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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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greetings to all viewers, i'm anna yavomelnyk and this is news. more air defense systems, weapons and ammunition are needed for ukraine - said the head of the us department of defense lloyd austin at the opening of the 23rd meeting in the rammstein format, which is taking place on the sidelines of the meeting of nato defense ministers in brussels. according to the head of the pentagon, today at the meeting they plan to discuss new support for the ukrainian army. austin also reported that argentina has now joined the contact group on the defense of ukraine. the kremlin continues intense shelling ukrainian cities and the ukrainian civilian population. so ukraine urgently needs more air defense systems to protect its skies. the ukrainian armed forces continue to amaze the world with their skills. they repel a new
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russian offensive in the kharkiv region and at the same time remain strong on the front line. plus two countries at the summit of the group of seven countries, the president of ukraine will sign security agreements with japan and the usa. this was announced by volodymyr zelenskyi himself. he also thanked the partners for their faith in ukraine and its victory. norway will transfer ammunition worth almost 42 million euros to ukraine - it is about ammunition for 81-caliber mortars, the norwegian government also reminded that the ukrainian army was recently replenished with hand grenades worth 50 million norwegian kroner and sniper ammunition worth 3 million. five russian boats were destroyed defense forces in the southern direction - said the spokesman of the naval forces dmytro pletenchuk. he noted that usually the occupiers lose up
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to two ships there, but today was a fruitful day for our defenders. in the sky above a drone was shot down in dnipropetrovsk region. according to the eastern air command. their soldiers destroyed the russian reconnaissance drone orlan-10. burned in the shunt. our border guards and aerial scouts attacked two positions of the occupiers in the zaporozhye direction, the state border service of ukraine reports. discovered where the russians were sitting and struck there with drones. three propagandists of the russian tv channel ntv are wounded, the so-called mayor of the city of horlivka in the temporarily occupied donetsk region reports. according to him , two journalists are being operated on in koma local doctors. gur informs: the russians transferred elements of the new s-500 anti-aircraft missile complex to the temporarily occupied crimea. use them. for research purposes,
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said the head of the main directorate of intelligence of ukraine kyrylo budanov. according to him, the russians are thus trying to strengthen air defense on the peninsula, especially after the s-300 and s-400 complexes were damaged there. espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support donat. soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar, they win victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield, so quad bikes are indispensable assistants for evacuation, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible off-road, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the citizens of kholodnoyariv not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive. so join the gathering. our goal is 4 million hryvnias. the government of ukraine has already
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started preparations for winter and heating season special attention is paid to kharkiv and regions. due to the russian shelling and significant destruction of the energy system of the region, 2 billion hryvnias were foreseen. additional money was also allocated at the regular meeting of the cabinet of ministers. the government today allocates an additional uah 2.5 billion for kharkiv and kharkiv oblast, these will be funds for the restoration of the energy system of the region, the city, for the installation of cogeneration plants, block-modular boiler houses and gas generators, i.e. these are funds for the residents of kharkiv oblast to have light in winter and warm. at the central level, we continue active measures to decentralize the energy system. this plan is based on two principles: the first is the availability of energy equipment for people, condominiums, communities and businesses. the second is to simplify
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the connection and operation of this power equipment. in ukraine, the price of bakery products may increase, these bakers are talking about this in the all-ukrainian association, among the reasons being the shortage of electricity and the decrease in male workers. the situation on the bread market in ivano-frankivsk was investigated my carpathian colleagues. this is one of the bakeries in ivano-frankivsk. bread has been baked here for decades. every day, bakers claim, about 15,000 loaves of bread are delivered to city store counters from here. we are talking about small shops. their bakery provides products of various types, for example, croissants and ciabatta. currently, the prices of bread in this bakery are not increased, although it is assumed that they will have to soon. a shortage of staff, the use of generators, in the event of blackouts can prompt such a step
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electricity, as well as rising prices of flour. men and women are replaced, if there are none, under the light, we adjust, of course, it would be better if it was not turned off for us, at least on some days... such either at night or during the day, so that we could concentrate on our work, yes, well, but somehow we get out of it, we have to , the price of light, gasoline, flour, other ingredients is rising, accordingly it will become more expensive, well, it's not up to us. entrepreneurs predict that if the price of bread does rise, then by no more than 10%, although the demand for products is stable, the number of buyers still decreases, people migrate or mobilize to the armed forces. forces, it will increase in price by 10 percent, well, but i don't think it will be any, that it is a catastrophic increase, it er, moreover, i will say that, well, bread has not increased in price, i think, in the last somewhere, well, a year, that’s for sure , that’s why, that’s why, in the queue of general inflationary
