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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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well, first of all, i want to say that they are really trying, or continuing to persecute our compatriots, they are persecuting such articles as sabotage, espionage and involvement in the battalion named after noman chilijahan. as for the video you 're showing, well, first of all, it's our opinion so far that it's a staged video to scare people more, but... because really, if we're going to talk like they provided information, they detained people who had allegedly been considered before were previously considered as, as involved, as melitopol citizens, which five melitopol citizens, who were previously convicted in the russian federation for terrorism and that they there... cooperated with
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the special services of ukraine, but in general, when we talk about the fact that they do, well , it’s true, it’s searches, it’s the continuation of persecution of citizen journalists, it ’s arrests, and here i would say more about the fact that they still continue to persecute representatives of the crimean tatar people, and not all the information, that we 're talking about now might be public because... because relatives of these people, well, very much ask us not to speak about it out loud yet, because they are interested in their release first. skinder, why is this done? i remember that in the 14th year there were similar stories, when, well, not even then russian law enforcement officers, the so-called occupying forces, even some volunteer brigades of theirs, for... captured some people,
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accused them of preparing terrorist attacks, i remember there at the new post office in sevastopol, the vakiars took out some shields, as the protesters used on the maidan and they claimed that it was almost some kind of weapon, although it is clear that the shield, on the contrary , is used for protection, and then such a pressure was felt, including through the body. the channel of this russian citizen chaly nts was such that a kind of panic arose, such panicky moods, fears that the local population was afraid of the so-called friendship trains from kyiv and or some people from bandera, nazis and so on, and now why do they have this panic and this fear, well, first of all, when we talk about the 14th year and if we analyze
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all these processes, i myself fully agree that it is necessary to analyze so that we can clearly talk about the dynamics, about their condition, about their tools that they use, so the 14th year, this is really the period when they did not have, shall we say, official village structures on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, and they tried to use the so-called defense forces there. the security forces there on the people's wives and other things, although we understand that it was precisely representatives of the fsb, representatives of the village structures of the russian federation, in addition , they did it, as in the newly occupied territories, without, let's say, not providing institutions for the protection of human rights, that is, when and then
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the prosecutor's office system, the police system is created there, and the system of judges so that every citizen or resident could apply and demonstrate, and for this they did it for that, and by the way, they also repeated it already in the newly occupied territories, it also happened in the territory of kherson region, zaporizhzhia region, and in order to really, let's say, intimidate. people and that there would be no pro-ukrainian civil movement, then they are already creating a system, the so-called law enforcement system, and now including systems have already appeared on the territory of the kherson region, they have made a genetic trial, and here it is, well, is it good or bad , this is exactly the question, but on the one hand, let's say, when we talk about civilian hostages, that is... all people who do not
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belong to the category of prisoners of war and do not belong to political prisoners, why? ago that they are there without a court, without a court decision, without such decisions. well , the occupation system of the occupation authorities in order to be able to use these documents, why are they detained or kept in the cities of no freedom, are they basements or there are torture chambers of some kind and the like, and here, from this side, you can say that this is here for the rights defenders more opportunity to protect people on the territory of the temporarily occupied kherson region, on the other hand, they are trying to demonstrate international in this way. society that they are created these institutions, and this is where we need to understand that, as far as crimea is concerned, at this time in 10 years, they really created these institutions, but with all this, we see a different approach, and first of all in relation to the representatives of the indigenous crimean tatar people, when
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immediately after the decision of the international court of the un , they started more and intensified the persecution of representatives of the mijlis korultai system and in this way. they try to intimidate people, well, i think it's more related to the fact that for them they are 10 years from now, creating all the institutions, power structures, there is the fsb and so on, they still can't, can't cope with the fact that information is still going from crimea to the competent authorities of ukraine, to the defense forces of ukraine, where the russian armed forces are located. federations or military facilities or new facilities of any kind, they cannot, let's say, control the situation when they provide information about explosions, video materials, etc., and that is why
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it is very important for them, including that they have not yet were able to completely take control when such purely civil resistance appears, when we talk about... there the appearance of, let's say, the colors of the ukrainian flag or yellow ribbons or other such symbols of ukrainian or crimean tatars or crimean liberties, it is very important for them that they intimidate people more in this way, so that, let's say, and the number of people who could be brought under complete control later and could be controlled more. and in addition, they still do, as, now, now the main thing i would like to say is, they do it this way, and they come at night and conduct searches, or kidnap a person, it is in crimea is happening now, then they promise that they will release, people try not to talk
