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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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now all manufacturers are working to win and well, there is no competition here, there is none at all, and in fact all manufacturers of robotic platforms now have orders, the only question is to do more and do it better, that ’s how it looks, probably, well, in the vast majority of manufacturers there is daring, the question for them is exclusively scaling, training operators, due to the lack of personnel, it is a little delayed, well, everyone is working on it, and mr. taras, i think that you... well, you evaluate in detail what the enemy is doing on the field battle with robotic platforms, what trends do you note, what do we need to pay attention to, in order to have an understanding of what will happen, where the enemy will move, or form some countermeasures, so what does the enemy have in this direction, where do you work? the enemy, well, the enemy now, i notice, in the last two or three months , increases the range of robots that are in order. robots are much less
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technological than ours, in general, like all their weapons and weapons, but they will be 100% large, have more money and will have a lot of non-tech robots, more than we have a lot, well, the story is the same as in piv as a whole. in the ref, they were showing off that they captured and won a trophy there, this robot from the milrem company, which i mentioned there at the beginning. in your opinion, can such trophies give any additional knowledge to our enemies? in my opinion , they can't because they can only take the structure from there, they won't extract it from there, and the main issue there is the communications software, they don't have access to the communications software that nato has in european countries, there will be something primitive standing there 100% from china, and i will repeat the question that i asked from... the beginning about
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the optimal tactics of use, whether it is necessary to create separate units that will deal only with ground robotic platforms there, and only they will perform one or another function on the battlefield, what with the tactical organizational design around robotic platforms, of course, it is necessary to create, we have shock robots, which have already been put into operation, accordingly, it is necessary for them separate liquids. lbz, it is necessary to create a separate company that will work, because classic mining, it is not the same as mining by a robot, accordingly, companies are needed, they need to be taught, and this will significantly reduce the burden on servicemen, save their lives, that is, in fact, if your the robot is engaged in...
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mining, then this is a tool that must be given to the engineering and sapper companies unequivocally, because it will be according to their profile, when we talk about kamikaze drones, then it is possible some units that will, well, perform shock missions, when we talk about robots, evacuators of our soldiers from the front line, then these must surely be evacuation groups, which belong to medical evacuation units, that's how it looks, that's right. you are right , and when we talk about the repair of robotic platforms, you said that several dozen platforms are already working on the battlefield, how does your company provide these components related to recovery, repair, providing components there and so on, now we do 100% by our own forces, i.e. we already have more than 100 robots working for line a breakdown due to use or due to
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our reason is 100% repaired at our expense and we give kits, so we call them zip. zip is a repair that can be carried out, well , right away at the lbz. well, that is, and this is settled speaking, because the story with unmanned complexes is that repairs are now a certain headache for the company, because not always... these funds are reimbursed, so far you go at the expense of profits from your own budget, invest in repairs, does it mean that these processes should be formalized, if it was created more logically, the question is that we need to create repair workshops, we need to teach people, we need to give repair instructions, but now it will take a lot of time, now the main task, in my opinion, is to train operators, start using them, then on. .. to delay repairs,
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we are repairing at the expense of not, well, our own funds, there are no profits at all, only our own funds, and now the task is, the first is the operators, then the repairs. mr. taras, thank you very much for the inclusion on the air, for the explanation, for the colossal work that you do do to create technological samples, which are extremely needed on the battlefield. let me remind you that it was taras ostapchuk, the head of the company that manufactures robots under the rotel brand, which is effectively used by our soldiers on the battlefield. these were the main military results of this day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much to serhiy zgurets, thank you to his guest, and a little later i will announce the meeting and ask you to join us, now we will talk about the situation in kryvyi rih, which
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survived an enemy terrorist attack on civilian infrastructure, with us is oleksandr vilku, head of the defense council of the city of kryvyi rih, mr. oleksandr, first of all, please accept our sincere condolences for the loss. because of what you have experienced, your community has experienced sincere condolences to the relatives and loved ones of the victims, of course, to the entire community of the city of kryvyi rih. i congratulate you. yes, congratulations. unfortunately, another terrible terrorist act took place, it was iskandarrem, a ballistic missile that was launched, rusnia from crimea. hitting the residential sector, unfortunately, nine people. died, 37 wounded, now there are 15 more in hospitals, three of them are in a serious condition, where there will be long-term treatment, and the doctors are now fighting for their lives, and as for that, there was
