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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EEST

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in germany, maybe somewhere on the street there are some conversations or not, something like that? well, i did not witness such meetings, i cannot comment, but in general, in this discussion , i believe that ukrainians should decide for themselves, and we need to create all the conditions for our refugees, our internally displaced persons to want to return home and rebuild their homes, and for this the most important thing is, of course, to provide all the conditions for... for the recovery of the economy, people will return when they have work, when they will be worthy, a decent level of wages, believe me, in fact, well , as they say, the grass seems greener where we are not, but in reality it is not so, and ukrainians who are in europe, many of them faced various difficulties , a lot of me, for example, my mother myself, i talk to my acquaintances and... friends,
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many women generally decide to return to ukraine because they want their children to receive normal medical care, which is not available in all european countries provided in a timely manner, especially if we talking about some, it's just very very expensive, quite often, i unfortunately have to put a full stop, but thank you very much for your work, first of all at this conference, thank you for joining our air and commenting halyna yanchenko, people's deputy of ukraine, here in my... in the comments they write that mr. zima will tell in detail about the side in odessa. i will not tell in detail, but i will simply give official information, to be honest, any hype should be calmed down and the circumstances clarified, but it will be in the news literally in a moment. good evening, we are from ukraine. let's start, so two enemy missiles were shot down in the sky over the dnipro, reports the head of the regional military administration serhii lesak, there are no more... details about that, they were shot down,
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and thank god, it's good that there is something to shoot down. the russians attacked novovorontsovka in the kherson region with a drone, destroyed a police car, damaged cars parked nearby, and reported this to the regional military administration. fortunately, people were not injured. to exceed the plan, the state gave the armed forces six times more drones than for all. the production of more than a million fpv drones is also expected last year, the head of the newly created forces of unmanned systems, vadym sukharevsky, said about it. the colonel noted that he already has more than 3,000 employees, and his army plans to reach full combat capacity by the end of this year. according to sukharevskiy, he is not going to take over already created brigades, and recruiting centers for the sbs, unmanned forces will soon be operational. systems today, we have an open
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press conference, and i am building a system like this in such a way that verified people go to the units, that is how we will open such centers, if they are being developed, if throughout the territory of ukraine, my dream and my task and the future is to preserve life, and not go there to mass artificial there artificial intellectual application, man is the main organism, if in this. we wish success to the newly appointed head of the unmanned systems forces and success, of course, on the battlefield, first of all. hope for a return, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi expressed hope that after completion after the war, ukrainians will return to their homeland to rebuild their country. he stated this during a press conference in berlin. at the same time , he added that working hands are needed just now, but to force people to return.
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when the war continues, it is not possible, the end of the war, i am sure that everyone will come to restore our state, because there will be jobs, there will be security, and i believe that there will be great, great motivation, well, the president is right in what he says, you can't force people, people, children, security, we we understand, but here again everyone has to make... the decision himself, if, of course, he left ukraine on legal grounds and is on legal grounds today in the territory of our partner states, which are helping us precisely in the humanitarian aspect at this time, in during the great war that ukraine is waging against the aggressor, and ukraine has signed a declaration with germany on support for post-war recovery - said christian lindner, minister of finance of the federal republic of germany. according to him, the document is not only about financial matters.
