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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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good evening, we are from ukraine. well, we come back and continue the big ether, i'll add oleksandr morchavka, it's time to talk about money during the war. oleksandr, please speak to you. good evening. good evening. thank you vasyl. so, we really talked today about money for ukraine, about business support in germany, there... there is a really important event that is happening in the business community, what dialogues regarding investments in ukraine, in ukraine, we will talk about in a moment. i am oleksandr morshevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. really important the event started in germany, in berlin, a conference was held today. on the restoration
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of ukraine, well, this is already the third such event on reconstruction, which was initially a full-scale invasion, well, in addition to the representatives, there are also representatives of the ukrainian business community. what exactly are they talking about with their colleagues, we will talk with our guest, the co-chair of the tax committee of the american chamber of commerce in ukraine. mykhailo polyakov joins the conversation, he is currently in germany. good evening. good evening, oleksandr, mr. mykhailo, here is your impression of the first day of this conference, apart from declarations, apart from certain statements, apart from certain new acquaintances, have there already been, for example, specific decisions, because this is not the first such event, well, i will start with even from organizational issues, that the conference itself can even be said to have started on june 3, because from an organizational point of view already from june 3... it was possible to get a badge
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for participation in the conference and already during these even these procedures had already begun communication as a business, as a state, for everyone participants of the conference, from 7 o'clock today we joined the event with our colleagues, and there was already extraordinary interest, that is, extraordinary interest in the event both from the side of international business and from the side of state authorities of various countries, that is... a phrase about the fact that there was no place for the apple to fall, this is clear during the speech of the president of ukraine, during the speech of olaf scholz and ursula fonderline, it was really, really difficult to breathe in the hall, because more than 2 thousand participants joined ukraine recovery conference in berlin this year, and that's why it's an extraordinary event, that is, in berlin today ukraine is heard in every corner and even in various eating establishments we are asked, oh, you came with... zelensky,
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we welcome you very much in berlin, that is, ukraine is here are waiting, and are very happy for everyone who came to this event today. mr. mykhailo, indeed, support for ukraine is important, declarative, support is important, emotional, of course, but if we talk about the business community, what are the most important theses in your opinion today have already been heard, well, can you voice them so that the audience understands what decisions we are making, investment ones in particular. are we taking steps towards the work of business in ukraine, yes, well, the first, the main thing is that i discussed how military risks for business remain the highest, just as it sounded in the speech of the president of ukraine, that air defense, strengthening air defense is precisely the protection of those investments, of the international community, which invests in ukraine, that is, in any case, this is not some kind of charity, it is precisely an investment in the future of ukraine, everyday business, which is closely
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connected with europe, that is, it is an investment in europe as well, that is , the strengthening of air defense was discussed on the first question, of course, on the second question, and even in the corridors, the most common questions were about energy, that is, how business will work, how business is already working , since about 9 megawatts were declared destroyed during the russian aggression in ukraine, that is, it exceeds energy consumption. cities such as berlin and munich, i.e. taking into account the entire industrial infrastructure, i.e. the corridors between businesses sounded the issue of energy, i.e. how will the activities of enterprises be ensured, how will production be ensured, also an issue that did not make it to the public agenda, but is widely discussed by business, this is the issue of logistics, including, i.e., the issue of opening has already been raised several times... that is