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another story, you know, it’s just when people have mountains , trouble, there were still some people who, today was just a story, it is very telling, about the fact that there are people, there is someone who risks his life to save. the lives of fellow residents of their community, and someone went in to rob the apartment of a woman who was in the hospital, this is just a disgrace individual characters, but we will talk about those who save, about the consequences of the attack, you said about the people, but about the building through which we got into, is it subject to some kind of reconstruction, repair, or is it not yet evaluated by these risks, and again for those people who can now. have lost this residential opportunity to live there at least, is there an opportunity and conditions for them to stay somewhere for a certain time, please, well, the destruction is quite extensive, the house into which the rocket hit cannot be restored, it is a direct hit, yet
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49 buildings were damaged, two vocational schools, one school, other buildings, more than 500 windows. 21 roofs, three roofs completely need to be replaced, so, unfortunately, we have already had more than 200 ee hits, these are both missiles and kamikaze drones, we have worked it out, where it can be restored, where the windows, there are balconies, we have a program from the city budget, we pay people funds for restoration, well, that’s it first , that’s it... today we worked all night and all day and tomorrow we will continue to work, first we definitely close, close with film, usb tarpaulin, 19 crews of utility workers are working, now there are volunteers, that is , first to close, then we pay the funds
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where it is possible to restore, where it is necessary to restore the roofs, well, this is done with the funds of the city budget, wherever. it is necessary where housing is destroyed, also from the city budget, we issue money, i can say that this is not the first such case since the beginning of the war, 82 apartments, 82 families received money from the city budget for the purchase of new apartments, now one more is being examined house, there are 36 apartments and if the house is recognized as... no subject to restoration, but this is a mandatory document for this, and unfortunately, everything will probably be like this, we will also pay out, and in this case also the house is obviously not subject to repair, that is, it is a big program, everyone is working, i thank you by the way and to our saviors,
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who dealt with the fire very quickly and saved many people, there would have been more dead if they hadn't sorted out so quickly... and the patrol police, who were one of the first, also definitely to the utility workers, all services are working, and to everything else structures, our doctors wonderful, and ambulance. and immediately those who accepted people to the operating tables, quite a lot of work and a well-established system, you know, this is another issue that was discussed, reservation, non-reservation, what part of people who work in the public service for emergency situations, well, i think so , at least let's say for such cities as kryvyi rih, nikopol, kherson, many other cities, which today zaporizhzhia suffer from rockets that arrive very quickly from the crimean peninsula itself, i understand that workers... sns must definitely do their duty, because their work in, in particular in kryvyi rih, there, relatively speaking,
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again in dnikopol, is the same as the front line, and life depends on their work, so i i think that if even the issues with bookings are resolved there for the emergency services, then there must be people for certain places, because the presence of professional rescuers, as you yourself say, as we see, is the saving of people's lives, and you understand, from kryvyi rih to kryvyi rih the line of combat collision is 55 km, if you count in a straight line. it is quite small, to unfortunately, we are being approached, not only there are kamikaze drones and uh, shahids, but also rockets, and ileys, electric lancets, for example, well, unfortunately, we are very close to the battle line . i would like to summarize the situation in the city, now it is clear that kryvyi rih and other front-line cities have their own separate history, it is different from many other cities of ukraine, which are also at risk of missile attacks, but are definitely not at risk of drones or long-range artillery. or missile salvo systems, but there are problems common to of the whole of ukraine, this is in particular
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a power outage, plus, since the enemy is striking, it may be that some pipes, electricity, water supply, are cut there, but the communal sphere is in a curve, it is only difficult to ensure its functioning, i will not say that it is qualitative, but at least it is possible, it is possible under such a situation, well, everything is not easy, it is quite difficult, in terms of electricity, our situation is probably the same as in the whole country. uh, well, there is not enough power supply in the system, there is not enough generation, well, that’s understandable, we bought a very large amount, there are more 500 generators, which are at all critical infrastructure facilities, well, there are hospitals, pumping stations, there are blood transfusion points, well, all critical infrastructure, it is powered by a generator, in terms of water supply, heat supply. we must remember that kryvyi rih suffered the most from what did not happen, well, from the destruction
