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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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there is, because there are not many ships in such an ocean zone, in fact this admiral garshkov is the only ship of this class, a sminets that was built in the last 30 years in the russian federation, all the rest were small ships, this one they built, and this is more of an advertising goal, so let's see, well, they went very well, they will return, regarding nuclear... weapons, in principle, nuclear weapons can be installed on a ship of any class, and well, in the russian federation, and before , well, any rocket, torpedo, it was capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, therefore of course also in kaliningrad, that is why the kaliningrad bastion can have seeds and they can somehow be stored there and in crimea, by the way. but another matter is whether there is now
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a need to have nuclear weapons on ships or not, here i think that the russians, they are thinking about it very seriously now, and such a technical possibility exists even for missile boat, that ivanovic missile boat, which we sank, but it could carry missiles with nuclear masks... oh well, again, ships of a smaller class , they may not carry torpedoes, missiles, but anti-submarine charges with a nuclear warhead. and what else is known about the russian anti-submarine ship admiral levchenko, which burned in the barents sea? well, it’s quite experienced, well, it’s not experienced, it’s built in 1988, it was built in st. petersburg, so it’s there... it performed
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a lot of military service tasks, it’s an anti-submarine ship, you see it has such a quadruple container now from the starboard side, these are anti-submarine missiles, they are fired and at certain points , a small-sized torpedo separates from the missile, it falls into the water and searches for guidance on the submarine, but on the submarine and destroys it, but, well , for... the 80s and 90s, it was a pretty good ship , he had a fairly modern air defense system, now they support him in combat formation, because , again, there are not very many such ships, his displacement is 700 tons, but, well, i understand that during routine work, something happened to his gas turbine, they have four gas turbine production mykolaiv factory. ah, it is a very reliable unit, but
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it, it requires, and maintenance of material and technical, there is a certain regulation for which it is calculated, if such a regulation is not made, or if it is made unqualifiedly, then it may fail, various situations may arise, i i understand that there was a situation that led to a fire, and a fire in the engine room, where the gas turbines are located , is very serious, and this one for the ship... a serious challenge, several compartments can win there, well, in total, well, in total damage can reach, well, for a ship of this class, the amount, well, i think tens of millions of dollars, so i think that the fact that this fire happened on it, most likely, will not allow it to perform its tasks for a long time, if at all ... able, able russians to renew
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such a ship. thank you, mr. andrii, for the clarification. andrii razenko, captain of the first rank reserve of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, strategic expert of the sonata company, deputy chief of staff of the navy of the ukrainian armed forces in 2004-2020. dear friends, let's go a short pause, then we will continue and talk about ramstein. stay with us. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position. because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matryk stopper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order topper matryk for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. the unique cover in which you can hide your topper will become not only a new interior item, but also quite a functional
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have nothing to do with this record. please excuse me. but who spent millions on cars at the height of the war? so i came to the car dealership and bought them. on thursday , june 13, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become languages ​​for many relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. activities of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. dear friends, we are returning to ether, we still have an hour and 20 minutes left of our participation in
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the espresso marathon. klyuk, andriy saichuk, we are running this marathon for you, and we remind you about the assembly, follow the qr code to... the dot and as in the title, this is how it happens, the card number appears. for the good guys , we are collecting for a good cause, for drones that will calculate where moskal is sitting so that moskalev to bring a gift in the form of artillery shells. well, just now we will talk with viktor shlinchak, head of the institute of world politics, editor-in-chief of lovecom. mr. viktor, we are glad to see you. greetings, colleagues, i don't work at the glavkom anymore, but at the institute of world politics, yes, yes, update information, update information, yes, good, let's remember, mr. viktor, we are talking to you today, the reason is that started
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ramshtein, dedicated to ukraine, what, what expect what they will talk about? the questions are obvious, they lie on the surface. air defense, patriot systems, again, additional missiles, additional shells, actually. not from ramstein to ramstein, the situation has not changed much yet, because even the seven systems that we talked about there two months ago have not yet reached ukraine, despite the fact that we are promised the transfer of some systems , but so far they have not been felt and they have not yet reached ukraine. if we talk about the actual new statement, in particular
