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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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the family would probably come, and it was necessary to explain somehow, and what kind of attention is this to the kadyrov family, and that is why kadyrov began the week by writing how this pocket unit of akhmat captured him like a village in the sumy region, he did nothing of course , he did not capture it there, moreover, this very unit of akhmat is known for the fact that they mainly do tick-tocks somewhere far in... in the rear or act as fences for detachments in the event that there is a need for others mobilized there or there to force prisoners to fight, they are always on the second line, well but here and there they took a picture, and kadyrov wrote to himself in a telegram that they captured something there, and of course russian propagandists rushed to shout that... this is a new direction in sumy oblast, that here
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it is, there it will be now attack and something like that, well , for example, this. another direction appeared at the front, this is the sumy direction. kadyrov made a statement about taking control of the village of ryzhovka, which is located on the border with kursk oblast, within three days. according to him, the armed forces suffered significant losses there. partially in sums the electricity and water have disappeared - the locals report. well, of course, the only good news for russians is that another ukrainian city has been destroyed, destroyed, something is missing there, a guiding light, that's all that can please them in this life, but you know, literally a couple of hours have passed, and i had to somehow refute all this and tell that everything might be wrong, or rather not right at all, well somehow...
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in short, it turned out inconvenient. i wanted to ask about ryzhivka in the sumy region. it is too early to talk about the opening of a new front, i i understand. it is too early to talk about the opening of a whole new direction in sumy. as for the new direction, i would now be cautious in my assessments in order to say that this is exactly a new direction that has opened on the front. indeed, there were clashes in ryzhivka. the settlement itself is located right on the border with russia. close to the russian village of tetkine. there, the border runs right through the houses. therefore , i would not consider the settlement itself, being located close to the border, as the opening of a new direction. well, they couldn't directly. to say that kadyrov
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i just lied, there are normal hostilities that are already going on there, well, probably for the second year in fact, some subversive groups periodically enter, periodically they leave, periodically they are broken up, well, that is , there are constantly such clashes on this border, in this very place, if you remember, the rdk used to go to the neighboring aunts' houses and then went there, well, that is , this is constantly happening, well, it's inconvenient, it turned out to be shorter. i had to forget about it literally the next day, and since it somehow doesn’t work out to talk about some new directions, then they talk about the old directions, but the old directions here are already fed up with this nuclear blackmail, it is a topic that does not disappear from russia from russian tv screens, it continues and grows with some new nuances, well, such a new nuance became what the st. petersburg e. .. at this economic forum
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, after he tried to somehow intimidate the western intelligence agencies there, putin once again decided to meet with karaganov. well , you know, it's not new for me, and it probably won't be new for you either, because exactly one year ago exactly this same theater took place, when at the same forum, putin discussed with karaganov, and they showed karaganov... as such, you know, a terrible hawk who talks about the need to arrange a nuclear escalation, and putin, well, literally silenced him there, and you know, this is some kind of crisis of the genre, a year has passed, we see the same circus, and karaganov is such, you know, an expert, because i don’t know, you can’t even call him an expert, some kind of showman on call from putin now, because well... he is exclusively so
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that there are some nuclear threats to support, they pulled him out there, and he even held one panel, at which putin spoke there, and he was also there with him... the president of zimbabwe, in such warm companies karaganov was shown as such, you know that it’s all for a reason, that’s all some nuclear intentions, it's all something, well, what it's worth and can be seen from the way they actually communicated with karaganov himself, well, as with the boy on call, in fact, on the sidelines, sergey karaganov sees russia 24 on the airwaves. the moderator is preparing for a discussion, well, no fluff, no feather. sergey karaganov, the expert is very respectable, but now his view is causing diametrically opposite reviews. putin's first question during the meeting was behind the scenes, will you light the fire? i understand that this is why i was invited,
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the approximate course of events would be better clarified. serhiy oleksandrovich, how are we all sitting down? we sit down, yes, then i say something. you are ready? yes yes yes. we announce and give you the floor. since i am a free man and serve god, the king and my country, everything that is useful to my country is also useful to me. well, the old clown was invited, here he is
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and says, well, they told him something about the fact that he grunted, well, why did they invite him, actually, to show him. of this clown, well , it was completely clear that it was absolutely aimed at the western audience, again this one, again i say the old circus, because it was exactly a year ago and kiselyov told practically the same thing about it then , he talks about it again , about how intensively the karaganovs are debating putin, how scary karaganov is, how restrained he is. the discussion was led by serhii karaganov, known as a proponent of pre-emptive and limited nuclear strikes against our enemies, sees them as a means of preventing a global nuclear apocalypse. and this is where we immediately
