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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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estezefin 20% in psarynyk, bav and oskad pharmacies. greetings, i'm olga len, these are war chronicles. and i remind you about our collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soldar and zaporozhye directions. join in, please. "the pre-repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line in the gray zone, in the open air in any weather, day and night, and for the emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, battleships, a minibus is needed, that will deliver to the zone combat operations, mobile repair groups and equipment and pneumohydraulic jacks for the operative repair of foreign equipment, our goal is 630,000 g. now we already have 440 00
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hryvnias, don't delay, please join, you can see all the details on the screen, the collection is very important, it saves our soldiers on the battlefield, so please watch and join, and now let's see what happened on the battle lines of the last few days, let's talk about it further, the battle map for the period of june 5-12. crisis of the front in donetsk region and clearing the sky over the crimea. the dynamics of battles at the front are gradually changing the vector. the russians still try to attack by inertia, but for the most part without territorial gains. instead, their losses are increasing day by day. thus, in 10 days of june, the zasu eliminated 550 artillery systems, which is the largest rapid destruction of enemy artillery during the entire war. kharkiv front. a month has passed since the russians opened a new front in the north of kharkiv region and announced an offensive on kharkiv.
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there have been no changes on this front line for 3 weeks, but the occupiers do not abandon their plan and new ones are being transferred to the place of the destroyed units, but not from russia, but from other areas of the front, in particular from near klishchiivka near the temporary ravine and from the korakhiv direction. therefore, it became a little calmer in some areas of donetsk region. the armed forces continue to counterattack. city battles continue in vovchansk. our infantry is taking house after house under their control. in particular, the other day there was a powerful attack on the village of hlyboke, where the rashists were concentrating for us. on the lead, first our aviation bombarded the village, later bradley drove in and significantly lined up the enemy ranks. in addition, ukraine carried out the first historic airstrike on the territory of the russian federation, destroying a building in belohorod region where the operational headquarters of the northern group of the armed forces of the russian federation, which led the offensive on kharkiv region, was located. in the spring of time , city battles began. during the week, the russians began to actively enter the kanal district, which is remote from the rest of the city. dinets
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earlier, they surrounded this territory from three sides, and then, covering themselves with massive shelling and airstrikes, they went on strong assaults. they managed to occupy several eastern quarters, which make up 50% of the district. it is likely that soon the defense forces will have to leave the entire quarter and retreat to the administrative part of the city, but for now fierce battles continue for every high-rise. from the northern flank, the enemy never managed to enter kalynivka, but on the southern side, the russians completed the occupation of ivanovsky. part of which has been in the gray area for the past few weeks. the defenders of klishchiivka withstood the onslaught and partially improved their position in the village. post-avdiiv front. after the failure near ocheretany, the zsu still hasn't can stabilize this section of the front. the armed forces of the russian federation continue to advance in the direction of vozdvizhenka, from which the highway connecting pokrovsk and konstantinivka is less than 5 km away. this week, the enemies managed to almost completely capture nova oleksandrivka, as well as expand the zone. of its
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control to the north of it. in addition, advancing on novopokrovskyi, they pushed back the defense forces for 500 m in a section 2.5 km long. however, the ukrainian armed forces held back the offensive of the occupiers on sokil. on this front, the russians have considerable room for maneuver different sides, our defense lines here are prepared based on the operational situation, not in advance. therefore, the scale of the threat of vdrshists in this area is constantly increasing. on the southern flank of the postavdyiv front , the enemy expanded the zone of control near umansky. but could not do anything with our defenders of yasnobrodivka and novoselivka the first. along the entire length of this front, the armed forces destroys a significant amount of equipment, and it becomes increasingly difficult for the invaders to advance. ugledar and the southern front. in the ugledar region, the russians continue to gradually implement their plan capturing the city from the north. although all this is happening extremely slowly, and they are losing a lot of equipment and people, the trends are clear. so, in the last two weeks, the rashists managed to push back the front line to the south of the village of pobyk. and also make your way
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to a few hundred meters near volodymyrivka and solodko. in the berdyan direction, the enemy has practically completed the re-occupation of staromai. zzu further controls only the northern outskirts of the village. the russians also continue. the offensive is near-yielding, but here the defense forces hold the majority territory and prevent the enemy from advancing in depth. clearing the sky over crimea. the crimean air defense, which was once the most effective and saturated after moscow, has now become leaky, as decided. the armed forces have significantly increased the intensity of strikes and destruction of everything that once defended crimea from our missiles and drones. the other day , an s-400 and s-300 anti-aircraft missile division was hit in jenkoi. before that, within a few days, strikes were directed at chornomorsk, krasnoperekopsk. simferopol, pervomaiskyi, yevpatoria, naumivka and mykhailivka villages, saksky district. it is notable that the latest s-400 complexes in crimea are starting to run out, and we are increasingly destroying outdated s-300s, which are not capable of stopping a whole range of strike nomenclature. the partisan movement reported that the russian military
