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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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it hurts, but for foreigners you need to produce completely different content, and there are several projects that, from my point of view, can really cope with this task, for example, volodymyr mula's film, football in the trenches, volodymyr, not so long ago, together with his colleagues, received an emmy, this is one of the most prestigious television awards in the world in general, but he also received for his series about football players, pro-ukrainian, and here he is preparing a story about two brothers, one went to the armed forces, to the defense forces, and the other... is preparing to perform in the national football team of ukraine on olympics. it seems to me that this project, too, judging by the description, should be successful and it has already been agreed on some international venues where it will be shown. so, i continue to monitor these, in the opinion of many, illegal pitches at derzhkino and will definitely keep you informed. an unusual
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look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine and beyond. about which the world is dreaming, pa norman. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of the day using the telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 p.m. to 22 for espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect us. life,
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of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. let's continue. and here again, as promised, today i spoke about inflation, about price increases, we will talk about this and not only about this in the money section during the war with oleksandr morchavku. good evening, please oleksandr, good evening, welcome to the audience, in the next few minutes we will really understand what economic reservation is, as well as what important decisions were made at the conference on the restoration of ukraine in berlin and traditionally about bread prices, this is a very important topic, we it was discussed, but in reality our journalists conducted research, which is not true, learn more in a moment. i'm
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oleksandrcha, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. a really important conference now takes place in berlin on the restoration of ukraine, the second day and important decisions. in particular, an unprecedented war risk insurance program was announced in our country. we are talking about the amount of 350 million dollars. the initiative is designed to... simplify ukraine's attraction of foreign investments during the war. the project is implemented together with the american corporation for financing international development. well , the trade representative of ukraine, taras kachka, reacted to this news. he called this scheme an extremely important step for the private sector of ukraine. well, it is it is really important to insure risks, this has been talked about for a long time, because it is clear that capital will enter our country only when it is insured for... the same export, the
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same import, and it is clear that this is support for ukrainian business, which will be to understand that in case of any problems, his goods, which are exported there to third countries or to european union states, will be insured, and all costs will be covered in the event of a real problem. well, here is the question, if capital, as i understand it, which of our partners will be able to invest in ukraine, will be insured relatively protected, but in any case, when serious capital comes in, it is protected, because when russia ... hits other people's money, these people can agree to hit russia economically or with sanctions, so well in any case, these are both risks, but also prospects for us. well, according to the minister of development svenius schulze of germany , more than 100 agreements were signed at the reconstruction conference, and this is about declarations, about intentions between companies, between governments, and they traditionally talked about energy, it was the top topic of such an international one. the prestigious
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gathering will be an investment, we are sure of that. well, the verkhovna rada registered a draft law, which is called on industrial policy and predictability of the real sector of the economy. the initiative envisages the concept of economic reservation of conscripts from mobilization, said dmytro natalukha, the head of the parliamentary committee on economic development. it will work as follows: well, every economic entity, for example, a company, or a plant, or a factory, which pays an increased military levy in the amount of uah 20,000 per month per employee, will be able to reserve this person. the payment is made not by the employee, not by the employee. namely by business, i.e. the enterprise itself determines who is the most important, critical for this enterprise, company or factory and then really confirms this reservation with the appropriate taxes to the budget, well, this is the first
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step of economic reservation, there are promised several more degrees, but for now such and such a schedule is voiced, so to speak, well here we are we were just talking with valery pekar about economic reservation, here... the most important thing is to explain to people that it is not the rich who are buying off the army, because such a narrative is also being promoted, but in fact we understand that the economy must work and must be mobilized, but there are a number of enterprises, which, well, in particular, now in kyiv they are reducing the time, that is, increasing the running time of trains and announcing over the loudspeaker that there is simply a lack of drivers and repairmen, there is a lack of trolleybus and tram drivers in lviv, maybe it is still worth booking people who provide movement. logistics of a million city, or let's say, instead of booking football players of the third league of some kind, well, i say conditionally, yes, you just have to fit in here, and it won't be booking the rich, well, here it's not about wealth, it's not about buying off a specific person, if the company pays from its income, from its income, money for one or another
