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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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that he, so to speak, has spread to the sphere of homeland protection, i see that we have a consensus, an understanding that in this, in this conversation, that such a market exists, and we should not close our eyes to this, but there is a question of what to do this, i would still suggest to approach this issue from what is called from the head, that is, to start with the fact that the cabinet. ministers, the ministry of defense, local authorities, began to fulfill their duties, in particular, they began to forecast and plan which personnel are needed, for which industries, for which areas, etc., about what spoke, doctors, employees of defense enterprises, i don’t know, educators, well, all the categories that are socially recognized as useful and necessary for the peaceful part of our life, but about them... it is necessary, so to
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speak, to agree and make a decision on at the administrative level, that if this does not happen, then the issue is to partially legalize the corruption market in this area, it will not solve the issue, of course, when, so to speak, you can bring the money not, there to the representative of the tsc, directly to the head of your enterprises in order to... he you prohibited, of course, this is a simpler, easier and safer way, but the social effects, including the military, how it will affect mobilization, they will not be positive, except that, well, certain, so to speak, criminal -corruption chains may be broken, but the mobilization to protect the homeland finally became... a matter of such, you know, social
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consequences, but these effects must also be taken into account. thank you, mr. maksym, mr. volodymyr, you wanted to reflect on something, that's exactly what i was saying about what to start it is necessary to eliminate this mess and this manual system of providing reservations, that's where the problem is, i said about this that this is the first thing that needs to be done, it is not just a mess here, but i suspect. there is huge corruption there, however, i do not agree with the fact that there is a criminal rent of corruption, and the state wants to take this money for itself, i think that there is a banal, let's say this, desire to find agreement, agreement with business, legal, systemic ukrainian business, i can tell you for sure, this is not an initiative of a fool, which mentioned, by the way, he is promoting, this is not an initiative of the cabinet of ministers, what is there...
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unfortunately, other interests, this is an initiative of ukrainian business, this is promoting ukrainian business, which is currently suffering from the fact that its personnel are being taken away and this is being destroyed business, and people who are in the shadows, but they are not mobilized, and they do not pay taxes, that is the problem, and not the desire to intercept some kind of corruption rent, but i do not agree with this, zelensky, being these days in germany, also spoke about mobilization for the meeting. with scholz, he said that answered the question whether ukraine will be able to mobilize a sufficient number of people to liberate the occupied territories. let's listen to what the president of ukraine said. as for the mobilization, i look at it completely soberly, because the mobilization in our country is due to the state of martial law, due to the state of war, and it has been going on since the first day. i see that... that this issue exists in
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society, certainly not the first day of the war, but if we want to preserve our state, then we must defend it, the right words that zelensky said, they collide with reality when there is a conditional conflict which we now we are watching how they are trying to artificially disperse the conflict between society and... between the tcc, that is, we see and are witnesses of how in the information field in the telegram channels , a similar video is quite actively dispersed, where, well, in this case, in odesa, the tsk in the tskc they called one of the employees of shvydka, the employees of shvydka drove up to the tsk, well , there a scuffle, a fight began, and this video has already spread all over the public. possible and
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impossible, the russians also support this hysteria and society's reaction to what the tsc is doing, so what? mr. maxim, yours opinion, to return the respect of ukrainians to people in military uniform, because those representatives of the tsk, they are military, now there is a war, people are rushing at them, people are starting to beat them there, people are starting to shake the rights there and er, let's say , to arrange a push, what is the way of this conflict between the conditional society and those who work in the tsc to... uh, localize this conflict, you know, in fact, we remember that the president rightly said that mobilization has begun in our country not since may 18, when
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the new mobilization law came into force there it started back in the 14th year, there were almost six waves of mobilization, as far as i was not in the 14th year of mobilization, there was no, uh... mobilization only started with the introduction of martial law, only on february 24, 22nd, well the general mobilization has begun, well, yes, that's right, yes, the terms are a little different, yes, yes , colleagues, supposedly all the laws that should establish rules and a clear, clear demarcation of duties between tsc employees and internal bodies have been adopted. police affairs actually and local self-government, well, they put it certain responsibilities are still on the heads of enterprises, in fact, who have also received their responsibilities in this area, but if we are looking for a solution that would
