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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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in ukraine during the great war, once again we remember the woman who left on foot from the muscovites, because they came to her village and came to the territory controlled by ukraine, and she walked for a long time, lost consciousness, but in principle she reached her goal to , to be calm where there are ukrainians, and not where the occupier is, this is scary, of course, mr. yuriy, there were many of them. cases , there was no humanitarian corridor, and people had not yet formed such semi-official routes, which neither side gave security guarantees for them, but at least some routes appeared later, but before that people simply left, they simply went in the direction of the mykolayiv region in order to simply leave the occupation, passed through the zone of active hostilities there through roadblocks, and unfortunately, there also, not everyone was able to leave, but on...
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even now, people are leaving, and once again a woman came out on the antonivsky bridge, she was spotted by our military, spotted from drones, and she showed them her ukrainian passport, and she, and they escorted her in fact, with the help of a drone, where should she go next, and she took a risk itself, because this antoniv bridge was mined, it was destroyed, and the russians could also have noticed it, could have shelled it, is this also some kind of amazing story? do you have any details, who is this woman, why, why did she come out on the bridge, who is desperate, or maybe, i don't know, maybe she's some kind of recruited spy, this is actually this video of the drone showing her where, where to go, and and this is some kind of amazing, incredible story, it is closer to our beria, there are no spans, it was really destroyed. the enemy when they
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were fleeing from the right-bank part of the kherson region, therefore, unfortunately, it is impossible for people to cross the bridge to our shore. in fact, yes, the moss are constantly being shot at, and unfortunately, we have foreign journalists injured there who, without the consent of our military, just entered the city and came under fire. with regard to this case, if you allow, for the time being, no comments, because stabilization measures are ongoing, first of all, and secondly, you know, i just want to remind you when we had a tragedy a year ago. the russian terrorist attacks on kokhovsky gs, when there were the first cases when our, our rescuers rescued people from aleshik, from the flooded houses, when this information became common knowledge, let's put it this way, then these rescue boats just started shooting their boats.
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that's why informational silence is also needed here when it comes to saving our people, how it happens, actually, this woman , as far as we know, from the information that has been made public, she came out of the occupied olesheks, which in principle is happening in the occupied part of the kherson region now? and the situation regarding the simple survival of our people has worsened significantly, because the pressure... only intensifies, the restrictions for people only increase if these people refused to receive these russian passports, well, that is , the goal is for 100% of the population to be citizens of the russian federation, they continue to perform this task, and it is even about access to communal services there in in certain communities, if there is no passport, they also refuse to conclude service contracts there, and people are left without...
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access to various communal services, not to mention medical services, which they they started with them actually limited for these services, but because of these passports, the lack of passports, it is very difficult for our people there, mr. yuriy, announced that the regional prosecutor's office is suspecting two former journalists, this is a so-so, so-so vladimirov, vladyslav, who is now a pra ... is a presenter on such a television channel as tavri occupation, where he talks about the kyiv nazis and so on and how kherson oblast will flourish under russian, under russian occupation, and the second was also a presenter, this is a kind of native oksana, and this oksana korinna was a presenter in general, by the way, even on public khersonsky, in the kherson branch, she also went over to the side of the occupiers and now on... on the occupied
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part on the left bank of khersonsky, she has some positions there, both of them received suspicions, journalists , it would seem that you know, some people should... be conscious, well , especially, how you work, you go to work for the public, well, you must be, it seems to me, a patriot of this country, you went to work for the public, well, not for there is probably no money there is no big money there, how does this even happen, where, where is the system broken, that these people are becoming journalists, did they have the right to be journalists in such a case, were they journalists at least once, alas, there is no reason for treason difference, what did the person do? indeed, people without a history of success are those who agreed to work for the enemy, these are people who belonged to either the marginal or semi-marginal part of society, who
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for this, you know, saw some chance for development, personal enrichment, etc. the vast majority are just such people, but there are cases. when really, well, a person, well , it’s not clear why she did such an act, when there were no suspicions of any sympathy for the russian world, or we were brothers, and there was nothing at all, but then she deliberately went to cooperate with the enemy , fortunately , relative to the total population, there are very few people in... in the temporarily occupied territories, i mean in the region in ours, but they are, now the absolute majority of people who are there, they, you know, they are not collaborators there, they are not traitors, they are just trying to survive, that is why they get some passports there, of course, and send their children to russian