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specialist, then this person is really critically important, well, there are statistics from 200 to 320 billion hryvnias per year, depending on the chosen economic model. bookings can be made up to of the state budget, i'll just add for a second that people are booked not so that a person, relatively speaking, sits there and hides, no, this person works, someone else works, the company works, pays taxes and other people who are there there are women, some others, maybe people who have certain deferments, they also work and pay taxes, this business works, that is the main point, and not the question in one or two people who will be there, if we talk further about business, then in action launch. new service e-entrepreneur, about it has long been discussed in the ministry of statistics, so it unites a total of 10 services and makes it easier for ukrainians to open their own business. you no longer need to spend several days to a month to go around institutions and then wait for answers to open your own business. now,
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one application through the action and everything is ready, the ministry of statistics says. well, these are different services, for example, there may be registration of the fop, state registration of capacities of food market operators. job posting, opening a bank account, everything you need is now all in one service, and the user can get everything for himself, and certain certificates, if it is an active business, and certain permissions, if it is a person who is just starting to open, register his own business, well, vasyl, today i already watched the prices of bread, which were, well, the growth of which has already been announced in the industry. associations of bakers, yes, indeed some varieties, i will not claim about all, have already added approximately 1 hryvnia, well, this is a certain first stage of the increase in prices for bakery products, which was announced by representatives of the industry, well, here the situation on the bread market in ivano-frankivsk was investigated by our carpathian colleagues,
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let's see, let's hear what the bakers say, this is one of the bakeries in ivano-frankivsk, they have been baking bread here for decades, on average they say... bakers at the counters of city stores about 15 loaves of bread are delivered from here. we are talking about small shops, their bakery provides products of various kinds, for example, croissants and ciabatta. currently, the prices of bread in this bakery are not increasing, although it is assumed that soon this will have to. a shortage of personnel, the use of generators in case of power outages, and rising prices of flour can prompt such a step. men, girls are replaced. what is not, uh , we adapt to the light, of course, it would be better if we didn't turn it off, at least on some days or at night or during the day, so that we could concentrate on our work, yes, well, but somehow we get out of it, we have to , light will become more expensive, gasoline, flour, other
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ingredients will become more expensive, and accordingly it will become more expensive, well, it’s not up to us, entrepreneurs predict that if the price of bread does rise, then by no more than 10%, although the demand for products is stable, but the number of buyers still decreases, people migrate or mobilize to the armed forces. it will increase in price by 10 percent, well, but i don't think that it will be some, that it is... a catastrophic increase, it, moreover, i will say that well, bread did not rise in price, i think, the last somewhere, well, it’s been a year for sure, that ’s why if it’s a turn of general inflationary processes, well, it’s like a normal process of price growth, because prices, as you know, will always rise, this is one of the incentives for the development of the economy, meanwhile, buyers understand the probable increase in bread, they say, without it, no... yes, they will buy it, no matter how much it costs, as much as they ate bread, we will buy as much, well, as much as they bought,
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we will have so much, without bread, of course , we have a negative attitude to the rise in prices, it is more expensive per hryvnia, but you understand the reasons why, of course, the war is going on, the lack of light is one thing, and the second is that there are a lot of uncultivated fields, many not planted, many fields lost, many lost, it yields, or it may provide bread, and we will endure everything. the bakery adjusts to the schedule of power outages, they say they already have similar experience, and currently these processes are relatively painless. from prykarpattia, ivan haruk, volodymyr voloshchuk, for espresso tv channel. the main problems of growing bread have really been voiced - this is the lack of a necessary crop. experts talk about a shortage of grain. third graders, the problem with the electricity supply also affects the prices, well, for
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those ukrainians who essentially considered bread and consumed as a basic product, well, it will remain the main, main item of expenditure in the basket, because indeed bread will remain a cheap product even now, but if we talk about inflation, then it accelerated last month, vasyl, and this has been the consumer index for several months in a row, it is felt not only in the prices of bread , meat, milk, vegetables, rice, fish and sugar are more expensive, well, in fact, there is hope for a harvest, vasyl, when the vegetable garden from the open ground will really come to the market, the fruits are fresh, it is in fact a little will knock down the cost of many products nutrition, but it seems to me that this phenomenon is temporary, seasonal, maybe someone will change their diet, someone will give up sovodko, let's say, you can give up something else, well, understand. but to be honest, i really go now, i always choose which one, if there is some kind of promotion, because it, well
