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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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government quarrels will not prevent work with western partners. inaugural summit without russia. world leaders at a peace conference in switzerland this week will consider a limited range of issues. at what stage and in what status can the aggressor country be involved in the peace process. the world must listen. experts warn. western allies that putin plans to spread the war to the whole of europe, which is behind the kremlin dictator's attempts to renounce further tyrannical intentions. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours we are talking about ukraine. about the world, about the war and about our
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victory. in the first part of our program , we will have politician and diplomat roman bezsmertny as our guest. let's talk with him about the recovery summit in, or rather, the conference on the recovery of ukraine in germany, about the global peace summit in switzerland, which will begin next saturday and sunday, and talk about the prospects for ending the war in ukraine. and about the intentions of our western partners. in the second part of our program will be people's deputies of ukraine oleksandr mereshko, yaroslav yurchyshyn and rostyslav pavlenko. let's talk about who and why is trying to censor the media in ukraine, about democracy, about what and how politicians and journalists should say during a large-scale invasion, in short, the topics for our conversations. a lot, however, before
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we start our big conversation about the main thing, let’s watch a video of how fighters of the 36th separate brigade of marines named after rear admiral mykhailo bilinsky showed how a russian bmp detonates equipment, knocked out fighters for using a drone near vovchansk. let's watch this enchanting video. glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, throughout the broadcast we are... conducting a poll, today we
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are asking you about whether we are allowed to criticize the government during the war, maybe the question is too banal and the answer may be banal, but yes or no, put your marks on youtube and vote, if you watch us on tv, take your smartphone or phone and vote, if you think that it is permissible to criticize the government during the war, 0800 211 300... 71 no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. our guest today is roman bezsmertny, politician, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to belarus in 2010-11, people's deputy of several previous convocations, former deputy head of the presidential office, yushchenko. mr. roman, i congratulate you,
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thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. sergey. we will have a long conversation today, but i propose to start our conversation and our communication from the summit, or rather, not the summit, but the conference on the restoration of ukraine, which began today in germany. the day before, we witnessed the demarche of the head of the agency for the reconstruction of ukraine, mustafa nayem, to him. the prime minister did not sign the permission to participate in this conference, that is, he simply could not leave ukraine, although this is the profile of mustafa nayem. at the same time, taking advantage of this, nayem accused prime minister shmyhal of the fact that the prime minister is disrupting the work of the agency on reconstruction and the construction of shelters. over
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tes and hpp, regarding the construction of roads in the front-line areas, well, in a word , mustafa's resignation was quite loud. obviously this resignation will be accepted, but i will say it again, since it took place on the eve of this big conference on the restoration of ukraine. how does it look, mr. roman, for our western partners, considering that first kubrakov, who oversaw all these issues, left, and now mustafa naim. well, mr. serhiy, it should be added that mustafa nayem addressed a well-known publication. guardian, what is this whole story, what are you retold, including with the reasons, not the reason for the resignation, is also described, and this material, it caused an unpleasant reaction, i put it mildly, and what can be said about this
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case in europe, and it spread, including to the united states of the united states of america, and will actually be made public in this material. the guardian also named several serious reasons for the reasons for the resignation, they are related to the return of the investors of the funds that they invested and the obligations to return which have occurred, and, let's say, direct and indirect hints at certain signs of corruption in this system, in the activities of this system. firstly, secondly, hmm, what, ah, is being discussed in ukraine, is called, as the reason for the resignation, the fact that the agency did not submit reports, well, this is already, let's say, the internal kitchen, production, in the system of executive authorities, but
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in general, this situation is very unpleasant, because when you read the headline there, the recovery conference, and right there, it says that the head of the... recovery agency has resigned, it overlapped one one, and due to the fact that the conference is very loudly, information is served in europe, especially, then all these circles are informational, they are much larger in europe than in ukraine, caused by the actual resignation, i emphasize this, caused not. now a few words about the importance of this conference, well, this is the first conference in which those who conceived it, those who gave birth to this idea, those
