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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every weekday. from 20 to 22 for espresso. get closer to victory, together with tssoaa, sbu. join one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and hiring. we invite civilian specialists of various fields. experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality training. cooking and learning,
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fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team of tssoa asbu. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, good news from the netherlands. so, the first planes. ukraine will receive f-16 in the summer, dutch defense minister olongren. she stated this in an interview with european pravda. according to her, the first f-16s will be delivered to ukraine from the summer of this year, and since then the supply of these combat aircraft will be put on stream, i am quoting now. kaisu longren. there will be more and more planes, and this will strengthen your air force. i can't
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name the date, so i say: this summer. we are currently following this plan, while first you will receive aircraft from denmark, we will be after denmark, but this is a joint plan, commenting on the preparation of the infrastructure for receiving aircraft, the minister of defense of the netherlands said that here we are also moving according to the plan, quoting now. ukraine is on the right track, and this is very important, because, as you said, we need not only pilots, but also technical personnel and aircraft. and equipment that they needed, and also about the infrastructure in your country, but we have a real partnership and joint effort here, and ukraine is really getting ready to get f-16, very important news, so they will be there this summer. well, now we will talk about the situation at the front. serhiy dibrov, the head of the public relations service of the 21st separate mechanized brigade from the lyman region , is already in touch with us. mr. serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good day. please share with us the operational and
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by our viewers, of course, the operational situation in your direction, what is happening now, how much the enemy has now intensified his actions. please share. i already told. you have on the air that our brigade is holding a defense in the lane, in the area of ​​the city of liman, and for about the last six months the enemy has been trying to advance in this direction, his first objective is to gain control of the settlement of terna, we can say that since last november year he does not manage to do it, that is, we hold the defense, certain advances, certain there are successes, but they are such, they are tactical, they cannot be said to be the fulfillment of a task. we know that the enemy received instructions to achieve success by the new year, then by the elections in the russian federation in quotation marks of the elections, then by may 9, that is, by some dates they, we saw the activation, we saw that they were there, as the russians always do
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. mainly by infantry, a large number of local ... assaults and use cabs to compensate for their lack of combat equipment and artillery, cabs, unfortunately, they sometimes use them on populated areas, on the civilian population, this is a rather difficult situation, sir serhiu, belogorivka and the battles in the area of ​​this already legendary settlement, please repeat the question, belogorivka, it is not in our lane, i 'm sorry, that one. i do not have the information, mr. sergey, i would also like to ask you about the needs of the troops in the leman direction, what is actually the priority right now, in terms of the needs of our military, we understand that it's such a technical struggle right now, more so and at least with the units that we're talking to
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that tap into our ether, we're hearing that there's a huge demand right now for drones and by means of rap, i understand that the situation is probably not different in your direction, but we would like to... understand how closed this demand is now and what does the enemy have to do with it? it can be said that in winter, when there was a pause in the supply of cartridges, shells, and ammunition for the ukrainian army, drones have become the main force that has allowed us to contain the offensive, by and large, they have allowed us to partially, they will never completely replace artillery, but they will partially allow us to have something to defend ourselves, and now we want to develop this... good luck, i i think this is a success. of course, the enemy, as always, learns, learns from us, from our examples, from our experience, he takes over very quickly, but still, drones remain a very powerful force on the battlefield, when the weather conditions are right, it's generally, well, already we don't know what we will replace it with drones, if something happens to them, that's why we
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want this issue to not arise at all, drones, ftv drones we need, and reconnaissance drones, our eyes, it's maviks again, in particular, it's... something without which at all it is hard to imagine what we will do if there are problems. therefore, i would like to take the opportunity to thank our volunteers, who provide these needs of ours to a large extent, there is also supply from the ministry of defense, but still , so far, the units of unmanned systems are very much receiving attention, let's say, attention from on the part of volunteers who allow to work. in recent times, we see that artillery units are still working more actively, that is, we can... use artillery, and drones, and infantry, and tank units, that is, to say that the situation is difficult, yes, it is difficult, we can we have to say it, but we see no reason to talk about any catastrophic threats there or possible unpleasant consequences there, that is, we are standing, holding, and
