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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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greetings to all viewers of espresso, i'm anna yavomelnyk and this is the news. green light, the european union should start negotiations on the accession of ukraine already to the end. president of the european commission, ursela fonderlein, said at the conference on the reconstruction of ukraine in berlin. according to funderlein , ukraine has taken all the steps and implemented the necessary reforms prescribed by the european union in the conditions for the start of negotiations. this is the first conference on the restoration of ukraine, which takes place in the european union itself. and that. the place where ukraine belongs. kharkiv -
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this is europe ukraine is europe. and our union is your home. glory to ukraine, and long live europe. euros of profits from russian assets will be confiscated in favor of ukraine already in july this year. she made such a statement. president of the european commission ursela funderlein at the recovery conference, she also added that the european union will provide ukraine with almost 2 billion euros in june as part of the ukraine facility program. a conference on the restoration of ukraine is underway in berlin. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi and the chancellor of germany spoke at the opening olaf scholz. the german leader said that ukraine will soon receive the third system from them. in total,
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more than 2,000 politicians, diplomats, as well as representatives of business and civil society from different countries will take part in the two-day conference. the main topics of discussion are energy, human capital, mental health and cultural heritage. we can say one thing with certainty: russia will not go through with its imperialist invasion of ukraine. is following the path chosen by ukrainian men and women themselves, democratically, freely in europe, and we are following it along the way with you, and that is why today here in berlin we are working to restore a strong, free european ukraine. strength, loyalty, principles, these are prerequisites for putin to realize that there will be no military victory and peace in the form of a dictatorship, he must stop the brutal campaign and withdraw his troops from ukraine, endure and win. such a confrontation. this is complex
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work. this is an effort both in the defense of ukraine against russian aggression, and in ensuring the stability of our society against any blows of this war and the preservation of our common european way of life with you. high-profile murder in zaporizhzhia. a city council official who was temporarily suspended was shot there. maksym denshchyk, director of the department of legal support. in the morning, at the entrance of the multi-storey building , an unknown person shot maxim four times with a firearm, after which he ran away. denshchik died during medical treatment, the police said, the prosecutor's office opened a case of intentional homicide, and law enforcement officers are looking for the attacker. in zaporizhzhia, security measures have been strengthened on the streets. police officers will carry out preventive work to eradicate crime, he said.
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ivan fedorov of the regional military administration. earlier, the deceased published a statement about pressure and threats from the head of zaporizhzhia ova. an eight-year-old boy drowned in kharkiv. the tragedy occurred at the petrenko reservoir. rescuers found the child's body at a distance of about 30 m from the shore. the state emergency service once again urges parents not to let their children go alone to the reservoir. the russian invaders did not capture the village of ivanovske near chasovoy yar on daughters the settlement is under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, said nazar voloshyn, the spokesman of the khortytsia military group, in a comment to interfax ukraine. the officer emphasized that the occupiers do not stop trying to storm ivanovsk and are constantly firing at it with all available types of weapons. he noted that earlier the analytical resource deeppstate wrote that the enemy allegedly entered the.
