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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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emotionally better. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and most importantly, they will receive help from qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to contribute. and help, remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really enjoyed the trip to austria, i loved the museums we went to every day, it was amazing and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz. this trip affected me quite a bit... positively i became
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more cheerful, thank you very much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart, let's give memories together that will warm our hearts and help us survive these difficult and scary moments. greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, today, for the next 45 minutes, we will talk with you and think with you about what happened, what is happening in ukraine and outside our country, first of all, regarding preparations for the global peace summit initiated by president zelensky on
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june 15-16, this important forum for ukraine should be held in switzerland. well, besides that, let's talk about how the western media are currently interpreting the status of andrii, the head of the office of the president of ukraine cermak they call him a usurper of power, a person who seems to be taking on powers that are not his own, and about maksym buzhanskyi, a well-known ukrainophobe, who suddenly for some reason... became the person who is invited to the military institute of the kyiv state university, where he gives a lecture on what ukraine of the future should be, well , during the war , any story is absolutely unacceptable, and against the background of how real ukrainians, such as the poet serhii zhadan, are eagerly joining the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, max buzhanskyi was and leaves this anti-maidan quilter, who
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is now trying to relay his thoughts to the audience of future soldiers. we will talk about all this in the next 45 minutes. let me remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. if you're watching us live right now on youtube or facebook, please don't forget to like this video to help it trend. youtube and facebook, and take part in our survey, today we ask you about do you hope that the new composition of the european parliament will support ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube and facebook, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that the new composition of the european parliament will support ukraine 0800 211 381, no 0800-211. 382, all
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calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. so, let's start with the global peace summit. almost 90 countries and organizations have already confirmed their participation in the peace process the summit on ukraine, which will be held in switzerland on june 15-16. this was announced by the president of switzerland, viola amhert. she says that... that russia was not invited to the summit, but in the future such an invitation may be about how the summit is being prepared, what are the positions regarding the future of peace in ukraine, we will see in our story. bürgenstock is one of the most picturesque swiss mountains near lake lucerne. great views, fresh alpine air and a very expensive resort hotel. which more than once became
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a negotiating platform for settlement conflicts the global peace summit will be held here next weekend. this is a ukrainian initiative that was born in the fall of 2022. then, during the g20 summit in indonesia, president zelenskyi presented his formula for peace. 10 points to end the war. the key one is that russia should withdraw its troops from all ukrainian territories, including crimea and donbas. in fact, this is the formula for ukrainian victory. and for a year and a half, ukraine has been trying to enlist the support of the world in its implementation. the west generally recognized zelensky's plan as the only one fair way to for. war, but with the countries of the so-called global south, everything is much more difficult. until the latter, kyiv hoped that china would join the meeting in the swiss alps, because it is almost the only country that has influence on putin. however, two weeks before the meeting, beijing refused
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to participate in it. the arrangements for the meeting in switzerland still fall far short of china's demands and the general expectations of the international community. which makes it difficult for china to participate in it. we have always insisted on participation in the peace summit as russia, and ukraine, as well as on the discussion of all peace proposals on a fair and equal basis. otherwise, it will be difficult for china to play a significant role in restoring peace. china's refusal was unfortunate news for ukraine. especially since representatives of beijing took part in a preparatory meeting in jeddah in saudi arabia last year in august. according to the authoritative british publication financial times, during a may visit to beijing, putin personally asked chinese leader xi jinping to ignore the summit. after china's final decision, a number of other countries followed his example, including brazil, saudi arabia, and south africa. president zelenskyi
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was not only disappointed but also irritated by this similarity. the united states of america has contacts with some countries where it is encouraged. everyone to participate in the peace summit. china, unfortunately, on the contrary, is currently working to prevent ukraine from coming to the peace summit. there is a big difference between these two positions. as of the beginning of june , about 110 countries have confirmed their participation in the summit. western states will presented at the highest level. in particular, german chancellor olaf scholz and french president emmanuel macron should come to switzerland. usa to represent. vice president kamala harris and biden's national security advisor jake sullivan. but the level of representation of the countries of the global south that decided to attend the summit will be much lower. in particular, india will be represented by the secretary of foreign affairs or the deputy national security advisor.