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about it out loud, they really release, but under what conditions, we still don't know, and this is how i think they are trying to spread the system. let's say, whether it is knocking, or reporting information, whether it reduces the circle of people who can create resistance, and therefore i think that this is precisely the purposeful policy of the occupiers. well, you know, i wonder what the russian occupiers want from teenagers? recently crimean tatar the resource center reported that during the occupation of crimea , at least 28 cases of trans. tracking of minors, well, do i understand correctly, is this more of an administrative case, or something else, why are minors detained in crimea, for what cases, what are they charged with? well, first of all, when we talk about society, about the future in this or that society, and
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in general, we focus on young people, on young people, on teenagers, how they perceive, and we really witness how actively they... are engaged policy of militarization, policy of propaganda, policy of anti-ukrainian, let's say such policies, but despite all this, when teenagers appear who use other sources, who try to create, whether it's filming a video or making some kind of, well, let's say, manifesting, we well, we understand that teenagers and young people are more maximalists, and they try to do... what they can do, and right here it is very, let's say, dangerous for them, i would say, and these are indicators of , that among the youth they tried to educate and try to educate,
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teenagers appear who do not take their position, and here they are, well, first of all, they really try to intimidate parents, they open administrative cases either against... teenagers themselves or against parents , and in this way they are trying, well, let's say, to educate another part of the youth and children and teenagers in order to... demonstrate that they are in control of the situation and that there will be fines or administrative arrests, and in this way , including putting pressure on parents, so that they don't allowed these processes, and so when we see 28 cases, that's in my opinion, that 's a lot, because that's what they've recorded, and here i want to ... say that we're not pretending that all of this everything, all the information is complete,
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maybe we don’t have additional information yet, maybe we have many more of these cases, but this demonstrates that there is a young generation in crimea that takes, let’s say, that is not the one that takes the pro-ukrainian position, that does not agrees with the policy of the occupying power in crimea, and this is very important. well, that is, together with by this we understand that the militarization of children in crimea continues, children in crimea, here, for example, two or three weeks ago we saw that the russian occupiers in this immortal regiment forced 3.5 thousand children to pass, in artek they forced it to make children, that is, it is a violation of international law, etc., how to deal with it from the kendraga, i know that krymsta. the resource center and directly the crimean mejlis always records these
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violations of rights and regarding the militarization of children , etc. and even submits all these to international courts data, but how does it directly affect what is happening in crimea? well, first of all, i also want to remind you that we provided and continue to provide information about how during the period of occupation children were... deprived of their rights and indeed a violation of the convention on the rights of the child, and here it is precisely here that we need to talk about that children, what you are showing now on the screens, it really happened in artek, and children from different regions were involved there, including from temporarily occupied, new temporarily temporarily occupied territories and including from the territory of the russian federation, but i just want to remind you that on june 1, the day of children's rights, they actively
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demonstrated, let's say, including how children are programmed and demonstrated the militarization of children, which just so happens to contradict all international norms, and it is very important for us, just to record it, to document it, and because the children they... should not be politicized, they should be provided with, let's say, normal child development, getting an education there, getting all the benefits that can be there, but we see that the occupiers are turning these children into future invaders there, future, let's say, criminals, and this is really, this is a crime, and we are trying to demonstrate about it, we are trying to document it, and we
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are trying to inform the international society about it, and really here it is important to pay great attention to this, because this is the younger generation, which, let's say, is already traumatized by the ideological and propaganda work done by the russian federation, thank you. mr. skandar, very briefly, but i want to have time to ask one more question. the occupiers dismantled the monument to pyotr gergyrenko back in may, this probably happened, maybe on may 18, they only found out about it later, and i have a question, didn't they tear down all the monuments they didn't like back in in the 14th year, why did they now get their hands on the soviet rights activist who defended the crimean tatars, and this is some kind of... special signal, a symbol, why did this monument stand for so long, if
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the occupiers didn't like it so much, do you have one version? and look, look, literally minutes, ugh, literally minutes, well here in first of all, i want to say that starting from 2014, they tried to dismantle or remove these or other memorials related to deportation, human rights activities, etc., under the guise of some kind of work, regarding the monument to peter. we are currently collecting additional and complete information, i think we will have, that's why they have now started some work there and in this way they are trying to demonstrate that they are... carrying out, as it was on lenin boulevard. but, the monument to pyotr grigorenko was constantly brought to bloom, flowers, and it was there established back in 1999 by the crimean tatar national movement, and thus crimean tatars constantly came and put tickets. so i think they didn't do it right away in order not to
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upset the population, and they waited for a time when, well, let's say it was... bigger after the population was more pressed, but i think we will return to this case, and after we collect more complete information, we will provide what and how should be done in order for this monument to return to the city after all, and let's talk about this later in other programs, thank you, iskander bariev, the chairman of the board of the crimean tatar resource center, was on the air of the beraber program, together... of the ukrainian joint design channel of the atr tv channel, well, we will meet with you next week, do not switch, stay with namykendi, class.