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, business is even more interested in the issue of opening airports not for passenger transportation, but for cargo, since there are cargoes whose delivery is by air, it greatly simplifies business and... and there is, and business is ready to invest in these air foams, that is, it goes discussion, of course, about which airports would be able to receive and send cargo, that is, this is a very, very important issue for business, well, it really made logistics cheaper, which is now only increasing in price for ukrainian business, have you heard in particular, these are the proposals from the ukrainian business community, international investors, are they ready for joint projects. are they ready to implement large or medium-sized investment projects now during the war, or are they saying, let's wait for victory, then we'll see, what are their opinions? uh, i didn't hear not a single statement about the fact that we will wait for victory, on the contrary, there is a
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lot of interest in what we can do now, what we can do before winter in order to ensure that the cities are provided with electricity. warm, i.e. all negotiations are going on, i.e. interest from the german engineering industry, i.e. they are very interested in participating in the reconstruction, er , i.e. this event is the best opportunity for ukrainian business to also show itself, i.e. many companies presented their stands, we see that networking is constantly taking place near these stands, there is constant communication about potential... projects , and we also see that state representatives , too, although they have a separate location specifically for the delegation of state bodies, they constantly go down to exhibition complexes, where there is business, are constantly communicating, asking what kind of help, what kind of assistance is needed, that is, we
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see that the dialogue is taking place at the highest level, well, really, assistance is important here, in particular in the reconstruction of our energy industry, the president of ukraine also said today that in fact, the anti-freezers will try to rebuild heat generation, destroyed energy infrastructure facilities, as far as ukrainian business is concerned, well , maybe not what he complained about, but told his international partners about the real need for energy, the need, after all, many large enterprises, in particular, they need a lot of current for their operation, and now it's just a waste of resources, is the international one ready? business, in particular, to help companies in the reconstruction of some small energy facilities, so that the same factories, factories could function? oleksandr, i will say that business does not perceive the problem of energy supply exclusively as a problem of the state, that is, there is communication between business and
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business, how can a business provide electricity for itself, because there are factories and plants that require relatively little... a small amount of electricity, that is, there are even some enterprises with the capacity for which 2-5 megawatts are enough, and this can be ensured with minimal involvement of the state, that is , the offers are different, between businesses, there is discussion, such as regarding the installation of renewable energy sources, although there is a problematic issue, for example, solar energy, that since november there is not much sun, and it will not provide exactly industrial facilities. in the necessary capacity, there were also discussions about whether rudenko is sitting, sitting, maybe we will give it, so immediately about even involving the equipment that was already in use, that is, gas turbines and other installations that can produce
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electricity, too this issue was discussed, such proposals were heard from of business and exchange, that is, i was even present during the communication of one business that is ready to consider such an option, that is , business... gives all options to ensure its work, and there is assistance from the business association in this direction, and of course, that the state also shows its own, that is , asks what exactly to help in the provision, apart from the direct provision of electricity and current for these enterprises. well, that's the end of it, mr. mykhailo, this is the slogan of this year's event in berlin - united in defense, united in recovery, stronger together. and... in your opinion, what should be done now so that foreign investors, well, more actively participate in the reconstruction of ukraine, more specifically finance certain branches of the ukrainian economy? i will say that there should be a single voice, that is, we have a single
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voice of business in the american chamber of commerce, we often hear hellish discussions between experts, representatives of companies inside us, but when we go outside, we communicate a single position if... it is formed according to the results, that is, we would very much like that in the state this approach was completely followed, that is, that it was a single message, that is, so that there would not be a situation that... and some officials communicate one position, and then after a certain time another position appears, that is , a single voice of the state, a single the voice of business, unification is to ensure victory, this is the best recipe, and business is very much expecting it, and predicting business conditions, because now the biggest problem is precisely the military risk for business, but also the activity of the legislative body, as supreme council of ukraine. and other government bodies greatly affects the predictability of business and the ability to continue its activities.