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is recommended to start evacuating their families with half an army. unique strikes on russia. for the first time during the war, our drones flew to the mozdok airfield, which is 100 km from of ukraine in north ossetia, planes that launch missile strikes on ukraine are based there, in particular tut-22m3 long-range bombers, from which they launch x-22 cruise missiles and mig-31k dagger carriers. at the moment, the results of the strike are unknown, but they have arrived, this is the first stage, more will follow. the downing of the most modern russian su-57 fighter jet at the akhtubinsk airfield in the astrakhan region is an extremely powerful reputational blow to the russian federation, which demonstrates that racists cannot... protect even the most important strategic objects, because akhtubin is an airfield where their most modern weapons are being tested. it is nice that another modern su-34 decided to do away with by its own existence during the flight from the caucasus. we defeat the daily death of our enemies. yes, and we are joined by guest
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oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political commentator of the information resistance group. oh, congratulations, alexander. good afternoon, well, you know , let's start, maybe with such a general question, how did we get the opportunity to strike with western weapons on the territory of russia, a number of politicians there already made statements that it is normal when ukraine destroys military capabilities on the territory of the enemy, but everything is in the question is, when will we see it directly en masse, because you know, maybe... some kind of idea that now a bunch of rockets or something else will fly there, but how it will actually be, can you describe it, when what will we actually see on the territory of russia, well , the use of this very nuclear, well nuclear i say western weapons, well, from time to time we
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already see it, it all started in the information space precisely with the destruction of one of the divisions of the s4 s-300 complexes, which were located near belgrade, then not only the launch pad was destroyed installation, as well as radar stations, and two at the same time, and this is very cool, this is a much greater loss than the loss of the launcher, and then we saw an attack on the headquarters in the belgrade area of ​​the headquarters of the north troop group, and in the belgorod region. there was also an attack on a warehouse with ammunition, high-precision weapons, most likely this attack was inflicted precisely by ammunition of the m30 type from the m142 highmers, and therefore they occur, among other things, strikes on the territory of the russian
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federation are also carried out by artillery, long-range and high-precision, but this is not so often reported, that is, if every time the report will tell, today we fired a shot there and destroyed a self-propelled artillery installation there, for example, mistas with a hymers hit or a 155-caliber, high-precision hit from panzyrbytsi 2000 and so on, no, it is mainly the artillery work that attracts attention, these are some large-scale strikes on some separate locations, headquarters, location, air defense deployment, warehouse, and so on and so on, in principle. these blows they continue daily at another level, the same barrel artillery is there, or when will hundreds, for example, thousands fly there, but here is the question, we have just received permission from our international partners, and we have really
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finally waited, but there is a nuance, and we received the permission, and it is enough to, for example, close the entire line of combat, at least on the border with the belgorod region, with all systems, well, let's call it that, conditionally, with tools, which is used for... inflicting damage, using means damage, unfortunately, we don't have it, we don't have it sufficient high-precision, long-range, long-barreled artillery, for example, to cover all needs along the border with the belgorod region, there are only some separate locations, mainly those directly connected with, for example, zones in the liptsi district, zones in the direction of vovchansk there. offensive actions are taking place on the part of the russian occupiers, so we remember first of all this wave, only then we deal
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with the secondary, and even more so the tertiary, tertiary zones, well, when i asked, i still had, you know, you know, the troops on the night of june 12, the russian federation again massively attacked ukraine with rockets, shahedas, mostly all of them on... the kyiv region flew, and there were a total of 30 means of air attack, there were six rockets, 24 shahedas, it seems that all of them were shot down except iskander. and it looks like this, well, after such a little break and some , well, it’s not enough, let’s say such a massive one, well , that is, it was already clear to them that they would not achieve anything with such small blows, and so... this gives the impression , that we can probably expect some kind of repetition
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more massive, and that it was like a little bit of a skirmish, and of course, from this point of view , the question arises, how can we or can we somehow prevent this, perhaps by striking the airfield? well, here is the moment when the russians strike m... with the use of hast-1555 missiles, they use strategic aviation, most of these airfields are beyond the reach of western weapons, and on some airfields conditionally, well, it’s the same engels as an option, although it is not currently the main airfield for basing strategically in the egg, but we can get there with drones, that is... if we are talking about retaliatory strikes on the airfields of the russian federation, then even shaykovka, to
