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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. pentagon chief lloyd austin met with his colleague, ukrainian defense minister rustem umerov in belgium. this is reported by the reuters agency. the meeting took place before the meeting of the contact group on the defense of ukraine in the ramshtein format, which will begin very soon. this will be the 23rd meeting in the ramshtein format. heads of defense departments from almost. 50 countries will talk about further
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support for ukraine. meanwhile, the general nato secretary jen stoltenberg announced the rapid arrival of f-16 aircraft in ukraine. according to him, assistance with modern fighters is not only the transfer of military equipment, but also the training of pilots and mandatory training of technical personnel. also, before the meeting of the defense ministers of the countries, stoltenberg reacted too favorably to the permission of some allies to... use weapons against russian targets on the territory of russia? we must understand that this is an aggressive war, that russia attacked ukraine and that it violates international rules. according to this, ukraine has the right to self-defense, including the ability to strike military targets on the territory of the russian federation. self-defense is not an escalation, it is a legal right of the country, and we also have the right to help ukraine in this, supporting ukraine. in other words, our
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nato allies do not become part of the conflict. military sailors rescued a civilian man who was swept into the open sea. this was reported in the press center of the command of the naval forces of the ukrainian armed forces. the crew of one of the boats that was on a mission in chornoy the sea found a sailor and brought him to land. he noted that on june 8 in odesa and izmailsk. officially opened the beach season, 20 locations were opened for swimming and recreation. the participants of iron varios returned to ukraine for the rehabilitation of their wounded comrades. ukrainian soldiers were wearing prosthetics, they took part in a charity march in scotland. the ukrainian team was led by vadym sveredenko, a sergeant of the armed forces, an example of resilience and courage: an indomitable man with four prostheses. fighters collected money for payment. sports prostheses for
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brothers, so that they can also rehabilitate after injuries, anyone who wants to can join the gathering, they will not make it, but it is character, willpower, and they were the last to overcome, in 12 hours, there you have to see such ups and downs, protests in armenia, the police used stun grenades against the participants of the action. according to local media, dozens of victims are known. let me remind you that the protesters are demanding the resignation of nikol pashinyan's government due to the decision to return to azerbaijan four villages that belonged to him in times of the soviet union. yesterday, the participants of the action began to dismantle the barricade in front of the parliament. the police detained about a hundred people. the police detained an armed woman who barricaded herself in the federal building. investigations in the american
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city of seattle. the woman is a us citizen, she seized the third floor of the building, threatened with a weapon. the negotiations lasted for about an hour, after which the offender laid down her weapon and agreed to leave. the motives of the attacker are currently unknown. education from europe: 5 thousand european books were given to ukrainians students, including educational literature for mastering disciplines. this is a new direction. european book program for ukrainian youth. what kind of initiative is this? let's look further. for a modern architect, engineer, it is very important to have foreign european experience, especially in education, in order to eventually be able to integrate into european society and work very successfully and successfully as an architect. justin is a fourth-year student of kyiv national university of civil engineering and architecture. he is studying industrial and civil engineering. future
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the specialist will accompany the construction from the beginning to the end. the young man emphasizes: it is important to know not only ukrainian design and construction standards, but also european ones. in our university, even in certain courses , there is an established, established teaching of the discipline according to eurocodes, i.e. according to european standards, basically we all study in accordance with ukrainian standards, but our university tries to keep up with the latest technologies, i.e. according to eurocodes, we too teach currently specialized european literature due to there are almost no borders in ukrainian universities. our partners helped solve this problem. ukrainian. even educational institutions have now received european-style textbooks on history, design, tourism and culture. economists, managers and doctors also receive manuals on the eu. books are available in english, german and french.
