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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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get your opinion on the bad news of the day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. information day of the tv channel in rospal. people's deputy of ukraine mykhailo tsimbalyuk, lieutenant general of the militia in reserve, is in our studio. glory to ukraine, mr. mykhailo! congratulations, glory to the heroes, i wish you all good health. well, a big debate is going on, in particular, the chairman of the specialized committee of the verkhovna rada confirmed the information about this, which will be in one or another format, so so-called economy booking. well, we understand what kind of reaction it can meet in society. on the other hand, we understand that the available, existing mobilization, by-laws, that's all paper, yes, it is not fully responding, has time. respond to the realities of the fact that there is a new
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law on mobilization and so on, there are certain procedures, well, there are a little more questions than we would like, so among our population, who do not have time to make a reservation, having, as it were, all the prerequisites for this, well and accordingly the concept of economic appeared reservation, in your opinion, what are the pros, what are the cons and what are the possible mechanisms that have not yet been fully discussed, how could it work in practice? "unequivocally, there is no doubt about it, and we have repeatedly talked about this with you in your studio, that if a successful front is to work, then there must definitely be a working rear, that is , the economy, depending on who, how and what invests in the content of the definition of economic reservation, for example, some economists say that economic reservation is the reservation
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of employees of those enterprises that work in in the defense sphere, in the security sphere, as well as in other sectors of the economy, and they pay taxes, and people receive a white salary, then this is economic reservation, that's for sure, but those options were proposed repeatedly already in the verkhovna rada, but by discus'. and not the preparation of real drafts of the law, it is the fact that it is supposedly possible in some way in the state to buy off mobilization, that is, either the employee must receive, they talked about the fact that 35 00 hryvnias, someone said that 35 should be paid in taxes, someone said that it have to do employers, that is, to contribute funds, in our opinion and in the opinion of many. those with whom i
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spoke, this is unfair, because a large number of citizens receive a salary of less than 35 00, and the question arises, and if he receives 34, then he will not be booked, is this fair, or will those who, sorry poor man, that's wrong, because of this, the model should be clearly stated that those businesses that pay taxes... and businesses where people receive wages cleanly and pay their wages, taxes, they should be booked. in otherwise, in a few months we will not have anything to pay, er, to the armed forces of ukraine and other military formations, because taxes are not coming in additionally, and here the authorities, instead of looking for an economic miracle,... should finally clarify the issue through
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customs, yes, and to finally restore the promised order, so that there are no conditional economic loopholes and no smuggling. finally, the government should develop incentives so that it is profitable to pay taxes and bring the economy to the wall, according to various estimates, almost 30% today, working citizens receive their salaries in envelopes. that is, they do not pay any taxes, the employer does not pay anything at all for them, and those people deprive themselves of their future, i.e. pension security, but in order for employers to pay and they are not what is visible, they must be fair rules of the game, you can't pay 80 kopecks of taxes on the earned hryvnia, because i'm sorry
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, i call it... reservation here, too, should be some kind of balanced position, because we have to take into account the needs of the military, who speak about it. how many people do we need to mobilize and, accordingly , we need to find some kind of balance between those, between those personnel who can be booked, who, for example, it is possible to book, and those who, unfortunately, it will not be possible to book, that is, there must be, therefore, some very, very such close cooperation between the military and government officials in order to find some kind of compromise option, is it now known about any, perhaps consulting with the military, what numbers or needs are they talking about? about those people who, well, it will not be possible to book in any way, even if there are some different models of this booking? yes, the consultations are ongoing, but the cabinet of ministers without the verkhovna rada approves one resolution after another, which supposedly regulates the work of the tsc, and which goes
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beyond the scope of the law, this was not written in the laws, and the tsc does it guided by the resolution of the cabinet of ministers, the problem is different, problem. the problem is that, and it is not the fault of the current tsc employees, it is the fault of the state and the system, which was practically destroyed, military accounting, and this must be said in order to create conditions, i often communicate with tsk employees, not all of them today, sorry, are working for the negative, 80% of them passed. the combat zone, that is, they are participants in combat operations, and the vast majority of them after being wounded returned to service in the tcc, but the problem of military registration is a very specific thing, and even with all due respect, combat experience is not a guarantee that
