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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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in a peaceful life, they just get tears , compare in a peaceful life, yes, because if it were , well, again, a lot of money is paid for just sitting, even businessmen and merchants never pay a large salary for someone who sits and waits for something, well, they pay a lot of money or for a risk or for some completed task that will impress you, but in relation to the study itself, that is, constantly. the stories that the instructors, the instructors are foreign, french, there are german, american, on which the training in your educational classes is now built in the school centers, is it always, for example, and how long does it last, because it reaches us in history, again people there start saying among themselves that the preparation lasts very short, there literally two weeks and let’s go ahead, no, well, the basic general military training, it lasts from 30 to 35 days, it all depends on when our military arrived and there, well...
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delays with the processing of documents or the weekend there fell to the end, then 30-35 days is basic for everyone, regardless of whether you will be a cook or an attack aircraft, and for 35 days we take, well, 30-35 units under during this training, they learn the skills of handling weapons, study the tactical and technical characteristics of the main types of weapons and military equipment , learn tactical medicine, that is , to provide medical assistance to oneself and one's comrades, to study individual elements of providing psychological assistance, because there is no person, which is not afraid of anything, but the reaction to fear is different, you can freeze, you can run, it is better for a person to run, and then change seats and come back, but if our fellow man freezes, then it is death immediately for to bring him out of this stupor, there are appropriate... methods and measures, even that
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slap on the face, he brings him back to reality, this is studied, the basics of fighting as part of a unit, i.e. five or six people, and instructors are studied marines - these are officers and sergeants with combat experience, who came to military training, and military training , respectively, as instructors and passed. the path of the combat officer and sergeant, and a large number of those who have been wounded, and they can say by their example, act like this, because if you stay there, you will fly in, then all this experience accumulated in the training center is transferred to our servicemen, and after 35 days of general military training, our servicemen are assigned to... in military units, but
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the training does not end, then there is a professional preparation, is already sent to the relevant training centers from a part, for example, for a clerk, in order to study the documentation and, well, the standards for entering documentation, it lasts 10 days for a cook, or even if you yes, you are a nice cook in civilian life, you have never cooked for... the governing documents and even the equipment are large, so they are also prepared there for 20-30 days, if it is an unmanned aerial vehicle operator, then there are 30-35 additional actions, yes, because it is difficult equipment, if it is an artilleryman, then depending on the type of equipment and weapons, if it is water, even if it is a driver. and he
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worked with a truck driver all his life, they are still sent to driver training, because driving in emergency situations, driving in convoys, of course, is serious training, and it's that simple no one will be unprepared, and well, i want to add that even after that , the combat coordination of the platoon of the battalion company continues in the units and it continues, but the training course continues constantly. and the parts that are taken out for restoration, they don’t sit and are not there, they don’t sleep, they don’t smoke, they don’t walk, they train, mr. colonel, thank you very much for taking the time to visit us today at the studio, viktor samokhin was with us , we talked about the recruitment and recruitment center, and actually mr. viktor is the head of this center, dear friends, let's take a short break now, we'll come back, talk about events in the world, in which the important issue of ukraine remains. with us.