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the indian press writes about it. and even for such a result, ukraine had to make concessions only three items from zelenskyi's formula should be brought up for discussion. these are food and nuclear. security, as well as the issue of exchange of prisoners and the return of illegally deported ukrainian children. the agenda is as narrow as possible in order to reach at least some kind of agreement. we should not expect more - german chancellor olaf scholz said on the eve of the summit. there will be no peace talks. we are still a long way from that as long as russia believes it can achieve its goals on the battlefield. it is about attracting countries from all over the world. to make it clear to moscow that international law and the un charter continue to apply, russia must withdraw its troops from ukraine. concerns about the possible results of the summit were also intensified by the european pravda publication. it claims that it has read the previous communique of the meeting, which seems
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to say that its participants are based not only on the ukrainian peace formula, but also on other peace proposals, that is, in essence, the so -called chinese peace plan is legalized. which moscow supports and which proposes to freeze the conflict on the front line. information adds to the anxiety publication bloomberg that after the summit in switzerland, the eu is apparently planning to organize another one in saudi arabia in the fall, and this time to invite russia to the meeting. viola amhert, the president of switzerland, the host country of the first summit, indirectly confirmed this in an interview with frankfurter alemaig. with the help of this conference , we want to create a dialogue platform where, as a first step, we will discuss how to achieve peace in ukraine. it is clear to us that we will not sign a peace agreement at the end of the conference, for peace both sides must be at the table negotiations, at the moment it seems impossible, russia could participate in
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a possible next conference. the idea of ​​the summit, when it was first born in the minds of ukrainian diplomats, was to agree on the terms of ending the war without dew. and only then to put pressure on the aggressor with a joint position of the world. but if the meeting in switzerland is limited to only three non-key points, but ends with ambiguous formulations. then it will not be easy to do. withdrawal of russian troops from ukrainian territory, payment of reparations and restoration of international law, all of this was carried out within the framework of the meeting in bürgenstock, which means that it is unlikely to significantly bring ukraine closer to a just peace. well, without a doubt, the main intrigue during the preparation of this summit was whether joseph biden would come to the peace summit? no, joseph biden will not. taking part in the peace summit will be the vice president of the united states of america, camilla harrison, and she will
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represent washington, the official washington at the peace summit. china is not going to this conference, this summit, despite the tour carried out in may of this year xijin pin in western europe. he visited france, spoke with emmanuel macron, but obviously, obviously, no arguments. did not perceive sydzen pinn, as he was and remains in this situation an accomplice of russian aggression against ukraine, because he did not do what depended on beijing, that is, he did not make efforts to support ukraine and zelenskyi's plan for peace, instead beijing is saying that listen, we have our peace plan and we will advance it, for this peace plan needs two sides, ukraine and... russia, and let these two sides sit down at the negotiating table, with the participation of international partners, and
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agree on something there. zelensky's position is quite simple. wait, there is an aggressor - this is the russian federation, and there is a victim - ukraine. it is not possible in the hot stage of the war to sit at the transition table the one who took part of the territory of ukraine, the ukrainian state and is now trying to pass it off as a fait accompli, so that everyone will be fine. that this part, which is under the control of the russian federation, so that it and in the future, it was part of the russian federation and became a part of russia, of course, no one wants to allow this, including president zelensky, it can be understood, but russia is very outraged by the fact that not a single representative of the russian federation was invited to the geneva summit, apparently putin calculated that lavrov can appear there, but... the ukrainian president was categorically against it, there will be no russians at
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this summit, but this summit starts in a few days, and the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine is satisfied that there is hysteria in moscow because of the upcoming global peace summit, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, in an interview with ukrinform, expressed confidence that after the peace summit, it will be much more difficult for russia to promote its international interests in the world. we are pleased with the hysterical atmosphere in moscow because of the peace summit. we can see this by their actions and attempts to prevent the summit. they understand that kona is a russian myth about the division of the world into europe and america, which support ukraine, and the rest of the world, which supports russia. putin, of course, received and unpleasant emotions about the fact that he was not expected at the normandy celebration of the 80th anniversary of the landing of the allies, although
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i watched the direct speech of the kremlin grandfather, and he talked about the fact that the soviet union also contributed to the victory in the second world war , and the russian federation or the rsfsr then as part of the soviet union suffered a lot and suffered a lot of losses during the second world war. war, at the same time he somehow did not emphasize the fact that ukraine actually suffered heavy losses during the second world war, and a lot of industry and of industrial potential, and cities and villages were burned, destroyed by the german fascists , of course, putin did not say anything about this, he only said that it is very strange for me to see how those who fought against fascism now side with the nazis. .. accept or welcome ukrainian neo-nazis,
