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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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and maybe not one, but the key story is certain parameters, and in one of his last interviews, the president of the united states, joseph biden, either hinted or hinted, yes, he says, in order to ensure the security of ukraine, it is not necessary "need to join nato, somehow, it's not literal, and we understand that certain, i don't know, soundings, certain probings, similar things may also be conducted, therefore, first of all, i would ask you to... outline a potential framework for negotiations. president biden's comments about ukraine's possible membership in nato must be interpreted in proper context. the first part of this context, as all high-ranking us officials constantly repeat, is that the decision made in april 2008 at the bucharest nato summit remains. ukraine and georgia will become nato members as soon as it is determined that they have met all the criteria. this is nato's policy. another part
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of this important context is that putin is constantly trying to intimidate us european allies and alienate them from the united states by arguing that the us is acting recklessly in ukraine and leading the entire alliance into a war against russia. this is not true, but putin is using the fear of the us being drawn into the nto in a war with russia as a way to strengthen his position in russian politics by portraying himself. the savior of russia in a defensive war, which is simply ridiculous, because this is an aggressive war, which putin himself dared. in addition, putin is trying to intimidate european allies into thinking, wow, nato is at war with ukraine, and if this is highlighted by the possibility, or even by biden's statement, that ukraine will become a member of nato, then it will fuel those fears. so, biden is playing international politics, declaring that the us does not insist on ukraine's membership in nato.
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today, he should have said: i do not see that this can happen right now, he was not careful in his statements, but this is not the first time he has done this, the point is that one should not attach too much importance to his statement, if ukraine continues to meet the criteria, then after the end of this war , ukraine has a very good chance of quickly joining nato. yes, these are extremely important signals, but, for example, if to speak... about the specifics, we understand that as a guarantee for those conditions or those parameters to be acceptable to us, this means the liberation of our territories temporarily occupied by the enemy. another point, the fact that the enemy included them in its composition and even voted, well, the so-called voting procedure in the state duma, when we talk about our temporarily occupied territories, and we also understand that the rest of the issues there are already questions, so to speak , auxiliary. no, the key story is
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the territories, and we can see that the enemy is only building up its presence, conducting extremely active combat operations. where do you think putin will try to go now? this is the reality of this terrible invasion that putin has launched. he started an aggressive war, violating international law and occupying ukrainian territory. he continues to take steps to legitimize illegal political arrangements on these occupied. ukrainian territories, which is a further violation of international law. war is the continuation of politics by other means, so putin is using the war against ukraine to achieving their political goals, including the occupation and integration of these ukrainian territories into the russian federation. no one in europe, the united states or our other allies around the world will ever recognize such actions by russia. ukraine can settle the situation in its favor only by gaining. able on the battlefield, and that is why it is so
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important that the ukrainian armed forces grow numerically. the troops fighting on the front lines are exhausted and need rest and rotation. therefore, ukrainians, first of all men , should join the lavmia. we, in the usa and europe should provide ukraine with more weapons that it needs. to do it on time, and not with such long delays of six months, as last time. it is unacceptable. we should have done what... president biden agreed, namely, to allow ukraine to use the provided weapons to retaliate against russian forces on the territory of the russian federation who are planning or have already launched another attack on ukraine. yes, this is an extremely important moment, and at the same time we are grateful to the american administration, to president joseph biden personally for the efforts he has already demonstrated. when we talk about money in the amount of more than 61 million. and about weapons, and now we see that
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the united states will most likely mature to allow the use of american weapons on russian territory, we are not talking about temporarily occupied. ukrainian lands, actually on russian territory, this is a very important essential point, we understand that no one is going to attack lenin's mausoleum with atacamas, in particular, we are talking about specific military objects that are located nearby border, but still this is an extremely important military-psychological decision. in my opinion, this move is long overdue, it is absolutely ridiculous that president biden has allowed himself to be held back by cold war old men, that... russia could provoke a strategic nuclear confrontation with the united states through the war in ukraine. it is clear and absolutely obvious that biden was guided by these fears. putin's threats definitely had an effect on him, and i understand that what happened was that the secretary of defense, general
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austin, the chairman of the joint of the joint chiefs of staff, general brown and national security adviser jake sullivan, came to the same conclusion i just stated: ukraine must be... able to defend itself in the event that russia resumes its attacks on kharkiv from russian territory. according to international law, ukraine should be able to strike russian military facilities and personnel if they are preparing or have already launched attacks on ukraine, striking the ukrainian military, or, worst of all, the civilian population in kharkiv i also understand that after state secretary blinken's last visit to kyiv and his discussions with president zelensky. and others, he returned to washington, convinced that it was time to go to president biden and tell him it was time to make a different decision. thank goodness president biden was persuaded and finally agreed to do something that made sense from the beginning. now i
