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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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and says: it is necessary to quickly adopt a bill there that would prohibit the ties of religious organizations with russia, well take it and adopt it quickly, well, everything is clear and simple, there is nothing complicated in this, if any legislative act is necessary, then this the question is there for a few days to vote, no, it took a very long time to get to the first reading, now... it's a very long time to get to the second reading, the more it drags on , the more time we lose, er, the more we lose authority in the international arena , the less we can, let's say, really somehow to effectively testify before the international community that we have not violated religious freedoms anywhere, and this is true , rest assured. kaha said very
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well, when you have a chance for reforms, you have to act quickly, because this window of opportunity is closing very quickly, it seems to me that we are losing this momentum now, indeed, mr. yuriy, thank you very much for this conversation, yuriy chornomorets , ukrainian religious scholar, philosopher and sniper of the armed forces of ukraine, was with us, dear friends, now we are going on a short break, we will return, we will continue, he will be with us volodymyr nazarenko, artillery officer of the fourth brigade of the rubizh national guard, stay, what is it? bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bakhmut is an adventure that will stay with us until the end. our day. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of their traditions and martial arts. these are boys who
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never cry. lemberk, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. turn on well. everything as you want, click and now you control the game, bird and you are in a tv show, oh, what you need, megogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the diary of the fallen paramedic iryna chekitsybuh, a story of courage and a firm stand, energy security expert andrian prokip, with advice on how to survive attacks on the power system. the story of the road to blood
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to change presidents, political poisoning leaders of the ukrainian state, murder and bloody war, all this is in serhiy rudenko's book anatomy of hate, putin and ukraine, look for it in ukrainian bookstores. see this week in the collaborators program. putin's youth army. how does russia recruit children in the occupied territories? in the skadovsky district , a movement is opening. but how does a former teacher of the university form squads of young misanthropists? we appeal to all youths of russia. on tuesday, june 11 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict from serhiy rudenko from now on in a new role.
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two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. and volodymyr nazarenko, an artillery officer of the fourth brigade of the rubizh national guard, we are adding him to our airwaves, mr. volodymyr, good morning. good morning studio, good morning tv. thank you for the opportunity to join your broadcast. if you can tell me where you are, tell me, and what news do you have? well, actually, our brigade has been performing tasks in the east of our country for several years now. this is the bakhmud direction, this is also several other areas of the front where
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the defense is held, where we repel enemy attacks already more than there, again, since the first day of the full-scale invasion, the brigade has been in the hottest areas. of the front and destroyed quite a lot of the occupiers effectively conducts hostilities, so actually what my subordinates tell me is that the situation remains quite difficult, and the contact is daily, hourly, whether it is rifle fire or artillery shelling, they do not subside for a minute, not yesterday, not a week ago, not a month ago, mykal is the greatest as much as possible, yesterday... you can already say yesterday, mykola kokhanivskyi died, a famous person who fought a lot with russia since the 14th year, but was always in this movement, and i, in fact, a lot people are now expressing their condolences, and
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we also join these voices, but i just wanted to say, i don't know what the losses are now on the front and... and how difficult the situation is, but recently something again the feed, you know, the friend feed on facebook, for example, has turned a little on the obituaries, is there a feeling that and were you acquainted with kukhanivskyi, maybe you want to say a few words, yes, i was acquainted with mr. mykola, and indeed, unfortunately, one way or another we have to understand that in addition to the fact that express my condolences. close, familiar, relatives mr. mykola, we must once again understand what mr. mykola wanted and what thousands of ukrainian heroes want, it is victory, it is happiness for the ukrainian nation, it is to protect the future of the ukrainian nation, so i take this opportunity
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to fully understand the responsibility to finish the work of thousands of heroes of our time and heroes of past centuries, past ages, who fought for the independence of ukraine and... who fought for the ukrainian dream, it is our responsibility with you, all men, the entire ukrainian people, to ensure the right for existence, the right to life, they want to take away our own life, our land, our freedom, and we have no other choice, we have no choice neither to submit nor to surrender, we simply do not have the right, there is simply no such a choice, because over the past 20th century they have shown that... in fact , they want to arrange a genocide of the ukrainian nation, the ukrainian people, and specifically every ukrainian man, husband, every ukrainian family, as it was arranged repeatedly during the 20th century, and more that, modern two years full-scale the invasions show that one way or another