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schools, because they are afraid that they will deprive them of their parental rights, they will send their children to a boarding school and register their property, because they are afraid that they will simply be deported, and the house is for... that is, it is survival, it is not a desire to betray the country. it is clear that there are people who are trying to survive in the difficult conditions in which they found themselves, but there are, for example, shcherbina, dmytro, such a boxer, i do not know whether you know him, he is a native of kherson, and recently he spoke in moscow, there he said that he wanted to visit moscow for a long time, and this is a good event for him, he boxed, boxed, the truth is, he is a muscovite, he is such a muscovite with the appearance of some buryat or someone he beat , so that his... because the dream ended very briefly in moscow, but he spoke on behalf of he was introduced there as kherson russia, i don't know, well, of course, mr. yuriy, thank you for the conversation, yuriy sobolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council was with us dear
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friends, next we will be in touch with odessa, where such an event took place yesterday, a bit strange between representatives of the ambulance. and representatives of the tsk, some kind of fight broke out between them, we will find out about it, we also have news that something exploded there, we will also ask about that, but in the meantime serhiy sizinenko, a deputy of the odesa district council, is joining us, we would like to remind you about , that we have a collection for incredible boys, for a start i would like to show for whom, because despite all the sad news, they are charging with positivity. let's see, i wish health! we, the fighters of the 100th brigade of intelligence, are asking you to join our collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. these are such beautiful boys, and we are collecting for them, for yesterday we collected 34
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hryvnias. we are already approaching the mark of 4,000 hryvnias, some 18,000 are away from that, i urge you to join us, in general we need to collect as many as two. hryvnias for drones, monobank on the right, if we face the screen, private bank data on the left, scan the qr code using scanner, if you have application 24 and look for it on it, and join with your hryvnia, because our drones, our artillerymen really need our art scouts, because in this way they know where to hit, so as not to waste shells in vain, accurately hit the target and minus muscovites, please join. we will be grateful to you, and of course, these beautiful boys will be extremely grateful to you, and now serhiy sizonenko, a deputy of the odesa district council, is already with us, mr. serhiy, good morning, good morning studio, good morning of ukraine, i am very pleased to communicate with you, how was the night in odessa, they say
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there were some explosions, can you confirm, but first of all, during this night in odessa there were again, let's say , quite alarming, there were three air... alarms , it was a bit noisy, but so far there is no official information about what exactly was the cause, shall we say, of these noises, so i can't officially comment on that... unfortunately, i can't at the moment, but it was really restless, i hope that, let's say so, everyone is alive and well, and our hometown and region are undamaged at the moment, we will also be on it is to be hoped, meanwhile, yesterday there were some odessa residents with injuries, such a strange event took place, mr. sergey, is there a buzz about this in odessa, because for some reason there was a fight in front of... representatives of the ambulance and representatives of the tsc, what happened, why suddenly those
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the people who have to save and those people who mobilize decided to join in the fight. well, the situation is glaring enough, i believe that in fact such situations should not exist at all, because it will play very much into the hands of our enemy, who also this news very densely. in itself in the information space, therefore as on me, of course, this case is extremely, firstly, negative, secondly, i hope that everyone will draw conclusions from it and this will never happen again, and the fact that i have the information on this situation that a group of doctors was called to the territory of the kyiv tsk sp, and where the military ... employees, ah, asked the medics, let's say so, to stay with them and undergo the vlk, because
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the medics did not have an ambulance, an ambulance, they did not have armor, and so on this conflict began to escalate, the leadership of the doctors suggested their colleagues to go there in... tsc tsp in order to, let's say, unblock their colleagues, and the continuation of all this, most of us have probably already seen on video when there is a fight between ambulance workers and servicemen of tsc sp. in fact, the situation is extremely, i say, extremely difficult, and i really hope that such a situation will not be repeated, there are many questions to... the regional council, to the leadership of the regional council, to, let's say,
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this is their vertical ambulance, and no we did not hear any clear comments from them as to why the employees who work for the ambulance are currently employed help are not booked, we also did not hear, although their management has such an opportunity to book them, about what i am telling you, that it is some kind of very difficult path there. personally, i don't believe it well, because for a long time, state bodies, state enterprises, state institutions, it's not only state, but also private ones that have the opportunity, that are critically important for the economy, they reserve their employees according to the 86th resolution, now there are still new, let's say, after the law on mobilization, documents that allow it to be done, so i think that there is no problems i would very much like to hear some clear comments from the regional council, this may be related to the fact that, you know,