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a person will be there professionally to work, because these are different things, today tsc are completed by 30%, from 30% of the staff, that is, there are no people there. and some heads of the tsc frankly say that they are even afraid to send some of their subordinates to populated areas to carry out mobilization work, because they are not ready for it professionally, well, psychologically, psychologically, yes, mr. mykhailo, you touched on a very important topic , which is called the inconsistency of by-laws with the spirit and letter of the law, and this raises certain questions. yes, because we understand that it is necessary to standardize certain by-laws, i.e. resolutions, for example, the cabinet of ministers or resolutions, letters of recommendation, for example, from the ministry of education and science of ukraine, that is , in their own way, they try to regulate those things that could be interpreted in a slightly
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different way, and accordingly, the question of how we should act, because the constitutional the court, as they say, is not made of rubber, you see, they will not be able to cope with all the load. it's all a matter of working out, and your vision, are there any, i don't know, any alternative things, alternative things, unfortunately, there are very few today, because we have a war going on, the war is cruel, and those guys who are currently on the front line, they need quality, i emphasize, quality support and reinforcement, and they say that we are categorically against the replenishment of those people who do not have any military personnel. experience and b) unmotivated to serve, because of that the cabinet of ministers, instead of multiplying, sometimes not quite professional, i am not talking about constitutional or unconstitutional resolutions, it should first of all think about how to motivate people to serve, the recruiting system, it it partially
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solves the problem, but not so much in fact, to replenish with quality personnel, for example, i made proposals to the cabinet of ministers, i will see. how they work together with the ministry of defense, these are the problems that arise in the work of the tsk, for example, a certain part of demobilized for various reasons, for example, addition to the family, a third child was born, a person is obliged to be demobilized, she was demobilized from for other reasons, spent 3-4 months, as they say, in civilian life, and understands that he will not help the family and again wants to return his unit to his combat unit the tsc comes, the tsc says: okay, sign the contract, but we will direct you to the training center, and then you will be assigned to the part where there are vacancies. he says: people are kind, i have combat experience, why should i overcrowd the training center, i
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don’t want to go anywhere, i want to be where my commander takes me, where there is a combat military family, where they are waiting for me, they answer to him, no, normative the act of the ministry of defense does not allow this. and the person leaves without an answer, so that's one problem, i hope they solve it, and the next thing i said, you have to to allow tsc managers to complete. high-quality personnel, otherwise we will have those shameful examples that are happening all over the country today and that are being spread by the so-called russian mass media in order to, as they say, take and compromise all those defense forces that are performing qualitatively today we play our part, the enemy picks up on this case, picks up, well, our task is to properly interpret this case, but the video from... looked like yesterday's situation in odesa, a meeting between doctors, employees of the tsc,
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by unidentified persons in civilian clothes, and what is called in plain language a fight on the street, we understand that it may have been connected with some, i don't know, emotional moments, maybe with not completely thought out moments, which are related to the booking of one or another toilet , maybe just some kind of tension, maybe there were some provocateurs, that is, of the entire volume of information. we did not not see it, but we saw a very specific video, dear viewers, you can also watch it, so in odesa in the afternoon, on june 11, there was a fight between by medics and military personnel near the premises of the tsk, and the military prosecutor's office has already opened a criminal case under the article of hooliganism, so they interviewed all the witnesses, and felsher, quoted by the local publication dumsk, stated that the medics staged a protest near the tsk against the mobile with emergency help. their colleagues, and the latter were allegedly not released from the tsc, but there is still no official confirmation of these words,
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and the odesa regional tsc advised not to rush to conclusions, they say that the medics provoked the conflict, but gas bombs were also used balloons, and the fight was so, well, quite serious, so in our studio mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, general. the police are in reserve, therefore, mr. mykhailo, the odessa scandal of yesterday, well, i will tell you that emotions or the emotional state of society is growing, and this is an objective reality, because the 11th year of the war and the third year of a full-scale invasion, it cannot pass past the psycho-emotional state of each person. resolution by resolution of the cabinet of ministers