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the occupier simply hates and wants to exterminate every ukrainian male just because he was born a ukrainian and... and we have to do everything for that, do everything in order to have the opportunity to just live happily and to protect their right to laws, to life, to freedom, to democratic values, to free choice, to free existence. major general pat ryder, the spokesman for the pentagon, said yesterday that american aid, american weapons are already on the ukrainian front, and they are already helping restrain the russians, senator greg generally assumes that it will be possible not only to contain the russians, but eventually to pass by the end of the summer or during the summer even to seize the initiative and pass the mood that this help will be enough. how in fact, how did you get the american weapons now, i can’t
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tell you the number of items, the concentration, where this is, where the american and western aid is located, where the weapons are used, but in any case, that’s not the point... thank the western partners for the weapons that are provided, and once again, i would like to say how every hryvnia of a ukrainian who donates, how every dollar, every euro of ukrainians and... volunteers abroad who help, will donate, or, if it is the funds of taxpayers of western countries, every dollar, every cent , every hryvnia, every penny goes to our joint victory, and every unit of weapons that is bought with these funds, that is produced with these funds, potentially kills the occupier and not potentially, but actually, we see enemy losses every day, summing up enemy losses, these are really confirmed facts, because it's all for... from c in the 24th year, it is visible from the copters, it is visible from other uavs there, it
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is all being watched, all the data is being collected and calculated, and the losses of the enemy are really so great, and the lion’s share of these losses are borne by the enemy thanks to the capabilities of western weapons that kill the occupiers , the most important thing for us ukrainians is the means by which to destroy the occupiers, and the better these weapons are, the more... the concentration, the more occupiers will die, and the safer it will be for every ukrainian hero, a military man, who is currently performing tasks in the east , on in the south, in the north of our country, destroying the occupier, so if it is even one charge, one rifle is a rifle in the hands of a ukrainian fighter, who shoots at the occupiers with this rifle and potentially and actually kills the occupiers, this is the most important thing, of course i would like to be armed would not have... and of course
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there is no fully technological ideal weapon either, the more, the more technological, the newer, the better it is, the better the technical, tactical and technical characteristics, the better it is, the greater the concentration of fire, the faster and more likely one or another unit to be immediately withdrawn from combat readiness, so that in fact that unit of the occupying forces did not have time to receive reinforcements. did not have time to restore its losses, and was suppressed, was crushed, this is achieved by the concentration of fire influence and various types of weapons, starting, i repeat, from machine guns, automatic weapons, ending with the largest caliber artillery and the most technological aerial bombs, and missiles, etc. mr. volodymyr, what are the current needs of the fourth brigade of the rubizh national guard? well, actually we have several meetings going on, there is a brigade-wide meeting for units, for
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the air reconnaissance unit, for us, for artillerymen, this is extremely important, so that the guys have copters that will highlight the work, also for sub-units, one of the artillery units is currently gathering for a mobile workshop for repair of equipment and to ensure that logistics do not get stuck, the tvoi krok charity fund, which actually leads this collection, helps us in this. on the website of this charity fund your step to open this collection can be donated, you can support it that's why i'm actually calling on tv viewers to go to the website of this fund to donate and support so that a mobile workshop that will repair equipment appears as soon as possible . remember your call. sonechko, here are the words of support for you,
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and dear friends, if you want volodymyr nazarenko, to support the artillery of the fourth brigade of the rubizh national guard, then now you see on your screens on the title there is a number cards, and in fact, there is a collection for mavics and fpv drones, which are needed for artillery, but what exactly is the role of drones for artillery, mr. volodymyr, tell us more for our viewers, explain why it is, in the conditions of the superiority of b... in ammunition from the enemy , we must save each of us ammunition, and drones, copters, uavs are the eyes of gunners, we must see the target, we must scout the target, movement, logistics, accumulation, in principle, any actions in the near and far rear and at ground zero, the enemy should not remain unnoticed, that is, we should scout and to see every step, every action in order to respond promptly, promptly make decisions and regroup ours. forces in such a way as to react and have plan a, plan b for any actions of the enemy, to know what the enemy is planning, where he is planning