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believe that what the usa had to press, put the american leadership of nato in a bad light. last week i was in london and talked with some people there. high-ranking officials, and it was clear to us that it was foreign minister david cameron, nato secretary general stoltenberg, and earlier it was done by french president emmanuel macron. they all seem to have backed president biden into a corner. macron suggested that it is possible that one day french troops could be on the territory of ukraine, and cameron and stoltenberg emphasized that ukraine should be able to use the weapons we provide against the russians. forces that are being prepared, or already attacked ukraine. should biden continue to resist these important nato allies, us leadership in nato would be in question. in the end, he made the right decision, but unfortunately, so much damage was done to both the reputation of the us, as the leader of nato, and
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of course, to poor ukraine in all those months while it was unable to strike military targets in russia. yes, thank you very much, this is an extremely important analysis of what is... happening now, on the other side of me, you mentioned president macron, i sometimes have the feeling that i i watch the mtv fashion parade, we hear very loud statements, we see very cool videos, but in fact, instead of an italian restaurant , then we go somewhere and eat pizza, that is , we would like to get even more, on the other hand, we understand that the realities in our country are quite difficult, and if , for example, to talk about specific bold decisions from president joseph biden, what we could hope for and what we would have the right to demand, taking into account the fact that the process of negotiations regarding the signing of a security agreement with america is currently underway, and we understand that the key story of filling any agreement with very concrete, real things, yes, but
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also we understand that the war must be ended sooner by our victory, the key story of how to do it as quickly as possible. at this stage , it is important for ukraine to insist that president biden clearly and publicly declare that the goal of the united states is the victory of ukraine, that is, not simply avoiding defeat and not worrying about escalation on the part of russia. speaking of president macron, in his infamous statement, he said that russia should not be humiliated. so, russia is humiliating itself herself, and we should not care whether she is humiliated or not. russia can end its humiliation by returning to... international law and stopping the killing of ukrainian civilians and the destruction of ukraine's energy infrastructure. russia is defeated in a battle, and thereby also humiliates itself. therefore , i believe that it is very important that all nato allies, as well as us allies in australia,
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south korea, japan and other countries, clearly state that ukraine must win and russia must lose, period. of that it would be possible to include american ukraine security in the agreement, i do not know what exactly is being discussed, but all this should be based on the fact that ukraine must win and be able to permanently prevent russia from rebooting and re-attacking. to ukraine. my former colleagues are now actively working on the details of this agreement. of course, i would not expect guarantees like article five, since ukraine is not yet a member of nato, but there will certainly be elements that will include providing advanced american weapons and allowing them to be used on russian territory, if necessary to stop and deter further russian attacks. i am sure that the security guarantee will also include certain military exercises. dear mr. ambassador, i agree with you, on the other hand, we understand that the key story is the question of terms, the terms
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of the end of the war with our victory, and we also understand that now the president of the united states, biden, is not in the best electoral situation, for my part, i wish him victories, he is predictable and a decent politician, on the other hand, we understand what he is there's also president biden's team and there's also the team of one of the candidates for... trump, well, maybe there's a feeling that president joseph biden's team is getting ready to pass the baton to donald trump's team by saying, well, you said you know how to decide, well, in a few months, trump's team will be obliged to try to speed up our victory, what do you think of this scenario, and in general, if we are seriously talking about deadlines, how long do you think russian aggression can last? against ukraine, or how quickly our victory is approaching, well, because we understand that the situation on the battlefield
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looks extremely difficult. the discussion about what will happen to us policy towards ukraine if trump comes to power is the opposite of what you are talking about. it is not that trump's team knows better how to end the war by ensuring victory for ukraine. no, the concern is the opposite. trump said he would end the war in one day, and he meant it. that he will pressure ukraine to stop hostilities . trump, most likely, will not maintain the level of support that provided to ukraine by the administration of president biden, even though the provision of weapons was delayed and there was a ban on the use of these weapons on the territory of russia, trump's instinct will push him to conclude an agreement with putin over the heads and behind the backs of not only the leaders of ukraine, but also all our european allies. trump's policy america above all shows that he does not care about nato, he does not like our european allies and went to
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confrontation with them as soon as he came to power, saying that nato is obsolete. when trump remained in power and the burden of responsibility of being not only the leader of the most powerful country in the world, but also of the most powerful military-political alliance fell on him, his behavior changed somewhat. he was the first president to offer javelin anti-tank missiles to ukraine. thank god he did. but his rhetoric suggests that he would once again prefer to strike a deal with his much-admired friend, vladimir putin, by forcing ukraine to cease hostilities and giving up its territory, which would ultimately be a complete geostrategic disaster for russia itself. i mean, it could lead to further conflict between russia and the west, in which russia would be completely defeated. thank you very much, mr. ambassador, for this title. i would like to remind our tv viewers that
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matthew bryza, ex-adviser of the united states secretary of state, former director of european and eurasian affairs at the us national security council, worked for them. thank you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso . verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign. inclusion experts from abroad about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback,