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strike at the shaykovka, where the tu-22m3, which are the carriers of kh2232, are located, or as recently happened with mozdok, the mozdok airfield, where the tu-22m3 is also located, we can get there only by drones, and if we need to... cover a large area, then the best option is still to strike with an atakams-type missile. unfortunately, we have not yet received approval from washington regarding the use of attack aircraft use to the full depth of their functionality, which is almost 300 km of the territory of the russian federation, although this radius includes shaykovka, baltimore and morozovsk, where the su-34 is located. so, a fairly wide range of such objects is a favorite target
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for atakoms with a cluster- type warhead, so to warn somehow works, let's say, in advance, and maybe using only drones, or as an option already our missile weapons, but again , regarding this, they are relatively lacking in some details, huh. well, let's move on anyway anyway, to the line of combat, let's start with the kharkiv region, well, i'm not talking about the sumy region, because what happened there near rezhivka, it's more like a parchide of kadyrivsky taken separately and his tiktok troops, that's why there's nothing to talk about in essence, but as a result, we can now see that the russians still tried to attack the kharkiv region, what did they get there as a result? well, you know, in 2022 there was
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a comment by one of the combat officers, many know him, in response to what happened under kyiv, when the russians reached kyiv, and what they got there, the same thing they get now in the kharkiv region, in the leptsi district and in the vovchansky district, in... they, i very often, by the way, in general, i very often i compare this particular kharkiv operation of theirs in the 24th year with the operation in the 22nd year after the offensive on kyiv. draw a parallel to understand that, in fact, what did they get? groups of troops are very similar in terms of quantity, that is , a group of troops, belgorod, almost 40 thousand personnel, and in the 22nd year from the territory belarus, a group of troops, russian occupation troops, who were advancing on kyiv, there were also almost 4,000 of them,
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a group of forty, and large-scale artillery support from the territory. of the russian federation at the time when we could not work effectively with counter-battery warfare, just as there was large-scale artillery and air support from the territory of belarus at that time, well, we know vovchansk, it was almost wiped out from the ground by corrected air bombs and not only his, just as large-scale was the support for that offensive, but what result? in the 22nd year, a group of 40,000 was able to pass through the chernihiv region, part of the kyiv region, and in fact already reached the outskirts of kyiv and tried to start a city battle, a month later they were already fleeing, now what is the result for us: they traveled less than 10 km, stopped in two small settlements, in ovchansk, they managed to get hold of the northern outskirts and impose
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city battles, to advance by inertia to the center of the population itself. one point, and now they are in vavchansk, what is happening, they are losing the positions they captured that period of inertia, and now the defense forces of ukraine have already actually pushed the russians out of the center of vovchansk, from part of the northern outskirts, and they mostly remain in the north-northwestern part of the city, this is their position there now, but... the lypians, and before the lypians they they didn’t even reach it, and moreover, now the russians have been pushed back to the line around the village of hlyboke, and there we have skirmishes, systematic counterattacks, and the russians are also losing positions, that is, a month of this and this offensive of theirs, the loss of a large
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amount of resources and nothing, nor tactical there was not even an operational-tactical, let alone any imaginable, strategic significance in these events for the russian command, all that was at the beginning of the first week, even two weeks, was a large-scale information campaign that russia, the russian side, presented this performance in the border strip, about which many people have repeatedly said in advance that it will happen... precisely in the case of a military clash in the border strip, but not more than that, there will be an attack on kharkiv or something else, nevertheless, they managed to obtain information a victory, namely informational, but not on the battlefield. well, if we talk about information, you know, it seems to me that in the end they got something that they did not expect that it would arise at all, that is, the very result of their attempt
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to break through there, well, at the kharkiv border. oblast caused a change in the mood of our allies, who simply realized that it was probably time to strike at the territory of russia, directly, that is, to say that the result of this information operation for them turned out to be, well, a complete failure, because what happened which they feared for a very long time and tried to restrain. in different ways, and this decision was made, yes, but still frankly pay attention to the fact that it is worth paying attention to the fact that they stopped, in fact, in them, the line of combat did not move in kharkiv oblast in these directions for two, even then, when this decision was just at
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the stage of adoption, that is, they talked about it, but this... the final decision was not made, but they were already standing, they did not have enough resources, and what did they do, they engaged in dragging to kharkiv oblast through belgorod oblast, units from the sixth combined arms army and the first combined arms army, the first tank army, and this is the kupinsky direction, the troop group west, and from the troop group south, they began to pull the landing party, which was stationed near ivanovsky kleschiivka. and andriivka, as well as from the krukhivsk direction, they began to pull 155 separate brigade of marines, that is , even then they did not have enough resources to somehow ... continue these offensive actions with the same intensity in the vovchensk direction and in the lyvtsi region, and as we can see, they still haven't decided, or haven't decided, or