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hear targets, observe, adjust fire. the working tools of these guys are rifles. leon and skiv, snipers of the first separate special brigade named after ivan bohun. they started to defend the homeland as soon as possible the russians launched a full-scale invasion. from the first days, there was an immediate desire to go and help my comrades, the regular troops who are already. at that moment, they began to repel this offensive, the first months were the same, the most interesting, because military service is one thing, and this is completely different, and therefore there are a lot of different emotions, both bad and good, it's like that, well, it 's impossible forget. leon, the commander of the detachment,
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was in the chernihiv region in the first months of the large-scale war, then there was the kharkiv counter. offensive, they understood that something will happen, well, they had very good ukrebryons, defensive borders, but they probably did not expect such a large-scale and such a coordinated offensive. skiv is a marksman, he tried to join the armed forces throughout the spring of 2022 and was appointed in june of the same year. he says that he wanted to be a sniper for a long time, but real experience... was gained only on the battlefield. there were, of course, trainings, but, probably, you gain most of the experience right there on the battlefield, because it is such an integral, let's say, part, it is practice. theory is theory, but practice still gives, gives much more. as the hottest direction, both remembered luhansk region - the silver forest,
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an area that the enemy attacks with a special onslaught. there were pluses, there were. it is easy for the infantry to dig there, but it is difficult because the terrain is difficult, it is very difficult to navigate, especially at night, it is very difficult to pass some areas, constantly, if there is no special equipment for night vision, it is very easy to get lost in this forest, many trees, close distances, and yes... there were also some problems that, well, did not quite play into their hands, there were many drones, and they could be easily blocked, but without without night vision devices. during two years of full-scale war, the defenders went through a lot of hot spots and difficult battles, managed
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to work with very complex weapons, in particular, both mention the barret m-107, which is modern and capable of destroying lightly armored vehicles. the peculiarity of this rifle is that you can easily work with it on light-armored equipment, type, and it penetrates light-armored armor, it was during the kharkiv operation, our comrade destroyed the bmp, type from baret. snipers are constantly improving theirs skills to confront the enemy, who also does not stand still. at the same time, we are sure that the motivation and skill of the ukrainian army is the key to our victory. in general. of course, everything starts with training, yes, there are also a lot of videos, there are a lot of different other, let's say, ways to learn something
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new, this also helps, well, in general , the main experience comes precisely in combat conditions, during a large-scale invasion from the very beginning they evolve, just as we try to evolve. to learn for some new reason, to come up with some life hacks of your own, well, workers who will work, they also break, on this side, there are people who know how to fight, and they have always been there, and you should never underestimate the enemy. leon and skiv are now back in position, luring out russian snipers and ambushes and delivering the most unexpected blows so that ukraine can achieve as soon as possible. big air of vasyl zema, my name is vasyl zamatsi, big air on espresso tv channel. two
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hours of air time, two hours of your time, i and my colleagues will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, the frontline component, serhiy zgurets and what the world is like. and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. two hours to be aware of savings. a project for the intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect
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our lives? we analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, to what end get ready leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. see what's tuesday. at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly evaluate the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky on espresso. see this week in the collaborators program. putin's army. how russia recruits
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children in the occupied territories. in the skadovsky district, a new movement is opening. but how does a former teacher of the university form squads of young misanthropes? we appeal to all young soldiers of russia. congratulations. i am olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about traitors who, at the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. today's issue is about putin's youth army and those who lead it in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. unarmy in russia is not a group based on interests, a real children's army. by the way, it doesn't remind you of anything. putin's youth army is a direct carbon copy of hitler's hitler youth. in 2016 , serhiy shoigu created his version of philanthropy from sticks. the junior army is a separate type of troops under the ministry of defense of the russian federation, children's units are attached
