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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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her chosen one, he left her watches there, and some valuable valuables there, and so on, but again, we checked this information, found out that it was really her ex, let's say, husband, who wrote this will, but in two weeks before his death, he canceled it, and in legal terms, ilnytsk received nothing from him at all, we also looked at her property status, saw that the last time she bought something there was in 2020, the 21st. years, but then again, she didn't get any income for those three years, and of course after that it becomes strange that as soon as the deputy prosecutor general began to appear in her stories, from that time her property status began to improve: a porsche, cottages, and even in her stories she says that she also has a beauty salon, and not an average beauty salon, that is, all these facts, i think they should be given some kind of legal assessment, and really, why so, why did it happen? it's some kind of fashion in
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the beauty salon, recently your colleagues, it seems, from the information investigation department, conducted investigations on officials of the security service of ukraine, and there, too, on their wives and civilians wives, beauty salons are appearing, george, and what do they say in the prosecutor general's office, perhaps andriy kostin, the prosecutor general commented on the situation of his subordinate, so far we have not seen these comments, it is really possible that some kind of assessment should also be given. with these facts as part of a potential official investigation, we do not yet know whether she will be appointed or not. i think that here everything will depend on the reaction of law enforcement agencies, whether they will really be interested in the facts in our investigation, whether they will really see that something does not correspond to the official income reported to the state, maybe they will find some other facts that will indicate that ilnytska himself may be involved in the improvement of ilnytska's property condition.
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deputy prosecutor general, we made these facts public, we based them on several photos, and joint leisure time, and photos where verbytsky himself is driving this porsche, and ilnytska is sitting in the passenger seat, well, in fact, we established all this and now we are waiting to see how they will react to it law enforcement agencies and the prosecutor general's office will respond in the future, he said in this regard the material that he just drove there a few times and that's it. thank you very much georgy shabaev, investigative journalist of the scheme program, i invite everyone to watch this investigation in its entirety on the radio liberty youtube channel. thank you george. the head of nabu, semyon kryvonos, broke his silence and stated today that a pre-trial investigation and two internal official investigations are being conducted regarding the leak of nabu data. what's happening in naboo right now, experts.
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called the biggest crisis during the bureau's existence. we did not talk about it in detail in previous issues, so i will remind. it all started on may 22, when the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office, together with the police , searched the home of the representative of nabu. the search took place as part of an investigation into the leak of information in a high-profile criminal case regarding a large construction project. this is a case against the former head of the dnipropetrovsk region, valenty reznichenko, as well as his partner, a consultant to the president's office, yury golyk. later, ukrainian pravda journalists found out what was the reason for the searches the disclosure of the data of the pre-trial investigation, simply put, the leaking of information by representatives of the nabu in the interests of, in particular, yuri golyk himself, who was the curator, or as he likes to call himself, the ideologist of the great construction. on june 6 , investigative journalist of bigusinfo, denys bigus , published photos from golyk's phone, which investigators seized during the search, the contents of the phone proved that golyk was receiving messages. with merged information from nabu
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from another adviser to the president's office, heorhiy birkadze. screenshots of correspondence show that birkadze allegedly communicated with a high-ranking official whose name is currently unknown. after information about the removal of the first deputy director, nabu gizo-uglava, was removed from work at his own request. there were even speculations that uglava himself could be behind the leak. there is no evidence. well, in fact, it is now necessary to refute or confirm these assumptions. the investigation is there, or the internal official investigation, and while this whole epic was going on, the head of nabu, semyon kryvonos , kept silent for a long time, at least there were no public statements, but now he said that he will make any decisions, including personnel ones, based on the results of investigations. what is happening in nabu, what does the story of the data leak indicate, and is there now a chance that after all this happened, the cases related to the large construction will be investigated to the end. honestly and objectively,
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we will talk about it now, viktoria syumar, a member of the people's deputy from european solidarity and a representative of the committee on anti-corruption policy, joins our broadcast. good evening. good evening. victoria, will this all happen? is the situation in the context of the nabu drainage the subject of consideration at the specialized committee? as you know, we raised this issue, and we found understanding among the representatives of the majority, in particular the head of the committee, anastasia radina, agreed that this is a sufficiently resonant situation that we should not only discuss it there in the internal chat, but that it should be an open discussion with an invitation of all relevant parties. this story, well, first of all, of course, it is about semyon kryvonos, about head of the national anti-corruption bureau, such a meeting should take place next week, frankly speaking, i think it is a bit late, but, well, as it is, this week
