district where my ancestors came from and my
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mother and grandmother were born there, and my great-great-grandfathers grew up there, so this is the place where... my ancestors came from and all their lives lived next to russia, well, across the river , russia already began there, so one more question, mr. viktor, which arose today, and obviously it will affect the perception of ukraine tomorrow at the conference on the restoration of ukraine, which begins in berlin, literally a month before this conference, which was being prepared throughout. oleksandr kubrakov, who was responsible for the restoration of ukraine, the vice-prime minister and the minister of regional infrastructure development, was dismissed today. mustafa naim, who was a member of kubrakov's team, and he headed the state agency for reconstruction and development of infrastructure. what does he write in his post on facebook? he
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listed several examples of creating artificial obstacles to the agency's work, including the cancellation of the budget for road rehabilitation and maintenance. i am aware of the limited resources and the importance of military spending, but the cancellation of funds for the maintenance of infrastructure will inevitably affect... first of all , the military roads of defense importance, as a consequence of all military logistics. if it is not will change, next season we will face complications in military logistics and export of products. the day before, it also became known that prime minister shmyhal rejected mustafa's request for a trip to berlin for the international conference on the restoration of ukraine. and in general, ukraine will be represented by the deputy head of the office of the president of ukraine, oleksiy kuleba, that is. something incredible is happening, that is, we seem to say so and insist that our western partners help us, but well, tomorrow there will be
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a conference, olaf scholz will be there and oleksiy kuleba, what do you think is happening in the ukrainian government? well, there, as far as i understand, yuliya sveridenko will officially represent the delegation, and galushchenko will also be there. and there will be marchenko, yes, that is , well, if, and who will be, and terikhov will be, there will be mayors, and the head of the regional military civil administration of the mykolaiv region, but there will be no specialized specialists, so to speak, for reconstruction, and not only that, at such conferences, the entire spectrum of, say, the expert club should be present. yes, there is a large scientific pool, otherwise it's all for nothing visitors, because the authorities will sing hosanna, everyone is under the control of yermak, everyone has memorized the text
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that needs to be said, well, the first thing that needs to be said is that there is no corruption in ukraine, and she from zelensk is god, and yermak is the prophet of god, on earth, yes, and in this way... they will try to do it in a simple way until there will be nowhere, but they are afraid to let in experts who may say that we should be careful with ukraine, that we should give money carefully , which become budget money, because budget money is stolen and if so are distributed through kickbacks, and that's why eh... you have to be careful with this, as for nayam, this, well, this indicates that, well, if we
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talk about the kremlin, we say that they are being taken under the carpet there, struggle, some different towers of the kremlin, then we can now talk about the fact that there is an inciting struggle in ukraine, different floors in the office of the president of ukraine, because... i do not consider the government to be independent, and what naim said, he also said, that he knew that he would not be allowed to attend this forum, which he had actually prepared, yes, together with kubrakov, they were preparing and now they are not, well, you know what it’s like, it’s like, you educate a girl somewhere in love, but there you also give a ring, but then... and she, but she marries someone else , well , it’s something like that, yes, and it’s stupid, it will certainly once again testify to jealousy in the office of the president, that is, they won’t let
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the ex-minister and the ex-head of a key state agency there, and there, well, it’s nonsense and stupid, and will testify once again that ukraine is not an independent country, well, in terms of the european model, this is stupid once again, but we will have... this is it, and this will lower both the status and the degree of these negotiations, this will once again be evidence for the allies that ukraine is not an independent state, but a state where the favorites rule, well, some kind of king, only he is called not a king, not an emperor, but now they call the greatest leader today, thank you, mr. viktor, we have limited time, sorry, i was glad to hear from you, take care, hello to the native sumushka. be healthy, so it was viktor boberenko, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis, a political expert, friends, we we work live on the espresso tv channel, and during the entire broadcast we conduct a survey,
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we ask you about... such as: do you hope that the new composition of the european parliament will support ukraine? let's look at the interim results of the poll, 88% yes, 12% no, these are the results of the television poll. stay tuned for news from our partners at the bbc. in 15 minutes i will return to the studio and we will talk about the results of the week, there will be an hour of comments, which is traditional for monday. wait. there are discounts that are unbreakable discounts on eurofast softcaps 20% in pharmacies of traveling mothers and savings. no leo will overcome allergies ts3 leo. ts3 lev neo protects against the most common allergens. there are discounts
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