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, so to speak, calm the public passions around this a little, then if this legislation has a transparent and understandable scheme , it should be done as much as possible. it is well-known to the society to do such educational campaigns and to clearly explain what the representative of the central committee has the right to, what the police have the right to, what local self-government bodies and employers have the right to do, from this start by establishing and clarification of clear rules for society. of an intelligible scheme, then, of course , the next step is to strictly adhere to this scheme, and, so to speak, eliminate any attempt to violate this scheme, and show punishment to people who, so to speak, go beyond
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their powers, or do them improperly perform and so on, well, this is the only way for a legal state, an illegal state such as the russian federation. can afford the right of the strong and other means, although they also try to act within the limits of their legislation, and the situation that on today is definitely a consequence of the russian special operation, i have no doubts about this, that this conflict, so to speak, is fueled by various tools and various influences on our society from the side of russia, because this is the main bet about the fact that we will start an internal conflict and lose our fighting spirit, so to speak, is actually the most important thing for victory, but it does not mean that we should not do our
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homework. i will repeat the algorithm once again, a clear scheme that is known to the whole society, strict implementation of established rules and regulations by all. participants in this process, and the situation will stabilize, and of course, opposition in the information field. thank you, mr. maksym, mr. volodymyr, do the authorities understand that this conflict, which russia is fueling and trying to disperse, that something must be done about it, because in fact, despite everything, this conflict can deepen further, and indeed can lead to to the internal confrontation, well... then you have to ask the government representatives about it, do they understand or not, it's hard for me to answer, what maxim said is important, what he described is an ideal situation, ideal, and what was in practice, there were supposedly norms, although
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we did not have a law on mobilization, only a law on military the state, further by -laws, and what happened up until the moment of the adoption of the current law, and people are sent a summons to... people or they try to mobilize him in some other way, and people ignore it, but this scheme simply does not work, which maxim described, a person simply ignores. vlk, tsk does not go there, it does not become no military registration, but because she went abroad and what to do? only two years after the beginning of the full-scale invasion, they finally passed this law, which provides for certain sanctions for evasion of mobilization, and then softened it, i am passing on the words of the critics, and there are many of them among the military in particular. there is no , and not only that what was proposed were tougher sanctions for evasion of
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mobilization, now they have softened, and the question is whether it will work at all, so unfortunately, the ideal scheme, i am completely with it i agree, but it does not work in our society, but it is necessary to move in this direction, and it is simply necessary that there be clear sanctions, sanctions for violators, and for those who evade mobilization, and those who are... too big it's a pity, well, let's put it this way, he abuses his powers either in the tsc or in the lc, there are also many such examples, i 've heard so many that, god forbid, yes, and this also needs to be put in order, for today, in my opinion, the main problem in what, in the methods, in the methods of mobilization, they are precisely discredited, which is why i support this economic reservation for companies, not for individuals, because this... well, at least attempts to bring some order to some people,
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so that people specifically know that a person has received a reservation, can work normally, and not be afraid to go out there , that the roundup and or there they detained you at the block post and took you there to the tsk and that's it, and how many violations were there in this process? we also know, that's why we need to bring some order here, unfortunately, now it's the methods, the methods are being discredited, and we need to deal with the methods, i don't have a simple recipe, how to do it, by the way, there are some methods, colleagues who are closer to this topic told me that, for example, there is a positive effect, well, they passed a law, you have to stand up, or let’s say, online you stand up for military registration, or... you go to the tsc, there, by the way, there are workers, there are a lot of problems, but next to the tsc
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there are people, and not only next to the tsc, there are other forms and places, there are people who are engaged in recruiting for specific military units, i personally know examples when a person, well, well, apparently found out, the driver, by the way, that, well, i guess i'll have to go, they're going to mobilize, and he signed up himself, the military unit he's with... has, which has a good reputation, he himself went and signed up there, and somewhere i recently saw statistics that yes, for one, for three mobilized, one, this is the one who goes himself, as part of this recruiting process, but knows where he is going, what the training will be, which military unit he will be assigned to and so on, i think that it is necessary to move in this way and it is necessary to put things in order with those... not quite, to put it mildly, correct methods which are used now for mobilization,