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sela espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. have soldiers as a donation of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar, they drill for victory every day, do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield, so quad bikes are indispensable assistants for evacuation, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible off-road, which helps to perform combat tasks more efficiently. your support significantly increases the chances of the people of holodoyariv not only to successfully complete the task, but also to return alive from it. so join this gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. learning on time, a new educational project, the all-ukrainian democratic forum and the ukrainian catholic university are starting. it teachers in the uk. they will train informatics teachers from three regions of ukraine and have already
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signed a corresponding agreement. details in the material of my colleagues. 48 teachers from 24 schools of lviv ivano-frankivsk. and poltava oblasts will learn basic python programming, robotics, and education systems, informatics teachers will learn from the best it specialists. all this involves a new educational project, leave no one behind, his implemented by the non-governmental organization all-ukrainian democratic forum with the support of taiwan and at the behest of mykola knyazhytskyi. it is very important for us that ukrainians stay in ukraine, because the main goal of putin and our enemies is that ukraine does not just lose. initially depopulated in order to lose, due to the fact that encouraging ukrainian children to study, helping them is extremely important, and we initiated such a project, together with the government of taiwan, about not just helping ukrainian schools with computerization, but also teach teachers, teach
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children teachers will be trained at the ukrainian catholic university, they have already signed a cooperation agreement. we took a long time to sign this agreement, he said. in the stage of thinking about the design of the project, of course, understanding where to get resources for this project, and now, together with our partners, we have already reached the stage when we can announce, sign an agreement, continue to work with teachers, with schools, teach and educate a new generation of our children , who will be technologically savvy, who will be ethically savvy, and who will be able to do great things. during the year three training modules will be held for educators, after which informatics teachers will receive certificates. this program, it concerns the strengthening of teachers in the field of stem, in the field of computer science, in the field of information technology, and thanks to
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this program, teachers will be able to undergo additional training and gain knowledge in the operation of technology. schools, teachers who have come to... training will receive new equipment for computer classes free of charge, to participate in the project , you should fill out the registration form, which will be opened on june 17. now we have launched and we invite you to look at our website and our pages in social networks, we have launched monitoring surveys, which will be additional wishes of teachers, what to get as part of this training course, and from june 17 , the competitive selection will start and we invite teachers and schools to apply to participate in this project . last year, the lviv school in cooperation with taiwan already handed over modern eicer equipment. in particular, lviv lyceum grono received more than 90 computers, tablets and a powerful generator. and more than 60 laptops, headsets, multimedia complexes and others
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the equipment was transferred to the schools of the poltava region. this year , the project included an educational component, professional training of teachers. emma stadnyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. look for more interesting videos on the espresso youtube channel, be sure to subscribe, as there are live ether broadcasts, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, share them, comment, be there. for the moment, i have everything, i'll see you at 3 p.m., the news team is working, about we will tell about the main events in the next issue, see you later on espresso. my colleagues marto oliarnyk and antin borkovskii.
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glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, the espresso tv channel's information day continues, we thank our tireless journalists and thank our wonderful colleague anna eva melnyk. well, we will. to inform you about the rest of the most important events of this day and we will try to analyze them in a timely manner in the espresso studio live marta oliyarnyk and antin barkovskii many events today dmytro snigiv. with us from minute to minute will appear on the air, we will talk with him about the difficult situation at the front and news from abroad will also come in, there is good news: in the end, the white house allowed the use of western weapons, and the fighters of this unit can claim those weapons, which will be allocated by the united states within the aid packages, this is a very good signal, the azovians themselves say that the negotiations and persuasions lasted for a very long time, but in the end they pushed through, and we are very happy about it... in fact, we are happy, yes, and good news from german chancellor olaf scholz, so he
