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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. in the near future, germany will transfer to ukraine the third patriot air defense system , airisty, cheetah, missiles and ammunition. german chancellor olaf scholz said this today during the opening ceremony of the conference on the reconstruction of ukraine, which started in berlin. such large-scale conferences with the participation of heads of state from. of the beginning of a full-scale invasion are held annually. the first was in the swiss city of lugano. then kyiv presented its version of the so-called plan marshal, for the implementation of which he demanded 750 billion dollars. such ambitious numbers, to put it mildly, surprised, or maybe even scared , investors. after all, after the end of the conference, the plan was almost forgotten, as well as some of the reforms announced in it. at last year's conference on the reconstruction of ukraine in london, the european union announced 50 million.
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at the same time, they made it clear to kyiv that the money was not for nothing, in exchange for reforms. today in berlin, where volodymyr zelensky also arrived, olaf scholz said that the best reconstruction is the one that does not need to be carried out, so scholz called on all those present to strengthen the ukrainian air defense system. listen. no one present today can say when the war will end, but what can we... say, it will end. we will rebuild ukraine stronger, freer and richer than before. millions of ukrainians currently living in our countries can become living bridges, women and men who speak the language of another country, who work in companies here, and who already tomorrow can play an important role in the reconstruction of ukraine. it's in people. welcome to berlin, glory to ukraine. glory ukraine. our key highlights today.
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of course, air defense and energy, it is something without which it is impossible at all, just modern life, just life in ukraine, and normal social activity. germany is a leader in helping ukraine to protect the sky, patriot systems, and today there is a new solution for air defense, and not only patriot, and thank you for what you said at the opening of the conference, germany has already saved thousands, thousands. saved the lives of ukrainians from russian terror, this is something for which ukraine will always be grateful, this is something that is really bringing the end of this war closer. well , we will continue to talk about what ukraine expects from today's conference on reconstruction, what it is counting on, and actually, what commitments or even promises were given to ukraine by the partners today, i will also remind you that this conference is taking place in the background, so to speak say, domestically political. scandal,
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when mustafa nayem, the head of the state agency for the reconstruction of ukraine, wrote his resignation letter the day before, he was supposed to be present at this conference, but he is not there, and in in principle, the ministry of reconstruction is now also absent and there is no minister at the head, martyna bohuslavets, the head of the meza anti-corruption center and also the head of the coalition, is joining our broadcast, this is a coalition which, i will quote martyna, good evening, so that people understand what kind of coalition of ukrainian and international thunder. organizations that support the principle of reconstruction and modernization of ukraine through a constructive dialogue with the authorities and international partners, you are present at the conference in berlin, please tell us what messages the ukrainian delegation, what does ukraine want to get within the framework of there or after this conference? greetings to everyone from the corridors of the berlin conference, in fact, i wanted to say that the messages have changed, the messages have changed, since i was at the conference that took place a year
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ago in london, for example, and when we were building such global large-scale plans and came, for example, to lugan two years ago back with a 600-page recovery plan and asked for 700 billion dollars, now the messages are very clear, they are recorded and, in our opinion, relate to what the ukrainian is asking for side, very correct things, because today we are primarily talking about the protection of the energy infrastructure of ukraine. about the provision of air defense, and heard it, heard it, in particular the german, european side, and in the first panel, in the official opening of the conference in the official speech of the chancellor of germany, olaf scholz, and also the president of the european commission, ursula funderlein. it was immediately about providing ukraine with such military assistance and security assistance for energy, and you say that, you say that the main topic of this conference is the provision of air defense, well, we heard that
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olaf scholz announced the provision, the provision of the third air defense system of the patriots, yes, and volodymyr zelenskyy today said that ukraine lacks at least... seven, so here it is a little bit, apparently, expectations and reality diverge, well, obviously, this is a normal practice , when the government side declares all the needs that are needed, the same was not the case in lugano, where i was, the same was in london, when we talk about everything that we need, but you need to understand that your speech there is conditional scholz cooked not after when he heard zelensky's exclamation, this is what will happen in three weeks, i really don't agree. with the fact that this is the main topic of the provision of military aid, i would like to say that the main topic still remains, it is the recovery and now the recovery of ukraine and the post-war recovery, and that is why the messages sounded about air defense, because it is already now, and scholl said very smart