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vladimir putin himself is a representative of fascist ideology and he tries to translate this from a healthy head, from a sick head to a healthy one and calls us fascists, well, of course, now we see how representatives of western europe are trying to accumulate all opportunities and... they are trying to create all the conditions to help ukraine, er, and on the eve of the peace summit there will be a meeting of the big seven, and as french president emmanuel macron said, during this meeting and the meeting of the big seven, to things, president zelensky should also be there, apparently a meeting with joseph biden will take place there again, so emmanuel macron says that the big seven should create a special fund for ukraine to
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support in the amount of 50 billion dollars. let's hear what macron said. we discussed details of the war unfolding in ukraine, we will return to this issue during the g7 meeting, where we both hope that all g7 members will agree to a $50 billion solidarity package for ukraine. i could only advise macron, let's, let's decide quickly, let's quickly create this stabilization. fund, give more weapons to the ukrainians, because the future of europe depends on what is happening now in ukraine, and both macron and orban, who opposes the idea of ​​the united states of america to give ukraine a loan that will be repaid with profits from frozen
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russian assets in the eu countries, orban is another scumbag, prezi, forgive me, i don't want to call him president, putin, the master of the kremlin, and orban criticizes the leaders of the countries west because of their desire to defeat russia militarily, for the sake of money and power, let's listen to what another of our not -so-good neighbors says. the americans made an excellent offer, they will give. a new $40 billion loan to ukraine, and we europeans, we guarantee that the ukrainians will pay this money. the reality of the situation is that western leaders who have entered the war path want to defeat russia militarily. a great plan, so simple, but for what? and for the sake of money, for the sake of money, assets,
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influence, as always. orban as orban, orban even more. also says that ukraine is trying to drag not only the european union into the war with russia, but the whole world, declaring that his country should stay away from the war. the hungarian prime minister says: ukrainians believe that the more countries they can involve in the war against the russians, the greater the chances of victory, so they will involve the european union in the war, or even the whole world. from the ukrainian national point of view. the escalation of the war is logical. it is illogical, my friends, that our closest neighbor, hungary, and the leader of hungary, is saying that we are trying to drag everyone into a war with russia. we did not start this war. it is putin who is trying to involve all of europe, including hungary, in this war. hungary,
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which at one time was during the times of the soviet union suffered from the soviet boot, and they are very good... what is a soviet soldier, but for some reason orban does not look beyond his wallet, that is, he constantly blames ukraine, constantly says that it is ukraine that is doing its best to continue the war with russia, that i would like what orban would like, well orban would certainly like ukraine and russia to sign some kind of peace, some kind of peace agreement or some kind of truce and... actually in this way the war would be frozen, in orban's understanding this is a way out, although we perfectly understand that any freezing of the conflict and any freezing of the war will sooner or later lead to a new escalation, as soon as russia breathes a little, as soon as russia accumulates a little weapons, as
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soon as russia develops its military-industrial complex, there will definitely be... a new war, and there will definitely be a continuation of this bloody massacre that putin has arranged on ukrainian soil. against this background, friends, despite all these statements by orbán, the permanent representatives of the member states of the european union could not make a decision on the recommendations of the european commission to start negotiations on joining the eu with ukraine, as hungary objected. and the discussion will continue. next week, you see, orban is doing everything to make the world and the european union perceive ukraine in a different way than it should, so that it does not perceive ukraine as a part of it. europe, so as not to perceive ukraine as a part of civilization, and not to perceive ukraine as a country that can defeat
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the russian federation. well, this is again, you need to understand who orban is and why he is working against ukraine. this is also said written a lot. he, together with the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, peter szijjártó, has close contacts with the russian federation, personally with putin, therefore orban and... sir, they are oriented towards both russia and china, so here the question is only for the european union, why in the current situation , sanctions are not applied against hungary and against the leaders of hungary, which actually lead to the split of the european union and tries to influence the position of the european union towards ukraine. i have already spoken repeatedly on our broadcasts during the last week about the fact that... putin is now trying to maximize the topic of usurpation of power by zelenskyi, and this hysteria began in the swamps a month and a half ago,
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when lavrov announced that on may 20, that is, after may 20, 2024 , the legitimacy of zelenskyi will be called into question , given that in russia the presidential meeting took place. with all the violations, and we should talk about the illegitimacy of putin, and not about the illegitimacy of zelensky, but putin continues to pump up this topic, obviously this topic will be the main one at the so-called peace summit with the participation of china, russia, brazil there and of these groups of countries that are part of the brics organization, obviously, obviously, he will insist that russia, if it will conduct any negotiations with ukraine. but not with zelenskyi, because according to putin, the executive power in ukraine has lost its legitimacy, and he says that zelenskyi usurped