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i refer to it all the time in that big municipal survey, it is very revealing, and it is important to understand just how the regions are living now, especially when we have a little interruption with normal information, with the functioning of the parliament and i don't know the system of local self-government there, the question is, what will you do in case... the enemy is near your city, if there is an escalation of the war, if the front will slip under your city, and odesa is among the cities where the lowest percentage of people who say that they will take up arms is only 6%, less only in zaporizhzhia, there is 5%, is this possibly related with that, maybe it's just that odessa has the least, let's say, the most anti-mobilization sentiments in ukraine, well... in fact, we all see that in odessa it is precisely the situation with mobilization, it is
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unsuccessful, we all remember borisov, mr. who, who is currently the record holder in ukraine, in general, we all remember dozens, unfortunately, there are already cases and very unpleasant cases, one of them, by the way, was yesterday, where some employees. they credit, let's say, the central committee of the tsp with their actions, unfortunately, sometimes with illegal actions, which is why there is a lot of violence. society, in my opinion, it is necessary to work with this, because no conclusions are drawn, this situation is not the first day, not the first month, but from our leadership, from the authorities, we do not see any real changes, we do not see any dialogue with society for to somehow change this situation, and i see there is only a negative side to this, that is, in fact
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, it all starts with the head, and when we see these cases when people are stuffed into... communication that would clarify this, that would somehow equalize this situation, but we see only later some in the next situation, then unfortunately, in society, such, let's say, moods are not the best, so i think that this is a very big a gap in communication, in the end they will simply ask something the situation has now ended or not, what about those medics, have they all already been sent to the front, have all the tsk been sent to the front, or all those who filmed it on camera, what happens when everyone is already sent to the front, of course i am joking sadly, yes, at the moment the situation is, let's say, under consideration, because i know that there are no concrete solutions yet,
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the security service of ukraine got involved, because they are looking for a possible russian trace, because i say again that this situation is very... very was broadcast by our enemy in his info field, and it is thoughts that it could be, let's say this, not just like that, this situation appeared out of nowhere, that it is possible that even some forces of our enemy were involved in order for the situation to look like this, so the investigation is currently underway, i think , that about him, let's say this, the course will definitely warn us, and there will be, again, this communication that will somehow bring to society. of this case, thank you, thank you, mr. serhiy, let's hope serhiy sidolenko, a deputy of the odesa district council, was in touch with us, we are going for a short break, we will return, and kharkiv region is our turn, we will ask how the night was spent there and what is happening in the city and in the region, stay with us. attention, a profitable
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7:50 am
unusual look. on the news good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent thoughts. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world is mr. norman dreaming of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdik with serhii rudenko, from now on in the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from border, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko,
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every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. hello, how are you there, it’s okay, slowly, they gave us nine new tanks, guess what, turn on the video link now, i’ll give you a tour, and come, we’ll be here for another... week , i will take you for a ride, and not only on a tank, so here near stance in grozivka, you will say that you a student, you will be let through, well, a student, my call sign is like that, right here near the station in grohivka, i will say that you will be let through to the student, there yes, nine and grohivka, grohivka, here. student, student, today you do not observe information security, tomorrow iskanders will visit you, the enemy
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hears, be careful. dear friends, we are back on the air, and now we will be with you on... in the kharkiv region, galina kuts, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, is already with us, mrs. galina, good morning, did you manage to sleep last night you? congratulations, kharkiv is now a little calmer, calmer even in northern saltivka, because there since may 10 there was a lot of cannon fire, explosions at night, and people heard these battles, because not like that, and far away, all those battles continued, and even every.. m advance of the enemy, there were already threats to northern saltivka, now it is less, of course, the fighting in kharkiv region, vovchansk region, in lipetsk region in
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kupyan region continues, on monday, june 10, kharkiv was shelled with aerial bombs, saltivskyi district, kyivskyi district, there are also still wounded, seven wounded in hospitals, there are the deceased, unfortunately, but at the same time shelled. has become much less, and we all understand that this is thanks to our western partners for allowing our defense forces to hit targets on the territory of russia, on the territory of belgorod region, because you know, kharkiv looked like a hostage, what could be done to us beat and as if in some reality show, they look at us, how we perceive it all here, they ask, well, how are you, how are your moods, and in response we... cannot give such an appropriate response, and this, and this had a little effect on moods of people you know, you said that like in a reality
