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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EEST

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happened in ukraine and the world, kateryna shirkopoya knows, katya, you have a word, congratulations, congratulations, lesya, andria, in a moment i will tell you how much the number of victims has increased as a result of the russian shelling of kharkiv and the disappearance of the plane in russia. news time on... kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio of the espresso tv channel. the security service of ukraine conducts security measures in the government quarter of kyiv in the morning. law enforcement officers check citizens' documents and inspect premises on the territory of pecherka, pecherskyi and shevchenkivskyi districts of the capital. the goal is protection from saboteurs, important state facilities and places of mass gathering of people. one man died and another was injured.
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as a result of the night attack of the occupiers in the kharkiv region. according to oleg sinyohobov, the head of the region, the russians hit a village in the chuguyiv district with a ballistic missile. also , a man who was injured by a russian airstrike the day before died in kharkiv. this was announced by the mayor of the city igor terekhov. a 75-year-old man was pulled out from under the rubble of his house within two hours. he died in hospital this morning. enemy over the evening attacked two districts of the city at once, in the saltiv district they hit a garage cooperative, there was a fire, a 37-year-old man was injured, 70 garages and more than 20 cars were damaged, six more residents were injured in the private sector of the kyiv district. the occupiers injured two women and a man during the attack in pologiv district. a total of 548 times russians... in
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the zaporizhzhia region during the day. 10 settlements were under enemy fire . the enemy carried out five airstrikes on tsvitkovo and kamianskyi. also the occupiers attacked gulyaipole, roboty, nemalynivka, novaandriivka. in particular, 10 reports were received about the destruction of housing. one person was injured due to russian attacks in the kherson region. according to the information of the head of the region oleksandr. prokudin, russian troops covered 13 settlements in the region with fire during the day, as well as kherson. two high-rise buildings and 15 private houses were damaged. there is also a hit to a critical infrastructure object, educational institutions and a car. the occupiers injured five civilians of kostyantynivka in donetsk region. at night the russians dropped a guided aerial bomb on a residential quarter of the city. this is reported by the regional prosecutor's office. powerful the blast wave
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covered the townspeople in their homes, one man and four more women were taken to the hospital, they suffered brain injuries and multiple stab wounds, at least 13 apartment buildings were damaged, windows and studs were broken in the homes, two more people were injured during the day in pokrovsk, the enemy covered with fire 15 times the settlements of the region in the pokrovsk, kramatorsk and bakhmut districts. russian military aircraft sud-34 crashed in north ossetia, the crew died, this was reported in the enemy's ministry of defense. they write that a fighter-bomber crashed into an opskele at night. the cause of the wreck is initially called a technical malfunction. in the meantime, the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation invite you to get involved. to
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collect drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th zis brigade. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadcopters are the eyes in the sky that keep an eye out for safety and enablement confidently go forward. and most importantly, they help save the lives of our military. together with you, we have to collect 2.5 million hryvnias. so let's not waste time, join the collection for our defenders. i wish you good health, we, the fighters of the 100th brigade of artillery intelligence, are asking you to join our collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. volodymyr zelenskyi arrived in germany to participate in the conference on the restoration of ukraine, wed the main issues - energy. the head of state announced this in his telegram channel
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. zelenskyi will also meet with german chancellor olaf scholz to discuss further defense support for kyiv and the development of the ukrainian ppp system. and joint production of weapons. the plans also include a visit to a military base where ukrainian soldiers are trained. i would like to note that the address of president volodymyr zelenskyi, chancellor of germany olaf scholz and president ursula fonther of the european commission to the participants of the conference on the reconstruction of ukraine. estimated start at 10 o'clock. 50 so don't miss out. meanwhile, in ukraine , the first workshop for the repair and production of armored vehicles became operational as part of the partnership between ukroboronprom and the german company rain metal. this was announced by oleksandr
