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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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much more, but it demonstrates that there is a young generation in crimea that takes, let’s say, that is not the one that takes a pro-ukrainian position, that does not agree with the policy of the occupying power on the territory of crimea, and this is very important, well, that is, together with this, we we understand that the militarization of children in crimea continues, children in crimea, for example, we saw 2-3 weeks ago. that the russian occupiers in this immortal regiment forced 35 children to go to arteco, they forced the children to do it, that is, it is a violation of international law, etc., what about it to fight from the kendrag, i know that the krymostars resource center and directly the krymostars mizhlis, well , always records these violations of rights and regarding the militarization of children, etc., and even submits... to
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international courts all this data, but still, how does it directly affect to what is happening in crimea? well, first of all, i also want to remind you that we provided and are providing information about how during the period of occupation children were, well, deprived of their rights, and indeed a violation of the convention on the rights of the child, and here it is precisely here that we need to talk about that children in... what you are showing now on the screens, and it really happened in artek, and children from different regions are involved there, including from temporarily occupied, new, temporarily, temporarily occupied territories, and including from territory of the russian federation. but i just want to remind you that on june 1, the day of children's rights, they actively demonstrated, let's say, including... and to what extent children
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are programmed and demonstrated the militarization of children, which contradicts all international norms, and this is very important for us just record it, document it, and because children, they should not be politicized, they should be provided with, let's say, normal child development, getting an education there, getting. tanners, future, let's say, criminals, and this is really, this is a crime, and we are trying to demonstrate about it, we are trying to document it, and we are trying to inform the international society about it, and really here in... it is important to pay a lot of attention to it ,
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because this is the younger generation, which, well, let's say, is already traumatized by it ideological and propaganda work done by the russian federation, paneskender, very briefly, but i still want to have time to ask one question, the occupiers dismantled the monument to pyotr gergyrenko back in may about this, it probably happened, maybe also... on may 17 about this i just found out later, and i have a question, didn't they destroy all the monuments they didn't like back in the 14th year, why did they now get their hands on the soviet human rights defender who defended the crimean tatars, and this is some kind of signal, a special , a symbol of why this monument is so stood for a long time, if the occupiers did not like him so much, do you have a version, and look, look, another hundred. ugh, just a few minutes,
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but here, first of all, i want to say that starting in 2014 , they tried to dismantle or remove these or other memorials related to deportation, human rights activities, and so on. as for the petro grigorenko monument, we are currently collecting additional and complete information, i think we will have it, so they have now started some work there and thus they are trying to demonstrate that... and they conduct it, as it was on lenina boulevard, but the monument to peter hryhorenko was constantly brought to bloom, flowers, and it was installed back in 1999 by the crimean tatar national movement, and thus the crimean tatars constantly came and yes they put tickets, so i think they didn't do it right away in order not to upset the population, and they waited for the time when, let's say... it will be more after
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the population is more pressed, but i think , that we will return to this case and... after we gather more complete information, we will provide what and how to do so that this monument does return to its place, and we will talk about it later in other programs, thank you, agasmander bariev, the chairman of the board of the crimean tatar resource center, was on the air of the beraber program together with the ukrainian joint-design tv channel atr, well, we will meet with you next week. don't switch, stay with us in korshkendzi, class, watch this week in the collaborators program. putin's army: how
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does russia recruit children in the occupied territories? in the skadovsky district, a movement is opening. but how does a former university teacher form squads of young misanthropes? we appeal to all young soldiers of russia. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. today's issue is about putin's youth army and those who lead it in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. the army in russia is not a group based on interests, it is a real children's army. by the way, it's nothing does not remind you putin's army is a direct carbon copy of hitler. jugent hitler. in 2016 , serhii shoigu created his version of philanthropy from sticks. the army is a separate type of troops under the ministry of defense of the russian federation. children's units are tied
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to the deployment of military units throughout russia. together with adults, child soldiers march in kremlin parades, paying tribute to the dictator. at first, entry there was voluntary, if a child. reached the age of eight, later they began to herd all the naughty ones into the junior army, in particular, it became one of ways of re-educating those who went to anti-putin rallies. children are taught not to use a compass, hold a weapon, shoot, fight, attack, and eventually die. determine your path. of course, you are all very different, one of you will probably decide to connect your life with the armed forces. in almost all the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, russia has created units of putin's youth army. according to the almenda center for public education, there are more than 35,000 recruited children in the so-called russian military center, and this number is constantly growing. young
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ukrainians are instilled with the so-called love of great russia, among regular events in which young soldiers participate, military meetings and excursions to military units. these putin... units of the children's army are run by local traitors and collaborators. meet me, this is wagner vadim maksymovich , born in 1994, originally from mariupol. on behalf of all the youth soldiers of mariupol, today i would like to congratulate all our citizens, true russians, on this wonderful day, to congratulate them that we have finally reunited with our great homeland before becoming a collaborator, vadim owned a car wash and was a participant. he is sincere, and with the beginning of the occupation of mariupol , he decided to quit business and devote himself completely to treason. he was appointed to head the russian organization moloda gvardiya unarmiya.