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hit the bull by the horns, do we need to use nuclear weapons now? the answer is no. nevertheless, we understand very well that the acceleration of movement on the ladder is... karaganov again sharpens the topic, but, as they say, on soft feet, they say, it is still necessary to move in this direction. of course, it is probably too early to go to nuclear escalation, but move towards it it is necessary that in order to cool down our opponents, they will go crazy. especially europeans, the audience gasped. karaganov pressed again and again, and putin, as a delicate person who feels the unconditional difference in weight categories, answered carefully, for example, sometimes like this. in
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this case, i'm sorry, i'm afraid to injure your imperial consciousness. well , the purpose of all these circus acts and this theater is clear, an attempt to show that there are such forces in russia that are pressuring putin to use nuclear weapons there, and only putin restrains them, and therefore it is necessary to talk, to conduct some dialogues with putin, as with such a moderate figure, well, you know, the price of this circus is not even hidden by the inter-russian propagandists who say, well... this is already fed up, and it has been known for a long time, and nothing new, well, in general, clowns are all the same, there are two categories of people who publicly call for a tougher escalation like this, especially on the nuclear topic, those who play a role clearly understand
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that they are not going to actually do anything, but play a role, to scare people there, me seems to be karaganov from this series, he is not going to hit anywhere, well... i urge you to just find the same story a year ago, and you will simply see that word for word it is almost the same, karaganov putin, the same conversation. well, the only new thing, that's all. there are stories now, it 's that russia decided to show something there, that its ships sailed to cuba, they 've been talking about it for a long time, in general, it's like that, well, again , they've been talking about it for a long time, it's already the third year that it should be about it would be nice to arrange a caribbean crisis two and win this one the caribbean crisis, because putin believes that in that caribbean crisis, the soviet union lost, but he could have won. and now they have sent some regular ships and a submarine there to the coast of cuba with
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an attempt to show that all of this could carry nuclear weapons, although here the ministry of foreign affairs itself came out with a russian statement that no, there are no nuclear weapons there, well but you know all this, such hints, hints, continuous hints. pashin and rescue tug mykola chiker. they will stay in the port of havana from june 12 to 17. then our squadrons will visit venezuela, where together with cubans and venezuelans, they will conduct training in the caribbean. as they write , they may remain in the region, almost off the coast of the usa, until the end of the summer. americans
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should be refreshed by this. and especially, of course, they insist on the fact that there is already a nuclear submarine there, which theoretically can carry nuclear weapons. today, russian warships did reach the coast of cuba. in these shots, look at the frigate admiral gorshkov, equipped with hypersonic missile systems zircon, moored in the port of havana. together with gorshkov , the nuclear submarine kazan was sent to the caribbean campaign, where nuclear submarines are located right now, the entire pentagon thinks. particular attention is paid to the fact that the kazan nuclear power plant has minimal noise. and of course. maximum emphasis on weapons. kazan is equipped with ten vertical mines,
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each of which houses four onyx zircon cruise missiles or five cruise missiles. these weapons can also carry nuclear warheads. it is 180 km from cuba to the coast of american florida. well, that's all shouts from cuba there 180 km, you know. eh, at the same time, again, how scary some of these are, well, these are the despicable ones who want to remind someone somewhere, but are afraid, they all declare, no, they are not equipped with anything, in fact there is nothing there, there are no weapons, just they came for a friendly visit, to stay there in the harbor, there is nothing, not even any military purpose, they just wanted to swim there, of course, actually. a bluff, which is calculated on the fact that someone somewhere will somehow get scared,
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will say something, well, they say, of course, they talk about what to do, well, at least they don’t talk at the same time, but do it, because, well, in response to such strange maneuvers by the russians, the americans are already launching a carrier of nuclear warheads for the second time, conducting such a test, at the same time . without declaring anything, nothing anywhere, and only the russians are then forced somehow, you know, to say themselves oh, the americans have started something something there again, probably this is an escalation, probably this is an escalation, no, this is not an escalation, this is just such a healthy reaction and hints in response to your eyes stupid maneuvers, and of course, well, the russians immediately started talking about this caribbean crisis again, and again, you know, this kariv hysteria with a gasp. russia sent warships and nuclear boats to cuba. why is the us
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urgently rewriting its nuclear doctrine. and this is the same asymmetric response to the activity of westerners in ukraine, which vladimir putin talked about. and everything sounds very threatening. and they say that this is the new caribbean crisis. here it is, here it is. there is some logic in this. here is the caribbean crisis, the third world war. go ahead, break. people, but something went wrong with the caribbean crisis, that's why it doesn't work out, in short with the caribbean crisis, moreover , somehow it annoys them the most there. that every time, after something actually happens in ukraine, the russians don't like something, they start crying so and so and in the end they look like fools, and you know, and even russian propagandists have already noticed that they look like fools simply by their shouting about nuclear weapons. is it a movement towards