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words, it is best to restore something, attention that does not need to be restored, in order not to restore it, it is necessary that it is not destroyed by the enemy, and that's why the air defense system is just right... that's all anyway, the general main message of the conference is about restoration, but it is very interesting here, because if you compare what happened in lugano and, my god, in london a year ago, and compare what is happening here now, then, for example, in london last year, rusula fondenlein announced such a huge aid package of 50 billion euros for the next four years, including this year for ukraine, hasila tiplen, and now it is clear that... that no one has talked about such generous, huge gifts for ukraine, and there were two very important messages: first, the time has come for us to do our homework, we have completed this homework, the following framework anti-corruption amendments to the legislation have been adopted, and now they have explained to us that
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the coming months will be help in the form of several billion euros there, and among them they will go to create an investment climate so that private... businesses come to rebuild ukraine, this is the first, that is, everything, we are already moving within the framework of these 50 billion, of course, what we have is a huge number of panels, and there, for example, individual heads of government talk about a few million in support, someone about individual military aid, but about such a big, massive thing that happened last year, about this 50 billion package of support, it is obvious that there was no such thing , because we are already in it, but what is very interesting, another number sounded, this is very important, it is already that. miche , our problems are now, excuse me, because the figure was sounded, that it was sounded from scholze, we need 500 billion, this is the estimate of the world bank, and here it is very interesting, because in particular in the first panel scholz said, this is generally the task of the private sector, and the restoration of ukraine,
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if we are talking about 500 billion, then this is an investment task, that is, we as the european union, as scholz says, give 50 billion, by the way, not all of it is for the investment climate. in order for us to survive, these are all kinds of salaries, pensions and so on, only 8 billion of those 50 will go to create an investment climate for banks and so on, lending, that's all and that's all, that is, they still explain to us what you have to do at all, that is, that's already request to ukraine, and you, friends, have to create suitable investment conditions so that investors come to you, absolutely, and that is , even this conference, it assumes that this one should be... among themselves, companies that are ready to invest, that are ready to rebuild, they should look for joint projects, but here behind me there are cities, each city has
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its own team, which is represented by martyno, but are they really ready, wait, but they are, martyno, and tell me, please, you say they are ready to come and invest, well, i have doubts that the east is really ready, i guess. they still have some conditions, because if they were ready, they would have already come, which is possible in such informal conversations , they tell you what their expectations are from ukraine, what are their biggest complaints about the ukrainian government and the conditions that it is still possible that ukraine did not create, or created not in the form in which they expected, absolutely, so what is said on the panels is different public, who follows public panels, public speeches, who will ee... quote them, it's great, but you have to understand that top politicians speak on the panels, who are top politicians, top politicians are top diplomats , they will never in their lives say what they say on the sidelines, including what they ask us as an anti-corruption public from ukraine who came, this is the first thing, and now i will say what
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they ask, and secondly, you should not think that international , comma, private investors, comma, i don't know, business, also blind and can't read, in including the press, the american press. yes, for example, financial times, an article that appeared literally a day ago, about all the political partying in the government, about the dismissal, actually yesterday. happened with mustafa nayem's team, and we understand that there are obvious political reasons for such a release and political reasons in fact that he was not released at this conference, shmyhal signed this ban, twice the word "i don't allow" was written "disagree", i don't allow it, well we understand that the decision was not made what are you waiting for, and what about this, and what about this, and what is said about it at the reconstruction conference. is this really a topic, is it a topic of backroom conversations, the resignation of nayem and kubrakov, which was agreed upon at the bank meeting? this is the topic of behind-the-scenes
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conversations of those international partners, those domers and those people who work in anticor, it is clear that this is not the topic of conversations of those who are engaged in, for example, military supplies, because these are people with whom they did not work at all, it is clear that this it is not a topic of conversation, who is involved in the veteran community, because these are people who they are not with worked, but you just imagine the situation that you, for example, a project between. technical assistance, of which there was a huge amount in ukraine last year, including from a large number of embassies, and you have been doing this for two years, and you have invested money and are engaged in strengthening the institution, for example, recovery agencies, creating anti-corruption policies for them , these international offices that strengthen their capacity in order to ensure the independence of the institution, because it does not exist at the level of the law, that is, for example, you are the head agencies of this mustafa, and you can be fired, appointed and so on whenever you want, and that's why all these... technical assistance projects were engaged in creating such projects for mtd projects, technical
