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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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spoke about the fact that almost all participating countries except hungary have already spoken about this issue. please tell me, did you discuss this issue with viktor orbán during your visit to budapest yesterday? yes, i visited budapest yesterday, and we talked with prime minister orbán for several hours, we talked. about such big, broad issues that are very important to nato, and including that we managed to find a certain denominator, a common denominator, in terms of how we will work with ukraine, and they are not giving up from providing training to military exercises, ukrainian, and they will not be part of the coalition of those who... provide long-term
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commitments to ukraine, so prime minister orbán also said that their country will not block nato's decision, in particular, when we talk about these long-term promises, as well as the help from nato, they will not enter, will not block the macro-financial and visionary. could, which include training for ukrainian soldiers, that is, hungary will no longer block this, in my opinion, it was fruitful discussion in budapest yesterday. regarding mark ryuta, i want to say that we discussed a lot of points during our meetings with prime minister orben, but i will not go into details, at least publicly, because these are such ... closed consultations and they
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must remain confidential . thank you for the opportunity, i represent the ukrainian media. and, mr. secretary, please tell me that the first peace summit will be held on switzerland day, and in order to promote the peace formula proposed by president zelensky. tell me, please, whether there are certain expectations from sides on... nato and how the situation on the battlefield can affect the results of the actual discussions during the summit, what principles are acceptable to nato when we talk about a peaceful settlement? yes, of course, we welcome the holding of the peace summit, we strongly support all efforts to find a peaceful solution, i know that a lot of participating countries will gather and representatives of the alliance will also be present. at
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the peace summit. the most important principle, or the most important principle for nato, is, again, for ukraine to decide what can be an acceptable solution. we cannot decide this at the nato headquarters, which is acceptable or unacceptable for ukraine. we are talking about a sovereign, independent state, ukraine, which was attacked, and therefore it has the right to self-defense, we support ukraine to help, we support ukraine. its efforts to defend its sovereignty, but ultimately it is up to ukraine to decide what is acceptable. what we know, that is, what is happening at the negotiation table, negotiations, all this is related to the situation on the battlefield, so if there is a desire to find a peaceful solution to the war in ukraine is to ensure that ukraine can continue to exist as a sovereign de. democratic
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state in europe, and therefore now the only way to do this is to provide ukraine with the necessary weapons and to do it as much as it will be needed, so we have to show it to everyone, to the whole world, first of all to putin for how much we will, how we we will support ukraine. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt, helped me. feminist cheers thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination. feminost uro - urination under control. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is an adventure that will stay with us until the end. our dnibro. children are born in an era. independence, who
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serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine. the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a telephone survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. achieving peace requires the participation and dialogue of all parties, this may be the position of the world after negotiations in switzerland. very soon , representatives of hundreds of states will meet there to... discuss peace in ukraine, what will be the results, why might ukrainians actually not like the outcome of the swiss summit? the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv. on the air of the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. so,
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we will continue the big ether on the tv, now it's time to talk about the money of oleksandr morshchev, next to me, oleksandr, i congratulate you, please give me the floor. greetings, greetings to the audience, the closest ones in a few minutes, i will tell you how much the national bank lowered the discount rate, but it says that inflation will still grow, and the russian stock exchange is under sanctions, how it affects exchangers in the russian federation, i will tell you in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money. during the war, an important figure for today: 50 billion dollars. the group of seven leaders agreed to provide ukraine with this sum. this was announced by the minister of finance of germany, christian lindner. he said that interest from the frozen assets of the russian federation will be used for this purpose.