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processes, well, it’s a normal process of price growth, because prices, as you know, will always rise, this is one of the incentives for the development of the economy, because sometimes, merchants are sympathetic to the probable increase in bread, they say, there is no way without it, so they will buy it, no matter how much it costs, as much as they ate bread, we will buy as much as they bought, we will have as much, without bread, of course, we have a negative attitude towards travel is more expensive per hryvnia, but you understand the reasons why , of course, the war is going on, the lack of light is one thing, and the second is that there are a lot of unplanted fields, a lot. not planted, many fields lost, many lost, harvest, you can have bread, but we will endure everything. the bakery adjusts to the schedule of power outages, they say they already have similar experience, and currently these processes are
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relatively painless. from prykarpattia, ivan haruk, volodymyr voloshchuk, for espresso tv channel. a large-scale forest fire occurred in the izyum community on kharkoya. a fire broke out near the village of ivanivka, the mined area made it difficult for firefighters to work, so the sappers of the state emergency service helped to control the fire, they used mechanized demining machines, also scanned the area with mine detectors. make no mistake, today ukraine celebrates the day of the creation of the explosives service, these very words... are the slogan of specialists, risking their lives, they meticulously check every piece of our land, demine de-occupied territories and destroy russian shells. during the full-scale invasion of the russian federation, bomb technicians inspected about 37,000 hectares of ukrainian territory, liquidated more than 300,000
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ammunition and 20 tons of explosive materials. look for more interesting videos on the espresso youtube channel. subscribe here, because there are live ether broadcasts, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here, as well as a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, share them, comment, be close. for the moment i have everything, i tell you see you at 15, the news team is working, we are monitoring what is happening in ukraine and the world, in the next issue we will talk about the main thing, later on espresso, meet my colleagues, marta , oiler. and antin borkovskyi. be with by us
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designer oksana polonets has been creating clothes in the ukrainian style for almost 20 years. the source of inspiration for her projects is history and culture, which is why she researches a lot in archives and museums to recreate the heritage that has survived to this day. to create something modern, you need to know the traditional, you need to know. history, of course, i immerse myself, i am interested myself, i also study from books, talk with ethnographers, and it is quite interesting to explore and learn about the very diverse ukrainian world of embroidery, the art of embroidery, as says the designer, ukrainians began to wear folk costumes more actively, for example, brides and graduates began to choose more practical outfits that emphasize the ukrainian identity. you can easily wear such a dress to a wedding, to a painting, and then
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wear it to other family holidays or even just for a walk or going out to a restaurant. embroidered shirts, skirts, casual dresses and even family bows with children's embroidery are on the hangers of the showroom. according to the artist, customers often bring photos from the family archive to recreate the clothes they wore their grandparents, but... fitting a product to a customer, as well as sewing from scratch, takes time. depending on the wish, it can last from two weeks to five weeks, approximately. if at all we do something completely individual, that is, we create an embroidery design, then it can take up to three months. the pricing policy of the showroom is quite flexible, embroidered shirts can be ordered individually and not for all the money in the world, but the more difficult the work, the more expensive the product. the designer from... notes that clothes in the ukrainian style are something that is unlikely will it go out of fashion, because it is something that ukrainians
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wear for generations and pass it down as a legacy. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, congratulations, so what, we will inform you now in the coming hours about... the most important events, they will concern both international politics and domestic ukrainian, of course, we will analyze the situation on the front line, 12 secondly, in the studio live espresso by marta oliyarnyk, tantin borkovskii, traditionally we remind you that the collection for the needs of our defense forces is ongoing, now we are collecting together with the charitable fund of iryna koval, our colleagues, we need money to buy mavics, and now our goal is 2.5 million hryvnias, so please join our collection, remember that there are no small donations and every hryvnia of yours is important. and now we will gradually move on to the discussion of today's important topics, and not only
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do we understand that very, very important geopolitical meetings are currently taking place, the g7 met in italy, saudi arabia, zelensky is staying, at least he was, as of this morning there was information that he is with went there on an unannounced visit. we will also talk about all this and the situation at the front in the next few hours. now we are adding ivan tymochka, a military serviceman and chairman of the reservist council. of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, with mr. ivan we will actually now talk about the situation at the front, in particular regarding the kharkiv direction, mr. ivan, we congratulate you and glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i am glad to see you, back, well, first of all, we would like, mr. ivan, to talk about the situation in the pokrovsk region, we understand how large a number of personnel the enemy threw there, and we understand that most likely a general deployment of russian interventionists is planned there, although there may be... additional dangerous areas of the front. your word, mr. ivan. i would not single out
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specific directions, so much as they are important or the most significant, because the enemy is trying to operate along the entire front line, with a certain interaction for their troops, their tasks, taking into account the opportunities that they have in a specific direction, because ugledar korakhove, pokrovsk - this is when... ovdiiv direction, this is a task that the enemy is trying to complete in order to cover the donetsk region in the southern direction, and besides this, we know that the enemy has built, is ready to launch, or rather has not yet built, so that it has not been put into operation, but the rostov-on-don mariupol railway, it is natural that they are now trying their best in this direction... actually to conduct a military operation in order to protect
