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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EEST

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will fall and so on, i believe that it is necessary to move in this way, and it is necessary to put things in order with the not quite, to put it mildly, correct methods, which are used now for mobilization, thank you, mr. volodymyr, other gentlemen, a few topics of this of the week, which were and remain in the news, and not only social networks, but also politicians talk about it and reflect on it, and what mustafa nayem, the head of the agency for the reconstruction of ukraine wrote: a statement of resignation on the eve of a large forum on the reconstruction of ukraine in berlini and slammed door and said that denys shmyhal, the prime minister of ukraine, was putting sticks in the wheels and did not prevent the development of this agency, of course, this is quite a serious blow on the eve of the actual holding of this forum, but the fact is that naim himself was not allowed there, he wrote. at
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shmyhal's request to allow him to travel outside ukraine and take part in this forum, he was reinstated, refused, well, we see, this photocopy, there was still a note at the end that it was necessary to deal with how the agency actually used resources and how it participated in the creation of protective structures, in particular on the thesis of the hydroelectric power station, yesterday on our air the head of the parliamentary committee on foreign policy and inter. of parliamentary cooperation oleksandr mereshko, and he considers personnel changes during the war to be a normal process. let's listen to what mr. mereshko said? i believe that if you are an official and occupy a responsible position, then you have a choice: either you implement what you believe in, implement it in your program, defend your principles, or you you just capitulate and resign, that is , everyone... decides in his own way, this is the right
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of every official, it seems to me that if a person really believes in what he is doing, then he must fight to the end and must, well, choose his right, exercise it your program mr. maksym, obviously, nayem will step down from power and will fight, as mr. mereshko says, fight to the end and fight for his right, implement his program, because after all, he is... quite a public person, westerners know him very well partners, in particular in united states of america, how do you look at this conflict that is unfolding around kubrakov and mustafa nayem, who was part of his team and these unexpected resignations, unexpected statements, what does this show? well, i, i'm looking at it from a distance, i don't have any inside information on what 's going on, but... it looks like
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it's, well, you know, a corporate fight, so one team against another team, and to be honest, about these principles, programs and everything else that the people said about a deputy from the ruling faction, frankly speaking, neither before nor now in the midst of the whole scandal, i heard about any programmatic, ideological or worldview differences between, well, for example, between prime minister shmygal and mustafa nayemu . all this boils down to the fact that it is simply about access to a certain resource and control over certain processes. well, at least that's how it looks from the side. who is right, who is to blame in this situation? well, i would agree with the fact that... personnel changes, they are,
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so to speak, not prohibited and quite possible in times of war, and society can judge, except by those fragmentary information leaks that we see, and of course by the result. the forum in berlin, well, it was probably important, but it was probably not the last, and it was probably not even decisive in the matter of, so to speak, giving... this aid and its distribution and functional purpose, so we will see who will be next the head of this agency whose interests this person or people will represent and then we will have more information, so far it looks like a narrow corporate conflict within the government, for control over certain mechanisms of distribution of funds. thank you, mr. maksym, mr. volodymyr, what, what is this... what kind of conflict and why did it arise?