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from biden, that ukraine should have security without nato, how should we react to this and, in general , what do we have, what should we hope for this year, in this sense? well, first of all, during the g7 summit, in fact , an agreement will be signed today about, well, that's right. the so-called defense or security agreement, which is now described in zmi as being about assistance between the united states of america and ukraine, that is , this agreement provides that the united states of america can indeed transfer additional weapons to ukraine, the only question is in what quantities, the question is how much it a binding document, because this document is not ... one that is ratified in parliaments, that is, that will be after a change,
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relatively speaking, of the government in the united states of america, because the agreement provides for a ten-year term for its implementation, that is, in any in this case, the authorities may change, and to what extent this agreement will continue to operate after that is a big question, but nevertheless, the signing of such agreements with... of course, this is a positive fact, in any case, we are grateful to our western partners for the fact that they give us this help because without this help it is clear that we would not last, but we would like , in addition to promises, to still have the mobility and speed with which our partners can transmit certain battles. ammunition, ammunition for the battlefield, because
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months pass from the promises to the actual handover, and we are paying for these months with hundreds of ukrainian lives. we also had a conference on reconstruction in berlin, the future of ukraine's reconstruction, it was the one... it had certain such scandalous moments, in particular, it was the fact that mustafa nayem, who was supposed to be there, was not at this conference should be, since he heads the agency for the recovery of ukraine itself, we don't have a head of the minister of infrastructure at the moment, even the minister, the prime minister of ukraine did not go in the end, and actually there was even such a moment when we saw from the same documents , about which nikola showed yesterday that , for example, documents were published where... the participants of the event were indicated, that is, there is ursova fonderlyajen, there is olaf scholz, as the host
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party, and the representative of ukraine, here, that is, this is also the representative of ukraine, this means that he to the protocol service did not know at the last moment, did not know who it would be, in the end, but nevertheless, well, all the familiar and familiar, familiar faces from the president's office were present at this event, was it this, or was it some? things that actually overshadow or undermine us as reliable partners who are, who are, i don't know, profess western values, let's call it that, well, first of all, let's not overestimate the role of individuals in history, because and the united states of america, our western partners from europe, they are used to it to work with... institutions in the first place, not with specific people, but with institutions, as
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plato, my friend, says, but the truth is more expensive here, and despite the fact that i have a positive attitude towards mustafa nayem, but he has a big role in the holding of this, this meeting, well, it is somewhat exaggerated, i think that he still played a big role here, the participation is political, that is, the president came to germany, and of course it was much more important. a higher figure and who strengthened this forum actually, the question is a little different, that's why that this is the third conference, you remember that the first was in lugano, the second was in london, the third actually in germany, the question is that from the conference to the conference there, well
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, let's say, no special infrastructure and investment programs were involved, and this ... it is logical, because when we talk about the reconstruction of ukraine, we must first win the war, and i believe that, in general, all resources and all opportunities should be focused on winning ukraine in the war, and not on beautiful presentations or at a beautiful conference , there are a lot of them, there have been too many of them lately many of these conferences are about restoration, but it is necessary to say... it is clear to the people that the war must be won first, and later we will figure out how to restore all those powers that existed in ukraine before the war. it seems to me that these are obvious things, and unfortunately, i am very surprised that, including our western partners, invest in this kind of
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events instead of filling the conventional military budget with real aid, why, why do ours do this, it is more- it is less clear, but why do you say that western partners are going for it, what is their logic, as yours, well, look, a conference of this level is being prepared for at least six months, six months ago the situation in ukraine, including at the front, was a little different than in the last six months, when we observed a large shortage of military... military ammunition and the like, and more than that , russia went on the counteroffensive, and now in some areas it even dictates its terms, so here you need, you know, as they say, an expensive spoon before dinner, and it is necessary to determine what is