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drones, including that they are our number one weapon, if not number one, then maybe number two, guys, reb - this is, of course, a war, as usual, a war... of sword and shield, projectiles and armor, the same is happening now in the air and in radio space, that is, we are forced to make changes in the design, frequencies, and tactics of our disembodied units every week, because the russians see it, tune in, somehow learn to counter us, so we need to constantly improve ours, change our tactics, improve our characteristics, and in turn we have to counter russian drones. therefore, our rep tools must also constantly hold their hand on the pulse and constantly be ready for technical changes, that is, the war is largely turning into a war of intellects, into a war of engineering ingenuity, into a war of engineering solutions, this is in the thick of the 21st century, of course, but
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war always remains war, before we looked for how to less, more capacious, and now they are looking for ways to make the drone and means of reb more suitable for combat operations. that is, everything is as usual. mr. serhiu, a couple of minutes ago i voiced a message from the minister of defense of the netherlands, kaiseo longren. she stated that aviation, in particular. f-16 aircraft will appear in our skies and on the territory of ukraine this summer. yes, you mentioned that the enemy is actively using cabs. how big is the need for aviation, in particular front-line aviation from our side? the need is great, of course, because, as i said, the enemy compensates for the shortage, the noticeable shortage in artillery, er, with the help of the cabs, and we once dreamed, a few months ago, that the patriot who... they said, the blockading patriot who appeared in various areas of the front and caused great trouble there for
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russian aviation to appear next to us, if there is a fighter aircraft that will work, especially in connection with the swedish long-range reconnaissance aircraft , which sweden announced transfers to ukraine, maybe this will be a very important factor, it will not become decisive factor, of course, but it can be a very important factor that will simplify our lives. will save the lives of civilians and military personnel and reduce the capabilities of the russians precisely in this, in this weaponry, because today, if our number one focus is on drones, then with on their part, perhaps cabs are the most promising, powerful weapon they use. thank you, serhiy dnibrov, the head of the public relations service of the 21st separate mechanized brigade from the lyman region, was in touch with us, there is important information from ukrenergo, so they inform us that the lights will be turned off for two hours today. later , there were supposed to be shutdowns from the 15th, but they were postponed from the 5th hour, so today, according to the schedules
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, the shutdowns may be between 5 and 11 p.m. we are going for a short break, we are after it let's continue our information day, there is a lot of interesting and useful information ahead, so stay with us, stay with espresso, we will be back in a few minutes. attention, you. on offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 99. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 99. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 200, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light for only uah 99. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the "smart light" bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in capacious battery, it is so convenient, especially now, and the light bulb is also a smart light, it is not afraid
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from the battlefield in time means... saving his life, giving him a lift, a lift for the boys, a quad bike - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, an important signal from the minister of justice in... the country, persons who are evading mobilization, will not be able to receive some administrative services, but this will not apply to services related to family members of a conscript, so look for this information and study this issue in more detail. well, actually , information also appeared today that the parliament is still
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working on a bill on economic reservations, it provides for an opportunity. e, so that every business entity that pays an increased military levy of uah 2,000 per month per employee has the opportunity to to book, but not the employee himself will decide, but the employer will decide who he would like to keep and who are the most valuable personnel for him. it is also said that natural persons , entrepreneurs and representative offices of international companies in ukraine will have the right to make a reservation, ah, the percentage limit of the reserved and the procedure will be determined by the government, the mechanics of payment. increased military duty is outlined in the related draft law on the specifics of payment of military duty and reservation of military servicemen, and also, two alternative draft laws are currently being worked on, which will include a model with a reservation based on the salary level of more than uah 35,000 and a mixed model of uah 35 salary for a salaried employee and uah 2,000 military levy for fops, we