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who justified this idea at the start, do not participate, and actually, probably everyone noticed that on the eve of the conference , a new delegation was formed by the decree of the president... that is how we can talk about what there was a personnel change in this process, what will it lead to, well, we will have to look over time, evaluate the situation, now many may get the impression that we are talking about some virtual thing, a conference on the restoration of ukraine, when we are in hot conditions. the standing of a hot war, and a war unprecedented in modern times in terms of its scope, the number of weapons used, tactics, strategy, well, i am not talking about the meanness of the enemy, which is the rashish regime, but
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at the same time it must be understood that this conference solves much more current and everyday issues than... ah, strategic things related to the end of the war and the restoration of ukraine. the fact is that even today a number of documents were signed, which related to such a unique phenomenon in the conditions of war, as the insurance of investors, who, including private ones, who will invest in ukraine, the military, the so-called military damage insurance. and damage and destruction of those material resources that will be placed by investors and so on, i.e. somewhere approximately a system is being created that is currently being used in israel, that is
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, conditions are being created when an investor has no fear of investing money and the possible destruction of his resources, which he... real resources, which he will create on the territory of ukraine. i no longer say things related to the restoration of the energy system, infrastructure, current. which is a colossal problem in the current conditions, and additional separate resources are allocated for this, including the next announcement of a 50 billion of the fund, which will operate within the framework of the european community, at the same time, i cannot help but pass by the issue related to the strategic decision regarding ukraine's accession to the european union. union, this conference is actually one of the mechanisms for working out the tools to
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make this road as easy as possible. well, current things are what was said, in particular, in the speech of, ah, german chancellor scholz about the next aid package. well, aid packages were also discussed at bilateral meetings between the president and european leaders. state, they are connected with new air defense systems, with additional weapons, ammunition for ukraine. this, if at all so briefly, is about what happened today. well, president zelensky thanked olaf schulz of germany for the air defense systems provided. but he noted that ukraine needs more means for better protection against russian missile terror. let's listen to what zelensky said. thank you for patriots, iris, moments that are literally salvation for ukraine. we managed to provide partial protection against russian
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airstrikes. we have and can do more. we need at least a few patriot systems, in addition, to cover our major urban agglomerations in the near future. roman petrovych, tell me, it is clear that zelensky can talk a lot. to thank our western partners, this conference on the restoration of ukraine, but what about our western partners, what should be done to restore trust, to say that all these publications in the american press, in the british press, about corruption, that there is usurpation authorities, one of the people from zelenskyi's closest circle, that this is not true at all, or if it is true... there is a certain necessity in this, how our western partners
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can restore trust, full trust in the ukrainian leadership and be more likely to take more favorable steps towards ukraine. mr. serhiy, it is very difficult with this, and to date, what is happening and the help that is coming, it is only coming. only because the west in the united states of america understands, realizes, sees and appreciates the heroic resistance of the ukrainian people, the armed forces of ukraine, and therefore it seems to be put before everything, but in addition it must be understood that in the teta tet conversations, which are becoming hotter and hotter, they discuss, including... those things that you voiced, which are related to the materials published in the western press,
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in the ukrainian press, regarding cases of corruption, regarding moments that are related to unconstitutional or actions that have signs of unconstitutionality or illegality, and so on, all this is quite actively discussed in the west, in the western press, at the same time, and... of civilized states, he distinguishes between the behavior of the establishment and the behavior of society, and actually, today, especially among the european elite, the stability of the ukrainian people, the stability of the armed forces, the devotion of people to the values ​​of the ukrainian state, to european values ​​is valued. well, here it is important to understand one more thing, today ukraine, in this situation
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after the elections to the european parliament, is extremely necessary, as an ally, an assistant, and, if you like, a resource for europe, because in this situation, when now discussions will begin regarding the next five years, and... it is already obvious and clear that those political forces will lead the way, which will rely on the need for ukraine's support for the union with ukraine. and so on, by the way, i can tell you that in this regard there is a certain misunderstanding, or if you look at the press of the united states of america and separately the european press today, then of the objective assessment of exactly this fragment of the next five-year period in the fate of the european the union and the role of ukraine here, well, there is a definite definite one
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contradictions in assessments and so on, along with... it is clear that those political forces that advocated the union with ukraine, commonwealth with ukraine, aid to ukraine, they increased in these elections, and their assets are growing, including in national surveys and so on, and it is very important to understand that ah, european societies are becoming more active. remember, two years ago it was possible to talk about the fact that... that the establishment, the european elite understands the need for help, but now a turning point is coming, when in general, the european voter is aware of the threat of russia and the role that the ukrainian community, the ukrainian armed forces, ukraine as a state, and