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and what actions he is planning, in what quantity, this is firstly, and secondly, when we are all well, we practice the enemy's targets, or conduct counter-battery combat, try to silence the enemy's cannon, it is extremely effective to see our shots, where our shells land, and already from the way our shells land. to give the most accurate proofreading, so that the next shot was already on target and destroyed, made an impression, suppressed both the enemy cannon and the ammunition. destroyed the enemy's manpower with a minimum consumption of ammunition, we cannot afford to actually bombard the entire square where the enemy's gun is located or where the enemy's equipment is accumulated, how the occupiers act, they actually bombard, debomb squares, we still have to destroy with the maximum economy of ammunition the enemy, and therefore the effectiveness of one shot,
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one projectile, thanks to the work of the operators blah, operators of copters and drones it... grows and increases the savings of ammunition and knowledge and the number of enemy equipment, enemy forces that are destroyed increases. thank you for the explanation, i hope these words will be convincing for our viewers who want to support the artillery of the fourth brigade of the rubizh national guard, it was volodymyr nazarenko, we are in touch with us now for a short break, we will come back and talk about the state affairs at the front, together with serhiy sgorets, a military expert, stay with by us attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 99, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 99. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 200, but we offer you a light bulb that
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rada regularly adopts new laws. but like these changes affect our lives? we... analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by leading lawyers of the aktum bar association, watch every tuesday at 7:55 a.m. in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. dear friends, we are back on the air, serhii zorets, military expert and director, will be with us now. defense-express company, we also we will remind you about the assembly and ultimately what volodymyr nazarenko said, why artillery, drones, he explained everything in detail, we are also conducting an assembly for drones for the artillery of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. sergey, we welcome you, good morning, i congratulate you, i congratulate our viewers. to begin with , we would like to learn about the state of affairs at the front.
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there is a message from the deep state that russian troops have captured the village of ivanovske on the don. whether it happened or not, in fact it should be understood that when we talk about the situation around the time, it was enough difficult, remains difficult, the peculiarity of this section is that there is the siverskyi donets canal, which passes through it and which is such a natural obstacle artificially created for the enemy, and the enemy is now trying to act there with frontal attacks there from three napkas, these are bohdaniv. to the west, these are frontal attacks on the canal district in front of the same canal, the northern donets donbass and the ivanivsky area. with an attempt to advance west. ivanovske, in fact , is considered a gray zone,
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russian paratroopers operate there. yesterday i had a conversation with the military of the 93rd brigade, which holds the defense there precisely in krishivka, andriivka, ivanovske. he said that the enemy carried out active arterial operations there yesterday in this area, which is actually not news, but in any case... these enemy advances in ivanovsky, as one of the areas, do not affect the stability of our defense, now we we can see, by the way, the channel itself, this video is quite old, but it does not show that the enemy tried to destroy the crossings through the siversky donets donbas channel, in any case , after two years of hostilities there, in fact the enemy pro... advanced 20 km from the line that demarcated its confrontation with the enemy, since the 14th year, and i repeat, this
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area is one where our troops are currently holding their defense quite effectively, yesterday was the same statement of the leader avtokhortytsia announced that there was no enemy during the yar, so in any case we understand the complexity of the situation and sufficient effectiveness... an investigation on the bbc came out, which is true, a russian edition about what losses the wagnerites had during almost a year of fighting for bahmud, and confirmed, already in fact it is documented that about 20,000 wagnerian mercenaries died, that is , from the 300 or so penal colonies that were recruited. that is, it is 30, more than 35% of the total personnel that the handsome deceased man managed to recruit at that time, and it is obvious that almost all the others were wounded from
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the 50,000-strong corps, they actually drained this corps, another question remains, how many and what were the losses of ukrainian troops, we we know from the feedback of many commanders that the best ukrainian battalions often perished there near bakhmut, uaus, for example, on we don't know, we can't fully verify this number, but we know that our various colleagues, journalists, have tried to check the reliability of the losses many times, and in principle they seemed to be reliable , assuming that it really was about a one-to-two exchange, or was it, or was this year-long battle for bahamud made sense, we actually destroyed this wagnerian corps, but at a great cost, were they right , and i will remind you that it was very