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thank you, mr. volodymyr, also gentlemen, several topics this week that were and remain in the news, and not only social networks and politicians are talking and reflecting on this, but what mustafa nayem, the head of the agency with restoration of ukraine, wrote a resignation letter on the eve of a major forum on the restoration of ukraine. in berlin and slammed the door and said that denys shmyhal, the prime minister of ukraine, was putting sticks in the wheels there and did not prevent the development of this agency, of course, this the blow on the eve, the actual holding of this forum, was quite serious, but the fact is that naim himself was not allowed there, he wrote a request to shmyhal to allow him to go outside ukraine and take part in it. the forum was refused to him again, we see this photocopy, there
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was still a note at the end that it was necessary to deal with how the agency actually used resources and how it participated in the creation of protective structures, in particular at tsgs. yesterday, the chairman of the parliamentary committee on foreign affairs was on our air of politics and interparliamentary cooperation, oleksandr mereshko, and he considers personnel changes to be a normal process. time of war, let's listen to what mr. mereshko said. i believe that if you are an official and occupy a responsible position, then you have a choice, or you implement. in what you believe, implement your program, defend your principles, or you simply capitulate and resign, that is, each person decides in his own way, this is the right of each official, it seems to me that if a person really believes in what he is doing , then you have to fight to the end and it is necessary, well, to fight for your right, to implement your program, mr. maksym,
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obviously, the hireling will leave... power and will fight, as mr. mereshko says, fight to the end and fight for your right, implement your program, because after all he is quite a public person, he is very well known by his western partners, in particular in the united states of america, how do you look at this conflict that is unfolding around kubrakov and mustafa nayem, who was part of his team, and these unexpected resignations. shared statements, what does this indicate? well, i'm looking at this is from some distance, i don't have inside information about what 's going on, but it looks like it's about, well, you know, a corporate fight, that is, one team against another team, and frankly, it's about these principles,
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programs and everything else, about which... the people's deputy from the ruling faction said, to be honest , i did not hear either before or now in the midst of the whole scandal, i did not hear about any programmatic, ideological or worldview disagreements between, well, for example, between prime minister shmyhal and mustafa nayem, all this is made up, it comes down to the fact that it is simply about access to a certain resource and about... control over certain processes, well, at least that's how it looks from the outside, who is right, who is guilty in this situation, well, i would agree with the fact that personnel changes, they, so to speak, not prohibited and quite possible in times of war, er, society can judge, except by, in fact, those
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fragmentary information leaks that we see, well... of course, by the result of the forum in berlin, well, he probably was important, but probably he was not the last and probably was not even decisive in the matter, so to speak the provision of this aid and its distribution and functional purpose, so we will see who will be the next head of this agency, whose interests will be represented by this person or those people, and then we will have more information, so far it looks like a narrow corporate ... conflict within the authorities for control over certain mechanisms of distribution of funds. thank you, mr. maksym, mr. volodymyr, what, what kind of conflict is this and why did it arise? no, well, in this case, the chain is as follows: mustafa’s resignation, mustafa was inevitable, and he himself, by the way, understood it, i saw him two weeks ago, already after
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kubrako's resignation. i asked him, well, what 's next? well, he made me understand, right, so not... directly, maybe, yes, yes, what, well, he understands that he will have to go, the other way is like: either you go yourself, or you are sent to resign, fired , there are nuances, yes, but mustafa felt that he was forced to go, the second point, if there is an understanding, i think shmagal also had it, there, who decided it formally, well, in mustafa himself, what, well, personnel changes took place. then they are unlikely to be to delegate to berlin for a conference on the restoration of a leader who is leaving his post one way or another, that's where i see the problem, not that, let's say, they didn't let mustafa, mustafa could go, for example, as a representative of some public organization, think tank, and it’s nothing, it would be
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normal, by the way, i was not at the conference, but on monday i was in berlin at another event, a discussion in the bundestag about germany’s policy towards ukraine, and there were many participants and from this conference from ukraine, including representatives public organizations, in particular those who criticize the current government, so what i see as a problem is that all these dismissals took place on the eve of the conference in berlin, and new leaders were not appointed, that is the problem, it would be for us. .. that's right, if, well, you want to fire kubrakol, that's a separate topic, well, that's a part, that's right, my colleague said, kubrakov too, part of zelenskyi's team. the former deputy of this faction was a favorite of the president, by the way, he was criticized a lot, in particular by those people who now