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this issue, which is connected there with all kinds of negative things, are playing in this process. which remain in the european press, it seems to recede into the background, and i emphasize it once again, and ukraine is becoming more and more necessary, and ukrainian society, the ukrainian armed forces, europe, it is important not to omit this in the current situation, and this is the first and secondly, monitor the information space, so that it will not be covered again by the wave that will be released. from russia, well, russia, to roman petrovich, is now trying to spin the story and tell about what they say , look what happened in france, what happened in germany with the elections to the european parliament, today they already wrote about what happened with the early elections to the national meetings in france, after these elections, macron
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will also resign, as his party may not gain a response. them votes, or, shall we say, not to be the leader of this race, and they are trying there all day today to breed conspiracies, although it is clear that moscow is trying to pass off wishful thinking, and what is happening in france and germany, and in general with the elections to the european parliament, shows that, after all, the forces that support ukraine they will be in the majority. in the european parliament, and they will continue to support ukraine. the head of the european commission, ursula funderlein, has already confirmed that ukraine has completed all the necessary steps to start negotiations on joining the eu by the end of this month. let's listen to what ursula fondeyan said.
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ukraine has completed all the steps that we have identified, and that is why we believe that the eu... should start accession negotiations with ukraine by the end of this month. if we look at these elections, which formed the european parliament for the next 5 years and the statements made by ursula fonderley and not only her. does this mean that between 24 and 29 years ukraine has a chance to become a member of the european union. i will say it clearly, and then i will explain it like this, and it will happen like this, i want to tell you that literally these days, the world is covered by a wave that is leaving moscow, moreover, for some reason it is supported by a part of the analysts of the united states of america about the tragedy of the consequences of the elections
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to the european parliament, for some reason, well, i will give you an example so that it is clear about... what we are talking about, actually, the victory in germany , cdu, csu, is considered a disaster. well, if there is no scholz, but he will be favorable and will be the chancellor of germany, a representative of the cdu, the csu, then only germany and ukraine will benefit from this, may chancellor scholz grant me, but the traffic light that is currently working in in germany, it is really, well, not regulated, so... it makes obvious interruptions to the automatic mode. now with france. i understand that his revival party is important to president macron. ot. but if you sit down and know mathematics for the first grade and combine the liberal forces there, they scored a total of 43%, and marie lippin with the national front
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only 37, but for some reason this is not noticed, and the reason here is actually the emotions of emmanuel macron himself and his a narrow party interest that concerns his ambitions for the role of... the place of the revival party as of the liberal party both in france and in the european union, and this is the case when one should look at the interests of the state, and not at one's own interests. to be honest, when i listened to his emotional speech after the end of the elections and the first results, i don't yet know the history of france of such a president who so emotionally evaluated his own miscalculations. and could not distinguish the actual shortcomings of the work of the revival party from the interests of france, because that is why it seems to me that there is simply a certain internal
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problem here, which the french will solve, and with the current situation is very far from the fact that even the national front can win, i'm not saying lipen in the elections, especially since i think that all experts know that lipen is actually you. the identity and democracy of the union in the european parliament were of the right-wing forces, and the alternative for germany came from germany, she simply ultimatumly stated that until there is an alternative for germany, there will be no national front, that is, firstly, secondly, note how marie lippen's position on aid has changed ukraine france, it will support... had the same macron in the fact that france would help ukraine with personnel, so we still need to see where it is moving and how it
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is moving. when i read the conclusions of many analytical centers now, for some reason it seems like a simple tragedy, moreover, it is stated that germany and france, as the foundation of europe, will fall into a trance. well, i would like to say to these analysts, take a pencil, please. just count the votes, how they were distributed there, from here it is obvious that in order to, let's say, to objectively evaluate this situation, it is necessary that those who are now raising a fuss, well, some of them are because they do not understand what happened, and some of them are clearly playing along with the moscow führer or performing certain work for a fee, so here it is always necessary from distinguishing the truth from all kinds of lies, and sometimes subversively. informational work, i am sure today that if a person in an analytical article, forgive me, mr. serhiy, for his emotions, takes and puts
