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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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iskanders will visit you tomorrow, the enemy hears, watch. the news editors are ready to talk about the most important thing for this hour, i am the host, i greet all viewers of espresso. officially from the general staff, on the night of june 12, the defense forces of ukraine struck the russian anti-aircraft missile division in the temporarily occupied crimea. hits were confirmed near belbek and sevastopol, two radars of the complex were destroyed as a result of the attack. s-300 and s-400.
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detonation of ammunition was also recorded. the information regarding the damage to the third radar is being clarified, it will be further, they promised general staff. norway is allocating 240 million euros to strengthen ukrainian air defense, 125 million of which will be used for the purchase of interceptor missiles for the patriot system, the ministry of foreign affairs of the country announced. the norwegian agency reminded that... together with germany, denmark and the netherlands , they plan to transfer to ukraine about a hundred such interceptor missiles for patriots. you can strike, the netherlands gives permission to use the f-16 for strikes on russia, - said the minister of defense of the country kaisa olongren in an interview with european pravda. according to her, this is the right kyiv for self-defense in a war of aggression. therefore, the ukrainian military has independently
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decide how to use these fighters. in the interview, olongen also said that they will deliver the first f-16s already this summer, right after denmark starts delivering the planes. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny with a donation. they choose victory every day, no they leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield, so for evacuation atvs are irreplaceable assistants, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible off-road, which helps effective work, your support significantly increases the chances of the soldiers of cold yariv not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive, so join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. imprisonment. who joined the ranks
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of the armed forces of ukraine have already committed repeated crimes, minister of justice denys malyuska said in an interview on emma's youtube channel antonyuk according to the minister, there will be more uproar in society if a convicted person commits a crime than an ordinary military man. approximately 380 prisoners were already released at the beginning of the war, and some of them became heroes, some of them... died during hostilities, some of them were able to escape in the sense of not reaching the ranks of the armed forces, although they wrote a statement that they want to get there, and we actually came up with a new mechanism of the law so that this would not happen again, and some units of them committed repeated crimes, not serious ones, something like there was a theft, but that already happened. the consequences of fighting with the occupiers are terrible: forests continue to burn in kharkiv region, the fire has covered more than 280... the state
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emergency service reported that litter is burning on the territory of the izyum forestry. the elimination of the fire in pishchanskyi and starosaltiv forestry is also ongoing. emergency personnel are working at the scene of the incident. a 32-year-old man was injured as a result of a fire in vinnytsia, he was rescued by emergency personnel and taken to the hospital by an ambulance. according to information from the regional state emergency service, a garage was in... the reason the fire is set by law enforcement officers. the builder fell from a high-rise building due to the negligence of the management. officials of a construction plant will be tried in kyiv for violating safety rules. the city prosecutor's office was notified. the installer installed the ceiling between the third and fourth floors without a safety belt. during work, he lost his balance and fell from a height of 3 m. he was seriously injured. the prosecutor's office filed an indictment
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against the company's management for improperly monitoring the performance of high- risk work. they tried to enter illegally romanians. in bukovyna, the border guards detained seven men, they were moving towards the border in two cars, accompanied by a local resident who was supposed to indicate a safe route. the fugitives had to pay from 5 to 10 thousand dollars for the trip. the law enforcement officers drew up administrative protocols against the violators. he helped the occupiers repair damaged equipment. the security service of ukraine detained in dnipro. a laboratory technician from luhansk region, he turned out to be a farm worker. during the occupation of the swativ region, the evil-doer took up residence at local rem base, repaired rsv smerch for the russians and built fortifications in the occupied region. after the liberation of the village
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, the collaborator fled to the dnipro. now he faces up to 15 years behind bars. robbed strangers. the police informed about the suspicion to the kyivan. according to the investigation materials , the man met passers-by on the street and offered them a drink of charzig each. during the feast, he took their mobile phones and ran away. the police detained the suspect and handed over and recovered the stolen gadgets. the man faces up to 10 years in prison. by bad weather in kyiv region introduced emergency power outages, more than 600 transports were de-energized due to heavy loads and strong winds. power substations are already eliminating the consequences, detek reported, and emergency shutdowns are also possible in kherson region. at night, the russians shelled and damaged critical infrastructure facilities in the region. restoration work is ongoing there. today, all over ukraine, the lights will be turned off according to schedules from 15:00 to
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23:00, ukrenergo said. today at the european court of human rights in strasbourg there is a hearing. in the case of ukraine and the netherlands v. russia. the kremlin is accused of crimes committed in the occupied territories since 2014. tetyana vysotska, correspondent of espresso in the european institutions , is currently in court and can tell me and all the viewers more. tatyana, my congratulations, and tell me more about the essence of the case. greetings anna eva. greetings from strasbourg, yes? hearing at the european court of human rights. hours in the interstate case ukraine and the netherlands v. russia began today early in the morning and will continue throughout the day, just now i see a break has been announced, because people are leaving the hall, the break will last one hour, this is a general break and then everyone will return to the hearing, regarding the substance of this
