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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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it must be said that this visit to saudi arabia is quite important, because zelenskyi said that a meaningful and energetic meeting with his highness crown prince muhammad bin salman al saud took place, they discussed bilateral relations between ukraine and saudi arabia, noted the good dynamics of implementation of our previous agreements, but at the same time zelenskyy added that the meeting discussed preparations for... the global peace summit, its expected results and their possible implementation. saudi arabia plays a rather important role role, mr. volodymyr, in the world and in terms of influence on russia, because the exchange of prisoners of war, including, took place through the mediation of both saudi arabia and kuwait, and we see that the saudis have influence on russia. why and what can this undeclared change in this situation. zelenskyi's visit,
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because of course, all visits are made in a fairly short period of time, because tomorrow he has a global, not global, but the g7 summit, today he finished the forum on the restoration of ukraine, so he flew to saudi arabia, can saudi arabia influence and whether it affects the policy of russia , including regarding the future of russian-ukrainian relations, you know, i think that neither china nor saudi arabia. uh, to the extent that we dream about, putin's position is not affected. well, china has its own interests. china does not want to lose its ideological and dependent partner. well, come on, let's put ourselves in the shoes of china. so why should i, a chinese, want to lose russia, when she and i, especially since i can influence this russia, can jointly oppose the hated west. well, i won't do it
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so that this partner disappears somewhere, somewhere , on the contrary, i will help him quietly, calmly, under the table, anywhere, so that he holds on, holds on and we are together, but if this partner is cooked, well, then a completely different situation arises in china situation, then, then i myself, a chinese, will oppose the entire western world, there will not be enough strongmen, so we will have to negotiate, and believe me, as soon as russia... and where, china will love ukraine very much and say that this is what was before that , well, it was a mistake, it’s some people there, he will be filmed there or shot publicly in the stadium and so on and so forth, they will make a scapegoat out of buvayl and say that this was not really an official position, but that these were some kind of bleeding of the party line on the ukrainian issue, well , honestly, that is, you understand, china is playing in its national interests, and it is now profitable for it hold on together with russia, than helping
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ukraine and neither saudi arabia, nor anyone, nor the united states of america, until the ukrainian warrior puts the finale in this story, well, will not influence putin, only in this way you can put all the dots on the i. that's why we let's return again to this very topic, that in order for everything in the world to change, we need to defeat this cursed half-empire. after that, the situation in the world will be completely different, and china will not be able to play on the side of evil, it will look for ways to negotiate with the same event, because this is ultimately more important to it than playing on the side of confrontation. i have already mentioned this meeting of brics foreign ministers in nizhny novgorod, and obviously, obviously, at this meeting it was about the fact that brics and...
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the countries that are included there, well, except for india, which, india will be represented at the global peace summit, and this has already been confirmed in delhi, and well, in this story, putin is trying to create a certain coalition of states and hold an alternative summit, peaceful, shall we say about this peace, because the president of brazil , luiz inacio lula da silva, is on the phone. in a conversation with putin supported the proposal to organize peace talks with the participation of russia and ukraine, that is, putin is trying to create the illusion that he wants peace talks, but he does not say what he wants peace negotiations on their own terms. mr. serhiu, well, look, if we talk about brics, here russia, in my opinion, how that interoffice widow cut herself, they are now. threw
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into the world the thesis that look, brics is, er, the future powerful sla, which covers there, it is not known how many billions of population there and so on, and so on, and so on. and let's join, some joined, but now what happened in nizhny novgorod, they could not agree on any foreign policy declaration, where it was that they act as a united front and so on, why? well, because there are just two such small countries, one is called china, the other is india, which are like a cat and a dog, and this means that... there will be no unity there by definition, but russia now finds itself in a situation where she announced that it would be the new navel of the earth, it was being released, and nothing that she had planned for herself would actually happen, that is, you see,
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you can model different and build different structures, but they are not viable, because they are not united by one goal, each of these... these brics member countries has its own interests, its own ideas about the future and so on, and it will be practically impossible to reduce them to a pile of anti-ukrainian, anti-western rhetoric, yes let 's talk about brics as just another construction of russia, which in reality did not justify itself. mr. volodymyr, i would like to remind our viewers that during our broadcast we are conducting... a survey and today we are asking you, friends, about this, do you support the idea of ​​economic reservation from mobilization, i.e. when the company pays a certain fee of uah 20,000 per month for the person booked, mobilized, or the person they want to mobilize, well, at least in the draft law that is currently under consideration in