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support projects in order to ensure the work of the agency's offices, to create more transparent procurement policies for them, it was also about creating a central procurement body to ensure transparency of work, well , imagine that for two years you invest this resource, money, time because of the money is not small and... the principle of predictability is completely destroyed, and the people with whom you implemented all this, developed this independence, they are released, the principle of predictability is generally the number one principle in the western business world, in the political world , and it is normal when you communicate with subjects , responsible for something, especially when you give money for it, and you understand that they will remain in office for a reasonable period of time, and all the more legally responsible for their own. for his activity, well, this principle of predictability is lost here, because
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in fact, such dismissals took place, especially since mustafash came out with a statement that he was prevented from working, and that the government systematically reduced the budget and cut salaries on 6-8 to understand what nastrofa says, that is, they were engaged in bureaucracy, it is obvious that... which is the main thing today in terms of reconstruction, in terms of economic recovery on the part of the states, i will not say about it on the panel that spoke, it is obvious that olaf scholz will not say about it, and they will thank that they did, they thanked the ukrainian people, and in general the very thesis of the conference was sanksci, because of the people, the word people was constantly heard, here, but, this is what i am asking about or the people who work in their office, people who, who working in projects, that is... and what they say, they, they are surprised, they are surprised, they ask how we assess
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the political will of the future leaders, for example, the ministry of recovery or the recovery agency, before not working new tools, or at least to preserve what has already been worked out, i will remind you that a lot of money has already been invested, and we do not evaluate it in any way, but look, we cannot evaluate it now. because we do not understand who will head the ministry, we do not know who will be able to ask volodymyr zelenskyi about it, i think he knows everything, i think they are definitely asking him, i think that volodymyr zelenskyi and mr. yermak who is very here, in fact, everyone is very happy to see him , and he is on all the panels, at all the meetings, but i think that they assure that, that everything ok and everything is ok, and that's why they're additionally asking us, that's why they're additionally asking for... the community in the place of anyone conscious, who would be offered to lead the
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recovery agency there, well, i would definitely refuse now, for example, anyone also from the experts, because this principle of unpredictability, it already becomes systemic, it is already a component of absolutely ukrainian politics, if you become a whistleblower, because i will remind you that mr. ayem declared the act of... the initiation of criminal, criminal cases were revealed, he was a whistleblower for naboo, yes he was a naboo whistleblower, listen, he was not a naboo whistleblower, the principle, the principle of unpredictability that you are talking about, in the end... led to the fact that there are no top officials of the ministry of reconstruction at the conference on the recovery and reconstruction of ukraine, because they basically no, right? kubrakov was dismissed, mustafa nayem resigned, and the vacant positions that are currently held by them are now represented by other government officials, yulia sveredenko, there is denis shmagal, and so on. and please tell me, you mentioned the conference in london, you mentioned about
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conference in lugano, do i understand correctly that there is some kind of tension between. we don't have all the conferences, but ukraine came to luhansk and asked for 750 billion, to put it mildly, they were very surprised there, in london there were also some strange proposals, although in principle it was true that the european union announced 50 billion there then, but i at least , maybe it's a false impression, but i don't see this drag of something that continues these some goals, maybe a program that continues from one conference to another, from one to another, maybe it's just being supplemented, it's amazing. that everyone starts all over again, or am i wrong, i have the same impression, because here we take these three conferences, in luhansk shmyhal presented all of them, the head of the delegation was there, i think, danylo hetmantsev was still there at the time, who was such a great man from the presentation in the delegation and shmegal was also on the official stage at the opening and also told about