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kamyshchin, minister of strategic industries. according to him, this will make it possible to repair foreign equipment faster and quickly return it to the front. in the future, new samples of armored vehicles will be produced there techniques war in the middle east. the un security council supported us president joe biden's proposal for a ceasefire between israel and hamas in the gaza strip. she also called on the palestinian militants to adopt an agreement aimed at ending the eight-month war. the document was supported by 14 members of the radbezo. russia abstained from voting. let me remind you that at the end of may, joe biden announced a plan to cease fire in the strip. it provides for the withdrawal of israeli troops from populated areas of the enclave and the release of hostages within six weeks. national tribune of ivan vovchuk's life and ideas. in the capital
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, a book-biography of the righteous man of the world, the destroyer of moscow's imperial myths, ivan vovchuk, was presented. he was a nationalist from the east of ukraine, an associate of roman shukhevych and a deputy of stepan. the publication tells in detail who vovchuk was and what contribution he made to the formation of the ukrainian state. its author oleg protsenko spent 5 months writing the book. ivan vovchuk, an undeservedly forgotten, well, or insufficiently known figure of our liberation movement of the 20th century, and this his first complete biography, and who wants to know more. er, he should read it, he is interesting because he is a person who, all his life and after his death, debunked russian imperial myths. this is a figure who, a biography that destroys many stereotypes regarding the perception of ukrainian history of the 20th century, about
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banderivets, who, together with, who at the same time came from the east of ukraine, that is, he came from the kharkiv region, spoke in the dnipropetrovsk region, was a righteous man. nations of the world, found himself in exile, was one of the key associates stepan bandera, i.e. all those things that apparently do not fit, some do not fit into such a standard canon of ukrainian history of the 20th century, to learn more interesting and relevant information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks , we will see you in less than an hour. his story began with the revolution
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of dignity, this is yury hrytsai, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, a two-time volunteer. in 2014, he joined the military and later defended our country in the 95th separate amphibious assault brigade. after the liberation of sloviansk, he was demobilized, so yuriy went to work abroad. however, on the second day of the full-scale war, he was in ukraine to once again defend our independence. my wife was in the dnipro, she called me that the war started at 60 in the morning, 6:10. ah, i understood that it was a one-way ticket, but on february 25 i was already in dnipro, signed up for the national guard, in dnipro-1, in short, where... we chose there and signed up, and in march we already defended luhansk region in rubezhnye district. after wounded, yuriy returned to dnipro to undergo a rehabilitation course. recalling the everyday life at the front, he notes that his wife was the greatest support for him, he constantly
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carried her letter under his heart. now the man has two dreams: the first and most important is that our defenders do not die. the second is your own house with a yard, where you can grow quail and... treat your loved one to your favorite dishes. cooking occupies a special place in yuri's life. his eyes light up with happiness while cooking. today , the man's favorite business is cooking center the mhp does not hide its delight at the opportunities given to it, when i first came here, i fell in love, i fell in love with wow, it was just a cultural shock for me, that there is all the most modern equipment here, look how the students have desks, what a technique, how shiny and beautiful everything is, i have never seen anything like it anywhere. by education, yuriy is an engineer of nuclear plants, however, after a year of study, he realized that it was not for him, he says, he always felt that... his heart was drawn to cooking, it all started in childhood, according to family tradition, yuriy's father
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every saturday he cooked borscht and let him help with cooking, and when the meal was finished, he threw barberry into it. today, yuri himself likes to search for and mix new flavors. yuriy worked officially as a chef for eight years, all the time abroad, in total he visited 50 countries of the world, worked in sweden, denmark, latvia, lithuania, bulgaria and even fed the king with signature dishes. today he is preparing a japanese spicy beef tongue tataka snack. i'm cooking tataki, now we 'll start with the sauce, because it needs to be a little bit cooled down tataki from beef tongue, which is also made here at the factory. a japanese dish, it will be a little spicy, it's a must, i like spicy. now we will fry the tongue, it is already ready, but we will give it a little bit more piquancy.