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case, this is a big interstate case that is being of four smaller cases, three of them ukrainian cases were registered during 2014, 2016 and 20'. year and one dutch case registered in 2020, they have been grouped together because they all relate to russian crimes committed in the period after since the beginning of the war in 2014, so ukrainian cases concern, firstly, the block of crimes from 2014 to 2022, january, the second large block is russia's crimes against ukrainian children who were illegally deported to the territory of the russian federation from the occupied territories of russia. and the third block is a direct full-scale cancellation after february 2022 . this case was joined to the last big case in february of last year, and it was registered on march 1, 2022. i want to emphasize that this case is only about
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the crimes were committed on the territory of the occupied donetsk and luhansk regions and during the full-scale invasion of other territories of ukraine. the case about crimea was separated into a separate case and the court's decision is expected there soon. how are the events going? now the representatives of the states that filed these lawsuits, i.e. ukraine and the netherlands, respectively, and also 26 other states, mainly the european union states, which also joined as a third party and their representatives also make a legal statement, have joined this case. reasoning, of course, the seats that were allocated for the russian delegation remain empty, because russia ignores the ecthr meetings, starting from march 2022, when it was excluded from the council of europe, but nevertheless letters and requests
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are sent to russia, answers will not receive and continues the review without the participation of the russian federation, it is also worth noting that the first three cases are already under consideration... and as for the full-scale invasion case, the court still has to make a decision on its admissibility, on admissibility the previous three cases, the court made a decision in january 2023. today no decision or verdict of the court is expected, the hearing will last the whole day, after that the court goes to closed debates, and when the decision will be made will be announced later, and it is worth noting that ukraine was represented at these hearings and is now represented by iryna mudra, the deputy head of the president's office, who oversaw this case when... she was the deputy minister of justice and also the representative of ukraine at the ecthr.
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margarita sokorenko, ukraine is also accompanied by a team of experienced western lawyers who also spoke, and it was very professional. and i would also like to emphasize that ukraine's position is really very strong, and these cases have every chance of a very harsh verdict against russia, because ukraine has collected a lot and documented, most importantly, a lot of evidence regarding crimes against russia. of the ukrainian people, including, for example, there are a lot of facts about buchi and mariupol, these are the cases and we continue to follow the events in court. thank you for your work and information, tetyana vysotska, espress correspondent in european institutions, from strasbourg. at the moment i have everything, i tell you see you at 15, then terespressa will be continued by marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskii.
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greetings to all viewers of spresso, the information day is in full swing, in the next few hours we will analyze the events of today and not only with you, a lot happened during today's day, so russians. ukraine was attacked again at night, kyiv region and kyiv were under attack, we will continue to do so also involve experts and our speakers from the kyiv region, in order to find out what the situation is currently operational in the region, well, and traditionally i want to start with the collection, now we have opened a new collection together with the foundation of iryna koval, our colleague, news presenter, we are currently collecting funds to purchase quadcopters, mavics for... so that our military has something to work on the battlefield, it is about the artillery reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed
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forces of ukraine, which serves in the hellish east, now our goal is 2,500 hryvnias, so please you, help the military to save their lives and defend our peace with you, remember that there are no small contributions to help, and every donation is important. well, we are now ready to add the first guest to our broadcast, oleksiy hetman, a reserve major of the national guard in... the country, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, is already in direct contact with us. mr. oleksiy, welcome to spresso. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. night attack on kyiv. again, the russians combinedly attacked ukraine. most of the air targets flew specifically to ukrainska capital and kyiv region. actually, we understand that this terror continues. how far do you think the enemy will go in the near future. to attack our energy, will there be any end to it, or does the enemy have a certain specific goal now, which is
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to absolutely destroy everything they can destroy in order to make the lives of civilians simply unbearable? well, of course, they have this goal, it is the destruction of our energy industry, some other infrastructure facilities, heat supply, water supply, it is possible, well, to assume that they will change their minds and stop these actions, and if they didn't want to do it, they... didn't start, so most likely they will intensify them, because that's how they try to move us into a cold winter, those attacks that were last year right before winter, well did not have any special effect, now they have changed their tactics, they are already starting to try to destroy our energy supply in the spring so that in the winter it will be extremely difficult for us whether they will stop or not, no, obviously not, mr. oleksiy, the north, so in particular.. the north of kharkiv region and the enemy's information attack as we speak
