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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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so, friends, add it, you see now on your screens, again on the title card number, we are doing everything for your convenience, and we must do everything to make it convenient for our military to destroy moskal, and these drones, 13 drones , which we want to buy them for 2.5 million hryvnias, these drones will help, first of all, calculate where that muscovite landed, calculate his equipment, and also deliver ammunition to the front line. you and medicines, in a word, three in one, join us, so far we and you have 357 thousand uah on one of the cards, i hope that there will be more now we are going for a short break, then we will come back and visit with you in the temporary, yura, this is another city that the russians turned into a ghost, what it looks like and what is happening there now, we will talk about it later. anatomy. of hatred, putin
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beats ci3lev. ci3 lev neo. protects against the most common allergens. there are discounts presented. unbreakable discounts on tablets citramon darnytsia. 10% in pharmacies travel memory and savings. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two o'clock. of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become a native language to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events a day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the process.
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this is what is happening in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means to save his life, gave a ride to the beka, gave a ride to the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage atv war is the best solution for evacuating the wounded. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from scratch to life on atvs for the 93rd brigade of the cold ravine of chasiv yag. well, dear
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friends, while we were on a short break, 400 was added to our account for the soldiers of the hundredth brigade, for which we are collecting maviks, and while equipping them we will talk about the times of yar, and you can on that qr- code to order a little money if you want to support our army. serhiy chaus, head of chasovoyarsk city military administration, meanwhile appears on our air. mr. sergey, good morning. good morning. please tell me what is happening in moyar. to be honest, there is a lot to tell. nothing, fighting will continue on the territory of the community, on the territory of the city, it is difficult in the city, it is very dangerous in the city. in some districts, microdistricts of the city, as i said before everything, hell continues. you know, they showed footage of how
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the time of evr looks like now, denys kazansky posted this video on his page, and this is also one city in donetsk region, which the russians will turn over... it's a ghost town, these shots are scary, you just get goosebumps from what you see, but now we just see that this is just some territory that is no longer suitable for life, how do you see it on these frames? now you are just showing and talking about the eastern neighborhood on this. in the micro-district, i have lived with my family for more than 16 years, and frankly speaking, looking there is not something that hurts, it breaks the soul, because a lot of time has passed there, peaceful, beautiful, we, local residents
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, understand what is there and how was, and when you look now, i understand that there is not a single surviving house left, not a single surviving... building in general, it is too complicated, and first of all there is a misunderstanding here, if they talk about liberation, well, what kind of liberation is this, it is total destruction, mr. serhiu , but do all the residents of the temporary yar understand that it is the russians who are being released in this way, because there is probably some part of the people who were waiting for them, or are still waiting, well, you know, as they say... in the family it is not without ugly, i think, unfortunately, there are such, but frankly, as possible to understand such people who see when they destroy your city, your home, and then wait for them, well, this is at least something, some problems with
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the head, otherwise i won't even say, is there still some part of the people? who, even under such conditions, live in temporary yeru, so at the moment there are 660 people left in the community, they do not live in a concentrated manner, they live in different microdistricts of the community, this is the central shevchenko, zhovtnevy, well, they are scattered in all areas of our community, even in kalynivka, unfortunately, there are still civilian residents, and how their daily lives? they stay, continue to live in the community, their daily life, what does it look like? well, it ’s probably hard to call it life, it’s existence, it looks like, well , first of all, it’s a constant risk, a constant expectation of an explosion, a constant expectation
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of an arrival, and everything related to ordinary life, like even going to get water, or going down as needed sorry, all this is just to understand that every moment, every second is dangerous, it is impossible to sit in the basement all the time, it is impossible to sit in the building all the time, the buildings are also collapsing and people die there, the same with basements, so it's a constant danger, and why do we keep calling for evacuation, why do we try to explain to people that they're not just playing with death, well, that they've already played, it's gone too far , and what is happening evacuation, that is , no words affect them, what is leaving them in
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this city? well, i think that first of all i leave in the city that this is their city, that this is their home, that this is their homeland. we know the understanding of the homeland, what concerns the country as a whole, but there is an understanding of the fatherland, the homeland, and this is exactly what keeps the majority of it in place. i repeat, most of the people who stayed are elderly people, people who, looking ahead, do not understand where they will live and in what conditions, and it is difficult for them, here , despite the danger, they stay at home, eh- er, it was reported that, well , such a video was distributed, that the russians are already present somewhere in the city on... the outskirts, or is the city currently under whose control? you are now
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talking about the eastern neighborhood, yes, i think many people have seen this video, is it one of the regular drgs that is trying to pass through the territory of our community, yes, just as you show it, that’s right, this is the eastern neighborhood, and this neighborhood remains under... this neighborhood is also trolled by the armed forces of ukraine ukrainian yes, there are heavy battles, there are constant battles, which actually do not stop day or night, but this part of our city remains under the control of the armed forces of ukraine. this is the eastern part, this is the one that is in the direction, relatively speaking, of russia, and from where it advances, the enemy is trying to advance. that 's right, thank you, then we will probably let mr. serhiy
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go, mr. serhiy, thank you for taking the time to talk with us, serhiy chaus was with us, the head of the military administration of the city, chasiv yar, and the city itself, where the ongoing , probably the most brutal battles, the city is strategically important for the russians, who will not be able to go further, to advance in the donetsk region, if they cannot. to advance through the time of the ivar stands and the russians there have heavy losses every day. dear friends, we are now going on a short break, then we will return, continue and move with you to the city of dnipro and dnipropetrovsk region, stay with us. attention, mega sale. cordless saws strong with a discount, only from uah 799. reliable, powerful, convenient. order while the video is streaming. strong saplings will cut trees and