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no, well, in this case, the chain is as follows: mustafa's resignation, mustafa's resignation was inevitable, and he himself, by the way, understood it, i saw him two weeks ago, and... already after kubrakov's resignation, i asked him, well, what's next ? well, he made me understand, the truth is not so straightforward, maybe yes, yes, what, well, he understands that he will have to go, another river, how, or you go yourself, or you are dismissed, fired, there are nuances, yes, but mustafa felt that he was forced to leave, the second point, if there is an understanding, i think shmagal also had it, there, who decided it... formal and well, in samust, since personnel changes have taken place, it is unlikely that they will delegate to berlin for the conference on the restoration of the head who is leaving his post one way or another, that's what i see the problem is not that, let's put it this way, they didn't let mustafa ,
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mustafa could go, for example, as a representative of some public organization, think tank, and it's nothing, it would be fine, i... by the way, i wasn't at the conference, but on monday i was in berlin at another event, there was a discussion in the bundestag about germany's policy towards ukraine, and there were quite a few participants and from this conference from ukraine, in particular, representatives of public organizations, in particular, those who criticize the current government, so what i see as a problem is that all these dismissals took place on the eve of the conference in berlin and... there are no new leaders appointed, here in why the problem, it would be right for us if, well, you want to fire kubrakov, this is a separate topic, well, it’s a part, that’s right , my colleague said, kubrakov is also part of
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zelenskyi’s team, a former deputy of this faction, he was a favorite of the president, by the way , he was highly criticized, in particular by those people who are now defending it, another year. therefore, and even two years ago, he was criticized for the great construction program, where he was criticized, demanded his dismissal, and so on, but now he is being defended, that's how everything has changed, the situation political, but there i think there were personal conflicts, personal contradictions, and mustafa's resignation was a consequence of kubrakov's resignation, but new leaders had to be appointed before the conference in berlin, that's where i wish, where i see a mistake by the cabinet, that the cabinet... i i don't know why they still haven't been appointed, how much time has passed since kubrakov's resignation, the new head of this ministry still hasn't been appointed. thank you, mr. volodymyr, and the very end of our program, very brief information, or rather, a quote from the times, that tim
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rather, the head of the president's office, yarmak, is accused of accumulating personal power and usurping democratic rights. processes, the article states that the court was shaken by zelenskyi's aide's thirst for power, the publication's interlocutors in the ukrainian government called yermak the de facto head of state or vice president of ukraine. mr. maxim, to what extent are these cautions and cautions of our western partners, more precisely our western partners, information partners, how much do they... have ground under them and how much should we talk about usurpation of power in ukraine by the fair? well, this is again a question about insiders, and this time i will also say how it looks from the outside, in general, this
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concern of our partners, this publication indicates that there is a certain concern, and the concern obviously has those roots in... opacity, unpredictability of actions , perhaps non-fulfillment of some agreements, well , so to speak, to reproduce such a reconstruction of the logic of events, as regards the figure of yermak, the head of the president's office and his role, i am quite often on facebook and so further, i encounter some attempts at demonization, i do not have a personal... opinion about the nature of this influence of yermak on the ukrainian state, but as a political scientist, i understand that if there is a certain power vacuum in the implementation of the
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powers that rest on the president, especially in the conditions that we have today, if there is this deficit in the implementation of powers, ideas, opinions, consistency, strategies, then someone has to fill this vacuum, and it is obvious that, well, now it is probably being filled. ermak, his somehow personal resource, how, how effectively, well, today we have already analyzed many areas of our social life and state policy, probably not very effectively yet, but as it is, thank you, mr. maksym, mr. volodymyr, well, you said about the time , and the times has already written, and a whole series of other publications, it’s like that, well, we would... call it, maybe someone calls it an information campaign against yermak, when you know, one or two
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publications, that’s one thing, but when there are such publications already almost a dozen, and even more so in such well-known publications, well, it’s no coincidence, yes, although, as far as i know, i talked to various people, they say that there are no claims at the official level, these are publications, so there are nuances here and there, regarding comparisons, the fact that yermak is the second most influential person in the country, well i absolutely agree with that, yes, and he is not the first, by the way, the head of the president's administration, who has a huge influence in the country, when compared to the vice president, you know, it's even a little funny to me, compared by people who probably do not know that the situation with vice presidents in the usa is very different, but biden was an influential vice president, for example, camila harris, is not an influential vice president. and well, there were other situations when there were also uninfluential vice presidents, but on the contrary, there were
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very influential, powerful ones who later became presidents, well, that’s how biden became, yes , it happens differently, we have 20 se 20 seconds in ether, i am the last one, i asked about not there, that everything is affected by the fair, well, this is a big exaggeration, i asked the head of one large state-owned company in berlin, i say, who appointed you, who decided question? yarmak or someone, he said, no, people in the cabinet, no yarmak, there, i have not met him, and i have never seen him at all, even, here is a specific example, there is an exaggeration, there is influence, a great influence, but that , as it is described, we have to finish, we have to finish, please excuse me, volodymyr fesenko, maksym rozumny, were guests of our program, thank you gentlemen for participating in the program, during the program we conducted a survey and asked you whether you support the idea of ​​economic armor from mobilization, 41% yes. 59% do not these are the results of our television survey. it was the program verdict of
