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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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that not only in lviv live non-russians and a completely different people, but even in odesa there are already people who, it turns out, always hated russians even in soviet times and were not one people. my first trip was to a city that i call odesa in moscow, and i am always called odesa, and i will speak as odesa is used to. my mother and i arrived, i was 13 years old, we went to the bazaar to buy wheat. our corn is called, and at some point, our corn, our corn is awesome, our normal agricultural crop, something malicious was felt in the russian-speaking region, why don't you love us so much, and why should we love you, answered the woman, it was all felt even then, little by little, little by little, i used to come to lviv, my father is a sports journalist, he met me there was a correspondent of soviet sports in lviv, there was also the soviet union. everything seems to be normal, but all the same
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, this hive always, always crawled through. so , it turns out that even in soviet times, the russian propagandist was not loved either in odesa or in lviv, and they directly said that she did not exist, why he loves him, that's all, and he is, this trauma lives with him already there, i don't know how old he is, probably 50 years old, but what can i tell you, perhaps the most interesting thing in all this is that... they can even explain they can't, and why do they hate ukrainians so much, because as it turns out, ukrainians haven't done anything bad to them, but they still hate them and make up fairy tales about them, and this is very visible on the example of another propagandist on this program, who simply said that so he said that they didn't do anything bad to me, but i still did them i hate it, i have a difficult situation, because personally i am a ukrainian living in ukraine.
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i emphasize, they have done nothing wrong, but they are hysterical, the fact that they carry their offense like crazy, they will quietly stab someone with a knife, they will poison wells if there is an opportunity, they generally hate everyone, they want to live their own life , and so that no one gets into them, in all territories. well, that is, it turns out that the ukrainians are guilty of the russians because they want to live without them and simply so that no one comes near them, and this causes such a hatred, i mean hours-long conversations, some kind of demonization of ukrainians, but these conversations themselves and such and such conversations about the fact that they were never one people... always this and some
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terrible, all this is actually, you know, evidence of change also in russian propaganda, er, because it is not about the liberation, as you can see, of some ukrainian territories, it is simply about the capture of ukrainian territories, er, about the destruction of everything ukrainian there, about the destruction of people, because it turns out that these people have never loved since of the russians of the soviet era, they must all be destroyed, it’s simple, well, since they didn’t love, you understand, and how else, about the destruction of everyone, well, in general, about the destruction of everything here, well, that is, all these conversations about the fact that someone there liberates, they are over, now the russian state television essentially only promotes the fact that ukraine should be invaded and everyone there destroyed, this is the main idea that they are promoting, this is the main thing that they are dealing with. and therefore it is not surprising that, against this
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background, international organizations, which were talked about here, gradually come to mind nationalism in ukraine, and the american congress, which also passed some wild resolutions against azov there, and in general, well, somehow the world, i would say, the media community, which is also starting to come to its senses a little bit and somehow stops perceiving these russian conversations about... terrible ukrainians as something serious, well, he just understands that this is ordinary propaganda in order to seize a neighboring country, well, actually, all this led to one such thing, very interesting, which also happened literally yesterday, when on june 12, new sanctions of the united states of america turned out to be for russia, well, simply stunning, because the moscow stock exchange was added to the sanctions list. the national clearing center and