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this highway from being damaged by our troops, since they on the other hand, they hope that as soon as the resources of reserves they have in this direction will be enough for active offensives, as soon as the railway is put into operation, that they can use it as one of the logistical routes for strengthening in this direction military of some of their groups. that is, they are ready to actually spend this resource there, in relation to kharkiv oblast, well, what we know is that until recently, the enemy carried out offensive actions in this direction like this. so they were stopped, they began to squeeze them out in the liptsi district, in vovchansk, as far as the information is known now, that the enemy is pulling up reserves in this direction, that is, it is trying to use the resources and reserves that it has as much as possible, precisely in order to minimize the retreat of russian troops, there are also some
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attempts to dig in land, well, but at this stage these are such fragmentary moments, which , after all... they can be seen due to the great russian design of the plan, they imagine that near the front line, they can with impunity drag their military engineering equipment for to carry out some works, well , that’s why the human eye and dozens of destroyed enemy equipment, which we see actually engineering, which we see in public access, pleases the human eye somewhere, well, in general, the front line is quite serious, also... we understand why the enemy is trying not to reduce the actual activity of the battles, because after all, the history of the summit precedes that, again, in the near future it is also the anniversary of the washington summit as if in the plan, that is, there is an understanding and a feeling that the enemy
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has concentrated a sufficient number of additional units for that to try imitate your own and it is possible not only to imitate, that is, the situation may become even more serious during the second half of june, we understand you correctly, well, they used strategic reserves about one and a half to two months ago, we are again with you observing, the intensity of the battles, not something that lasts ak such, but we are observing an interesting thing, if we say, even a week or two ago according to the destroyed enemies reported by the general staff, it was no less. or 1100, 1200, 300 and so on, then we see now a tendency to use the manpower of the enemy, which we destroy, ukrainian troops are less than a thousand, there are 900, 950, that is, we can say that there is heat, there is intensity, the reserves were used, but
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the results, but the situation is such that they will either now have to withdraw from russia those... troops, which they still have there, or to start some kind of mobilization, or after all, sooner or later , despite all the commands of the russian generals, the offensive itself as such will expire in such a way that it is not that there is intensity, but the question will also be about holding the position, this is again related to the approach of the weapon allies, this is due to the fact that now the enemy, in addition to conducting active hostilities, is trying to divide his logic as much as possible. points of contact, command centers, warehouses directly in the rear, and this is primarily due to the consent of the allies to use their weapons on the rear or on military facilities in the interior of russia. mr. ivan, let's go back to what is happening in the north of kharkiv oblast, now
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the russian offensive has stalled a little, but we understand that on the border of their territory they are also accumulating... manpower and equipment, in general, how do you assess the course of their offensive and in general the enemy's potential to advance in the north of the country, because there were even statements from our intelligence about the enemy's intentions to even go to the sumy region, but so far we have not observed this. i will repeat that there was activity, it was serious, our troops knocked it out of liptsi, knocked it out, partly from several quarters of vovchansk, and they began to draw up reserves, plus in parallel there along the borders of ukraine and russia, they tried to build some fortification lines, but as of today, the activity of the fighting, which was there, continued, they pulled up reserves, but again
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, they did not break the course of events, well, it is clear that it is now more counter-fighting by the russians, that is, it is an attempt to ... put out the fire , regarding sumy region, again, we will understand that putin has a general plan to seize the entire territory of ukraine, and he will be ready to conduct military operations, if he has the amount of forces, means, resources, he will be ready to use them anywhere along the line the front the question is that now for effective military operations, they do not have enough means, to increase there, let's say, to some... long distance, to increase the front line to some length, the fact that they can conduct military operations in the area of ​​sumy oblast, this was repeatedly voiced and called, and for sure , that... the main fact that had already restrained them before this is, firstly, an unsuccessful operation in the north of kharkiv region, and secondly, a military operation that they expected to at least connect their
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troops advancing in the north of kharkiv region and those , which advanced in the kupinsky direction, they had a calculation, well, but the calculation and reality and different things, well, besides , it is still visible to them and now this moment, that they know that we have the right to use weapons, holds them back. our western allies in the depth of their territories, where there are military facilities or the accumulation of their troops, and therefore they now understand that simply accumulating border troops in order to deploy them in some linear offensive is a huge risk, and on the other hand, if you make accumulations in the rear and drag them to the front line, this distance, it becomes visible, then it becomes clear, the effect of surprise is lost. most likely , they are now trying to change their plans or make some adjustments to the ideas they were preparing at the time of the offensive in the north
