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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EEST

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in the european union, and it is in june that we should very soon receive the approval of the negotiating framework and actually start negotiations. i am grateful to germany, to you olaf, personally, for the support of our state, for the support of our people, also in this on the way to the european union, it is very, very important for us, it is important that europe fulfills its promises and that we together provide global leadership.
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thank you, olga tanasyuchuk, ukrinforum. the first question is for mr. president zelenskyi. chancellor scholz in his speech, including said that many people, ukrainians, who have found protection abroad, in particular in germany, more than a million, will later become a driving force, one of the driving forces in the restoration of ukraine. how does ukraine, how does the state want to encourage these people to return, firstly, and is it appropriate now given the situation in the energy sector. because this is an additional load on our network, and the question to chancellor scholz, you said that first of all, thank you that germany has added, so much effort, made in order to ensure a large presence on summit in switzerland, and this is you, as you said, one of the first steps to get closer to a just peace, when the moment may come when russia can be invited to the negotiating table. thank you for your question, well
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, first of all, of course, energy, what you emphasized, there is a heavy load on business today, so what, because half of the generating system of our state was lost, i am today at an open press spoke about this in detail at the conference, but nevertheless, we are working, we are restoring energy, ours are coming out of the repair, glory god our nuclear units, they will help a lot, we are also decentralizing the energy supply system, we are working on this, and also , to be honest, we are working to ensure that ukraine has cooperation with many funds to finance the decentralized energy system, as well as separate loans, preferential loans, which are still needed by the private sector today, after russia destroyed. and
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thermal generation in ukraine, a large percentage of thermal generation for companies that generate the necessary money, we are also working on this with german partners, with other states, at a separate meeting today they talked about it, so that we need appropriate funds, as for recovery in general, definitely global recovery will be after the end of the war, and there is no point in motivating ukrainians now with some slogans after. the end of the war, i'm sure everyone will come to rebuild our country, because there will be jobs, there will be security, and i believe there will be a great, great motivation as far as rebuilding is concerned today, yes, we cannot force in any way, and, but i will say frankly, if today in such a difficult moment, those who want could come to ukraine and help one. run the state, but there are
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directions that need to be worked on, today there are people who have been left without homes, they need help, we need working hands, we need these professions, we lost many people who, because of the war, it is clear that because of the war they also lost their profession, someone went abroad, so in order to help ukraine today with housing, what i told you, and restore some... restore some infrastructure and, to be honest, work in some or other enterprises to help the army, i think we would also support such and such a decision, the peace summit now in switzerland, which will take place, is of great importance, we supported ukraine. and it was already
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a success that there were so many meetings during the preparation period, all our foreign policy advisors met in jeddah in... but this is the kind of summit where many specific issues will be discussed, and from a humanitarian point of view, it is the the ticket that needs to be watered, to start the development of such a movement, and of course, russia has... its contribution to a moderate path of development, that is, to withdraw the army until we see it, but it is necessary in order for it to be possible . mikhail fischer from the german press agency.
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thank you, mr. federal chancellor, the french president plans to send military instructors to ukraine and wants to establish alliance and for this you have already said that germany will not participate in such an initiative, do you agree that other european countries should participate here, or do you see the risk of escalation here, and when it comes about pppo, and mr. peter, mr. president, zelensky said about pppo and about the new initiatives of the crimea patriots, what is it about? specifically, the fact that permission has been given to strike on russian territory to protect kharkiv is sufficient, but you would like, mr. zelenskyi, to expand these initiatives, this
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permission, and do you hope for the supply of a new new york project or do you no longer hope on... thank you for a large number of interesting questions, i want to say that germany is the country in europe that provides the most help, including military, president zelenskyi has already talked about vocational education and training, we are constantly expanding and working in this sector, it will not end, for us it is a central point, and we also hope... that we will be able to bring others to the point that they made more efforts in increasing air defense assistance, what we can do in terms of training, for example, the ukrainian military on our territory, and
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here we do not change anything, questions, first of all, i am grateful for the ... support from germany, grateful for the announcement regarding the patriot system, on which our team is already training, and apart from that, we appreciate the quality and timeliness of arst systems, and olaf's team worked hard here, and we worked together to speed up all these processes to be compliant. systems were faster with us, and despite the fact that the production schedule of some systems that we need so much is very complicated, and i want to thank the german, german side for doing everything to speed up these deadlines, it is important, because