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about the sumy region. so we understand that we did not confirm kadyrov's triumphant lie, so to speak, but in any case we understand that the enemy has groups there and has intentions. so, we would like to ask you to analyze the situation on the possible additional front line, when we are talking about the sumy region. well, as you know,... they wanted to attack sumy and kharkiv regions at once, in kharkiv region they were not fully prepared, in sumy they were not ready for any offensive actions in order to create a so-called sanitary zone. is it possible for the group that is there to make any serious offensive action, no, they are unlikely to be able to capture or surround the sum sum there, but the effort to advance as close as possible to the place in order to hold it, at least by the aimed fire of the established artillery, they they will try in the same way as they tried in kharkiv oblast, and before the start of such
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offensive actions, there are informational attacks, well, all sorts of things are going on. which correspond to the preparation of some offensive actions, sabotage groups, shelling increases, and so on, so information attacks are increasing, will it make any sense to advance somewhere there, well , somewhere or other they will be able to advance, because during the war the advancing army can advance somewhere or other, what permissions, we got, mr. oleksiy, we got permissions from our american friends, not only from them, when we talk about the use of various highly... accurate weapons on the territory of the russian federation, at one time, when this permission was not available, we understand that there were certain difficulties for our military, now it is becoming easier in that aspect, well and a testimony to this destroyed enemy command post on their territory not far from the russian-ukrainian state border, so how can this matter affect? well, this
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is the most important thing, because many people say that it is necessary to attack the concentration of troops, well , the concentration of troops is a conventional name, they are not... weapons to attack exactly command posts, exactly communication points, warehouses, some repairs, well, yes it is not done, but high-precision , well, that's all, all that can be done is to cover a large one with point blows. some troops, even if they are conditionally crowded, well rockets, it is certain that no one, no one will do this, there are not many rockets there just like that, well, it is not done that way at all, will such actions of ours, attacks on their commands, have an effect, they will have an effect, they already have an effect, they have to transport their headquarters, let's say as far as possible from the front line,
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because they were not far away, not far from the front line, it is easier for the headquarters to control the troops there at a distance of 100... 50 km, it is still theoretically possible, at a distance of 200-250 it is practically impossible, it is already not management, it's another game, so it's our job to keep it them under our fire control and still try to negotiate with the united states to give us permission to use missiles with a range of 250-300 km, this is because we want them to move all their means of communication, control, everything, which provides at zero, well, how is it possible to manage further from a long distance, well, by phone there, by radio communication is possible, but there and very often you need the direct presence of someone from the headquarters there, well, there are certain specifics of the work and only manage by phone, well, that’s it i don't know if it's possible from kamchatka to manage by phone, what is the difference,
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regarding the information leaks about the kadyrivets, well, as soon as we saw that... the kadyrivets were doing this, we could understand that there was nothing there, that it was just an information leak, because the kadyrivets were used by the russians mostly as threat detachments, and we saw how beautiful they look, the kadyrivites, such beautiful, washed clothes, everything is clean, that is , the impression is that people came from some kind of movie, and not from some combat operations, well, the ticking of the army, something we didn't see them often on the line, but what kadyrov's point was to voice this fake. information, well, that is, it does not affect the informational state of our military or our generals, yes, that is, who gives specific orders, well, that is, he threw in so that , in your opinion, well, this was the purpose of throwing in in order to create doubt among our civilian population, maybe among some military personnel, maybe among our partners, we are a little superficial
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, it seems to me, sometimes we look at the information war waged by the russian... federation, we wonder why they give evidence that is not are true, well, not testimony, but information as testimony, they will give testimony that sooner or later, why they give false information, it can be found out right away, but the goal is not to convince us of false information, the goal is to sow doubt, and here and there on certain focus groups, let's say this, it can be done, people start not to believe, and maybe they are telling the truth, maybe not everything is so good there and they want to deceive us and... so on, such and such thoughts arise, here and there is a purpose of these propagandistic things, not to convince us in the fact that it is black and white or white and black, that is why there are obvious things here, take care of... sorry, we understand that psychosis in society, it is only growing, and i just saw information today from the head of the verkhovna rada's committee
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on economic development of dmitry natalukha, he wrote on his facebook that the people's deputies do not give up on such a scenario as economic reservation . we cannot deny that that, the rear without the military and the military without the rear, how to correctly approach this very sensitive social issue, do you think it is appropriate now to talk about economic armor, what it should be, so that the army can function fully, and so that business and the economy could work too, well, you have to find a balance, you know, if there was a simple solution to a complex problem, we already remember that when people appear who propose... or try to do something very simple, the problem is actually complex, then these are not simple solutions lead to the solution of issues, and lead to