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will have the opportunity to discuss this draft law in more detail in the future. the next few hours within the framework of the information day, well, but i will remind you that the battles around the economic reservation continue, currently the deputies cannot come to a conclusion on how to properly organize this process, because different opinions, there are different expert opinions about the fact that economic armor is necessary for our economy to work, on the other hand, there are also fears that it could become a legalization of buying off the military, and therefore we have to come to this decision very carefully, in us. there will also be an opportunity to talk with our guest oleksandr bondarenko, the managing partner of the bureau of investment programs and an economist, mr. oleksandr, we see you, we congratulate you, we know that you are currently at the international conference on the restoration of ukraine in berlin, greetings, greetings, greetings, colleagues, good afternoon from berlin, well, first of all, we would like to ask you about the feedback related to
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the absence of mustafa nayem, so we understand that in ukraine this story caused an extremely... serious public resonance, or there was appropriate feedback in germany, and whether similar things were discussed in general, we understand that the conference is devoted, well , first of all, to strategies for the reconstruction and restoration of ukraine, but the story is also about trust in our institutions, in our officials, because we understand that they are money are not transmitted by themselves, but with the help of certain procedures to certain target programs. you have a word. i will digress a little, because... the sound is interrupted, colleagues, look, in fact, a very powerful representation of the ukrainian government and, in principle, the political leadership this time at this forum, and yesterday president zelensky spoke, yesterday the first vice prime minister and the minister spoke economy sverodenko,
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it is clear that olaf scholz met everyone and was the director of it... the head of the european commission, yes ursula fondelain, so it is intangible, answering your question, intangible, if the head of the state reconstruction agency is absent, there is him, i saw the deputies, i saw the deputy minister of infrastructure derkach, we are talking with him about the project of opening a new transition between poland, ukraine, malenyche slipche, the project is going on for a long time. and it has not been launched yet, we need to activate it with the poles, i also spoke with the first deputy minister of infrastructure shkuratov, he is currently acting as minister. that is, in principle, this fact of the absence of certain positions, you know,
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it went very well, i would say imperceptibly, because there are more than 3,000 participants, people are real, well, i would say too many, you don't have time to communicate with all foreign companies, a lot of different countries are represented. korea, japan and so on, therefore, in fact, quite a powerful forum and a good organization this time. mr. oleksandr, i understand that we are now talking with our partners more about short-term reconstruction, because now we have a very significant problem with our energy industry, and yesterday, by the way, president zelenskyi had the imprudence to say that we will have time to rebuild 1g of generation, although many experts, in particular lana zerkal, who is very... competent in this matter and has great authority, she says that this is an unrealistic number, and here we were a little surprised by such a statement of the president, in general,
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about which now there are topics on which issue will be focused now, perhaps there are several of them in the near future, as you know, i will tell you that the topic of energy is really the leading and such a leitmotif at the forum in berlin, that is, or not... every second performance is about energy, about how it is necessary to quickly, well, this process, really fast recovery, reconstruction, that it is necessary to put more gigawatt generation in the zone in time, this includes the sun, and wind turbines, and cogeneration, from here a lot of very otg and cities and town halls are represented, every second mayor says that we are already in the process of installing cogeneration, but... because we are looking for funds to install cogeneration plants that also work on gas, provide electricity and heat for heating schools, kindergartens, budget
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institutions and, of course, apartment buildings, that is, it is the number one topic, it exceeded all my expectations, in reality, energy is talked about 75% of the time, that is, the rest of the topics are economic projects, investments. all housing reconstruction projects, housing, yes, that's what it's called, well , the topic of housing reconstruction for idps, because we really have hundreds of thousands of residents there who still don't have housing, and this is a problem, and there is housing, it's not being done, because it's more there is a loan for load or for the military, well, what to do with idps, really the question is still open, but energy is really the leitmotif and... and the fact that i i see, soon in the summer and early autumn , credit programs will be launched, preferential lending for the installation of small and
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medium-sized power generation stations, in order to stimulate ukrainian business and even the household, that is, you and i will be able to provide, if we live in a private house on some preferential conditions, which i do not know yet, because there are no such conditions there yet... i spoke with the bank's bank account, no , ukrgaz bank, yes, these are the state institutions that will first of all launch these lending programs, there are no conditions yet, but what are they will appear, and of course this is a problem, that is , an urgent problem that everyone began to solve two months ago, when these shellings destroyed almost 9.5 gw of our electricity there, that's why everyone tells me about this, as an economist and... co-founders of industrial parks, of course, i would like to talk more about investments, about strategic projects, about infrastructure development, well, we have such a situation that it is palexandre, but what about our