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thank you for the conversation, for inclusion from the event from germany was mykhailo polyakov, co-chairman of the tax committee of the american chamber of commerce in ukraine. well, i will finish the column about money during the war, but the topic of the conference on the reconstruction of ukraine will still be raised on the airwaves. see us. well, we will continue, thank you very much oleksandr morchavka, a lot of interesting things important thing ahead, we will still have the inclusion of our colleague, the lead correspondent of espresso from germany, from berlin, in fact, this is an important ukraine recovery conference, i even listened to a polish politician and said that recovery is not only recovery, it is the revitalization of ukraine, and dates she has a new life, and we have to understand that... these conversations that continue, we only know such nuances that are made in statements to the press, to
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society, but the key moments take place behind closed doors, when signing certain agreements, certain investments are offered, certain opportunities for investments are offered, and it is important, it is important for businesses, politicians, civil bodies, various public organizations, some civil leaders to meet, and to discuss what is most important in these moments... you know, in at such conferences, when behind closed doors, or somewhere with a more or less informal atmosphere, people can talk, people can tell the truth, what were they talking about, what statements were made, well, actually, what expectations can ukraine have, after the first day of this conference, my colleague, correspondent and host of spresso, maria gurska knows, maria, congratulations, glad to see you, glad to see you, tell me your impressions, the most important thing from the first day of this conference, is it really... are there certain positive expectations? there are definitely positive expectations,
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the recovery conference, recovery ukrain in berlin will be attended this year by representatives of ngos from ukraine and the world, representatives of local self-government, and ukrainian and european business, leaders, politicians, here we are talking, of course, primarily about recovery, about opportunities for ukrainian defense, financial is possible. it was here that german chancellor olaf scholz announced the provision of new air defense funds to ukraine, and the president of the european commission, ursula fondern, announced 1.5 billion for ukraine from frozen eu assets. well, leaders are speaking here today, and i attended the press conference of german chancellor olaf scholz and ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi, and you know, vasyl, i was honestly surprised by the format of this event. where the press managed to ask a question, but not all of them, for example, i immediately
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volunteered that she would like to ask a question from espresso and was informed that there were only four pre-prepared and agreed questions from the agreed media, and it was, for example, the american cnn, several other media, and from ukraine, for some reason, it was inter. i was very surprised by this selection and this strange media pimping of ukraine, well , let's... peace, but i still, to be honest, did not stop trying to ask my question, and after the press conference i tried to catch up with the president of ukraine on the way out of conference center, well, i managed to outrun even the head of the administration of the president andriy yarmak, part of the security, but the prime minister of the netherlands, mark rutte , turned out to be smarter than me and... very quickly alienated the president of ukraine with his attention, his charisma, and for a few minutes they
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talked warmly, and i had to suffer out of respect for the 138 million euros allocated at the conference announced by the netherlands for ukraine, and after that i chose such a good moment during their photo shoot in order to ask the president the question, namely, when the victory will come and when... all ukrainian temporary military migrants will be able to return home from abroad, namely , first of all, our women with children who, like me , are temporarily staying, for example, in poland, and the president... said that when we win, then we go home, and talked about the fact that we are actually fighting, and we see the enormous support of the world, this is also visible at this conference, and we will probably see it during further international meetings this week, and i feel so wanted to hug the president and to cry, because you know, vasyl, during
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one of the previous press conferences of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, at which i was present, the president did not like my question, because it related to violations in the pre-elections to the parliament at the 87th precinct in ivano -frankivsk region, where vasyl verastyuk left as a servant of the people, and then we even argued a little, so to speak, at this press conference, but i hope that the next press conferences of volodymyr zelenskyi, at which i will be present, will not be as warm as this time, and us won't want to hug that really soon the victory in... will come and we will soon see the election process, and normal politics, and sharp questions to our leaders and to the president, thank you, thank you very much, first of all, i had no doubt that you you can definitely do it, and secondly, well, you said it so beautifully, and now we have the opportunity to hear the commentary, let's
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listen and then continue, mr. president, sisters are the media. with the main office in warsaw, for all our women, ukrainian women who are now with small children in poland and everywhere in europe, tell us a few words, when victory, when home, when victory, then home, we are waiting so much, well, we are all waiting very much, we are working, our soldiers are brave, everyone wants it very much, you see our partners, how they support us, do everything, for ukraine to win, yes, maria, thank you, well, and again, you said so... beautifully the very end, which you praised and and as if and and and such criticism is very moderate, but in any case it is good that it was successful , and thank you for your work, i hope that tomorrow you will also work on this ukraine recovery conference, this is how we will work, vasily, we will record our program with pavel koval, the head of the council for the recovery of ukraine from