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such a decision will show putin the unity of the eu countries, in particular in the big seven - believes posadovets, and at the same time it will remove the burden from the budgets of the allied states. lindner emphasized. that the partners are currently working on the details of the transfer of these funds to ukraine. well , vasyl, finally, after such a long debate about the frozen assets, whether to transfer them completely to ukraine, agreement at the level of various working groups, at the level of states, the european union, at the level of ambassadors, well, i followed it, you could just get confused , but here it seems to me that it is a more specific decision to transfer the percentage. from frozen assets, what is earned from these fortunes, it is for ukraine to win, well, i can only congratulate this decision and say that much more, of course , russian money is not yet available to us, but the understanding that russia has to pay
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with our own money for what is going on in ukraine, this understanding has come, and the most important thing is that the mechanisms have worked, because we understand that the european union, all these banking structures, is all a big bureaucracy. at least transfer something from the very body of these assets to ukraine, well, after all , it does not dare on its part and the kremlin threatened with appropriate sanctions, well, and big money is still circulating, we are talking not only about the body of frozen assets, but the interest that has been earned precisely thanks to the work of the financial institutions of the european union, it may come to the point that russia has developed informal relations with key figures for quite a long time. unions, they don't say that they are all in positions there, but there is some kind of dependence somewhere financial, business, some others, i.e. many,
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and russia has worked for a long time on the market of the european union and the fact that it has its own scales there, which are not talked about, but this can also be, unfortunately, but the discount rate was lowered by half a percent to 13% per annum. the national bank made an important decision today, and this is the third considered step in recent times, well... they took into account the current inflation indicators, the nbu says, and a certain optimism regarding the rise in prices in ukraine, well, they still believe that inflation will be restrained within the projected limits, but there is skeptics who point out that prices will continue to rise in the future, well, here we can only welcome such, well, in fact, a bold step of the national bank to lower the discount rate by another half a percent. let's hope that this monetary mechanism will help, well
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, curb inflation, but vasyl, in my opinion, will add fuel to the fire, as they say, the increase in electricity tariffs, this is quite such an important factor in the inflation process, and we will get the first payments and we will get, of course, such a higher index of consumer prices, well, that's it everything will end with the fact that people will either limit themselves in certain things that they could afford before, or limit themselves. buying what they bought, well, because more than people have, they will not spend in any case, because who will benefit from this, no, it is difficult to say, and the question is that someone will not pay the utility bill, will buy what he bought before, that person's debts will increase, so it's important to give the tools to still people to earn, at least stably, i don't say more at least stably, then that's it has a perspective, otherwise, it will still be somewhere, well, i mentioned energy, and there is information that is interesting, important and, well, kind of... not happy, in my opinion, if russia continues air attacks on power plants in ukraine, then in
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the worst case scenario in the winter people can spend up to 20 hours a day without light or heating. this is reported by the bbc. they refer to the data of the dtek energy company. it is noted that part of the problem is that our thermal and hydroelectric plants are difficult and expensive to repair. as indicated in ukrenergo, some of them will be needed for repair. years and others may never be recovered. well, one of the consequences of long-term power outages in our country is that after the electricity supply is restored, consumers turn on appliances at the same time, and essentially there is a shortage and unplanned power outages. well, in july , the situation may also destabilize after all, the nuclear power unit is essentially being taken out for scheduled repairs from... of course, there may be a shortage, its capacity is 100 megawatts, indeed, a current shortage may be due to this
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to grow, but energoatom promises to carry out all planned repairs as soon as possible to stabilize the situation, but repairs are necessary so that certain failures do not occur in the next heating season, nuclear power repairs, we understand that, but the government of ukraine has already started preparations for winter , special attention is paid to kharkiv and the region due to... russian shelling and significant destruction of the energy sector of the region, 2 billion hryvnias have been provided. at the regular meeting of the cabinet of ministers, the ministers also allocated additional money. let's hear the direct speech. the government today allocates an additional 2.5 billion uah for kharkiv and kharkiv oblast. these will be funds for the restoration of the energy system of the region, the city, for the installation of cogeneration plants, block-modular ones. hotel and gas generators, i.e., these are funds for the residents of kharkiv oblast to have light and heat in winter.
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at the central level, we continue active measures to decentralize the energy system. this plan is based on two principles: the first is the availability of energy equipment for people, condominiums, communities and businesses. the second is simplification connection and operation of this power equipment. well, the exchange rate of wooden in russian. is growing rapidly, and this happened due to the introduction of american sanctions against mosbirge, the main financial platform of erefia and a number of other financial institutions, trading in the dollar and euro was suspended for the time being . therefore, already now the main currency on which moscow's business and international partners will orient themselves is the yuan, added agresorka in the main central bank of the country. well, for example, according to the bloomberg agency, chinese money is already the most sold in russia. a number of states have long drawn attention to this, as they see an opportunity to reduce their dependence on the dollar in