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the university of amsterdam approached us first, saying: come on, since you are already coming here, we will give you a book for universities. and this is how we started such a project as part of our campaign, it is... we gave the european book to ukrainians, well, to children, students, in this case, and the first was kyiv university, we gave it, there was a specific kind of humanitarian literature there, but during this time, lviv, ternopil, and chernivtsi. foreign scientific literature was also received by the kyiv university of construction and architecture. this institution of higher education will become a hub, where specialized books for all universities of ukraine will be transported. today we decided that it is difficult for us to establish contacts with institutions ourselves, to understand who needs what, addressed dosasevich, he is the head of the association of rectors, we will transfer the association, the association will already determine where, accordingly , we will deliver again. such a project is
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called european book for ukrainian youth, it is only a part of the large program ukrainian book for ukrainian children, which has been implemented since the beginning of the full-scale war. in addition to science , fiction will also be available for students. such things cannot be unimportant, because it contributes not only to the formation of ukrainian spirituality in our citizens, who, unfortunately, are now abroad, but also contribute to the formation of the internal stability that our entire country needs today. thanks to this initiative, ukrainian children, students and soldiers received more than 1 million. not only in our country, but also abroad. the project is implemented in more than 30 countries. meanwhile , the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charity fund are calling to join the collection for drones and components for artillery reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that
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we plan to purchase is eight improved ones mavic models and five ordinary ones. quadcopters are the eyes in the sky that burn safety and provide an opportunity to confidently move forward. and the most important thing. they help save the lives of our soldiers, we need to collect 2.5 million hryvnias, so let's not waste time, join the collection for our defenders. the 23rd meeting in the ramshtein format, watch it in a few minutes on our social networks. and to learn more interesting and up-to-date information, follow the updates on our site, as well as. in our social networks, we will see you tomorrow, take care, today in the
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verdict program with serhii rudenko, 50 billion is at stake, the leaders of the g7 countries will try to agree on a loan mechanism at the summit in italy. for ukraine at the expense of profits from frozen russian assets. why are the eu skeptical about the american plan. orban's concessions. hungary will not block nato's decision regarding ukraine, but will not participate in its support either. what arguments of general secretary stoltenberg forced the hungarian leader to change his irreconcilable pro-russian position. it is not yet about peace. a global summit in switzerland is losing potential participants as china pushes the idea of ​​an alternative peace conference. are negotiations possible with the simultaneous participation of ukraine and russia. glory to ukraine. this is the
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verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko. i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. in the first part of our program, we will have diplomat and politician volodymyr ogrys. in the second part of the program, which will begin at 9:15 p.m., we will be joined by political experts maksym rozumny and volodymyr fesenko. however, before starting our big conversation today, let's look at the consequences of another terrorist attack by the russian occupiers and strikes on the crooked corner, at least nine dead and more than 29 injured, such are the tragic consequences of another strike by the russians, which hit a residential building, among the injured two children, this is how long
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the rescue operation lasted in the bitter cold, the ambulance workers, of course, the rescued woman handed over, says one was eternal memory to the dead and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our... platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us live there, please subscribe to our pages and take
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part in our survey, today we ask you about this, do you support the idea of ​​economic reservation from mobilization? yes, no, uh, if you're on youtube, it's quite simple, if you have your own opinion about this economic booking, that is, paying the company money for the booked employee so that he is not... mobilized, then you vote either yes or no, write your answer under this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you support the idea of ​​economic defense against mobilization 0800 211381, no 0800-211382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote. at the end of the program, we will sum up this vote. our guest today is volodymyr ogrysko, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9,
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head of the russian research center. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you. congratulations, mr. serhiy, good health. let's start our conversation, mr. volodymyr, with the conference on the restoration of ukraine, which ended today in berlin, and it was intended to outline the possibilities and, most importantly, the needs of ukraine in the restoration of ukraine. what prime minister denys shmyhal said at this conference, he says that ukraine needs up to 30 billion dollars of annual investments in the next 10 years, that is, 300 billion dollars. we need rebuilding access to foreign markets and improvement of logistics. we need external investment and technology transfer from our partners. ukraine needs from 10 to 30 billion dollars of annual investments in the following. 10 years, however, i, mr. volodymyr, wanted
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to start not with our needs, but with how we came to this conference, how we conducted it, and how in fact before this conference the head of the agency for the reconstruction of ukraine knocked on the door, and how your opinion, such nuances, such details affect the very atmosphere of the conference, the trust of our westerners partners to the ukrainian leadership and was it possible to avoid this conflict of a public scandal, which then spilled over into the western media? well, regarding the conference, it is not the first, it has already become a tradition, and it is very good that our allies and partners are finding opportunities to gather once again to discuss what needs to be prioritized and - it is becoming such, you know, a good tradition, and under this tradition, we see that uh, well
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, real funds will be allocated that will go to restoration, but well, let's let's be honest, first we need to defend what we will restore, that's why everything is fine, but it's already for the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow we still have to finish off the russian hydra in order to have something to restore. well, by the way, regarding these numbers that you mentioned, well, the same prime minister called the numbers of our numbers of the damage caused by this wild... country, which is still called the russian federation, is from 700 billion to 1 trillion dollars , well, you can imagine, these, these, these, these are fantastically large sums, so of course, right, the numbers are called that in order for us to reach something more or less
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normal, at least in some medium-term perspective, it will be a colossal job, and it will... require colossal money, there are definitely investors who can take risks, who will not wait some things, and today i saw information that even in the odesa region, which is constantly under shelling, some people want to invest anyway and so on, what does this say, it says that they believe in ukraine and not only politicians, but also businessmen, but that what you're saying is absolutely, well... it's beyond common sense, it's when we put up some artificial barriers for ourselves, but i, to be honest, also can't understand why it was necessary to, well, actually, uh, behead this whole direction of reconstruction is to first fire the minister, and now to make it
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so that he himself fired ee... hire, does anyone think that this helps the same trust? and no, of course, yes, the german colleagues diplomatically said: well, of course, there is a large delegation, everyone, everyone, everyone came there, everyone, everyone, well, there will be no rent, well, no one will die and so on, and of course no one will die, but do we turn our western partners towards ourselves in this way, that is the question, that is, why are we creating for ourselves ...