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of the kofovska dam, we are still an agglomeration of more than 800,000 there, and we were completely dependent on the nod, we are still holding on to small projects, which we did there with the help of the municipal enterprise, the city water canal, and for funds from the city budget are from internal reservoirs, there is the makar watershed. and so on, er, a large state project is being completed and is already partially used, er, which is financed by the cabinet of ministers and the restoration agency is engaged in it, this is the transfer of water from ingulets to the southern, reservoir of the southern, it is at the er stage of completion , but of course, this very much unbalanced the system of both water supply and heat supply, well, when the water supply is turned on or off five times a day, then each turn on - this is a hydraulic shock and definitely the system
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is unbalanced this year, its body changes more than in any other year, that is, we are preparing for winter, what will it be, well, it is also very difficult, here it is a big, it is a big job, very big, so two more questions in one, but they are short, the first is about preparing for the winter, is it possible to have some kind of partnership programs with our... friends from the european union or from other countries who are ready to join in terms of supplying certain humanitarian items, there are transformers, some generators, everything the other thing that can warm people, in particular in winter, or close some other problems, this is the first, you are talking about the fact that from the city budget, from the city budget, city programs from the city budget, i understand that the situation is not easy now, with money, so the crooked corner is an industrial enterprise that has always been... enough business, now the situation is probably a little different, and the state program, some
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funds are allocated from the state budget for assistance, for restoration, for support, because i i understand that the city budget, of course, he has to work in this situation, but he also has certain limitations and he can only have what he earns, well, look, there is a very big program, it is the construction of main water pipelines across the vodysyn. this one is to the south of the reservoir, it is a very big program, it is big billions that neither the city nor even the regional budget would have drawn in my life, it is financed by the state budget, i am for it. thank you, we also received funds there, in part, well, the other part is from the city budget for the expansion of storage facilities in hospitals, they are there, but expansion, additions and so on, i.e. there is support, as far as international programs are concerned, we work with international organizations, there is a program for 3
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million euros - it is the purchase of a pipe, it is the purchase of a pipe, it is unisev for tepu. supply companies, as well as two 3 mw generators to make electricity from gas, we have already received and will install them, i believe that we will have time to install them before the heating season, there are 20-30,000 people living in this area, we have to, but we must understand that privomuroz has a population of 700,000, and that in kyiv it is impossible to establish generator for harvest. an apartment or a house there, as well as in kryvyi rih, it is 700 thousand, that is, yes, we are closing all possible critical infrastructure, but there cannot be cities of millions, every apartment there is on a generator, i mean, well, at least have some generators for in order to set up points where people in extreme situations like this happen, we have these points, we have these points,
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we have 213 points of indifference, which we have been wintering for the first winter. which have everything from generators to starlinks to heat and everything else, period definitely there is, it is all there, and it has already been created, and it works, thank you very much, as far as i know, tomorrow should be declared a day of mourning in kryvyi rih, and for the dead, yes, yes, and the cook for tomorrow, sincere condolences, more once again , thank you for your work, thank you very much to the rescuers, and my sincere condolences to the relatives and friends of the victims to the entire community of kryvyi rih, oleksandr vilku was with us, he... is the chairman of the defense council of the city of kryvyi rih. 55 km to the front line, of course, not only a missile from the crimea, long-range artillery, well, i don’t know, it’s a joke, it’s like 40 km away, but in any case, this is a front-line city that lives in this trouble, in fact, every day, so the destruction, by the way, the destruction of the enemy on the battlefield and the destruction of enemy
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launchers in the same crimea, is the number one issue, and that's why we collect funds for that, to help... the armed forces, the defense forces, where there is a lack of state support, where people spend their own money, the military, we all know that, but we are there, here we are , and we will do it, we will close this collection, we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhia directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in any weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the... battlefield damaged military equipment, in particular, we are talking about infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, tanks, we need a minibus that will deliver mobile repair groups and equipment to the combat zone, as well as non-hydraulic jacks for the prompt repair of foreign equipment, well, it needs to be raised, raised, installed somewhere, we need 630 hryvnias, i will now communicate with
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the guests, and then i will see what amount we have already managed to collect, i will announce, thank you for every hryvnia, really for every hryvnia that you donate, you give part of your life to the soldiers who protect our lives. thank you very much, our loyal viewers and loyal friends of the ukrainian army. and now i, oh, one second, i'm here. gennadiy, gennadiy dubov is in touch with us, political scientist, candidate of legal sciences. mr. gennadiy, i congratulate you. i congratulate you. good evening. glad to see and hear. this is the reason to talk, on the one hand, it is important, on the other hand, today this statement of the minister of justice has already caused a lot of complaints, he is called a veteran of the ukrainian government, he has been in office for a long time, there have been many different initiatives, some successful , somewhat not very successful, but these statements will at least definitely disturb society and require reasoned comments from an expert, because after all, the minister of justice, his statements are worth