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serhiy rudenko, goodbye. there are discounts representing unbreakable discounts on eurofast softcaps, 20% in pharmacies for travelers and savings. there is a discount. represent unbreakable discounts on exodoril solution 15% in pharmacies psyllium vam and oshchadnik there are discounts represent unbreakable discounts on hepatrombin gel 15% in pharmacies of psyllium van and oshchadnik. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war
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against ukraine. war in the middle east. crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine. drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. country. should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's find out, they help to understand the present and predict the future. second presidency for the world trump will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest
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talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on the espresso tv channel. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means to save him life, a ride bc, a ride boys, a quad bike - this is the way from scratch. to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, i greet you,
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dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zama, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel. for the next hour and 47 minutes, my colleagues and i will be talking to you about very important and essential things. the direction of pokrovsk difficult situation at the front. serhiy zgolets will tell in detail what is happening there. russia's nuclear exercises, how it threatens ukraine and how our nato partners react to it. which country decided to show putin a combination of several fingers and leave the csto. who made such a statement. inflation, which... increases and when the limit of this increase stabilizes or does not stabilize the dollar, well , we will also discuss other important topics, well, we will start with the topic of war and around the war itself. sergey sgurets, director of the defense express agency and host column military summaries of the day. serhii, please have a word, good evening. good
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evening, i congratulate you vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today we will talk in our column about the situation on the line. front , including in general syrskyi's assessments of the new zerka patriot for ukraine, from whom and when, and about the important details of these russian exercises with tactical nuclear weapons, more on that in a moment. so, first about the front. the enemy continues active offensive actions of varying intensity, actually throughout. contact lines and commander-in-chief oleksandr syrsky described the situation in several areas in such broad strokes today. according to his estimates, in the kharkiv direction, more precisely in vovchansk, the enemy, as he wrote the syrian marshes, despite constant replenishment from other areas, such transfers of forces and means were
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from the south and from the east, and in fact now these attempts ... of the enemy have no result , now, by the way, if we can show the video from the third assault brigade, which shows how our military destroys the russians in the dugouts, it is quite so emotional and a professional video from the point of view of the actions of the third separate assault brigade, the units of which are currently operating, including in the kharkiv direction, but the main efforts of the enemy are still focused on other directions, this is just a step. and kurakhivskyi, here is the largest number of assault units from the composition of eight shock brigades, so says oleksandr syrskyi, without going into details, but if you add details specifically to the pokrovsky direction, or to what is happening west of avdiyivka, then now the enemy is slow, but still expands
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bridgehead around the buried settlement of ocheretiny, it is known. that the enemy here has an advantage in the manpower of artillery, aviation, to the north of ocheretiny, hostilities are taking place in the zone of novooleksandrivka, a little to the south - this is exactly novopokrovskoe. in general, this slow advance of the enemy is aimed at achieving three goals: first, it is to break through to the important route of the kostiantynivka-pokrovsk times, over this route even partially or in some one area will weaken our logistics, now from novooleksandrivka to this route about 9 km, the second goal against'. this is to move our defense further west, i think to the line of progress novoselyvka, persha, komyshivka and karlivka, and
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then, in fact, this line of defense will be based on the vovcha river and the karliv reservoir, until this time our defense passed to the east in front of this natural boundary , and we know that the brigades there dug into the ground and built defenses under. of the enemy, that is, it was not easy to dig in there, and now these areas in fact, well, it is not easy to defend, although our military forces are holding back the enemy there, and the third component of the expansion of the enemy's bridgehead from ocheretiny is aimed at creating the prerequisites for the comprehensive actions of our forces holding turkey, which are also an important element of our defense, the enemy's plan is clear, its implementation will depend on many. factors and, of course, on countermeasures and adequate responses from the ukrainian side, here all adequacy depends primarily on ammunition, fortifications, trained units and reasonable
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actions of our military leadership. well, in other directions the situation of the front looks like more stable, but actually no less complicated. and then about the fact that the replenishment of the arsenals of our armed forces is of great importance. yesterday we spoke. about the fact that germany has promised to transfer to ukraine the third patriot air defense system for our air force, and today it is already known that the united states is finally considering the issue of a sufficiently fast one, i hope in a few weeks to transfer to ukraine its patriot air defense system, which is currently stationed in poland, and the netherlands made an important step in the implementation of the initiative called, conditionally speaking, taka in folded they reported on the transfer to ukraine of three launchers and radars for the patriot air defense system. now we have to find a country or a number of countries that