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the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and in this way, the enterprise supports, well, its enterprise, and the budget provides, and if you, friends. support the idea of ​​economic booking from mobilization, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have a separate opinion, please leave it in in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, grab your smartphone or phone and vote if you support the idea of ​​economic harrowing from mobilization 0800 211381, no 08021382, all calls to these numbers are free, also mr. volodymyr, one important event took place on these of the day: europeans voted for four days and formed a new european parliament, russia is already rubbing its hands, saying that the radicals and right-wing radicals are winning in europe, that scholz and macron lost, macron announced early elections to the french national assembly, and of course,
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that in this situation, the russians want to see what is not there, pass off the desired as real, and that's all, because the forces have not... changed very much, and they already want macron to resign, and are already dispersing this thesis, the russian pso, that after these elections to the national assembly, macron promised to resign if his party lost, lipen and he refused to resign, he refused, so now these elections to the european parliament, what they testified about, that is, russia hoped in vain on what will be this... inside europe, the fact that europe helps ukraine so much, you know, unfortunately, i am forced to read all this, all this writing, which is going on these telegram channels, i listen, though
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not always, i already , to be honest, i am tired of this horror that goes on these central channels, tv channels, well, you know, yaroslavna's cloak is standing, that is, what... these expectations that they placed on clearly anti-european forces and so on, they are even a little increased in some countries, but within the framework of the whole of europe , this coalition did not advance anywhere populists, socialists and liberals, it still stands, you know, on such powerful foundations, and all this will mean that the european parliament will be the same as it was, that is, pro-ukrainian and anti-russian, and this is what pisses them off the most important thing is that the expectations did not come true, so you can say that there in austria, well, the party of the former ultra-nationalist and
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radical, the late jörgel, has gained more now, so you can say that the alternative for germany is now a little... gave interest, so to speak, although, by the way, some are already mocking, they say, it should be called not just an alternative for germany, but putin's alternative for germany, that is, something like that. make, well , real, give a real assessment of what is, yes, there is france, but look, in the same germany, none of the political forces, and they have already spoken about it publicly, will not take this odf into a coalition, in france, well, we know the structure, the political structure of the french republic, the president is responsible for... defense and security and foreign policy, whether the prime minister wants it or not, that's the way it is
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there may be some struggles, but the line taken by the president will be drawn, and one does not need to be too big a prognosticator to understand that the foreign policy, if it is the one that macron is currently forming, then it will not change without regard to who will be the prime minister there, well, we hear now in principle. about the prime minister of france, well , to be honest, it's been a long time, to be honest, i've already forgotten his last name, well, because he doesn't play the role that the president plays, well, the same in other countries, although look, well, it would seem that italy, well, the head of the government, seems to be from the right-wing party, but she, in my opinion, is one of the most active political figures who help ukraine, that is, everything. depends on many factors, i think that this is another attempt by the kremlin to present something
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that is not really there, by the way, the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, in an interview with the m1 tv channel, said that he was satisfied with the results of the elections to the european parliament, because in his opinion , this will help to slow down or stop the increasingly rapid slide of european politicians into war, let's listen to what orbán said, it was possible to slow down this train, and it is possible to stop it, because in france, which... which most decisively advocated early parliamentary elections, because a real political earthquake occurred during the war. there, the supporters of peace won with such great force and a large number of votes. if the parties advocating for peace can win the parliamentary elections, then i think we will win in the first half. orban did not specify, as he said, the parties that advocate peace with putin, but... but with putin there can be no peace, because putin is a great criminal of the 21st century, a thief who
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commits his crimes on the territory of ukraine, and orban is trying to say black and white, just come on, mr. sergey, i think that we should gradually forget about the elected , by the way, even though his party came first, i think it won 46% of the votes there. but he is already being closely followed by a competitor, there is such a young politician, until recently a member of his team, who knows everything that is done inside, that's how he won 30% of the vote, and this despite the fact that his, well, party was formed literally a few months ago, so i think that the next parliamentary elections may be the last for orbán, at least there is such a possibility, if this mr. magyar... and the rest of the opposition unite, then i think that orban's chances will be less and less, that is
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, you know, this public, which is dependent on moscow, it cannot be otherwise, but it is good that stoltenberg has now agreed with him that he, orman, will not interfere of ukraine's accession to nato, and i think that i, too, am like that the formula itself will now be agreed upon, and what... about the european union, well, we, of course , are not ill-memorable people, but we will really remember hungary's friendly position in quotation marks, by the way, we can now listen to what said jen stoltenberger, regarding how hungary will not participate in nato's decisions regarding ukraine, but will not block them either, let's listen to the nato secretary general. prime minister orbán made it clear that the hungarian will not participate in this nato effort, and i take this position:
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none of the hungarian personnel will participation in this activity and no hungarian finances will be used to support it. at the same time, the prime minister assured me that hungary will not be against these efforts and will allow other allies to move forward. well, you know, the formula that hungary will allow, well, it seems to me like something. next to orbán, he could not say that orbán will go to drink coffee, and we will decide everything, you know, well, but, but somehow, well, i don't know. impetuousness, if you will, before it is unknown, it is not known by whom, or rather, i think, everyone knows who, but it is necessary after all, to have one's own dignity as well as the same general secretary and the like, that is , to choose some formulas that are more self-affirming and truly worthy, because we are talking about
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a huge number of nato countries that negotiate with. .. with one far less superpowerful country that it will not block, well, they agreed, thank god, but i think that nato needs to think, because the very formula that orbán is promoting says that we are in nato, but , but a little, that is , here we work here, here we do not work, here i am i want, but there i don’t want, well, excuse me, well, it’s the same in the european union, well, yes, we, that is, you are either in a team and work according to team rules, well... or then leave this team, well, you can’t play in this team is in the interests of another team, moreover, a team of criminals, well, it is necessary to talk about it just as frankly, but you know, our european friends, they are so delicate and intelligent that they cannot afford to put such, well, obvious , well, the kremlin's clear hand is in place,
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to be honest, see. well, no i know, it seems that this will have to be put an end to in europe someday. stomte stoltenberg, i'm sorry, said that hungary will not take part in nato's decisions regarding ukraine. but what nato decisions regarding ukraine can be adopted? well, obviously we are talking about tomorrow's meeting of the ukraine nato council and the upcoming summit of the alliance in washington. what is he talking about? what are the decisions about attracting personnel, about military aid, about financing and training our, well , representatives of our defense forces, and so on and so forth, that is, it is a huge job, hungary demonstratively says: no, i will not help ukraine, i say, well,
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we will leave this position somewhere in our notes, and when ukraine will be a member of the european union. nato, i think we will remember, stoltenberg says that every year nato helps ukraine for 40 billion dollars and will continue to do so. let's listen to gensaik of the alliance. since the start of a full-scale russian invasion in 2022, allies have provided ukraine with military support worth about 40 billion euros annually. we have to get there.' of this level of support as long as needed, to provide additional funding each year. strong long-term support sends a clear message to president putin that he cannot wait us out. mr. volodymyr, will a clear signal be sent to putin at the july nato summit that he will not
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wait for nato, and nato will do as it wants first. secondly, how an independent state that applies for membership and starts its journey there wants to join nato, because frankly, i was a bit floored last week by president biden, who said that he is against natoization of ukraine, although in fact the natoization of ukraine has been going on for a long time, and we see that now we are probably much closer to nato than... all these 30 years it was, well, you see, this was a statement made when biden allowed the american weapons on russian territory, i think that it was a kind of, you know, a pill, with a sweetener, that is, we allowed it, but we do not talk about ukraine in nato, oh
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my god, you can say anything, if only there... the toad didn't croak much and stopped swinging its own one more time with a nuclear stick and say that tomorrow we will incinerate warsaw or berlin or paris, so i think that these statements should be treated quite calmly, and the main thing is to get strong additional support and at least some specific formats in washington at this anniversary summit. things are related to the fact that, as it was in the context of the european union, you guys are still there, well, here are some 3-4 points there, bring them to ... and after that we will start negotiations, well, i think that somewhere it will go in the same way as not to say that no, we, we, we, we, no, we are not
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starting negotiations, but at the same time to say, well, literally do one more time, two or three times, what has probably already been done a long time ago, and then we in six months we will start these processes, and in these six months, i think, mr. serhiy, a lot will change, but i have already spoken and written about this several times, i have such a feeling... that in these six months somewhere until october november, we're going to be looking forward to one big, one big event that 's going to happen in the south, and we're witnessing that process going on so far. point by point, and with each subsequent day it will have a more and more systemic character, i mean crimea, which will gradually be cut off from russia, and then... this criminal will face the question of whether to release him, well, to demonstrate a gesture of goodwill once again, either put
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a cross on this whole on this whole grouping of troops, because it will be destroyed, and if, or rather, when it happens, then questions about all subsequent political things, i think, will be accepted much faster. another event that well, it is happening literally before our eyes, this is the formation of the so-called sanitary zone, but already on the other side of the border in the territory, he wanted a sanitary zone, well, let him talk about the fact that we allowed the ukrainians to strike 200 miles deep, it is 320 km, and obviously this is also one of the options for how security can be arranged later. country, as for the russians, well, we won't get anywhere from these neighbors, anyway they will always be next to us, maybe this is a 200 or 300