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financial transactions with the kremlin. for example, bangladesh is now paying moscow in yuan to build its nuclear power plant. power plant, the united kingdom also added sanctions against mozbirge. we are monitoring the situation on the financial market of russia, i think it will still be hot there, and i will end the column about money on this, there is a big broadcast going on, watch us. thank you very much oleksandrushivka, really a lot mechanisms are working, some even over. strained, financial, political, armed, aviation, social, whatever , more and more participants, opportunities, resources are involved in this war, all this must come to an end, this end must be our victory, it must be fair, and and today at 8 p.m., i don't know whether
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my colleague serhii rudenko will talk about these moments or about some other ones with his guests, but what exactly will be discussed, serhii, please tell me, good evening, congratulations. vasyl, of course, we will talk about with our guests war and about our victory, because there will be three guests of our program, they are general serhiy krivonos, people's deputy of ukraine ivanna klympushaz, who is the head of the parliamentary committee on the integration of ukraine into the european union, and my colleague, roman tsimbalyuk, who worked in moscow for quite a long time, own correspondent of the unian agency. very busy today. day, a very big informational day, a lot of events, the big seven decided to provide ukraine with 50 billion dollars of those funds, which are interest from the frozen assets of the russian federation, today the meeting of the ukraine-nato council is taking place, the north atlantic alliance
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once again confirmed that they do not count on... that ukraine will win this war and gain victory, and nato promises help. a bilateral security agreement between ukraine and the united states of america should be signed today. in exactly one hour, joseph biden and volodymyr zelenskyy are to come out with a message to the press, and there will be a press conference, obviously during our program we will see this press conference. in a word, events. a lot of all this will be in the comments and in the assessments of our guests, general krivonos will analyze the situation that is currently developing at the front, and how the permission to use weapons from our western partners on the territory of the russian federation affects the situation at the front, of course, the situation in
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crimea is also very important, and there the events unfold dramatically, because... our means of impression get their s-300 and s-400. the russians have already moved the newest s-500 installation there. they are trying to protect the skies of crimea and protect military facilities. and it seems, uh, now ours, our defense forces are preparing for the fact that f-16 aircraft will appear in the sky of ukraine. how it will affect the course of the russian-ukrainian war, that will be all about. let's talk with general krivonos, with roman tsimbalyuk, who knows russian politics and the russian economy very well, let's talk about what actually happened today, because today the sanctions against the moscow city stock exchange began to take effect, and the shares of this stock exchange collapsed, the dollar rate increased, the ruble began to fall, the yuanization
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of russia began, i hope that roman'. baluk to us lay out on the shelves what actually awaits russia in the future. well, ivanna klynpush-sensadze was, by the way, a participant in this big forum on the reconstruction of ukraine, which took place in germany. i hope that she will share her impressions of what our western partners think about the future of ukraine, and of course, the g7 summit, the summit ahead, the global peace summit, and ramstein-23, again today. this meeting is taking place, in short, such a big foreign policy informational attack on russia is now taking place. i hope so it will have consequences , including with weapons and with the help of our western partners, we will talk about all this from 20:00, in 10 minutes we go on
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the air, we only have one hour of verdict today, so stay on our tv channels, watch the big broadcast of the winter, after we will be on the air. vasyl, you have a word. thank you very much serhiy, serhiy rudenko, at 8 p.m. what about china, by the way, because they are already talking about the fact that... now the yuan will become an equal alternative to the dollar, now in russia the yuan will make some kind of revolution in banking system, financial system. i always like to listen to these, you know, boring economists, they, they don't have a lot of views on youtube, people who study the economy of china, they know that a lot that they don't talk about, and it's very interesting to understand that there is a lot of dependence on the western market in china, there are certain... problems in the chinese economy itself, so everything is not so clear, china also needs a lot, unfortunately, from this war, well , we have to do our own thing, and now it’s about cultural events,
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so what a movie we will have it in 2-3 years, or it won't happen, these days the state cinema holds pitchings, i.e. contests where film crews compete for funding, part of the professionals are boycotting this event, calling it illegal, the other part hopes to get money, the budget in it is record high this year. lina chechenin will talk about the brightest and most interesting moments. lin, please speak to me. good evening. good evening, vasyl. good evening to our audience, i want to say that many authors are trying to tell that they will influence foreigners and to convince them of something. i'll tell you in a second if i think they'll succeed. so, about the boycott, let me briefly remind you that part of the film community calls this pitching illegal,
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and also, let me remind you, a record amount of 590 million hryvnias was allocated for it, the boycott is carried out and illegalities are accused through the council, the council is the body that determines who is the winner, who she is not the winner and she is illegitimate, because the court recognized this, but then the supreme court... i will allow myself the following phrase: broke this decision over the knee, and now everyone somehow does not understand, what's going on. well, while we are waiting, whether the money won by the contestants will really go to them, or whether this contest will be declared illegal by some other court in the future, i don't understand, but i will tell you about the contests themselves. at pitchings and at this pitching, on the 19th already from the state cinema, as at the previous ones, there are many different sections, this is a game film, well, that is, there is a feature film, a documentary film, a documentary game film, which is for the ukrainian audience, there is one that was filmed in co-production, i.e. with foreigners and everything