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, it is felt, here we mainly only grow products in ukraine, well, not products, but goods, services, salaries in ukraine are growing, of course, according to statistics and somehow, but we understand that this is because if you pay the utility bill no no no no you're sneaking in other things, and the new payments haven't arrived yet, so when you pay for everything and don't want to have debts, then you look at every hryvnia. the hryvnia is supposedly disappearing, but it really matters, really, it all matters, i will finish the column about money during the war, but there is a big broadcast going on, there is still a lot of interesting stuff, watch us, and you have already waited for yevhen pastukhov, sports news, moreover, on the eve of the start of the euro, i think it is very important to understand and know the state of the national team, please, really i will leave until two days before the final part of the european championship, the start
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of the continental forum, the ukrainian national team is at the final stage of preparation for the championship, and we will talk about this in more detail in a moment. good evening, dear viewers of the channel, so let's start with the main news about the ukrainian national football team, the day before on... our team played the final rehearsal before the start of the 20-24 european championship in germany. serhiy rebrov's team defeated the hosts of the zimbra stadium in kishenev with a score of 4:0. moldova is significantly inferior to ukraine's previous opponents, in particular germany and poland, with whom our team met not so long ago, also in control matches. the ukrainians confidently realized their superiority over their opponents with... cream in performance skills. in the first half , roman yaremchuk
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and viktor tsygankov scored goals. in the second half of the game , artem dovbek and georgy sudakov brought the matter to a rout. it should also be noted that sudakov and mykola shaparenko left the start at the same time. the center of the field of our team i liked it, however, once again, a correction should be made for the opposition. they played against the moldovan team, which, quite frankly, will not play at the euros. is not included in the elite teams of the continent, in the list of these teams. less, however, for the psychological state of the ukrainian national team after two not very bright games against germany and a defeat. against poland, such a victory was quite important, for the sake of positive emotions, and now i suggest you listen to what the head coach of the ukrainian national team, serhiy rebrov, and the goalkeeper of our team, andriy lunin, who yesterday finally played the match at the start. before the start of our meetings, almost all the players were in different
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conditions, and i am satisfied that now, as i saw from the first half, we are recovering little by little. condition, and for me it is very important, not only how we score, how we play with the ball, but physical condition is very important for us before the euros. we were preparing for the euros, for the first game, for romania, we tried to implement serhiy stanislavovich's tactical setup, both in defense and attack, positions, how to position ourselves, how to defend, so we are more were already preparing for the euros first of all, well, but a minor chord in a rather bright performance of the national team of ukraine. vitaly mykolenko was injured in kisheniv. the left defender of the national team of ukraine was injured in one of the moments of the game in the first half. a few minutes after this episode , oleksandr zinchenko replaced mykolenko on the field. after the match, serhiy rebrov said that mykolenko underwent an mri. the head coach expressed hope that the injury is not too serious and
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added that now he feels calmer than during the match itself, when there was little is known about mykolenko's condition, let me remind you that vitaly mykolenko was recovering for a long time after the injury he suffered while playing for everton in the english championship. yesterday he injured his other leg. well, we wish mykolenko good health, a speedy recovery and as many minutes as possible at the upcoming european championship as part of the ukrainian national team. today, the national team of ukraine arrived in germany, the team flew to frankfurt, and from there took a bus to the town of town. it is there that the ukrainian training camp will be located. on wednesday in the schedule blue-yellow day off. an open practice is scheduled for tomorrow, which fans and the media will be able to watch. there will probably be more news about vitaliy mykolenko's health. ukraine will play the first match at euro on monday, june 17. the blue and yellow will play against the national
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team of romania, and this confrontation will take place at the stadion münchen. the famous alliance arena. and to other news. er ronaldo and r-record. cristiano ronaldo played his 1226th match at the top level. the portuguese became absolute football record holder for this indicator. this is evidenced by the international federation of football history and statistics. winning the mark, the 39-year-old forward overcame portugal-ireland in a friendly match. except for christian. scored a double within 10 minutes of the second half, the pyrenees won 3:0. still a record for the largest number of matches at the top level, and we are talking about leading national and international club competitions, games of national teams, etc. so this record belonged to the brazilian goalkeeper rogerio sena, and he has 1225 matches. it's the same the goalkeeper, who is also famous for execution,