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now vadim engages in propaganda among the locals, instills russian views and an anti-ukrainian attitude in children, forces parents to send their children to the youth army, and personally conducts master classes. among children, how to own a weapon, how to shoot, dig, trenches, at the same time, he himself does not forget to regularly help russian soldiers, here is a video where a collaborator brought humanitarian aid for walking black packages, now we are waiting for the guys, they will come, here is one generator, the second generator, here we were driving with vadim, the artillery is working there, now they are working , on may 17 , 2024, our law enforcement bodies announced suspicion against vadym wagner for the production and distribution of materials that deny the temporary occupation of ukrainian territories, in particular, mariupol. therefore, vadim, it is better to train yourself in survival skills ukrainian prison among the same traitors as you. she was a ukrainian
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journalist, but instead became responsible for filling the youth army in the kherson region. this is yulia olegivna sypko, born in 1976. she is a journalist by education and worked in the kherson regional state administration until february 24. when the city was captured by the russian army, sypko initially decided to become a ringleader of enemy agitation in the region. journalist and presenter on the propaganda tv channel tavria. unfortunately, the bare pier is 90% flooded. while we were there, there was shelling, nothing sacred about that there is no side. they understand that there is an evacuation, while at the same time they continue to do their dirty work. and why did yulichka remain silent about who caused this disaster, or about the fact that after the explosion of the kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, the russians insidiously threw the locals and partially evacuated only those who had a russian passport. showed that she is worthy of serving the kremlin regime, so she began to be entrusted with more serious tasks, for example,
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interviewing volodymyr saldo, and they already put a candidate from the united russia party there. people were just evacuated from the flood zone, in they were practically nothing. in addition to this, yulia became the deputy head responsible for recruitment into putin's army in the kherson region. soon in the skadovsky district, a movement, its own, opens. youth soldiers are being recruited so that they will later merge into the million-strong team of the all-russian organization. this narrow-minded and crooked person essentially calls the forced admission of children due to the intimidation of their parents a selection. yulia is engaged in the formation of new units, in particular, she is currently helping to create a children's garrison named after umogilny kherson collaborator kyril stremousov. despite everything, zaprodanka is afraid to even go to kherson. nose with tucked tail sits in henichesk. the security service of ukraine has already informed her about the suspicion. and this head
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of the yunmia regional headquarters in the temporarily occupied luhansk region will be tried for collaborative activities and violation of the laws and customs of war. this is luhantseva oksana gennadiivna, born in 1978, a native of sorokine, luhansk region. almost nothing is known about her peaceful life, except that she is a former teacher. one of local higher education institutions. in 2022, a woman began to appear in the media space with the propaganda of putin's army among parents and children. today we are addressing all young soldiers of russia, our brothers, those who this time had a wonderful opportunity to vote. who is already 18 years old. young soldiers always remain young soldiers. the so-called children's troops began to appear in the occupied luhansk region in 2019 . the occupying second army corps of the people's militia of the people's republic of ukraine heard of them for... after vladimir putin called ukrainian
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territory by russians, this formation of the russian federation acquired a new status. and new leaders appeared with him. from 2022, the chair is occupied by luhantsev. according to the prosecutor's office , oksana is involved in the organization of the russian movement, involving schoolchildren in it. children are taught military affairs. in addition, the collaborator promotes joining the armed forces among schoolchildren. of the russian federation and other hostile power structures, arranges solemn dedications to the student army in the captured territories. in a word, he earns bloody rubles as he can. well , participation in political events and propaganda campaigns in support of the russian federation - this is what she means: volunteering. a wonderful opportunity to touch the life of a huge country, to join the state processes. in april 2023, luhantseva handed over humanitarian aid to the okauppa. on the territory of the so-called lpr, after that, in an interview, she conveyed congratulations from all the youth army units of russia, clarifying
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that the aid was collected by the regional headquarters of youth aid in the moscow region. currently, zaprodanka is opening new youth units in small towns, so that there are as many children as possible passed basic military training. this is an excellent promising direction of interaction, it is both educational projects and educational projects, and of course military. luhantseva is currently in the occupied territory of the luhansk region and has been declared wanted. i hope that soon she herself will have to go through the holiday, or get a residence permit in those places where they also wear a special uniform, and instead of idle chatter about pseudo-patriotic camps, there are thoughtful considerations about the camp. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you if you want to tell us about the progenitors of the kremlin, write to us here. email address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after