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yuriy joined the team of the culinary center a year ago, he was just undergoing rehabilitation after a concussion, as part of the mhp program nearby, the company created a position specifically for him so that the man could continue to work his magic on cooking. yuri works in a very innovative culinary center. this is even in on the scale of europe, a very innovative story, and the conditions that are created for it, innovation is about experiments, it is about speed, it is about the ability to interact with different people, and this is exactly the business approach, it makes possible what it says about yuriy and his colleagues, ah... adapt very quickly. since february 24, more than 300
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employees of the company left the production offices and fields to go to the front to defend our state. this is more than 10% of employees with military experience. mhp is one of the first companies in ukraine to implement program of reintegration and readaptation of veterans. the idea arose back in may 2022 , and already in 2023 a comprehensive support program for ukrainian defenders was launched. currently, we already have a center for work with mobilized and veterans, which takes care of our mobilized employees, and demobilized, that is, veterans, and members of the communities where our enterprises are located. in addition, our expertise is already stable enough, and we can, as i said, share with others. yuri's story is just one example. the company says that everyone creates necessary conditions for effective adaptation
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of their veteran employees to life in the family, team, community. we recreated such a complete chain from how our employee was mobilized, and we cover the needs of his military unit, humanitarian, of course, there, his personal needs, yes, there in clothes, there some settings. also, if health problems arise during service, we help to treat and rehabilitate such an employee. on the basis of the mhp program, a center for interaction with military personnel and veterans works systematically nearby. now in it has 15 coordinators who provide individual support and comprehensive support to defenders and their families every day. the programs are like the ones given by the mhp nearby, it’s... how cool, right here is the company there, it’s so cool that it exists, that
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you have seizures there, like i had, they put you in the hospital, a psychologist works, they picked up a psychologist such as i need, medical support, material assistance, workplace, legal support, social reintegration, professional adaptation, psychological support and a friendly atmosphere are the main factors mhp programs are nearby, this is exactly what ukrainian military personnel who are returning from the war to society need, andriy saichuk, in this studio we work for you until 12 o'clock, this is the naispresso marathon, and we thank you that we are with you, and we are glad that we can to speak for you with such guests as petro chernyk, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, now there will be a portion of information that will be sobering, as always from mr. petro,
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well, maybe i don’t know, maybe mr. petro will comfort and calm us all, sir peter, but for a start. i would like to ask you if open my facebook feed, and andriy says that he also has a similar feeling, and we ask our other friends if they have this, then again this feed has turned into a kind of solid obituary and recently there are a lot of reports that someone died, the americans say that what was allowed to be beaten on the territory. it restrained the russian offensive in the kharkiv region, they say that the russians held back a little there, but nevertheless, we have such a tape, why so, why in such waves, where is the hot spot on the front right now? i would not said that there are some waves, this is a regular routine situation, i think it is a psychological effect as such, because each
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person has his own environment, in this environment these unpleasant ones appear. news, but i would not say that the intensity of losses is any different from, say, the same year 2022, when, by the way, the phase of hostilities, especially in the part related to the use of artillery, was much more tonal than now, then the russians, especially in the summer, artillery barrages from 45,000 to 80,000 per day were set up, now these indicators fell to 20 thousand, and of course we learned to repel missile strikes much more powerfully and better and... from killing can reach from 60, and sometimes up to almost 100%, especially if it concerns shaheds, so most likely this is a psychological moment and, unfortunately, it will be like this until the last day of this war, in terms of deterring the russians, we would allow them to strike on their territory, yes kharkiv, their offensive operation really slowed down, but they
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created a bridgehead and we will have to get them out of there is it early it's late to knock out, actually, what now? takes place on the front, in the time of yar, where the russians seem to be trying to move east and advance from the city, is there anything now, what is the situation there, there is nothing new in absolute terms, the front has entered the stage of the so-called relative fire balance after they succeeded in the people of avdiiv and some success in the kharkiv region, how long it will all last, it is difficult to say, but the largest packages of military aid ever, which... in this war, are still on the way, good news comes from sweden, we were handed over radar 340 and rb-99 missiles, this is an analogue of aim-120, they could not have been handed to us just like that, if they appeared in the package, then it means that the f-16 is about to work, the only thing i cannot decipher it's about to, whether