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announced the delivery of patriot, airist and missile systems to ukraine in the coming weeks and months. yes, in particular, we are talking about one patriot battery, and, accordingly, we are talking about missiles and ammunition. he stated this at the conference on the restoration of ukraine in berlin. i quote scholz. all of a sudden the most general need of the ukrainian army now is ammunition, weapons, especially air defense systems, so in the coming weeks and months we will deliver to ukraine the third patriot air defense system, installations airists, cheetahs, rockets and ammunition, and called on everyone present to support german initiatives with everything the participants can. well, let's involve dmytro snigerev, a military expert, co-chairman of the public initiative prava srava p'. dmitry, we welcome you to our airwaves, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations, well, let’s probably start with
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the hottest, most problematic direction, the so-called, the so-called pokrovsky direction, we understand that all reports of our general staff and not only the general staff, well, formulate the situation as extremely complex, we understand that the enemy there is active in several directions, and accordingly, can mr. dmytro, consider this a general line of attack? the question of the russian summer offensive, should we still wait for any additional possible directions, and accordingly, first of all, we would ask you to outline what is currently happening in the pokrovsk direction? well, there are certain tactical successes of the occupiers, and accordingly the expansion of the presence zone, the occupiers are trying to achieve the corresponding main task, which is to take the route under direct or fire control pokrovsky... kostiantynka according to the latest information, the distance to the highway is no more than
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8 km, that is, we can say that if there are appropriate rates of advance on the part of the russian occupiers, which they have been demonstrating recently, then, accordingly, after some time the question will arise regarding the logistical component of the defense of ukraine, the possibility of the occupiers exiting directly to constantine. that is, in fact, this is the flanking coverage of the ukrainian group concentrated during the yar, and this will significantly worsen the situation in the entire area of ​​donetsk the front the main task of the occupiers at the moment is not a breakthrough even in the pokrovsky or kurakhiv directions. the task is to enter the administrative borders of the donetsk region in order to carry out at least the so-called first stage specifically. military operation, we are talking about the fact that the russian dictator has actually already changed
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his rhetoric regarding the plans for a special military operation, we are not talking about de-nazification, demilitarization, but we are talking about the implementation of tasks related to entering the administrative areas of the luhansk donetsk regions. pokrovsky direction of priority, unfortunately, we can say that the occupiers are using again... the practice of so-called wave attacks with the support of attack aircraft, striking the positions of the defense forces of ukraine with the use of fabs. what is happening in the donetsk direction, by the way, is not only pokrovsky, but the mob activation, corresponding to the situation in the kupyansk direction, and the occupiers are trying to attack simultaneously on two flanks, respectively in the area of ​​kupyansk itself, kupyansk in... . and the second flank - this is an exit to the oskilny watershed with the aim
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of splitting the ukrainian group in half, a sharp aggravation of the situation, in addition, we can talk about a rather difficult situation in the lyman direction, the occupiers are currently storming again in two directions, this is the terne district with the aim of exiting directly to the leman, leman - it is a key transport hub of the armed forces and, accordingly, a defense point. the second flank of the offensive is the beilohorivka district, a counter strike from the vyimka district with the aim of creating an operational encirclement in the siverska district, well, it is not easy at all the situation in the district. the new and, accordingly , the kanal microdistrict, unfortunately, we have to state, there are certain tactical advances of the occupiers. mr. dmitry, allow me, please, i want to focus our attention here, because deeppstate analysts said that the enemy captured ivanovske, it is south of chasovoy yar, but in osul, they say
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that the enemy did not capture ivanovske near temporary yar, would you like to rate? how difficult is the situation right now near this settlement and what is happening there now? tough battles, let's wait official information, i treated the tape with great respect, but we will wait for information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. i emphasize once again that this is a tactic of flanking, that is, the same fla tactic is being demonstrated, which the occupiers have been armed with since the 22nd year, abandoning the tactic of creating large... switched to the tactic of creating small cauldrons by flanking the positions of the armed forces forces of ukraine with the aim of minimizing losses in manpower and, accordingly, creating the prerequisites for the displacement of the employed from the defense forces of ukraine positions this is actually demonstrated by a simultaneous attack in the ivanovske district and , accordingly, a sharp activation on the flanks with
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the aim of going directly, well, let's say to the line. already mentioned by me on the kostiantynka line, that is, on the highway. we would like to ask you more about the situation in the kharkiv direction. there is a message from the press center of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. so, i am now quoting the general staff: the enemy became more active in the kharkiv direction, three attacks were repulsed in the vovchansk and hlybokoy districts. russian terrorists cabs and guided missiles are used in the areas of bugaivka, vovchansk and zbytskyi. and vovchan villages are being hit from the airspace on the territory of the russian federation from the direction of belgorod and shebekino. mr. dmytro, you have the floor. kharkiv direction. well, the redeployment of personnel was recorded in order to strengthen the corresponding offensive in the kharkiv direction, and they attack simultaneously in the vovchansky district and in