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the 2:0 caribbean crisis or is it some other movement and vice versa? the main difference is that we don't caribbean crisis, much worse, worse, not better, everything was clear with the caribbean crisis, here is a nuclear threat and there is a nuclear threat, there are weapons, here are weapons, we met, we got to the point, we decided that we are not doing anything and we left, now the situation is worse , because america is escalating in a non-nuclear way, it is moving. this red light in a non-nuclear way, and that's important because it's very difficult to answer nuclear to non-nuclear, because you immediately become wrong when you can't answer this little thing harshly, and when you say it out loud, you look stupidly, they do it like this, and this is the whole risk, and why is it such a drama for the russians
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that the escalation from... does not happen in a nuclear way, well, here the explanation is quite simple and , well, in principle, you know, russians, well , they like to talk about how they will fight with nato there, or are already fighting with nato, but the point is that they are still fighting with ukraine, which for its part is using quite outdated weapons in reality, that is, new, really new, newest, the country cannot get such, you know, effective weapons yet, and this the weapons that we have are outdated samples of 30-year-old, 50-year-old, well, i won’t say a little there, well, 70-year-old, almost ancient, that is, they are really old weapons, and even with these old weapons, russia manages to do very
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little, and of course , most of all russia... they are afraid that they might take it and eventually everyone will get tired of watching this russian circus, and they will simply provide ukraine with what they should have provided a long time ago, that is, normal modern weapons, not f-16, but f there , i don't know, 36, that is, what is the new weapon, not the old models, which are supposed to come out of operation there already with the same american missiles, and new models and... or the same taurus, which is also a new model of weapons, and then, you know, the situation can change a lot, and this opportunity for russia will slowly change somewhere to crawl there, to press somewhere there, to try to advance something somewhere there, this possibility will simply disappear, that is
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, a new weapon in the hands of the ukrainians can really change the situation on the battlefield and... what russia will not be able to counter with conventional weapons, this is understood by almost everyone, more this the russians understand, because they know very well, and this is, you know, a direct admission that you see how treacherous they are, they are not escalating nuclear, it completely erases any talk that russia can win with conventional weapons, that russia can defeat nato, that russia has something there... but it can't do anything, all russia's hope is on this fear of nuclear escalation and on the fact that ukraine will not be given the latest weapons, because if suddenly russia wants to go to war somewhere there, then the picture it turns out, you know, very scary, and somehow, you don't want to wave these, you know, checkers at anyone and shout that they want
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to go to war with nato, but, for example, such a dialogue really emphasizes what could be? i will ask you only one question in a purely odessa way, are you ready for a major european war to begin instead of a special military operation, in which nato will participate, and the first rockets will fly to moscow, no i do not agree, but that is the price of the question, well then that's why i'm asking you, because you are enough, because we behave like adults, this is now, and two years ago you were here the pancake took out a dagger and called everyone to the washingtonians, of course we later... we even say something. oleksandr yurych got a little crazy with us in a good way, but i restrained everyone the whole time, of course i held their hands and feet, well, actually about... this fleet that sailed to the caribbean, everything is also quite funny there, because they show off the russians so much, how they swim somewhere in the seas, and
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immediately they say that yes, we swim somewhere in other seas, because in the black sea we can't swim, but remember, very recently they shouted that russia does not have a black sea fleet, we are all for... they kicked us out of the black sea and where did we go? and where are we going? we will go, we will go to other seas, but the most important nuance of the visit to cuba is an official visit and not only, it is replenishment of supplies, water, food, fuel, but further and... you need to conduct training, which they talk about, and training is possible conduct not only with electronic missile launchers, you can try with a practical missile launch, calibers, for example, to the worst end, here
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they claim that there are no nuclear weapons on board, and where did they get it? but i wonder where this deputy of the state duma got that the same thing that happened in the black sea with the russian black sea fleet cannot be done in the caribbean or in any other sea, and that it cannot happen in the baltic sea, with the russian fleet, with the pacific fleet, in the end, drones can float anywhere and anyone's drones, and even unknown friendly drones will arrive somewhere, it is not known where, and there will be no harshkov, he will simply sink somewhere in the middle of the caribbean sea, and the same thing can happen, after all, they can come to an agreement on this... as they drowned in the black sea, so when someone
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from the russians waves their hands and shouts about how they will give weapons to the houthis or someone else will give weapons to some bandits, well, you know, this kind of movement is two-way, some admiral harshkov can also sail, it is unknown somewhere in some atlantic. ocean or somewhere in the pacific ocean and somewhere not to swim, but to swim, you know, to the bottom, feed the fish, and no one will know how it happened, so what is it, the main thing is simple to treat this, somehow calmer, calmer, well, there's not much there, some russian pelvis is swimming there, today it's swimming, tomorrow it's not swimming, like that, see you.