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resources that will be provided by the german government, and about the future support of private companies in ukraine and the promotion of investments. well, the video, which is obvious. everyone has already seen it, but we will say it in the official language: the scandal in odessa, well , it really is a scandal, the question is only in the causes and consequences. near the territorial assembly center - this is the kyiv district of odesa odesa, as far as i understand, from what i read, medics and soldiers fought, well, what happened is clearly visible on the video. the provocative video instantly began to spread through the network in the military administration responded to the incident, they explained it as follows: earlier, one of the men refused to work... to check military registration documents, well, checking military registration documents is what should actually be done in wartime, as they say here, and well there is nothing to say, well, it should be, you should have them with you or buy them at the tsk, if you don't have them. because of this, he had to be detained to
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update the data, the procedure is also clear. an hour after he was delivered, a group of people arrived in an ambulance. they claimed who arrived on call and insisted on hospitalization of the delivered to. however , there were no documents that confirmed their membership in the health care system, they claim in the military headquarters, well, not in the military, the territorial recruitment center, so the employees called the police, we see there, then the police came and took the bat from the hands of one of the participants incident, instead , the detained persons called 103, complained that they were allegedly being held there by force, as a sign of protest , other ambulance crews and civilians arrived at the scene, which apparently provoked the conflict, currently... the law enforcement officers are establishing all the circumstances of the incident, so i say once again, let's wait until all the circumstances of the incident are established, because from the video we see, why did we call it provocative, and that's how the fight started, they write in on telegram channels and put up a video, an excerpt, a man makes a movement, what started is unclear,
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an employee of the tcc sprays him with a spray can, as i understand it, they threaten him with physical force, that too, well, he doesn’t shoot a gun, he then grabs a bat , then some other people, then the police, then someone else beats someone, with someone, that is, this is manipulation, this is not a chronology, this is not a video taken somewhere from a surveillance camera, you see the beginning of the conflict, you hear all the sounds, in any case, the circumstances will be clarified , another moment, realizing that we do not live in an ideal world, there are no perfect people anywhere, they are not ideal everywhere, but when there is so much negativity specifically on the employees of tsc, in particular, well, you have to understand that this can also be inspired and can be inspired, and also, as information psychologists. operations, operations is used against ukrainian society, which is also, which is already maximally established. 100 million euros for compensation for housing destroyed by russia, this amount will be allocated to ukraine by the development bank of the council of europe. accordingly, the agreement was signed by minister
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of finance serhiy marchenko and the head of the bank, carlo monticelli. thanks to these funds, people who lost their homes due to russian attacks will be able to receive a certificate for the purchase of a new home among those who will receive assistance : combatants, people with disabilities, and large families. in a moment we will return to studio, well, actually, this is all the most important news that i managed to tell you, literally in a few minutes we will return to the studio, stay with us. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks. kamikaze, political analysis, objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svoboda live, frankly and impartially. you draw conclusions
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themselves. well, we return to our conversation, and now it's time to talk about events that happened outside the borders of our state. good evening, please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who has joined us at this time, as always i talk about what happened in the world, in particular about whether the swiss summit will help bring peace to ukraine, emmanuel macron is thinking about submitting to orban's resignation and joy. my name is yuriy fizar, this is a world about ukraine, and i will start in a moment. well, i'll start with this: the best reconstruction is the one that is not needed, said german chancellor olaf scholz during a speech at a conference on the reconstruction of ukraine in berlin. he once again promised that the german government
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undertakes to help us in the post-war reconstruction of our country and even promised to convince his colleagues from the member countries of the so-called group of seven, which we still know as the big seven, of this. this meeting, the meeting of the big seven, will begin already on thursday in the italian city of brindisi. if you remember that on the map italy looks like boot, then the city of brindisi is located on its very ring, and that's what. in order to restore less, now ukraine needs to be given more means of anti-aircraft defense, and that is why i called on allies and partners to support the relevant german initiative in every possible way. healthy initiatives come from the lips of olaf scholz almost every day, it's a pity that he started expressing these initiatives too late, but if he... decided to give us weapons immediately after the invasion, it would have been completely different, but i thank him for everything what his the government gives us even now. what