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km zone, maybe this is one of the options arrangement of this, i will not agree with you, although you and i always stick to the same line, i think that security will be when this country does not become, let me be criticized for this and considered to be... radical, but until then, as long as this country is from the baltic to the pacific ocean, and it has nuclear weapons, neither we nor the west will have 100% security. therefore, i think that the best option is the disintegration of this country under international control, its denuclearization, demilitarization and the creation of some number of countries, which will be over time, certainly not immediately. once gradually transform into something similar to the civilized world, maybe a couple of generations will pass, but for history, these are small, small, as they say,
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time intervals, so if the geography remains the same, then let muscovy be formed, about which this military man speaks with horror criminal putin, this is what muscovy will be like, because it is the heart of the population that exists there today, but there will also be opportunities for other peoples re-elected by this muscovy to say that we want to live an independent life, we have all the economic and other possibilities for this, why not? that is , you believe in a black swan that will fly in and destroy it there, i believe in the objective course of history, the same objective course that buried the soviet union, the same objective course of history will also bury russia, because it is e. an ear of corn on clay feet, and you just have to find a painful point to hit now, and it is, you know, like a bridge, they say that in a bridge there is such a single point that
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holds the whole structure, this is the structure will collapse as soon as we find this point, i think that the liberation of crimea will be the beginning of the end, well, i think that the liberation of crimea will be accelerated when the f16 planes reach us. minister of defense of the netherlands kaisa olongren said in an interview with ukrainian pravda that her country will already deliver the first fighter jets to ukraine this summer. let's hear what she said. there will be more and more planes, and this will strengthen your air force. i can't name the date, so i say: this summer. we're going with that plan right now, where you get the planes first from denmark we will be after denmark, but this is a joint plan. well, here are the actual answers to the question of when crimea will turn from a peninsula into an island, because if
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f-16 and long-range aircraft appear. weapons for 200 miles, for 320 km, this is exactly the crimean bridge, and in fact, history will repeat itself, because the russian army and the russian fleet have more than once fled to the sea and drowned there, well, i do not know whether the heroic sinking of russian warships by black they drowned a lot, well, i don't know if they will be able to do it now, maybe they just won't be to drown, that's why... this heroic drowning may not even happen, but i think that the combination of all these things, yes plus indeed, well, at the first stage, the implementation of the concept of a sanitary zone only on that side of the border, all this will have devastating consequences for russia , and despite the fact that now there, well, this criminal harahori is talking there about
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his plans, about the fourth place. economic development, listen, it's not even funny, i think a combination of all these things, and it's great that our colleagues, well, really really help for us, the only question here is whether we have a sufficient number of well-trained pilots, this is a topic that is actually one of the most important, so i think that when this is all... this bunker e will not have much opportunity to be implemented in order to continue this war, well, unless he releases his eternally drunk former deputy and partner medvedev into the arena again, who will shout again that tomorrow we will press the button, well, but i think that this is even for the frightened our western partners already
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no no no is working, that is, according to your forecasts, in the fall of 24th, the collapse of russia will begin, which will end with the disappearance of this great russian empire from the map, and actually this is the point of no return, it is exactly october-november of 24th, you know , the great russian scientist lomanosov once said that the power of ee... russia will increase in siberia, so for me, if you rephrase it, you can say that the collapse of russia in crimea will increase, and this is true , because it is sacred for them , it's for them, fantastic, and so on and so forth like only crimea will fall, a chain reaction will begin, when it happens, for sure, and how many post-russian countries there will be, today no one can
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say, but the main thing is. that the process has begun, on this optimistic note, mr. volodymyr, we will put an end to our conversation, thank you for the conversation, this was volodymyr ogrysko, politician, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9. friends, during our broadcast, we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about whether you support the idea of ​​economic reservation from mobilization, let's look at the interim results of the poll, please, on the screen 41% yes, 59% no, this is the results of the tv poll, this is... the poll will be in the second part of our program, you've got news from our partners at the bbc ahead of you, and i'll be back in the studio in 15 minutes, maksym rozumny and volodymyr fisenko, political experts, will be my guests, we will talk about everything that worries you, and of course we care, stay with espress.
9:00 pm
the trial of hunter biden, the son of the president of the united states, was found guilty in a criminal case, this is the first such case in american history. whether he will be put behind bars, whether joe biden will still pardon his son, how the scandal in the presidential family will affect the ratings of biden sr. on the eve of the election, we analyze in today's edition of the bbc, i am olga palomaryuk. court drama, yes, the trial of hunter biden, dubbed the american media, is the first time the son of a sitting president of the united states has been found guilty by a jury of criminal charges. 54 years old.


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