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commenting on, because he is a minister, he has the opportunity to implement certain things, so the minister of justice said that... that they plan to restrict people who are not registered, or evade military duty, or have not updated their data, have not updated their data, well, in any in any case, they do not cooperate with the authorities of the territorial assembly center in certain of their rights and limit the provision of certain administrative services to them, in particular, such as registration of the right to ownership of housing, let's say there in the bti somewhere to obtain a permit, issue, issue them with driver's licenses after how they, say, passed the courses. they passed driving tests, there is marriage registration, in my opinion, some other points, such as a certificate of family composition, that is, what a person needs, well, not literally every day, but necessary. here is the minister's statement, for now it is only a statement, have you perhaps already seen or heard somewhere that some kind of resolution is being written, well, are the officials already implementing it or not, please, well, for today
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it is still a statement, but it has every reason to to be considered our future, absolutely everyone, because the practice is actually already there, because no law of ukraine provides for it there was, for example, the restriction of issuing passports to men who are abroad, this happened very quickly. cheerfully on the basis of the letter of the first deputy minister of foreign affairs, and this is the reality for those who are abroad today, and in this connection the whole logic of the new mobilization legislation is exactly the same as during covid it was not possible to go to cafes without presenting a valid certificate, so at a certain time we will come to the point that without proper registration of our participation in the defense of the state, the registration of the accounting document, we will not be able to do much, and it is not necessary, given our approach to changes to any laws, this is done at
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the level of instructions, by- laws, at best, in the worst case, at the level of letters, today we already live in reality, when instructions and letters are of decisive importance in regulating our legal relations in the state, you know, i know a little about what happened in poland, i was there approx. at that time, well, on a business trip, when this story with the queues for passports already started and i heard what people said, but in any case, this is one story, and in ukraine a person bought an apartment, obviously the person has money, and he cannot register, for example, a certificate there to take to bti or some other things, or bought a car, cannot register this car, it means that the person has money, so this person can go to court and appeal this decision, and then what does the court have to do... if, say, not will be either a government decision, or a government resolution, or some decision of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, that is, there will be no what could the court use, or just
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a statement, just a letter from someone, someone, well , it doesn't matter to the court, despite the fact that this court can be the most patriotic court, and they are for mobilization, and that's right, and they will say, well on the basis of which you do not issue a certificate to a person, on the basis of which they will say, well , there is a letter, there is a statement, the judge will say, that's great, well, we live in a legal state, how will i make a decision? and she decides to issue him a certificate? well, it can also be like that. look, today, for example, like this another painful issue: the departure of men abroad, it is regulated by a resolution of the cabinet of ministers, that is, there will be a resolution, there will be a possible order of the ministry of justice, but you are talking about the certificate of the bti, this is a little outdated approach, today it is regulated by the issues of the instructions on the procedure for notarial acts, this the same minister of justice will amend his order. will change the relevant instructions and then it will be necessary to go to the notary with the whole package of documents, how to go today, plus, accordingly, the military registration document, and the same is done regarding
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driver's license, the same can be done about anything else, and our court, given that the approach where a by- law can in any way limit the rights and freedoms of a person, it will accept such an approach, because we already live in this reality a long time ago, and he will definitely be sent. it will not be the case that on the basis of the letter it is not known who, it is not known to whom, these will be by-laws, i emphasize, not laws, what is the specificity here, the specificity is that the law, it is adopted in the appropriate procedure, it has opportunities, in particular his own an appeal to the constitutional court, there is a parliamentary process, there is an opposition, there is a ruling faction, there is, accordingly, an opportunity to make changes and amendments, if we are talking about the regulation of a large array of legal relations. from the side of the by-laws, all this does not exist there, it executes accordingly, and then appeals, as one of the ministers of internal affairs once said, and we