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after the adopted law on improvement of mobilization and conscription work, it is on today does not provide a clear interpretation of regulatory documents, and on the one hand, the tsc, which does its work, fulfilling the letter of the law or by-law. which are imperfect and the cabinet of ministers is in no hurry to improve, and on the other hand there are doctors who are obliged to register, pass the vlk, ugh, and on the other hand, they are also on their front today, they provide medical assistance to the civilian population , including a military man, and such a shameful incident that happened in odesa does not help him. neither the state as a whole, nor the work of the tsc, no, it is not the work of the doctor, the leadership
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of the ministry of health should have foreseen these things and already submitted their proposal, by the way, as the ministry of health and education, education and science, they too, sorry, neither had nor had what happens to students, students who study in foreign universities, in our universities. "well, you don't have to wait until every second or third person faces a problem, you have to anticipate it, they expect someone to help them, the military got into a situation where they have to obey the command, but how to get around it wise, they have no answer, we are waiting for finally the government, and we talked about it last friday, in'. the council, when there was an hour of questions to the government, immediately solved this problem. in fact, the tsk are overloaded, the vlk
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are overloaded, the ministry of defense has an insane amount of work, how to solve the problems that today, like a snowball, accumulate, will accumulate if they are not solved in time. new people came to the ministry of defense, in... there is no time, they must be resolved immediately, i spoke with the first deputy minister of defense, combat indeed, a general who has already returned for... pasu and vine actually knows the problem, he understands and tries to respond to those problems that arise, but in reality this is a topic, unfortunately, not one day, and one ministry of defense will not solve it, no, well, just going back to the odesa case, if the local press is to be believed,
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the medics were angry that they did not have armor and were issued summonses, that is, the medics, employees of her center. of emergency medical care and disaster medicine, here i am quoting one of the workers, quoting dumska, a lot of our employees have received carts, what should we do, they say that you work for an expressway, you are well done, but it does not change anything, and accordingly we understand that there are many by-laws, that is , forgive me, i want to intervene, because this is important, it is not only about medics, it is also about employees of the defense industrial complex, who are also now due to non-compliance... with the law coming to update the data in the tsc, they do not have a reservation yet, and as you know, there are already 200 people who actually worked at industrial enterprises, who deal with defense capability, they were also mobilized, that is, this is some kind of situation that already needs an immediate solution, unequivocally, the cabinet of ministers, this is the authority of the cabinet of ministers, not the law, the law instructed the cabinet of ministers, the law
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instructed the cabinet of ministers to immediately develop by-laws that they didn't make through. this is a matter, excuse me, one day, today is wednesday, this is a meeting of the cabinet of ministers, although they are going to, when there is a need, pass this resolution, where it will be clearly indicated that all those persons who were booked, on them the reservation extends to three months, full stop, and this removes the issue from those enterprises or employees of enterprises that were previously booked, full stop, the next stage, the ministry of defense, health protection prepares its draft resolution, which clearly indicates that regarding medical industry, yes, it is brought before the cabinet of ministers, it passes all visas and decisions are made by voting, the same applies to the ministry of education and science, well , the verkhovna rada votes everything they need, because they say what is needed, continue
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well, it should be their job, ugh, thank you, thank you, mr. mykhailo, we are now adding to our... speech halyna yanchenko, a people's deputy who is in berlin at an extremely important conference devoted to reconstruction. glory to ukraine, mrs. galina, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, i wish everyone health. well, the people's deputy of ukraine mykhailo tsimbalyuk, your colleague, is in the studio, right? well, we talked about the specifics of our mobilization processes, we would like to ask you about the specifics of the extremely important conference when we talk about supply. money, technologies and the establishment of appropriate communication, we understand that the story is extremely important, i promise you, yesterday we listened to german chancellor scholz and our president zelensky, extremely powerful signals, but we understand, the presidents are in one place, and the executive bodies, so to speak ,
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they are not always listened to, odlya, you have a word, well , in general, i want to share my impressions, to say that... this conference, which is currently held in berlin, a two-day conference, is called "ukraine recovery" conference, that is, the conference is devoted to the restoration and reforms of ukraine. it's an annual event, it's been going on for seven years, probably eight in a row, but in my memory it's the biggest urc conference of its kind. more than 2,000 people took part in it during these two days, and what... is really different from all previous years, is that there is a lot of business, not only ukrainian and german, but also representatives of various companies from all over the world. from europe and america, and this is a very positive, i would say signal and result of this conference, because when we talk about the recovery