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the national clearing depository of russia, as a result, they lost the opportunity to trade in the dollar, and in american securities. this is actually a very big blow to russia, because practically they cannot now pay in dollars, well , legally, and well, their banking capabilities are limited, you see, you know, this has already caused such a hysterical reaction among ordinary russians, because now they have to somehow, well, somewhere to look for a dollar, because it may come to the point that they will be banned altogether, as they freely did in the soviet union. the dollar and the ruble began to fall very strongly as a result of this, they stopped trading on the russian stock exchange for the dollar and the euro, now only the yuan is traded there, and actually, i would say, this was also such a stunning blow to the russian
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propagandists, because they for dozens of years, dozens, even more than a dozen years, they told how to dump the dollar, how to abandon the dollar. and then the dollar gave up on the russians, and suddenly it's otaki, you know, no one expected it, that is, it is one thing to talk on russian state tv channels about how they will defeat america and defeat the dollar, and another thing when this dollar is suddenly taken away from them, and solovyov is not even happy about it, who i didn't shout about it anymore, of course it's interesting that yesterday was the day of russia. the americans introduced a package of sanctions. if we had not used the term sanctions from hell before, then surely they should be used now. every time we talk about it, we must understand that these are sanctions from hell, not because the sanctions are so severe, but
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because those who impose them are absolute devils. panic of idiots that everything, let's buy a dollar, everything is gone. this is a nightmare, a nightmare. now doing a lot of trade with china, how are you going to serve it? if you don't have enough sense to think that we will do the same. but because of the cross-course with the chinese, don't be fooled. first, because china is not purely a market country in terms of the yuan exchange rate. and then, who told you that something happened with yuan later won't happen if you think your system is to move away from the dollar and come. and why is he not happy, i don’t know, it’s kind of sad, and there are no cries of how they will burn america, suddenly it turned out that it’s sad, it’s not clear how to continue living and he doesn’t know how to sell his oil and
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gas even to china now , moreover, there are not only these, there are also restrictions for the russian military-industrial complex regarding access to certain software and it services, that is... oil
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we need to move to the most independent type of economy, here we are and it is necessary to pump, that is, oil at the pump. from insta-women to iron, which is necessary for the creation of a large cloud storage system, but now you need everything of your own, now you need everything of your own, this is now called living like in the soviet union, well, in accordance with everything that was yours then, that is, when even the underpants were not normal. so here it is, yes, now it has become closer, this is its own, it is called isolation, and you see, somehow it is no longer happy, moreover, this concept that existed in them, as he describes, to sell oil and to buy everything in the world, it may suddenly not
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work, because in what, if you can't sell in dollars, then how and what and for what to buy, actually, not for the ruble, no one needs the ruble in their own. well, in short, this is the drama in russia now, how they will experience it, we will watch, because so far they had a whole day off, june 12, and for them this... when the day off ended, and yet they did not even have time come to their senses, so we will show you more how their reaction to this whole story will develop, well so let's meet next week and see more, see you. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and
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a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. our days. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong. these are boys who never cry. lemberk, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine, and disappeared missing in large areas of donbas. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the diary
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listen to yours. summer is a time of rest and recovery. and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a bit of peace for the children, whose world was destroyed by the war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you, our country, died at the front, and they, like no one else the other, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children
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recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and most importantly, they will receive the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners big businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really enjoyed the trip to austria, i loved the museums we went to every day, it was amazing, and i really liked how we went out to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz.
