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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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with the people of suez, they will conduct training in the caribbean basin, after which, as they write, they can stay in the region, practically near the shores of the usa, until the end of the summer. americans should be refreshed by this. and especially, of course, they insist on the fact that there is already a nuclear submarine, which theoretically can carry nuclear weapons. moored in the port of havana. together with gorshkov , the nuclear submarine kazan was sent to the caribbean campaign, where nuclear submarines are located right now, the entire pentagon thinks. the attention that epl kazan has is especially emphasized minimal kazan is equipped with ten
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vertical mines, each of which houses four onyx zircon cruise missiles or five cruise missiles. these weapons can also carry nuclear warheads. it is 180 km from cuba to the coast of american florida. well, that's all. shouts from cuba are 180 km away, you know, uh, at the same time, again, how scary some of them are, well, these wretched people who want to remind someone, but are afraid, they all say, no, they are not equipped with anything there, in fact there is nothing there, there are no weapons, just for yourself they came with a friendly visit, to stay there in the harbor, there is nothing, not even any military purpose, just... they wanted to swim there, well
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, of course, it is actually a bluff, which is calculated on the fact that someone somewhere will get scared, will say something there, well, they say , of course, they are talking about how, what to do, well, although in parallel, they are not talking, but doing, because, well, in response to such strange maneuvers of the russians, the americans are already launching, for the second time, its carrier of nuclear... warheads, they are doing such a test, while declaring nothing, nothing anywhere, and only the russians are then forced to somehow, you know, say themselves, oh, something, the americans have started something again, probably this is an escalation, probably this is an escalation, no, this is not an escalation, this is just some kind of healthy reaction and hints in the answer to your stupid maneuvers, and of course, the russians immediately started talking about this caribbean crisis again and again, you know, this spread... russia
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sent warships and nuclear boats to cuba. why is the us urgently rewriting its nuclear doctrine? and this is the same asymmetric one a response to the activity of westerners in ukraine, which vladimir putin spoke about. and everything sounds very threatening. and they say that this is the new caribbean crisis. here it is, here it is, there is some logic in it. but something went wrong with the caribbean crisis, that's why it doesn't work out, in short with the caribbean crisis, moreover, somehow it annoys them the most there that every time after something actually happens in ukraine, the russians don't like something, they begin to cry out and out and end up looking like a fool. and you know, and even already
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the russian propagandists have noticed that they look like fools just by shouting about nuclear weapons. is this a movement towards a 2-0 caribbean crisis or is it some other movement and vice versa? to avoid this crisis, the main difference is that we do not have a caribbean crisis, it is much worse, worse, not better, everything was clear with the caribbean crisis, there is a nuclear threat. there is a nuclear threat, there is a weapon, there is a weapon, we met, we got to the point, we decided that we were not doing anything, and we parted, now the situation is worse, because america is escalating in a non-nuclear way, it is moving this red lndia in a non-nuclear way, and this is important, because it is very difficult to answer nuclear to non-nuclear, because you immediately become wrong when you cannot answer this little thing...