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the lybtsi district. they need molds to establish control over the dominant heights. there are three dominant heights. the lybsks themselves are located in the lowlands, but the main battles will be fought precisely for the control of these commanding heights, the distance from the lybsks to kharkiv, according to various estimates, is 20-25 km, which makes it possible for the enemy's means of destruction to keep large areas controlled by the armed forces of ukraine under fire control , kharkiv oblasts, and accordingly vovchansk, heavy battles are being fought. you have already named the settlement, according to preliminary information, the armed forces of ukraine counterattacked in the direction of this settlement point, plus the battles are being fought directly in volchansk itself, this is the area of ​​the so-called industrial zone, the aggregate plant, the units of the armed forces of ukraine have been introduced, we are talking, in particular, about the units of the marines, which provide an opportunity to stabilize the situation in
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this direction. on the positive side, we can note that yesterday there was the same shebekino. to the command post of the sixth combined arms army of the enemy, it is this army that is conducting offensive operations in the kharkiv direction. according to information from the russian side itself, eight officers of the highest command staff are considered missing unknown, that is, we can say that the successful tactic of striking the enemy's rear infrastructure has a constant trend. in addition, the destruction of belgorodsk is reported. area of ​​the field staff of the zbk and striking the points of permanent deployment of the occupying forces, i.e. the permission given by it for the use of western weapons for strikes on the territory of the russian federation, is currently showing its positive signs. and there is a feeling that the enemy is trying to concentrate additional units in the kharkiv direction,
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yes, in particular, in order to try to advance to the lips and not only to them. not only in kharkiv, but also in sumy. i emphasize once again that the enemy is trying to use the tactic of a thousand cuts, simultaneously striking in several directions in order to divert attention from the main direction of the russian offensive, this is the donetsk region, this is exactly the pokrovsky, kurakhivsky and, accordingly, kramatorsk directions. therefore, i do not rule out that in the coming days there will be a sharp activation of the enemy precisely in kharkiv. respectively in sumy in the direction of the events that took place the day before in the sumy region, we can say that it was a combat reconnaissance of a contingent of russian troops concentrated in the area... let's say, the sumy region is insufficient for conducting large-scale operations that would have a psychological attack by kadyrov , in your opinion, what was it connected with? well, that's exactly what intelligence is about,
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let's say, but kadyrov's information about establishing control over this settlement was denied by the russian side itself. we are talking about the so-called raid actions intelligence and sabotage groups. it is worth noting that this tactic is permanent for russia. occupiers, and well, this is not news, as for the settlement itself, it is actually a continuation of the russian tyotkin, it is not even in the gray zone, it is actually a border point there, well, it was a separate tyotkin street, but then it grew into a separate settlement, therefore, i would not panic about this, mr. dmytro, look, there is good news: from the white house, they have decided to remove the ban on the supply of weapons to the azov brigade, and we would like very briefly your reaction, what do you think influenced this decision? well
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, it is worth mentioning that the azov brigade is one of the most combat-capable brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, accordingly, the pentagon of chitkoi, the white house understands that the further supply of weapons to one of the most motivated and prepared units is prohibited, it can , let's say, play... . an evil joke primarily of the american administration itself. thank you to dmytro snihir, wax expert, the co-leader of the public initiative of the right of the case, because an international conference on the restoration of ukraine is currently taking place on our airwaves. just now german chancellor ulev scholzi and ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy are speaking to journalists. let's watch their performance live together. it will require extraordinary efforts from us, our partners and ukraine. they are so big. the destruction that putin is causing with his imperialist war in ukraine day after day. it is reasonable that we are already thinking about the decisive landmarks and the most important ones
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prerequisites for successful recovery. therefore, we want to expand our economic relations and connect all state and civil forces in ukraine. that is why i am especially glad that so many representatives of regions and cities have decided to go to berlin today. and communities and civil society of ukraine, and i am happy about the great activity of german business in ukraine. rebuilding the country will require massive investment. this will not be possible without private capital. i would like to remind you that we are talking about the restoration of a country that is a future member of the eu. ukraine has huge potential in the field of renewable energy sources and hydrogen, as well as in such promising sectors as digitalization. and it, healthcare technology and the pharmaceutical industry. i want to draw attention to three central points. we, together with