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the parliament is not working in session mode, a lot of representatives of the monomajority are abroad today, in particular in berlin, but it has already been announced that an open meeting will be held next... week, it will not even be held within the walls of the verkhovna rada, where, as you know, journalists are allowed in limited there, in limited lists, it will be outside the the government quarter is closed, this means that all interested members of the press will be able to attend this meeting and hear, at least this discussion with the participation of key actors, because the situation is really ... resonant and it is very serious, because these are the first such serious suspicions about the leak of the naboo investigation, which was set up back there in '16, which has been going on since '16, and which, you know, everybody was very afraid to be a part of the naboo investigations, because it's really serious, and everybody knows that and sap, and
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the anti-corruption court, that's what, you know, always somehow they tried to get somewhere else for an investigation and so on. yes, that's why this infrastructure, if it was created to be anti-corruption, precisely so that it would be as independent as possible, and now, after 8 years, we have a situation that may indicate dependence, a corruption component of a component in the structure of the anti-corruption bureau, and therefore this situation, well, it can't be hushed up, it definitely has to... be investigated, because we might lose that institute and that philosophy of the institute that was laid during his, you said that next week there will be a meeting of the committee, where you have already summoned semyon kryvonos and he agreed to come? i understand that he will not be able
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to ignore it, i do not yet know for sure whether there is already an agreement, i know for sure that the relevant invitations have been sent, the committee is specialized and accordingly these structures are under report. them for the committee on anti-corruption policy, so i am convinced that mr. kryvanos himself is most interested in coming and giving answers to all the questions that people's deputies have today, and of course the public and journalists have them, but which victoria, what is the question, there are a lot of questions here, the palette, wow, which one, which is the main top, i don't know, your three questions are for semyon kryvonos, yes. excuse the sound, because it has rained, i am here next to me, nothing, nothing, we, we will hear your questions to semen crooked nose, yes, of course, of course, there are a lot of questions, well, first of all, the question, was there drain, yes, the question is whether high-ranking officials of nabu were involved in this,
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the third question, if, strictly speaking, such suspicions arose, i personally have a question, why disciplinary proceedings were not immediately opened? why did they actually wait three months, oh, three weeks, i'm sorry, three weeks to announce a pre-trial investigation, a pre-trial investigation, you know, it can last 2 years, are we going to wait two years for conclusions, is it still a disciplinary investigation in two months it could have given appropriate results and there could have been , well, disciplinary sanctions, which would have meant the dismissal of those officials who could have been involved in this, who is covering for whom, so... why nabu itself did not react like this, as it itself, you know, requires according to the same principles as it requires from everyone else, because nabu is investigating, including, for example, a conflict of interest, whether there is a conflict of interest of the same leadership, in particular nabu, an extremely
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large number of questions , and you know, i will emphasize this point here, that we have no right to keep, that is, to lose that institution. which was very difficult to create and with regard to which, well , enough has already been obtained, and may i ask , may i ask you a provocative question? it seems that you have already lost this institute, if, if there was a downpour for a long period of time, it seems like the 21st, 22nd and even 23rd years, that is, there was a downpour over a long period of time, and no one during that time said that it was happening, cool , i think not you, but us, after all, because we should all be interested in naboo doing its job well. i am interested, i am interested in explaining to our audience what is happening, no, we as citizens of ukraine,
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i mean, yes, secondly, secondly, the topic of large-scale construction is extremely sensitive, extremely sensitive, the main budgets of the country went there, which, well, forgive me, was not preparing for war, because it was building roads, and these holdings were created, there were five huge companies that participated in it . all this raises a lot of questions, it seems to me that just pull some string and you can go all the way to the envelopes in the verkhovna rada, which were talked about just as much in 19-22 years, and you know, maybe there are no strings anymore, if there was a flow of information, maybe there is nothing to pull, but by the way, yes, actually, and you know, this may indicate a political interest in hiding all these cases, and i personally, in addition to this story, have... to be honest, many questions to nabu, which i will definitely ask, well, for example , now i will say it on the air, i
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did not make it public anywhere, i recently made a parliamentary request, precisely to semyon kryvonos regarding scandalous publications in the press regarding theft on fortifications, on the construction of fortifications, in particular in the kharkiv region, this was also done by public organizations, journalists also did it, they showed the companies which fictitious ones, which were actually created there in two months, received. money for fortifications that were not actually built, it was proven in fact, i asked the krivonosya whether criminal proceedings had been instituted based on the materials of these investigations and received the answer that no, that only within a month there was an inspection to see if these proceedings should be opened, it seems to me that after all, nabu has to give answers to pressing questions today, and these pressing questions just keep piling up like snow, snow mountain. i will only add that in the context of fortification, a temporary investigative commission has already been created in the verkhovna rada, so, well
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, maybe there will be some information as a result, let's go back to the leak of information, look, the leak of information, as you know , previously happened in the interests of officials , advisers, consultants from the president's office, it is about yury golyk, who was under petro poroshenko, by the way, a long-term adviser to valentyn reznichenko in the dnipropetrovsk region, then somehow the legacy passed. yes, then the inheritance passed to to zeledo z-team, but kyrylo tymoshenko worked side by side with him, who has now appeared in the ministry of defense. tell me, please, and whether you can, or whether you want to invite, including these people , to the committee, and whether you have, in principle, whether the committee has such powers, see, the committee can invite representatives of bodies that are in in the field of competence of the committee, it is about yes. and it is already their will to come
