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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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in memory of all those who died because of russia. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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the law on the mobilization of property has been in effect for a month, but some men abroad did not understand what to do with accounting documents and tsc. already next week , there is a reserve in the application. new functions should appear, the questions addressed to the lawyer on this broadcast are still not resolved, write in the comments what interests you? well, zelenskyi today meets with biden on the sidelines of the g7 summit. what new things can ukraine offer? let's tell you: this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we're starting. it has been a month since the new law on mobilization came into force, during which time almost 1.5 million people updated their data in the reserve plus application. as
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they say, in the ministry of defense, 1,400 of them are men from abroad, that is, about 0.1%. even before the new mobilization law came into effect, men abroad experienced restrictions on consular services, for example, the state enterprise dpdokument stopped issuing passports, citing technical reasons, which caused outrage and scandal among ukrainians abroad with the company's employees, however, in early may, the issue was restored in a test mode. passports primarily to socially vulnerable categories of citizens, and from june 30 a new procedure for issuing passports to ukrainians abroad will come into effect, the government adopted a resolution that will now be used by the state-owned enterprise. now to issue a passport of a citizen of ukraine and foreign passport, men aged 18 to 60 must have a military registration document. this can be a certificate of registration at the conscription station for conscripts or a military or temporary card. testimony of a conscript,
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theoretically, even in the absence of such a document, it will be possible to create it in the reserve plus electronic cabinet. such an opportunity should appear as early as june 18, as promised on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs. however, if the man does not register, it will not be possible to do this, as well as register remotely. such rules of the process of issuing documents abroad will be in effect within six months of this resolution. the government continued the work of 12 passport service centers in poland, germany, spain, the czech republic, slovakia and italy. poland has the most branches. our correspondent natalka vlosatska visited one of them. she talked to the men who come with the documents, and they still have a lot of questions. let's listen. near the warsaw branch of the passport service , it is almost empty. now they only provide services here women and children. for men of mobilization age. they do not issue ready-made passports and do not
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accept documents from them for production, not on camera the employees say that they are waiting for additional clarifications from the government, which should appear after june 30. the men with whom we managed to communicate are either accompanying women and children, or have come to inquire when they will be able to receive their already prepared documents. most of them do not have military registration documents, and none of the interviewees has yet updated their data in the "reserve+plus" application. they will now receive submissions on passport, what about men, what is the situation? i managed to submit in october and received in november, i managed, but tell me, have they updated the editions in reserve plus? not yet, planning until i know, maybe we'll see what fears, fears. uh, who will
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feed my family, i have to work to feed my family, my daughter and my wives, how long have you been? on what grounds did they leave some legal ones? i did not leave, i work as a sailor, i was abroad when the war started, i arrived today, i have already written a complaint, why, there is no answer, you understand who does not explain why passports are not issued, it is not the law that they are doing it here now, they want to forcibly return people who have lived here for 10-15 years to ukraine. i updated my data to the reserve plus, no, i haven’t updated anything yet, what are you planning, what’s up, my friends, i updated the search, the status of the search, how do you say it’s also a system failure, how is it, i’m waiting for this in writing, let them they explain to me why they don’t issue me a passport,
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they don’t issue a passport, what do they say, they don’t say anything, i don’t know when and what, no answer no, the passport has been lying around since 18'. number, what will you do, how will you act, i will do something, i submitted an application, i don’t know, with this application, maybe i will file a lawsuit in court, your passport has already expired, well, not yet, but time is running out , it is not known what will happen next, so what is it, they say that you will need military registration documents, do you have them, not yet, but have you updated your data to reserve plus? not yet, are you planning to? well, i don't know, i'll look again, i plan to go to ukraine, yes, i will update, what else can i tell you, why did you decide to return to ukraine? i do not i am returning to ukraine, i will live here, but i am leaving, my father has many children, i will return here