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tusk with the civic platform and meloni with the brothers of italy in one group, then i understand that this a person simply does not see and does not know elementary things, the ideological positioning of european parties, so how can he draw a conclusion based on what will happen there... with france, or what will happen with germany tomorrow, well, such things that i have already said about the cdu, csu, they are simply shocking, well, what a tragedy this is for germany, the cdu, the csu, even more so for ukraine, when the current position of the parliamentary faction of the cdu, csu is to immediately provide long-range missile systems and increase the supply of armed ammunition to ukraine. here you are, if the truth, and completely i support your position about... that now it is necessary to monitor what lies will now begin to pour in a stream from the moscow furor. well, the moscow führer and his entire clique, they
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are now talking not only about the european parliament elections, and we can see how they are trying to form the opinion that the next, or the summit that is to take place, in four days, the global peace summit in switzerland is not will not give any results, they are already forming. its concept of some so -called peace summit there, and beijing in this situation also plays along with moscow, while the minister of foreign affairs of switzerland, ignazio cassis, said that the global peace summit is only the first step on the way to the peace process between ukraine and russia, and when it is his turn, russia will have to take part in it. let's hear what the swiss foreign minister had to say. if you expect a guarantee before the conference even starts, you better stay home. a peace conference in which the two warring parties are not present is only the first step
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towards peace. it would be wrong to pretend that we can achieve peace on saturday night. without russia will not have a peace process. i think this is an illusion and should be clearly stated. so now the question is not whether russia will be included in the negotiations, but when it will be included. roman petrovich, in switzerland, as i understand it, there is also an illusion that they will sit the ukrainian side, the russian side, and there will still be 90 participants at the transition table. from different countries and organizations, and only under such conditions will peace be agreed upon, is this not the wrong way in this situation, because zelensky is trying to form or to strengthen the anti-putin coalition, and this anti-putin coalition will definitely not sit at the same table with lavrov or with putin, is that right? mr. serhiy, i think you remember our first conversations about the summit, how i
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... pessimistically assessed its prospects, and i can tell you that my constructivism now consists only in the fact that if you have already gone to this process, it is necessary to squeeze as much as possible out of it, and in this case, one should also cling to the words of the swiss minister that this is the beginning, this is the first step, but in this... well, i in principle, i do not see, in principle, i do not see a dialogue not only between ukraine and russia, this is quite understandable, naturally, and from the point of view of all factors absolutely impossible today, i do not see in this process even a dialogue between the führer of moscow and the leaders of the west, whom if you don't take any of them, please
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note that there are no more. these telephone chats, which used to be, well, two or three times a month, both with the chancellor of germany and with the president of france, i am not talking about all the others, but with whom the führer speaks, he speaks with such of his followers who perform his task is like orban's, and it can be seen how he periodically breaks off the leash and rushes now at ukraine, then at the european union, then at someone else. so on and so on, you can see those who run for the voice of europe and there tell how bad the european union is and so on, at the same time they quickly run for office to become the next member of the european parliament and so on, so in this case, based on the current situation, once already this process has been launched, it is necessary to get the maximum, which can be the maximum in this situation, yes not 140. one country will be from
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those who voted for remember the resolution of the un general assembly in february 2023, which in fact completely rejected the so -called initiatives of zelensky or the initiatives of ukraine, with the exception of one point, only ukraine's membership in nato, because, as we understand very well, it is not the general assembly that decides on ukraine's membership in nato. it has already happened that there will be 90. and three issues out of ten that are being discussed have been brought up, which means that the first thing is to get the text that is most necessary and necessary for everyone, which would show the need to ensure a nuclear safety, b- food security and d) observance of humanitarian law in the course of, even war, this is the basis of the foundations, further, it is obvious that the content...
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the text of the conference should be the ultimate position of the civilized world against the moscow führer, his clique and the military. the ultimate position, i insist on this, so that it becomes clear to everyone what to talk to a criminal, an international criminal, who steals children, who deals with and makes decisions that have signs of genocide in relation to... the ukrainian people and everything the population of ukraine and so on are unacceptable there is only one way to solve problems in relation to such people, and so on, including the speeches that should be at the conference, they should be filled with appropriate content, including continuing to work on the continuation of the activity of this conference, or retraining her in...


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