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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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forces and anti-corruption forces, what, what do they say, who in this situation is right, who is wrong, and who will put an end to this conflict that has started, and we are witnesses of this conflict, who, who should put an end to it? well , it is the full responsibility of the government to take such steps on the eve of the conference, to provoke, well, to demonstrate the disunity of the ukrainian team, and well, in my opinion, at least short-sighted, but at the same time, well, we can hear a positive assessment there from the point of view of anti-corruption organizations there or recovery organizations, but that will be their focus, and we hear the government's own position that a report is critically needed. about efficiency, in order to see the actual
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focus from this side, but the biggest problem is that we went as a country to the recovery conference, without a relevant minister, aa without actually a relevant administrator, of the recovery process, despite the fact that the relevant administrator of the recovery process to recently. mustafa nayem, well , publicly stated that he was put in a wheel. well, again, it turns out like this it is a strange situation that there we, as ukrainians, will never lose a chance to get out of dispersal on a rake. so, is there actually a need for reporting and strengthening of the team that deals with the restoration of the person from the point of view of professionalism, well, it seems that it is, because hardly anyone even... inclusively agrees that
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everything is fine with us with this process. in principle, if we follow even the logic of what is happening in the country, we started talking about this recovery very early, and we barely, well, maybe even a stoppage at a time when we critically need it, and here mr. mareshko very clearly noted that all our conversations with international partners actually begin and end with weapons, and... it is critical for us to survive, and at this moment, well, actually a demonstration of unity, there may be some misunderstandings, there may be some personal or organizational problems, but if we understand that we are preparing a conference that is critically important for our international partners to understand what and how and how the funds will be invested in... restored,
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how we guarantee their effective use, how do we guarantee their control, and at this moment to actually start reshuffles, well, to say the least, short-sighted, so i think that this significantly affected the efficiency, it is very positive that we did not drive with our bare hands ukrainian facility plan, that is, the plan of our actually activities that are really... already tied up, but there are achievements, we receive help, there are no achievements, well, we will have to wait, this is very good, here the ministry of economy of all experts can be congratulated, of course there is no limit to perfection , you can improve there, but that's what it was critically necessary to show, well, now our task is to quickly show who will implement this plan, that is, first of all , a huge component related to regional development. infrastructure, and
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recovery in general, now in any case the ball is in the court of the majority in the court of the government team itself, and we really hope that they will not delay with the proposals regarding the replacement of the deputies of kubrakov and mustafa nayem, because well, this is a huge problem when international partners do not know with whom they should coordinate their actions. thank you. mr. yaroslav, president zelensky during the conference for the recovery of ukraine in berlin called for investments and assistance to kyiv in the recovery of the energy sector, let's listen to what the president of ukraine said. as a result of the strikes of russian missiles and drones, 9 gigawatts of power have already been destroyed. despite the fact that the peak of energy consumption in ukraine last winter was 18 gvv. so the half now doesn't exist. in the shorter
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term, we must also implement a quick and inexpensive restoration of all energy facilities that can now be restored before winter. it is so important to winter during the next three or four months. we know how to ensure it. we ask you for equipment from your, by the way, stopped power plants and direct financial support. this will allow us to react to the situation here and now. according to zelenskyi, ukraine, with the help of partners , plans to build up to 1 hectare this year. gas maneuverable generation for another 4 gigawatts in the coming years, mr. oleksandr, does this mean that this issue of recovery and recovery in ukraine will also be central to the verkhovna rada and the government,
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because it looks like investors it is clear that the president of ukraine stated that such help is necessary, but how will the events develop further, that... what will the government do and what will the president of ukraine do, obviously still needs an explanation within the state? well, of course, this is a question of the survival of the country, the survival of our economy and people, we remember what the last winter was like, how difficult it was, and we are on the threshold of a new winter, which may be even more difficult, but the verkhovna rada, legislators . trying to do everything possible, just like the legislators for to protect the country in this regard, to restore our energy potential, because it is literally about the survival of people. thank you, mr. oleksandr, mr. rostislav, do you