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after updating my data, if necessary, i will go to ukraine to fight, that is, i am ready to go to serve, i am not ready to go to serve, but there will be no evasions either. rfe/rl sent an official request to the dp document with a request to explain the situation with the preparation and issuance of documents abroad for a man of mobilization age, but no response has been received yet. men of mobilization age do not know what to expect after june 30, but predict that near foreign crowds will gather again at passport service offices. i encourage our viewers to describe in the comments under this video what problems you have encountered abroad, if you have any questions, and also, if you do not want to write about it publicly, you can find me or my fellow journalists from radio svoboda there, write in our social networks, for example, and describe your problem. currently, elizaveta mazur, a migration lawyer at the law firm pryhodka and partners, joins our broadcast. welcome to to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good
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day, good day. in this way, we illustrated the plot and the questions that ukrainians, ukrainian men abroad, have today, so to speak. now about obtaining important documents, such as passports, foreign passports, renewals, what are the rules currently in force for citizens of ukraine of mobilization age abroad, and what services are available to them, if available? uhu, so, look, we have such a law, it is called about the legal regime of martial law, there is article 20, part five, there it is directly written that citizens of ukraine can apply for consular actions and for obtaining certain ones. consular services only if they have a military registration document or if the data is updated, that is, it is either a reserve plus, or we have applied changes to the regulations, it is stated that you can update the data and register for military registration through
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the consulate general of ukraine. now we are waiting for it to be brought to the attention of our consulates, and then it will be possible to submit an application to a citizen of ukraine in foreign diplomatic missions. to the institution that he be accepted for military registration and at the same time update his military registration data. here, if a citizen of ukraine aged 18 to 60 wants to apply for consular services, the most popular services at the moment are a passport of a citizen of ukraine, a passport of a citizen of ukraine for traveling abroad, and notary services, these are powers of attorney, which many people draw up to sell here real estate and so on, and then it will be necessary to either show that the person has already updated the personal data. city ​​on your own, or already during the performance of these consular actions , the data of the consular official will be automatically updated, that's how, and it will also be possible to contact the consular office yourself to update the data, then your passport of a citizen of ukraine will be taken away for
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traveling abroad and in the seven-day period should be returned, because the consular institution sends these documents, copies to ukraine before this, to the state central committee and sp, or to the regional body of the security service of ukraine, or to another division of the intelligence agencies. that's it. and then already the person will be fully eligible for consular services. elizaveta, since when is such a service available that you can take your passport and your documents to the consulate, and that the consulate will actually deal with this issue of updating data and will send these documents, as you said, to ukraine for this purpose. look, these changes to the regulations were approved back in may, here, but at the moment we are waiting for this information in relation to it. the changes will be brought to the consulates themselves so that they have an order, that's why we're just waiting
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full order, in general, the information is still official, that is, from june 30, you will have to update your data at the consulates, or apply for consular services or at the embassy of ukraine in the consular department with military registration documents with updated data, or do it yourself through reserve plus, for example, yes or apply for. unfortunately, there is not, because it is simply impossible to get to the consulate, there are dates for three months in advance, it is simply impossible, most of those who apply now are men to receive documents, for example, for my children abroad, there are no restrictions for children there, in principle everything works as usual there, yes, i will ask you now about the children, for now i will ask about the current situation, which is... until june 30, we have such an appeal from a viewer, i will
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quote him further, he says that he cannot pick up his passport, which he submitted before the changes in the legislation, the passport was ready a long time ago, but it is not issued, in poland the odp said the document , that according to the decision of the cabinet of ministers and the letter from deputy kuleba will not be issued passport and that they are not a consular institution to resume issuing, but they are under the state migration service of ukraine. to the question, if you are not a consular institution, why... that all the documents are in hand, that is, there is a military document and you want to take the passport, then they say that there are technical malfunctions, then they say that there is no order, and from the 18th after the introduction of the law, they said that they do not know the procedure for checking the documents of a conscript, and that they are waiting for orders and instructions in this regard, and this the person who wrote to us says that there is a suspicion that the passport will not be issued to him now and in three months, when the deadline is already over. he will just be sent back to ukraine and he doesn't know what to do, what can you advise? look,