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have given up altogether on the idea of ​​opening a front in the sumy region, although the threat was quite real, for example, to the great piserivka, not to ryzhivka, which is located there between two rivers , and... and in fact , to continue offensive actions from there, well, there is no sense at all, namely, a large registry office, well, it was a serious problem, that another front could really open there, not as powerful as in the vovchansk region of chiliptsiv, but it was quite possible, but it has been gone for a month, that is, they lost time, they lost the initiative, and at the time, it is true, when putin constantly declared that their goal was... the creation of a sanitary zone along the border with ukraine, well, he did everything so that in the future this sanitary zone would appear precisely from the side of the russian federation. well, but
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look, on the other hand, we now have a situation where the russian occupation troops have advanced near staromaisky, well, practically capturing it, yes, practically capturing ivanovsk, well, it is in the area of ​​the temporary ravine, and push in the direction of pokrovsk, that is, on all these areas of the front, we have a russian advance, and here the question arises, is it the result of the fact that certain of our forces, which were forced to be diverted to the kharkiv front after all, were distracted, or is the reason for something else, and well, if you say so, well , literally directly, but why not, well, why can't we stop the advance in the pokrovsky direction, in general, the russian advance is going there , and the defense forces of ukraine are not able
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to stop it, well, objectively, so about these directions, here are two points: first, about these directions in general, no one mentioned them for almost a month, most of them forgot about them in the informational context, all the attention was paid to kharkiv oblast and another hypothetical front. in sumy oblast, although, once again, the potential that the russian occupation forces had in belgorod, kursk, and bryansk, it is not enough to create any crisis situation in kharkiv oblast, sumy oblast, or chernihiv oblast, from the word at all, that is, once again, the level of border raid actions, which will have appropriate informational support and it will be to hypertrophy, to create something epic in appearance. battle, in fact, their main blow was and remains, it is the pokrovsky direction and the crematorium direction, for it the main thing of the times, for them the main advance on
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the avdiiv bridgehead, or along the route 0511 or through the lift, the exit to 05 04, or after the formation south of ocheretyn directly of the buffer zone and not even the buffer zone, in general the safety zone along the left bank of the vovcha river and the reservoir and thus they will be protected by natural obstacles, and then they will be able to use the resource more freely for, i think, the more important direction for them at 0.504, that is, the route that leads from pokrovsk to... they will try to cut it in this location, because they are the closest to her, as well as in the perspective of the opening of the turkish direction, well, that is, it was also constantly
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talked about and they knew about it very well, well, if they talked about it at the level of couch experts like me, then the general staff knew all the more about it, but they couldn't stop it, and here it is nuance, why it happened, and because it was reeded, well, actually in... well, it was not surrendered, it will be unfair to the military, who held the defense there, but the circumstances turned out like this, and someone should be responsible for this, that it was very quickly abandoned, i don’t dislike these words surrendered, angry and all that, but really the reed had to hold the defense for several months, its capture did not even last a week, a very fast passage of days, and precisely because of what was in... the front, especially in the south, began to rain, and it will continue to rain, pour in until the russians leave, at
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least to the left bank. wolves and to the channel, that is, they will not form such a security buffer precisely along these natural obstacles with a connection to the netaylovo-karlivka line. well , oleksandr, let's now, after a pause , look in more detail at the pokrovsky area, and if possible, if we have time, at chasovoyarsk, we will be joined by another guest who operates there in the area. well , after a break, let's just continue the conversation in this very hot direction and on pokrovsk to toretsk, because this is really the most problematic, i would say, the most problematic part of the front, so we'll be back after the break, stay with us. oh, i remember, you see, although they say that
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, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. drone attacks, kamikaze. political analysis objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews. you draw your own conclusions. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want
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to understand how our today... for our tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. we continue the chronicles of the war, we continue the conversation with oleksandr kovalenko, a military expert on information resistance, and we started talking about what is happening in the pokrovsky direction. because now this is the most problematic direction, where it is not possible to stop the advance of the enemy, and actually mr. oleksandr has already begun to explain what is happening there, for today, if you look at the summary of the general staff, which is there, they indicate the four directions where the battles take place, offensive attempts and...


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