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show, there is another show here, reality, i don’t know what it is, because i don’t watch it, but they say that kharkiv can sleep peacefully, at least the therapist is convinced of this, i don't know if i should mention her name, the tsn website wrote, because i was looking for news from kharkiv. i think, what is there, to prepare a little for a conversation with you, and har, the tsn website writes about how the russian offensive on kharkiv will end, predictions of the winner of the battle of psychics, and here is this winner, the therologist, says that russia is not occupying kharkiv and the kharkiv region, it was she who said on her youtube channel that russia's attack on the kharkiv region will end in the failure of the terrorist country, they will have to leave this territory, because soon... peace, a truce will be announced, or the partners will decide the fate of kharkiv on the benefit of kharkiv and ukraine, the kharkiv direction is meant. i think that yesterday we had petro chernyk on the air, a military man, a man with
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enormous experience, who said: i have been shouting about this war since 1991, and no one listened to me, no one believed me, everyone they patted me on the shoulder and said: it's okay, it's okay, you're a little foolish, uh, but i'm a terlogin... and you see, we posted this interview with pyotr chernyk on our youtube channel, youtube channel, tv channel espresso, i read the comments under him, and sometimes i grab my head, because there they write to peter chernyk: "oh, another expert, and what do you know what you 're talking about here?" and at the same time, there is a terologist yana, and the tsn website makes a whole news story out of it and writes about it. mrs. galina, who would you believe, you see what the situation is, that is, you connected. psychics in order to put in our heads the idea of ​​some reconciliation, some agreement to some reconciliation, here i will tell you, now
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strategic communications have completely failed. and here it is necessary not to connect psychics to talk with the east of ukraine, but to seriously work with the authorities. and i am now talking about the survey of the kmis, the institute, the kyiv international institute of sociology, which was conducted at the end of may and the results are now available. and the polls are not satisfactory for the authorities specifically in kharkov, specifically in the eastern region, because they are supposedly satisfactory in general, but if look at the regional growth, they are very disappointed, and in strategic communication to correct it... these polls should be sent to psychics, and one should really think about what to do. and the general results are that 30% say to criticize very harshly, and 50% say, well , criticize only on the merits, and 13% say not to criticize, this is not such a good
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bell for the authorities, but when you look... regional increased, then almost all of ukraine, and the center, the west, and the south, there more than 60% say that they should criticize a little, and 30 do not, the east spoiled the results, we have here according to the results, 47% say that it is very necessary to criticize, harshly criticize, 49 say, criticize for that, for their failed decisions, i.e. the east spoiled this result, spoiled it very much, you know, in the ward, when the skeet shows, something is wrong, you are doing something wrong, stop constantly declaring about some energy loss for something, about a billion trees , about 2 million drones, just give concrete results, stop scaring people because we have increased electricity, but the price of electricity will be increased, because you are driving people psychologically into a blind corner, you really need
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to explain, yes... here is the destroyed energy structure for kharkiv, sorry, today energy security is, an important component of national security. show us what will happen in the winter, where are the funds to make a decentralized energy system. we have the sun, russia will not take it away from us. where are the funds for that, or where are some projects for that, so that every osb can have some kind of sunny little one put the station on the house and power the whole house from it. where are these projects? they scare people, psychics are sent to people and they think that this will replace it, the east has already shown in a survey that it will not replace the failure of communication between the government and society, hurray communications are no longer effective in kharkiv, this is what i will say, listening to the comments of these psychics, in kharkiv, people generally criticize
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terikhov's government, but we know... that he is there, well, not him personally, but the most popular mayor right now, the most popular mayor, we don't have much time left, though they bought cables and some wires for one and a half times more expensive, there is a ridiculous amount, but, well, there are 10-20 million hryvnias here and there, who looks at that, a ridiculous amount, of course, well, kulino, i will ask you to react very briefly, machine and are criticized for those purchases and for the fact that some one-time flowers are planted. for millions, when you can plant perennial plants on the columbariums, and praise for the fact that before pushkin's birthday, the city authorities completed the case of michnovsky, who 120 years ago blew up this monument and failed to pushkin's birthday was removed, that is, there are different moments when, you know, and the city government acts to please different clusters of the population, but there are, there are many questions
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for the government, i agree with you here. thank you, mrs. halyna, for the conversation, halyna kuts, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was with us, dear friends, now we are approaching 8:00 in the morning, which means that we are watching the news, and kateryna shirkopoyas is ready to tell you about it. congratulations to lasya, andria, i will soon tell you about the sentence for joe biden's son, hunter biden, and the new financial assistance ukraine from the netherlands. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, the russians launched a combined missile-drone attack on kyiv. the enemy fired cruise missiles from one of the tu-95 bombers. they came from the south.


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