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will happen in a few days in the swiss city of bürgenstock will not be able to bring peace to ukraine. a real peace conference is needed. the foreign minister said this during a speech in russian gentle novgorod, during a meeting with colleagues from the brics countries, which include brazil, russia, india, china and pars. according to him, the peace summit in switzerland will not bring peace because russia will not be there, moreover, says the head of the chinese foreign ministry, a real peace meeting is needed honestly to discuss all the peace plans that have been proposed by many countries of the world. well, i will remind you that the basis of the swiss summit was supposed to be, after all, it is. peace plan, which consists of 10 points, but unfortunately, during the preparation of this
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summit, only three of the 10 points were left: security, shipping, energy security and the return of ukrainian children and ukrainian prisoners of war, so there has already been a statement that there will be no after this, after this summit, in the declaration , there will be an appeal to russia to... withdraw its troops, well therefore, there is a certain, and this is precisely a very large field of activity, it seems to me, precisely for such countries and for such as china and for such leaders as xi jinping, who met with the representatives of brazil and decided to push his initiative, and their initiative on against the background of these only three points, well, to the world it seems to be working, well, just think, in the first point of this chinese-brazilian initiative, both sides call on all relevant parties to... adhere to the three principles of de-escalation of the situation, namely the absence the expansion of the battlefield, the absence of escalation
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of hostilities and the absence of provocation from any side, that is, to the boy's mind , the cessation of hostilities . to talk about the cessation of hostilities, who knows, then the second point: both sides believe that dialogue and negotiations are the only life-giving ukrainian solution, well, here again they called crises, isn’t it reasonable, reasonable, is it in those three points, which will be discussed in bürgenstock, i don't know, it seems that there is none, yes, i really want to, i'm really looking forward to this summit in bürgenstock, but don't put too much hope on it, as olaf scholz and many others rightly said on the eve of this summit, it's not worth it to expect that peace will reign in ukraine immediately after bürgenstock, this is only the first step and perhaps those steps... many, many more steps will need to be taken, but unfortunately, countries such as china, brazil and many others are playing just such
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- its nuances that arise. well, let's move on. kyiv is very interested in the participation of official beijing in the peace summit, which will be held in bürgenstock, switzerland. therefore, it continues to try to convince china of this. deputy minister of foreign affairs of ukraine yevhen perebeinis said this in an interview with the spanish newspaper elmunda. for him the leadership of ukraine hopes that representatives of as many countries as possible will come to the summit in switzerland, according to him, after this summit there will be other meetings, but here is a quote from mr. perebeinis. we do not hide that china's participation is very important to us, we are very interested in their presence and continue to try to persuade them to come. well, one more interesting moment, mr. perebinis too. he said in an interview with elmund that
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spain is helping ukraine to convince countries, in particular the countries of the global south, to come to switzerland, he did not say whether it was already possible to convince, and who was managed to be convinced, although i really want to hope that succeeded, but that's good, but it's also interesting that the presidents, the president of brazil, lula da silva, and the leader... the current leader of russia, putin, held telephone talks, and in those talks , they again discussed what brazil is offering now, and putin agreed that this... this, this is normal, here, for example, the chinese-brazilian plan, this is what it would be worth it, what would be worth discussing, but that's not all that will happen there in switzerland, if there is a second, an interesting circumstance, maybe it means nothing, for sure, i think that it will not be talked about, after this their , as someone aptly called it, an inter-tribal summit, they his they call it international, it
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is called economic in st. petersburg, the head of oshchetbank of the russian hermangr flew to altaysk, there are as many as 200 thousand people, there are mountains. the upper altai airfield and he is buying it for private use, such intrigues are already starting, is putin thinking of escaping, and it is not far from china, so i think that we do not know everything, but if somewhere there he was studying the chinese plan in the upper altai and did not enter ukraine, it would be wonderful, it was really wonderful, and a little more about the summit, in a joint statement for the results of this summit, about which i have talked so much today, there will be no point, as i said, about the withdrawal of russian troops, about this with reference to the source. and the draft of this statement was reported by journalists of the japanese tv channel nhk. according to the information that they made public, the text of the statement will contain only three points of the ukrainian peace formula, and which i have already named, so the draft statement talks about the importance of russia's participation in future discussions as well. well, something
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seems to me, vasyl, knows that everyone is letting us down now, i mean ukraine, citizens of ukraine, bring us to the moment when we must ourselves. at some point we should have said: well, we can't discuss this without russia, here the question is that, you know, the decision is worked out in high offices, based on all the circumstances that we don't know about, we don't know all the circumstances, but then society begins to be prepared for you to agree with this decision, this is an understandable thing, it is not easy, it is painful, but in any case there are moments to which ukraine will definitely not agree, and there are moments to which russia will definitely not agree, that is, everything depends on the strength that ukraine will be able to get today, thanks to our partners, well, thanks. to myself, and the fact that there are some definite plans, i think it is absolutely clear, well it is true, so about the peace summit, it is a few days away, i am looking forward to it, as i told you, but do not get your hopes up too high on him, just the most important thing, i will tell you in the world column about ukraine in our evening broadcasts, let's move on, the results of the elections to the european parliament are