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or not to come, i think that also mr. bertkadzy, who is also, well, let's say, not far away, yes, to the representatives and the president's office, and worked on entire state tv channels, i don't know if he is a propagandist there or what his role was, surely he can do better. to say, but the fact that he would definitely have to, let's say this, give answers to a lot of questions, it's obvious, just like yuriy volyk, that's the status of these people, well , it seems to me that today they are once again involved in making state decisions , including in the construction of fortifications, this is actually one link, because in our country, from the roads , everyone rushed to build fortifications according to the same schemes, by and large with those companies, so there are a lot of questions, they really are. thank you very much, victoria syumar,
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member of parliament for european solidarity and representative of the committee on anti-corruption policy, we talked about, i am not afraid of this word, the biggest crisis since the existence of nabu, the crisis in the anti-corruption bureau of ukraine has arisen. that's all, i urge you to subscribe to radio liberty's internet pages until tomorrow. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the diary of the deceased paramedic iryna chakei tsyboh, the story of adv. and firm position, an expert on of energy security by andrian prokip with advice on how to survive power system attacks, the story of ugandan dictator idi amin's road to bloody madness, interesting stories and quality analysis with the country at the center of the main events, buy from press outlets. what is bahmud? bahmud is
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a place of fear and a place of courage. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. our dnibra. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys who never cry. lemberg. mom, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. there are discounts, they represent.
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unbreakable discounts on psyla balsamgel, 15% at travel pharmacies. try flebodia 600, pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids, flebodia 600, treat hemorrhoids without any oops, there are discounts represent unbreakable discounts on steel foams, 20% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zema, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. serhiy zgurets and what the world lives on. yuri fizer is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what happened outside ukraine. yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news. time
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to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka field with me, and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. hours in the company of our favorite presenters about cultural news, our tv viewer is ready to say good evening to the presenters, who have become like a day to many, next to me she is ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. take a wounded person on time from the battlefield - it means saving his life, giving a lift to bc, giving a lift to the boys, a quad bike - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we call on everyone to join nato in gathering from zero
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to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv iv. seven-year-old evangelina reutova, ten-year-old zlata pokhilko and 11-year-old artem getman. these children disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of donetsk region, and their whereabouts are currently unknown. but i am i hope that with your help the child will be found. first of all, i appeal. to residents of the temporarily occupied territories of donetsk region. please look closely at the children's faces. evangelina reutova. in this photo, she is much younger than her seven years, but i hope this will not prevent the girl from being recognized. zlata pokhilko looks about 10 years old, she has light blond hair and blue eyes. and this is
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artem hetman. he turned 11 at the end of last year. he has a boyfriend. brown hair and eyes. information about the disappearance of these children arrived in october last year. there is an assumption that all of them could be in the territory of temporarily occupied donetsk, but now their fate is unknown. perhaps the children were taken to russia, so it is important to know any details about them. if anyone has seen evangelina, zlata or artem or knows where they might be now, please let us know immediately. even a small one. the news can become very important. you can call the magnolia child tracing service at any time of the day by dialing the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile phones. operators free of charge, if suddenly you are in the temporarily occupied territory and cannot call, write to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram, or
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look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of just three children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course, the vast majority of children were found and now everything is with them. unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, everyone can help find them. believe me, just a minute of your time can be crucial. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in the missing children of ukraine section. here you can view all the photos of the missing. perhaps you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. at the same time , children are also disappearing in territories controlled by ukraine. as the experience of the search service shows. and magnolia, the vast majority of them are teenagers. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of tips for parents that can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one
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of them is the importance of involving children in solving family issues. involve the child in the development of the family budget, in solving some problematic issues, because sometimes we make some decisions, and these decisions are difficult, difficult, and we ourselves take a lot of responsibility. we all worry about it, and the child is only told about the result, and he perceives it as a personal insult. well, for example, the child was expecting a new phone, but due to some family events, we don't have money for it. and instead of explaining, to make a decision together with the child, as well what we can save on, and when we do manage to save up for that new phone, we just bring her this idea that there won't be a phone. how are we perceived then? well, like an enemy who... just wants to destroy the whole peaceful life of the child, and destroy all the dreams and stuff, and if she knew the whole process, and if she participated in the discussion, and if her voice was important and