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think that in the current situation, after all, the current team should announce the creation of a government of national unity, because... the situation is critical enough, we see that it is already flying, that in we have problems with electricity supply, and obviously this story will be a long one, and not one month, and not one year, when we will renew our energy capabilities, is there any in this situation the outcome of creating a broad political coalition, you keep talking about the fact that we should all unite, everyone should unite, and then it turns out that... actually, you want to unite, you are not really there and are waiting for you in this broad coalition, see, of course, european solidarity advocates the creation of both a broad coalition of victory and a government of national unity and salvation, and by the way, last year
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independent experts and journalists began to talk about this, offering politicians such a way out, based on experience, well not only israel, because it is simply popular, because it is before our eyes, but this is... a formula for democratic countries, in order to again, what the european parliament tells us, unite and use all the opportunities and resources of ukraine , in order for all specialists, all forces, to focus on one thing, on victory, because we are at war, we need to survive and win. and in the end, we had the experience of february march 22, when the advisers of the office somewhere shared and were not in favor... and again, colleagues, i think, will confirm here that it was a time of consensus democracy, when we they just argued to their heart's content, discussed decisions in the format of various working groups, conciliation councils, and so on, there was
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no unity in the hall, because everything was discussed, everything was summarized, and you know, the main part of these decisions works to this day, because they in fact, they were accepted in order for the country to live and... and we strongly urge you to use this experience even now. the second story, you know, today is still seven years from the start of visa-free work, yes, visa liberalization, i remember that before it became possible, from the 15th to the 17th, both the government and the verkhovna rada and the president at the time worked on the plan and 144 very specific points, from the introduction of biopassports to the creation of an anti-corruption infrastructure, and it gave a concrete... result, now we have adopted, agreed to the plan for the introduction of the facility, and colleagues they said a plan to help ukraine, but this requires again this unification of all resources and all forces, and therefore here, excuse me, the servant of the people should stop
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pretending that they have a monomajority, this has not been the case for a long time, well, such an adhoc coalition works different forces, depending on what issues are being considered, but during the conciliation council, the representative of the servant of the people. says: we will not consider it, we have a formal majority of votes, so no, veto, we will not consider it, and the questions fall away, this must stop, the spirit must be restored november, i'm sorry, february without... 22nd year, of course, i wish, without the conditions that existed then, and the conclusion of this should be the formation of this unity government, which would combine the capabilities of all political forces, and this will definitely contribute to our victory. thank you sir rostislav, rostislav pavlenko, yaroslav yurchyshyn and oleksandr mereshko were guests of our program today. gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. i would like to remind our tv viewers that throughout our broadcast we conducted a survey and asked you about this, whether... we dare to criticize the government during the war, let's look at the results of the television survey: 91% yes, 9% no, on
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our youtube channel as well goes, ends, the survey itself: 90%, yes and 10% - no. these are the results of our poll today, friends, don't forget to vote like this video, if you watch us on youtube or on facebook, in order ... for this conversation to progress in the trends of youtube and facebook, well, come to the verdict tomorrow at 20:00 there will be new guests, there will be new topics, i i say goodbye to you, the program was conducted by serhii rudenko, i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye. there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on emolium of 25% in travel pharmacies for you and savings.
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moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care. and thinkers politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited guests experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them as possible. our future every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio zahid with anton
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borkovsky at espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zama, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, and i and my colleagues are with you for the next hour and 45 minutes. ukraine did everything to start the victory. about joining the european union, is ursula fonderlein really telling the truth, the president actually spoke about it, a lot of help from the federal of the republic of germany, what exactly to the ukrainian vii'. olaf scholz and the german government decided to help, and we will discuss a lot of other important information today. the scandal in odesa, the fight between doctors and workers of the tsc, everyone is asked to refrain from disinformation. we will try to explain what is happening, what happened and give you an official clarification regarding this scandalous story that is being carried by social networks, and we simply cannot not pay attention to it.