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you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every day from 20 to 22 at espresso. greetings , this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the place. live events, drone attacks, kamikaze, political analysis, objective and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from... you draw conclusions yourself,
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your place is waiting for you. the light stays on, for dinner, what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings, and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house you are dreamed of. you are always in front of our eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby,
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half the battle is to know how hard victory is given, and we will do in... everything to embrace as soon as possible you, so when you're home, when we're together, we're more than family, we the nation that united around you, and for... oleg rybachuk, ex-head of president viktor yushchenko's secretariat, former vice-prime minister for the european integration of ukraine and co-founder of the chesno movement, will work on the air of the tv channel. glory to ukraine, mr. oleg, i congratulate you, heroes, glory, congratulations. well, june is extremely busy when we talk about public and private conversations between the administration of president biden and
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the administration of president zelensky. the exchange of certain thoughts in a public space, and of course, it all happens on... the day before of the big g7 meeting and which will smoothly transition into the swiss format, where the peace formula will be discussed, what is being talked about publicly, in your opinion, and what, most importantly, is not being talked about publicly, when we talk about certain parameters of the security situation, it should be noted that indeed, such a surge in international activity, in particular in the schedule of the president of ukraine, two meetings with president biden, further... a representative forum is expected in switzerland, we can say how fateful it is there, what issues will be resolved there, this is another question, but as they say about the elections, the turnout there will be quite high, and the key story, the swiss peace forum, what issues will be discussed, we understand that three key cases will be discussed there, so
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in particular they will talk about nuclear security, well in particular, about the prospects of use or non-use. the enemy of nuclear weapons, the chinese will not be there, we understand that the prime minister is changing in india, that is, the situation, as they said in the classics, is quite dynamic, yes, quite dynamic, and the elections are starting, in my opinion, already today in the netherlands, voting for elections to the european parliament begins, and changes in the european parliament almost predict an increase in the right of radical forces, not all of these forces are anti-european there. but it is clear that the situation in the european parliament can be quite difficult, and this must also be remembered, because for you and i in europe , expectations from switzerland are extremely important, as far as switzerland is concerned, so i personally do not have any special expectations there, i understand that the closer we got before this summit, several factors played
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a role, for some reason we in ukraine paid too much... attention to china and china's participation, china, he felt it subtly and , directly or through allies, significantly eroded our position at this swiss forum, because at first, ukraine clearly said that this is our war, we are fighting, this is our peace formula, and the forum is gathering in order to support the peace formula from zelenskyi, and in recent days the position has already blurred, they are already talking about the fact that there may be other proposals there are others countries, the same china or brazil or turkey, that is, the peace formula in zelensky's editorship is no longer a single document. further, we remember that there were 10 points in this peace formula, and we hoped that such groups would be created for each of the points interests and
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certain decisions will be worked out. now , in reality, what you just mentioned is that we are talking about three topics for discussion, the three directions are nuclear safety, food safety, and the exchange of prisoners of war. in the end, china officially announced that it would not be there forum, but managed to influence, and ukraine was forced... to make certain concessions, which in principle do not help us very much, because we need to have a clear position, and to china, in the chinese plans for a meeting there, including the next one peace forum, and here too the question arises, if we at this swiss peace forum can adopt some very blurred resolution, then this will not indicate a unified position. of all participants, which are expected to be more than 100, and then literally after a few months we are already flying to some other forum, where russia should already be,
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because at first the logic was quite clear, we wanted to have such a consolidated position of the world, of democracy in the world, which would speak very clearly about the inadmissibility, violation of borders, responsibility for aggression wherever possible. to formulate a position with which it would be possible to come to russia and say: look, the whole world is there, 100 countries of the world have this view, now you have to think about how you, russia, will behave in relation to, to the vast majority of countries the world, a this is not happening now, because most likely in switzerland we will not receive any very clear and understandable communique or statement, then the next a... meeting will already be there with russia, and russia is a master at breeding tereveni, well, it is essentially a chinese platform, so is the chinese idea, i.e. the chinese wanted to nullify or
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diminish the status of the global forum in switzerland dedicated to the peace formula and, accordingly, to create some alternative structure, an alternative summit, where the aggressor state, the russian federation, in particular, would be present, the chinese would like to this whole thing somehow... to orchestrate, we understand correctly, they orchestrated quite successfully, now, thanks to their position, i am sure, countries such as brazil from there, we increasingly hear explanations for the fact that russia will not be there, well, except that today siarto declared that he will make the forum happy with his presence and hungary will be represented at the level of his siarto, such changes have taken place, well, it is hungary above all. heard the call of belgium, which currently holds the presidency of the european union, that hungary should be deprived of its right to vote, because it is in line with the position of the european union,