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every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day
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with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. dear friends, we are moving on and oleksandr levchenko, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine, is with us, we are talking with him about the g7 summit, which is taking place in italy, starting today, and we are joining mr. oleksandr to us, mr. oleksandr, congratulations, sincere greetings to the audience of the studio . actually, what should we expect from this g7 summit in italy? well, if we are talking about the ukrainian issue, it is included there, and, of course, it is important to us whether a final decision will be made, which seems to have been agreed upon, regarding the use of russian assets, or rather the interest on these assets, because the state security service offers us a loan of 50
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billion and in order to service this loan, so that the country does not pay anything, there is a proposal that the interest on these... almost 300 billion, which are in various banks, mainly in european countries, so that this interest covered the interest that must be paid on the ukrainian loan. the state, well, of course , moscow does not like this, it is protesting, meanwhile, this is a legally clean decision, because the russian assets have remained, although there was also the topic of confiscating them altogether, so this sum of 50 billion, it now the ukrainian economy, the armed forces, our defense-industrial complex, well, probably other things that... will also be present at this summit, and the signing of an agreement on military-technical cooperation is expected
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cooperation between ukraine and the usa, sometimes journalists call it security agreements, but ukraine has already concluded these agreements with many countries, now the time has come for the united states of america, well, this is probably the most important agreement of all those bilateral agreements that we concluded, we will see which ones. the sums for supporting ukraine will be written there, perhaps there will be a specification of what the united states of america is interested in from a military point of view , will provide us with advanced technologies, advanced weapons, and of course, taking into account the difficult situation at the front, the implementation of this the agreement will be quick, because it will not require ratification, so i expect... today the ukrainian issue will be discussed, the summit is going on for several days, so
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by the end of the day we will have concrete results from apulia, which is one of the provinces of italy in the south of the studio. if we talk about this security agreement between the united states and ukraine, the washington post writes that, despite the fact that zelensky and biden can conclude this agreement, trump, if he wins on... and becomes the president of the united states, can to cancel, then some such, you know, from one on the one hand, there is joy, and on the other hand, very not very great uncertainty, well, i said that it will not be ratified, you know that the ratification can take a year and a half, but you sign the agreements and it, it sags, trump enters his authority from there from 20 from 20 to 20 to... january 2 next year, so it will be in effect until that moment, so we have
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at least 7 and a half months in reserve, and in these 7.5 months we will receive a lot of things from the united states of america, he can revise this agreement, maybe he will say that it must be strengthened, it is insufficient, it does not meet the needs of ukraine in order to defeat the russian federation, i agree. i also do not rule out the fact that the european pravda studio writes that there is now severe criticism of the draft resolution of the peace summit, which is planned for this year, for this summer, and there is not much time left before it, and some have changed wording and left no loopholes, as european pravda writes , for... inviting, for example, russia to an upcoming summit, for some
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compromises or for adjusting our formula of peace, which is the formula of president zelensky, whether it is good or bad, because, for example, china said that it will not participate in this summit and many other countries, because it does not include any possible issues for compromise, and russia will not participate in it. well, china is not participating because it believes that russia should have participated, our position is that we do not need russia at the situational summit, because we need to agree on a position with countries of goodwill that want peace, peace based on the principles of international law, and from this one a common position, then they will start talking with russia, of course, russia must be present at the next summits, because it is impossible to solve any issue without russia, so in fact, china says that it is... from the first summit to invite russia, to talk with russia and so on, we had a vision that at
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the first summit we would definitely not talk with russia, but agree on some of our positions between the countries of different continents that want the end of the war based on the norms and principles of international law, well, china offers to end the war on the principles of justice, and it is obvious that the principles of justice... are different from the norms and principles of international law, well, it is obvious that they probably include some justice of the fact that it is possible that the aggressor can take some part of the territories, but i don't know. why do they not want to, regarding the norms and principles of international law, despite the fact that china is a permanent member of the security council, and therefore a lot of questions arise for beijing, but this is the position beijing has, there are many similar positions of ukraine, which are oriented towards crimea , that's why many countries did not go to this summit in switzerland, studio,
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volodymyr zelenskyi from europe actually... went to saudi arabia with an unannounced visit, stayed the day before, what this visit and what this meeting means for ukraine, what we expect from saudi arabia, why, why do we need this visit? well, the visit was not announced, so no one knew about it at all, only a small circle of people knew about them and the questions you raised, we did not hear a report about it, what they talked about, because we here... you think , which was talked about, is only possible guess some things saudi arabia has a strong position in the world, it's one of the major oil exporters, one of the major players in the middle east, uh, it's a country that said it would not participate in the summit in switzerland , we'll see,