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the action plen about 600 pages of text that were not connected to each other and they asked for 700 billion, what was the right thing to do there... i was surprised, that is, these are only sub objects, if we we are talking about the principle of permanence, the same people, the same faces, that’s shmygal, the hetmans, then london happens, in london it’s all done by kubrakov, er, there he presents the dream system, very similar, well, quite a clear plan, with much more realistic by numbers, with the objects that need to be visited there in the first, second, third turn, break it down into the first three years, five, 10, okay, and... it would be, well, berlin is happening here, in berlin these people are no longer there, that is, in berlin we have a delegation that is also so interesting the story that our delegates were headed by zelenskyi, but it was clear in general even before yesterday evening, everyone there understood that he would be at the conference, but in the official program it was written german chancellor olaf scholz,
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ursoline and in the middle, the head of the ukrainian delegation without a name and surnames, what it was for, why it was hidden, is also not very clear, that is why i have the feeling that there are also some people from the public sector that, understanding it this way, it is not a very beautiful communication situation, in fact it is a communication major, forgive me , with on the part of the government, we do not really understand why it was done, that is, such a performance, so about the dismissal of the actual staff, but understanding this, the ukrainian side understood that it was necessary to block such a story... it is possible if the conference will be officially there, the president will be officially there, but again after all, and here it all now represents anyway, everything comes from the ministry, from the minister of economy, as you rightly said, from yulia sverdenko, these are already the third characters, that is, at first it was all more from shmygal anyway, and now too i saw a huge number of klitschko, a huge number of mayors, a very large
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number of city halls, well, look at this, and this is actually a good thing, maybe this is a good trait or sign. mayors finally began to be released, after all local self-government, ukraine is very proud of the decentralization reform against the background of the war, which began to be curtailed, at least there are all signs of its curtailment, so maybe the presence of mayors will improve the situation a little, no? well , yesterday i spoke on the same panel with mero mykolayev, who was not released in lugano, and today he was released, i i congratulated you personally, god forbid, martyna, what else did i want to ask you about, look, now the situation on the battlefield is actually quite disturbing, the fact that kiev was allowed to use american weapons, at least there , corrected the situation a little, of course within a radius of 70-80 km and within the defense boundaries of kharkiv oblast and sumy oblast, but nevertheless the situation there is far from victorious, if the ukrainian army will hold the defense,
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this is already very good, or whether there is a strong mood there, or do they ask there about this is also in the context of this, i immediately have a question: do you, or the people with whom you spoke, do not think that against the background of the situation at the front, it is possible to rebuild in the sense in which there is, if we do not take air defense now, yes, all the rest of the air defense is understandable, do they not consider these conversations and these plans a little, well, premature, given the very unstable situation at the front? without a doubt, we, first of all, even before berlin personally, we talked about it, and now too... they are talking about it, how to translate the word ukrainian recovery conference, the word recovery, because, for example , in 22-23, it was clearly a conference about reconstruction. er, about reconstruction and the emphasis was on this, now the story is about recovery, in general there were proposals to replace it with resilience, i.e. not about
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recovery as such, but about resilience, the word resilience is about resilience, and where sustainability, then there are already completely different challenges, and moods are different, completely different than those that were in lugano with the principle that will win the museums for. a little bit left and completely different principles, feelings are more precise, yes, which were, for example, in london, and there is a lot of talk about what will happen in the states, now, in fact , elections will take place, we basically do not know how it will end for ukraine, and the mood, i heard more and more often, it is obvious that i will not quote who spoke from colleagues, from ukrainian experts in international affairs, but when do i hear the phrase "peace agreement"? that is, i hear it, and i can't pretend that they don't talk about it, yes, they don't talk about it on the sidelines, obviously, they don't talk, that's all, and very now in fact
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a huge emphasis was placed at this conference, which was not there, i did not notice such an emphasis in luhan and berlin, on the support of the veteran community, and on the fact that this is a big socio-economic problem, and the government should already think about it, the minister of social policy should be thinking this already, thank you very much, martyna bohuslavets, head of the anti-corruption center mezhai, head of the coalition, joined us from the berlin conference, where, among other things, she noted that there, including on the sidelines, there are talks about some kind of peaceful deal, thank you very much, well, next is the story of the million dollar girl and her companion, who is part-time high. garden in the prosecutor's office. in 2024, the girlfriend of deputy prosecutor general dmytro verbytskyi, khrystyna ilnytska, acquired elite property worth at least uah 52 million.