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the russian ship, see you in a week on espresso. greetings to all, if you are interested in ukrainian football, the national team of ukraine is the program for you. if you don't really like football, sports, but just want to learn. where ukrainians are in leading roles in europe, this is also a football format program for you, i am oleksandr vashchuk and andriy malinovskyi with you. andrew, hello, yes in a week, the national team of ukraine will start for the euros, what are your expectations, worries, what can you say? first words, hello, hello everyone, well yes, in fact we have a countdown for all the fans, in fact exactly one week remains until the opening match with the romanian team, so now we live all these days together with the national team and carefully watch every movement of literally our football players , well , we will definitely now analyze that preparation, those matches that the national team has already played and
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will play again with the moldovan team, the last control duel before the euro, well friendly matches are... these are for experiments, here is the match with the german national team a week ago, it was really an experiment, because we so timidly predicted that maybe rebrov would try a scheme with three defenders, and he did, we played one from a defensive position, and the experiment was probably successful, judging by the result that they did not lose to the germans, maybe so, judging by the fact that there are three defenders, well , i mean the central ones, that is , five defenders in defense, three in attack, and two football players who play ee. .. the full-backs, they flank, it’s for the attack, so we can see that the result, taking into account what xg our opponent has, 2:26 against our 0.53, a result that can probably be considered worthy, they did not lose in germany, with very strong support in the bundesstim, and it is the european championship that will take place on the fields germany, but we had 26 shots on
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goal, if gündagan had more or less played with the head, we saw these shots now, then... we should have conceded, if anatoly trubin had not been in form, we would also have conceded two- three balls, therefore, in principle, the element of fortune was also present in this duel, definitely for a very prestigious match from the point of view of motivation, from the point of view of status, and at the same time, perhaps those details were not enough in the next match against the poles, well, as for the moments, i would still like to have them with the german team, their there was not so much there, although they also created something, i would like to create much more given our... potential, after all, we have long been talking about our resource, about our national team, about the fact that this is one of the strongest national teams in the entire history, and andriy yarmalko, captain of the national team also confirmed our guesses, our words, our messages. well, you know, based on the moments that we created, it seems to me that mykhailo mudrykh, if he had made a little more optimal decision, then we would have scored more than one in germany, but
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you know, mudryk is right, maybe there are complaints that he did not give yarenchuk there, yet there several times there he could give it there to be. but he is just the one who can correct himself, he is actually progressing, we can see that he has a very high football intelligence and he was just experimenting, he could afford it, so that now we cannot imagine sharpness without mudrik, i.e. the two football players who disperse attacks are mudrik and tsygankov, despite the fact that we say that in principle we have sufficient scale there, sufficient depth in the national team, but still there is there are three or four key football players, without whom there is no defense, for example, there is the same mykola. it is forbidden, relatively speaking, in the attack, this is the dependence on the sage gypsykov, we simply do not see such things, but in the center of the field there are also very serious problems, also very serious questions, because we are the center both matches with the germans, which was predicted in principle, and with the poles, which was not predicted at all, because the poles did not play against us with an optimal composition, but we completely lost the center, although we did not get many
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football players in the center who should have played in the center of the field, well, i mean there, tentatively, there are pykhalonok, kovalenko, buyalsky and so on, that is, you can still list and remember who serhiy rebrov did not take. well, let's move on to the lineup, where anatoly trubin was put in goal, because lunin was unavailable. zabarniy svatok and matvienko v in the center of the defense, zinchenko on the left, konoplia on the right, shaparenko in the center of the field, mudryk and gypsy were also playing on the flanks, and yaremchuk was our attack. enough, well, the center of the field turned out to be undersaturated in this match, well, because we played svatok, as far as i was concerned, he played quite well, because he fulfilled his role, well, he definitely did not play worse than expected, i remember when we always valued the potential of this central defender and also believed that if , conditionally speaking, mykolenko cannot recover, matvienko can play on the left and
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in the center, the matchmaker can just play calmly, he did not fail, very high psychology, we saw that there is absolutely no... panic, despite the fact that he still looks so raw against the background of others, he is still a debutant, we can talk about the fact that he plays very few matches for the national team at this level, so now we are also not talking about the fact that this was the optimal lineup, for sure it will not be the starting lineup for the match against the romanians, these were also experiments, again considering that there was no mykolenko unequivocally the main defender in this match , we saw zinchenko and we saw what was possible due to the fact that... there was no mykolenko, just including there was an experiment with zinchenko on the left flank, on attack, as always in order, on defense, as always there are serious problems, so zinchenko can only according to this scheme, conditionally speaking, play on the left for... a defender, although this is not the best solution, because somewhere his creativity simply disappears to the right for the center of the field, whatever we need him to be, well you know,