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of kharkiv region. mr. ivan, allow me to ask, and in general, the decision of our allies and partners to use weapons on the territory of the russian federation, it may now become a turning point in this war, because the war has been going on for the third year and there were certainly several such stages when this war would seem to be have a completely different one character, are we really now facing what is called a new stage of war, which can seriously change the situation, will affect, but unfortunately will not be a turning point, because these weapons, even, let's say, this statement by biden, that there we can to strike within the limits, well, he said 200 miles, but we understand that it is within 300 km, even, that is, that is the distance they can overcome. atakamse, at least in the modification that has been handed down to us, in any case, it will not be able to destroy the enemy forces so much along the entire front line that, say,
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we could go on the counter-offensive, or where we are said to have a tipping point, in any case it affects the course of the fighting, it affects the intensity, and it affects the fact that the enemy cannot, say, build up troops , will not be able to carry out additional military offensives or expand the front lines or even powerfully strengthen the front line where he is attacking, but on the other hand, that the turning point has come, it should take place several very serious failures in army to the russian defense, and besides this has now, especially now taking into account the state of things that exists in the flight... military arena, this should be a serious blow to the budget-generating industries of russia, it will be some kind of economic factor that will not
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allow russia to pay or pay for the war in the volumes that exist now, only after that a certain, as we say, turning point can come, well, apart from that, there are some internal palace coups, which , by and large, to hope for now... it's useless, yes, mr. ivan, well, on the other hand, and our kingdom has such strange signals, now i am quoting one people's deputy of ukraine, who represents the ruling party, our generals, i am quoting the deputy, sick of defeat, go, don't deceive the president, make room for a new commander, unlock our victory, without you, please, be patriots, go, you are very very replaceable, time is up. how can we, simple, so to speak, ukrainian citizens, perceive such signals? is this the personal position of the people's deputy, or is it some, i don't know, broader
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message, what is it connected with, to your opinion? this is political technology, quite literate, quite subtly thought out, thought out - it is not only by a specific person, it looks like this, a political strategy that is calculated for... far-sighted consequences, in fact, the point is that the military has the highest level of trust and is represented in society , politicians, in turn, are discredited and this is a fact, due to internal conflicts, due to the inability, if they are legislators, to make any decisions at the legislative level, of course, that they want to stay in power, if the army has a task... maybe, then the politicians have a task to stay in power, they tried repeatedly in one way or another to attach themselves to the army, even this so-called lady whom you...
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gave also repeatedly tried to go somewhere there, to conduct some military operations, but she was as negative as possible it is perceived, of course, that it is possible that there was some kind of personal grudge that flowed into the general political program or strategy, call it what we want, or political trash, because it can be called that, and of course, besides that, after all, politicians tried to influence ... personnel decisions in the armed forces are trying to influence now, this is a process that, in fact, probably in all democratic countries is taking place, and it is, unfortunately, unfortunately, that it is very destructive to the armed forces, if we talk about the same of our current generals, well, they grew up from colonels, from brigade commanders and in their time conducted successful military operations at
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the level of their units, in addition to this, they all took part in exercises with nato countries, represented ukraine in the international arena, tactics, strategies that are prescribed modern generals are actually studied in world academic sciences, it's true, they come to us for experience, they get them, well , let's start again from the third side, young colonels and young captains, majors, officers, well, these are also theirs. or they are those in whom these so-called generals, whom mrs. bezugula does not like very much, they have discovered the potential of these, but young ones, as she believes, although again, in fact, in the old generalship there is no one who is even there, again not i want to compare it with russia, after all, we have it output, we have 90% of the generals, they are from and probably all 100 are from the current
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war, one way or another. and besides that, what is also worth understanding and remembering, why was there no criticism when the generals organized successful operations to defend kyiv, to hold kyiv, until when the generals conducted successful operations to push the enemy out of us asymmetrically, that is, now when the post it became more or less clear what we were going to get again when this political drive started. well, first of all, after we have already started to receive weapons from the allies, now that america, when the european countries of the european union have begun to accept weapons for us, that is, somewhere certain, somehow such a fright has passed among the deputies, they understand that the army received under the worst schedules and now will be able to really influence the situation under the best , and maybe yes, they predict, just like you, that
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maybe a turning point will come, and... then you will have to go to the voter, and with what to go? well, so it is necessary to separate the military, because in reality, what are the soldiers in the army, what are the generals, what are the workers of the centers equipment, it is actually one single large army, well, but nothing, well, what can you do, it is so, so it was, you know, i will tell you this, we repelled the onslaught of the russians, we repelled the aggression of the evaders, well, we will stop the advance of our... politicians , what should the army do, as it showed itself perfectly at the front, it will show itself in the domestic political life of the country, this is an irreversible process, so we are working, observing, thank you, thank you, ivan tymochko, serviceman and head of the reservist council of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine was on our airwaves, now we will have it a short break, we will continue our information day after it, so stay with espresso. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what
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