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such a drama for the russians that the escalation is not in a nuclear way, well, here is the explanation quite simple and, well, in principle , you know, the russians, well, they like to talk about how they will fight with nato there, or are already fighting with nato, but the point is that they are still fighting with ukraine, which for its part uses enough obsolete weapons in reality, that is, new, real ukraine can't get new, newest... it, you know, very effective weapons so far, and the weapons that we have are outdated models of 30-year-old, 50-year-old, well, a little there, i won't say there, well, seventy-year-old almost a long time ago, that is, this
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is really old weaponry, and even with this old weaponry, russia manages to do very... little, and of course, the biggest thing that the russians are afraid of is that they might take it and in the end everyone will get tired of watching this russian circus, and they just will provide ukraine with what should have been provided long ago, i.e normal modern weapons, not f-16, but f there, i don't know, 36, that is, what is a new weapon, not old samples, which should be released there already from the exploitation of the same ones. of american missiles, and new models, and, or the same taurus, which is also a new model of weapons, and then, you know, the situation can change a lot, and this opportunity for russia to slowly creep in somewhere there, to put pressure somewhere there, to try somewhere there will change to advance something,
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this possibility will simply disappear, that is, a new weapon in the hands of ukrainians. can really make a difference the situation on the battlefield and nothing russia will be able to counter with conventional weapons, almost everyone understands this, the russians understand it even more, because they know perfectly well, and this, you know, is a direct admission that you see how insidious they are, aren’t they nuclear escalation, but completely erases any talk that russia can win with conventional weapons. that russia can defeat nato, that russia has something, but it can't do anything, all russia's hope is in this fear of nuclear escalation and that ukraine will not be given the latest weapons, therefore that if all of a sudden russia wants to go to war somewhere there, then the picture will come out, you know, very
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like that, well, scary, and somehow you don't want to wave these, you know, checkers at anyone and shout that they want to go to war with nato, and here, for example, this one.. i will ask you only one question, purely for odesa, to me, are you ready for a major european war to begin, in which nato will participate, and the first missiles will fly to moscow, no, i do not agree, and this is the price of the question , well, that's why i 'm asking you, because you are enough, because we are let's behave like adults, this is now, and two years ago did you get a pancake here? all the time, of course, i was holding hands and feet, well , actually, about this fleet that sailed to
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the caribbean basin, everything is also quite funny there, because they show off the russians so much, as they swim somewhere in the seas, and here he says... and do you remember, very recently they shouted that everything, russia does not have a black sea fleet, we have closed the russians in the black sea, closed, in the mediterranean sea, please, a detachment of combat boats, in cuba, please , a detachment of warships, they expelled us from the black sea and where... we went, and where we want, we will go, we will go to other seas, but the most important nuance of the visit to cuba is an official visit and not only that, it is replenishment of supplies, water, food , fuel, but then there needs to be training, which they talk about, and
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training can be conducted not only with electronic missile launchers, you can try with practical missile launch, calibers, for example, at the worst end, here they claim: that there are no nuclear weapons on board, and where did they get it? but i'm curious, huh? where did this state duma deputy get that from? that the same thing that happened in the black sea with the russian black sea fleet cannot be done in the caribbean or in any other sea, that it cannot happen with the baltic, russian fleet, with the pacific fleet, after all, drones can sail anywhere, and whatever -whose drones, and even unknown friendly drones will float somewhere there, it is not known where and there will be no pot, he will simply sink somewhere in the middle of the caribbean sea, and the same thing can happen. after all, they can agree to it, you know, because what if
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swimming somewhere is too much and it is too wrong, let’s say, to swim, then you can swim like you did in the black sea, so when someone there with the russians once again waves their hands and shouts about how they will provide weapons to the houthis or someone else weapons to some bandits, well, you know, this kind of movement is two-way, it can also swim some... admiral harshkov, it is not known somewhere in some atlantic ocean or somewhere in the pacific ocean and somewhere not to swim, but to swim, you know, feed to the bottom fish, and no one will know how it happened, so oh well that's it, the main thing is to just treat it, somehow it's calmer, calmer, well, there's not much swimming there, some kind of russian pelvis, today it's swimming, tomorrow it's not swimming, like that, see you soon. what is
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bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery, as if he didn't say anything, but bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. these are boys who never cry, lemberk, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer elena cherninka, a book by a mother about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine, and disappeared. in the wide expanses of donbass, there are discounts representing
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unbreakable discounts on emolium 25% in the pharmacies psylasnyk, bam and ochadnyk. try flebodia 600, pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. flebodia 600, treat hemorrhoids without any side effects. there are discounts, representing unbreakable discounts of as much as 20%. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, to what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the bar association. watch the act every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel.