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memory and savings pharmacies. summer. this is a time of rest and recovery. and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a bit of peace for the children, whose world was destroyed by the war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who died at the front protecting you and me, our country, and they, like no one else , need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children to recover faster after a loss, children feel better emotionally better. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience vivid
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emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, and find new ones.' and the most important thing is that they receive the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who have lost a loved one, because their parents went to defend our country. i really liked the trip to austria, i liked the museums. which we went to every day, it was amazing and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help
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to survive these difficult and scary moments. dear friends, we are coming back, continuing our work the call-up by the cities of ukraine and now we will be in touch with dnipropetrovsk region, kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council is already appearing on your and our screens, mrs. kateryna, good morning, is it the same for dnipropetrovsk region as last night. glory to ukraine, good morning, in the dnipropetrovsk region. today, if we talk about the entire region, except nikopol region, the situation is more or less calm, but nikopol region is suffering more and more from strikes from the energy supply side, now drones are just flying in the middle of white during the day,
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enemy drones are flying over houses, apartment buildings, and almost into the windows in nikopol region, so the situation in nikopol region is very, very difficult and it... has worsened even more, and tonight, and the past day yesterday, are also no exceptions, in the past day there were a lot more, well, about 20 attacks, by drones, by high-powered artillery in nikopol region and in the air center and there in the communities around nikopol and the nikopol district in general, a lot of infrastructure there was damaged, not critical damage, but still they are... there and wounded one man per day, but everything is fine there already, he is being treated at home, but a man was wounded, well , in fact, tonight and early morning there were also attacks, so nikopol is really just suffering more and more, and these
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attacks are really intensifying, so the situation there it's very difficult for us, eh... i'm also looking at the survey conducted by the municipality, it's very interesting, i've already mentioned it more than once, and it's interesting, when i talk to representatives of various regional centers, to somehow pay attention to various such interesting moments that these cities are now stands out, it is interesting to look at the moods of communities, and for example, in dnipro there are the largest number of people who said that they do not have money savings. in case something happened from an emergency situation, the worst situation is only in poltava, but it is so strange, because we are used to thinking that dnipro is like, you know, a prosperous city with a lot of infrastructure, a lot of enterprises, i don't know what this is related, panickaterina, how are you with saving for emergencies? no, it's such
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an individual situation, i think it's about the occasion there are some savings. hryvnias set aside just in case, you are already sleeping peacefully, well , somehow, no, of course, nowadays it is better to have at least a few thousand hryvnias a month to save from your salary, so that you still have the opportunity to earn money day, let's put it this way, but we have had a rainy day in ukraine for many years, but still , ukrainians will understand that there may be... a worsening of the situation, but perhaps it is even some optimism of the dnipro people present, which is quite there , well, seeing what to think savings, so what if? will some 1000 hryvnias help there, if we really need a large sum, as we can see, there are a lot of such situations now, that is also true, yes, well, but i
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, well, this is such an interesting question, things went badly, i then buy an apartment where somewhere in ibiza, i open a small hotel business and see for myself what will happen next, i don't understand savings, it's not me, it's probably the deputy general. the prosecutor, who even has a girlfriend who has 50 million only undeclared various little things, well, well , not me, that person has savings, that you see how you have to live, but you know, there is another, yes there is another, by the way, here is the story of the whole survey, and by the way, it contrasts with what you panicky say, in dnipro, dnipro residents, the smallest percentage of people who said, that they feel proud that they are residents of... their city, there are 37% of them, only 37% of dnipro residents are one hundred percent proud that they are from dnipro, and this is the lowest indicator in ukraine, in kharkiv, so you understand,
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the highest pride is that they kharkiv residents are 100% proud 83% and another 11, rather they say that they are rather still proud, i.e. 94% of kharkiv residents are proud that they are from kharkiv and from the dnipro, that is why they decided to... take stela at the entrance to the dnipro, because she firstly, it fell down, secondly, it was written there, first dnipropetrovsk, petrovsk was removed earlier as part of decommunization, the stele was touched, dnipro was left, but dnipro was also standing hard, so now you can see just the photos from the dismantling, maybe it is because of this, ms. kateryna, not because of that, of course, but actually, to the sign, well, it's appropriate, but... by the way, it's here right now, of course the question, well, let it change, of course, let it be new, the main thing is that it is whole, can such self-criticism simply
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be understood by the residents, it is also, by the way, really cool, because let's see how it is in very prosperous times in the cities of western ukraine, people answer that everything is bad in them, everything is cold, everything is worse, corruption is the highest in the world and so on and so on, but for example, the dnipro people also have more than half, that is, in general 43% believe that the city is rather depressed, well, in fact, it is this question is more objective, the answer is certain, because there the delay is individual according to who is proud of what there, it is also in the soul, you know, not to get into the soul, but regarding the atmosphere in the city, well, let's say this, there have been fewer people ... that mr. filato is not looking at us now, because a post will appear in telegram, that i will now show you which city is depressing, no, and no one is against
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this, because the atmosphere in the city is really depressing , during and air alarms, when everything closes directly, it is impossible to get anywhere, all state bodies are there just for days may not work due to sirens, and well, due to similar situations when there is a blackout. light, which we still have today, it also really affects such, you know, general positive atmosphere there, well , but that does not mean that everything is bad, but of course, well, war, it is felt, it is normal, well, we live in such times , well, thank you, kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, was in touch with us, dear friends, well , we are watching a legal examination on our airwaves. aktum bar association. action for results.