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we still have one, anatoly trupin, lunin, bushchan, a dilemma, and in this match trubin confirmed that he is in order and was chosen by the fans as the player of the match. let's listen to what anatoly said after the game. yes, of course, it turned out to be a good game, but not perfect, not perfect, yes. so to say, because you have to analyze and draw conclusions, and the most important thing is for the team to get a positive result, a great game against a great opponent, this is one of the favorites for the euros, so a very good game for us, for our preparation, so everything is great, just, as i said, figure out your game individually, as a team and to prepare as best as possible, i have the opinion that we treat these top national teams with a bit of piety, because i watched germany play greece, well, the greeks drove them at times, they won 1:0, in the end, the germans somehow managed to score two
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goals there and won 2:1, although the greeks scored 2:1 at moments, and we still play, you know, the germans, oh, they are the germans, we are somehow afraid of them, they are only such partisan units, there gypsies, the wise yaremchuks are being attacked, well, this is definitely our mentality, although again according to... 100% the greeks should have beaten the germans on their field, despite the fact that against the background of our game it seemed that it was impossible, that the greeks played so freely against the germans, despite the fact that the germans also played the basics, well, you know, after all, this is mostly not a question for the football players, but for the coach headquarters, because this bus, which is currently being experimented with, they say that the belgians, why play the belgians with a bus, considering that we have such a strong, very powerful attacking potential, that many football players, again, we did not even ... call to the national team, why should we play the bus, and again this bus, there is a trolleybus, a tram can be placed, when you win there in the final in france, relatively speaking, 2:0, you can place a bus, and to be honest, our
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style, our model, our scheme, our football in such a national team as the national team of ukraine is now, i understand, relatively speaking, there is the national team of georgia, it can play by bus, because a random team got there, for the first time in history it got to such a forum, our national team, taking into account this composition, should on the contrary dictate conditions, and the same germany that has... now the change of generations, again, such stars as were there in germany, relatively speaking, in the 14th year, when they won the world cup, now they are gone, so now the germans are also in the process of becoming, you see how many coaches they have replaced , the same nigelsman came to replace flik, ​​who, by the way, he replaced him first in bavaria, now in the national team, flick is now in barcelona, ​​probably nigelsman will be the next in barcelona, ​​if you take this trend, so i completely agree with you, what about with these national teams, relatively speaking, yes with germany, yes a traditionally strong team. but now we are very powerful and somewhere on the contrary, maybe we should experiment there with an attacking line-up against the background of such a national team in order to surprise, well, and try to play more boldly, we would show, well
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, maybe the germans would show that you can’t play with them boldly, they attacked we have a full bag and no one would probably say anything, because the experiment didn't go well, but to play from the defense what they say, we want to play attractively for the fans, but attractiveness should also be in some philosophy, and not the 47% average possession there per selection as it was in our country, under rebrov i don’t remember a single spectacular game, even the match in which he made his debut against germany, we played 3:3, but there we played mostly on reflexes, mostly on inertia from the previous mentor, from the previous one on the football players, who actually remained the basis, that is, under petrakov, we played even there more beautifully, if you can say so, more spectacularly, than we are playing now under rubrov, under rubrov we suffer and again it is necessary to remember.. . with what creak we qualified for the european championship, remember the match with italy, when they played in the third team, and we barely survived there, although again after the match they talked about that
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penalty, without mentioning that the italians in the third team should have scored five goals to us and close the question. well, then let's move on to how the national team of ukraine continued experiments in the game with poland, many experts, journalists, and even players read that it will probably be some kind of dress rehearsal for the game with romania, so that the more or less optimal lineup, rival approx maybe. similar to romania, slovakia, but ukraine fields 11 completely different players, poland also fields three or four players from the base there, and by the 30th minute it is 3:0, and there are simply no fans at all, well, it seems that our coaching the staff led by serhiy rubrov misleads everyone, not only us, the fans, but also all the opponents that the ukrainian national team will play, at least in the group, because in fact, the match with the poles gave the impression that, well, it should have happened... key in terms of preparation, after all after all, poland is just such an average opponent among the three with whom we will play, moldova is still ahead, and poland is actually very similar, in style, in composition, in mentality, to