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to the deployment of military units throughout russia, together with adults, child soldiers march in kremlin parades, paying tribute to the dictator. at first, admission there was voluntary, if the child reached the age of eight. later, everyone began to be forced into the youth army naughty in particular, it became one of the ways of re-educating those who went to anti-putin rallies. children are taught not to use a compass, hold a weapon, shoot, fight, attack, and eventually die. determine your path. of course, you are all very different, one of you will probably decide to connect your life with the armed forces, in almost all temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, russia has created units of putin's army. for... us center for public education almenda, as part of the so -called russian military center there are more than 35,000 recruited children and this number is constantly increasing. little
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ukrainians are indoctrinated with... military meetings and excursions to military units by putin's children's army units. these are run by local traitors and collaborators. meet me, this is wagner vadim maksymovich , born in 1994, originally from mariupol. on behalf of all the youth soldiers of mariupol , today i would like to congratulate all our citizens, true russians, on this... good day to congratulate them that we have finally reunited with our great homeland. before becoming a collaborator, vadim owned a car wash and was a member of ge iskrenest. and with the beginning of the occupation of mariupol, he decided to quit business and devote himself completely to treason. he was appointed to head the russian organization moloda gvardiya unarmiya. now vadim
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is engaged. i sell among the locals, inculcates russian views and an anti-ukrainian attitude in children, forces parents to send their children to the youth army, and personally conducts master classes among children on how to own weapons, how to shoot, dig, trenches, and at the same time, he himself does not forget to regularly help russian soldiers, here is a video where a collaborator brought humanitarian aid for walking black packages, now we are waiting for the guys, they will come, here is one. on may 17 , 2024, our law enforcement agencies announced suspicion against vadym wagner for the production and distribution of materials that deny the temporary occupation of ukrainian territories, in particular mariupol. therefore, vadym, you better train yourself to survive in a ukrainian prison among the same traitors as you. she was a ukrainian
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journalist. instead became responsible for replenishment of the youth army in the kherson region. this is yulia olegivna sypko, born in 1976. she is a journalist by education and worked in the kherson regional state administration until february 24. when the city was captured by the russian army, sypko initially decided to become a ringleader of enemy agitation in the region. she got a job as a journalist and presenter on the propaganda tv channel tavriya. unfortunately, the bare pier is 90% flooded. while we were there, there was shelling, there is nothing sacred from that side, they understand that there is an evacuation, at the same time they continue to his dirty business. and why did yulichka keep silent about who caused this disaster, or about the fact that after the explosion of the kakhovskaya gas station, the russians insidiously abandoned the locals and partially evacuated only those who had a russian passport. sypko showed that she is not alone in serving the kremlin regime, so they began to entrust her with more serious tasks,
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for example, she took... an interview with volodymyr saldo, and there they already nominated a candidate from the united russia party. people were just evacuated from the flood zone, they had practically nothing. in addition to this, yulia became the deputy head responsible for recruitment into putin's army in the kherson region. soon, in the skadovsky district, a new movement will be opened, a detachment of young soldiers will be recruited so that they will later merge into the million-strong all-russian collective. this narrow-minded and crooked person essentially calls the forced admission of children due to the intimidation of their parents a selection of organizations. yuliya is engaged in the formation of new units, in particular, she is currently helping to create a children's garrison named after the deceased kherson collaborator kyril stremousov. despite everything to kherson, the zaprodanka is afraid to even poke her nose with her tail tucked in, sitting in henichesk. the security service of ukraine has already
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informed her about the suspicion. and this head of the unarmy regional headquarters in the temporarily occupied luhansk region will be tried for collaborative activities and violation of the laws and customs of war. this is luhantseva oksana gennadiivna, born in 1978, a native of sorokine, luhansk region. almost nothing is known about her peaceful life, except that she is a former teacher of one of the local universities. a woman in the media space began to appear in 2022 with the propaganda of the putin army. among parents and children. today we are addressing all young soldiers of russia, our brothers, those who this time had a great opportunity to vote, who are already 18 years old, young soldiers will always remain young soldiers. the so-called children's troops began to appear in the occupied luhansk region in 2019 . they were initiated by the occupying second army corps of the people's militia of the lpr.
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after vladimir putin called the ukrainian... territory russian, this formation.


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