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i just have a bunch of such documents, clients with such and such documents, that i can advise, demand an official refusal, why, well, client, people, when they apply for documents, especially those who applied before they were accepted resolution, the ministry of foreign affairs directly explained that such persons have the full right to receiving documents for which they still submitted to the resolution, and... now this is a violation of human rights, that is , an official refusal must be demanded, so that then there is something to work with and something to petition for, so that the person is still issued this passport. yes, passports are really being delayed now, because the legal term for obtaining passports by the state migration service is 3 months, and even then, as 3 months pass, the passport is sent back, you can request an official refusal and you can request forwarding to the general. consulate of ukraine, that is a person can write a statement at a state enterprise, a document at a division
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of the state migration service, that the passport be forwarded to a consular institution, for example, to receive, this is the full right of a citizen of ukraine to receive a passport of a citizen of ukraine and a passport of a citizen of ukraine for traveling abroad. an official refusal must be requested. for these changes, which will be from june 30, those or those people who already have the documents ready there, but cannot get them, they will be able to have some kind of... eased again procedure for receiving their documents, they just need to receive an sms that the document is ready, and they come, show that i came to pick it up, i applied for a decree, you can also check the status on the website of the state migration service, but there now everyone has the status of the document is personalized, that's all, that is, it means that the document is printed, but no one can receive it, one of my clients received an sms that the passport is ready and he can pick it up and received it, so now let him wait a little. sms, and if there indeed, the terms are already running out completely and already reach up to three months, then you have to come
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there and demand an official refusal, necessarily record the violation, yes, if a person applies, and obviously we are talking here about men from 18 to 60 years of conscription age before mobilization, if from june 30, these people will apply to the dp document there or to the consulate in different countries, what should be brought with them, what documents and what is considered an update of data? a data update is considered simply that a person confirms that he has, for example, the same place left registration, the first name, last name, nothing changed, so the passport did not change. and then a person comes, shows either a reserve plus that the person updated the data independently, or comes to the consular office and says: i want to get consular services, or pick up a passport, or apply for a passport, or some notary services, and then the consul either independently takes the documents and sends a request to ukraine in order to update the data, or a person, well, or informs
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a person that you need to be registered, for example, for the military, and then, well , the person... has the right to agree or not to agree, that is, he or she hands over his foreign passport to ukraine, and then the consular institution personally communicates with ukraine, with the ukrainian side, the information and so on and updates the data, or a person, i say independently through the reserve plus, i usually advise through the reserve plus, until the sixty-day period has expired, that's because then in the majority, well, it can be drawn up... an admin-protocol about the violation, that is, a person can later pay a fine, here well, they will simply update her data on the spot at the consulate. and there is a guarantee that if a person came, applied to the consulate from the 30th, for example, gave his passport to be sent to ukraine to the tcc to update the data, that this passport, i don’t know, will be returned, and what happens next
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will they do all the necessary actions that a person wants to do there at the consulate and will they help there with the processing of documents and not refuse her? unfortunately, if, i will say so, unfortunately, i cannot guarantee such information, because if it has not yet been implemented in practice, in law it is written that they should be returned, the direct application of the changes, i will quote directly, the foreign diplomatic institution of ukraine sends a statement defined by the document to the corresponding territorial center of recruitment and social support, the central administration or regional body of the security service of ukraine, or a reply. to the division of the intelligence agencies to their e-mail address, which is posted on their official website within a day, that is, what does this mean that when a ukrainian submits an application, a foreign one is added to the application the passport, a copy and this copy are sent to the e-mail address, but the consulate keeps the passport within the same day,
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that is, after accepting this application, the consulate must return it to the citizen of ukraine. foreign passport, it is written here: after the application is accepted, the citizen of ukraine, the passport of the citizen of ukraine for traveling abroad is returned, either by postal means , or together with a copy of the first page of the passport of the citizen of ukraine for traveling abroad. that is, in practice it has not yet happened, it is difficult to assert, but the law says what you quoted, there is a question from the viewer, from boris, he asks in the comments how to inform his son that he is a person with a disability in the tsc. if he is abroad, i can also add such examples, when, for example, we are also approached by a woman who is a doctor there, without any military rank, but nevertheless we know that women doctors, they also have to update their data there, for example, and she is there with children abroad, what should be done in such situations in order to update the data? well, first of all, it is necessary