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bad for some european leaders, in particular for german chancellor olaf scholz and french president emmanuel. macron. the latter, i.e. macron, is even discussing with his entourage the possibility of resigning from the post of head of state in the event of a right-wing victory in the parliamentary elections within the country. radio station europe-1 reported this with reference to a source. so journalists claim that this scenario is extreme. macron himself discussed this with one of his interlocutors in recent weeks. at the same time , the radio station emphasizes that there is no resignation the best option for the president. although her perspective should serve this campaign to, as they called it, dramatize the upcoming elections. well, as i said, the upcoming election is not so much upcoming, it's literally coming soon, it's an early parliamentary election, which emmanuel macron announced right after, the day before, right after he saw that his renaissance party
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won less representatives in the european parliament, than, national. forgot national, forgot the name of this party, marine le pen, this the ultra-right, and there is something of a people's association, in my opinion, an association, a national association of marine le pen, and that is why he immediately announced the holding of early elections, so the first round of them will be held on june 30, and the second on july 7, so very soon. but which of the european leaders likes the results of the elections to the european parliament, even despite the fact that his party showed the worst result in the history of its existence, it is the prime minister of hungary viktor orban. according to his words, voting it happened as they wanted. despite this, he said this in an interview with the m1 tv channel, once again reminding that he has always said that these elections are an opportunity to slow down or stop the ever-faster slide of european
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politicians into war. first in europe, he says, and then in the us. for a long time , viktor orbán has constantly emphasized that if he does not succeed in gaining an advantage in the elections, then europe may soon be drawn into this war, but fortunately, says the hungarian leader: there are chances for peace, let's go on let's hear him in direct speech. it was possible to slow down this train, and it is possible to stop it, because in france, which was the country that most decisively advocated the war, a real political earthquake occurred. early parliamentary elections have already been scheduled there, as the supporters of peace won. with such a huge power and a large number of votes, if the pro-peace parties can win the parliamentary elections, then i think we will win in the first half. as soon as i heard this direct speech of mr. orbán, i immediately caught the word, we can in a few words, we will be able to win in the first half, and i think what the first half means,
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i even thought to vasyl, maybe he meant in the first half some duel or something else, no, something, maybe the hungarian national team, no, he himself later explained everything, he said that now we are waiting for donald trump to bring the second half to the usa, and then peace will come, and if neither the first nor the second half is fulfilled. will come up with something else, he will definitely come up with something, that is, people like orban, like trump, they are always there, lukashenko is still like that themselves, and there are many of them, i just know them, you can go through a lot, so they will in any case find something to justify their actions, even if they were wrong these actions, he will still twist it and submit it, yes it should have been, well , let's move on, it would seem that gas is more about money, but if we are talking about gas in times of war, then after all, it is also very much about... politics. european officials are negotiating to maintain gas supplies through a key pipeline that runs through ukraine. this was reported by bloomberg
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citing own sources. according to published information, the european union wants to ensure the supply of gas next year. in particular, the publication's sources reported that one of the options is the purchase of azerbaijani gas, but they want to pump it through the gas pipeline that passes through the territory. russia and ukraine, according to bloomberg sources, the agreement will allow europe to avoid difficulties related to the purchase of russian gas. well , after i read this information, it appeared to me question: azerbaijan and the european union already know something about the cessation of hostilities in the territory through which this gas pipeline passes, that is, they are in business, as far as i understand. you have to think about the risks because of which you can lose a lot of money, really cool business, he, you know the story, i'll make it short, like the rothschilds, when there was a battle of
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waterloo, he alone told that he won, his messengers were the first to arrive in london , when it became clear that napoleon had lost and they said that napoleon had won, the shares fell, he bought almost all of london, and then everyone found out that england won, but rosshol already had, owned a large fortune, so business, he may know a lot, but in any case... we understand that, well, not everything, but , but it is absolutely certain that some analysts with large salaries and with access to various information may be there, well, how can vasyl comment on this, well, that is, this information appears, this information is not published by some small-town publication of europeans, even if they are published, well, maybe they probe in this way, and maybe they would like it that way, well, that is, a lot there may be moments, but in any case, we would all like the same thing for the war in ukraine to end as soon as possible and for it to end with our... victory, so let's very much hope that it is so, and that gas from azerbaijan to europe it will go through ukraine, and we will make money on it.