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maybe it will happen now after these conversations and so on, well, keep in mind that soldovska... has a lot of serious influence on other countries in the region, so her opinion is important, especially since saudi arabia has volunteered to participate in some humanitarian issues, including regarding the return of ukrainian children. the studio, this chinese formula for peace, is it, what is it in the end, is it, how to put it. it's just that in the last six months there have been a lot of voices that our peace formula is not realistic, in the form of 10 points, i will remind you that reparations for russia are included, and there is an exit to the borders of 1991, or is it should we confess here, i don't know the slogan of the
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1968 student revolution, that let's be realistic, demand the impossible, or still? we should have a more realistic reality of politicians in such a case, look at our possibilities and the expectations of our partners in matters of future peace, well, if you don't believe in your borders, state it openly, suggest it to the political leadership of our country, that we are unlikely to hold the borders, let's all declare it, ugh, that we are ready to give something there, ugh. let's fight to give less and so on, is this a winning position, well, how can i tell you, for me categorically not, but if we are members of the un and adhere to the principles of the charter, these conventions, that exist, in principle, the principle
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of sovereignty, territorial value, it remains, therefore the war, it is necessary to remind china that china, ugh. territorial integrity of ukraine, in accordance with the budapest memorandum. the budapest memorandum is not a binding document, more declarative, but even declaratively , china declared that it will guarantee ukraine's state sovereignty and territorial integrity. the question is whether we will be able to end the war on the ukrainian peace formula, well, we would like to, but it still depends. not it depends on what kind of negotiations you are conducting there in geneva or in saudi arabia, it depends on what the front line is, we will have victories on the front line, everything will be fine, there will be no victories, well then we will, you will have to have other plans, the studio, the question is simply that, you know, i will say this here that i don’t know you, you go to a car dealership and want
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to buy a new car, and i don’t know you there, you have thousands of dollars saved for it, but you may... come across that the car you want costs, say, $100,00, and of course you say, i want a car for 100 dollars, well, i have 1,000 dollars, and it is just a reality, it's just that if, for example, they stop giving us financial assistance now, often without return in the form of grants, then we will have nothing tomorrow to pay pensions, we now have pensioners for almost half of the country, the situation with the demographic crisis is almost everyone in us. a pensioner, these are people who do not create any money at all, and who cannot fight, who, if we stop international aid, then we have to go to all lengths arrangements that will be offered to us, that's all, for now they give money, well, we have to fight and so on, show results, show the will to win, show unity, show
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strength of character to fight, you understand, but someone from texas can tell you, there is no for 100 dollars, well, they say that in texas, he took out a revolver, and took a car, you know, and drove off, moscow works with such approaches, you know, that's all, but there is a police. this is what we are struggling with in conversations with our partners, mainly the united states states of america, you will always manage to surrender the territory, fight for it not to be surrendered. studio, well, it's, it doesn't seem like a realistic approach, so the question is how much is this world...policeman willing to get involved in this war, we're often given an example, you know, of korea, but they forget that during the korean war american troops simply landed in
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korea and took part in this war by their own forces, we hope that we will be able to fight back without this help with the help of the advantages of western weapons, and this and that will be fixed, does the west understand, we literally have a minute left, is the west all good now... understands the stakes, what are the stakes now in this war? well, he already understands absolutely that if the main position is not to get into this war somehow, god forbid , moscow did not think badly, it seems that everyone has already understood that moscow will go further, it is not that we tell them everything, they already talk about it themselves, and that's good, and understanding this means that ukraine is cheaper. who will support ukraine, how to take it, will save money, will leave russia at the mercy of which will try to destroy ukrainian statehood, and then fight in the studio itself, thank you, mr.
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oleksandr, for the conversation, oleksandr levchenko, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine was in touch with us, we talked about international politics and what, how it affects in ukraine, for our struggle with russia, dear friends, there is still very little time left until the end of our... part on the air of the espresso marathon, and i urge you in these last minutes of our participation to donate to our army, to the hundredth brigade the armed forces of ukraine, who need drones to see where, where the enemy positions are, where the enemy is trying to advance and to destroy this enemy, please join in, now you see this qr code on your screens, and you can transfer so many hryvnias here , if you don't mind, or you can write down the card number with you, it is right here, and in this way also transfer funds in a way that is convenient for you, or come to the bank or to some
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ibox and transfer this money there, in the end, to support our army in any way, and any amount, in fact, the amounts do not have to be huge, i sometimes update this collection and see that sometimes 40, 30, 20 hryvnias have been added there, and this is also very important, because these hryvnia to hryvnia and... there will be 13 drones for our military, and it will not be easy for muscovites. dear friends, thank you for being with us, this day, lesya vakulyuk, andriy sechuk worked in this studio for you, and you collected 26 thousand today. stay with espresso, more to come. there are discounts. represent unbreakable discounts on edem 20% in the psylansky, bam and ochadny pharmacies. attention, thorough sale. kors garden trimmers for unpack
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12:00 pm
news time on the espressu tv channel in the studio. kateryna shiropoyas works. pentagon chief lloyd austin met with his colleague, ukrainian defense minister rustem umerov in belgium. this is reported by the reuters agency. the meeting took place before the meeting of the contact group on the defense of ukraine in the ramstein format, which will begin very soon. this will be the 23rd meeting in the rammstein format. the head of the defense departments from almost n'.


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