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we are also talking about the general situation with corruption, the general situation with democracy, the general situation with court decisions and the verdicts that are handed down in court sessions, obviously our western partners want to see ukraine as a projected state, because if shmyhal talks about 30 billion annually for 10 years, obviously, after all, those who will give money... will also demand from the ukrainian state the fulfillment of certain requirements and conditions will be set, do you see now that ukraine is ready to change and make these necessary changes, and not just not concentrate there , power is in the hands of five people, but to create a system
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that would allow not just five managers to manage ukraine, but would allow ukraine... to live fully, and all these areas that i am talking about, and norms, they would followed regardless of whether someone there clicks on a button in the president's office or there will dial some head of public or other or ukrainian forum and something there will demand, this system, how long do you think it will take for this system to be viable and to suit our western partners. what i honestly, well, i really hope, and if you want, what i sincerely believe is that, well , this month we should start accession negotiations, despite all the obstructions from hungary, i think that one way or another, well, he will be asked to go out, wash his hands and drink coffee in
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the moment when some kind of decision has to be made, i think that's the way it's going to be done, you see, right now the example is the... that he agreed with stoldenberg that he wouldn't help, but he wouldn't to deny, i think that this is the correct formula, which will also be applied in relation to the european union, and that's what we have, we have from, let's say, from july, the beginning of very specific negotiations on all parameters of our life, because what we will have to agree, it's everything, starting from ecology, ending there with a conditional space, therefore because we must be... so one hundred percent integrated into the european body that there will not be, you know, left to right, because there is a straight road, either way. no way, here already, you know, it will not work to sweat between two drops of rain, and here i have great hope that these five managers of ours
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will have to understand that it will not be possible to manage with buttons, european law will govern, and if this law will be adopted and we will live by these rules, then five managers or 25 managers in principle do not play a role, the laws will simply work or... they'll say, dear guys, if that's how you feel about what we're offering, well then you're going to have a very long time to get closer to european standards and so on, but i think these mechanisms will ultimately force a shift away from that micromanagement until the country really starts to change, well , if, well, if we are talking about the economy, then, sorry, no one can manage the way... uh, the same ukrainian entrepreneurs should act, if they clearly and clearly speaking, we are, so to speak, entering the
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european law, well, if we agreed to it, that means everything, we cannot work in any other way, and no matter who calls, says, hints, or eliminates someone, well , well, instead of one, they will put another, he will still be forced to live within these frameworks, but to be honest, this is my main... and only hope, because otherwise everything will just be, people will change, but the system will not change, well, in other words, in ukraine there must be such a system that will be unchanged during the change of power, during the change of presidents, i.e. it must be a system that allows ukraine to be open to western investors and to our western partners, and of course there won't be five managers who solve... all the issues in the country, because no one in the west is like that at all, and if we take , mr. serhiy, your field, imagine that from some, from
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some office, someone writes down what to say to whom, well, that's it, and who not to take, who not to interview, and so on, well, it's just, well , well, that's it it is not impossible, well, it is impossible to imagine in principle, so if they are agreed the rules of the mass media, then... everything, so no darkmen or anything like that automatically disappear, well, because if something like that happens somewhere, it will mean that there will be a scandal, it will be a nuclear explosion, and whoever takes the risk to do this will simply be burned in one second, well, let's hope that our path to europe will actually help the european union and help ukrainian society, because this is exactly what we are talking about. and you know, i still believe that there are two components here: strict rules and civil society, if it all
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comes together and including the mass media will be that, you know, such an angry dog, sorry for this comparison, that will bite and show what is wrong and why it is not so and so on, then this p' these managers will have to simply hide under the table, well, for now these five... managers, big managers are spending a big foreign policy week, because this week is full, a conference in berlin, tomorrow the summit of the big seven starts in italy, and then there will be a summit, a global peace summit in switzerland. tomorrow at the g7 summit, the united states of america promises to announce new sanctions and export control measures against russia during this very meeting. john kirby, the white house spokesman, says we are going to continue to increase spending on the russian military machine, and this week we are voting on an effective new set of sanctions and export