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real estate, cars, everything is stable here, there is even a beauty salon, but ilnytska did not have enough official income to buy all these things. this was found out by our colleagues, journalists, investigators from the scheme program. at the same time, a number of facts indicate that that khrystyna ilnytska is in a relationship with the deputy prosecutor general. dmytro verbytskyi. verbytskyi told journalists that his relationship with ilnitskaya is not of a family nature, and therefore he is not obliged to indicate her property in the declaration. she says that she bought everything herself, because she previously received a will from another man. but journalists checked this information and it turned out to be false. ilnytska did not receive the will she is talking about. so where does the money for the property come from and is the deputy prosecutor general himself involved in enriching the woman. take a look. this is khrystyna ilnytska. most of the references in the network are about her as a specialist in renting and selling yachts. despite numerous videos in which
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khilnytska walks around on expensive yachts, she officially earns little. her official income reported to the state for 10 years, according to our sources with access to such data... is only uah 360,000, and in the last three years ilnytska has officially earned nothing at all, but recently ilnytska's real property status has significantly improved, until the beginning this year, she owned only a one-bedroom apartment district of kyiv, bought in 2020 and a mercedes in 2021. however, already in february of this year, on the eve of her birthday, ilnytska became the owner of a porsche macan t-2023 car. year of production, purchased from the salon. such a new car costs almost 4 million hryvnias, i.e. 100 thousand dollars. where could ilnytska get 100,000 dollars for a car,
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if her official income for the last decade would be enough for only a tenth of its value. in the same period, when ilnytska got a new car, one man started appearing in her social networks. here, for example, is a video for february 2024. ilny... is dancing on the tennis court in sports clothes, for a moment a man appears behind her in the frame, whom we cannot identify at first. and here are other photos and videos, also in february of this year. ilnytska demonstrates her tennis skills, and here the already familiar deputy prosecutor general, dmytro verbytsky, appears in the frame. he is currently single. divorced last year. here he is standing next to his son khelnytska, right there she herself is holding his hand. covering up face with a racket and another eloquent video by the deputy prosecutor general. but the same porsche was bought by ilnytska in february of this year. in the photo from the cameras of the safe city for
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april. and in may of this year, dmytro verbytskyi is in the passenger seat, next to ilnytska, and here he is driving. in other photos published by ilnytska in her stories, we see her with her son in the company of verbytskyi's nephew yevgeny, they came to tire together. this is exactly the nephew of verbytsky, who bought under the power of attorney at an undervalued price real estate in the cottage town of konyk for an odesa businessman, where the deputy prosecutor general himself eventually settled. and already on may 1 of this year , khrystyna ilnytska herself became the owner of real estate in this cottage town. we turned to deputy prosecutor general dmytro verbytskyi for comment. i have known khrystyna since the end of the 22nd year. our relationship is not a family relationship, but i did not participate in any help, in the acquisition of property by her. therefore, you need to contact christina on these issues. as for the car, i am i do not use it in the sense of
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the prevention law. corruption, but only got behind the wheel several times together with the owner. well, two more words about dmytro verbytsky himself. he appointed andrii kostin as deputy prosecutor general in september 2022. prior to that , he worked in the prosecutor's office of ivano-frankivsk, odesa, and mykolaiv regions from 20 to 22 until he was appointed to a position in the office of the prosecutor general, and was the deputy head of the odesa regional prosecutor's office. georgy shabaev, the author of this, joins our broadcast the investigation, the fragment that we just showed, george, hello, hello, come on, who after all, after you made this investigation public, should now dot the dots and look more closely at the property, the remains, and the environment of verbytskyi, is getting rich is it for him, at his expense or not for him? well, this should be done first of all by the anti-corruption law enforcement agencies , the national agency for the prevention of corruption should monitor the way
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of life, see if it is responsible. verbytskyi's way of life to his wealth that he has, which he declared, then this may be a reason for conducting an investigation by the national anti-corruption bureau of ukraine, if they see in this illegal enrichment or the possible declaration of inaccurate information, the declarant may not declare any significant changes in his property status, this may also be transmitted in the future higher anti-corruption court in the event that verbytskyi or someone else is announced there. suspicion, we will watch, we will observe, and so far there has been no reaction from anyone, neither from nazk, nor from nabu, so far no, we know that these facts are being studied by the law enforcement agencies, we will wait for some kind of answer, whether the proceedings have been opened or not, but for now we cannot say anything about this, we hope that there will be a reaction soon, let's just announce it once again , what are the previous claims to the prosecutor, because maybe someone is looking at us now and thinks,
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well, what did he say... that he is not in a family relationship with this lady, maybe she had some savings, and she she herself bought these cars, real estate, and so on, which are still legal there is no assessment, what are the complaints against the prosecutor? well, let's put it this way, we publish the facts, and the fact is that if you take the official incomes of ilnytska, his companion for the last decades, you can see that her income there was a total of about uah 360,000, that is, it is the 10th part from... the value of that porsche she has owned since 20, from february 2024, the same can be said for a three-story cottage, the amount she earned in 10 years is the amount of the cost of one month's rent of such a cottage in this elite cottage town the grasshopper, of course, is here the question is that maybe she had some savings before that, but again, she said that there was some kind of will, which...
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a former companion, let's say, her chosen one, he left her watches there, and some valuables there and so on, but again we checked this information, we found out that indeed her ex- husband, let's say this, wrote this will, but two weeks before his death he canceled it, and in legal terms ilnytsk has nothing at all from him received, we also watched it property status, they saw that the last time she bought something there was in 2020-21, but again, for these three years, she did not receive any income, and of course, then it becomes strange that as soon as it began to appear deputy prosecutor general in her stories, from that time her property status began to improve, porsche, cottages, and even in her stories she says that she also has a beauty salon, and not an average beauty salon, that is, all these facts.. .


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