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of ukraine that awaits us, we must prepare for it, then in... precisely private investment must play a key role, private investment, because this is a question of our economy, this is a question of jobs, this is a question of filling budget, there will be no work for ukrainians, we will not be able to return our people, our refugees from europe, if new companies and enterprises are to be opened, then we are talking about a large number of new jobs, we are talking about decent wages. pay, we are talking about what is ours the country will be able to develop again. mrs. galina, look, but even scholz said that we now have to change the focus of our attention a little on short-term recovery. to overcome the consequences caused by russian attacks, in particular on our energy sector, we can forget about long-term reconstruction now and think ahead now about
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what we urgently need to restore, in fact, regarding these short-term plans, which will now be key, on that our partners are now ready to help us, and for what it was actually discussed at the conference, in particular, well , it is true, our most basic needs now are obviously more weapons and even more ammunition, because today any conversation about any sector of the economy or about any sector of our or sphere of our life in general, whether we are talking about the restoration of energy, whether we are talking about carrying out reforms or about the education and training of our children, all these conversations begin and end with its announcement and in fact the need to receive timely and more ammunition for anti-aircraft defenses, we can restore as much as we want in fact tess and tess, but if
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they will not be protected by missiles for air defense from the next attacks, it's all just money in fact down the drain. and here, by the way, there is also good news in this regard at this conference, because yesterday ursula fondeyan. during her speech, she made a very important statement for us, she said that , in fact, for the first time, russian frozen money will actually be used to help ukraine and sent to ukraine, it is about 1.5 billion euros, these are revenues from in fact, interest from frozen russian assets, but this is a large amount, it is 1.5 billion euros, which will be sent to... ukraine, and when will they be sent, i'm sorry, is this about some kind of quick transfer of these funds? yes, this money will be sent by the end of july, 90% of these
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funds will go specifically to military aid and 10% to the issue of reconstruction, but in general i want to say that also the issue of various types of military aid, they are raised here at different platforms. there are also a lot of parallel, let's say, panel discussions, and we are trying to convince our western allies to give us not just give us more military aid, but to change the quality and approaches to military aid, for example, one of our requests, we are very happy that we are finally allowed to strike on russian territory, in particular to shoot down russian planes located on the territory of russia are armed with western ammunition, but the capabilities of western defense can also be used to defend ukraine, so now we are talking about the
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need to convince our western allies use their air defenses to close the skies, at least over the western country. we are happy that the poles will soon have a super-powerful anti-aircraft defense, but it will be absolutely pointless if they don't use it. installations and the limited amount of ammunition for them to more tightly close other regions of ukraine, in particular the center. thank you ms. galina. halyna yanchenko, people's deputy of ukraine, who is currently at the berlin conference, was working live, mykhailo tsymbalyuk was working in our studio. people's deputy of ukraine, lieutenant general. militia in reserve, we did not manage to discuss an extremely large number of topics due to lack of time, but let's hope that in the near future we will be able to ask mr. mykhailo and mr. mrs.
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galina about all the most important things. well , there are literally a few seconds left at the end, so zavitnevich, who is the head of the specialized committee of the verkhovna rada, announced that the mechanism for sending summons by mail will work, it is only about means of postal communication by registered mail with a notification of delivery to the address of the place of residence. such subpoenas will be considered served, the person will have time to appear no earlier than 14 days after the subpoena was sent. now we will say goodbye to you, the information day ends today, the information evening continues, so stay with espresso, and we will see you soon. keep yourselves. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only 99 uah, durable,
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this trip. influenced me quite positively, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive this difficult and scary moment. greetings to all viewers of espresso, i'm renters, this is news, they hit the housing sector, the russians hit a crooked corner in...
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petrovshchyna, previously the head of the regional council'.


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