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our international partners, support the economic development fund and want to expand it together. thus, aid should be provided primarily to small and medium-sized enterprises. in addition, opportunities are needed to improve ukrainian business access to capital. so i want to praise it. the european commission has just announced the creation of an equity fund that will mobilize important funds for ukraine. and thirdly, with the help of the guide for investors, ukraine investors guide. we gather information on incentives for businesses actively operating in ukraine. dear ladies and gentlemen, except. we also cooperate in the defense industry. this conference on the restoration of ukraine begins a week of important international summits with a focus on ukraine. dear
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volodymyr, we will be back the day after tomorrow see you at the family group summit in apula. there, i will speak for the provision of guarantees for far-reaching and long-term support for ukraine. after that, we will meet with countries from all over the world at the first peace summit for ukraine in switzerland. there will be a dialogue about principles. a just and lasting peace, this will not mean the end of the war, because for this putin would have to make it clear that he is ready to end his brutal military campaign and withdraw the troops, but it may be possible to show the way to start the process in which one day russia will also sit behind the second, when the time comes for this, only ukraine will decide, but for now putin will be ruthless until then. our goals in this war, our message will be this, we will not weaken our support for ukraine, we will continue to stand steadfastly on the side of ukrainian men and
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women. present, dear journalists, i am grateful for your attention to ukraine and the opportunity today to bring our relations between ukraine and germany to an even higher level, today a conference for the stability and reconstruction of ukraine is taking place in berlin and already now. we can say that this is a productive event, i thank you once again, olaf, for the complete practicality of our work at the conference, this is exactly what we talked about and agreed on six months ago, and when the preparations for the conference were only at the start, today ukrainian and german government officials, our communities, our companies, and now at each level we
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have specific agreements. which will be implemented for the greater protection of the lives of ukraine and ukrainians. i thank every german city, every german state, and every company, who are already cooperating or starting to cooperate with ukraine, with our companies, with our communities, together we are definitely stronger. dear friends, our key emphasis today is clearly air defense and energy. this is something that is absolutely impossible without, simply modern. life, just life in ukraine and normal social activity. germany is a leader in helping ukraine protect the sky, patriot systems, and today there is a new solution for air defense, and not only patriot, and thank you for what you said at the opening of the conference. germany has already saved thousands saved thousands of ukrainian lives from russian terror. this is something for which ukraine
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will always be grateful. this is a test that really brings the end of this war closer. it is important for everyone to honestly perceive reality. this war continues only because putin has the opportunity to continue the war, terror and attacks on us, on ukraine. once russia's ability to terrorize its neighbors is limited, russia will finally be forced to seek a path to true peace, as this is putin's key advantage. missile strikes. guided aerial bombs, attack drones, we must provide together blackout of russian terror in order to remove from the blackout the possibility of real peace, and together with germany we are able to do this, of course, we talked today about the situation on the front and we talked in great detail, very concretely, about what we can do in the coming months, and in the next and ... for the next time to
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provide ukraine with sufficient, sufficient energy generation. i am grateful to the partners for understanding our needs, this applies both to germany and to other partners who are represented today at this conference. we are now preparing together with germany for the summit big seven, as the chancellor said, which will take place already this week and before the peace summit of the first ingo. grace summit of our initiative, which can really start the process, start the way to an honest, fair and just peace for ukraine. germany supports it, all of us in ukraine appreciate it very much. thank you again. and one more thing, we talked today about the european integration of ukraine, about our expectations from this june. ukraine has done everything necessary to actually start.
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negotiations on the membership of our state in the european union, and it is in june that we should very soon receive approval of the negotiating framework and actually start negotiations. i am grateful to germany, to you olaf, personally, for the support of our state, for the support of our people, also in this, on the way to the european union, it is very, very important for us, it is important that europe fulfills its promises and that we together...


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