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well, in russia and belarus , the second stage of the training of the so-called nuclear forces of the allied state has begun. this was reported in the russian ministry of war, according to the published information, the second stage of the exercises aimed at maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment in the event of... the use of tactical nuclear weapons, moreover, moscow once again emphasized that the purpose of these exercises is to check the readiness to ensure the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the union state, well, they check, but only who is going to attack the union state of russia and belarus, well, they started training in the spring in the summer of 20 of the second year, and since then they have not stopped somewhere... they are constantly studying, well, yes, and on
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completion, in the american baltimore, this is the state of maryland, this is the atlantic east coast, completely restored the passage of ships under the francis loy- scott lee road bridge, across the patapsco river. it was partially destroyed on march 26 after a flood hit one of its pillars. a dry cargo ship that was sailing under the flag of sri lanka from baltimore to colombo. as a result, then part of the bridge fell into the water, and the ship itself completely blocked navigation. in a few months, well, literally in a few rescuers , it was possible to tow the boat out of the river almost 50,000 tons of garbage were removed, and now boats can safely sail along the river. well, for today, i have everything in the world section about ukraine. only for today, tomorrow there will be more, well, more, as always in our further broadcast, so do not switch.
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your place is waiting for you, the light is left on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made. there will be walks, swings and swimming, they are waiting for you on your streets, at school, in your church, because in your house, they see dreams about you, you are always in front eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you. we
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were surprised, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win. and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together. we are more than family. we are a nation united around you. well, we come back and continue the great ether. i attach oleksandr morchabka. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr, please speak to you. good evening. good evening. thank you vasyl. so, we really talked about today money for ukraine, about business support in
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germany, it continues there. a really important event that is happening in the business community, what dialogues regarding investments in ukraine, in ukraine, we will talk about in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. a really important event started in germany, in berlin, today a conference was held on... the restoration of ukraine, well, this is already the third such event on reconstruction, which was initially a full-scale invasion, well, in addition to the representatives, there are also representatives of the ukrainian business community, what exactly are they talking about with their colleagues, we will talk with a guest, co-chairman of the tax committee of the american chamber of commerce in ukraine, mykhailo polyakov joins the conversation, he is currently in germany, good evening.
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good evening, oleksandr, mr. mykhailo, well , here is your impression of the first day of this conference, apart from declarations, apart from certain statements, apart from certain new acquaintances, have there already been, for example, specific decisions, because this is not the first such event, well, i will start with even on the organizational issues of the conference itself it can even be said that it began on june 3, because from an organizational point of view already from june 3... it was possible to get a badge for participation in the conference and already during these and even these procedures , communication as a business as a state of all participants in the conference had already begun today from 7 o'clock we joined the event with my colleagues and there was already extraordinary interest, that is, extraordinary interest in the event both from the side of international business and from the side of state authorities of various countries, that is... the phrase
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that the apple was nowhere to be found to fall, it definitely during the speech of the president of ukraine, during the speech of olaf scholz and ursula fonline, in the hall it was really, really even a little difficult to breathe, because more than 2000 participants joined the ukraine recovery conference in berlin this year, and therefore it is an extraordinary event, that is in berlin today ukraine is heard in every corner and even in various restaurants we are asked: "oh, you came for". we welcome you to berlin, that is, ukraine is waiting here, and we are very happy for everyone who came to this event today. mr. mykhailo, well, really support ukraine is important, declarative, support is important, emotional, of course, but if we talk about the business community, what are the most important theses in your opinion today?


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