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legislation, our ukrainian priceless one, that is, we understand that we have enough laws we have a large number of regulatory bodies , but the question is, how do our potential european investors perceive this whole thing, and what will happen... simplification of certain procedures in order to allow clean europeans to enter, emphasize clean europeans, not only european money? there is a lot of talk about this too, in fact, on many panels i heard theses that there should be absolutely transparent processes, clean investment companies that attract investments, and, accordingly, a good institutional plane and environment in ukraine. you have rights, well, we are aware of rights and the environment, and we live, we live here, we know, we read, we communicate, we receive signals from businessmen, so i think that our
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western partners ... the same, but maybe there is some such an understanding on our part, on the part of our authorities, that something must be done about all this matter, well, i will tell you this, that at this forum in berlin there were many theses precisely from the side of international partners, that it is necessary to further reform our anti-corruption system, strengthen it and implement good governance practices, that is international partners constantly say. our colleagues, government officials will listen to how it will be in practice with you and me in ukraine, for our lives with you and for the life of small and medium-sized businesses, well, let's see what to say, and by the way, they talked about insurance of foreign capital in war conditions , because there were certain signals that the state is currently working on a certain mechanism to attract foreign investments, to guarantee them insurance for their losses that may be related to hostilities, er. yes,
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it was said about it, and there was an announcement , actually, what the state export credit agency has already launched this program for lending to the private sector, that is, if you build your factory in ukraine, for example, on the territory of an industrial park, you can insure it, the export credit agency will insure up to uah 200 million, what will the rate be from one and a half to somewhere around 2.5%. annually from the amount of insurance, the question is to fill the export credit agency with money, yes, so-called, because well, for this you need a lot of money, at least 5-10 billion uah, so that ek could insure such military risks, because now there may be a lot of applications, and there is not so much money of the vc, and it is necessary to increase the authorized capital, so the issue of financing
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this insurance and who will pay, well, how about... always you and i as payers taxes, well, maybe plus some international donors will join the reinsurance program, that is, it is at a higher level, and i heard that the american miga and dfc plan to be a partner in the reinsurance of such military risks, but compared to last year, there already if progress, that this is a program at least formal appeared, i think somewhere realistically in... in november it will work, the first insurances will be issued, somewhere like that. mr. oleksandr, where would large , powerful investors who are not engaged in, so to speak, only speculative capital, want to go, well , maybe one or another production, or land, they are interested in, are there any forestry farms there, or some renewable green energy there? well, first of all, everyone sees profit and profitability in energy projects, because
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the payback of such projects. somewhere there 4-5 years, it is about 20+ percent margin, and accordingly these projects with such margin and payback faster than 5 years are interesting to international investors, because there are few such projects left in europe and the usa, which means that there is still food processing, but we have on the territory of the park such a project, therefore , there is a lot of interest, well, again, these are export projects, everything... is related to exports, and the sales model should be 70% plus it is exports, as well as the extraction of minerals and, well, their processing, and i already have a lot of investments i see they started in the defense technology sector, that is, many joint contracts were signed at this berlin forum between american, german, and ukrainian companies for the production of weapons, shells, and other defense equipment. oleksandr
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bondarenko, the managing partner of the economist investment program bureau, was in touch with us from berlin, he is currently at the international recovery conference, it's news time for the espresso, so we'll pass the floor to our colleagues. anna eva melnyk is ready to share with us all the most important information as of now a minute, annoyeva, we congratulate you and ask you to tell us briefly what you managed to find out about. greetings colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team is working on the main thing. let's talk, in particular, about the shooting in the lviv region, in the middle of the street, what is the situation with electricity, and, unfortunately, we have hit important objects in zaporizhzhia, about all this later, stay with espresso.


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