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to understand whether a person has a military registration document in his hands, because if he doesn't have it, then it's just a matter of going. directly to the consulate of ukraine and there to submit this application, which i mentioned, that i quoted the law: if a person has a military registration document, and the person has not gone to update the data to show that he is a person with a disability, or there and more if there are any defects, for example, you need to go to the consulate general of ukraine or to the embassy of ukraine with the consular department and update the data, just then the data will update that person, according to the certificate. there are persons with disabilities and so on, cannot be called up for military service, because they can be excluded from military registration, but again, this, as the theory says, as practice will tell us, we will see after june 30 , because at the moment we are only analyzing the plus-minus of what could be, but i say it as it is, for now we will wait for the application in
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practice. i would also like to ask you about what about documents for minor ukrainian male citizens? are there any restrictions for obtaining a passport, updating a citizen's documents, for example, at 16 or 17 years old, if he is abroad. currently, there are no such restrictions, but the ministry of foreign affairs has also clarified that at the age of 17, citizens of ukraine must either return to the territory of ukraine, enter military registration, or enter consular registration abroad. well, but it was on the condition that we still had it available, check-out procedure. to a permanent place of residence, that is, when there was still such a reason for crossing the border, then. currently, since june 1, this procedure is already impossible, that is, it is not possible to cross the border when a person left for a permanent place of residence. and that is why citizens of ukraine are forced either to go to ukraine or register for military service through the consulate general, just in accordance with these changes that will be applied to the regulations, we are waiting
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for them to be adopted, that is, a person, there is a man, a boy of 16-17 years old in order to to come update the data, for example to ukraine, he can leave ukraine again, if he is a refugee there, or he is not yet 18 years old, can he leave abroad or not? up to 18 yes, up to 18 maybe, after 18 no. you are talking about the fact that since june 1 of this year, ukraine canceled the exclusion of this residence abroad for men aged 18 to 60, who does it apply to, if you can say briefly, it also applies to men who have dual citizenship, or who there are some such residence permits in other countries, that, that refers to those who left ukraine for a permanent place of residence, that is, those whose center of residence, center of interests is in another country, and these people were discharged from ukraine completely, removed from the military register, and... a permit from the state migration service was the reason for removal from military registration, because a person left permanently to live in another country, in simple words, he is discharged from ukraine from the address of registration and
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becomes registered in another country, in addition , a person, when he registered in another country, registered, must be registered in the consular register, permanent or temporary abroad, and then it was a reason for crossing the border, now it is not a reason, that's why i say, forced to go to ukraine, or ... an option will appear through the general consulate of ukraine, but then again the question arises, and if a person is called up for military service, then what will be extradited to ukraine, if there is a search, or returned to ukraine, at the moment it is also not clear, because there is no practice, and practice decides a lot here , apparently because what the law says, and how it is interpreted, as in practice, and what can change, is another matter, elizabeth, unfortunately, a lot of things happen, yes, i thank you for joining, and for now, at least, what we have , and you explain... how to act in the comments, again, i encourage people to write about your experience, your questions, which we see on our broadcasts, we periodically raise such topics and talk about these important topics. elizaveta mazor, lawyer on
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migration issues, law firm prykhodko and partners was a guest of svoboda morning. i encourage you to subscribe to rfe/rl, subscribe there or write to rfe/rl journalists, you see someone doing an important piece that resonates with you, you have more questions or have your own story, you... you can find us all on social media, share your story, we will raise these topics on our broadcasts, well, over the past year and a half , the ministry of defense and the armed forces brigade themselves have started to change their approaches to recruiting people in the army, someone is using active appeals and bright colors on advertising banners, many of us noticed it, someone on the contrary is trying to convey that not everyone in the army should be stormtroopers, but people are also looking for rear positions, the ministry of defense meanwhile is opening recruiting centers throughout ukraine and promises to solve the problem with the fact that tsc, despite the fact that the mobilized are relevant, send them to the brigades according to distribution.