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was famous for taking free kicks and scored many goals from set pieces. at the upcoming euros, portugal was drawn in group f along with turkey, the czech republic and georgia, and for ronaldo it will be the sixth european championship of his career. double podium for ukraine. track and field athletes vladyslav lavskyi and oleg doroshchuk won medals at the european high jump championship. in the final, lavsky repeated his personal career record - 2 m 29 cm on the first attempt. the ukrainian was the leader for a long time. but still the best result was demonstrated by the olympic champion gian-marco tamberi, an italian. 2 m and 37 cm. in the end, tamberi got the gold. dorozhchuk took the mark of 2:26, ​​this is the third result and bronze. lavskyi brought ukraine the first silver medal of the 2024 european athletics championship . doroshchuk fourth bronze. actually, here
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i would also add, i would note such not very dignified behavior, not very beautiful behavior of tamberi. after the competition, he ran around the stadium for a very long time, performed a circle of honor, took pictures with his relatives, ran to the stands and for a very long time, i did not approach my opponents, doroshchuk and lavsky, to take a joint protocol photo in front of the podium, well, maybe joyfully, emotions were probably overflowing, well, with this we will conclude the sports section, and you stay with espresso, ahead in we still have a lot of interesting things on the air. thank you very much yevgeny, we wish our national team success in this championship, it is very important to declare about... ukraine even, well, not even, on such large forums, but to declare what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, will be able to then literally in a moment the weather from natalka didenko, let's watch and listen.
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synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers, before we talk about the weather, about the temperature, about rains and cyclones, we will try to imagine right now what a linden tree smells like and exactly... we will start our meeting about it about its healing properties, about its beauty and about its own season, which is just raging now. well , let's turn, of course, to such a little official information, so to speak. so, linden: a genus of trees of the malvaceae family, i, for example, did not know at all, but i didn't even i don't doubt it, because such beauty can only be compared to mallows. there are about 30 species, well, it is common in the zone. e temperate climate in our northern hemisphere. linden trees live for a very long time, on average 300-400 years, and some representatives, so to speak, live up to 100 years. well, we
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know that linden is a medicinal raw material, and it has also been used in so- called folk medicine, and even in official medicine, for a very long time. the most common type of linden in europe is the small-leaved linden, fragrant, yellowish flowers with wonderful by the way, linden blooms in natural conditions at the 20th year of life, in such special plantations only after 30 years, therefore, of course, linden should be very protected, well, it is a medicinal plant, as i have already said, and a honey-bearing, food and technical plant, in on an industrial scale, harvesting of medicinal raw materials is usually carried out during the felling of linden forests, and there is such an interesting fact, the oldest linden tree in kyiv, it grows in the territory of pechersk. its age is about 450 years, its height is 18 m. if you have the opportunity, visit it, this is how wonderful it is, a fragrant linden tree, just one of the symbols
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this beautiful summer season. we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. tomorrow there will be slight fluctuations, so we just watch and move on to the weather, to the future weather of the next day. what will happen... in ukraine in general and in particular in each region on june 13. in the western regions of ukraine, short-term rains and thunderstorms are expected tomorrow. the air temperature is not high, 19-23, even 17-22°. in the north of ukraine, the cyclone, which flooded almost the northern regions, gradually subsided will move to the northeast, so isolated rains will still remain in the coming night, but already in the afternoon. sunny clearing, an atmospheric front of an active rain cyclone may still remain in the eastern part of ukraine at night, on a day without precipitation, the air temperature is high, but also, well
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, literally by 1-2°, the heat will even weaken, and in the central part of ukraine, dry weather is expected tomorrow afternoon with a comfortable air temperature somewhere around 25-29°. in the southern part of ukraine, too, there will be no significant precipitation tomorrow, but westerly rains are possible to reach odesa and touch mykolaiv oblast, but in zaporizhzhia, kherson oblast in crimea without precipitation, the air temperature is 29-31° above zero. there will be a dry break in kyiv tomorrow, the cyclone will leave, that is, tomorrow, june 13, there will be no precipitation in the capital and the air temperature will fluctuate between 20-22°c. we are enjoying the fresh air, because from next week, from monday , speka will return to ukraine again. good
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evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on the air of espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, we will analyze the most important of what is called high security international policy. our guests today are matthew bryza and oleg rybachuk. our first guest is matthew bryza, former adviser to the united states secretary of state, former director of european and eurasian affairs at the us national security council. glory to ukraine, mr. ambassador, god save america. glory to heroes. well, the key story is the huge diplomatic negotiation circle we are walking on now. we understand that the g7 meetings are to take place, yes? in particular, between the president of the united states by biden and president of ukraine zelenskyi, we understand that the g7 will be a key platform for discussing security issues and at the same time the so-called swiss sain is looming.