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and martial arts of their ancestors, they are boys who never cry, lemberk, mommy, don't cry, book by the writer olena cherninkoi, a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. turn on well - that's when it's all as you want. click and now you control the game. the bird and you are in a tv show. oh, what is needed. megodogo. turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. an unusual look at
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the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, that's my name. september, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let us have better roads, we will have even better ones, a special view of events in ukraine and beyond, which the world dreams of, mr. orman, all this in an information marathon with nicholas in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on the radio freedom. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene live, drone attacks, kamikaze, political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svoboda live frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. see this week
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in the collaborators program. putin's army. how russia recruits children in the occupied territories. in the skadovsky district, a movement is opening. but as a former university teacher, she forms squads young misanthropes. we appeal to all young soldiers of russia. congratulations. i am olena kononenko. and this is the collaborator's program about traitors who went to serve at the call of their hearts and wallets. to the occupiers today's issue is about putin's youth army and those who lead it in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. unarmy in russia is not a group based on interests, it is a real children's army. by the way, it doesn't remind you of anything. putin's army is a direct carbon copy of hitler's hitler youth. in 2016, he created his version of inhumanity from sticks serhiy shoigu. the junior army is a separate type of troops
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under the ministry of defense of the russian federation, children's units are attached to the deployment of military units throughout russia. together with adults, child soldiers march in kremlin parades, paying tribute to the dictator. initially, admission there was voluntary, if the child reached the age of eight. later, all the disobedient began to be sent to the youth army. in particular, it became one of the ways of re-educating those who went to anti-putin rallies. not taught to use a compass, hold a weapon, shoot, fight, attack and eventually die. determine your path, of course, you are all very different, one of you will probably decide to connect your life with the armed forces, in almost all temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, russia has created units of putin's unarmy. according to the center for public education almenda, in the composition of the so-called
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russian. there are more than 35,000 recruited children at the recruitment center and this number is constantly growing. little ukrainians are instilled with the so - called love of russia. military meetings and excursions to military units. these putin child army units are run by local traitors and collaborators. meet me, this is wagner vadim maksymovich, born in 1994, originally from on behalf of all the young soldiers of mariupol , today i would like to congratulate all our citizens, true russians, on this wonderful day, to congratulate them that we have finally reunited with our great homeland, before becoming a collaborator, vadim owned a car wash and was a member of the ngo iskrinest, and with the beginning of the occupation of mariupol decided to quit business and to devote himself completely to treason, he was appointed to head the russian organization
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young guard. un army. now vadim is engaged in propaganda among the locals, inculcates russian views and an anti-ukrainian position in children, forces parents to send their children to the youth army and personally conducts master classes among children on how to own weapons, how to shoot, dig, trenches. at the same time, he himself does not forget to regularly help russian soldiers. here is a video for the collaboration. brought humanitarian aid for the walking black packages, now boys we are waiting, they will drive up, here is one generator, the second generator, here we were driving with vadim, the artillery is working there, they are working now. on may 17 , 2024, our law enforcement agencies announced suspicion against vadym wagner for manufacturing and...


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