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power, another statement was made at the st. petersburg international economic forum. let's listen to what the kremlin dictator said. there is a law, there is a law on the essence of the martial law regime, and it says that elections are held under martial law conditions. the president is not are held, but it does not say that they will be prolonged, after all, i am a graduate of st. petersburg university, faculty of law, and this is very important, this is an essential thing, if it is not said, then it does not exist. there are relevant articles in the criminal code that deal with usurpation of power, and it seems that we are dealing with usurpation of power, but negotiations are still possible. conduct, because in accordance with articles 110, 109, 111 of the constitution, the powers are transferred to the speaker of the council, so if there is
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a desire to conduct negotiations, it is possible. well, this, this just a being who needs special evaluation by the international criminal court, this being who says that he is a lawyer and that this lawyer is a nag. to analyze the ukrainian legislation, this being, which completely violated international law, which violated absolutely all the agreements that existed in the world after the second world war, started the largest continental war in europe since the second world war, this being appeals to some legislation, to the ukrainian legislation, to the ukrainian, ukrainian constitution, and what do you have to do at all... comment and generally interfere in legal nuances and what is happening on the territory of a sovereign state, why do you constantly try
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to stick your nose into the ukrainian legal field, understand yourself, show how you comply with laws and international rights, tell us that you are a lawyer and graduated from the faculty of law of st. petersburg university. but you never learned anything, because you are, as you were, and remain a st. petersburg bully who acts according to the principle that if a fight is irreversible, you must strike first, well, this is the typical behavior of a gopnik from st. petersburg and the typical behavior of a kremlin gopnik. well, of course, friends, in this story , as always, putin gets his... nuclear arsenals, or verbal nuclear arsenals, and this platform, the st. petersburg economic forum, was exactly the platform where he
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started talking again: about nuclear weapons, he said that they don't need to use nuclear weapons, but again took it and started talking about these nuclear weapons, about how the whole world should be afraid and tremble, let's listen to what he said, of course, of course, the same europeans will have to think if those with whom we will exchange such blows do not exist, or? are the americans confused in this exchange of blows already at the level of strategic weapons or not? i doubt it very much, and the europeans should think about it too, but i still assume that it will never come to that, and we don't need it. the only thing i can't understand is why a person who engages in terror is a terrorist, or rather not
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a person, a being, let's call putin. on a being, and this being, it deserves to one thing: what is usually done with terrorists, they are not negotiated with, they are simply destroyed. i don't understand why putin is still warning about some kind of nuclear weapon, that he will threaten everyone, that he will do everything for europe if the europeans will provide weapons and hit them... at the points where these nuclear weapons, weapons arsenals are located, i do not understand why the world calmly looks at this, why the world does not react to this, why in the end putin is still alive, forgive me, but this is a question which, to which answer, on which i don't have it, and the world doesn't either, and it's really bad
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, because he always, always talks about... these nuclear threats, and in fact, he has already tired everyone with these nuclear threats, and in the end, in this history of nuclear threats, someone has to put an end to them, i hope that the nuclear threats will be put to an end, well, to our president, to president zelensky, just three weeks ago it was 5 years of zelensky's presidency. we talked a lot about this, about the results, how our experts actually rate 5 on the air years of zelenskyi's presidency, there were many different comments, and just a few days ago, the kyiv international institute of sociology published a survey and a survey about the level of trust in president zelenskyi, which sociology says, the level of trust in president zelenskyi has been gradually decreasing since
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may 20. 2nd year, but as of may 24, the majority of respondents still trust the head of state, and at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, confidence in zelensky was 90%, last december 77, in february 64, and now 509, while 55% of ukrainians have a negative assessment of the activities of the presidential party servant of the people and... and most of them are very bad, this is also evidenced by the results of the kmis survey, another 31% of respondents view the party as neutral, only 9% of respondents are good or very good well, i think that in the conditions of war, of course, these figures that are made public must be perceived through
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the prism of the times we are now living in... and of course in a situation where we are threatened by the russian federation and attacked by the enemy every day, these figures may differ and can change very quickly in one direction or another, and obviously any political ratings or some kind of sociology that concerns certain political forces may be irrelevant, that is, we can now... discuss, of course, the second presidential term of zelensky, about how he is perceived, not perceived, but we are at war, and we have a president who is legitimate, and this legitimacy has been confirmed by various leaders of political forces, and there is a consensus about this, well, at least among the ukrainian authorities, but against the background of how eh...


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