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people live, work, fight and survive every day, you know, every day, especially in... in the regions where the line of contact with the occupier passes, and it is very difficult, a large number of bombs, i was told now, for the current day, ah, 135, russia used, 135, and they know that they are about a ton each , 135, and areal guided bombs, this is a lot, and no system can cope with it, you understand, yes, we need an air defense system, that is, we need complex solutions, we talked about these complex solutions today in solaf, and i expect that we it will work, although this is only the beginning of it, but some things
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need to be talked about quietly, until these things are not resolved, thank you, the next question, in your opinion, the meeting will be the most successful and positive for ukraine, if you can predict it that way. this meeting is already a result, it is very difficult not to lose the alliance of states and partners. and the union of partners and non -partners is, in principle, a difficult mission
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for ukraine as a whole, when the war has not been going on for months, some are used to it, some are balancing, some continue to find some earnings from economic relations with the russian federation, so this is an important matter that i already consider success, it is not... it means that it is peace and the end of the war, this is a road, unfortunately, but we will pass it, i am sure of it, we will achieve peace, but this is the first step, it is very important, in parallel with this, you know that certain meetings are being organized at various levels in the territory of russia , ministers of foreign affairs of many countries, brics, etc., in order to build some other initiative, so our... meeting is a success once, the second story is that the initiative is not taken away by any state, because it is
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not it will be fair, because the war is with us, and we have every right, at the same time, i once again i emphasize, we are very open, if we want to unite a large number of states of the world, for this we need to listen to them, yes, because people will not just silently join one or the other. it is necessary to find complex solutions in order to unite so many countries, i think that 100 countries of the world from different continents will be represented at the first peace summit, this is the second thing that is important, not to lose the initiative, the third is not to give it to just someone , and not give it to russia, because the russian initiative was demonstrated. regarding their vision of the end of the war was demonstrated on the day of the full-scale
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invasion of their vision of the occupation of our country, and yes, that's why we all need to work very hard, well, and keep our fists so that everything will work out, three issues that will be considered on this way to begin with , you know, nuclear security, food security and the humanitarian direction of the return of ukrainians. and the exchange, the exchange of prisoners? i don't want to add much, it is very important that the conference, the summit will take place, it is already a success, and some topics volodymyr is already here named, and we are trying to find common positions, for example, nuclear security. what concerns the safety of the transport of bread and
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the return of abducted children, and many questions will be the subject of discussions, and when so many countries of the world come together, deal with these issues, humanitarian problems, for example, it will give rise to the power to talk about bigger ones. in the latter, which are very close to the kremlin, centrist parties such as yours
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, mr. scholz, did not do very well in the european parliament elections, do you think in essence, the eu should work as a bloc, mr. president zelensky, do you think that the political victories of the right in europe can help distance you a little, and the second point that concerns. and ukraine could recover less if it threw its territories out of the hands of the russians sooner, is it time for those who support ukraine to support the...
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supports parties that believe that ukraine should be supported, this applies to germany, but it also applies to other european countries countries, and of course, we think that there is an increase in the right, the right of extremist parties in various european countries, we will not put up with this, but we want such a framework that... really allows for political political competition, which parties have different views , but they have the same understanding of democracy for e democracy for a market
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economy, of course we need security for the future, and therefore... a reasonable and stable policy is very important, which we pursue specifically to support ukraine, and we have recently clearly spoken about that , there is not only germany the biggest supporter, we thank the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, we thank the chancellor of germany olaf scholz, the speeches were extremely informative, and... we now welcome martyna bogoslavets, the head of the mezh anti-corruption center, who, as far as we understand, is currently in berlin, kudos to ukraine, ms. martyna, we congratulate you, glory to the heroes, greetings to you from the corridors of the berlin conference, yes, well, we were also watching extremely carefully now, you can say with olyvchik, well, but the story is emotional,
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the story about nayem, i don’t have special sentiments towards nayem, but as far as we understand, to speak, the statement and his not being released to berlin surprised many of our friends, including american friends, perhaps not american ones, who are currently involved in that case, because it is not about a person nayem himself, yes, and this is about a certain trend, that is , a person who directly headed an extremely important agency, according to mustafa himself, he could not fully implement one or another of his visions and projects, and even if he did, well, here is the question ... even to you, and to other anti-corruptionists, or can we somehow find out what was implemented, what was not implemented, according to what plans and schedules did they move during the great reconstruction? absolutely correct, the question is not about mustafa, and what happened is not about mustafa, as personnel, yes, it is about the systemic