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a worsening of the situation, because professionals should deal with any matter, and not people who think that if you think that this is a very simple question, then you are not seeing much, just in this questions, because you are not a qualified person and that's why... you think that everything is fine with us, we remember that, that three things that everyone knows and everyone understands better than everyone else, of course, well during the war it was medicine, politics and football, but everyone knew how to do it right now the fourth component appeared, the war, everyone knows how to fight, everyone tells the military how to do what, and they also gather their wits, take some maps, start drawing arrows there, where to move, everyone is like that, it annoys the military, but ... of economic reservation, well, you know, it is possible here, really, if it is necessary for the economy to work, and if a person does something useful,
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not only for the armed forces directly, well , that is, he does, twists the nuts so that the rocket flies, well conditionally saying, do you solder microcircuits, yes, and if a person does something for well, come on doctors, it can be for the state emergency service, that is , many things. which are necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the civilian population in the rear, which, including through donations, feeds our armed forces, here we can agree that there are certain, well, certain economic reservation, but it cannot be exclusively economic reservation, it must be a certain reservation, but depending on what kind of person it is and what he does, what kind of business he does, that's why i say it's not not a simple question, well... if it's, for example, well, you know, well, for some reason it occurred to me, and if it's a croupier in a casino, he can pay a lot of money for him, so that he
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will spin something there in the future this roulette or what he is doing, yes, but i am not sure that this is a very necessary thing for the country now, and so that this person can, for money, ensure that he does not participate in hostilities, our society reacts very strongly to... justice , now there are many questions, panacea, our society reacts very sharply to anything, to injustice, at a fictional violation of justice, at injustice i shout and so on, that is, we will not overestimate society either, and if we take, for example , a specific case of what happened in odessa, yes, well, history is quite eloquent, but we understand, depending on , from which, from which point of view to look at this whole thing, well , what do you mean, a lot happened there? well, a massacre, a fight, more precisely, between military personnel and
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medical aid personnel, so we understand that it is a difficult situation and maybe, maybe there are some even there are signs of some kind of outside direction, well, it is quite possible, you know, there have been isolated cases and, unfortunately, there will be, due to the connection with the tsk and the civilian population . well, you know, we, we have an urgent need to replenish our armed forces directly on the front line, and brothers and, and it must be done, well, by and large , harshly, because whether you like it or not , conversations begin, i was not born for war, wasn't i born for war, that's not how it works, during war all people who don't do other tasks connected with the provision of the rear, must have to fight. it's not a right, i don't want it, i don't want it, it's a duty, well, sometimes, well, they bend the stick, including some representatives of the armed forces, although you know, well, in my opinion, on your and...
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on the air and on others , well, it already happened, well, i don’t know, maybe i’m not the first, i’m definitely not the first, well, such a proposal, well, let’s buy all these representatives of the tsk father cameras for some police force, so that we can just see what is happening there, what was happening, because we see all these things where representatives of the tcc are accused the final part, i remember they wanted to beat a woman there, but a few weeks ago there was a conversation that a representative of... the central committee almost beat a woman, she ran away, it showed the finale, and i know what happened at the beginning, at the beginning she threw herself under the wheels of the car, she is crazy, you understand, but they showed how they just wanted to calm her down, no one was going to pick her up, well , for example, and so on, if we saw the picture in full, like the policemen with a badge, what happened when he approached the person says, present your documents, for example, have you registered, that is the representative performs his functions. which
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are prescribed by law, and what does he get an answer to, or it can be not only words, it can also be actions, and then we see how a military person reacted to these actions, and it seems to us that they are just grabbing everyone there , who not, only they can, well, you know, in order not to have enough, everyone just needs to go through registration, not hide somewhere and not hide to answer, well , do what you have to do... countries during the war, and justify some screaming cases, well, remember the people in odessa itself there, who worked in the tcc, they somehow got some very valuable things there , some foreign cars, some expensive cars, and in order to buy it, a person with his salary would have to work for a thousand years , well, that's why, come on,
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let's not... spread isolated cases to the entire structure, but let's not say that there are no such isolated cases, and the mobilization went on and on, and the only thing that we need to speed it up, because why should it be rushed, because people have time for training, it is prescribed that the training should last a full 35 calendar days, not counting the fact that a person must be registered. a person should be provided with harmony, well , everything, everyone, everyone, and not counting weekends, and not counting, not counting, thank you, mr. oleksiy, thank you to the city of learning, thank you, we heard your opinion, and thank you for finding the opportunity to get involved , oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, now there will be a short pause, after which we will continue our information day, be with espresso.
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