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they are protecting him, even a year ago, and even, well, two years ago, he was criticized for the great construction program, where and how they criticized, demanded his dismissal and so on, and now they are protecting him, that’s how everything has changed, the conjuncture is political, but there, i i think personal conflicts arose, personal contradictions, and the resignation... fi was a consequence of kubrakov's resignation, but it was necessary to appoint new leaders even before the conference in berlin, so where do i wish, where do i see the cabinet's mistake, what the cabinet, i don't know why they are still not appointed, how much time has passed since kubrakov's resignation, the new head of this ministry has not yet been appointed. thank you, mr. volodymyr, and the very end of our program is very short information, or rather a quote. with timmes, that tim, or rather, er, the head of the president's office, yarmak , is also accused of accumulating personal power and
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usurping democratic processes, this is stated in the article, the court was shaken by zelenskyi's aide's thirst for power. interlocutors of the publication in the ukrainian government called yermak the de facto head of state or vice president of ukraine. mr. maksym, to what extent are these cautions and cautions... of our western partners, more precisely our western partners, information partners, how much ground do they have and how much is it worth talking about the usurpation of power in ukraine by the fair, well, this is again a question about insiders, me too and this time i will tell you how it looks from the outside, in general ... the concern of our partners, this publication indicates that there is a certain concern, and the concern obviously has its roots in a certain lack of transparency,
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unpredictability of actions, perhaps non-fulfillment some agreements, well, so to speak, you can reproduce such a reconstruction of the logic of events, as regards the figure of yermak, the head of the office... the president and his role, i quite often come across some attempts at demonization on facebook and so on, i do not have any personal opinion about the nature of this influence of the ermak on the ukrainian state, but as a political scientist i understand that if there is a certain vacuum of power in the executive. in the exercise of those powers that lie with the president, especially in the conditions that we have today, if this is the case lack of the implementation of powers, lack of ideas,
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thoughts, consistency, strategies, then he has to fill this vacuum with someone, and it is obvious that now it is probably being filled with a fair, his some personal resource, as in... how effectively, well, actually we today , many areas of our social life and state policy have already been analyzed, probably not very effectively yet, but as it is, thank you, mr. maksym, mr. volodymyr, well , you said about the time, and the timeys have already been written, and a whole lot more edition, it's like that already, well, we would call it, maybe someone calls it an information campaign against the fair, when you know, one or two po... publications, that's one thing, but when there are already almost a dozen such publications, and even more so in such well-known publications, well this is no longer a coincidence, yes, although
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as far as i know, i talked to various people, they say that there are no claims at the official level, these are publications, so there are nuances here and there, regarding comparisons, well, what yermak the second most influential person in the country, well i totally agree with that, yes. and he didn't the first, by the way, is the head of the presidential administration, who has enormous influence in the country. when they compare with the vice president, you know, i even find it a little funny, they are compared by people who probably do not know that the situation with vice presidents in the usa is very different, but biden was an influential vice president, for example, camila harris is not influential the vice president, well, there were other situations when there were also uninfluential vice presidents, and there were, on the contrary, very influential, powerful ones who later became presidents, well, like biden became, yes, it happens in different ways, 20 seconds in ether, i am the last one, i asked about the wrong
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thing... everything is affected by the fair, well, this is a big exaggeration, i asked the head of one large state company in berlin, i say, who appointed you, who decided the issue, the fair or someone , he said, no, the people in the cabinet, there is no fair there, i have not met him and have never seen him at all, even, here is a specific example, there is an exaggeration, there is an influence, a great influence, but, we have to finish, we have to finish, excuse me, please, volodymyr fesenko, maksym. intelligently and were our guests program, thank you gentlemen for participating in the program, during the program we conducted a survey and asked you about this, do you support the idea of ​​economic reservation from mobilization? 41% yes, 59% no, these are the results of our television survey. it was the verdict program of sergei rudenko, goodbye.
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