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summer. this is a time of rest and recovery. and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and some peace for children. a world destroyed by war. these are the children of fallen heroes and or mother, who, protecting you and me, our country, died at the front, and they, like no other, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. they will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and
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most importantly, they will receive the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who have lost a loved one. because their parents went to defend our country. i really liked the trip to austria, i liked the museums we went to every day. it was amazing and i really enjoyed how we went out to restaurants. i have tried in the cities of saarsburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's go together we will give you memories that will warm your heart and help you survive these difficult and scary moments. see this week in
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the collaborators program. putin's youth army. how russia recruits children in the occupied territories. in the skadovsky district, a movement is opening. but as a former university teacher, she forms squads of young misanthropists. we appeal to all young soldiers of russia. congratulations. i am olena kononenko, and this is a collaborative program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashis occupiers. today's issue is about putin's youth army and those who lead it on temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. unarmy in russia is not a group based on interests, it is a real children's army. by the way, it doesn't remind you of anything. putin's army is a direct carbon copy of hitler's hitler youth. in 2016
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, serhii shoigu created his version of human hatred from sticks. the army is a separate type of troops under the ministry of defense of the russian federation, children's units are attached to the deployment of military units throughout russia. together with adults, child soldiers march in kremlin parades, paying tribute to the dictator. initially, entry there was voluntary, if the child reached the age of eight years later, all the disobedient began to be sent to the youth army. in particular, it became one of the ways of re-educating those who went to anti-putin rallies. children are not taught computers. wield, wield, shoot, fight, attack, and eventually die. determine your path. of course, you are all very different, one of you will probably decide to connect your life with the armed forces, in almost all the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, russia has created units of putin's
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youth army. according to the almenda center for public education, in the so-called russian military center. there are more than 35 thousand recruited children, and this number is constantly growing. young ukrainians are instilled with the so -called love of great russia, among regular events in which junior soldiers participate, military meetings and excursions to military units. these putin child army units are run by local traitors and collaborators. meet vadym maksymovich wagner, born in 1994 and originally from mariupol. on behalf of everyone. today, the youth soldiers of mariupol would like to congratulate all our citizens, true russians, with this a wonderful day, to congratulate them that we are finally reunited with our great motherland. before becoming a collaborator, vadim owned a car wash and was a member of go iskrenost. and with the beginning of the occupation of mariupol, he decided to quit business and devote himself completely
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to treason. he was appointed to head the russian organization moloda gvardiya unarmiya. now vadim is engaged in propaganda among the locals, inculcates russian views and an anti-ukrainian attitude in children, forces parents to send their children to the youth army, and personally conducts master classes among children, as to own a weapon, how to shoot, dig, trenches, at the same time he himself does not forget to regularly help russian soldiers, here is a video and a collaborator brought a humanitarian one. help for the walking black packages, now we are waiting for the guys, they will come, here is one generator, the second generator, here we went with vadim, the artillery is working there, they are working now. on may 17 , 2024, our law enforcement agencies announced suspicion against vadym wagner for the production and distribution of materials that deny
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the temporary occupation of ukrainian territories, in particular mariupol. therefore, vadim, it is better train your skills. survival in a ukrainian prison among the same traitors as you. she was a ukrainian journalist, but instead became responsible for filling the youth army in the kherson region. this is yulia olegivna sypko, born in 1976. she is a journalist by education and worked in the kherson regional state administration until february 24. when the city was captured by the russian army, sypko initially decided to become a ringleader of enemy agitation in the region. journalist and presenter on the propaganda tv channel tavria. unfortunately, the bare pier is 90% flooded. while we were there, there were shellings, there is nothing sacred from that side. they understand that there is an evacuation. and at the same time they continue to do their dirty work. and why did yulichka remain silent about who caused this disaster, or about the fact that after the explosion of the kakhovskaya gas station, the russians
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insidiously abandoned the locals and partially evacuated only those who had a russian passport. sypko showed that she is worthy of serving the kremlin regime, so she began to be entrusted with more serious tasks, for example, interviewing volodymyr saldo, who is already a candidate from the united russia party. people were only evacuated from the flood zone, they had practically nothing. in addition to this, yulia became the deputy head responsible for recruitment into putin's army in the kherson region. soon, in the skadovsky district, a new movement will be opened, a squad of young soldiers will be recruited, so that in the future they will merge into a million-strong team of the all-russian organization. this narrow-minded and crooked person, in fact, calls the forced admission of children due to the intimidation of their parents a selection. julia is engaged formation of new units, in particular, he is currently helping to create a children's garrison named after