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today we will also discuss economic issues and events outside ukraine. ukraine recovery conference in berlin 2024. what is the ukrainian president agreeing on, well, right now i will invite zgurets, the director of the defense express agency, and the host of the military summaries of the day to a conversation. serhiy, good evening, i would like to speak to you. good evening, vasyl, good evening to all our viewers. today, in our military column, we will talk about german aid in the supply and repair of weapons, and about the situation on the front line, that is, in the kurakhiv direction, around krasnohorivka, in a conversation with our military, who are holding the defense in this area, about it in a moment. in the coming weeks and months, germany will supply ukraine with the patriot air defense system, aresti installations, cheetahs, missiles and
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ammunition. chancellor of germany olyav shoits announced this at the conference on restoration. of ukraine in berlin, and here it is first of all important that ukraine and germany are consistent in strengthening our air defense, because in fact, this will already be the third patriot complex that germany is handing over to ukraine as part of the radar command post and eight launchers. currently in germany , the training of our military, the mastery of this complex, which is capable of hypersonic daggers, cruise missiles, and airplanes, continues. now, finally, there is no ban on the use of patriots to shoot down targets in russian airspace, although so far these patriots mainly protect the capital, although sometimes they are used for actions unexpected by the enemy. our calculations
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were already distinguished by the fact that patriots were shot down from this complex. and this a50 long-range reconnaissance aircraft and a number of russian ones planes that were in the 23rd year there on one day in the airspace of the bryansk region and they were shot down precisely from the patriot, while the president of ukraine emphasized again at this conference in berlin that ukraine additionally needs seven more patriot batteries, including what olaf scholz promised. against the background of important statements by ka'. about anti-aircraft defense, it is also worth mentioning the new announcements from the leading german concern for the production of weapons, this is the rain metal concern, which announced yesterday that an enterprise with repair and production in the perspective of german-made equipment, there is a certain déjà vu here,
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because even last year the head of this enterprise, armin popernger, spoke about... that within three months they will build an underground factory in western ukraine that will manufacture tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, but we see that this process is not as fast as previously announced, but in any case, we understand that now, in the first place , the marder bmp will be repaired in ukraine , cheetahs, in a certain way, leopards will be repaired, which were supplied in ukraine, and then the process... should go into the localization and production of certain samples of armored vehicles, first of all, red metal offers ukraine btrfux, it is a good enough machine, then there are still plans for two plants, this is one plant that will manufacture anti-aircraft means of defense, and another
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155 mm ammunition factory, this is a very important area, but so far we do not know the date when the construction of this ammunition factory will start, but in any case we know, that there are three directions, armored vehicles, artillery ammunition and air defense means, and it is very important that these plans with germany be activated as soon as possible, because these weapons are extremely needed on the battlefield, then we will talk about the situation on the front line, and first of all in more detail let's look at the kurakhivka direction, the battles are ongoing in krasnohorivka, near yegorhiivka, paraskoviivka, and kostyantynivka, and on the eastern front of this front, the enemy there is now storming the south of krasnohorivka, and here it is... now a serviceman of the armed forces is joining us andriy shishuk of ukraine with the call sign seyever, a man with tremendous combat experience, because he has been fighting since the 14th year, plus experience in peacekeeping
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operations. mr. andriy, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, good day, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, your unit, thank you, but now there are a lot of experienced people, so thank you, your unit is just right now. and in the kurakhiv direction, how did the dynamics change over the last week, what is now around krasnohorivka, why this direction and why the capture of krasnohorivka is so important for the enemy? look, krasnohorivka is this a strategic height, and the enemy has been using the tactics of capturing the heights for a long time since the 14th year, so bakhmut was taken, was taken. and in avdiivka they really wanted to seize that tyreicon and celebrated it as a half-victory, so this tactic, i won’t say it’s bad,
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it’s probably still pre-soviet, but it gives a very good advantage in a number of cases, that is, we also need pay more attention to this, firstly, it is to strengthen these heights, and secondly , also, if you storm not the lowlands, but... primarily the heights, it is not, well, it is more difficult, but this must be done, the enemy is still using column tactics, a tank is moving in front and behind almost at a minimum distance , there are several, well, in bmp or mtlb already, sometimes it is two tanks and bmp, mtlb, which already bring in the infantry directly, and this tank covered . their rebom, first of all, with fire that is already more chaotic, here is the reb, sometimes effective, sometimes not,