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greetings, i'm dmytro didora. this is a legal examination. here we explain in simple terms what is legally complex. according to the rating of the international statistical institute, in 2023, ukraine entered the top five countries in terms of the number of divorces. this is the topic of our program today and will help. natalya korovina, lawyer, managing partner of the aktom group bar association. good afternoon, mrs. natalya, i congratulate you. so, the reason for the divorce, the applicants say, is the loss of feelings. however, i think the lawyers think and see this situation more pragmatically. so can you explain what changed, was it the war that had such an effect, or the legislation? no, there are definitely no legislative changes. the learning procedure has not become easier, unlike the application. marriage, yes, you can get married in a day, and even remotely through the act of divorce, you will not learn so quickly, and sometimes the divorce procedure lasts for years, if,
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for example, there are children, then this. procedure, and what other problems arise, that is exactly what we are talking about here, if we are talking about problems, then it is necessary to pay attention to a third of the appeals, yes, which make up these large statistics, these are persons who actually ended their marital relations long before the war, but it was during the war that they realized how important it is to formalize a legal divorce in advance, because they have certain problems precisely under time. such, for example, as related to inheritance, when the other spouse, who was considered formal, has the right to inherit, yes. the second category is military personnel who have women with whom they have not been in de facto marriages for a long time, but if something happens to them, they have the right to receive a one-time monetary aid of 15 million. and even receive it in combat, if he gets to poon, that is why the servicemen
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apply. and they say that i need to study urgently. the third issue is the issue related to postponement. there is such a thing as deferment due to family circumstances, and here, the father will not be able to prove that he is raising the child on his own, if he has not yet officially lost his education, just as the son will not be able to issue a deferment for the care of his disabled father, if the father has, in his opinion, a formal wife, that's why this whole category is mass today. goes to court for divorce and that's why we see these statistics, but i don't really care about them, yes, because we see that this way it consists not of marriages that were actually destroyed during the war, but also of such situations, as i told you. another problem is the appeal of women who went abroad with children, integrated there, and currently it is they from...
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who make the largest number of requests for divorce, and they say that my children and i are not going to return, and therefore we do not see the point of continuing this marriage, and there is really a very big problem here, because here we clearly saw that so many children will no longer return to ukraine, and this is already a demographic problem, that is, er, i understand correctly, here the father also has the right to, must prove his right to raise a child in these conditions. that is, if he wants, for example, to fix the guardianship, see, even the question is not about the guardianship, the question is that during the war allowed women to travel abroad with their children without the father's permission, and this is where all the problems arise, but there are legislative procedures that regulate, on the one hand, the issue of returning children to ukraine, yes, but, as we can see today, the statistics of
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foreign court decisions. .. the courts usually reject the father’s lawsuits, because they say that children are currently dangerous in ukraine, yes, especially since children are under the protection of, for example, european countries, yes, and therefore, unfortunately, the statistics are such that children are not yet are returned, but there are uniformly positive decisions, for example, in the 23rd year, the iruana court returned the child to ukraine at the father's claim, which indicates that one must always fight... for one's rights, so these are the formal reasons for divorce in ukraine today we were told about them by natalya korovina, a lawyer, managing partner of the legal association, i just have to remind you that in 2023, 24,000 divorces were recorded in ukraine, most of them in the capital, and we will get back to you with a relevant topic in a week, before meetings, bar association.
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action for results. news time on espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoi works in the studio. the russians struck the zaporizhia region 548 times during the day, 10 settlements were under enemy fire , the enemy carried out five airstrikes on tsvitkovo and kamiansky. the occupiers also attacked gulyai pole, works in malynivka, novoandriivka and other settlements. in particular, 10 reports were received.


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