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the deceased kherson collaborator kyryl stremousov. despite everything, zaprodinka is afraid to even touch kherson. he sits in henichesk with his tail tucked. the security service of ukraine has already informed her about the suspicion. and this head of the regional headquarters of the youth army in the temporarily occupied luhansk region will be tried. for collaborative activity and violation of the laws and customs of war. this is oksana hennadiyevna luhantseva, born in 1978, native the city of sorokyne, luhansk region. almost nothing is known about her peaceful life, except that she is a former teacher of one of the local universities. in 2022, a woman began to appear in the media space with the propaganda of putin's army among parents and children. today we are addressing all young soldiers of russia, ours... in those who this time had a great opportunity to vote, who are already 18 years old, young soldiers will always remain young soldiers. the so-called children's troops
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began to appear in the occupied luhansk region in 2019 . they were started by the second occupation army corps of the people's militia of the lpr. after vladimir putin called the ukrainian territories russian, this formation of the russian federation acquired a new status. and they appeared with him. new leaders from 2022, the chair is occupied by luhantsev. according to the prosecutor's office , oksana is involved in the organization of the russian movement, involving schoolchildren in it. children are taught military affairs. in addition, the collaborator promotes among schoolchildren the entry into the armed forces of the russian federation and other hostile power structures, arranges solemn dedications to the student army in the captured territories. in short, he earns bloody rubles as he can. well , participation in political tasks and propaganda campaigns in support of the russian federation is for her volunteerism, a great opportunity to touch the life of a huge country, to join state processes. in april
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2023, luhantseva handed over humanitarian aid to the occupiers in the territory of the so-called lpr, after that in an interview she conveyed congratulations from all the youth army units of russia, clarifying that the aid was collected by the regional youth aid headquarters of the moscow region. currently, the store is opening new units of yunmia in small towns, so that as many children as possible could undergo basic military training there. this is an excellent promising direction, interaction, it is both educational and educational projects, and of course, military and patriotic. luhantseva is currently in the occupied territory of the luhansk region and has been declared wanted. i hope that soon she herself will have to go through the holiday, or get a residence permit in those. places where special uniforms are also worn, and instead of idle chatter about pseudo-patriotic camps , thoughtful considerations about the camp are heard. it was
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program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin's progenitors, write to us at this email address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. we are looking for 14-year-old sashka kremzer from the kherson region. the boy lived in the village of zburivka - this is the skadovsky district of the region, which was occupied by the russians from the first days of the full-scale war. it was then that the information about the child's disappearance actually came for more than two years about the boy's fate. it is unknown, maybe sashko was taken to russia, or maybe he still remains somewhere in the territories not controlled by ukraine. i really hope that with
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your help the baby will be successful. search, if anyone has seen or knows where oleksandr kremzer might be now, call us immediately on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, and information can also be transmitted using the service's chatbot search children in telegram. even the smallest detail is important. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for the 16-year-old. karina kanivets, who also disappeared during the full-scale war and also on the left bank of the kherson region. karina's revelation was told to us by her mother. imagine, a woman knows nothing about the fate of her daughter for almost a year. i am already shouting as much as i can, this is how they tied their hands and said to swim. i am currently in such a situation . karina's parents have been divorced for a long time and lived separately. the girl lived with her mother,
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but on... the eve of a full-scale invasion, she went to her father and stayed with him. this territory was occupied almost from the first days of the war, but from time to time, the woman says, she corresponded with her daughter on social networks. but in april of last year, the connection with karina mysteriously ended. the girl stopped logging into her accounts and no one knows where she is now. i have already written everywhere, even, well, here on this territory to search for a child, because... and i don't know where they are already shouting, how, how to find a child? i can't, i'm an adequate mother for me child, this was my life. the girl's mother is now also in the occupied territory, we recently contacted her again, the woman suggests that her daughter could have been taken to russia, but where exactly is not known, so it is important to know even the smallest details. i want to appeal to everyone who has seen or knows something about
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my... if anyone has seen karina kanivets, or knows anything about her possible whereabouts, do not delay and immediately contact the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from of any ukrainian mobile operator are free, if... it is not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i am asking my beloved child, so that if she sees and hears me, she will respond, i am really looking forward to this, thank you to everyone who can help. i have told you only two stories of missing children. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of
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many of... remains unknown, especially this applies specifically to the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems, everyone can help find missing children, take just a minute of your time and go to the website of the magnolia children's search service, here you can view all the photos missing persons, who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help to find them. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, in any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, the russians launched a combined missile attack on kyiv. release the enemy. in kha-101 cruise missiles from tu-95 bombers. they came in from the south in several waves. at the same time, the shahed attacked the capital. also, according to preliminary data, the russians released ballistics. all enemy targets were shot down by air defense forces, the city military said administration fortunately, there were no casualties or damage in the capital. also in the morning explosions were heard in odesa. it was announced in the region.
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anxiety. i report the monitoring channels.


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