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problem of political dependence, political, vertical dependence, in fact, of any body that does not have a special status in ukraine, a special the status of the competitive appointment procedure, including special criteria for dismissal that would preclude such political dismissals, and what happened with the recovery agency happened today and yesterday, and we also know that for political reasons, in our opinion , kubrakov was also dismissed for ... recovery, well, in general, you need to understand what is obvious the official panel of top politicians and top diplomats, such as olaf scholz and ursula fonderlein, will not say about this, but it is necessary to understand that everyone reads the western press and everyone, if they do not read the ukrainian press, definitely reads it in english and reads, for example, financial times, an article that shook the western world,
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so these days, which actually appeared on the basis of the statement. actually mustafa nayema, well, in general , we assess a major communication error on the part of the ukrainian government with this non-release of the head of the agency for reconstruction abroad berlin, because it destroys the principle of predictability, which is highly valued in the western business world and the political world, the principle of predictability, that is, you you agree on something with someone, you understand who will implement it and... you basically expect that within a reasonable period of time this person, this institution will be with the management, yes retained in positions and they will be responsible, they will be responsible for implementation, because... here are all these tolerances, non-tolerances, dismissals, this is very cool, but it also destroys this logic, yes, if you wanted to,
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and maybe you managed to communicate with certain representatives of western politics or responsible western circles, we understand that they do not say a lot of things publicly, you can not name names, but if we talk, for example, about a certain climate of conversations and about certain. possible questions to you, as they are to the anti-corruption officer put the climate of conversations is very direct, and even more so, it takes place on public panels, and it happened yesterday, and this is not a secret, the question was with the word threat, which in translation from english means a threat, do we assess and do we see a threat to independence, infrastructure, meaning institutional. communities poured a large
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amount of money from international projects, including technical assistance to this institution, for example, including the institution headed by mustafa nayem, and this is normal, this is their fear, this is absolutely it is normal that they ask this, because hundreds of... thousands of dollars were spent on creating anti-corruption safeguards for these institutions, and therefore it is normal for them to be absolutely apprehensive about whether the newly appointed head will keep all these anti-corruption tools, and this destroys this principle of predictability , because in fact we know there that we should have created a central procurement body that would not only enable, but also reduce, if not complete corruption risks in procurement, public procurement, and this central procurement. authority, should regulate all these procurements of the recovery agency, regional recovery offices, and here is a completely logical question, these are experts from washington, who
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must understand that they prepare analytical materials for the parliament, they prepare analytical materials that go to the table of all top -politicians, and it's a completely normal question that they ask the question, which translates as a threat, because then what was the support for all this multi-year, ok, multi-year, last two years. from their these international technical assistance projects, if possible, the new head will keep and the new head, let's do this, the agency you choose the recovery agency will keep all these anti-corruption tools, for example, the idea of ​​whether the minister is a central procurement body or not, i have no idea at all, but on the spot, i can imagine it, on in the place of any sane person who would be offered to lead a recovery agency right now, who would agree to it on... in the background of this whole story that happened with mustafa, if you understand that you may be actually politically motivated, you are not allowed to attend the conference that you
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have been preparing for almost a year, and you can be fired, how did it happen, i’m sorry martyna, what happened to mustafa, well, that is, he wasn’t started by some completely different people, that is , the same people agreed to start him , who thanked him for the work done or not done, we have a moment. in fact, we are talking about a political game, a great political competition, the political conjuncture that is currently taking place in the government circle and in the president's office, and they explained it to us very nicely, they said that mustafa, in the official explanation of the government, has the right to report for his work on the 12th, he said he would not go to any conference, but just for a moment they knew the dates of this conference almost a year ago and knew what would happen... soon this reporting season and soon preparation for the heating season, and problems with energy, mustafa has to report on these energy infrastructure objects, well , they definitely didn't come up with this a day or two ago, because
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they knew about this conference for exactly a year, that's why it's all the same, you know, thank you, unfortunately, we have to let you go , martyna bohuslavets, head the border of the anti-corruption center was in touch with us, now we are going on a short break, after it there will be news, so stay with espress. warning! mega sale! cordless saws strong with a discount of only 799 uah. reliable, powerful, convenient. order while the video is streaming. strong forks will cut trees and bushes with ease. they are convenient to use for carpentry. this is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 799 uah. choose a basic model or a model with a telescopic handle and order now. is possibility of free delivery. check with the consultant. cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you will do all this in one movement with strong saws. just look how quickly they cope with even thick branches. strong proteins are easy to use
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everyone. donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yared in the direction of chasiv . the news team is ready. to say about the main events for this hour, i greet everyone who is with us, i am anaevamalnik. about the explosions in the dnipro reported the correspondents of the public. during the alert, the air force warned of missiles flying at the city. there is no detailed information from the military or the administration yet. an air alert has now been declared in the region.


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