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poland, which can be seen already this sunday from 3:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. on espresso. thank you very much, our maria gurska. a correspondent from a correspondent from berlin, from germany, you see, if you want, you can outrun andrii yarmak and the security, and even mark rutte. thank you , maria, and now about what will be discussed in the verdict program, which starts at 8:00 p.m., and serhii rudenko is ready to tell us the details. sergey, good evening, please word to you good evening, vasyl, very briefly, in 12 minutes we will go on the air, we will have two hours live. we will have roman bezsmertny on the air in the first hour, we will talk about this conference on the restoration of ukraine, as well as about the scandal that happened the day before, mustafa nayem wrote a statement of resignation and accused the prime minister that he was not allowed to attend this conference, to a profile conference for mustafa nayem, about why this is happening, and why it is happening in this way, about
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the ukrainian government, about the future global the peace summit, as well as what to expect from our partners. who are part of the conditional group ramshtein, because the meeting of ramshtein will be literally tomorrow. so, this is the first part of our program, it will start at 20:00 and at 21:15 we will have people's deputies of ukraine, oleksandr mereshko, yaroslav yurchyshyn and rostyslav pavlenko. let's talk about censorship in ukraine, about who and why is trying to restore censorship in ukraine, about what needs to be said during the war. to ukrainians and how journalists and politicians should speak, about why there are now quarrels at the highest level, public quarrels, and this is connected with personnel reshuffles, how it will affect the perception of us abroad, we will discuss all this with our people's deputies of ukraine, with our
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guests who will at 9:15 p.m., so we start at 8 p.m., great... vasyl, the winter continues, there is still a lot of interesting stuff ahead, don't switch, we will be on the air in literally 10 minutes. vasyl, thank you very much serhiy, so at 20:00 the verdict program with serhiy rudenko, now i will call you to join the gathering on repair of armored vehicles, therefore, we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhya directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone. of the sky in any weather and under any conditions, and for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield, damaged military equipment as soon as possible, because it is often an opportunity to hit the enemy and... saving the lives of our soldiers, because these are tanks, combat vehicles infantry, armored personnel carriers. for minibuses are needed so that repair teams can be quickly transported to the place where repairs need to be made and then quickly
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evacuated from there. so, we have to collect uah 630, and we are actively doing it, we have less than 200 thousand left, i believe that we will close this, this need in the near future, and our soldiers will have what they desperately need now. well , natalka didenko is ready to tell us about what the weather will be like in... in ukraine tomorrow, ms. natalya, good evening, i have the floor, please, congratulations, vasyl, congratulations, our dear viewers, of course we let's talk about the weather, its consequences and how to deal with them literally in a second. summer is in full swing, you can say, and we feel it very well, because many people are already complaining, either there is not enough rain or there is too much. it's raining, but the heat is really weighing us down a bit at times, and today we're going to talk about how to avoid the negative impact, because the heat, well, it's a normal summer phenomenon, uh, it's
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actually great, especially it will be great in the memories of winter in the fall, but after all, well, any excess can be harmful, so eh well, they are very, very advised to dress, to choose light, loose clothes of light and, well, light colors and, most importantly, natural fabrics, to use sunglasses, a hat, and now i saw that wide brims, well, of course, it is difficult for me to imagine when they come in, for example, everyone in the minibus in wide fields, well, nevertheless, drink water regularly, even if you are not thirsty, just liquid very, very much helps to avoid obviously such sweet, alcoholic, carbonated drinks, drinks with caffeine, food during baking is not worth it use fatty heavy. sharp food, natoslonu, of course, fruits, vegetables, salads and cereals, and the active sun, we know that it lasts from 11 a.m. to 4
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p.m., this is the peak of such a sunny, so to speak, load, so look for coolness and shade, and of course close the windows during the day to save the much-desired coolness, of course also do not forget to ventilate and humidify the room, it is very important not to leave children or pets in any case. in a parked car, and of course, if you feel unwell due to the heat, be sure to contact a specialist: symptoms of heatstroke are headache, dizziness, weakness, lightheadedness, etc. well , we talked about heat, how to avoid undesirable consequences, and now we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, what will happen with magnetic storms, now we have a prognostic diagram for your attention, and we see that only heat can threaten us with magnetic storms. .. will threaten, slight fluctuations will be observed tomorrow, and we are moving on to the highlight of our column, to the weather forecast. we start traditionally with