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it's a few days, whether it's a few weeks, but definitely in the dry weather cycle, ace-16 is for real. changer, he can at least solve the problem of a preschool su, the fourth, which drops a large number of cabs, up to 100 units, per day, this is a lot, by the way, about the su-34, one of them crashed today , a russian one, during a training exercise, as the flight is claimed and two pilots died, we will talk about it even more, then i wanted to ask, one of those russian military unconscious experts, if you allow me to use such an epithet, colonel khodorov... recently in an interview he said that the next two or three months will be decisive in principle for this war and he predicts that the summer will be very hot, after which the side that will inflict more losses on the opponent and will be able to start negotiations from favorable positions for themselves, well, this is his opinion, are you from those do you agree is rational for, let's
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find out the main goals for us and the main goals for them, for them the main thing. the goal is unchanged to reach the administrative borders of donetsk region and luhansk region and immediately start the negotiation process. by the way, erdoğan reflected in this direction a few weeks ago, who said: "literally, let's freeze the conflict until 2040, and then we will see, through a referendum, to whom these territories will go." putin speaks, speaks, according to time indicators, everything converges, somewhere putin sees himself in power. tasks for us to exterminate as much of their manpower as possible and that. and i remain an ardent supporter of the concept of the collapse of the southern pladarm, is it possible, perhaps it is possible to go to melitopol, and further to the northern poissy to gain a foothold in the area of ​​the milky estuary, but there is a nuance. for this, in fact, a huge number of long-range missiles is needed, not in dozens, in hundreds, but even in thousands of units, and a large missile-bomb load for the same f16 or mirage, because, let's say, the same mirage
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2000 can be taken on board , two scalp rockets with the strike range is 500 km to half a ton of a combat unit, if they were to work every day at least in one line of six machines and those 12 missiles were used, then it is possible to burn out their logistics very significantly. we understand that without ammunition, without food, water and medicine , a soldier cannot fight in the trenches, whether those months will be decisive, a difficult question, a difficult question, whether they can, whether we can get closer to some turning point in an improved position, either we are ours, or they are theirs, that's how it can be, the statement is political than rather military, senator lynsey graham, who supports ukraine a couple of days ago, yesterday, if... kyiv time, said on the air somewhere on an american tv channel that ukraine, with this package of weapons that is now being transferred, will be able to seize the initiative and
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even he expects the ukrainian armed forces to launch a counteroffensive. in your opinion, is it appropriate to think about and announce a counteroffensive this year? mandatory, from the point of view of classical military science, any defense, he emphasizes, it is written in all textbooks of all nations, who ever for... dealt with this practical-theoretical component, any defense involves one thing: exhausting the enemy in order to create the conditions for subsequent counter-offensive actions. as the great chinese thinker sundzi said, the goal of any war is the victory or defeat of the enemy, it cannot be otherwise, it cannot be otherwise, therefore it is logical to talk about this question only for the thousandth time, we will emphasize it, the number of high-quality weapons, because it and so high-quality, by the way. and we hold on because we have a rather high motivation, higher than russians, extraordinary intelligence and really high-quality weapons, if we fought with
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the quantitative indicators that we have, but still old soviet weapons would not be a problem for us. mr. peter, our opponent, he is exhausted, how exhausted is he now? well, here, it is necessary to lay out the enemy's determination very correctly, what is it? in terms of the devastation of their warehouses, which ... concerns armored vehicles, because this is their main weapon and artillery, their warehouses of devastation are somewhere around 40 dashes in some categories of weapons , 50%, so if we are already on the third day, forgive the third year of the war in the way we are fighting, they still have a conditional three years, but for example, they cannot and will not be able to fully build the tu-95 ms , they cannot and will not be able to fully build the tu-22 m3, and they will not be able to fully build the mig 31k can't and won't be able to, this is precisely what applies to su. 27, su 25 and a whole range of weapons, from tanks they can build only t-90 from scratch, a maximum of 225 per month, this is their top position, but again
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, they have up to 100 bis people, 3 million in reserve, that’s a lot, automatic weapons kalashnikov is manufactured more than 100 million, mocin rifles more than 37 million, we need weapons obtained from the second world war, ppsh , pps, a total of 8 million. day, and will continue to die. therefore, putin says that there is no need to mobilize. well, there is a certain very serious, indeed, serious political moment here. yes, indeed, muscovites are not capable of rebellion from below, simply not capable. that's all, it's impossible, i don't believe it, it's never happened to them in history there was one single successful case, it was a revolt of the bolsheviks, but it was organized by elites, nobles, led by... lenin for german money, this is a very important and principled detail, they are now painlessly mobilizing 332 personnel per month for themselves,