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at that time, there were many opinions that there was no point in keeping bakhmut, and the americans said this about it, they said that this opinion seems to be held by the hard worker, this is one of the reasons that also influenced his subsequent resignation, well, this is actually one of the difficult issues, so... . because the defense of bakhmut is evaluated differently by different experts, different military, indeed, we saw a whole wave of publications in the western press with assertions by the military of other countries that bakhmut does not have such tactical and even operational importance, but in anyway this is a question of exchange, quantity for quality, a question of the importance of this or that territory. what is a rather difficult question, and even now there is no unanimous opinion, whether it was worth getting bahmud, but when we talk with our military, with our
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experts, the opinion is actually dominant that, conditionally speaking, to give the enemy the opportunity to advance further there, it to create the prerequisites for the same neo-slavic-crematory agglomeration, where the russian side could continue to act as it still does, i.e. destroy settlements, destroy our population, so in any case, now the ukrainian army, especially at that stage , really followed the approach that this part of the territory, this settlement is of essential importance for our defense, the question is that it is better for the enemy then to use this tactic for the first time "clear assaults from". by the number of low-skilled prisoners who formed the basis of wagner's forces in this area and
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to oppose them. really had to be professional and professional ukrainian military, that is, from the point of view of the quality of the exchange then this exchange, of course, was not in our favor, but in any case, i can say that it is actually quite difficult to define a unanimous opinion on how to act optimally at that time in bakhmut. the question is that this question is somehow transformed, extrapolated. to other areas of the territory where the armed forces are conducting combat operations. we understand that, relatively speaking, you can't retreat everywhere, you have to choose the areas that are most effective for defense, and these stories in each direction have their own special feature, so that in in any case, let me repeat, the losses of the enemy in bakhmuk were really colossal, it was a low-professional
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enemy personnel. we managed, let's say, to destroy this group, which then did not work in other directions, but in any case, from the point of view of, well, assessment of the situation around bakhmut, i think that this issue will still continue to worry there and historians and military experts. well, i have another question, senator lynsey graham spoke yesterday on american television and said that the weapons that were transferred are already effectively stopping the russians, their offensive, and er... he said that ukraine will now be able to seize the initiative and go on a counteroffensive sometime before the end of the summer, are these not too optimistic estimates, or will we be able to, or should we? well, i think that in no case not, we should devote this year to an effective defense operation, where the main efforts are directed precisely to the destruction of the enemy and the preparation of reserves, now, in my opinion, the enemy is trying to
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implement this. strategy of davu, when we see on all areas of the front, there is a sufficiently high intensity of hostilities and where the enemy, despite the loss, still throws manpower there to restore the loss, now he has found such a certain balance for himself, when , relatively speaking, within the limit of 30,000 per month , this replenishment is bought, and it goes to replenish losses, what remains, it is forming certain reserves there, now you... we have a general assessment of the russian reserves within the limits of 60,000 personnel for the entire length of the front, which is now the active phase of about 940 km, and in these conditions, i think that we can talk about holding some offensive action on our part is still premature, although we see a lot of such important information about the formation of new brigades, pavlyuk spoke about 10 new brigades that are being formed, a corps is being formed.
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rangers, four regiments of special operations there, this is also known information, a new engineer-assault brigade is being formed, this is a completely new, conceptual unit in the armed forces, that is, these actions are first of all being carried out, but i think not with a view to this year. well, thank you very much, mr. serhiy, serhiy zgorets, director of information of the consulting company defense spress was with us, we talked about the situation at the front and whether there will be a counteroffensive this year, or... who has already started, you know, rolling their lips, you can say, announce, announce, yes, okay, let's go without announcements , this, this summer without announcements, last summer we announced there, someone already ordered a hotel from us in yalta, well, so far it hasn’t worked out, dear friends, we remind you about our gathering, please let us know if you still have the opportunity to do so in order to save the lives of our military of the 100th
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brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, now we will remember a moment of silence for those ukrainians whose lives, unfortunately, were cut short by russian aggression. we will honor their memory with a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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