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this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. candidates for the vrp according to the president's quota. who angered the ethics council? i have nothing to do with this post. no, please excuse me, stop, and who spent millions on cars at the height of the war, then i came to a car dealership and bought them. greetings, you are watching judicial control, and i am tatyana shustrova. despite the full-scale war, ukraine continues the path to the european union and does not stop in the implementation of reforms, in particular
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judicial reform. the competition for the selection of members of the supreme council of justice is ongoing. the ethics council selects a candidate. according to the president's quota. we will introduce you to the brightest candidates. but first to the news. ihor kudryavtsev, a former judge of the starobil district court of the luhansk region, was sentenced to 15 years in prison for treason. according to the investigation materials, in march 22, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia the judge entered into a conspiracy with representatives of the terrorist lpr. he campaigned for judges and staff of the raisud. swear allegiance to the russian federation and write applications for employment, guaranteeing them positions in illegally created judicial bodies. the ivano-frankivsk city court found igor kudryavtsev guilty of treason and sentenced him to 15 years in prison. since the judge is currently hiding from the investigation, the verdict was announced in absentia. he will serve the sentence imposed by the court from the moment of actual
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detention. for the only vacant member position of the higher qualification commission of judges 28. applicants among the candidates for judges of the supreme court, the higher anti-corruption court, judges of the court of appeals, judges of local judges and retired judges. the vacant position in the supreme court of appeals appeared after the resignation of the supreme court of appeals judge roman ignatov on march 27 at his own request. he held the position of the chairman of the central committee of the central committee of the russian federation. the competition is ongoing. the selection of members of the supreme court of appeals is carried out by a competition commission consisting of three ukrainian and three foreign judges. experts in the field of law. foreign experts have the controlling vote during the voting procedure. updated in 2022 as part of the judicial reform , the supreme council of justice still does not work in full force. out of 21 members, the vrp currently has 17. it has a quorum and the selection of its members is ongoing. the collegial body of state power and
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judicial governance, which is responsible for the honesty and transparency of the entire judicial body. dependency and professionalism of judges and prosecutors consists of persons, ten are elected by the congress of judges of ukraine, two are appointed by the president, two are elected by the verkhovna rada, two more - the congress of lawyers, two delegated by the all-ukrainian conference of prosecutors and two more elected by the congress of scientists and representatives of legal higher education institutions. the chairman of the supreme court is an ex-officio member of the supreme court. currently , there is no representative of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi in the vrp. the selection is ongoing. a document was submitted for participation in the competition. 18 candidates, eight of them had interviews with the ethics council, others either voluntarily withdrew from the competition or did not pass the preliminary stage. not all candidates are crystal clear reputation today we will tell you who is trying to get to one of the most influential and key bodies of judicial power. this is olena zaichko, a judge of the kharkiv district administrative court. this is not
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the first time she has tried to become a member of the supreme council of justice. among her career achievements are endorsements. dubious decisions, making decisions during training, which directly contradicts the law, as well as non-transparent declaration of property. in 2020 , olena zaichko made a decision to develop 13 hectares of forest despite the seizure of this plot. according to another court decision. construction cooperative slice, which is part of the zone of influence of kharkiv deputy ihor arykh, received the permission to build. it is interesting that immediately after this decision, minors, at that time the children of judge zaichko, got ownership of an apartment from kharkivska. with an area of ​​more than 100 km. the judge also likes expensive cars. in 2021, she bought a lexus for almost uah 2 million. our colleagues from investigation info received recordings of telephone conversations, probably of judge olena zaichko. the investigative information found out and released a whole material about how she goes there the fortune teller does other strange things, but
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the most interesting thing is that she destroyed the disc with the audio recording of the court session. in a conversation dated august 13, 20, 2020, a woman with a voice similar to zaichko discusses with a colleague the possibility of spoiling a disk with case materials, as well as ways to change the cherished judge's decision to the opposite, there is no relation to this recording, i don't know how it is to comment, please excuse me, shut up, the hare obviously implemented the plan to change the decision, she signed the decision to dismiss the lawsuit in the private room, in the courtroom voiced the opposite. the members of the ethics council were interested in this story. everything recorded in the conversation matches, and the person with whom the conversation is held also matches. you sit in... in our room, you prepare a document, sign it, and say what, and then you, when you announce, say that the lawsuit