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she could say , let's save a little here, here i am ready to give up something so that she would feel her complicity in the family budget, to planning, felt that it is important, and what in life should be better than feeling important? we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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on the air from washington, the ukrainian voice of america program chas time, i'm yuliya yarmolenko, congratulations. german chancellor olaf scholz called on allies and partners to step up anti-aircraft defense of ukraine and promised that together the world community will help rebuild ukraine, even stronger, freer and more prosperous. with such words. the german chancellor started a two-day conference on the restoration of ukraine, the purpose of which is to mobilize international efforts for the reconstruction, reform and modernization of ukraine. reconstruction and modernization of the country will require large investments. the calculations of the world bank are about 500 billion dollars over the next 10 years. the day after tomorrow, we will be with president zelensky again see you at the group summit. seven, there i will lobby for far-reaching and long-term commitments for ukraine. i would like to call on
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everyone who has gathered here today to support our initiative to strengthen ukraine's air defense by all possible means. no one here today can say when the war will end. but we can say this, it will end: we will rebuild ukraine, stronger, freer and more prosperous than it was before. millions of ukrainians currently living in our countries can be a living bridge women and men who speak the language of another country, work in european companies and tomorrow can play an important role in the reconstruction of ukraine. it's about people. welcome to berlin. glory to ukraine. one of the main focuses of the conference is the restoration and protection of ukraine's energy system, against which russia has intensified its attacks this year. according to
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the words. of prime minister denys shmegal, currently only 27% of large theses are working in ukraine, the rest are destroyed or damaged. how western partners can help rebuild energy capacity and whether we should expect specific steps following the results of the conference in berlin. let's talk about this and more with my colleague, our economic columnist oksana bedratenko. oksana, hello. congratulations, yulia. oksano, the situation with the ukrainian energy system is critical and requires not only loud statements of support at the recovery conference, but also very specific steps from partners, or to restore and protect this system, should we expect these practical results? yes, yulia, it was this topic, the topic of the restoration of the ukrainian energy industry, that you took over to the attention of the forum on the restoration of ukraine, which is currently taking place in berlin. zelenskyy addressed the participants of the forum, said that 80% of heat generation and a third of hydrogen generation were lost due to russian shelling, and today
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it happened again. from the coordination group for the support of the ukrainian energy industry, called g7 plus. after the meeting, the g7 plus issued a statement in which it said that the partners agreed to provide ukraine with a billion dollars to restore the ukrainian energy sector after the russian shelling. these shellings resumed in march this year, as we remember. the statement also says that the g7 has already provided 3 billion. ukraine has until march to restore the energy infrastructure, and interestingly , today's statement contains a list of 10 major areas of reforms that the government must carry out in the ukrainian energy sector. the meeting was chaired by us deputy secretary of state geoffrey paet. paet previously served as the us ambassador to ukraine. and before arriving in berlin, he explained what the expectations are from the international community, and. and
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also what the government of ukraine should do in this area energy recovery? the government of ukraine has set out an ambitious vision for the future of the energy system, and there is good cooperation on their part to make it happen, but governments do not achieve this alone. it is necessary to involve the private sector and civil society in ukraine, europe and other countries. current estimates of the need to repair the ukrainian energy industry are billions of dollars. private sector. ready and willing to help ukraine realize its vision of a sustainable, clean and affordable energy future, fully integrated into the european union, but to achieve this, ukraine must provide an open, attractive and transparent investment environment that fully meets the standards of european competition. to achieve this, the united states is working with the government of ukraine, partners, and allies to advance energy reforms, attract foreign
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investment, and accelerate. oksana, what exactly does ukraine need to ensure a comfortable winter for millions of ukrainians? thus, in an emotional address to his allies, zelensky emphasized that it is necessary to prepare for winter now. he laid out a very ambitious plan, creation of shunting energy, and he appealed to german companies to help in this, and also asked european allies to give energy equipment that is currently idle in their power plants. another element is a highly efficient decentralized maneuverable gas generation that will solve today's energy shortage and tomorrow will be converted to hydrogen and balance the new green energy. it is in this field that european and, in particular, german companies are technological leaders. it is in this field that we have a clear plan on how to build.
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to the 1st year, already this year, i emphasize again, we need to talk not only about prospects, we need to solve problems today. also, in an interview with myroslava gangadze for voices of america, the head of ukrenergo, volodymyr kudrytskyi, said that the energy sector needs to be restored in 3-4 months, and he admitted that a favorable investment environment must be created for this. the main task for us, for the state, is to restore generating capacity as much as possible, it will not be possible to restore it to 100% before winter. we have to understand it, but as much as possible, us the damaged district heating and hydropower plants need to be restored, we need air defenses to protect what will be restored, but in parallel with our...


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