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and we set a record of 39 in may, and if you already reach 50-60 thousand indicators, it is technically possible, but it will really be a very powerful social tension, and this social tension can be used by some of the kremlin towers to transfer putin himself. let me remind you, the attempt to transfer putin took place, prigozhin did not go to this uprising himself, it is impossible, he was provoked, forced or motivated to do so by some group of cabinets, i think it is a group of cabinets in the fsb, and this group of cabinets, can it again resort to such a step due to the growth of social tension, maybe that is why they are not in a hurry with this mobilization, but then while he shows the wonders of internal political vitality, he is definitely practical... in the shoig, that his huge heavyweight is still part of his political in terms of life expectancy, he lives longer than putin, and now again there is a huge purge of all those
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potential in his understanding. he has rivals, competitors, opponents and the like, what he can do, he can, you have to give him credit, but let's remind you of the battle between stalin and beria, stalin was sure that he would beat beria, it didn't happen, he beat beria, the truth here instantly khrushchev appeared, whom no one had seen at all, now when talking about this war that is going on in ukraine, it is compared with others, so surely the human brain is arranged, that we try to look for some analogies, sometimes they... sometimes they, on the contrary, lead us astray, but there is such an opinion, perhaps speculative, that we very often compare putin with hitler and the events there with 39 in europe in 1900 and so on 38 -m in ukraine, but there is also such an opinion, a hypothesis that it is possible that the war in ukraine is a kind of 35th year, africa and mussolini's african company in fact, and hitler is rather mussolini, and the real hitler is the future
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third. during the war, this is xijin ping, this is china, and by the way, it turned out very interesting publication and a lot of people are now discussing philip zelikov, a well-known american diplomat, security adviser, many governments, he was, by the way, the chairman of the committee from after the attack on new york terrorist on september 11, and he wrote a big big publication about that , that this axis of evil is being formed, and it is actually much more united with... more ordered than, for example, there were relations between hitler, muscellini, hirohito , the emperor of japan, and so on, that is , iran, north korea, russia much more are now mobilized and support each other, and it is possible that from the war in ukraine, from its course, from its result, it can literally depend on whether these authoritarian leaders will not see a chance to challenge the military, the military as a whole
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to the free world, what are you talking about... a very valid point, i almost completely share it, historical analogies are a very serious thing, because i said the great nicolas machevelli, if you want to know how it will be, study how it was, history is cyclical, and from this cyclicity humanity cannot get out, the truth is that there is still a precedent of some kind of process, but then this precedent turns into cause-and-effect relationships, so in my school of values, xinping is much more evil than russia itself, what... i have not the least doubt that the great thing of evil has been outlined, the global south has formed as a fact, it is now experiencing its own institutional and organizational structuring against the global north, the challenge has mostly already been thrown, the configurations have been made and the third world on marches, it is already on the march, my opinion is that we are somewhere in the conditional year 1939, because
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there are no absolute identities. this should also be understood, any parallel has its own nuances, conditions, circumstances and the like. whether the fate of the world as such is decided in ukraine is clear, but the most important conclusion is that it is impossible, impossible, to stop this flywheel. the only question is where all the worst, most painful things for humanity will boil over and on what scale. the second world war was started, it was started, and in the conditional 40th year of hitler, it is possible was to be strangled with less blood, although it was all the same. for blood, yes, i translate such a parallel, we must strangle putin, we must strangle the russian federation, and this will really be a signal to all that tyrannical south, because it is really tyrannical of the world democracies, will this happen, i am a great skeptic, forgive me, i will be honest, i can't see yet the personalities of the level of de gaulle, churchill or even reagan and thatcher, the whole western world is now
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falling into a gerant, especially the united states of america. the two main contenders for the post of superpower, nad hegemon, over people at a very advanced age, these people are not capable of making decisions on a planetary scale level, well, but there is also the fishing of history or the fishing of god, who reacts to it and how do they understand it, is it possible to coincide with both negative and, by the way, positive moments of unpredictability, i fully suspect it. that our viewers have now rushed to look for a sedative that they have at home, at work, or where they watch us there, mr. peter, we have to be realistic, there would be no war if we as a whole community were sober since 1991 , looked at geopolitics, i have a personal the internal drama that i became famous, i would rather be unknown, shouted at everyone...


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