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of peace, dedicated, in particular, to how to stop russian aggression, of course, russia and its friendly china will not be there, i would ask you to outline a certain diplomatic-military-political outline of the situation in which ukraine is now. i think that we will see very strong and united support for ukraine at the meeting of the countries of the group seven problems in the west from the point of view of maintaining this support for ukraine in the first place. concentrated in budapest. the big seven will probably come to some package of economic support for ukraine. i hope that there will be progress on the issue of using the profits from frozen russian assets located in brussels and providing this money to ukraine. as for the peace summit in switzerland, it is very important that it obviously takes place without russia. of course, it would be better if china was present, but china chose
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a very cautious path for itself. said that china is an ally of russia, that's an understatement. china and russia undoubtedly have common interests in their efforts to counter the us and its allies. however, given the ongoing discussions between china and russia over natural gas supplies, china is clearly the more powerful partner and is pressuring russia and gazprom to get a much lower price for russian natural gas than russia wants. therefore, i think that the geopolitical forces at the gs meeting and at the peace summit will be deployed in favor of ukraine. yes, well, but on the other hand, we understand that the position of china, on it is a great pity that as far as geopolitical issues, possibly security issues are concerned, it is related to the position of russia, and beijing has voiced what we would not like to hear, in particular beijing says, in order for the negotiations dedicated to russian aggression to be successful, russia should also be represented there, and this is china's position, and that is why china...
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is absent from switzerland at this summit, even as an observer, what should we do with china's security position. china's position remains the same as before. let's remember when he published his so-called peaceful plan for ukraine, the first point was the preservation and restoration of the territorial integrity of ukraine, which russia did not like very much. we also know that china and xi jinping later reportedly warned the president. for him to stop threatening to use nuclear weapons, saying that china strongly opposes russia taking such a step. china, by the way, has been considering ukraine as an important trading partner for many years, but, as i have already said, china's deep security interests lie in undermining the leadership of the united states and of the so-called rules-based international order that the united states actively helped create. so will china be against it?
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in order for the usa, together with its european allies, to insist on the victory of ukraine in the war with russia. instead , china will be very happy if the us and its european allies continue to be engaged in a terrible war in ukraine, while it strengthens its geopolitical position in the middle east, especially in relation to saudi arabia and in central asia. dear mr. ambassador bryza, i would like to ask you a question generally about the parameters, that is. of the current negotiations, we understand that there is a public part, there are certain resolutions, so it will be at the g7, it will be at the swiss summit, that is, public statements, public handshakes, and at the same time there will be a non-public part, when politicians or representatives of governments will speak about what is called a possible, i emphasize, a possible peace framework, and we understand that most likely after the swiss summit there will be another summit and maybe not one, but... the key
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story is certain parameters, and in one from his recent interviews, the president of the united states, joseph biden, either slandered or hinted, yes, he says that in order to ensure the security of ukraine, it is not necessary to join nato, somehow, it is not literal, and we understand that maybe there are also certain, i don't know, soundings, certain probing of similar things, so first of all i would ask you to outline the potential. framework of negotiations. president biden's comments about ukraine's possible membership in nato must be interpreted in the proper context. the first part of this context, as all high-ranking us officials constantly repeat, is that the decision made in april 2008 at the bucharest nato summit remains valid. ukraine and georgia will become nato members as soon as it is determined that they have met all the criteria.


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