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here, the rap, this one, in a certain circle, gives its advantages, but when the bmpp lags behind or, they can be hit by drones , but there are also some moments, now there are a lot. let's just say it depends on the fpv drones and the enemy is constantly looking for an antidote to them, and i would like to draw attention to the fact that sometimes he already finds it, so we should not forget about such means that have always been effective, such as anti-tank missiles, as well as the same javelins, svg elementary, now we feel, let’s say yes , the lack of these means is probably not only for ammunition, but also for prepared calculations , it is very, very important that
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the front line of defense is saturated, and well, the second, these are the means, let’s say so, of the second line with these means, we have a wonderful, very wonderful stugna complex, which thermal imaging, why in we are in short supply. i don't understand in this direction, there should be, let's say this, no further than 2 km from the front line, every 2-3 km there should be such a complex, and this will hinder enemy assaults very much, that is, well, fundamentally, well, and there must be, of course , trained calculations at the complexes, well trained, normally trained, this is very, very important . probably very qualified, i really want them to pay attention to this, that is, if the enemy is advancing, we see it, he is advancing
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for several months now, uh, sometimes it is faster there, sometimes less, uh, but the positions that are now advanced or not there, they should already be mined, and uh there should be tmk and other mines lying everywhere, well, it is everywhere, well. .. not far from always, so those who are responsible for it should also pay attention to this, let's say, also regarding the enemy's tactics, in the krasnogorsk direction, he, let's say, tried to attack more from the southern part er, and all the columns were originally from there, now he is already trying to use armored vehicles enter from the side of staromykhaivka. there, from the first houses of krasnohorovka to staromykhailovka, it is 3.5 km, and in fact, this line of combat was there since the 13th year,
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it was not pohi. i know that their shops there even worked a kilometer after the front line, and because of this i want to pay attention to something else, the enemy is hitting our communications there, yes, in the near rear, and well, for everyone, that is, it is electricity by itself, water is television and radio communications he brought down a tv tower in kharkiv, no one thought that in... in belgorod it should be done too, because well, if in war, do not take symmetrical and appropriate steps, then the enemy will always press even more, if in some area the machine gun is not answered by at least a machine gun, better ags or lng, then the enemy in this area will constantly increase the tension and then will make a breakthrough, that is, for all his
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combat measures, one must have... er, action in conflict, appropriate, in advantage, and in those areas where this is done, it is usually our dshv brigades, there are marines, then there, it is very difficult to make breakthroughs against the enemy, and they are sitting there on the defensive, on those where they are constantly the unit changes and, let's say, no, such a symmetrical action is not taken, it's very bad, and regarding the tv tower, i want to draw the attention of all ours there, i understand this, it's a very political decision, to shoot at donetsk there, but so that you understand, donetsk is now working for the enemy, even more than in the 14th year, all of donetsk, everyone, i think that every second person there, even from the civilian population, is working for the enemy, and the fact that the enemy has such a base , here right on the front edge, where there is everything, where there is electricity, water they were always warm there, we were in
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pokrovsk, yes there already... there are interruptions with water, with electricity and so on, and why, well, no, not to make those decisions and no, the corresponding communications of the enemy are here too not to be removed from power, and the most important thing, i googled it not so long ago, there is still a naiva in donetsk, well, it is the second tallest tv tower in ukraine, if anyone does not know, 350 50. meters, if i am not mistaken, more only in kyiv, it is one of the three tv towers in donetsk, it is intact, it is standing, it can be seen in a clear day, well, just without binoculars for the eyes, it is of a very ugly design in fact, it is held only by cables, 360 m, 100 km away , the enemy broadcasts with his radio and television to our rear, that is, from there, from here the answer. yes, we
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have everything, and dodgers, and some spies there, some of these, whom the sbu then catches correctors, well, that is, we are already losing this and in those areas this war in terms of information, and the enemy, so you understand, he not just broadcasts on the radio, he with his radio stations, the most propaganda ones, he drowns out our ukrainian speakers, there is a ray, the country of fm. the fm army, everyone, he, our stations change, i just listen to them all the time, i constantly, well , change the radio in the car, because the enemy constantly finds them, our stations and jams them again, and we can’t shoot down the target towers, well, that is, i i don't understand some of these, i'm sorry for the question, and i would like you to pay attention to it,
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one more nuance is related to how... you said that it is necessary to increase the number of anti-tank weapons, saturated with these weapons of our combat formations, wanted to clarify on remote mining, how does it work now, do we have the ability to remotely place mines there with artillery or other means, is that still a bit limited, that's very limited, and unfortunately you can hear me, yes... yes, unfortunately, we can mine it only by artificial means and only not far away, in contrast to the enemy, who can do it there with hurricanes and tornadoes, they have these ammunitions, they mine against equipment with birds, petals and others means they mine against infantry, they use it very, very much not rare


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