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control measures that will follow the commitments made by the leaders of the group of seven countries. they will target organizations and networks that help russia buy what they need for the war. well, in addition to that, at this summit... a plan will be announced to create a $50 billion fund to help ukraine, well , most importantly, tomorrow biden and zelenskyy will sign a security agreement on the sidelines of the g7 summit, so there should be such powerful signals for the world, what is it that changes the g7 summit and this security agreement with the united states of america, what is the signal? well, the signal is unequivocal that her hopes for russia that someone is tired,
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someone... forgot about what is happening, this all vain hopes, the only thing is, you know that , well, in life and in diplomacy, there are different tactics of conducting affairs, well, you can organize it in such a way as to quickly overcome the enemy's front and put an end to it, or you can do, you know, the process of such gradual suffocation, i.e., well, every one, well, the americans like to say, boil this frog. so that she does not understand that she has already been cooked, well, it seems to me that this very principle has become the main point in the position of western countries in relation to russia, so that she suffocates gradually, so that she there was less and less oxygen and that she ultimately, well, survived this finale, but did not even understand that she was already, well , clinical death, well, you know, this topic
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is about... the assets of russia, which are frozen, but not confiscated, well, they gathered all the lawyers and diplomats, and experts, and so on, and the mountain gave birth to a mouse, well, excuse me, this is my personal impression, so ukraine will receive one and a half to two, well, a maximum of 3 billion dollars every year, these are revenues from of assets, the assets themselves, i.e. assets, i.e. all this is big, well, so to speak this bank remains to be spoken. not touched, but the fact that, well, here, and is this a solution, the problem in essence, and of course it is not, it is again eyes, you know, this is boiling by half a centimeter, by half a degree and so on, well how long will it be possible to boil it then, despite the fact that russia committed an act, no, committed an act, committed a crime of international
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military aggression. and this is all spelled out in all documents, that is, there is no need to look for something, you just need to take the un charter, several conventions and write that we cannot work according to our democratic standards with a country that destroys and destroys these standards, it is necessary to make political decisions, and here we come to what you and i, mr. sergiu, have been talking about for a long time, there is no political will to make drastic, but very necessary decisions in order to quickly put... full stop, well, because of this, we return to the fact that this frog is cooked, cooked, this is how it will be cooked, there is no doubt about it, but, you know, it is at the time of the last spoonful, when they give you drop by drop, so that you hold on and gradually grind this enemy, well that at the expense of our lives, that is at the expense
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of what you showed today before... the beginning of our conversation, when, when the rashists kill civilians, when they destroy cities, when they wipe out the land, settlements and so on, well for for some it is a statistic, but for us it is our pain, and i think that we need to explain and show our western partners every day what is happening, well, they saw kharkiv, they woke up a little bit, so what, is the crooked horn any different , that's not where people like that live, that's why... that's why i think all these things we have to translate just such, you know, general conversations about the fact that we are gradually, now there will be another round of sanctions, and that it is not possible to sit down with a reasonable head and deal with these sanctions once and for all, yes, it is possible, but it is already starting here, and i don't want you to sanction, let's say, an aluminum industry there, and i don't want you to sanction jewelry processing there. this
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diamond and so on, and it all begins, well, well, listen, you can also draw a line endlessly, but where will the result be, and the result in the fact that we are losing our sons and daughters, well, in this case, our western partners do not make drastic decisions, because behind them is the big business of their countries, and this big business is also probably afraid of the confiscation of assets on the territory of the russian federation, because from... the gilded united states of america, germany and france, after all, they invested quite actively in russia before the great war and there is still a large enough business there, some of these businesses left, some remained, that is, they rely on the opinion of these large international corporations, companies, and want such a way to protect them from this or.


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