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have already come here, we are not even moving here, we have already existed for quite a long time in this context , it's just a question of whether it will expand, and definitely we live in a time of war, it is justified to some extent, but the question arises whether the appropriate possibility is balanced here. actually limit rights and freedoms on the basis of unilateral decisions of the executive authorities, which will make serious changes in the legal status of a person with their decisions. you know, it's true here, it's also provided in the constitution that in case of martial law, it can limit the constitutional rights of citizens, certain duties, they must fulfill, that's all here again, we're not on the air right now we say that something should not be done or. that is not how mobilization is implemented, no, these are the people responsible, they implement, if something is wrong, then they will be asked, everything is correct, but i am leading to the point that this obviously cannot be
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the opinion of only one minister. because tomorrow it's again no no no no absolutely no betrayal, but well tomorrow they will say yes, well let 's not sell medicines, let's say there is a certain list of medicines for people who have not presented an id, let's not do something else do, let's not be send people on regular buses between cities, that is, there should be some points that we will limit, we will limit, i bought an apartment, wait, there are no documents, i have not registered, you wait with the apartment, you can still understand somewhere. there is selling an apartment, but on the other hand, a person can sell an apartment, she has no money, she sells, she needs, well, that is, there are many nuances, but there must be some, some list of people's rights and freedoms, which we will say, well, we will not touch on this, that is, if there are even people here don’t have something, but we don’t touch these moments, but this, this, this, this and this, well , please, nothing, put up with it, because we have martial law, we all understand that, is it possible to write it down here, or we let's wait
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for a certain idea to appear in... one of the ministers, let's make another suggestion, please, mr. vasyl, the fact is that humanity faced these problems about 300 years ago, and it came to conclusion that such issues should be regulated exclusively by law, and here the problem is not minister malyuska, minister malyuvska simply, maybe allowed too frankness, this approach is already on the march, when the law is of secondary importance in relation to the corresponding by-law act. letters or instructions, we already live in this reality, and everything you actually said is absolutely true, and this means the following, that we have to return to the fact that important relations of this plan cannot in principle be regulated by by-laws, during martial law, taking into account all restrictions, they must be provided on the basis of an act of force majeure legal, and this is, accordingly, the law. today,
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when we move... accordingly to the level of by-laws, we can very quickly get a big bezlat and, accordingly , turn aside from the main principles of the functioning of the legal state, this is exactly the problem, in that the law is replaced under legal acts, no one is opposed to the fact that there should be a special legal regime during martial law, but as you rightly pointed out, it should be clearly spelled out, clearly defined, clearly delineated limits, so as not to allow ... the will of individuals officials, bodies of executive power, and we have hundreds of them, and if each of these hundreds of officials gets the right to limit the freedom of a person accordingly, we will come to a not very good situation, and therefore, plus everyone can later use it as a moment of corruption, but recently the story was yesterday, i watched the plot of my colleagues who told, just sergeants, just sergeants, it’s not
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some leaders, it’s... quite often the leader does everything just fine, but someone below, well, issued this summons, and you well, when you go with a summons, well, it's like you it cannot be taken away, because you already have a summons for a certain period of time, it seems, and to this sergeant who works there in the tsk, he says to him, you give me the building materials, or put up the entrance door, and i will give you this one, that is and in the same way, everything can be written perfectly here, but someone will use it as a corruption scheme, again, you cannot protect yourself from this, but once in a while... i hope that it will be written down, i will ask very briefly, this is such a topic for the future, again, it's just being voiced so far, but i'm just curious whether it will be possible to implement it, people's deputy cherny says from the servant of the people that the specialized committee is currently considering the issue of transferring the functions of territorial staffing centers to administrative centers, well, in particular , probably to tsnap, but it is realistic in general, it is a huge bunch of people here, a bunch of people there, documents, document circulation, who
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should go where, well, that's it... but again, the phrase was heard, it means that someone is thinking about it, why and whether it is even real or not, you know, this is a story, when you drive a car, it rambles, he's seriously throwing black out there smoke from under the hood, you burn it and go on foot to look for a new one, this is such a situation, because it is absolutely impossible to build a parallel system from scratch in the conditions of war, it is better to try to make tcc work in accordance with the law, and for this all the rest the state must also demonstrate that it is able and... wants to work according to the law, and this was actually the subject of our interview with you during the last 10 minutes. thank you very much for your professional comments, thank you for joining gennadiy dubov, political scientist, candidate of law sciences, and indeed, if something works, well , you can express different topics and ideas, but at the same time, i would really like to say that to a greater extent, show, say, the effective work of the same territorial procurement centers, because it is driven...


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