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primary and what is secondary, at least, and in this case it seems to me that sometimes our... and western partners, they do not get on the agenda, which changes literally every month, well, among them, in particular, for example, radosław sikorski, the minister of foreign affairs of poland, who emphasized in berlin that ukraine must make reforms right now, and moreover, she will not be able to carry them out successfully, if she does not carry them out now during the war, and what kind of reforms are these, deciphered the vice-president of the european commission, one might say, the deputy. which emphasized that the judicial system should be reformed, in particular the supreme court, and the second key criterion for ukraine now is the presence of independent media, so they still insist that reforms must take place, and this is part of the processes
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that must be done during the war. well, i have nothing to add here. reforms are not a one-time event, i.e. ukraine is simply obliged not to stop reforming, because now is such a time that you have to run twice as fast as to at least stay in the same place, ugh, and that's it was, for example, before the war, that is, we now have to convince our including western partners, that ukraine is moving in the right direction and... and what's more, it seems to me that now the ukrainian government, the ukrainian authorities, have the task of convincing, including the internal audience, the internal ukrainian audience, that ukraine is moving in the right direction, look at sociology, right now
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the trend is such that people are beginning to doubt how much we, or rather, how much... ukraine is moving in the direction in which they speak at various pathetic conferences. well, it is difficult to convince when indeed some run so fast that they even find themselves in another place. i am now referring to such a mr. golik, yuriy, who is involved in the recent scandal about the origins of nabu, who was involved in large-scale construction and was here. as an adviser to the president's office , he helps in those matters, as well as reznichenko, the former head of the state administration of dnipropetrovsk region, and here he is. the mirror of the week with reference to several sources that he is already in austria, it seems that he has an israeli passport and went abroad according to the system
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, because he has a disability, that's it history, and the media, independent media such as zherkova tsikhi report this, and it turns out that on the one hand we need to strengthen our unity and trust in the institutions of power, but you see, then we need to close the independent media, because they are very in favor of... . or we need to shut down people like holik who are destroying the country from within with their corruption, one of the two ways we are moving now, here the question is not to unite around powerful institutions, here we need to unite around an idea, and we must , so that the authorities understand their responsibility, that we have only one idea, we have it the idea of ​​winning, we have the idea of ​​preserving the country, we have the idea of ​​preserving statehood, and if we... we will be there, relatively speaking, from the high stands talking about this main idea, and this idea, of course, is supported by 99%, i am sure
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of society, and at the same time engage in, well , a little bit different things, and society sees this, but then it will not lead to this idea being implemented. moreover, our western partners, especially the united states of america, they are very well informed about the people in power who are responsible for those or others, well, let's say in quotation marks, business processes that we observe, and which anti-corruptionists are now talking about and which journalists are writing about a lot now, so we can... speak from high platforms, a lot of good things, but it is necessary that they be reinforced, of course also with deeds.
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well, thank you very much, viktor shlenchak was with us, the chairman of the board of the institute of world politics, we talked about the current situation, what to expect from ramstein on the 23rd, and we talked a little about corruption scandals, which are good known to our partners and well known in fact to ukrainians. a politically active society, of course, and about the fact that, well, we need to take some steps here, and uh, now we have, now we will go on a break, dear friends, but before we go on a break, i want to remind you that we have 457, 3737 hryvnias in one of the accounts, in another private account there are about 100 00, and so on. in total, we have passed half a million, we are gathering for our military the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine and gathering for drones, which should help them find out where moskal is sitting.
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please join this collection, we need to collect 2.5 million in total and this is a huge amount that scares, but you know, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do, they take their hands to their phones, open the camera there and scan. the qr code on the right, or open the privat-24 application, search for the scanner function there and scan the qr code on the left of you. and they transfer their money, and in this way we are approaching uah 2.5 million. we 're going to take a break now, and we 've got one more hour of our marathon ahead of us, so stick with us as we talk about recruiting and about what is happening in the world. stay there are discounts, they represent unbreakable discounts on
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