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romanian. and the slovaks, with whom we have to play the first and second key matches at the european championship, but in reality we see that we suffered a fiasco in this match, we see from the numbers that we also lost, we also see the score on the scoreboard, we lost and remember the game itself, that to a large extent yes, the poles created little there, relatively speaking, although they made a standard with an emphasis on standards, and with these they drove us by the standards and in the end decided the fate of the match in the first half, well , that's why these standards are very disturbing... i just watch these friendly matches, i remember in march the polish national team the playoffs of wales, how did they get to the euros, well, there is a penalty shootout, yesterday wales was beaten by slovakia without a chance 4:0 and there you know, constant pressure, they run, they win 3:0 in 80 minutes, still eight attack players, it scares me that these national teams, well, which are considered middle-class in in europe, what are our fans, maybe some of our football players think, well, they
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are better than us there, like poland, slovaks... romania, they are not afraid of anything, they can attack, and this creates problems for us, especially from the standards. well, actually, two matches, we don’t understand what kind of football we play, we don’t have a style at rebrovo, that’s for sure, and those who say rebrovo football, so far, well, it’s a mystery, what is rybrovo football, and rebro’s squad , now we see the same yarmolenko, undoubtedly a legend, but now we see that vine sedorchuk, them, a place in the national team is a huge question, because they do not give the national team any... benefit , maybe there on the field, well, maybe it was necessary to go there as an assistant, an assistant, a consultant, on the field, the same sydorchuk in the center lost everything, the same yarmolenko , relatively speaking, take a step to meet zhelinsky, and he would not even be able to break through, as he scored this goal curiously bushchan's goal, just a step there bondar is accused, malinovsky, but just a step yarmolenko would not look at zhelinsky, but would step, he would not be able to serve, and not score, that more the ball that zhelinsky scored for us. well
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, you can say, from the scrapyard. let's see the team that played the german national team, that's what i 'm talking about, these 11 substitutions, where the basis is conditional, well , there are probably three players, it's definitely mykolenko, probably sudakov and dovbyk are out, the ones that are undoubtedly the main ones, but what is the conclusion can we simply conclude that we will definitely not see some players, or we will see them for some very minimal minutes? i don't quite understand why now, at a time when it was necessary to deal with the poles, after all, here simulate. the basis of why the stalav experiment is now, conditionally speaking, who is there at all, well , it is possible that he made his debut at all in the start, because he spent a couple of minutes there, coming on as a substitute at the end of the match, why is this experiment now with tymchyk, with mykolenko, you can with sidarchuk, well, what to check on sidarchuk now, it is already clear that serhiy rebrov took sidarchuk to the national team as his second, it is clear that there are five or six footballers for this position who will certainly look better, who are now in better shape, with mykolenko, well here for sure
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the positive thing is that mykolenko... still, he missed almost two months after the serious injury he suffered against liverpool, so it's still a huge positive here, the most important thing is that he actually recovers, because what he played, it is clear that he is not in the top form, in which we saw him during the season as part of the english team everton, so we hope that mykolenko will be able to gain another week, at least before the first match, and then the second and third will be no less important for national team, well, many football players, in fact, the ones we saw in this match, we can hardly expect... well, as reinforcements, as simply as substitutes of some kind, maybe, although we understand how many football players did not make it, and plus for me the question remains, where is brashko , he is not playing, brashko, who in general should be the main player in both the first and second matches, maybe some kind of injury, which they are silent about there, they do not want to publicize there, but he did not play in the first match, not in the second, where he is definitely well, he could cover the center of the field, without him we see that in in the center, we lost almost all duels, well, brashko , he is probably one of those who
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played the least. for these two matches, he played 24 minutes against germany, well, lunin definitely didn't play, well, mykhalichenko didn't play much either, all the rest play more, maybe it really darkens the ribs and this match with poland, as the fans joke, it was such a bow in on the side of poland as a state, as support, to simply support our neighbors, well, it is very similar, and i would like it to actually be such a respect for the poles, we thank them for that's all, but regarding the center of the field, well, again, we see how many questions there are. and if you played with three central players, you can try to play with two central ones, although not with moldova, that’s for sure, because the same lucescu says that there the romanians chose liechtenstein, with whom they played 0:0, the team there is completely in their own in the penalty area, as well as moldova, they will bet on the result, on defense, that is why such sparring against moldova is strange, and we do not understand now who will play against moldova in general, and how to adjust now football players, nevertheless, in terms of motivation, in terms of psychology, poles and germans
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