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maybe it is a factor or something else, well, but i don't think that this is such a big event, whether it will add to the prospects or the success of the forum, i mean the representation of hungary at rita, how such forums can affect the situation related to the war. so we understand that war is not only about, i don't know, combat operations, but also about the resources for their provision, we understand, the position of the united states, thank god, has been corrected, yes, in the amount of 61 billion dollars plus. on the other hand, it sounded quite like that the non-trivial opinion of the president of the united states, biden, in one of the interviews, says that in order to ensure ukrainian security, it is possible, in principle, not to join nato. washington is on the agenda. the summit, this issue will not arise either, they will find some very strong signals, yes, biden's position is changing, and he
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hinted, he even went on to say why, he said, he, as the vice president, had dozens of meetings there, visited ukraine, and he called this such a word corruption, as ukrainian president kuchma said that he wants something not ukrainian origin of words. but it is very well known in ukraine, and remembering blinkin's statement before this, the last visit, we understand that here the ukrainian authorities must finally understand that this policy of emotional blackmail is working, and that it is necessary to demonstrate readiness and in fact ukraine's ability to be reliably predicted. a nato partner, well, because if we are talking about nato, in nato, in those allies who supply us with weapons, they had the biggest problem, namely the effective
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use of funds for these weapons. i do not want talk there about embezzlement, let's say the efficient use of funds, and one of the requirements was an audit of how our ministry of defense, how effectively it uses these funds, was to be audited, but the head of the audit, again, who was elected, appointed, not elected , it is important to note, and was appointed as a bank street several times after the ambassadors' open appeal. not to appoint the big seven, but to make a fair competition and which, as they say, according to informed sources, simply has one such important feature in its biography, or a tape in in her biography, that she is in a close relationship with the president's family, and she was appointed, and now she declares that the accounting chamber cannot conduct an audit and will not conduct an audit, so it is clear that such
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things are simply unacceptable, what you are biden, and you perfectly understand what is happening here, and although our accounting chamber did not work, i am sure that the american intelligence and the intelligence of other countries of the world know exactly what is happening in the situation, my acquaintances say that in the ministry of defense there are those left themselves bellies, colonels or generals who sit on streams, and the change of the minister of defense has little effect on anything, the schemes are practically preserved, and when everything ... this is known, and when our president has been called so many times to remove the interference of his own office in the executive branch, everything is the same there are no independent courts, because there are tatarovs , some deputies have been dismissed, but they are not the deputies who would like to be dismissed, and civil society and the west, in a word, when you set the bar so high,
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demanding from the union. it is necessary to remember the criteria for the fulfillment of obligations about ourselves and the fact that we will not win the war with such and such tatars, with such and such ministry of defense, with such purchases, with such accounting chambers, when we make serious claims to delay aid to western partners, there to the united states, as well as other countries, it is very important to remember, not to forget and to pay attention to... the fact that the power structure we have does not help us to successfully conduct military operations at all. mr. olezh, look, well, then this means that we will walk on a certain path vicious circle, so we will not carry out one or another personnel reshuffle, personnel decisions, implement those approaches that we would like to see in the white house, on the other hand, the americans will also look at this and say: "ai-yai-yai". and all this will again, again, again twist the situation into
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the format of a circle, along which we will be. and the war continues, despite certain optimistic signals, well, i would like to have a very specific definition, because certain security agreements have been signed, the washington summit is approaching, at which most likely it will be decided a palliative solution, and we understand that after the swiss summit there will be another chinese-brazilian-russian summit, well, i would add that in june we are waiting, i think we are still waiting. the beginning of negotiations on the acquisition of membership in the european union, all these things that we are talking about, this is not only the position of the americans, it is, in principle, the position of the european union as well. an independent court is a requirement of the european union and an obligation of the ukrainian authorities. effective governance is the same thing. that is, in we will be opened now, if we start negotiations on the acquisition of membership, then we will have very clear tasks before us and
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very difficult. with such monitoring and it all merged into one, that is why it will not be possible to separate the americans separately, the european union separately, and it will not be possible on this formula, that is, on this harness of the president with five or six advisers, it will not be possible to go into the european union, but to move from its place, and therefore it will have to be changed, our government wants it, it doesn't want it, our president likes it without... to yermak, but to yermak the tatars like it immensely, it is clear that we want to have support, a completely logical and justified demand from the european union and the west for certain changes and reforms in governance, and therefore the west will not give more than the minimum necessary money for a country that does not know how to does not want to govern properly.


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