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is pending, how these events happened four years ago, what motivated what, well, what motivated why exactly this happened, of course i don't remember, and so throughout the interview olena zaichko denied that it had anything to do with the audio recording made public by journalists, assured that she did not know people. which were mentioned in it and does not remember any circumstances, complete amnesia, with this baggage olena zaichko is applying for the competition to the supreme council of justice for the second time. it is interesting that at the same time she is a member of the all-ukrainian association of administrative judges, which called on the president to promise a law on the reform of the administrative court, because it allegedly threatens the sovereignty of ukraine, as it contains instruments of influence of foreign states. thus, zayechko is desperately trying to become part of the reform he believes. such that violates judicial independence, not very logically. last year, despite numerous facts of dishonesty, the ethics council approved olena zaichko as a candidate for the position of a member of the ukrainian people's liberation army,
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but she was not elected by the verkhovna rada. in march of this year, the supreme council of justice opened a disciplinary case against zaichko. in case of a positive decision on it, the judge faces dismissal. soon we will find out whether olena zaichko will finally manage to slip through and sit down in the dream chair. and this is another candidate. to the supreme council of justice, lawyer vladyslav ivashchenko. he has had his own apartment for 10 years, but registered in the dormitory. the developer, who did not enter the property in the register, is to blame for everything. yes, i lived in it, because physically the apartment was ready, but legally, legally, i could not do it until october 23, because i did not have confirmation, it was not entered in the register until october 23. real estate, and in general, lawyer vladyslav ivashchenko believes that there is no difference where a candidate for a key judicial authority is registered, whether honestly in his own large apartment, where
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he actually lives, or in a dormitory? declaring a place of residence in ukraine is not related to any property rights, the place of declaration is intended either for postal correspondence, or, for example, for... zation of certain rights, in particular political ones, more declaration does not affect anything, vrp candidate vladyslav yevashchenko likes cars, he has a toyota rav 4 talent cruiser 150, he bought the first one allegedly after selling three old ones, and by purchasing a new rav-4 from the salon in the midst of a full-scale war, he literally saved millions of deposits, i came to the car dealership and i bought them, i had them on my bank account. current deposit, more than uah 4 million in size, due to the fact that the bombings began in the city of kyiv, i could not
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withdraw this money from the bank account, and my wife and i decided to use part of this money to buy a car, new, three years old therefore , the wife of vladyslav ivashchenko was very lucky, she managed to purchase almost 2 hectares of land. why does the value of a plot of land differ significantly from the market price in this area? and this is almost 10 times. since this plot of land is outside the inhabited area paragraph, it is actually intended for the introduction of agriculture. all the more so on her. there were shortcomings on this plot of land, it was swampy, even for this activity, it was not quite suitable. vladyslav ivashchenko insists on his political
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neutrality. please tell me if you consider yourself a politically neutral person. absolutely. were you a co-founder of any public organization with people's deputies, were you or were you not? no, never. but in the end he remembered how he was a co-founder of the institute of political science crisis, together with the former people's deputy, he does not consider it important at all. a former politician approached me, he asked, let's say, for his status, i put my signature in order for a person to simply, let's say, have a type of public organization, without registration for, of course. social status. also, the candidate for the vrp forgot to indicate in his declarations his membership in the national bar association and the fact that he was brought to administrative
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responsibility for violating the rules. traffic, and even more believes that it is not had to do it. let's see if, with such forgetfulness and lack of understanding of the rules for filling out documents, vladyslav ivashchenko will be able to sit down in the prestigious seat of a member of the supreme council of justice. today i have everything. you watched judicial control, i am tetyana shostrova. tell us about the facts of corruption in the judicial system known to you. write to an e-mail that can be seen. on the screen or me on facebook. see you in exactly one week. get closer to victory, together with tssoa, sbu. join one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and we announce the recruitment. we invite civilian specialists of various fields. experienced
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commanders will ensure your high-quality training and education. fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the csoo asbu team. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu.
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your place is waiting for you. the light stays on, for dinner, what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house about
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dreams see you you are always in front of our eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how hard it is to win, and we... do everything to hug you as soon as possible, so when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you.
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meeting in ramshtein format, which weapons will be provided to ukraine by the partners. conflict, fight, shooting, who were the hooligans in odessa and how the prosecutor almost became a millionaire. good evening, this is the final issue. news team will tell about the main thing for the day that is passing. anna yevamelnik is with you. art ammunition and missiles for air defense systems worth $100 million. us secretary of defense lloyd austin announced an additional military aid package for ukraine after the 23rd session of the format.


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