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the synoptic nearest situation of the western regions. so, tomorrow, in the western part of ukraine, the weather is expected to be quite fresh, i would say, as you can see, from 20 to 23°, this is a great air temperature, such is not a synoptic term, well, maybe it will be somewhere above 25, and at night . in some places rain, thunderstorms, but in the afternoon, under the influence of the western anticyclone, precipitation in the west will stop, albeit for a short time, but none the less. unstable weather is expected in the northern part of ukraine just tomorrow, in the zhytomyr region. now we will see the map. on in zhytomyr region, in kyiv region, in sumy region, in chernihiv region, short-term rains, thunderstorms, in places, maybe even heavy downpours are expected tomorrow, something we are not up to... we are looking for maps of the northern regions of ukraine, but please take my word for it, oh, thank you very much, and with thunderstorms, hail and gusty
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winds are possible, in a word, tomorrow, residents of the northern regions, consider the synoptic situation, in the east of ukraine, heat, in the east of ukraine, the air temperature is expected from 30 to 35 °, and in the afternoon, or in the evening in kharkiv oblast, luhansk oblast and china, through such a strong contrasting weather can pass and heavy showers, and thunderstorms, as well as hail and squalls, be careful, in the central part of ukraine tomorrow the weather is also not stable, atmospheric fronts will cause short-term rains with thunderstorms, sometimes heavy showers, the air temperature, as you can see uneven, from 23 to 31, heat in dnipropetrovsk region, maybe in poltava region, and here is such completely fresh weather. in the vinnytsia region, in the southern part of ukraine , high air temperature is also expected tomorrow, 29-33° above zero, well, there are some such strong
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downpours no precipitation will arrive, so the main active synoptic character of the south will still be heat. and in kyiv tomorrow , june 12, difficult weather is expected, rains, thunderstorms, heavy downpours in some places, and the most important thing is that tomorrow the air temperature will finally drop, after today's suffocation and heat, which i mentioned, the maximum air temperature in the capital will barely reach 23- 24°. this is the nearest synoptic perspective. a little further, i want to say that this is a decrease in air temperature, it will spread to almost all of our territory, to most of it areas, but for now, please avoid the unwanted effects of any inclement weather, and of course, stay healthy, stay safe, and keep an eye out for updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. thank you
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very much natalsa didenko for the information about the weather and i have some more news for you. after the assassination attempt, the mayor-collaborator of kupiensk, gennady matsegora, died, so his mother ludmila wrote about it on social networks and the russian telegram channels wrote that he died 10 june, well, actually, and from tragic information, a military woman died in the war activist shura ryazantseva. call sign yalta and at the age of 40, and she herself is from the crimea, but she could not get to the peninsula occupied by the enemy, even at the age of 14, actually from the maidan she carried the wounded out of the institution in that terrible february 2014, then she wanted to go to the crimea, there her she was detained, she was a prisoner of the enemy for 5 days, then she was in the war in the teroboron, and then her sister reported on social networks that she died
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under no circumstances... it is reported, so we say as it was written, sincere thanks, eternal memory it's very, very unfortunate, i was also on fire, the roof of versailles was on fire, the marble hall of the royal palace was on fire, but the exhibits were not damaged, well, i don't want to, but notre dame was burning in our country, now versailles is in paris for some people, it's fine, they don't want to will be but no one was hurt, no one died, and the exhibits there remained intact in versailles, so repair work is underway. well, let's go even then, at the very end i will call you to donate to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. we are talking about our military, who need a minibus so that the repair crews can quickly arrive on the battlefield, repair damaged equipment. we are talking about bmp, tanks, armored personnel carriers, this is the soladar and zaporizhzhia directions. now i think you will see ours, on... what is
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the reference to the collection, but i don’t see something about it, well , in one word, join the donata on the armed forces of ukraine, we support each other, a lot of tragic, difficult information every day, but we will go, we have to reach this victory and thank those who give this, who make this victory real every day, be with the espresso channel, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow 18:10, well, literally in a few moments the verdict program with serhii rudenko, let's watch together, it will be interesting. good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the program verdict with serhii rudenko: help everyone in any way possible. at the conference on the restoration of ukraine in berlin , the strengthening of ukrainian air defense and the reconstruction of the energy infrastructure are discussed. won't
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government strife get in the way of work? with western partners, the inaugural summit without russia, world leaders at a peace conference in switzerland this week will consider limited range of questions: at what stage and in what status can the aggressor country be involved in the peace process. the world must listen. experts are warning western allies that putin ... will spread the war to the whole of europe, which is behind the kremlin dictator's attempts to renounce further tyrannical intentions. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours we are talking about ukraine.


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