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our correspondent, roksolana bychay, will tell about these and other nuances of how people are currently being recruited into the armed forces, she asked recruiters and recruits, look, this is an interesting material. bohdan, bohdan, good day. bohdan jokes that his meeting. with these guys in military uniform on the street - a typical anti-tick meme, but in fact he himself wanted to meet with the soldiers of the 47th brigade. how did you find us, how did you get out at all? i used to watch a lot of interviews on youtube. bohdan is a potential recruit of the armed forces, the recruiting department of the 47th brigade offers a meeting over coffee to civilians who want to join the service or are hesitating whether they are ready to fight. there is no direct desire to join the stormtroopers, but to leave the country at such a time i definitely don't want to. i have there were a number of questions that worried me, i would like to receive certain guarantees about the profession, about who is needed, what kind of people are needed, how these people will perform their
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work, they meet precisely on neutral territory, in a cafe, so that a potential serviceman can in a comfortable atmosphere to learn more about the issues that bother you, you don't want to just go and die, i understand that no one wants to die, but here the main question is about... attitude training in a brigade, no military officer gives any scenario in which a person would come to us directly, without coming without gdp, general military training, it is now mandatory, and as for the fact that five rounds were fired, yes unfortunately, in most of us here in ukraine it happens like that, but today we have options, today we actually have scenarios in which a person can get by without gdp. one of the eyelashes. such active involvement of people in army service is precisely at the brigade level implemented recently. according to him, point-to-point interaction and the involvement of specific people give
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a lot. a better outcome than general mobilization. the general system of mobilization, first of all, it works more on quantity than on quality. we noticed that in general, with mobilization, it is more difficult to get the candidate who fits our criteria. directly recruiting, well, this is the main decision on how to find our person. according to the recruiters of the 47th, one more of their tasks is to ensure the support of the candidate to lavzu from the first call. before entering the brigade on a certain position, where should i apply, where should i take what document, give it to me, for example, if i was not currently registered anywhere there, but i want to take my documents somewhere, how to do it, how to do it correctly, it would be correct to contact the recruiting office the center of our or another brigade, and they will provide full instructions on how to act, whether it is a contract or mobilization, since for a contract you still need to go through certain doctors, there
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are a lot of dispensaries, a lot of documents. join the army now or not? well, you definitely need to think about the decision, because in if my uncle is going to serve now, my father-in-law is already fighting and i am still a single man, so according to me... i have to think a little, and this is another recruit for a pseudo x-ray, he is already in the final stage of training at the training center in the kharkiv region. i decided not to wait until he was somewhere there, tentatively caught on the street, yes, i decided to apply for recruiting, i found a brigade where my friends and comrades serve.
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contacted them, passed the interview, what scares me the most, yes, it's the unknown, when you come to a specific brigade, you have a person who helps you with this to solve certain issues, including, you know, psychological ones, and where i will end up and what i will do, when it is explained to you, it is not so scary anymore. iksray went all the way from calling recruiters to serving in the brigade, says that there was no problem with getting into the brigade in which he planned to... serve. you can find the full version of this material on the radio liberty website. and then let's talk about geopolitics. already today , the summit of the leaders of the j7 countries will start in italy. he is called the one on which the issue of ukraine will be the main one agenda, and it is expected that at the summit the leaders will agree to provide ukraine with 50 billion dollars by the end of the year. this was reported by the ifp agency with reference to an unnamed representative of the
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french president's office. these funds are planned to be obtained from interest on 300 billion euros of frozen assets of the russian central bank. not only the j7 leaders, but also the leaders of the eu countries and other invited guests will arrive in italy for the summit. among them are the presidents of turkey, argentina, brazil, the united arab emirates, the king of jordan, as well as the director international monetary fund, president of the world bank, un secretary general. and for the first time in its almost 50-year history, the pope will visit the summit . at the invitation of italian prime minister giorgia mloni, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi will arrive in italy. together with the ukrainian delegation and j7 leaders, he will take part in the session on the ukrainian issue. and on the sidelines of the summit , zelensky is scheduled to meet with american president joseph biden. their meeting was announced by white house national security adviser john kirby. with the united states they will talk about increasing defense
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support, development. coalition, fighter jets and the steps needed to accelerate the delivery of f-16 aircraft and additional air defense systems. biden, together with zelensky, will sign a security agreement between the united states and ukraine. my colleague will tell us all the details now. meanwhile, the defense ministers of nato member countries are going to brussels today to agree on long-term support for ukraine. european correspondent of radio svoboda olena will tell more details. which is with us in direct communication from brussels. elena, greetings, good morning, a few words about the security guarantees from the us, what should they look like? good morning, katerina, well, at the moment we have official information from washington, but also data from the sources of the american tv channel cnn, and judging by cnn's information, it is not so much about security guarantees in the united states, but about guarantees from president biden, because it is about an agreement, which is optional
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