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else, but the common feature is of course that almost all the films are about the war in one way or another, but it is completely clear, i want to say for myself that many authors, from my point of view, speculate on this topic and did not prepare very well, and others, well, as far as i get the impression indeed. they worry about their project and take the war seriously, they try to study it, for example, one of the projects is about irpen, about the occupation, the director himself survived the occupation in irpen and is going to make a movie, by the way, he is currently on our screen, but oh well i will also say that the trend that started in cinema in our country continues there in the 19th year, it is a gravitation to a commercial product, that is , there are poor people in almost every day of this competition. and we see really very, very many commercial films and television films, that is, even those authors who say that they will make a film, feature or documentary, they
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are still going to make a television content, and also the trend is that many film crews come and say that we want to tell the world about ukraine, and very often they say that we will tell the world... which forgets about us, about our suffering, other authors, by the way, whose projects are really successful abroad, say that this story does not work, we need to show our successes, our heroism, and this is what captivates foreigners, and not another display of this suffering, well, such a story, and i will also say that a lot of actors who are really able to tell something to the world, told in previous years at film festivals, they are just among those who are boycotting this contest, so here it goes... this is also the case, and i will also say that a lot of films are being planned about the reconciliation of ukrainians, about showing that
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we have conflicts, about the fact that... they need to be reconciled, somehow resolved, and about rethinking our history, however, it is possible that we ignored something in our past, did not complete something, we had some unpunished evil, and now the directors are trying to show it, rethink it and show us the future, so we will wait for the results of this competition, who will receive funding , well, in the future we will see whether it is still the case will this competition remain, well, the one that is legal, or after all, the opposition to the state. the cinema will be presented by some other institutions, and it will still be recognized as illegal at some point. thank you for putting up with me, i'm saying goodbye, i'm joking of course, i'm saying goodbye to you until 6:10 p.m. tomorrow, then the weather, and at 8 p.m. sergey rudenko, stay for an espresso and i wish you a peaceful evening. synoptical, hello to all, our dear
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viewers, now is the rainy season, classic summer showers fall and are sometimes very strong accompanied by thunderstorms, hail and even storms, and today we will talk in connection with this, in general, about the climate of our capital, about kyiv, at the end of the recent rain information is very interesting, a record i want to say right away, so kyiv is located on... we are hills and therefore has differences between heights and somewhere between the upper and lower point is about 100 m, and therefore cold air in winter flows, so to speak, down into the river valleys and lowers the air temperature there accordingly. well, besides that , in winter in such a huge city as kyiv , the air temperature is several degrees higher than, for example, in the suburbs, due to understandably dense buildings and an excessive number
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of cars. the coldest: in kyiv, the period is january 26, february 6, the highest air temperature according to statistics, july 25, august 3, the absolute minimum air temperature is -32.2°, we have already forgotten about it, to be honest, and the absolute maximum is +39, 4° was observed on july 30, 1936, and in the last 100-120 years the average air temperature has risen by about 15 degrees. kyiv's climate is moderately continental, i remind those who suddenly do not know, and here is this interesting information that i give you promised: on wednesday, june 12, in kyiv , more than half of the monthly norm of precipitation fell in less than a day, and for the first time in the last 30 years, such a scale of rain fell in the capital, 46 mm fell, and the norm - 74 mm per month, that is, 74 monthly norm, and
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46 mm fell even less in one day. well, today is the ascension, i congratulate you all and a couple of such non-scientific folk signs, if there is a lot of rain on the ascension, a meager harvest is expected, and today there are not many of them, so the harvest will be great, and they also say that if there are many mosquitoes on the ascension, then there are many ahead great weather well, what’s up with what, and we just have too many mosquitoes right now, so i think that even the wonderful weather will last for a very, very long time, because summer is actually almost all ahead, we are moving from summer, from the climate of kyiv to the behavior of the magnetic fields of land and we will see together with you, accompanying the forecast diagram, what will happen there, well , i want to say right away that the situation is quite calm, minor fluctuations will be observed, so we will immediately move on to the nearest weather, to the weather that is expected tomorrow, june 14, in the west of ukraine, short-term rain storms, air temperature is not high +17 +23. in
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the northern part of ukraine, also in some places in individual areas, as we say, short-term rains, this is the summer nature of precipitation, when it falls in such spots, so to speak, and the air temperature is +23 +26, of course higher than in the west, east the heat of ukraine 27:31 will continue tomorrow, and no precipitation is expected, the anti-cyclonic nature of the weather will prevail, the increased atmospheric pressure, who suddenly forgot, in the central part of... gusty strengthening of the wind and hail are possible. carefully, carefully. 24 29° above zero, tomorrow is expected in the central part of ukraine. in the south, in the south 27:31, heat, precipitation is not expected. and in kyiv, june 14, tomorrow.


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