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will also give us launchers, a command post, communication and support vehicles, and if this happens, then we will actually have three patriots on hand, one from germany, one, one from the united states , one from the netherlands, which will be assembled by a joint effort, well... together zerk sumpti we can already have four additional fire batteries or divisions that can deal with aerodynamic, mainly with ballistic targets, by the way, as it was tonight, when the patriot air defense system shot down another russian hyper-habitual dagger, what used to be, well, actually a sensation, now turns out to be a commonplace thing, then we will talk about the reaction of russia, because at this time russia is conducting on... the second stage of training with tactical nuclear weapons, what does this mean, how to interpret it, and now we are joined by oleksiy yizhak, an expert
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of the national institute of strategic studies, mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear from each other, i congratulate you, well you you always pay quite detailed attention to the russian nuclear exercises on the components related to nuclear deterrence, so how can you evaluate this second... phase of the russian exercises with tactical nuclear weapons, are there any new details that are worth paying attention to, there is it military, military-political, or technical that you singled out in this story? well , unlike the first stage, which is difficult to say what it was, there is the first stage, maybe it is a staff one, these are such trainings, they simulate, at least... the transfer of nuclear weapons, that is, actually nuclear ammunition for those dual-purpose systems that they can use, they
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imitated the russians in such a way that they transfer, adjust and drive with them, with these training ammunition, they try, maybe they will shoot them, but they also announced a little what kind of missiles they will be, because here, well , what can you pay attention to, the fact that... they showed missiles there that are a little different, but here, unfortunately, i would say that this can be both information and disinformation, because it is clear that if they demonstrate the conduct of nuclear ones exercises, they have to demonstrate something different from ordinary missile firing, something that indicates a combat control system using nuclear weapons, well, of course there are special calculations, special... crews, special devices must be there, the protocol is involved, they showed that there are physical signs of this other protocol, well, it could
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just be to show that this is... really nuclear training, not inmate, but it could also be disinformation, because probably the russians don't want to show the state of their the armed forces are nuclear and what exactly are the elements that control it, what do they look like, that's why i can't say anything here, i would pay attention to what they call, here we can say, there are certain specifics regarding what they are talking about. when they talk about tactical nuclear strikes, they say that these are launchers, iskander of two types, without much such explanations, they also showed a cruise missile and showed and said that iskander m, that is , a ballistic option, i believe more that it is a ballistic option, because it is heavier to shoot down, and at the same time to pay attention, they also said, they showed
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the mosquito anti-ship missile and said that it, well, actually... just the defense gave such a message that it was reloaded there in such a variant, specifically nuclear, well, that's it, i i think it would be news if there were nuclear munitions left somewhere for the mosquitoes, and they want to demonstrate them, it can also be both information and disinformation, in principle, they are all like that, no one demanded the destruction of such munitions, well, but it is unlikely that russia has too strong was once this component. marine nuclear ammunition, of course it was, because they tried to fight against large groups of ships in this way, they believed that only a nuclear explosion could penetrate the defense of aircraft carriers, and on the other hand, this mosquito itself is 120 km, well, what kind of nuclear ammunition against the background of the fact that putin spoke twice about tactical nuclear weapons with a capacity
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of 175 km there, that is, on the one hand, here is what can be seen in what they are doing now, on the one hand, they are doing something concrete, such that it creates the impression that it real preparation, and on the other hand , nothing concrete can be said, only that there remains such strategic uncertainty, so that they want to shoot at the warlords in the caribbean sea, whether they want to shoot at poland or at ukraine, so... with what and somehow specifics appear, capacities are named, systems are named, and something is shown, but for now i would say that it is similar to, well, a significant part of this information operation is psychological rather than practical, well, if it is part of the psychological information operation the operation that the enemy is conducting there, is this operation having some effect, because... but we
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see other events, the american tests are taking place there, is the mindman 3 missile incapacitation test there, the french are conducting a demonstration or test of their missiles with potentially nuclear equipment. poland declares that 100 combat units are located 250 km away in kaliningrad, there are nuclear tactical weapons in belarus, let us ensure the placement of tactical nuclear weapons on... the territory of poland, isn't this already a sign that the process of such nuclear escalation actually already went beyond just informational and psychological operations? well, i think the process has gone in the sense that the planning of a nuclear operation has become more real, and it has become more real since the war has become positional, precisely oppositional war with a large
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build-up of forces, with large endurance operations like this , it is precisely there that you can find the rational use of nuclear weapons, so these exercises say something, but it seems to me that here russia is changing the situation a little, uh, in general, changing approaches in the course of things, she announced these exercises announced how it was so similar in response to ... large nato exercises that took place for six months with elements including , well, simulations, training, the use of nuclear weapons in case of a major war. they reported it, the russians didn't show anything, and now they are showing something, already after the french showed that they have...


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